Summary Faraday's Law

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Faradays Law Summary

Related Reading: Course Notes (Liao et al.):Chapter 10 ; Sections 11.1 11.4

So far in this class magnetic fields and electric fields have been fairly well isolated. Electric
fields are generated by static charges, magnetic fields by moving charges (currents). In each
of these cases the fields have been static we have had constant charges or currents making
constant electric or magnetic fields. Today we make two major changes to what we have
seen before: we consider the interaction of these two types of fields, and we consider what
happens when they are not static. We will discuss the final Maxwells equation, Faradays
law, which explains that electric fields can be generated not only by charges but also by
magnetic fields that vary in time.
Faradays Law
It is not entirely surprising that electricity and magnetism are connected. We have seen, after
all, that if an electric field is used to accelerate charges (make a current) that a magnetic field
can result. Faradays law, however, is something completely new. We can now forget about
charges completely. What Faraday discovered is that a changing magnetic flux generates an
EMF (electromotive force). Mathematically:
r r
r r
E d s is the EMF
d B , where B B d A is the magnetic flux, and

In the formula above, E is the electric field measured in the rest frame of the circuit, if the
circuit is moving. The above formula is deceptively simple, so I will discuss several
important points to consider when thinking about Faradays law.
WARNING: First, a warning. Many students confuse Faradays Law with Amperes Law.
Both involve integrating around a loop and comparing that to an integral across the area
bounded by that loop. Aside from this mathematical similarity, however, the two laws are
completely different. In Amperes law the field that is curling around the loop is the
r r
magnetic field, created by a current flux I J d A that is penetrating the looping B

field. In Faradays law the electric field is curling, created by a changing magnetic flux. In
fact, there need not be any currents at all in the problem, although as we will see below
typically the EMF is measured by its ability to drive a current around a physical loop a
circuit. Keeping these differences in mind, lets continue to some details of Faradays law.
EMF: How does the EMF become apparent? Typically, when doing
Faradays law problems there will be a physical loop, a closed circuit,
such as the one pictured at left. The EMF is then observed as an
electromotive force that drives a current in the circuit: IR . In
this case, the path walked around in calculating the EMF is the circuit, and hence the
associated area across which the magnetic flux is calculated is the rectangular area bordered
by the circuit. Although this is the most typical initial use of Faradays law, it is not the only
one we will see that it can be applied in empty space space as well, to determine the
creation of electric fields.

Changing Magnetic Flux: How do we get the magnetic flux B to change? Looking at the
r r
integral B B d A BA cos , hints at three distinct methods: changing the strength
of the field, the area of the loop, or the angle of the loop. These methods are shown below.
B decreasing

In each of the cases pictured above, the magnetic flux into the page is decreasing with time
(because the (1) B field, (2) loop area or (3) projected area are decreasing with time). This
decreasing flux creates an EMF. In which direction? We can use Lenzs Law to find out.
Lenzs Law
Lenzs Law is a non-mathematical statement of Faradays Law. It says that systems will
always act to oppose changes in magnetic flux. For example, in each of the above cases the
flux into the page is decreasing with time. The loop doesnt want a decreased flux, so it will
generate a clockwise EMF, which will drive a clockwise current, creating a B field into the
page (inside the loop) to make up for the lost flux. This, by the way, is the meaning of the
minus sign in Faradays law. I recommend that you use Lenzs Law to determine the
direction of the EMF and then use Faradays Law to calculate the amplitude. By the way,
just as with Faradays Law, you dont need a physical circuit to use Lenzs Law. Just pretend
that there is a wire in which current could flow and ask what direction it would need to flow
in order to oppose the changing flux. In general, opposing a change in flux means opposing
what is happening to change the flux (e.g. forces or torques oppose the change).
A number of technologies rely on induction to work generators, microphones, metal
detectors, and electric guitars to name a few. Another common application is eddy current
braking. A magnetic field penetrating a metal spinning disk (like a wheel) will induce eddy
currents in the disk, currents which circle inside the disk and exert a torque on the disk,
trying to stop it from rotating. This kind of braking system is commonly used in trains. Its
major benefit (aside from eliminating costly service to maintain brake pads) is that the
braking torque is proportional to angular velocity of the wheel, meaning that the ride
smoothly comes to a halt.

Experiment 5: Faradays Law of Induction

Preparation: Read pre-lab and answer pre-lab questions
In this lab you will have a chance to measure and even feel Faradays law in action. The lab
basically consists of moving a loop of wire over a magnetic dipole. You will (we hope)
develop an intuition for how currents flow through the wire loop as it moves in the magnetic
field of the dipole, and for the direction of the resultant force on the loop.

Mutual Inductance
Since magnetic fields are typically generated by currents, Faradays law implies that
changing currents also generate EMFs. This is the idea of mutual inductance: given any two
circuits, a changing current in one will induce an EMF in the other, or, mathematically,
2 M dI1 dt , where M is the mutual inductance of the two circuits. How does this work?
The current in loop 1 produces a magnetic field (and hence flux) through loop 2. If that
current changes in time, the flux through 2 changes in time, creating an EMF in loop 2. The
mutual inductance, M, depends on geometry, both on how well the current in the first loop
can create a magnetic field and on how much magnetic flux through the second loop that
magnetic field will create.
A major application of mutual inductance is the transformer, which
allows the easy modification of the voltage of AC (alternating
current) signals. At left is the schematic of a step up transformer.
An input voltage V P on the primary coil creates an oscillating
magnetic field, which is steered through the iron core (recall that
ferromagnets like iron act like wires for magnetic fields) and
through the secondary coils, which induces an EMF in them. In
the ideal case, the amount of flux generated and received is
proportional to the number of turns in each coil. Hence the ratio of
the output to input voltage is the same as the ratio of the number of turns in the secondary to
the number of turns in the primary. As pictured we have more turns in the secondary, hence
this is a step up transformer, with a larger output voltage than input.

The ease of creating transformers is a strong argument for using AC rather than DC power.
Why? Before sending power across transmission lines, voltage is stepped way up (to
240,000 V), leading to smaller currents and losses in the lines. The voltage is then stepped
down to 240 V before going into your home.
Self Inductance

L dI ,

Self inductance is very similar to mutual inductance, obeying a similar equation:

and the same concept: when a circuit has a current in it, it creates a magnetic field, and
hence a flux, through itself. If that current changes, then the flux will change and hence an
EMF will be induced in the circuit. The action of that EMF will be to oppose the change in
current (if the current is decreasing it will try to make it bigger, if increasing it will try to
make it smaller). For this reason, we often refer to the induced EMF as the back EMF.

To calculate the self inductance (or inductance, for short) of an object, imagine that a current
I flows through it, and determine how much magnetic field and hence flux B that makes
through the object. The self inductance is then L B I .

An inductor is a circuit element whose main characteristic is its inductance, L. It is drawn as

a coil
in circuit diagrams. The strong resemblance to a solenoid is intentional

solenoids make very good inductors both because of their ability to make a strong field inside
themselves, and also because the field they produce is fairly well contained, and hence
doesnt produce much flux (and induce EMFs) in other, nearby circuits.
The role of an inductor is to oppose changing currents. At steady state, in a DC circuit, an
inductor is off it induces no EMF as long as the current through it is constant. As soon as
you try to change the current through an inductor though, it will fight back. In this sense an
inductor is the opposite of a capacitor. If a capacitor is placed in a steady state current it will
eventually fill up and open the circuit, whereas an inductor looks like a short in this case.
On the other hand, when starting from its uncharged state, a capacitor looks like a short when
you first try to move current through it, while an inductor looks like an open circuit, as it
prevents the change (from no current to some current).
Energy in B Fields
Where do inductors get the energy to source current when they need to? In capacitors we
found that energy was stored in the electric field between their plates. In inductors, energy is
similarly stored, only now its in the magnetic field. Just as with capacitors, where the
electric field was created by a charge on the capacitor, we now have a magnetic field created
when there is a current through the inductor. Thus, just as with the capacitor, we can discuss
1 2

both the energy in the inductor,
, and the more generic energy density B
stored in the magnetic field. Again, although we introduce the magnetic field energy density
when talking about energy in inductors, it is a generic concept whenever a magnetic field is
created it takes energy to do so, and that energy is stored in the field itself.

Important Equations
Faradays Law:
Magnetic Flux:
Mutual Inductance:
Self Inductance, L:
EMF Induced by Inductor:
Energy stored in Inductor:
Energy Density in B Field:

r r
B B d A
r r

d s where E is the electric field measured in the rest
frame of the circuit, if the circuit is moving.
2 M dI1

L dI
1 2

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