Everything Is Radio - A Podcast Instruction Sheet/manifesto
Everything Is Radio - A Podcast Instruction Sheet/manifesto
Everything Is Radio - A Podcast Instruction Sheet/manifesto
radio – a podcast
2. Consider
Get into the habit of listening to
a. Themes/ideas and downloading podcasts. Buy a
b. Information cheap mp3 player and fill it up with
c. Sounds
free, interesting, beautiful
d. Conversations
e. Compositions content. think about what you like,
f. Words don’t like, what works and what
g. Features
doesn’t. figure out how you can
Etc. make your own Podcast.
Intro – set up, announce yourself, say what the Radio you are about to hear is, etc.
Content – this can be either a bit of content that you find on the Internet or on a CD, or it
could be content that you make yourself.
Recap – a quick summary of what has just been heard, like a list of bullet-points
Discussion – an informal conversation about a topic
Outro – a way of closing up a piece of Radio and of letting the listener know that you are now
Elements/segments you want in your podcast
5. Now you have set out what your Using sound to make the audio more
podcast is going to have in it, you interesting
need to work out how to make each
Underlying Music – put at a low-level,
section, and how to link each section quiet background music can be useful for
together. There are many tasks making text more interesting to listen to.
associated with making radio or Use music that is instrumental only, so that
lyrics don’t distract from the spoken word
podcast broadcasts, and these
Burst – this is a short burst of sound
designed to grab your attention and may
a. Collecting sounds or content online
be used to highlight key points or preface a
b. Recording material
c. Writing scripts
d. Practising reading aloud Pre-emptive use of sound - sound can be
e. Finding or making Music used to set the scene, as a cue to listeners
f. Researching about what is coming next. For instance
g. Interviewing the sound of gunfire is often used to
h. Setting up debates preface war coverage in the news
i. Telephoning experts to organise
Tasks & ideas
1. Fill up your mp3 player with homemade content from around the web,
listen to the makers of podcasts and dedicate one A4 page to scribbled
notes about what you think/experience/discover
2. Mix up form and content when considering how to present your work in
a podcast format. For instance, consider a top-ten favourite
artists/inspirations hit parade as a way of describing the context in
which you are working or exploring ideas. Or think about a 5 minute
feature on your workspace or workspaces (for me this would include
my kitchen, the roads I routinely walk on, a road I often drive on, the
train, my knitting, and the Internet, as these are my workspaces.
However if you have an amazing studio space, you could explore it in a
grand-designs manner)
3. Think of ways that you can contextualise and champion unfinished
work or ideas that are still in development on your podcast; make
space for unpolished, exploratory work and find ways of conveying the
creative process to a listener
4. Document the process of how you made a piece of work
5. Find and read ‘101 experiments in the philosophy of everyday life’ by
Roger Pol Droit – I think there is a page in there that talks about
listening to your voice from outside of your head
6. Embrace and implement the philosophy that everything is radio