Compellent Best Practices With Site Recovery Manager

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VMware Site Recovery Manager

Best Practices Guide

Dell Engineering
August 2014

A Dell Best Practices



August 2011

Initial release


Updated for 5.5.4


Updated replicaiton sections

March 2012

SRA version correction

July 2012

Added warning

October 2012

Updated diagrams

October 2012

Updated for SRM 5.1

April 2013

Updated for 6.3 and Sync replication support

July 2013

Corrected two section titles


Added Selectable Replay, QoS, user accounts, and revert to snapshot details

August 2014

Updated Storage Center version information

2013 Dell Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this material in any manner whatsoever without the express
written permission of Dell Inc. is strictly forbidden. For more information, contact Dell.
Dell, the DELL logo, and the DELL badge are trademarks of Dell Inc. VMware and Site Recovery Manager are
trademarks of VMware Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Other trademarks and trade names may be used in

VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products. Dell disclaims any
proprietary interest in the marks and names of others.

VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

Table of contents
Revisions ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Executive summary .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7

Introduction to Site Recovery Manager ...................................................................................................................... 7


Whats New in SRM 5.x ................................................................................................................................................... 7

Setup Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................................................... 9


Enterprise Manager ......................................................................................................................................................... 9


Storage Center ................................................................................................................................................................ 9


VMware vSphere ............................................................................................................................................................. 9


Storage Replication Adapter (SRA) ............................................................................................................................... 9

Site Recovery Manager Architecture .................................................................................................................................... 10


Single Protected Site Array Based Replication ..................................................................................................... 10


Dual Protected Site Array Based Replication ....................................................................................................... 10


Single Protected Site vSphere Replication ............................................................................................................. 11


Dual Protected Site vSphere Replication .............................................................................................................. 12

Enterprise Manager Configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 14


Data Collector Configuration ..................................................................................................................................... 14


Enterprise Manager Logins .......................................................................................................................................... 14


Creating dedicated SRA access accounts ................................................................................................................ 15


Saving Restore Points ................................................................................................................................................... 15


Validating Restore Points ............................................................................................................................................. 16


Automatic Restore Point Saving Schedule ............................................................................................................... 16


Modifying SRM Settings For Larger Environments .................................................................................................. 17

Configuring Replication .......................................................................................................................................................... 19


Asynchronous Replication (Supported) .................................................................................................................... 19


Synchronous Replication (Supported in Storage Center 6.3 and newer) ........................................................... 19


QoS Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................. 19


Live Volume Replication (Not Supported) ................................................................................................................ 20


Data Consistency while Replicating the Frozen Replay ......................................................................................... 20


Data Consistency while Replicating the Active Replay .......................................................................................... 21


Replication Dependencies and Replication Transfer Time ................................................................................... 22

VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices


SRM Selectable Replay ................................................................................................................................................. 23


Using Application and Data Consistent Frozen Replays with SRM ...................................................................... 23

5.10 Custom Recovery Tasks............................................................................................................................................... 24


Site Recovery Manager Configuration ................................................................................................................................. 26


Configuring the Array Managers ................................................................................................................................ 26


Creating Array Pairs ...................................................................................................................................................... 28


Rescanning Array Managers ........................................................................................................................................ 30


Creating Protection Groups ........................................................................................................................................ 31


Creating Recovery Plans .............................................................................................................................................. 32

Recovery Plan Execution ........................................................................................................................................................ 34


Testing a Recovery Plan ............................................................................................................................................... 34


Testing a Recovery Plan ............................................................................................................................................... 34

Reprotect and Failback ........................................................................................................................................................... 36


Overview ......................................................................................................................................................................... 36


Reprotection .................................................................................................................................................................. 36


Failback ........................................................................................................................................................................... 37

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................................................ 38

10 Appendix A Example Scripts ............................................................................................................................................... 39

11 Appendix B Additional Resources ..................................................................................................................................... 41

Dell Compellent Resources ........................................................................................................................................ 41

11.2 VMware Resources ....................................................................................................................................................... 41

VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

Executive summary
Datacenter consolidation by way of x86 virtualization is a trend which has gained tremendous momentum
and offers many benefits. Although the physical nature of a server is transformed once it is virtualized, the
necessity for data protection. Virtualization opens the door to new and flexible opportunities in data
protection, data recovery, replication, and business continuity. This document focuses on best practices
for providing an automated disaster recovery solution for virtualized workloads using Dell Compellent
Storage Center, Replay Manager, Array Based Replication, and VMware vSphere Site Recovery Manager
with varying levels of consistency.

VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices



Introduction to Site Recovery Manager

The Reference Architecture is a document that is intended for both internal and external consumption. It is
This document will provide configuration examples, tips, recommended settings, and other storage
guidelines a user can follow while integrating VMware Site Recovery Manager with the Compellent
Storage Center. This document has been written to answer many frequently asked questions with regard
to how VMware interacts with the Site Recovery Manager, as well as basic configuration.
Compellent advises customers to read the Site Recovery Manager documentation provided on the
VMware web site before beginning their SRM implementation.


Whats New in SRM 5.x

New User Interface (UI) - Management of the primary and secondary SRM sites is consolidated
from two separate interfaces down to one with both sites being visible in one vSphere Client
without linked mode.
Planned Migration - SRM can now be used as a tool to gracefully migrate protected virtual
machines from the primary to secondary site.
Reprotect and Failback - Once virtual machines are moved from one site to another via planned
migration or disaster recovery, the VM reprotection process is automated and includes reverse
replication which enables VMs to fail back to the oppoisite site.
vSphere Host-Based Replication (optional) - A new appliance is introduced which has the ability to
provide host based replication for VMs on a per-VM granular basis, abstracting the physical
attributes for the storage such as array type and protocol.
Faster IP Customization - Reconfiguring TCP/IP via recovery plan is more efficient and executes
New Shadow VM Icons - Provides better visibility at the secondary site for placeholder VMs.
In Guest Scripts - Script automation can now be generated from within guest VMs themselves.
VM Dependency - 5 Priority Groups and VM dependency relationships within protection groups.
Improved Reporting - Provides increased awareness for historical analysis.
IPv6 - Future proof network design.
Reprotect and Failback with vSphere Replication - Once virtual machines are moved from one site
to another via planned migration or disaster recovery, the VM reprotection process is automated
and includes reverse replication which enables VMs to fail back to the oppoisite site. Once an Array
Based Replication feature only, this is now supported with vSphere Replication.
64-bit SRM Server - Each SRM Server instance is now developed on 64-bit architecture which
paves the way for future scalability enhancements.
More Robust VSS Integration with vSphere Replication - Flushing of application writers for
application consistency brings VSS integration parity closer between Array Based and vSphere

VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

Forced Recovery for vSphere Replication - The Forced Recovery feature is now available to both
vSphere and Array Based Replication.
vSphere Replication Decoupling - vSphere Replication was introduced as a feature bundled in SRM
5.0. In SRM 5.1, vSphere Replication is decoupled from SRM and is included in the vSphere
Essentials Plus and above platform bundle.
Relaxed Licensing - VMware added SRM support for the Essentials Plus tier of vSphere licensing.
SRM 5.5 adds support for Storage DRS and Storage vMotion within a consistency group for array
based replication

VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

Setup Prerequisites


Enterprise Manager
Compellent Enterprise Manager Version 6.4.1 or greater is required for SRM 5.5. The SRA makes calls
directly to the Enterprise Manager Data Collector to manipulate the storage in order to carry out SRM
requested tasks. It is recommended to have the latest version of the Enterprise Manager Data Collector
installed to ensure compatibility with SRM and the SRA.


Storage Center
It is required to have two Compellent Storage Center systems with Remote Data Instant Replay
(replication) between the sites licensed and operational. Site Recovery Manager using Array Based
Replication requires two Compellent systems replicating between each other. SRM using vSphere
Replication can leverage any storage certified for use with vSphere including Dell Compellent Storage


VMware vSphere
Compatible versions of VMware Site Recovery Manager, vCenter Server, and vSphere and/or ESXi/ESX 3.5
hosts are required. Please check the latest Site Recovery Manager Compatibility Matrix for the versions of
software required for SRM to function. As of the release of SRM 5.1, vSphere Essentials Plus licensing is


Storage Replication Adapter (SRA)

The Compellent Storage Replication Adapter (SRA) is required to be running version for SRM 5.1
and newer.

VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

Site Recovery Manager Architecture


Single Protected Site Array Based Replication

This configuration is generally used when the secondary site does not have any virtual machines that need
to be protected by SRM. The secondary site functions solely for disaster recovery purposes. The
Enterprise Manager Data Collector Server is placed at the disaster recovery site because it is required by
SRM to perform recovery functions. An Enterprise Manager Data Collector Server needs to be running at
the site opposite of protected virtual machines in the event of a site failure for SRM to function. Keep this
in mind if you are planning on using SRM 5.xs planned migration or failback feature.


Dual Protected Site Array Based Replication

This configuration is generally used when both sites have virtual machines that need to be protected by
SRM. This scenario may be commonly used in conjunction with SRM assisted migrations which is a new
feature in SRM 5.0. In this example, each site replicates virtual machines to the opposing site in order to
protect both sites from a failure or to orchestrate a planned migration of virtual machines. Planned


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

migrations can be performed with just one Enterprise Manager Data Collector server. However, once there
are active virtual machines running simultaneously at both the primary and secondary sites, the site with
the Enterprise Manager Data Collector will not be adequately protected by SRM. Enterprise Manager Data
Collector Servers are placed at each site so that either site can fail.


Single Protected Site vSphere Replication

Although the main focus of this document is SRM integration with Dell Compellent Array Based
Replication, it should also be pointed out that as of SRM 5.0, vSphere Replication can be used in addition
to or in place of Array Based Replication. vSphere Replication has a few unique advantages over Array
Based Replication. Two of the main ones being that a granular selection of individual VMs are replicated
instead of entire datastores of VMs and vSphere datastore objects abstract the underlying storage vendor,
model, protocol, and type meaning replication can be carried out between different array models and
protocols, even local storage. vSphere Replication, along with other feature support for vSphere
Replication added in SRM 5.1 makes SRM much more appealing and adaptable as a DR solution for small
to medium sized businesses with aggressive storage constraints.


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices


Recovery Site



Site Recovery

Site Recovery


Fibre Channel/




Protected Site



Fibre Channel/

Dual Protected Site vSphere Replication

The architectural changes with vSphere Replication are carried into the Active/Active site model. Note in
both vSphere Replication architecture diagrams that replication is handled by the vSphere hosts via the
vSphere network stack. There is no SRA in this architecture as there is with Array Based Replication. It
should also be highlighted that not all components of vSphere Replication are represented in detail here.
A deployment of vSphere Replication consists of multiple appliances deployed at each site and on each
vSphere host that will be handling the movement of data between sites. Refer to VMware documentation
for a detailed look at vSphere Replication.


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices


Active Site B



Site Recovery

Site Recovery


Fibre Channel/

VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices





Active Site A


Fibre Channel/

Enterprise Manager Configuration


Data Collector Configuration

As illustrated in the Architecture section, Enterprise Manager is a critical piece to the SRM infrastructure
because the Data Collector processes all of the calls from the Storage Replication Adapter (SRA) and relays
them to the Storage Centers to perform the workflow tasks.
Deciding whether or not to use one or two Enterprise Manager Servers depends on whether virtual
machines need to be protected in one or multiple sites.
If protecting virtual machines at a single site, a single Enterprise Manager Data Collector will suffice,
and it is highly recommended that it be placed at the recovery site.
If protecting virtual machines at both sites, it is highly recommended to place Enterprise Manager
Data Collectors at each site. One site would host the primary Data Collector and the other site
would host the remote data collector.


Enterprise Manager Logins

For SRM to function, the Storage Replication Adapter (SRA) must use Enterprise Manager Login credentials
that have rights to both of the Storage Center systems replicating the virtual machine volumes.
For example, if Storage Center SC12 is replicating virtual machine volumes to Storage Center SC13, the
credentials that the SRA uses must have Administrator privileges to both systems.

Keep in mind that each Data Collector, whether primary or remote, maintains its own user access
database. In a typical active/DR site configuration a single Enterprise Manager Data Collector server is
configured and deployed managing both source and destination site arrays. A single set of credentials is
needed to register that Data collector server as an array manager for both sites.
In a typical active/active site configuration, two Enterprise Manager Data Collector servers are configured
and deployed with one managing the source site array and one managing the destination site array. Two
sets of credentials are needed to register each respective Data Collector as an array manager in SRM.


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices


Creating dedicated SRA access accounts

For the SRA to have uninterrupted access to both arrays through the Enterprise Manager Data Collector, it
is recommended to create dedicated accounts for SRM. Using dedicated accounts on each array will
ensure that service is not disrupted due to a user changing their password.
Following the example above:
Create an account named sra-service-acct on both the protected site array and the recovery site
- This account needs Administrator privileges, so make sure the password assigned is secure.
- For added security, you could create different accounts on both systems with different
passwords. For example, on the protected array it could be named sra-system1 and the
secondary system it could be named sra-system2. The account names and passwords are
Create a new account within Enterprise Manager named sra-admin.

The sra-admin account used to access Enterprise Manager can now be used for configuring the Storage
Center credentials within SRM Array Manager configuration.
Note that each Enterprise Manager Data Collector and Storage Center maintains its onwn user account
database. In an active/active SRM site configuration, two sets of credentials will be used to configure the
SRM array managers.


Saving Restore Points

Saving restore points must be completed for the SRA to be able to query the active replications and should
be performed after a major SRM event such as performing a Planned Migration or Disaster Recovery. The
process can be initiated in one of two ways:


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices


For convenience, it is automatically initiated at the end of the Create Replication Wizard:

2. From the Enterprise Manager Actions menu:


Validating Restore Points

The Validate Restore Points process reconciles the list of saved restore points with the list of replication
jobs. From the Enterprise Manager Actions menu:


Automatic Restore Point Saving Schedule

The Finish saving Restore Points screen in the Save Restore Points Wizard has the option to save restore
points automatically at a selected interval by clicking on the Set Replication Restore Schedule link. It is
recommended to configure the data collector to save the restore points hourly. This helps to ensure that
the most current restore points are available for the SRA to query for replication information. If using
multiple Enterprise Manager Data Collectors, the first Data Collector is configured as the Primary. The


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

second Data Collector is installed and configured as a Remote Data Collector. Restore points are saved
on the Primary Data Collector and replicated to the Remote Data Collector at one minute intervals.
Replications must be created and Restore Points saved before the volume can be protected by SRM. Nonreplicated volumes wont be discovered as a device by SRM and thus cannot be protected.


Modifying SRM Settings For Larger Environments

VMware Site Recovery Manager ships with a default configuration which is tuned for a large cross-section
of environments. However, each customer environment is unique in terms of architecture, infrastructure,
size, and Recovery Time Objective (RTO). Generally speaking, larger or more complex SRM environments
may require tuning adjustments within SRM in order for SRM to work properly. VMware KB article 2013167
outlines some of the adjustments that can be made to accommodate such environments.


storage.commandTimeout Min: 0 Default: 300 Max: 9223372036854775807

This option specifies the timeout allowed (in seconds) for running SRA commands in Array Based
Replication related workflows. Recovery Plans with a large number of datastores to manage will
fail if the storage related commands take longer than five minutes to complete. Increase this value
(i.e. 3600 or higher) in the Advanced SRM Settings.
storageProvider.hostRescanTimeoutSec Min: 0 Default: 300 Max: 9223372036854775807
This option specifies the timeout allowed (in seconds) for host rescan operations during test,
planned migration, and recovery workflows. Recovery Plans with a large number of datastores
and/or hosts will fail if the host rescans take longer than five minutes to complete. Increase this
value (i.e. 600 or higher) in the Advanced SRM Settings.
storageProvider.hostRescanRepeatCnt Min: 0 Default: 1 Max: 9223372036854775807
This option specifies the number of additional host rescans performed during test, planned
migration, and recovery workflows. This feature was not available in SRM 5.0 and was reintroduced in SRM 5.0.1. Increase this value (i.e. 2 or higher) in the Advanced SRM Settings.

VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

defaultMaxBootAndShutdownOpsPerCluster Default: off

This option specifies the maximum number of concurrent power-on operations performed by
SRM at the cluster object level. Enable by specifying a numerical value (i.e. 32) as shown below by
modifying the vmware-dr.xml file (or configure per cluster in vCenter | DRS options |
<defaultMaxBootAndShutdownOpsPerCluster>32 </defaultMaxBootAndShutdownOpsPerCluster>
defaultMaxBootAndShutdownOpsPerHost Default: off
This option specifies the maximum number of concurrent power-on operations performed by
SRM at the host object level. Enable by specifying a numerical value (i.e. 4) as shown below by
modifying the vmware-dr.xml file.
<defaultMaxBootAndShutdownOpsPerHost>4 </defaultMaxBootAndShutdownOpsPerHost>

The vmware-dr.xml file is located in a directory named config which resides within the Site Recovery
Manager installation folder which will vary depending on the operating system and SRM version. For
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager\config\vmware-dr.xml


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

Configuring Replication
Storage Center replication in coordination with Site Recovery Manager can provide a robust disaster
recovery solution. Since each replication method affects recovery differently, choosing the correct
method to meet business requirements is important. Here is a brief summary of the different options.


Asynchronous Replication (Supported)


Synchronous Replication (Supported in Storage Center 6.3 and



In an asynchronous replication, the I/O needs only be committed and acknowledged to the
source system, so the data can be transferred to the destination in a nonconcurrent timeframe.
There are two different methods to determine when data is transferred to the destination:
o By replay schedule The replay schedule dictates how often data is sent to the
destination. When each replay is taken, the Storage Center determines which blocks have
changed since the last replay (the delta changes), and then transfers them to the
destination. Depending on the rate of change and the bandwidth, it is entirely possible for
the replications to fall behind, so it is important to monitor them to verify that the
recovery point objective (RPO) can be met.
o Replicating the active replay With this method, the data is transferred near real-time to
the destination, usually requiring more bandwidth than if the system were just replicating
the delta changes in the replays. As each block of data is written on the source volume, it
is committed, acknowledged to the host, and then transferred to the destination as fast as
it can. Keep in mind that the replications can still fall behind if the rate of change exceeds
available bandwidth.
Asynchronous replications usually have more flexible bandwidth requirements making this the
most common replication method.
One of the benefits of an asynchronous replication is that the replays are transferred to the
destination volume, allowing for check-points at the source system as well as the destination

The data is replicated real-time to the destination. In a synchronous replication, an I/O must be
committed on both systems before an acknowledgment is sent back to the host. This limits the
type of links that can be used, since they need to be highly available with low latencies. High
latencies across the link will slow down access times on the source volume.

QoS Definitions
Site Recovery Manager supports replication from a source to a destination, and then reversing that
direction of replication after recovery and reprotect plans have been invoked. For consistency and to
prevent unexpected replication latency, it is recommended to maintain consistent QoS definitions on each


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

Storage Center in a replication pair. Inconsistent QoS definitions between sites may also cause reprotect
or failback workflows to fail.


Live Volume Replication (Not Supported)


Live Volume replications add an additional abstraction layer to the replication allowing mapping of
the same volume through multiple Storage Center systems.
Live Volume replications are not supported due to the fact that using them with SRM is mutually
exclusive, and because SRM may be confused by the volume being actively mapped at two
different sites.

Data Consistency while Replicating the Frozen Replay

When replicating a frozen replay, here are the consistency states of replications during plan execution.

A. Once a replay is taken of the source volume, the delta changes begin transferring to the
destination immediately. The consistency state of the data within this replay is dependent on
whether or not the application had the awareness to quiesce the data before the replay was taken.
B. During a Recovery Plan test, a new replay is taken of the destination volume. This is done per the
VMware SRM specification to capture the latest data that has arrived at the DR site. Of course this
means that the consistency of the data is dependent on whether or not the previous replay was
completely transferred. For example using the figure above:
a. If the 4:00 pm replay taken at the primary site was application consistent, but at the time
the SRM Recovery Replay was taken, only 75% of that replays data had been transferred
and thus the data is considered incomplete.


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

i. If this scenario is encountered, it may be necessary to perform manual recovery

steps in order to present the next latest replay (such as the 3:00pm that was
completed and is thus still consistent) back to the application.
b. If the 4:00 pm replay taken at the primary site was application consistent, and at the time
the SRM Recovery Replay was taken, all 100% of that replay had finished transferring, the
resulting newly taken replay will include all of the 4:00pm replay data, and thus the
application consistency of the data will be preserved.
C. Once the SRM Recovery Replay has been taken, a view volume is created from that Replay.
D. The View volume is then presented to the ESX(i) host(s) at the DR site for SRM to begin test
execution of the Recovery Plan.


Data Consistency while Replicating the Active Replay

When replicating the active replay, here are the consistency states of replications during plan execution.

A. As writes are committed to the source volume, they are near simultaneously transferred to the
destination and stored in the Active Replay. (See figure above) Keep in mind that consistent
Replays can still be taken of the source volume, and the check points will be transferred to the
destination volume when replicating the active replay.
B. During a Recovery Plan test, a new replay is taken of the destination volume which locks in all the
data that has been transferred up to that point in time. Data stored within the Active Replay will
most likely be crash consistent. For example, using the figure above:
a. Although the 3:00 pm replay taken at the primary site was application consistent, at the
time the SRM Recovery Replay was taken, the data must still be deemed crash consistent
because it is highly probable that writes into the Active Replay occurred after the 3:00 pm
replay was taken.


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

b. If the application is unable to recover the crash consistent data captured in this replay,
then manual steps would be required to present the last known consistent replay (such as
the 3:00pm frozen replay) back to the host.
c. The only time that application data can be considered consistent while replicating the
active replay, is if ALL I/O has ceased to the source volume, followed by a complete
synchronization of the data from the source to the destination.
C. Once the SRM Recovery Replay has been taken, a view volume is created from that Replay.
D. The View volume is then presented to the ESX(i) host(s) at the DR site for SRM to begin test
execution of the Recovery Plan.
During an actual Disaster Recovery or Planned Migration execution, a View volume from a Replay is not
mounted to the remote vSphere hosts. Instead, the destination volume itself is mounted to the remote
hosts. This change in behavior from SRM 4.x is to facilitate the Reprotect and Failback features in SRM 5.x.


Replication Dependencies and Replication Transfer Time

If the application has multiple volumes as part of its data set, it is important to remember that not all
volumes may finish replicating within the same timeframe.

Due to various factors such as rate of change, link bandwidth, volume size, and replication QoS, it is
possible for multiple volumes in a backup set to finish replicating frozen replays at different times. In this
scenario, SRM will not use replays which have not been completely replicated. This means that if the plan
is executed before the frozen replay replications have completely transferred all of the data (as seen in the
figure above), the Volume A replay from 4pm will be mounted, the Volume B replay from 3pm will be
mounted, and the Volume C replay from 3pm will be mounted. If all three volumes are part of a
consistency group and in use for a tiered application or database application, then depending on the
application volumes presented from different points in time may cause problems with the application. If


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

this happens, manual intervention may be required to present the previous set of consistent replays back
to the host (for example, the 3:00 pm replay from volumes A, B, and C may need to be forced).


SRM Selectable Replay

Built into Enterprise Manager is a feature named SRM Selectable Replay. Because multiple methods of
replication are supported by Storage Center, this feature is used to determine whether the Active Replay or
last frozen Replay used when VMware Site Recovery Manager initiates a failover or test failover. There are
four available choices for configuring SRM Selectable Replay which are applied globally:

Always use Active Replay (default) Uses the Active Replay (current, unfrozen state of the data
transferred to the destination).
2. Use Active Replay If Replicating Active Replay Uses the Active Replay if Replicate Active Replay is
enabled for the replication, otherwise the last frozen Replay is used.
3. Always use Last Frozen Replay Uses the most current frozen Replay that has been 100%
transferred to the destination.
4. Use Restore Point Settings Uses the pre-configured settings for the restore point of the
replication, if Use Active Replay is not selected then the last frozen Replay is used. This option
allows granular selection of SRM Selectable Replay configuration on a per volume replication
basis. The default Use Active Replay configuration for each restore point is a cleared checkbox
which translates to Use Last Frozen Replay for the restore point.
The Enterprise Manager default is to use the Active Replay (the current unfrozen state) of the volume for
SRM purposes. The SRM Selectable Replay feature integrates only with certain SRM actions and in other
actions it will be ignored. The table below outlines each scenario.
Table 1


When is SRM Selectable Replay honored?

SRM Action

Recovery Type

SRM Selectable Replay Configuration Honored?

Activate recovery plan

Planned Migration


Activate recovery plan

Disaster Recovery

If the protected site is down, Yes

If the protected site is up, No

Test activate recovery



If Replicate recent changes to recovery site check

box is cleared in SRM, Yes
If Replicate recent changes to recovery site check
box is selected in SRM, No

Using Application and Data Consistent Frozen Replays with SRM

There are a number of methods available for creating a frozen Replay on Storage Center. Once replicated,
the Replay may be used by SRM. While some methods of Replay creation will result in crash consistent
data contained within the Replay, other methods may be employed which result in Application or Data
Consistency within the Replay. Two examples of this are the use of Replay Manager 7.x with vSphere or


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

using the vSphere Client plug-in to create a Replay of a datastore and using the workflow feature to
Quiesce file systems (if available). Using either of these methods results in a vSphere snapshot with both
parent and delta disks frozen in the Replay being replicated to the destination site.
Whats important to recognize here are two things:

The VM is replicated to the destination site in a vSphere snapshot state and should be dealt with in
one way or another to prevent the VM from running continuously over a long period of time in a
vSphere snapshot state.
2. The application and data consistency is contained within the frozen parent virtual disk and crash
consistent data is contained within the delta virtual disk.
When SRM recovery plan workflow is carried out, SRM registers the VM into inventory at the destination
site and powers on the VM with no special attention given to the current snapshot state of the VM. This
ultimately means that in this case SRM will power on the VM using the delta resulting in recovery from a
crash consistent state. In order to recovery the VM from the frozen parent disk with application and data
consistency, before the VM is powered on it must be reverted to the previous snapshot using the vSphere
Snaphot Manager. Once this is done the snapshot can be deleted (closed) and the VM can be powered
on. This process ensures the VM is powered on from its frozen parent disk and the delta disk along with
the crash consistent data in it is destroyed.
Carrying out the process above manually at large scale will quickly erode efforts made toward meeting the
recovery plans Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and frankly its not the best use of SRM. In such instances,
a better and more efficient and consistent solution would be to script the snapshot management process
using PowerShell and have that process carried out as a Pre or potentially a Post-power on step for the
VM. Custom Recovery Tasks are discussed in the next section.


Custom Recovery Tasks

If the environment has applications that require custom recovery strategies to avoid any of the situations
mentioned above, both Dell Compellent and VMware have a robust set of PowerShell cmdlets in which to
customize the recovery steps where needed. The Storage Center cmdlets can control which replay are
selected, view volume creation, volume mappings, and even modifying replications. Within the same
script, the VMware cmdlets can rescan HBAs, manipulate vDisks, add virtual machines to inventory, and
most every other conceivable task required for recovery.


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

See Appendix A for examples of CompCU and PowerShell scripts that can be used within Site Recovery


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

Site Recovery Manager Configuration


Configuring the Array Managers

Configuring the array managers so the Storage Replication Adapter can communicate with the Enterprise
Manager Data Collector is performed from the Array Managers module. An Array Manager must be added
for each site in the unified interface.

The Protected Site Array Managers and the Recovery Site Array Managers must both be configured so that
they can be paired. Depending on the architecture, a single Enterprise Manager Data Collector can be
added for both sites, or an Enterprise Manager Data Collector and Remote Data Collector model can be


Single Enterprise Manager Data Collector

o The Protected Site Array Manager and the Recovery Site Array Manager should both
specify the Data Collector at the recovery site.
Multiple Enterprise Manager Data Collectors
o The Primary Site Array Manager should specify the Data Collector at the primary site, while
the Secondary Site Array Manager should specify the Remote Data Collector at the
secondary site.

VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

For example, in a single data collector configuration, the Protection Site Array Manager should specify the
recovery site data collector. Likewise, the Recovery Site Array Manager should specify the same data
collector residing within at the same physical site.


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices


Creating Array Pairs

Once an Array Manager has been added to each of the two sites in SRM, the arrays need to be paired so
that replicated volumes can be discovered by SRM as devices. Pairing is an action that is typically only
performed after the initial installation of SRM. Once the arrays are paired, they cannot be unpaired while
downstream dependencies such as Protection Groups exist.


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices


Rescanning Array Managers

Whenever a new virtual machine datastore or replicated Storage Center volume is added to the
environment, the arrays should be rescanned within SRM in addition to rescanning for new LUNs within
the ESXi hosts. The Refresh link can be found on the Devices tab in the Array Managers module. Both
Array Manager pairs should be refreshed to provide a consistent list of devices. Non-replicated volumes
wont be discovered and displayed as devices in SRM. Keep this in mind as a troubleshooting tip if your
datastores arent showing up in SRM. Conversely, all Storage Center replicated volumes will be discovered
as devices in SRM, even if they are not for use by vSphere (ie. replicated volumes belonging to physical
Exchange, SQL, Oracle, file servers). This is by VMware design and an SRA requirement.


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

By clicking on the Refresh link on this screen, the SRA will re-query the Enterprise Manager Data Collector
to obtain the new replicated virtual machine volume information.


Creating Protection Groups

Before creating protection groups, it is recommended that a small VMFS datastore be created at the
disaster recovery site to hold the Placeholder VM configuration files. For each virtual machine protected,
SRM will create a Shadow VM at the opposite site serving as a placeholder for required CPU, memory,
and network capacity in a disaster recovery or planned migration scenario.
Although this datastore only needs to be large enough to hold the configuration files for all the
recoverable virtual machines, creating a standard sized 500 GB datastore will suffice and should not be
thought of as unreasonable because Storage Center dynamic capacity will thinly provision the volume.
In most cases, only one Placeholder datastore per site should be required because the disaster recovery
and migration processes will unregister and reregister the recovered virtual machine with the .vmx file on
the recovered volume. Also important to note is that the Placeholder volume does not need to be
replicated. VMware SRM does not place any data on this volume which cannot be easily regenerated
within the UI.


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

After the Placeholder datastore is created, creating protection groups follows the same general process
from previous versions of SRM. Replicated datastore volumes are the foundation which protection groups
are built upon. Immediately after the protection group is created, virtual machines residing on the
datastore or datastores in that protection group are protected. Legacy rules apply in that once a VM is
protected, it is essentially pinned to the datastore or datastores its .vmx and .vmdk files reside on.
Moving files belonging to a virtual machine is not supported with SRM and will result in the VM no longer
being protected or replicated from its original datastore or datastores. From a design and operational
standpoint, this means that automated Storage DRS (SDRS) and Storage vMotion cannot be used with SRM
protected VMs. Dell Compellent Storage Center arrays offer Dynamic Block Architecture and Data
Progression which provides automated sub-LUN tiering for virtual machines without interfering with SRM
protection groups.
Do not enable VMware Storage IO Control (SIOC) on datastores protected by Site Recovery Manager.
SIOC can prevent datastore unmounts leading to the failure of a Planned Migration. For more information,
see Storage IO Control and SRM Planned Migration at as well as VMware KB articles 2008507, 1037393, and 2004605


Creating Recovery Plans

When testing or running recovery plans, SRM has no built-in mechanisms to determine whether or not the
replication volumes are fully synced before the storage is prepared for the recovery. In other words, there
could still be in-flight data actively being replicated to the secondary site that may influence the outcome
of the recovery. This will be particularly true if you configure replication to also replicate the Active
To help ensure that all data has successfully been replicated to the secondary site, it is recommended that
you check the box Replicate recent changes to recovery site when executing a test plan. During an actual
disaster recovery cutover, this option may or may not be available. For planned migrations using SRM, this
step is required to complete successfully in order to proceed.


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

In addition, consider adding Prompts and/or SRM server-side Commands to the recovery plan to help
ensure all data has been replicated before the subsequent Storage section is executed.
For example, the Compellent CompCU utility or Compellent PowerShell scripts could be integrated into
the recovery plan to take current replays of all the volumes to make sure the most recent data has been
replicated. An example CompCU script can be found in Appendix A of this document. When the recovery
plan executes, it will wait at an added Pause step. However, recovery plan execution will not pause at a
Command on SRM Server step.


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

Recovery Plan Execution


Testing a Recovery Plan

Testing the recovery plan is non-disruptive to the storage replications and production volumes and VMs
because the test recoveries use Storage Center View Volumes created from Replays to run the recovery
plan tests. This means that when testing a recovery plan, any tests, changes, or updates can be performed
on the recovered virtual machines, because they will later be discarded when the test recovery plan
cleanup takes place. While the test plan is executing, production virtual machines and replication
continues to run normally without interruption.
To test a disaster recovery plan, highlight the recovery plan to be tested, right click, and select the Test
menu item:


Testing a Recovery Plan

When choosing to run a Planned Migration or Disaster Recovery plan (as opposed to running a test), keep
in mind this procedure is disruptive and will result in virtual machines being powered off at the primary
site, replication mirrors being broken, and virtual machines being recovered at the secondary site.
In the event of a disaster or the requirement to execute a planned migration, highlight the appropriate
recovery plan, right click, and choose the Recovery option:


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

As a safety precaution, a warning message will appear and must be acknowledged to execute a live plan.


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

Reprotect and Failback


After virtual machines are migrated from one site to another using either the Disaster Recovery or Planned
Migration features in SRM, they are in an active running state on the network at the alternate site.
However, at this point they are vulnerable to a site failure with no SRM protection. This was true in
previous versions of SRM and is true today in SRM 5.x. Previous versions of SRM required a manual
reprotection of the virtual machines at the recovery site. SRM 5.x automates the reprotect process and
prepares the virtual machines for failback.


Once protected virtual machines are migrated or disaster recovery failed over to the secondary site, they
are unprotected. Immediately following the migration of a protected group, SRM 5.x automates the ability
to reprotect the virtual machines. It does this by performing a series of steps.

During a Reprotect, SRM commands the SRA to reverse storage replication for each of the
datastores/volumes in the protection group in the opposite direction. The protection group, which was
originally set up at the primary site is migrated to the secondary site. Placeholder VMs, which were
originally set up at the secondary site, are now created at the opposite site (which can now be considered
the new recovery site) on its respective placeholder datastore.


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices


Failback is no more than an SRM term which describes the ability to perform a subsequent Disaster
Recovery or Planned Migration after a recovery and reprotect have already been successfully performed.
The benefit that Failback brings in SRM 5.x is the automated ability to move back and forth between sites
with minimal effort. This can facilitate a number of use cases including the ability to perform production
processing live in the disaster recovery site, resource balancing, and improved disaster recovery
infrastructure ROI.


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

VMware vSphere, Site Recovery Manager, and Dell Compellent Storage Center combine to provide a
highly available business platform for automated disaster recovery with the best possible RTO and RPO, as
well as planned migrations for your virtualized datacenter.


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices


Appendix A Example Scripts

CompCU Script: TakeReplay.cmd
Description: This is an example of a script which can be folded into an SRM Recovery Plan. The script
leverages the Compellent Command Utility (CompCU) to take replays of the source replication system
volumes to make sure that the most current replay is replicated to the DR site.
"C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" ^
-jar c:\scripts\compcu.jar ^
-host ^
-user Admin ^
-password mmm ^
-c "replay create -volume 'Volume_Name_1' -expire 60"
"C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" ^
-jar c:\scripts\compcu.jar ^
-host ^
-user Admin ^
-password mmm ^
-c "replay create -volume 'Volume_Name_2' -expire 60"
This script will connect to a Storage Center with an IP address of with a username of
Admin and a password of mmm to take a replay of Volume_Name_x with a replay expiration set to 60
minutes. The ^ symbols are used in this script for line continuation and readability, but could be excluded
if the entire command is placed on one line.
The Compellent Command Utility download, and its associated documentation, can be found in the
Compellent Knowledge Center. See Appendix B.

PowerShell Script: TakeReplay.ps1

Description: This is an example of the same script from above which can be folded into an SRM Recovery
Plan, but written in PowerShell. The script leverages the Compellents Storage Center Command Set Shell
to take replays of the source replication system volumes in an effort to make sure that the most current
replay is replicated to the DR site.
$SCHostname = "sc12.techsol.local"
$SCUsername = "srmadmin"
$SCPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString "mmm" -AsPlainText Force
$SCConnection = Get-SCConnection -HostName $SCHostname -User $SCUsername -Password
New-SCReplay (Get-SCVolume -Name "lun40" -Connection $SCConnection) -MinutesToLive 1440 Description "Replay w/ 1 day retention" -Connection $SCConnection


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

This PowerShell script will connect to a Storage Center with a host name of sc12.techsol.local with a
username of srmadmin and a password of mmm to take a replay of lun40 with a replay expiration set
to 1 day. It is easiest to run this PowerShell script from the Compellent Storage Center Command Set
Shell which automatically loads Compellents Compellent.StorageCenter.PSSnapin snap-in. However, this
script can be run from any PowerShell prompt provided the Compellent.StorageCenter.PSSnapin snap-in
is manually loaded or loaded as part of the PowerShell profile.


VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices


Appendix B Additional Resources


Dell Compellent Resources


VMware Resources


Compellent Home Page

Compellent Knowledge Center

VMware Home Page

VMware Knowledge Base
VMware Technology Network
VMware Documentation

VMware Site Recovery Manager Best Practices

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