Padma Benza Grand Puja: Programme Write-Up

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Programme Write-Up


Padma Benza : The name Padma Benza is translated as the Lotus Vajra. He is the
ruler of the three Buddha Realms, namely:
The Akanistha pure land : In the Akanistha Pure Land, he is known as the Vajradhara
Padma Vajra. He is a Buddha with all the complete excellent marks and signs, and is
beyond birth and death. He was miraculously born from a lotus flower in the Lake
Danakosha. He taught the profound dharma to all beings. He also miraculously
manifested as the eight great accomplished ones and the eighty Mahasiddhas who went
through much difficulties to accomplish the practice of the teachings of Secret Mantra
and liberate the sentient beings. Finally without leaving his body behind, he
miraculously transmigrated himself to another Buddha land.
The Uddiyana Land of the Dakinis: In the Uddiyana Land of the Dakinis, he was
known as the Senge Drupage. He was surrounded by thousand millions of dakas and
dakinis and benefiting sentient beings with their activities.
The Lotus Light Palace of Great Bliss: In the Lotus Light Palace of Great Bliss he
was known as Padma Dru-zhenge. His retinue includes the famous 25 disciples of king
and subjects, and also many Mahasiddhas. They all performed the four enlightened
activities of increasing, magnetizing, pacifying and subjugating to tame the sentient
The Padma Benza Means of Attainment:
This whole Mandala has seven levels:

The Activity Mandala of colored sand drawing,

The Quality Mandala of precious vase,
The Mind Mandala of Kapala and essence,
The Speech Mandala of words and seed syllables,
The Body Mandala in the form of statue,
The Bindu Mandala,
The Mudra Mandala, etc.

The discovery of the terma :

This profound mean of attainment was revealed by the great Terton Migyur Dorje. The
text was found at a place known as Markham. This treasure was guarded by the
mountain protector, Lazukapojiye, the Terton brought out a precious encasement
measuring one foot long and three fingers wide. In the encasement, he found dakinis'
symbolic scripts written on yellow papers: seven rolls of main text and five rolls of
supplementary text. At that time many people who were present at that place also
witnessed the five colored rainbows appearing in the sky and many other auspicious
signs. Migyur Dorje later decoded the dakinis' symbols in the text and wrote it down in
Tibetan for propagation. At that time, only the fortunate Migyur Dorje could decode the
dakinis' symbols and translated it into Tibetan. Today, we will be using this terma text for
the empowerment.

Programme Write-Up

The lineage of this empowerment :

This profound method of empowerment was transmitted from Vajradhara Padma Benza
to his consort, Princess Mandavara. From Princess Mandavara, it was transmitted to
Dakinis Yeshe Tsogyal, from Yeshe Tsoyal to Dechan Wange Jieman and down to the
rest of the lineage tree in the following order: the twenty-five king and subjects, the eight
great accomplished ones, the eight manifestations of Padma, the eighty Ridzins, great
Terton Migyur Dorje, Pema Ridzin , Lodro Tharye ( 1st Jamgon Kongtrul) , Jamyang
Khyentse Wangpo, 15th Karmapa Khakhyab Dorje, Palden Khyentse Oser (2nd Jamgon
Kongtrul) , H.E Kalu Rinpoche. It is from my teacher of great kindness, the late H.E Kalu
Rinpoche, that I Beru Khyentse, received the transmission of this text.
Benefits to living beings:
Through the merits of receiving this empowerment, the disciples remove their obstacles
and are prevented from harm by spiritual disturbances. In this life, they will increase
their good fortune, lifespan and wealth. In future lives, they will not be reborn into the
three lower realms. They will reap fruition of their virtuous deeds and finally attain
Benefits to the deceased:
The names of the deceased for this ritual are recorded down. Then the first stage is to
do the purification of the negativities for the deceased to stop their sufferings from rebirth
in the samsara, which has also prevented them to be born in the Buddha Pure Land.
The second stage is to give the various empowerments to the deceased using each of
the eight manifest forms of Guru Padmasambhava. The deceased is led from the hell
realm, deprived spirit realm, demi-god realm, god realm, form realm and so on to the
Buddha Pure Land. The third stage is to make smoke offerings to the deceased to
prevent their suffering from hunger and cold. The fourth stage is to do the Powa to
liberate the consciousness of the deceased to the Buddha Pure Land.
The ritual will be explained in details during the grand puja.

Explained by H.E Beru Khyentse Rinpoche.

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