Food Security Early Warning System: Regional Summary
Food Security Early Warning System: Regional Summary
Food Security Early Warning System: Regional Summary
Season: 2015-2016
Pre-agricultural-season rains absent in several parts of the region
Slow and erratic onset of rains in eastern South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho
increase pressure on water resources, livestock and crop agriculture
Heavy mid-Nov rains expected to reduce dryness in south-eastern parts of the region
Heavy rains fall in north-western Tanzania
Regional Summary
The rainfall season is off to a slow start across many parts
of the region. The south-eastern, central and northwestern areas have experienced significant deficits in
cumulative rainfall between October and mid-November
(Figure 1, solid red oval). In most of these areas,
consistent planting rains usually occur in mid-November,
although they are normally preceded by light pre-season
rains that encourage and facilitate land preparations by
farmers in October. This season, most areas highlighted
in Figure 1 did not receive these early rains, resulting in
the cumulative rainfall deficits shown in yellow colours.
Despite the limited pre-season rains, preparations for the
2015/2016 season are ongoing in several countries,
including distribution and purchasing of inputs, as well as
land-preparation. In contrast to the low rains received in
the central areas, north-western and central parts of
Tanzania received above normal rainfall between late
October and early November. The heavy rainfall will
enhance crop growth and development in some bimodal
areas if it is not excessive. However, there have been
reports of flooding in parts of northern Tanzania.
Some areas have already experienced a delay in the onset
of rains. These are areas where the main seasonal rains
were expected to have started by September or October,
but up to present, have not yet experienced an onset of the
seasonal rains. These areas include eastern South Africa,
Lesotho and Swaziland (Figure 2, red oval #1) where the
rains have delayed by 30 to 40 days or more in some
areas. Although significant rains were received in
October in some of these highlighted areas, the ensuing
rains have been erratic, with little opportunity for
successful crop establishment. The low rains have also
heightened drought conditions, which in parts of eastern
South Africa, are severe. Above normal rainfall will be
needed this season to relieve the existing drought
conditions. Central-western parts of the region, including
This bulletin is prepared in collaboration with USAID/FEWSNET. For more details, contact SADC FANR Directorate,
Gaborone, Botswana. Tel: +267-3951863; E-mail: [email protected]; Web:
This bulletin is prepared in collaboration with USAID/FEWSNET. For more details, contact SADC FANR Directorate,
Gaborone, Botswana. Tel: +267-3951863; E-mail: [email protected]; Web: