Food Security Early Warning System: Regional Summary

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Food Security

Early Warning System

Agromet Update
2015/2016 Agricultural Season
Issue 02 Month: November (first half)

Season: 2015-2016


Pre-agricultural-season rains absent in several parts of the region
Slow and erratic onset of rains in eastern South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho
increase pressure on water resources, livestock and crop agriculture
Heavy mid-Nov rains expected to reduce dryness in south-eastern parts of the region
Heavy rains fall in north-western Tanzania

Regional Summary
The rainfall season is off to a slow start across many parts
of the region. The south-eastern, central and northwestern areas have experienced significant deficits in
cumulative rainfall between October and mid-November
(Figure 1, solid red oval). In most of these areas,
consistent planting rains usually occur in mid-November,
although they are normally preceded by light pre-season
rains that encourage and facilitate land preparations by
farmers in October. This season, most areas highlighted
in Figure 1 did not receive these early rains, resulting in
the cumulative rainfall deficits shown in yellow colours.
Despite the limited pre-season rains, preparations for the
2015/2016 season are ongoing in several countries,
including distribution and purchasing of inputs, as well as
land-preparation. In contrast to the low rains received in
the central areas, north-western and central parts of
Tanzania received above normal rainfall between late
October and early November. The heavy rainfall will
enhance crop growth and development in some bimodal
areas if it is not excessive. However, there have been
reports of flooding in parts of northern Tanzania.
Some areas have already experienced a delay in the onset
of rains. These are areas where the main seasonal rains
were expected to have started by September or October,
but up to present, have not yet experienced an onset of the
seasonal rains. These areas include eastern South Africa,
Lesotho and Swaziland (Figure 2, red oval #1) where the
rains have delayed by 30 to 40 days or more in some
areas. Although significant rains were received in
October in some of these highlighted areas, the ensuing
rains have been erratic, with little opportunity for
successful crop establishment. The low rains have also
heightened drought conditions, which in parts of eastern
South Africa, are severe. Above normal rainfall will be
needed this season to relieve the existing drought
conditions. Central-western parts of the region, including

Figure 1. Rainfall for 1 Oct to 15 Nov 2015 expressed

as difference from average rainfall for the same period.

Figure 2. Onset of rains and anomaly as of

10 November 2015

This bulletin is prepared in collaboration with USAID/FEWSNET. For more details, contact SADC FANR Directorate,
Gaborone, Botswana. Tel: +267-3951863; E-mail: [email protected]; Web:

southern-central Angola and western Zambia,

have also experienced a slow and erratic onset
of the rains, according to satellite-based rainfall
estimates (Figure 2, red oval #2), with delays
in the onset of up to 20 days. The water deficits
in these areas, although not as severe as in
south-eastern SADC, are nonetheless critical
given their impacts on hydro-electrical energy
generation, currently affecting Zambia and
Zimbabwe due to the low levels of the Kariba
Dam. Local livelihoods are also affected.
Short term forecasts suggest the likely onset of
rains in the south-eastern parts of the region by
mid-November. Figure 3 shows an 8-day
rainfall forecast covering the period 16-24
Figure 3. Rainfall forecast for the period 16-24 November 2015
November. According to the forecast,
moderate to high rainfall is expected in the
areas in eastern and northern South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, eastern Botswana, southern Mozambique and
southern Zimbabwe. The anticipated rainfall will bring much-needed relief to the dry conditions in these areas
Good rains are needed this season to mitigate the
impacts of the poor 2014/2015 seasonal performance,
which are still being felt, and compounded by this
seasons slow start. Communities in drought-affected
parts of several countries including Angola, Botswana,
Namibia, South Africa, and Swaziland are facing
challenges with water availability due to low river and
dam levels. Another impact of the poor rainfall
performance is the below-average vegetation conditions
in most parts of the region, as shown by the satellitebased vegetation image for early November 2015
(Figure 4, brown areas show below average vegetation).
The stressed state of the vegetation has negative
implications for grazing conditions, particularly in
marginal areas and in areas where rangeland is a major
part of the landscape. The current drought has
negatively impacted the livestock sector in parts of
Angola, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland
and Zimbabwe, with impacts ranging from poor Figure 4. Vegetation Index (NDVI) compared to average
conditions for 1-10 November 2015 Source: USGS/FEWSNET
livestock condition to drought-related cattle deaths in
some areas. Farmers are being actively encouraged to sell their livestock assets due to the drought situation.
The rainfall patterns exhibited in the first half of the Oct-Dec 2015 rainfall period thus far have fairly closely
followed the SARCOF seasonal forecast, which anticipated below-average rainfall in the south and aboveaverage rainfall in the northern half of the region. This low rainfall in the south has further intensified existing
drought conditions in several countries. Very high temperatures across much of the region have applied further
pressure on the water resources and agriculture due to increased evapotranspiration from water bodies and
pastures, as well as heat stress to livestock. The imminent rains forecast through late November in the southeast of the region are expected to provide much needed relief to the current drought situation there.
Given the long-term forecasts for possibly reduced rainfall this season, emphasized by the potential impacts
of the ongoing El Nio event, drought-mitigating agricultural techniques have been recommended by the
Agriculture and Disaster Risk Reduction departments of several Member States to their farming communities.
These include planting of drought-tolerant crops and short-season varieties, implementation of conservation
agriculture, upscaling of irrigation schemes and de-stocking of livestock, among others.

This bulletin is prepared in collaboration with USAID/FEWSNET. For more details, contact SADC FANR Directorate,
Gaborone, Botswana. Tel: +267-3951863; E-mail: [email protected]; Web:

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