Assignment in Specialized Accounting
Assignment in Specialized Accounting
Assignment in Specialized Accounting
Government Accounting encompasses the process of analyzing, recording, classifying, summarizing, and
communicating all transactions involving the receipt and disposition of government fund
and property, and interpreting the results thereof.
-Introduced basic policies, the new encoding system, the accounting systems, books,
registries, records, forms, reports and financial statements to be adopted by ALL
*OLD GAS: uses manual system
Commission on Audit (COA)
-keeps general accounts of the government
-promulgates rules and regulations
-submits to president and congress an annual report of the govt, subdivisions, agencies
and instrumentalities, & GOCCs. (not later than the last day of September)
- define scope
- establish techniques
- promulgates rules and regulations
- NO longer journalizes appropriation & allotment by DBM
Department of Budget and Management (DBM)
-responsible for formulation & implementation of Natl Budget w/ goal of attaining our
national socio-economic plans and objectives
-responsible for efficient & sound utilization of funds & revenues.
-Registry of Appropriations (RAPAL)
-Registry of Special Purpose Fund Appropriations and Allotments (RESPFA)
-Registry of Allotments and Notice of Cash Allocagtion (RANCA)
-Control and monitoring of Notice of Cash Allocation releases
Bureau of Treasury (BOT)
* Authority:
-receive and keep national funds, manage and control the disbursements thereof
-maintain accounts of financial transactions of all national government offices, agencies
and instrumentalities.
-maintain Registry of NCA and Replenishments (RENREP)
-monitoring bank transfers it makes in replenishing MDS accounts
Govt Agencies:
-Accounting personnel are under Head of Agency
4. Books of Accounts
Concepts of Responsibility Accounting:
A system that relates the financial results to a responsibility center, which provides access to cost
and revenue information under the supervision of a manager having direct responsibility for its
-a part, segment, unit or function of a government agency, headed by a manager, who is
accountable for a specified test of activities.
1. Responsibility accounting involves accumulating and reporting data on revenues and costs o
the basis of the managers action.
included in cash equivalent (SFAS 22). These activities include cash transactions covering
non-operating assets, such as the purchase of property, equipment, short and long-term
investments and other non-current assets.
*Non-cash investing activities are not included in the statement of cash flows.
3) Financing Activities
-are derived from the equity capital and borrowings of the agency (SFAS 22). These
include cash transactions involving the government equity and non-operational liabilities.
Non-cash financing activities are not included in the statement of cash flows.
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash Inflows:
Receipt of Notice of Cash allocation (NCA) from the DBM
Receipt of Notice of Transfer of Allocation to Agency RO/OU from CO
Cash receipts from all sources of revenues
Receipt of Inter agency cash transfers (Due to)
Cash receipts from the sale of goods or rendition of services
Cash receipt of interest income, rental income, dividend income, etc.
Receipt of payment for liquidated damages
Receipt of refund of deposits
Receipt of refunds of cash advance or excess payments
Collection of receivables
Cash receipt of grants and donations
Receipt of cash dividends from enterprises (e.g. PLDT)
Cash Outflows:
Payments of accounts payable
Cash purchase of merchandise for sale
Cash advances granted for travel
Inter-agency transfers (Due from)
Notice of Transfer of Allocation to Agency RO/OU issued by the NGA Main Office to
RO/OU and/or attached agencies through Government Servicing Banks
Return of unused NCA
Cash payment for operating expenses
Remittance of taxes withheld not covered by TRA and other deductions (if any)
Cash purchase of supplies and equipment
Cash payment of retirement benefits
Cash payment of claims for damages
Cash payment for liabilities incurred in operations
Cash payments for interest
Classes of allotments
Registry of Allotments and Obligations - Capital Outlay (RAOCO)
Registry of Allotments and Obligations - Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
Registry of Allotments and Obligations - Personal Services (RAOPS)
Registry of Allotments and Obligations- Financial Expenses (RAOFE).
h. Notice of Cash Allocation
-receipt of NCA by the agency shall be recorded in the books as debit to account CashNational Treasury, Modified Disbursement System (MDS) and credit to account
Subsidy Income from National Government.
Cash-National Treasury, Modified Disbursement System XX
Subsidy Income from National Government XX
i. Financial Expenses
Financial expenses such as bank charges, interest expenses, commitment charges and other
related expenses shall be separately classified from Maintenance and Other Operating
Expenses (MOOE).
recognized under Maintenance and other operating expenses (MOE)
j. Perpetual Inventory of Supplies and Materials
-Supplies and materials purchased for inventory purpose shall be recorded using the
perpetual inventory system.
-Regular purchases shall be coursed thru the inventory account and issuances thereof shall
be recorded as they take place except those purchased out of Petty Cash Fund which shall
be charged directly to the appropriate expense accounts.
k. Valuation of Inventory
- Cost of ending inventory of supplies and materials shall be computed using the moving
average method.
l. Maintenance of Supplies and PPE Ledger Cards
Accounting units of agencies shall maintain:
-Supplies ledger cards/stock cards by stock number
-Property, Plant and Equipment Ledger Cards/Property Cards by category of PPE
m. Construction of Assets
Construction of Theory shall be applied:
n. Registry of Public Infrastructures/Registry of Reforestation Projects
RPI/RRP shall be maintained for each specific infrastructure/reforestation project.
Registry of Public Infrastructure-Bridges (RPIB)
Registry of Public Infrastructure-Roads(RPIR)
Registry of Public Infrastructure-Parks (RPIP)
o. Depreciation
-Straight Line Method
-Starts on the 2nd month after purchase
-10% of purchase cost=residual value
* Public Infrastructure/Reforestation Projects as well as serviceable assets that no longer
being used shall not be charged any depreciation.
p. COA Circular No. 2003-007Dec. 11,2003
q. Reclassification of Assets
Other Assets
-Serviceable assets no longer used
-Obsolete assets
-Unserviceable assets
r. Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
Set-up Estimated Uncollectible trade receivables
A/R xx
Est. Uncoll. t/r xx
* Provided only to Trade Receivables
s. Recognition of Liability
Recognized if:
-Goods are accepted
-Services are rendered
-Supplier/Creditor bills are received
t. Interest Accrual
u. Accounting for Borrowings and Loans
v. Elimination of Corollary and Negative Journal Entries
The preparation of the annual budget involves a series of steps that begins
with the determination of the overall economic targets, expenditure levels,
revenue projection and the financing plan by the Development Budget
Coordinating Committee (DBCC). The DBCC
is an inter-agency body composed
of the DBM Secretary as Chairman and the Bangko Sentral Governor, the
Secretary of the Department of Finance, the Director General of the National
Economic and Development Authority and a representative of the Office of the
President as members. The major activities involved in the preparation of the
annual national budget include the following:
Determination of overall economic targets, expenditure levels and budget
framework by the DBCC;
Issuance by the DBM of the Budget Call which defines the budget
framework; sets economic and fiscal targets; prescribe the priority thrusts
and budget levels; and spells out the guidelines and procedures, technical
instructions and the timetable for budget preparation;
Preparation by various government agencies of their detailed budget
estimates ranking programs, projects and activities using the capital
budgeting approach and submission of the same to DBM;
Conduct a budget hearings were agencies are called to justify their
proposed budgets before DBM technical panels;
Submission of the proposed expenditure program of
department/agencies/special for confirmation by department/agency
Presentation of the proposed budget levels of department/agencies/special
purpose funds to the DBCC for approval.
Review and approval of the proposed budget by the President and the
Submission by the President of proposed budget to Congress.
To meet the Constitutional requirement
for the submission of the President's
budget with 30 days from the opening of each regular session of Congress, the
budget preparation phase is guided by a budget calendar.
8. Department of Budget and Management (DBM) is the department responsible for the
planning and implementation of the National Budget for the sound utilization of government
funds in achieving the national governments agenda on reform and growth. The DBM is
tasked to monitor all government allotments and appropriations through maintenance of
registries for better control and monitoring.
9. Commission on Audit (COA) - as mandated by the 1987 Constitution, the COA shall have
the exclusive authority to - do audit and examination, establish audit techniques, implement
accounting rules and regulations, that includes disallowances on the use of government funds
and properties.
10. The Bureau of Treasury or BTr is one of four bureaus under the Philippines' Department of
Finance. The BTr is mandated to 1) assist in the formulation of policies on borrowing,
investment and capital market development; 2) formulate adequate operational guidelines for
fiscal and financial policies; 3) assist in the preparation by government agencies concerned of an
annual program, for revenue and expenditure targets, borrowing levels and cash balances of
National Government; 4) maintain books of accounts of the NG cash transactions; 5) manage
cash resources of NG, collect advances made, and guarantee and forward cover fees due NG; 6)
control and service NG public debt, both foreign and domestic; 7) issue, service, redeem
government securities for account of NG as may be authorized by the President pursuant to law.
The bureau is presently headed by the Treasurer, Omar T. Cruz.
To serve as the control mechanism for the receipt, disposition and utilization of
government funds and properties