Theorems and Thaumaturgy
Theorems and Thaumaturgy
Theorems and Thaumaturgy
Advanced Arcana for the Discerning Magic-User
Theorems &
Advanced Arcana for the Discerning Magic-User
By Gavin Norman
Illustration: Cadanse D, Kelvin Green
Proofreading: Alex Schrder, Jim Pacek
Copyright 2012 Gavin Norman.
OSR logo: Copyright 2011 Stuart Robertson. Used under license: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0).
Illustrations: Copyright 2012 Cadanse D, Kelvin Green, used under agreement.
Labyrinth Lord is copyright 2007-2011, Daniel Proctor. Labyrinth Lord and Advanced Labyrinth Lord are trademarks of Daniel Proctor. These
trademarks are used under the Labyrinth Lord Trademark License 1.2, available at
This product is released under the terms of the Open Game License Version 1.0a, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Table of Contents
Expanded Illusionist
I. Optional Rules for Magic-Users
Spells I love them! So I decided to write a book full of them.
Actually the seeds of this project were planted several years ago, when
I'd just started playing old-school D&D again, in the form of AD&D 2nd
edition. I began writing some spells to fill out two of my favourite
schools of magic: necromancy and dimensionalism. Shortly afterwards I
discovered the unstoppable explosion of creativity that is the Old School
Revival / Renaissance and began to share some of my creations. The
positive feedback I received from the community inspired me to write
more, and more, and more spells... and now here you are with this
In the basic Labyrinth Lord game there are only two arcane spell-casting
classes: the magic-user and the elf, both of whom use the same list of
spells. The Advanced Edition Companion introduces the illusionist, with
its own almost completely unique spell list. Now in this book you will
find three further types of spell-caster: the elementalist, the necromancer
and the vivimancer; again each with their own spell list containing many
new spells unique to that class. The underlying principle here is that each
type of magic-user studies a totally separate form of magic, so a standard
magic-user cannot learn a spell from the necromancer spell list, and vice
versa. Some spells are shared both magic-users and necromancers can
learn the fear spell, for example but the crossover is minimal.
So what's in here?
The book is divided into five sections:
I hope that you find some fun and inspiration in these pages.
Otherwise, little need be said here, as each Labyrinth Lord will have
their own ideas about how to use all these new spells in their own
campaign. As presented, the bulk of the new spells is divided between
the various types of magic-user the three new classes and the two
variant classes. However, it is of course absolutely fine to simply pick and
choose spells from this book for use by existing magic-user characters,
without ever specifically creating characters of the new classes.
In short, do with the new material as you will!
to 60' per round. Creatures inside the volume of the amalgam may, at
the caster's option, suffer 3d6 hit points damage per round due to
crushing or suffocation. A save versus paralysis is allowed for half
Prime Requisite:
Hit Dice:
Maximum Level:
Elementalists have the same weapon and armour restrictions as magicusers, and can use the same types of magic items, including those items
usable to characters of all classes. However elementalists are generally
only able to create magic items which have a connection to the elements
for example a wand of ice or a censer of controlling air elementals.
Elementalists can use scrolls containing spells on their spell list, but not
scrolls of other magic-user or illusionist spells.
Similar to the spell amalgam of earth and air, this spell creates a like
quantity of a substance which possesses the qualities of both fire and
water. The properties which the amalgam can exhibit include any of the
following: cold or hot, smothering or burning, falling or rising. The
amalgam can cause up to 3d6 hit points damage per round to creatures
inside its volume, due to extreme cold, heat or burning. A saving throw
versus paralysis is allowed for half damage.
Banish Elemental
Level: 3
Duration: Instant
Range: 120'
Elementalist Spells
Amalgam of Earth and Air
Level: 8
Duration: 1 turn
Range: See below
This spell targets creatures which are native to the elemental planes,
causing them to return to their plane of origin. A single elemental of any
number of Hit Dice is affected. Mindless or controlled elementals are
automatically banished, but free-willed beings from the elemental planes
are allowed a saving throw to resist the effect.
Banish Elementine
Level: 1
Duration: Instant
Range: 120'
This spell causes summoned elementines to return to their plane of
origin. The number of creatures affected depends on the caster's level
up to 1 HD per level.
Brimstone Monolith
Level: 9
Duration: 4d6 rounds
Range: 30'
Command Elemental I
Level: 5
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: See below
This spell has two possible effects, chosen by the caster in the moment
he casts the spell. Firstly it may be used to take control of an elemental
of up to 8HD within 120'. A free-willed elemental is allowed a saving
throw versus spells to resist, but if it fails it must obey the caster's
commands unfailingly for the spell's duration. If the targeted elemental is
already under the control of another wizard (either by use of this spell, or
as the result of a summoning), there is a base 50% chance that the caster
can gain control of it. The chance of success is modified by 5% per
experience level difference between the caster and the controlling wizard,
in the same way as dispel magic.
The incantations required to cast this spell are more complex than usual,
taking several rounds to complete. During each round of the casting a
different effect occurs, as follows.
The casting of the spell during the first three rounds cannot be disrupted
by damage caused as a direct result of the spell's effects (from the
earthquake or flames). However if the casting of the spell is interrupted
in any other way, the effects described for any subsequent rounds do not
Once the spell is complete, the monolith begins to shudder, emitting a
deafening roar, and shooting out jets of magma and sheets of flame.
Every round after the third there is a 1 in 4 chance of a randomly
chosen target within 100' being hit by one of the monolith's emissions,
causing 5d6 damage (save versus wands for half damage).
To determine which creatures pass through the dimensional rift, roll 2d6:
Creature(s) Summoned
9 11
Command Elemental II
Level: 6
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: See below
When the spell's duration comes to an end, the monolith recedes into
the earth, all summoned creatures disappear, and the dimensional rift
This spell works in the same way as command elemental I, but can
either be used to gain control of an elemental of up to 12HD, or to
augment a casting of summon elemental II.
This spell works in the same way as command elemental I, but can
either be used to gain control of an elemental of up to 16HD, or to
augment a casting of summon elemental III.
This spell grants the target the ability to survive the natural
environmental hazards of one of the elemental planes. The target gains
the ability to breathe and to move freely through the matter of the
chosen plane, and is unharmed by any pervasive damaging effects such
as the omnipresent flames on the plane of fire. The spell has no effect
outside of the elemental planes.
This spell grants protection from the harmful effects of one elemental
plane, in the same manner as the 5th level spell elemental plane
protection. All creatures remaining within the area of effect are
Elemental Portal
Level: 8
Duration: 1 hour per level
Range: 30'
This spell is identical to the magic-user spell of the same name, except
that elementalists can only use it to contact powerful beings dwelling on
the elemental planes.
This spell opens a connection from the prime material plane directly to
one of the elemental planes as chosen by the caster. The portal is 10' in
diameter, and allows creatures to travel both ways the caster and allies
may use it to enter the elemental plane, but it also allows elemental
creatures to enter the material world. The portal can only be created in a
location where there is an abundance of the appropriate element a
volcano, an ocean, a mountain top, etc.
Level: 9
Duration: Instant
Range: 60'
Similar to the 8th level spell elemental portal , this spell allows the caster
either to open a permanent portal to an elemental plane or to open a
temporary portal in a location without an abundance of the appropriate
element. In the latter case the portal lasts for 1 hour per caster level.
Elemental Cancellation
Level: 2
Duration: Permanent
Range: 120'
Elemental Wrath
Level: 8
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 120'
Similar to the 3rd level magic-user spell dispel magic, this spell enables
an elementalist to cancel ongoing elemental-based magical effects. When
invoking this spell the caster must choose which of the four primary
elements (fire, air, earth, water) will be affected. Only magic of the
chosen element may be dispelled, but in all other respects this spell
functions in the same manner as dispel magic.
Elemental Gate
Level: 9
Duration: See below
Range: 30'
Working in the same manner as the 9th level magic-user spell gate, this
spell can only be used to contact beings on the elemental planes.
Meld Elemental
Level: 8
Duration: 1 turn
Range: 60'
item, and has the sole aim of causing as much destruction as possible
during the duration of its summoning.
Wise casters seldom use this spell, and those who do ensure that they
have some readily available means of escaping from the path of the
summoned creature.
Even if the caster avoids the creature's wrath, casting this spell is
extremely taxing, and there is a 5% chance that the caster's Constitution
will be permanently reduced by 1d4 points.
Level: 1
Duration: 1 hour, +1 turn per level
Range: 90'
If he does not already command them, the caster does not specifically
gain control of the elementals as a result of this spell.
Pact of Brass
Level: 9
Duration: 101 days
Range: 0
At a later date, using the reversed form of the spell, enchanted ashes can
be transformed back into the original object as it existed before it was
burned. The reinstatement takes 1d6 rounds, during which time an eerie
black fire surrounds the ashes. The fire causes 1d4 hit points damage to
any creature in contact.
Lasting Breath
Level: 1
Duration 1 turn
Range: 10'
The creature touched gains the ability to go without oxygen for the
duration of the spell. This can grant water-breathing creatures the ability
to function in an air medium, and air-breathing creatures to function
underwater, for example. One creature per caster level can be affected.
Summon Elemental I
Level: 3
Duration: Permanent
Range: 240'
A jet of flame or icy cold shoots from the caster's fingertip, causing
1d8+1 hit points damage to a single target in range if a successful attack
roll is made. The ray may be used to attack once per round for the
spell's duration, and can be targeted against a new opponent each
This spell functions in the same way as the 5th level magic-user spell
conjure elemental, but summons an elemental of the weakest type with
8HD. In addition to the standard fire, air, earth and water elementals,
elementalists are also able to summon a variety of alternative elementals
using this spell (see Appendix II).
The caster must choose which effect to create (fire or cold) when
memorizing the spell.
Summon Elemental II
Level: 4
Duration: Permanent
Range: 240'
This spell functions in the same way as the 3rd level summon elemental
I spell, but summons an elemental of the middle type with 12HD.
Seasong / Windsong /
Level: 1
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 30'
This spell allows the caster to conjure forth a variety of evil creatures
from the elemental planes. The caster can choose to summon one of the
following, which is bound to serve unerringly for the duration: a fluid
beast, a soil fiend, a flame terror, a wind horror (see Appendix II).
This spell weaves a subtle enchantment into the natural sounds of the
wind, sea, rivers, waterfalls or fire. A source of such sound must already
be present the spell cannot artificially create or enhance it.
The enchanted sound takes on a hypnotic song-like quality which can
affect creatures in range in one of two possible ways (chosen by the
elementalist upon casting the spell).
Firstly the spell can be used to lull all creatures failing a saving throw
versus spells into a state of drowsiness and non-alertness. Alternatively
the spell can be used to bring about a soothing and refreshing sleep in
willing targets, allowing them to heal 1d3hp of damage after a full night's
This spell allows the caster to conjure forth a variety of creatures from
the elemental planes. At 11th level the caster can choose to summon a
djinni, sea serpent, wind walker or xorn. At 13th level he may
alternatively summon a flame salamander. At 15th level he may summon
a frost salamander, and at 17th level an efreeti.
Level: 1
Duration: See below
Range: 20'
The summoned creature is bound to serve the caster unerringly for the
Summon Elementine
Level: 1
Duration: 6 turns, +1 turn per level
Range: 60'
This spell gives the caster the ability to form patterns and shapes in a
chosen elemental substance within range.
Typically this spell is used to create forms in the motion of flames, the
flow of water or the spiralling of smoke, but it can also be used to
inscribe patterns in soft earth or dust. The forms created have no
magical effect, but may be used to entertain or frighten on-lookers, or
perhaps to pass messages.
The spell's effect lasts as long as the caster maintains concentration and
performs no other actions.
Level: 3
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 240'
This spell causes the instantaneous removal of all forms of gas, including
air, from a spherical volume of 5' radius per level of the caster, creating a
vacuum. Creatures inside the vacuum suffer 1d4 damage per round due
to de-pressurization, but may move freely. Air-breathing creatures will
begin to suffocate if they remain in the affected area, and will die in 2d6
rounds. Sound is also prevented from propagating through and from
entering the vacuum, creating an area of absolute silence.
Tidal Force
Level: 2
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 60'
When the spell's duration comes to an end, the surrounding air rushes
back in, filling the vacuum.
This spell creates an amplified tidal force which enables the caster to
influence the movements of bodies of water and creatures whose
physical structure is water-based. This includes most humanoids, plants
and animals. Each round the caster must choose which direction the tidal
force will push. All affected creatures in range must make a saving throw
versus spells or be pushed 20' in the chosen direction. The spell does
not have the force to lift creatures off the ground or to prevent them
from falling.
1st level
1. Banish elementine
2. Burning hands (MU)
3. Create water (reversible) (C)
4. Feather fall (MU)
5. Firelight
6. Lasting breath
7. Manipulate fire (MU)
8. Purify water (D)
9. Ray of fire / cold
10. Read magic
11. Resist cold (C)
12. Seasong / windsong / firesong
13. Shapes
14. Summon elementine
15. Unseen servant (MU)
16. Wall of vapor (I)
2nd level
1. Detect magic (MU)
2. Elemental cancellation
3. Fire trap (MU)
4. Fog cloud (I)
5. Heat metal (reversible) (D)
6. Incinerate / uncinerate (reversible)
7. Produce flame (D)
8. Pyrotechnics (MU)
9. Resist fire (C)
10. Summon greater elementine
11. Tidal force
3rd level
6th level
Banish elemental
Fireball (MU)
Fly (MU)
Gust of wind (MU)
Protection from fire (D)
Stone shape (D)
Summon elemental I
Water breathing (D)
4th level
1. Contact elemental spirit
2. Fire shield (MU)
3. Flash fire (reversible) (D)
4. Ice storm (MU)
5. Lower water (D)
6. Move earth, lesser (MU)
7. Summon elemental II
8. Summon elemental horror
9. Temperature control (D)
10. Wall of fire (MU)
11. Wall of ice (MU)
5th level
1. Atmosphere bubble (MU)
2. Command elemental I
3. Cone of cold (MU)
4. Contact other plane
5. Control winds (D)
6. Distort distance (MU)
7. Elemental plane protection
8. Flame strike (C)
9. Passwall (MU)
10. Summon elemental III
11. Transmute rock to mud (reversible) (MU)
12. Wall of stone (MU)
Command elemental II
Control weather (MU)
Freezing sphere (MU)
Move earth (MU)
Part water (MU)
Stone to flesh (reversible) (MU)
Summon aerial servant (C)
Summon greater elemental kin
7th level
8th level
9th level
Brimstone monolith
Elemental gate
Elemental portal, greater
Imprisonment (MU)
Meteor swarm (MU)
Pact of brass
There is a 2% chance per month that the bound spirit will escape.
Alternatively, when within 60' of the object, the caster may choose to
release the spirit at any time.
Prime Requisite:
Hit Dice:
Maximum Level:
Necromancers have the same weapon and armour restrictions as magicusers, and can use the same types of magic items, including those items
usable to characters of all classes. However necromancers are generally
only able to create magic items which have a connection to the undead
or to the forces of death (for example: a staff of withering, or the new
items in Appendix III). Necromancers can use scrolls containing spells on
their spell list, but not scrolls of other magic-user or illusionist spells.
The summoning and binding of the spirit takes the form of a two hour
ritual, and requires the use of a substance composed of 500gp worth of
rare oils and the ashes of six cremated humans.
Charm Undead
Level: 4
Duration: Special
Range: 120'
This spell functions in the same way as the magic-user spell charm
monster but only affects undead.
Necromancer Spells
Level: 2
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 90'
Bind Spirit
Level: 6
Duration: Special
Range: Touch
This spell causes a pair of spectral hands to clasp the throat of a single
target and to begin choking them. Each round of the spell the victim
suffers 1d4 damage and makes attack rolls at -2. The victim is allowed a
saving throw when the spell is cast, with success reducing the choking
damage by half (rounded up).
This spell allows the caster to summon a spirit from beyond the grave
and to bind it into an object. The object is thus imbued with the power
of one of the following necromantic spells: darkness globe, exterminate,
haunting, preserve dead, unseen servant, feign death, resist turning, seal
tomb. The object's power is permanent in duration (unless the imbued
spirit is released or dispelled, see below), and moves with the object.
Due to the ghostly nature of the choking hands, it is not possible for the
victim to wrench them away. However the spell is negated if the caster is
killed or knocked unconscious.
Command Dead
Level: 1
Duration: 1 turn
Range: 60'
Curse of Undeath
Level: 6
Duration: Permanent
Range: 30'
The reanimated dead are mindless and are fully under the caster's
control. They have 1d8 hit points, fight as monsters with HD equal to
those they had in life, and can be turned as zombies.
The exact form of undead which the victim becomes depends on the
victim's level or Hit Dice, and is determined by the Labyrinth Lord.
The caster cannot command the reanimated creatures to use any special
abilities (poison, breath weapons, magical abilities, etc.) or to make more
than one attack per round. When the duration expires the deceased fall
immediately back into the grip of death.
Death Geas
Level: 7
Duration: See below
Range: 30'
Similar to the cleric spell quest, this spell compels the target to
undertake a quest determined by the caster. The death geas functions
identically to the clerical spell, with the addition that if the victim dies
while performing the quest he will rise as undead and not rest until the
quest is fulfilled.
The type of undead the victim rises as depends on the victim's level or
Hit Dice, and should be determined by the Labyrinth Lord.
Death Recall
Level: 2
Duration: 1 turn
Range: Touch
Upon casting this spell and touching the body of a creature which has
died within the last 24 hours, the caster enters a trance state. While in
the trace the caster experiences a vision of the last 10 minutes of the
creature's life, ending with its death, at which point the caster wakes
from the trance. The vision is from the point of view of the target
creature, and overwhelms the caster's own senses for the duration.
Contact Spirit
Level: 6
Duration: See below
Range: Unlimited
Detach / Graft
Level: 4
Duration: See below
Range: Touch
This spell works similarly to speak with dead, but allows the caster to
communicate with the spirit of any deceased being whose name is
known. The duration, number of questions and maximum age of the
spirit depend on the caster's level, exactly the same as with speak with
Casting this spell and touching a body part causes it to detach from its
owner, who can then control the part as an independent entity. Thus
hands may crawl around, legs may hop, and even heads can be detached
and rolled. If the target is unwilling, a save versus spells is allowed to
resist the detachment.
The spirit communicates as a faint voice from beyond the grave, audible
to all characters within 30' of the location where the spell is cast.
Powerful spirits may be allowed a saving throw versus spells to resist
being contacted.
The detached body part can be controlled for up to 1 turn per level of
the caster, after which it must be retrieved and reattached to the body
(which happens automatically). If the body part is not reattached during
the spell's duration it dies.
Corpse Visage
Level: 2
Duration: 1 day per level
Range: Touch
Using the reversed version of the spell, graft, body parts lost in any way
may be replaced either by reattaching the missing part or by grafting on
replacement parts cut from another living or recently dead creature. It is
entirely possible to graft body parts from incongruous species together.
The graft is permanent, but the recipient (which may be the caster
himself) must make a transformative shock roll. If the roll fails the graft
does not take, and will wither and fall off in 1d6 weeks.
This spell allows the caster to take on the facial appearance and voice of
the corpse of someone recently dead (within one week).
The caster's face reflects the exact state of the corpse, and will decay as
it decays. Nonetheless the spell is often enough to achieve the desired
Detect Disease
Level: 1
Duration: Instant
Range: 30'
Ghoul Touch
Level: 2
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: Touch
This spell enables the caster to detect whether a single object or creature
carries a disease. Both normal and magical diseases can be detected,
and the caster has a 5% chance per level of detecting the exact type of
disease carried.
Detect Undead
Level: 1
Duration: 3 turns
Range: 60'
Guardian Spirit
Level: 5
Duration: 1 day per level
Range: 0
This spell enables the caster to detect the presence of any kind of
undead creatures within range. The spell does not indicate the precise
location or type of any undead detected, only their direction. It is blocked
by 1 foot of stone, 3 feet of earth or a thin layer of metal.
The caster summons a lost soul from the underworld and tasks it to
guard the location where this spell is cast. Once summoned, the spirit
lies dormant and invisible in the locale to be protected, but will manifest
in one of a number of ways when any living being enters the area.
Dying Words
Level: 1
Duration: See below
Range: 60'
Firstly, the caster may choose for the spirit to manifest as a wraith and to
attempt to fight off intruders. Secondly, the caster may wish the spirit to
manifest at his current location, warning of the intrusion. Lastly, the
caster may choose for the spirit to manifest as a chilling fog, having the
same effects as the fog cloud spell, but additionally causing 1hp of cold
damage per round.
All forms of manifestation of the guardian spirit will only happen once,
after which the spirit is released from its task.
The summoning and binding of the guardian spirit takes the form of a
two hour ritual, and requires the dust of sixteen humanoid skulls and a
black opal worth 250gp to be sprinkled throughout the area.
Level: 1
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 60'
Level: 1
Duration: Instant
Range: 15'
This spell instantly kills vermin creatures, including small rodents, insects
and spiders. If used against extremely small creatures (1 hit point or less),
all creatures in an area up to 1 cubic foot per level of the caster are
killed. Larger creatures (up to 6 hit points), including giant versions of
normal vermin, can also be targeted, but are allowed a saving throw
versus death. The caster is able to kill one such creature per level.
Inter (reversible)
Level: 4
Duration: Permanent
Range: 60'
Gaseous Form
Level: 5
Duration: Special
Range: 0
Inter causes one target within range to be pulled into the earth over the
course of 2d4 rounds. A save versus death is allowed to resist the spell,
and the interment may be prevented if the victim is aided by four or
more creatures of average STR. Otherwise the victim is dragged 10'
down with no way out.
The reversed spell, exhume, causes buried bodies within range to rise to
the surface of the earth. The caster may optionally choose which bodies
are exhumed, perhaps by reading names from gravestones. Corpses
buried deeper than 20' cannot be exhumed.
The spell lasts as long as the caster desires, however once he has left
gaseous form and returned to physicality the spell ends.
Knowledge of Life
Level: 6
Duration: Instant
Range: 60'
Lich Touch
Level: 6
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: Touch
The caster gains an instant insight into the history and personality of an
undead creature during its former mortal life. The objective answer to
one specific question may also be gained, though secrets known only to
the target cannot be divined. Very powerful undead such as vampires or
liches are allowed to make a saving throw to resist.
The caster's touch has the power to inflict 1d10 points of cold damage
and permanent paralysis. A saving throw versus paralysis is permitted to
avoid the latter effect, which can otherwise only be cured by magic.
Locate Remains
Level: 1
Duration: 1 turn, +1 turn per 2 levels
Range: 60'
This spell allows the caster to detect the location of the remains of any
dead creatures in range. This includes corporeal undead such as
skeletons, zombies and ghouls, although the caster cannot distinguish
them from normal corpses.
Alternatively, if the caster possesses a personal item or small body part
of a specific individual, then that individual's remains can be sought with
this spell. In this case the remains of other creatures are not detected.
Mummy Touch
Level: 4
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: Touch
This spell causes any creature touched by the caster to be afflicted with
the hideous curse of rotting which is transmitted by the touch of a
mummy. The victim cannot receive the benefit of magical healing, and
heals naturally at 1/10th of the normal rate. The curse can be cured
with the spell remove curse.
Organ Transference
Level: 6
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
This spell enables the transplantation of various bodily organs from one
being to another. The affected creatures must both be of the same
species and must both be alive. The organs to be transferred must be
physically cut from the bodies of the subjects and transplanted this
spell only causes the fusing of the new organs into place and the healing
of any wounding inflicted by the process.
Commonly transferred organs include the eyes and the heart, but any
organ except the brain may be transferred. Transplanting a healthy heart
can restore CON lost due to ageing, disease or magic.
The caster has the option of actually exchanging the organs of both
creatures, or of simply removing an organ from one and transferring it to
the other.
Organ Transference, Greater
Level: 8
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
This spell functions in the same way as the 6th level organ transference,
and additionally enables the transplantation of the brain from one being
to another, essentially causing a permanent body swap.
The reversed version of the spell, leech strength or fortitude, allows the
caster to attempt to steal the physical strength or constitution of other
beings. The target is allowed a saving throw versus paralysis, which, if
failed, results in the loss of 1 point of STR or CON per 3 levels of the
caster. The caster temporarily gains the leeched attribute points.
Pass Undead
Level: 1
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: Touch
88 91
With this spell, the necromancer has the ability to place a powerful curse
upon a single target within range.
92 94
The target is allowed a saving throw versus spells to resist the portent. If
the saving throw fails the victim will fall under a deathly curse invoking
the powers of Orcus, prince of the undead.
95 99
Once the curse is in place, the victim will be visited once per day of the
spell's duration by an undead assailant. The attackers will be of Hit Dice
equal to the victim's level, up to a maximum of 6HD (spectres). They will
appear out of nowhere within 60' of the victim, pronounce the victim's
doom, and proceed to attack. The time of their appearance each day
cannot be predicted.
Lose 1d4 hit points.
Lose one point of CON.
Lose one point of DEX.
Lose one point of STR.
Fingers, teeth or hair start rotting away or falling
out. CHA reduced by one.
A limb dies and drops off.
Lose one experience level.
Overcome with murderous lust.
Overwhelmed with sorrow.
Can no longer bear to eat starvation begins.
Can only gain sustenance through cannibalism
otherwise starvation begins.
Become semi-corporeal AC improves by 2 points,
but unable to manipulate fine objects.
Become fully incorporeal can only be harmed by
magical weapons, but cannot affect the physical
world in any way.
Become undead (the Labyrinth Lord decides which
Ray of Pain
Level: 2
Duration: Instant
Range: 15' per level
This spell creates a ray of shadowy energy which leaps from the caster's
hand towards the chosen target, who must make a saving throw versus
spells. If the save is successful the victim takes 1d4 hit points of damage.
If the save fails the victim suffers 1d6 points of damage plus one point
per level of the caster, and is affected by a wracking pain lasting until the
end of the next round. The pain causes a -1 penalty to attack rolls,
saving throws, Armour Class and ability checks.
Use of this spell extends the amount of time at which raise dead is
effective. It can also be used in conjunction with animate dead in the
creation of zombies corpses which are first preserved and then
animated gain one additional hit point per Hit Die.
This spell works in exactly the same way as the magic-user spell of the
same name, except it allows a necromancer to understand spells on the
necromancer spell list. Other spells can be recognised using read magic,
but cannot be understood by a necromancer.
The reverse of this spell, rot, causes an equal number of corpses to rot
completely away in the course of a turn. Only skeletons remain.
Raise Dead, Lesser
Level: 4
Duration: See below
Range: 120'
Level: 4
Duration: Instant
Range: 60'
This spell works similarly to the cleric spell raise dead, enabling the
necromancer to bring the dead back to life. The only difference is that
this spell does not have the power to permanently resurrect. The raised
creature suffers the two week period of weakness, as described in raise
dead, and may then act as normal for one day per level of the caster.
Once this grace period has passed, the creature must roll each day on
the following table, with a cumulative +3% modifier per day.
Reinstate Spirit
Level: 9
Duration: Permanent
Range: Unlimited
The reversed version, open tomb, causes a crypt door or coffer lid to
open, bypassing any warding magic placed upon it. Spells such as seal
tomb and arcane lock are simply dispelled, while other warding spells are
bypassed for 1 turn. Spells of 5th level or above are unaffected.
This spell allows the caster to summon the spirit of a deceased being
whose name is known and to cause it to be reinstated into a corpse
which is in the caster's presence. The maximum age of spirit which can
be reinstated is dependant on the caster's level, as with speak with dead.
Skeletal Army
Level: 8
Duration: 1 hour per level
Range: 120'
The reinstated spirit retains its personality and all knowledge of its life
(and beyond). Once reinstated it becomes an undead creature equivalent
to a wight.
The casting of this spell to revive the spirits of the long-dead can be
extremely taxing on the caster's sanity. When reinstating a spirit which
has been deceased for 70 years or more, the caster must make a saving
throw versus spells or permanently lose one point of WIS. For spirits of
140 years or older the save at a -2 penalty, and for those of 1,000 years
or older a -4 penalty applies.
Resist Turning
Level: 2
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Range: 15' radius
Skull Sight
Level: 3
Duration: 1 turn
Range: Unlimited
This spell protects undead creatures in the area of effect from being
turned by a cleric or by the reversed form of command undead. The
spell is effective against a single turning attempt made within the
duration. When a turning attempt is made, the Labyrinth Lord should
roll 1d20, adjusted by the difference between the caster's level and the
level of the turning character. If the result of the roll is 10 or greater the
turning attempt is nullified.
This spell allows the caster to see through the eye sockets of a skull
which he has specially prepared by anointing it with a mixture made
from rare herbs (costing 500gp) and the eyeball of an undead creature.
If the caster has anointed several skulls for use with this spell, he can
freely switch between them within the spell's duration.
Skull Speech
Level: 3
Duration: 1 turn
Range: Unlimited
Sacrificial Resurrection
Level: 6
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
This spell allows the caster to hear and speak through a skull which he
has specially prepared by anointing it with a mixture made from rare
herbs (costing 500gp) and the tongue of an undead creature. It is not
possible to cast spells through the enchanted skull. The range of the
skull's hearing is 20'.
If the caster has anointed several skulls for use with this spell, he can
freely switch between them within the spell's duration.
Shadow Touch
Level: 1
Duration: 3 rounds, +1 round per level
Range: Touch
The caster's hands are enveloped with a blue glow which can be used to
damage the life energy of any living creature touched causing 1d4 hit
points damage and the loss of one point of STR. The touched creature is
allowed a saving throw versus spells to avoid the effects of the chill
touch. Creatures who do not have a rated STR score instead suffer a -1
penalty to attacks each time they are touched. Lost points of strength
are recovered at a rate of one per hour.
This spell places a magical seal upon a single crypt door within range,
causing it to close and become magically locked in the same manner as
the magic-user spell hold portal. The caster himself can pass through the
door unhindered, and can optionally grant access to undead. The spell
may also be used to seal closed a single sarcophagus or coffin lid. The
seal lasts for one year.
Spectral Hand
Level: 2
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Range: 100', +10' per level
A ghostly glowing hand appears within
the spell's range which the caster can
direct as willed. While the hand exists it
can be used to deliver any touch spell of
4th level or lower which the necromancer
casts, granting a +2 attack bonus.
Controlling the hand requires the caster's
full concentration. If he performs any
other actions during the spell's duration,
the hand returns and hovers close by.
The hand is formed of the caster's life
force, thus is vulnerable to attack. It can
only be harmed by magical weapons or
spells, and has an Armour Class of -2. If
the hand is damaged it disappears and the
caster suffers 1d4 hit points of damage.
Steal Life Force
Level: 9
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
Summon Swarm
Level: 2
Duration: Special
Range: 100'
This spell ages the target and rejuvenates the caster. It is used by some
evil necromancers to indefinitely extend their lifespan by stealing the
lives of victims. If the target fails a saving throw versus death, he is aged
1d10 years, and the caster is rejuvenated the same number of years.
If the target is aged beyond his natural lifespan, he dies. The caster
cannot rejuvenate himself to younger than 20 years old.
Each time this spell is used there is a 1 in 10 chance that the caster will
permanently lose one point of CON. When the number of CON points
lost equals the caster's original CON ability score, the caster enters an
undead state.
The swarm can only be damaged by fire or other area effects, and it
disperses after taking 2 points of damage per level of the caster. It lasts
until destroyed or as long as the caster maintains complete
concentration. If the caster's concentration lapses, the swarm disperses
after two rounds.
Summon Undead I
Level: 3
Duration: 2 rounds, +1 round per level
Range: 30'
This spell is identical to the magic-user spell of the same name, but can
only be used by necromancers to summon servitors of the demon lord
Orcus, prince of the undead.
This spell works in the same way as the magic-user summon monster I,
but can only summon undead creatures of 1HD (skeletons). 2d4
summoned creatures arrive at the specified location in 1d4 rounds.
Summon Undead II
Level: 4
Duration: 3 rounds, +1 round per level
Range: 40'
This spell works in basically the same way as the magic-user spell, with
several differences. The same types of creatures may respond to the
spell, but in the case of a necromancer they are often reanimated
corpses an undead cat or raven, for example. Necromancers casting
this spell may also summon creatures such as an unusually large spider
or centipede.
This spell works in the same way as the magic-user summon monster II,
but can only summon undead creatures of 2HD (ghouls or zombies
determined at random). 1d6 summoned creatures arrive at the specified
location in 1d4 rounds.
Symbol (Necromancer)
Level: 8
Duration: See below
Range: Touch
This spell works in the same way as the magic-user summon monster III,
but can only summon undead creatures of 3HD (wights, leprotic dead
see Appendix II). 1d4 summoned creatures arrive at the specified
location in 1d4 rounds.
Summon Undead IV
Level: 6
Duration: 5 rounds, +1 round per level
Range: 60'
This spell works in the same way as the magic-user summon monster IV,
but can only summon undead creatures of 4HD (ghasts or wraiths
determined at random). 1d3 summoned creatures arrive at the specified
location in 1d3 rounds.
Summon Undead V
Level: 7
Duration: 6 rounds, +1 round per level
Range: 70'
This spell works in the same way as the magic-user summon monster V,
but can only summon undead creatures of 5HD (mummies). 1d2
summoned creatures arrive at the specified location in 1d2 rounds.
Unhallow (reversible)
Level: 3
Duration: Permanent
Range: 60'
Summon Undead VI
Level: 8
Duration: 7 rounds, +1 round per level
Range: 80'
This spell disrupts any magical wards in the affected area which protect
against the entry or creation of undead. Affected warding spells are
permanently dispelled.
This spell works in the same way as the magic-user summon monster VI,
but can only summon undead creatures of 6HD (spectres). 1d2
summoned creatures arrive at the specified location in 1d3 rounds.
Valour in Death
Level: 3
Duration: Special
Range: Touch
This spell works like the magic-user summon monster VII, but can only
summon undead creatures of 7HD or 8HD (vampires). 1d2 7HD
monsters arrive in 1 round, or one 8HD monster arrives in 2 rounds.
This spell causes a character killed in combat to rise again and continue
fighting. It can only be cast while a battle is in progress, and the target
must be recently deceased within one turn at most..
Swarm Transformation
Level: 4
Duration: Special
Range: 0
The raised character will use whatever abilities he or she deems most
helpful in the situation, and may cast spells or use magic items as
normal, if such are available for use. The character is also immune to all
fear effects, and possesses an eerie strength, granting +1 to melee
attacks and damage.
The spell lasts either until fighting stops or the affected character reaches
-20 hit points. At this point the character drops to the ground, truly
dead. Characters reanimated by this spell suffer a -10% adjustment to
their chance of surviving subsequent resurrection attempts.
Vampiric Enslavement
Level: 3
Duration: One month
Range: Touch
Zone of Weakness
Level: 7
Duration: Permanent
Range: 60'
Wall of Gloom
Level: 5
Duration: See below
Range: 60'
This spell enchants the area where it is cast, causing all living creatures
inside to be affected by a crippling weakness. A saving throw versus
spells is allowed to resist the effect, but failure means the character's STR
is reduced by 5 points while in the zone. Creatures without a rated STR
score suffer -2 to attacks and damage.
1st level
1. Cause light wounds (C)
2. Command dead
3. Command undead
4. Darkness globe (MU)
5. Detect disease
6. Detect undead
7. Dying words
8. Exterminate
9. Haunting
10. Locate remains
11. Pass undead
12. Preserve dead (reversible)
13. Ray of enfeeblement (MU)
14. Read magic
15. Scare (MU)
16. Shadow touch
17. Skeletal servitor
18. Summon familiar
19. Unseen servant (MU)
2nd level
1. Choke
2. Corpse visage
3. Death recall
4. Detect magic (MU)
5. Feign death (MU)
6. Ghoul touch
7. Lend strength or fortitude
8. Ray of pain
9. Resist turning
10. Seal tomb (reversible)
11. Speak with dead (C)
12. Spectral hand
13. Summon swarm
14. Zombie servitor
3rd level
6th level
4th level
1. Bestow curse (MU reverse of remove
2. Cause serious wounds (C)
3. Charm undead
4. Detach / graft
5. Inter
6. Mummy touch
7. Raise dead, lesser
8. Reassemble
9. Summon undead II
10. Swarm transformation
5th level
1. Cause critical wounds (C)
2. Death spell (MU)
3. Gaseous form
4. Guardian spirit
5. Magic jar (MU)
6. Portent of doom
7. Summon shadow (I)
8. Summon undead III
9. Wall of gloom
10. Zone of creeping terror
1. Bind spirit
2. Contact spirit
3. Curse of undeath
4. Harm (C reverse of heal)
5. Knowledge of life
6. Lich touch
7. Organ transference
8. Sacrificial resurrection
9. Spiritwrath (MU)
10. Summon undead IV
7th level
Death geas
Destruction (C reverse of resurrection)
Drain energy (C reverse of restoration)
Necrosis (C reverse of regenerate)
Summon demon
Summon undead V
Undead regeneration
Zone of weakness
8th level
Clone (MU)
Organ transference, greater
Power word blind (MU)
Skeletal army
Summon undead VI
Trap the soul (MU)
9th level
Prime Requisite:
Hit Dice:
Maximum Level:
Vivimancers have the same weapon and armour restrictions as magicusers, and can use the same types of magic items, including those items
usable to characters of all classes. However vivimancers are generally
only able to create magic items which have a connection to the forces of
life, nature and transformation (for example: a staff of the serpent, a
wand of polymorphing, a cloak of arachnida, and so on). Vivimancers
can use scrolls containing spells on their spell list, but not scrolls of other
magic-user or illusionist spells.
This spell enhances the metabolic rate of the recipient. The target's
increased metabolism enables the quick flushing of toxins from the
system, granting a +4 bonus against poison saves, and a new saving
throw against any existing poisons (including the +4 bonus).
Vivimancer Spells
Artificial Intelligence
Level: 9
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
Accelerated Healing
Level: 2
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: Touch
This spell enhances the natural healing process of the recipient's body,
granting the ability to heal physical damage at a rate of 1 hit point per
Creatures without a natural capacity for self-healing (undead or
constructs, for example) gain no benefit from this spell.
Mind Characteristics
Insane (harmless)
Insane (subtly psychotic)
Unfathomable and alien
Obsessed with a certain goal
Impressionable picks up personality traits of those
whom it first encounters
Capable of learning to cast spells
Claims to be a reincarnation
1011 Has an innate detection power (roll on the table for
sapient swords, LL p.122)
1213 Has an innate spell-like power (roll on the table for
sapient swords, LL p.122)
Completely empty can learn, but has no pre-formed
knowledge or personality
Expert in an obscure field
Driven and manipulative
Replica of the caster's mind
Roll twice*
Roll three times*
Blubbery (AC 6)
Fungoid (AC 7)
Furry (AC 6)
Insectoid (AC 5)
Mossy (AC 8)
Ooze-like (AC 5)
Ribbed (AC 3)
Scaly (AC 2)
Segmented (AC 6)
Serpentine (AC 4)
Transparent (AC 7)
Worm-like (AC 7)
Level: 3
Duration: Instant
Range: Touch
Chimera, appendages
Two claws which can attack for 1d6 damage.
Many legs 120' / 40' movement rate.
Wings can fly.
Tentacles 1d6 tentacles which can each attack for 1d3
Suckers or grippers can climb walls.
Springing can make a jumping attack up to 30' distant,
gaining +2 to hit.
In the round this spell is cast, a formless, throbbing blob of flesh appears
at the chosen location within range. Over the course of the next two
rounds the blob grows and mutates, rapidly forming into a bizarre hybrid
creature which will do the caster's bidding. The creature is genetically
unstable, and will dissolve into a pool of protoplasm when the spell's
duration expires.
Chimera II
Level: 6
Duration: 2 rounds, +1 round per level
Range: 30'
The mutant creature has 2d4 HD and a movement rate of 90' / 30'. Its
form, armour class and abilities are determined by rolling a d12, d10, d8
and d6, and consulting the following tables. The Labyrinth Lord and
player are free to add any further descriptive details desired.
This spell works in a similar manner to the 4th level chimera I, creating
a blob of tissue from which mutant life will emerge. This enhanced
version may either be used to create a single monster with 2d4 + 4 HD,
or two identical 2d4 HD creatures.
Chimera III
Level: 8
Duration: 2 rounds, +1 round per level
Range: 30'
Divide Mind
Level: 5
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: Touch
This spell works in a similar manner to the 4th level chimera I, creating
a blob of tissue from which mutant life will emerge. This enhanced
version may either be used to create a single monster with 2d4 + 6 HD,
or three identical 2d4 HD creatures.
Detect Poison
Level: 1
Duration: Instant
Range: 30'
The caster can also attempt to control the target's body, overriding the
mastery of its own mind. Each round the caster has a base 50% chance
of being able to control the target's body, modified by 5% per point of
difference in INT scores. It is only possible to control the target's body in
this manner the caster has no access to the target's mind, and it is thus
not possible, for example, to force the target to reveal information or to
cast spells.
This spell enables the caster to detect whether a single object or creature
is venomous. The presence of natural, artificial and magical poisons can
all be detected, and the caster has a 5% chance per level of detecting the
exact type of poison present.
If the target dies during the spell's duration, the caster must make a save
versus death or fall unconscious for 1d6 turns.
Devolution (reversible)
Level: 5
Duration: Permanent
Range: 60'
If the caster's own body is killed while his mind is divided, he must make
a saving throw versus spells. Failure indicates that the mind fragment
imbued in the target also dies. If the save succeeds, the caster's mind
takes refuge in the target, and continues to exist beyond the normal
duration of this spell. In this case the caster's mind may be retrieved
from the target's body by spells such as magic jar or limited wish, and
will automatically return to the caster's real body if he is raised from the
Level: 2
Duration: Special
Range: 120'
When the spell comes to an end one of the two bodies (chosen at
random) weakens and dies. The hit points possessed by the dead body
are not regained, and must be regenerated by natural or magical means.
The target gains a saving throw against the effects of the spell when it is
cast, and then at intervals depending on its INT, the same as with charm
Edibility (reversible)
Level: 1
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
Level: 9
Duration: Instant
Range: 240'
Magical creatures and those with greater than 8HD are not affected.
Egg of Life
Level: 7
Duration: Permanent
Range: 5' per level
Extraordinary Regeneration
Level: 9
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 0
Through this spell, a vivimancer wields the power to create life. A single
egg (from any bird or reptile) is required, which must be cracked open
upon casting the spell. The contents of the egg must be allowed to fall
onto the ground, where they cause a chain reaction of magical growth to
occur. Over the course of the following turn a panoply of life springs into
existence within the area of effect, creating a full habitat complete with
plants, insects and small animals. The type of habitat created (forest,
jungle, marsh, grasslands, etc.) can be chosen by the caster.
This spell grants the caster immunity to all physical damage, poison and
disease for the duration.
While the spell lasts the caster can only be harmed by spells or magical
weapons. All other damage is regenerated at a startling rate wounds
heal over instantly, severed limbs regrow, and so on.
Flesh Blast
Level: 6
Duration: Up to 6 rounds
Range: 60'
Note that geological conditions such as soil or water sources are not
created or modified by this spell. Thus, while the plants and animals
conjured will theoretically live to their natural lifespan, they may perish
more rapidly if created in an otherwise hostile environment.
The living tissue of a single target within range is caused to swell, bulge
and pulsate. This process causes the target 2d4 hit points' damage per
round, and is accompanied by agonising pain, preventing the target from
performing any actions, including movement.
Explosive Growth
Level: 8
Duration: See below
Range: 120'
Unarmed Damage
The target may make a saving throw versus polymorph to resist the
spell's effects. If the save succeeds, the target avoids the eventual
explosion of its body, and is able to resist the pain of the swelling
process and is able to act during the initial period. However even on a
successful save, the target still suffers damage from the process.
Creatures of greater than 8HD, or those of a magical nature, cannot be
targeted by this spell.
Fungal Growth
Level: 2
Duration: Permanent
Range: 60'
The maximum size is maintained after the 7th round for one additional
round per level of the caster above 15. Subsequently the target will
return to its normal size, shrinking one step on the size scale per round.
Clothes or armour worn by the affected creature are destroyed in the first
round, and, if it is in a confined space, the creature's body will either
break out of the confinement or be crushed to a pulp.
The target is allowed a saving throw versus polymorph to avoid the
Level: 9
Duration: Permanent
Range: 30'
Level: 6
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
This spell has two distinct uses, which the caster may choose between at
the time of casting.
The spell must be cast twice firstly on the male, and again (within one
week) on the female. In both cases the spell takes the form of an hourlong ritual, during which the target must be within touch range of the
caster. The ritual requires the use of rare herbs and ointments costing
500gp per casting.
Life Cycle
Level: 6
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
This spell puts a single mammalian creature into a deep sleep wherein
its metabolism is reduced to the barest minimum. The target can survive
in this way without food or water for up to 6 months. The caster may
cast this spell on himself.
This spell causes the advancement of a single target's life cycle. Two
effects are possible.
Firstly, for creatures which have a series of one or more distinct life
phases, the creature may be advanced immediately to the next phase.
So, for example, an egg may be caused to hatch, a caterpillar to pupate,
or foetus to be born.
During its hibernation the creature can be awakened by force, and will
awaken automatically if it is harmed in any way.
Alternatively the caster's touch may cause the target to age 1d6 years.
Hive Mind
Level: 4
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: Unlimited
Hive Sight
Level: 4
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: Unlimited
This spell enables the caster to see through the eyes of any creatures
who are currently bound to him under the effects of the drone spell.
Immunity to Disease
Level: 4
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: Touch
The spell's recipient gains complete immunity to all forms of disease for
the duration.
Mass Mutation
Level: 9
Duration: Permanent
Range: 60'
Immunity to Poison
Level: 5
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: Touch
This spell functions in exactly the same manner as the 7th level spell
mutate, except that it affects all creatures within range, including the
The spell's recipient gains complete immunity to all forms of poison for
the duration.
Suggestion: The presence of the parasite gives the caster great influence
over the target, allowing him to make a suggestion (as per the 3rd level
magic-user spell) to the target once per day.
Level: 7
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
Plant Metabolism
Level: 4
Duration: 1 day per level
Range: Touch
Plant Symbiosis
Level: 4
Duration: 1 day per level
Range: Touch
The target of this spell develops some form of natural weapon, such as
clawed hands or a vicious bite, for the duration. The character is thus
able to make unarmed attacks which can inflict 1d6 damage.
The caster is able to meld his physical body with nearby plants. While in
this symbiotic state, the caster can survive without food or water, being
nourished purely by the root systems of the host plants. At the caster's
option he may meld his body completely so that it disappears inside the
plants, may leave sensory organs exposed so that he can still see or hear
while in symbiosis, or may choose to leave larger portions of his body
outside of the host.
Parasitic Implantation
Level: 7
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
The caster can choose to end the symbiosis at any time during the spell's
Level: 2
Duration: Permanent
Range: 30'
With a subtle touch the caster infects the subject with a magical parasite,
which will grow inside its host, causing one of a variety of effects. The
subject is allowed to make a save versus poison to resist the implantation
of the parasite, however if the save fails the parasite will take hold and
begin to grow. For the first 1d6 days after the subject is infected, no
noticeable effects occur. However once this initial period has passed, the
parasite begins to cause one of the following effects, chosen by the
caster at the time of casting.
With this spell the caster can alter the nature and dietary preferences of
a single living creature. The targeted creature is allowed a saving throw
versus polymorph to resist the effect.
A carnivorous creature targeted by this spell will lose any natural
weapons such as teeth and claws, and become docile in nature, only
using violence to defend itself. Males may grow horns which can be used
to inflict 1d6 damage.
Spying: The parasite sends its subject's sensory experiences to the caster
telepathically, enabling the caster to spy on every moment of the
subject's life.
A herbivore, on the other hand, will develop the ripping teeth and claws
of a meat eater, capable of inflicting 1d6 damage, and take on an
aggressive predatory nature.
Death: The subject must make a saving throw versus death once every
24 hours or meet his doom.
This spell works in exactly the same way as the magic-user spell of the
same name, except it allows a vivimancer to understand spells on the
vivimancer spell list. Other spells can be recognised using read magic,
but cannot be understood by a vivimancer.
Reptilian Metabolism
Level: 1
Duration: 3 days, +1 day per level
Range: Touch
Level: 5
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 0
While under the effects of this spell the caster regenerates 1 hit point of
damage per round. Even if reduced to 0 hit points or less, while the
spell's duration lasts the caster will continue to regenerate damage, and
may return to life.
Additionally, the caster can reattach severed body parts by simply
holding them together.
Revert Shapechange
Level: 3
Duration: Instant
Range: 60'
Regeneration, Greater
Level: 7
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 0
This spell functions in the same way as the 5th level regeneration,
except that the caster regenerates at the faster rate of 3 hit points of
damage per round.
Regenerative Pupation
Level: 8
Duration: Permanent
Range: 0
Skin Transformation
Level: 1
Duration: 6 turns
Range: Touch
The target's skin undergoes a rapid mutation and gains one of the
following features, chosen as the spell is cast:
Camouflage: The target's skin gains the ability to change colour to match
its surroundings. The camouflage takes several rounds to adapt to a new
situation, and is only effective for areas of the target's skin which are
exposed (i.e. not covered with armour or clothing). If a sufficient area of
skin is exposed, a silent and immobile camouflaged creature has a 5 in 6
chance of remaining unnoticed.
Protection: The target's skin becomes hard and scaly, granting a natural
armour class of 5 (modified by DEX). Characters already wearing chain
mail or better armour gain a +1 AC bonus from the extra protection
granted by their scaly skin.
Replicate Lifeform
Level: 7
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
Spines: A mass of sharp spines or thorns emerge from the target's skin.
The spines will rip through the target's clothing, but if the target is
wearing armour they will be unable to emerge, and thus ineffective. Any
creature using natural weapons, or a very short weapon such as a
dagger, suffers the risk of being stabbed by the spines when attacking the
target. The spine-covered target may, in this situation, make an attack
roll in return. If successful, the attacker suffers 1d6 damage from the
Cast upon a small piece of matter taken from a living creature, this spell
causes a new creature of the same species to grow instantly from the
genetic seed. Typically pieces of fur, teeth or bones are used, but the
spell will take effect on any part of a creature. The newly grown creature
is a typical example of the species from which the piece of source
material was taken it is not an exact recreation of the original, making
Spore Blast
Level: 4
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 240'
This spell conjures a cluster of fungal spores anywhere in range. The
spores can be triggered to explode at any time in the spell's duration
from the second round onwards (and will explode automatically once the
duration ends), causing 1d6 damage to any creatures within 20'.
Creatures in the blast radius must also make a saving throw versus
poison or die from choking in 6 rounds.
Spore Cloud
Level: 1
Duration: 2d6 rounds
Range: 60'
A cloud of sickly yellow mould spores erupts from a point within range,
filling a 10' radius volume. All creatures in the affected area must make a
saving throw versus poison or be overcome with coughing and choking,
unable to attack, speak or perform any action more complex than
staggering or crawling at half movement. Upon emerging from the cloud,
or once the spell's duration ends and the spore cloud dissipates, affected
creatures regain the ability to act after 1d4 rounds.
Staunch Blood Flow (reversible)
Level: 2
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: Touch
This spell causes the recipient's blood to flow less rapidly, making the
effects of wounds less severe. The spell can instantly cure 1d4 hit points
of damage from existing wounds, and while the duration lasts any
further wounds inflicted on the target by piercing or cutting attacks are
reduced in severity by one hit point.
The reverse of this spell bleeding wounds, causes the recipient's blood to
flow more freely. This results in an instant loss of 1d4 hit points from
any existing wounds, and increases the damage of further wounds by
one point while the duration lasts.
Deadly nightshade
Blue mould
Yellow mould
Fly agaric
This dangerous spell forces all living creatures within range, including
the caster and allies, to make a saving throw versus death or die
Sensitivity to vibrations in the air up to 60'
+2 to saves versus plant-based poisons
Immunity to the negative effects of fungal
or mould spores
Cast spore cloud once per day, centred on
self (caster is immune)
-1 reaction adjustment to fey creatures
Cast a lesser version of insect swarm once
per day the swarm inflicts only 1 hp
damage per round
The caster also gains an additional 2d4 hit points due to the presence of
the familiar, as described in summon familiar.
Symbiotic Familiar
Level: 2
Duration: Permanent
Range: 0
The degree to which the presence of the symbiotic familiar alters the
caster's appearance is left to the imagination of the player and Labyrinth
Transfer Pregnancy
Level: 5
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
This sinister spell effects the transference of an unborn child from its
mother to the womb of another female. Females of any species can be
affected, and both the original and the receiving mother must be present
as the vivimancer casts the spell.
The caster can use this spell to create a variety of poisonous substances
similar to those employed by venomous snakes and spiders. The spell
has two different uses, chosen between as it is cast.
Alternatively the caster can use this spell to emit a poisonous spray
targeting up to one creature per three levels within a 45 degree arc, and
to a maximum range of 30'. The targeted creatures must save versus
poison or suffer 2d6 damage.
Transformative Pupation
Level: 6
Duration: Permanent
Range: 0
Venomous Blood
Level: 5
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 0
By means of this spell the caster can permanently alter his physical form
to that of any humanoid race of approximately equal size.
The spell takes the form of a 3 hour ritual, and requires the possession
of a large quantity of magical silk, such as that produced by certain
species of monstrous giant spiders. Throughout the ritual the caster
becomes slowly entwined within the silken threads, and finally enters a
pupa-like state, where he will remain for 1d6 weeks. While in the pupa
the caster is unconscious and vulnerable to attack anyone wishing to
do so can easily cut the pupa open, killing the semi-transformed wizard.
When the pupation period is over the caster emerges in the new form.
The exact appearance can be chosen, including sex, height, weight; eye,
skin and hair colour and facial appearance. It is even possible for the
caster to accurately mimic the appearance of another, although very
close scrutiny has a 10% chance of revealing some slight difference.
A single target which the caster touches is infected with a magical virus
having one of several possible effects, chosen by the caster (see below).
The target is allowed a saving throw versus spells to resist. If the save
fails, the target is subject to the chosen effect. The target also becomes a
carrier of the magical virus and can spread it to any other beings which it
comes into physical contact with (including engaging in combat), who
must then in turn also make a saving throw or become a carrier. Thus
the virus is able to spread rapidly if enough potential targets are present.
It is also possible for the caster to modify his ability scores during a
pupation. He may choose to redistribute the sum of his physical
attributes (STR, DEX, CON) amongst themselves in any way he desires.
He may also choose to subtract points from his mental attributes (INT,
WIS, CHA) in order to increase his physical attributes, but not the other
way around. In any event, it is not possible to increase an attribute to
greater than 16 using this spell.
Vats of Creation
Level: 7
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
Confusion: The subjects are affected as per the 4th level magic-user
Transformation: The subjects are affected by a short-lived polymorph,
transforming into a creature of up to 4 HD chosen by the caster.
With the use of this spell and a special laboratory, the caster is able to
create any lifeform which he can dream up. The process takes 2d4
weeks, during which the new lifeform grows in a vat of liquid. Creatures
of animal or plant intelligence of up to one HD per caster level can be
grown with ease. The creation of creatures of greater intelligence may
also be attempted, but the procedure is somewhat elusive, having only a
5% chance of success per level of the caster above 12th. The results of
failed attempts to create intelligent lifeforms are left to the Labyrinth
Lord's imagination.
Vitality Surge
Level: 1
Duration: See below
Range: Touch
The subject gains an extra Hit Die for the spell's duration, rolling to
determine how many additional hit points are gained. If the subject is
harmed, the damage is first subtracted from these additional hit points.
The additional hit points remain until they have all been lost due to
damage, or until 6 turns have passed.
In general the caster can choose the exact appearance of the created
lifeform, though attempts to exactly replicate an existing individual are
90% likely to fail.
Level: 7
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
Yeast Growth
Level: 1
Duration: Instant
Range: 30'
This spell causes the radically accelerated and greatly augmented growth
of all naturally occurring yeast organisms within range. As yeast exists
virtually everywhere, the result is that all creatures, objects and surfaces
in range are rapidly engulfed in a slimy mass of frothing yeast. The yeast
itself is normal and harmless, and can be wiped off with some effort.
However all affected creatures suffer a 2 in 6 chance per round of
slipping over, and a -1 penalty to attacks until they are free of the yeast.
This spell can also be used to accelerate a process of yeast fermentation,
such as that used in beer brewing or bread making. Such processes can
be completed instantaneously with an application of this spell.
If creatures of greater than animal intelligence are melded with the spell,
the resulting monstrosity has a 90% chance of being utterly insane.
1st level
1. Detect poison
2. Edibility (reversible)
3. Entangle (D)
4. Jump (MU)
5. Natural weaponry
6. Read magic
7. Reptilian metabolism
8. Skin transformation
9. Sleep (MU)
10. Speak with animals (D)
11. Spider climb (MU)
12. Spore cloud
13. Summon familiar (MU)
14. Vitality surge
15. Yeast growth
2nd level
1. Accelerated healing
2. Accelerated immune system
3. Accelerated metabolism
4. Detect magic (MU)
5. Drone
6. Fungal growth
7. Infravision (MU)
8. Life energy protection
9. Polyvorousness
10. Staunch blood flow
11. Symbiotic familiar
12. Venom
13. Water breathing (MU)
14. Warp wood (D)
15. Web (MU)
3rd level
6th level
1. Cannibalize
2. Divide body
3. Feign death (MU)
4. Fly (MU)
5. Hibernate
6. Hold animal (D)
7. Insect swarm (D)
8. Natural weaponry, improved
9. Neutralize poison (D)
10. Plant growth (D)
11. Repel vermin (D)
12. Revert shapechange
4th level
1. Chimera I
2. Hive mind
3. Hive sight
4. Hold vegetation and fungus (D)
5. Immunity to disease
6. Plant metabolism
7. Plant symbiosis
8. Polymorph others (MU)
9. Polymorph self (MU)
10. Speak with plants (D)
11. Spore blast
12. Swarm transformation (Necromancer,
5th level
1. Animal growth (D)
2. Anti-plant shell (D)
3. Devolution
4. Divide mind
5. Immunity to poison
6. Insect plague (D)
7. Regeneration
8. Transfer pregnancy
9. Venomous blood
10. Wall of thorns (D)
7th level
Egg of life
Parasitic implantation
Regeneration, greater
Replicate lifeform
Vats of creation
8th level
Chimera III
Clone (MU)
Explosive growth
Mass devolution
Regenerative pupation
Shape change (MU)
Survival of the fittest
9th level
Artificial intelligence
Creeping doom (D)
Extraordinary regeneration
Mass mutation
Temporal stasis (MU)
Fey Elves
Fey Elf
As natives of this other world, fey elves differ somewhat from the typical
Labyrinth Lord elf. Physically they are tall, thin and ephemeral, and
always have one or more unusual features that mark them as obviously
non-human, such as: pointed ears, silver or violet hair, cat-like eyes,
sharp pointed teeth, extra fingers, etc. They are of very diverse
The elf class in the core Labyrinth Lord rules functions essentially as a
multi-classed fighter/magic-user. They can use any weapons and armour
exactly as a fighter, and can learn and cast spells exactly as a magic-user.
This type of elf is now a classic trope of fantasy role-playing.
Some Labyrinth Lords may, however, desire something a bit different.
Presented in this chapter are some ideas for adding a bit of fairy tale
magic to elves, to give them a different flavour and different spell-casting
abilities than that of the standard magic-user.
In common with all creatures of the fey dimension, fey elves have a
fickle, whimsical and somewhat mischievous nature. They enjoy music
and song, as well as fine food and drink but all their pleasures have a
strange otherworldly quality, which other races can find both intoxicating
and eerie.
Fey elves are typically Neutral in alignment, having goals and morals
which are somewhat unfathomable to mortal races, and which often
transcend human concepts of good and evil.
Fey elf adventurers may use as a basis either the elf class as presented in
Labyrinth Lord or the elf race from the Advanced Edition Companion.
The following modifications apply:
Inside the fey dimension time flows in a manner which has little in
common with its behaviour in the everyday world, having more in
common with the nature of dreams. After what seems like a short
sojourn into the other world, people may return to find that in fact years
have passed. The opposite is also possible. This is the classic stuff of
fairy tales.
The nature of the fey dimension, and what role it plays in a campaign, is
left for each Labyrinth Lord to determine. It could exist simply as a
conceptual background for fey elf characters, or it could take a larger
role, with adventures and intrigues spanning the two worlds.
Additionally, while they are innately magical, fey elves lack the wizardly
training required to use scrolls.
Fey spell-casters' known spells are determined randomly from their spell
list. This determination can be made in two ways, as the Labyrinth Lord
Players who are using the additional rules in the Advanced Edition
Companion may use the elf race.
Apart from the differences in known languages, and their ability to
identify portals to the fey dimension (as described above), fey elves
function in the same way as the standard elf race. They are able to
choose any of the standard classes available to elves, with the normal
restrictions on level advancement. They may however additionally
choose the sorcerer class a new class, described below, which is only
available to members of the fey race.
Prime Requisite:
Hit Dice:
Maximum Level:
This class is for use with the fey elf race, as described above.
The sorcerer class is a distinct type of spell-caster, whose spells focus on
magic of nature and trickery. Their magic is innate, rather than learned
by arduous study or granted by a deity, and thus usually only fey races
are allowed to take this class.
Sorcerers cast spells in a unique manner, as described in the following
section on fey spell-casting. They have a special spell progression table
and spell list, also detailed below.
Although they do not study magic, sorcerers have an intuitive mastery of
arcane forces and are able to use all magic items available to magicusers, with the exception of scrolls.
Due to the innate nature of a sorcerer's magic, his spells are not
hampered by armour, and do not require any gestures or words, being
manifested with a mere twinkling of the eye. Members of this class are
able to wear studded leather armour or lesser, and can use the following
weapons: club, light crossbow, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, shortbow, sling,
short sword.
They have the same saving throw, to hit and experience advancement as
Fey Spell-Casting
Characters of the fey elf or sorcerer classes cast spells according to the
spell progression chart shown below, and gain spells from their own
special spell list which focuses on magic of nature and trickery. This list
contains spells in common with druids, illusionists and magic-users, with
the addition of a few new spells, unique to fey, which are described in
this chapter.
Their manner of spell casting also differs from that of other spell-using
classes. The spell progression chart represents both the number of spells
a fey elf can cast per day, and also the number of spells he or she
knows. For example, a 1st level fey spell-caster knows two 1st level
spells, which can be cast once per day each.
As fey elves are naturally magical they do not need to pray or study
books to be able to use their spells. Fey spell-casters regain their spells
automatically after a night's rest. Upon gaining an experience level, fey
automatically learn any new spells allowed to them, without requiring
any additional study or training of any kind.
Spell Level
Fey Spells
Dimension Leap
Level: 1
Duration: Instant
Range: 20', +5' per two levels
Upon completion of this spell, the caster vanishes from existence, only
to reappear in another location at the start of the following round. The
destination of the dimension leap must be somewhere within range and
within the caster's line of sight from his location when casting the spell.
When leaping to a location adjacent to an enemy, the caster can choose
to make an additional melee attack, due to surprise. This extra attack is
made out of the normal initiative sequence, and the caster may also take
his normal action in the same round.
Sylvan forest or plains
Fey goblin*
Sylvan forest or plains
Large body of water
Sylvan forest
Sylvan forest
Sylvan forest
Sylvan forest
Sylvan forest
* Described in Appendix II.
Invisibility, Limited
Level: 1
Duration: 1d6 rounds, +1 round per level
Range: 0
Aside from its brief duration, this spell has an identical effect to the 2nd
level invisibility spell.
Teleport (Fey)
Level: 5
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 10'
This spell functions in the same way as the magic-user teleport spell,
with the one difference that the caster can teleport himself into any very
familiar location in the fey dimension without any risk of error. It can
thus be used as a fail-safe means of escape for a fey spell-caster.
This spell enables the caster to summon a variety of creatures from fey
dimensions. The creatures which may be summoned depend on the
caster's level, and the type of environment in which the spell is cast.
1st level
1. Auditory illusion (I)
2. Charm person (MU)
3. Color spray (I)
4. Dancing lights (I)
5. Detect illusion (I)
6. Detect invisible (I)
7. Detect magic (MU)
8. Detect snares and pits (D)
9. Dimension leap
10. Doppelganger (I)
11. Entangle (D)
12. Faerie fire (D)
13. Invisibility, limited
14. Produce flame (D)
15. Protection from evil (C)
16. Ray of fire / cold (Elementalist, q.v.)
17. Resist cold (C)
18. Speak with animals (D)
19. Summon fey kin
20. Wall of vapor (I)
2nd level
4th level
1. Augury (C)
2. Blur (I)
3. Fire trap (D)
4. Heat metal (reversible) (D)
5. Hypnotic pattern (I)
6. Invisibility (MU)
7. Mirror image (I)
8. Obscuring mist (D)
9. Resist fire (C)
10. Stumble (D)
11. Ventriloquism (MU)
12. Warp wood (D)
3rd level
Blink (MU)
Dispel magic (MU)
Haste (MU)
Plant growth (D)
Protection from fire (D)
Pyrotechnics (D)
Rope trick (MU)
Snare (D)
1. Confusion (I)
2. Create food & water (C)
3. Detect lie (C)
4. Dimension door (MU)
5. Implant emotion (I)
6. Protection from electricity (D)
7. Solid fog (I)
8. Speak with plants (D)
9. Sticks to snakes (C)
10. Temperature control (D)
5th level
Level: 7
Duration: 1 hour
Range: Unlimited
Expanded Illusionist
The illusionist class in the Advanced Edition Companion is designed to
directly replicate the class from the classic advanced game. Thus,
compared to the standard magic-user, illusionists have lower experience
point requirements for level advancement, and a more limited set of high
level spells 7th level being the highest available on the illusionist spell
list. It is not surprising then, that the illusionist is often regarded as a
slightly inferior cousin to the magic-user.
Upon casting the spell and naming the intended target, the caster falls
into a sleep-like trance. If the target is awake when the spell is cast, then
the magic has no effect and the caster simply remains in a vaguely
unconscious state until the spell's duration has expired. If, however, the
target is sleeping, then the caster is able to enter into his or her dream
Once inside the target's dream world, the caster can observe the dreams
which are occurring, and is also able to interact with the dream world
and the mind of the sleeping individual.
Various ends can be achieved by intruding in someone's dreams, for
example: conversation, relaying messages, gaining information, or even
psychological torment. The spell is of sufficient potency that the caster is
able to completely dominate the content of the target's dreams, if he so
When using these extra spells, the illusionist class should be modified as
follows, to bring it into line with the other classes in this book:
Add the spell read magic to the list of 1st level illusionist spells,
so that illusionists acquire spells in the same way as all other
types of magic-user.
Illusionist Spells
In the case of dream sequences which have some importance to the ongoing campaign, the Labyrinth Lord may wish them to be played out as
if they were real episodes. For example, an illusionist who is seeking
information in the target's dreams may find himself in an imaginary city,
with all the inhabitants being aspects of the dreamer's personality. The
Labyrinth Lord should place a series of obstacles and challenges in the
way of the caster's aims. In this way a whole adventure could follow from
the use of this spell. The intruding illusionist's ability to manipulate the
dream world can be represented by his spell-casting capabilities he
should be allowed to cast his usual daily allowance of spells inside the
dream world.
Alter Reality
Level: 9
Duration: See below
Range: Unlimited
This spell, the pinnacle of the illusionist's art, enables the caster to bring
forth into reality whatever he can imagine. It works in the same way as
the magic-user spell wish, including the (optional) ageing effect on the
caster. The one difference is that an illusionist must first create an image
of what he wishes to become reality, using other spells of illusion. He
must then cast alter reality, which causes the created illusion to become
absolutely and irrevocably real.
When the spell's duration ends, the caster awakens from his trance.
Dream Travel
Level: 9
Duration: See below
Range: 50'
The caster is able to cancel the illusion at any time. Otherwise only
dispel magic or wish are powerful enough, though, once the target has
disappeared, the former may be difficult to apply, as it must be cast
directly on the target, who now exists in another dimension.
Illusory Abode
Level: 8
Duration: 1 hour per level
Range: 30'
The caster brings forth the image of a door or trapdoor in a nearby
surface, which he may then enter, bringing any number of companions
with him. Inside the door is an illusionary house or castle of some kind,
providing the opportunity of rest and respite for all who enter.
In a manner similar to the 8th level spell illusory abode, the dream vessel
may take on a recurring appearance if the caster wishes it, and the
enhancements to spectral force and major creation apply inside the
The first time an illusionist casts this spell, the abode while it may be
lavishly furnished after the caster's exact imaginings is uninhabited.
However once inside, the caster can create illusory inhabitants by use of
further spells (typically spectral force), which function with an increased
intensity. Within the confines of the illusory abode, all illusions created
by the caster become partially real, and gain the ability to manipulate
and affect physical objects. Furthermore, any illusions of permanent
duration created inside the illusory abode will appear each time the
caster returns. Thus the illusionist may create servants or guards for his
abode, which will, over time, come to take on a life of their own as they
learn to serve their creator. While the furnishings and inhabitants of the
illusory abode seem completely real, they cannot leave the abode and
disappear immediately if taken outside.
The spell major creation is also enhanced when cast inside the illusory
abode, being able to create quantities of food with permanent duration
which can be eaten and provide real nourishment.
It is rumoured that powerful illusionists sometimes keep libraries of
illusionary spell books inside an illusory abode, though the magic which
enables this is not commonly known.
When the spell's duration comes to an end, the caster and all guests
appear back at the location where the door was created. Guests can
enter and leave the illusory abode at will during its duration, but
creatures that are not invited inside by the caster cannot enter by any
means. Likewise, creatures that do not willingly enter the illusory abode
are allowed to make a saving throw versus spells to resist being taken
Casting this spell is not without cost. It requires an oil distilled from a
powerful astral, psionic or dream-related monster, which is consumed
during casting. The oil must usually be obtained through adventuring, but
may be available for purchase at exorbitant cost (at least 1,000gp). It is
possible to cast the spell without use of the oil, but there is a 2% chance
per hour of travel (in real-time, not dream-time) that the vessel will
become lost in the dream world and never return.
Level: 8
Duration: See below
Range: 50'
Level: 8
Duration: Permanent
Range: 10'
In the vision the caster and his companions take on the perspectives of
individuals who were present at the historic event, perceiving what
happened directly from the point of view of those involved. If an
insufficient number of sentient beings were present at the event,
additional companions of the caster will perceive a vague retelling of the
event as if seen from above.
The duration of the vision is seldom more than an hour, with longer
historical events being reviewed in a kind of "highlights" form. While
their minds are immersed in the vision, the bodies of the caster and his
companions are in a trance state, and are completely vulnerable. If any
of them are harmed the vision is broken immediately.
Pathless Land
Level: 8
Duration: See below
Range: See below
If the optional rules for character ageing are used, this spell ages the
caster 3 years.
This powerful illusion takes two forms, one a permanent protection for
the caster's home or other secret location, and one a short-lived
impediment to pursuit.
The permanent version of the spell requires a whole day to cast, during
which the illusionist must wander through the area to be affected (up to a
mile radius), weaving it with magic. While casting the spell, the illusionist
must sprinkle a specially prepared dust made from the ashes of a
powerful illusion-using monster (such as a lamia or rakshasa) and ground
black pearls worth at least 2,000gp. Once the spell is complete the
affected terrain takes on a shifting, maze-like appearance.
Mists of Madness
Level: 9
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: See below
The exact effects are dependant on the terrain in the enchanted area, for
example: trees and bushes may seem to grow into bewildering twisting
pathways, rock ridges may form a maze, or boggy ground may form an
unnavigable series of paths. The maze created is purely illusionary, but
its effects are so powerful that it becomes virtually impossible to navigate
for anyone except the caster and those whom he chooses to grant
access to. It is only possible for characters to find a way through the
maze with long study and perseverance, requiring 1d4 days of wandering
per point of INT below 20.
The caster may only permanently enchant a single area with this spell at
any one time.
The short-lived version of this spell creates a similar maze, but affecting
an area of up to 20' radius per level of the caster, and having a duration
of one hour. During this time, any creatures entering the affected area
become lost in the maze for a period dependent upon their INT (as per
the maze spell).
When the spell's duration comes to an end the fog begins to dissipate.
The phantasmal effects fade immediately, but the fog takes a full turn to
The maze created by this spell is not affected by dispel magic; the only
sure way to dispel it is with a wish or alter reality spell.
Phantasm of Forgetting
Level: 7
Duration: Permanent
Range: 30'
This insidious spell causes a single target to forget everything about their
life and to completely lose their sense of identity. The target's memories
are still present, but they are made utterly inaccessible by the mental fog
this spell brings about. Only powerful mind-reading magic is able to
access the veiled memories.
This powerful illusion warps the flow of time at the location where it is
cast, causing each turn that passes to have the subjective effect of a
whole hour, for those within the area of effect. Thus spell durations pass
more quickly, and characters must eat and sleep at the accelerated rate.
If enough perceptual time is spent in the affected area, hit points may be
recovered due to rest, and spells may be re-memorized, subject to the
normal rules.
A save versus spells is allowed to resist the phantasm. If the save fails,
the phantasm can only be removed by dispel magic, dispel phantasm or
limited wish.
Prismatic Beam
Level: 8
Duration: See below
Range: 100' per level
Note that any interaction between characters within the enchanted area
and those outside of it occur at the normal rate characters inside the
time flow do not gain or lose actions in combat, for instance.
Upper Hand
Level: 9
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 0
This spell creates the convincing illusion that the caster is accompanied
by a band of followers, taking whatever general form the caster desires.
The group of companions is dynamic and will adapt its number and
volume so as to always appear to be a slightly larger or more formidable
force than any observing opposition. Thus, an illusionist ambushed by a
group of brigands may appear to be protected by a slightly larger band of
knights, while an illusionist encountering an army poised for war may
appear to be in command of a slightly larger or better equipped force.
If any of the illusionary companions is touched, it will dissipate
immediately, giving the game away. Otherwise the companions are
perfectly convincing, moving as a force of the appropriate size, making
appropriate (if generic) sounds, and giving off an appropriate smell.
The first two uses of the spell have an instantaneous duration, while the
third use lasts for one round per level of the caster.
Viral Phantasm
Level: 9
Duration: 1 day per level
Range: Special
Cast initially upon one or more targets within 60', this spell implants,
modifies or removes a single concept, belief or memory from the minds
of those affected. The power of the spell is such that, although a saving
throw is allowed, it is subject to a -4 penalty.
This spell works in exactly the same way as the magic-user spell of the
same name, except it allows an illusionist to understand spells on the
illusionist spell list. Other spells can be recognised using read magic, but
cannot be understood by an illusionist.
While the spell's duration lasts, anyone who comes into contact with
one of those affected by the phantasm must also make a save versus
spells, or also become affected. Thus the phantasm can spread very
rapidly and soon overrun whole populations. The illusionist with
knowledge of this spell truly wields formidable power.
Solid Fog
Level: 4
Duration: 2d4 rounds, +1 round per level
Range: 30'
Level: 9
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 5' per level
The illusionist conjures a large body of fog, similar to the effects of wall
of vapor. The fog fills a 20' cube per caster level, and can only be
dissipated by extremely strong wind (a gust of wind spell is not sufficient)
or powerful fire magic such as fireball or wall of fire. In addition to its
obscurement of vision beyond 2', the cloying vapours of the solid fog
have the effect of limiting movement to 1/10th normal. The maximum
distance of ranged attacks (including spells such as magic missile and
fireball) is also reduced by 50%.
This spell functions in a similar way to the 4th level phantasmal killer,
except that it affects all creatures in range (with the exception of the
caster, who may simply observe the effects). The phantasmal nemeses
created attack as monsters of half the caster's level.
1st level
1. Auditory illusion
2. Color spray
3. Dancing lights
4. Darkness globe
5. Detect illusion
6. Detect invisibility
7. Doppelganger
8. Hypnotism
9. Light
10. Phantasmal force
11. Read magic*
12. Refraction
13. Wall of vapor
2nd level
1. Blindness
2. Blur
3. Deafness
4. Detect magic
5. Fog cloud
6. Hypnotic pattern
7. Invisibility
8. Magic mouth
9. Mirror image
10. Misdirection
11. Phantasmal force, greater
12. Ventriloquism
3rd level
1. Continual light (reversible)
2. Dispel phantasm
3. Fear
4. Hallucinatory terrain
5. Illusionary script
6. Invisibility 10' radius
7. Nondetection
8. Paralyze
9. Rope trick
10. Spectral force
11. Suggestion
4th level
Illusory stamina
Implant emotion
Invisibility, greater
Minor creation
Phantasmal killer
Phantasmal monsters
Solid fog*
5th level
Confusion, greater
Major creation
Phantasmal door
Phantasmal monsters, greater
Project image
Shadow evocation
Summon shadow
Time flow*
6th level
Conjure animals
Phantasmal monsters, advanced
Shadow evocation, greater
Spectral force, permanent
Spectral force, programmed
Suggestion, mass
True seeing
7th level
Astral spell
Limited wish
Phantasm of forgetting*
Prismatic spray
Prismatic wall
Illusory abode*
Pathless land*
Prismatic beam*
Prismatic sphere (MU)
Alter reality*
Dream travel*
Mists of madness*
Upper hand*
Viral phantasm*
The Book of
Recommended for use by: Illusionists
A tome containing spells which are commonly taught to low level
illusionists. Any of these spells could be included in an illusionist
character's initial spell selection at 1st level.
Level: 1
Duration: 1 day
Range: Touch
Each tome is recommended for use by a certain type or types of magicuser. For example, the Book of Deceptions is clearly aimed at illusionists.
This is not to say that the spells are absolutely not to be used by other
classes of magic-user the Labyrinth Lord may allow others to learn and
use these spells, perhaps following the guidelines presented in the
introduction for learning spells from other spell lists.
Invisibility, Lesser
Level: 1
Duration: See below
Range: Touch
This spell functions in the same manner as the 2nd level spell invisibility,
except that the subject is only invisible when immobile. The subject
becomes visible whenever he moves, and invisible when keeping still.
The spell's duration, as with the standard invisibility spell, only ends
when the subject makes an attack.
Level: 1
Duration: See below
Range: 10'
The illusionist advances threateningly towards a single creature within
range and the magic of this spell causes the target to perceive the caster
as a greatly feared adversary. The caster need not know what the target
might be afraid of, the spell simply taps into the creature's natural fears.
A saving throw versus spells is allowed to resist the spell's effect. If the
save fails, the target will turn and flee at maximum speed, experiencing a
phantasm of being pursued by the imagined horror. Every round the
target is allowed to make a new saving throw, with a cumulative +1
bonus. When a save succeeds the phantasm ends. At this point,
intelligent targets will usually realise that they have been the victim of an
For players and Labyrinth Lords with a penchant for creating new spells,
the instinct in this situation is perhaps to begin inventing more and more
schools of magic (and thus magic-user sub-classes) of increasingly
specialised focus. Abjuration, dimensionalism, diabolism, divination,
enchantment and many others spring quickly to mind. However, creating
a whole list of spells with enough variety to be of interest to an
adventuring wizard is no easy task for some of these imagined schools of
magic. A diviner or abjurer, for example, may be conceptually appealing,
but in practice the range of spells they would know is very limited, and,
especially in the case of a diviner, of minimal application to the typical
adventure. They would likely not be fun characters to play, too limited in
Inhabit Figurine
Level: 3
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 30'
The caster transfers his life force into a puppet or figurine within range,
gaining complete control of this new body. While the caster is inhabiting
the targeted puppet, his own body lies dormant, as if affected by feign
death. During the spell's duration the caster can see through the eyes of
the puppet, and can move its body as if it were his own. Typically a
puppet would have a movement rate of 60' (20'), and only be able to
wield very small weapons such as a dagger. The caster maintains his
own hit points while inhabiting the puppet, but is only able to be harmed
by magic.
This tome contains a set of curious spells which were perhaps developed
by a magic-user with a penchant for puppetry.
Animate Puppet
Level: 1
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 60'
When the spell's duration expires, or at any time the caster wishes, his
life force returns immediately to his real body, which awakens.
This minor magic enables the caster to take remote control of a single
puppet, mannequin or stuffed toy within range. Typically targets up to 3'
tall may be affected. The spell has no effect on puppets which have an
intelligence of their own or are already magically controlled or animated.
Level: 1
Duration: 1d4 rounds, +1 round per level
Range: 60'
This spell allows the caster to attempt to control the actions of one or
several creatures, as if pulling the strings of a puppet. Each round of the
spell's duration the caster can attempt to control a single limb of any
target within range. The target gains a saving throw versus spells to
resist the forced movement, but if the save fails the magic-user gains
complete control of the chosen limb for the round. Thus weapons or
shields may be dropped, arms made to attack, legs made to trip, and so
on. Any attacks or other actions made with a controlled limb suffer a -2
penalty, due to the lack of perfect precision with which they can be
guided. Note that if a controlled limb is used to attack its owner, normal
to-hit and damage rolls are still required.
Voodoo Doll
Level: 5
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
Animate Statue
Level: 3
Duration: 1 turn
Range: Touch
This spell brings a single statue which the caster touches to life. Statues
of up to 1' tall per level of the caster may be animated.
The doll must be created by the caster, and must resemble the target at
least superficially. The doll can be constructed from whatever materials
the caster wishes straw dolls, stuffed toys and clay figurines are all
common. In order to construct the doll the caster must be in possession
of some part of the target's body hair, blood, saliva, etc. This material
must be embedded in the centre of the doll.
Once the doll has been constructed, the caster may enchant it with this
spell. At this stage the victim must save versus magic, with failure
indicating that the doll was successfully enchanted. The doll then
becomes a conduit to the body and spirit of the victim. Any damage
done to the doll typically pins are thrust into it is reflected by
agonising pains in the victim's body. Such damage can cause the victim
to be stunned for 1d4 rounds if failing a save vs paralysis.
Command Construct
Level: 3
Duration: 1d6 turns
Range: 60'
Targeting a single golem, living statue or similar magically animated
construct within range, this spell allows the caster to take over complete
control of the creature, commanding it as an automaton for the duration.
The target is allowed a saving throw versus spells to resist the caster's
command. If the target is already under the direct command of another
magic-user, the controlling magic-user is also allowed a saving throw to
prevent this spell from taking effect.
If the enchanted doll is destroyed the victim must make a save vs death
or instantly suffer 1d6hp damage per level of the caster.
Warding magic which prevents scrying, psychic influence or dimensional
travel negates the effects of this spell while the victim is under such
protection. The powers of the doll can be permanently dispelled by a
dispel magic cast on the doll, or remove curse cast on the victim.
Level: 3
Duration: 6 turns
Range: 30'
This spell causes all memorized spells and all spells cast within range to
glow in a variety of scintillating colours. Magic-users with memorized
spells are thus clearly divined, their heads being surrounded by a halo of
rainbow hues, while spells actually cast produce vivid streaks of light,
making the target and the source unquestionable.
Aside from the ever-popular dispel magic, the study of meta-magic that
is spells with the power to manipulate other spells is usually only
pursued by arch-mages and academics. This tome contains a selection of
the kind of spells which might be found in the possession of such
Instant Memorization I
Level: 5
Duration: Instant
Range: 0
Arcane Mark
Level: 1
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
When cast upon a page in a spell book, this spell causes the targeted
dweomer to leap instantly into the caster's mind, obviating the usual
process of memorization. The targeted spell must be one that is known
to the caster (i.e. existing in his own spell books), and must be of 3rd
level or lower.
Instant Memorization II
Level: 8
Duration: Instant
Range: 0
Charm Spell
Level: 4
Duration: 24 hours
Range: 60'
Memorized and then cast as a magic-user's first spell of the day, this
spell causes the mental energy patterns of all subsequent spells
memorized within the next hour to be encoded in a bizarre and mindbending form. The spells thus memorized are afforded complete
protection from magic which can affect memorized spells (including
charm spell, command spell, spell reading, and steal spell). The presence
of the encrypted arcane formulae also presents a risk to anyone
attempting to read the caster's mind by any means, forcing them to
make a save versus spells or be affected by confusion for 1d6 rounds.
Command Spell
Level: 6
Duration: Instant
Range: 60'
Spell Reading
Level: 2
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 60'
Similar to the 4th level charm spell, this spell enables the caster to issue
a command to the mental energy patterns of a memorized spell in
another magic-user's mind, causing it to cast itself instantly. The caster
must have specific knowledge of the targeted spell's presence in the
other wizard's mind, and the targeted magic-user may make a save
versus spells to resist. If the save fails, the caster may completely control
the casting of the targeted spell, selecting the targets or area of effect as
he sees fit. The spell is still cast from the perspective of the targeted
magic-user, though he does not make the normal gestures and
intonations required to release the spell.
The caster gains the ability to scan the minds of any targets in range and
to divine which, if any, spells they have memorized. It takes one round of
scanning to detect the overall presence of spells in a target's mind, and
then one round to gain specific knowledge of one individual spell (chosen
at random from those the target has memorized). Commonly known
spells can be identified by name, but the Labyrinth Lord may wish to
describe only the very broad effects of more obscure spells.
Level: 2
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 0
The caster modifies the effects of a second spell (which must be cast in
the following round), causing its activation and/or duration to be tied to
a specific triggering action. Any trigger which can be performed by the
caster as a simple brief action may be chosen some examples of
suitable triggers are: blowing out a candle, speaking a single word,
drawing a weapon.
The trigger may be declared to invoke the modified spell's activation,
deactivation, or both. Thus, if the caster wishes it, the second spell will
not take effect until the trigger happens, its duration beginning at this
The duration of the affected spell cannot be extended by use of a
deactivation trigger if the trigger has not occurred by the end of the
modified spell's normal duration, it will end as usual.
While the trigger spell is in effect, it can be detected with detect magic,
and can be dispelled, which also causes the triggered spell to vanish.
Hapless Fool
Level: 2
Duration: 1 turn
Range: 0
If the spell in which the sigil has been placed is memorized by a magicuser, the sigil is implanted into his mind, where its sinister task begins.
As long as the sigil remains in the target's mind, its creator is able to see
through the target's eyes or hear through the target's ears, in a manner
similar to clairvoyance or clairaudience. The creator of the sigil is
magically notified as soon as the sigil is implanted in the target's
memory, and can thenceforth choose to tune in to the target's
perceptions at any time, which takes one turn and requires complete
concentration. Thus this spell is sometimes used by high level magicusers in order to keep track of their apprentices.
Illusionists use this odd spell to attempt to get away with murder, and
other such activities they would rather not be blamed for. It grants the
caster the ability, once within the spell's duration, to cloak a single action
with an illusion.
The cloaked action is made to appear to all observers like a slapstick
accident. Thus, witnesses may perceive a murder victim to slip and fall
on his own blade, or a stolen item may seem to fall into the sack of an
unaware passer-by.
On-lookers are allowed a saving throw versus spells to detect that all is
not as it seems, though only the most eagle-eyed will see completely
through the illusion and perceive what really occurred.
The sigil remains active until the spell it was memorized with is cast. At
any time, either in its written or memorized form, the sigil can be
removed as normal with dispel magic.
Steal Spell
Level: 7
Duration: See below
Range: 60'
Cast upon a single small object, which the caster may place where he
chooses, this spell causes the targeted object to become invisible and to
be replaced with an illusionary duplicate hidden in a different location
within 10'.
The target is allowed a save versus spells to resist the effect. Once a spell
is stolen it remains in the caster's mind for up to 24 hours, or until cast.
If at any time the real object is touched or moved, the spell ends.
The Chronomancer's
With this spell the caster can conjure forth an illusionary gnome which
will follow the chosen target around for the duration. The illusionist can
choose for the gnome to be a true illusion, visible to all, or to take the
form of a phantasm, which only the target can perceive. Due to its
unreal nature the gnome cannot be harmed in any way, and cannot be
outrun or evaded, even by teleportation magic.
The gnome can have one of several effects, chosen at the time of
Level: 4
Duration: Permanent
Range: 120'
The effects of the gnomes are fairly subjective, and should be determined
by the Labyrinth Lord on a situational basis as a result of the role-played
interaction between the gnome and the targeted character. Possible
effects include: a bonus or penalty to morale, the negation or worsening
of fear effects, a bonus or penalty to attacks or abilities due to
encouragement or disparagement.
Pre-emptive Strike
Level: 5
Duration: 1 hour per level
Range: 0
Note that this spell does not allow a saving throw, as the words and
actions of the gnome have an effect regardless of whether the the target
realises it is an illusion or not.
This time warping spell gives the caster a chance to wreak vengeance on
those who attack him even before they have the opportunity to do so.
When the caster, so protected, is attacked during the spell's duration, he
gains an additional combat round in which he can perform some extra
action. This additional round occurs before the first normal round of the
battle, giving the caster a chance to attack his enemies, or to protect
himself, before anyone else can act. The caster does not even need to be
aware of the attack for the spell to function, as time is immediately
warped, granting him an additional moment to take action.
Slapstick Fun!
Level: 3
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 60'
Cast upon an area, this odd illusion disguises any acts of violence
occurring within. The illusion causes all within range to perceive any
fighting or act of violence not as a serious matter but rather as a
boisterous rough-and-tumble. In this manner, dangerous weapons are
disguised as harmless or comedic implements (rubber hammers, leeks,
bunches of flowers), and acts of violence or even killing are likewise
veiled in a comedic manner.
The time warping effect works only once during the spell's duration
once it has been triggered the spell ends.
Level: 9
Duration: Permanent
Range: 10'
Any onlooker who has reason to doubt the reality of what he or she is
perceiving is allowed to save vs spells to see through the illusion.
The Dimensional
Level: 2
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 10' per level
If the spell is used to target an object, it works in the same way as the 1st
level spell hide, with the difference that the affected object may be of up
to 10lbs in weight and 1' cubed volume per caster level.
Level: 3
Duration: 1 round
Range: 10' per level
Spells transmitted via the dimensional channel will take effect as if they
were cast at its end point. Using channel allows, for example, a fireball to
be cast over a castle wall, or a touch spell to be cast at a distance.
Dimension Door, Greater
Level: 9
Duration: Permanent
Range: Unlimited
This spell causes a single small object to briefly disappear into a tiny subdimension. The object can be brought back at will by the caster, and
returns automatically when the spell duration ends.
The object targeted must be under 5lbs in weight, fit within a 1' cube,
and be visible to the caster. If it is held by another creature, the owner
gets a chance to save versus spells to prevent the object from vanishing.
The caster brings a magical doorway into existence, linking his current
location with another place which is well known to him. The door is of
normal size, and allows instantaneous travel
in both directions.
Level: 5
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 30'
Dimensional Simplicity
Level: 5
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 60'
Dimensional Ward
Level: 8
Duration: Permanent
Range: 30'
The caster may choose to exit the subdimension at any time, and may likewise
allow any other creatures who were
brought along to leave. He may also
prevent them from leaving, and, without
the caster's permission, escape is only
possible via powerful magic such as
limited wish, or when the spell's duration
Rotational Acceleration
Level: 6
Duration: 2d4 rounds
Range: 5' per level
Level: 1
Duration: Instant
Range: 10'
This spell brings about a bizarre modification of the laws of force and
movement within a bounded area, causing all objects and creatures in
the affected area to enter eagerly into a state of rapid spinning. In the
first round of the spell's effect, creatures in the affected area experience
an odd sensation of falling and of losing control of their momentum.
Spinning creatures suffer -4 to attacks in the first round. Most other
actions, including spell casting, are impossible.
From the second round of spinning onwards, all actions are impossible,
as the affected creatures spin and tumble with ever-increasing speed.
Each round, affected creatures have a 50% chance of suffering 1d6
damage due to collisions, and a 25% chance of spinning wildly out of the
area of effect. Carried items are very likely to fly off as a creature spins.
If a creature leaves the affected area, or when the spell's duration comes
to an end, targets must make a saving throw versus paralysis. Failing the
save means that the creature is overwhelmed with dizziness and suffers
-4 to attacks for 1d4 additional rounds.
The spell only affects moving creatures or objects, and can be avoided
by any creature able to grasp onto an immovable anchor such as a large
tree or rock, or by anyone who is forewarned of the casting of this spell
and is able to stand completely still.
Note that the caster is affected by the spell, but can easily avoid spinning
by remaining stationary during the spell's duration.
This spell combines the effects of sound codex and light codex, allowing
the illusionist to transmute all of his visual and aural perceptions into
encoded light patterns which are transmitted or stored in a codex prism.
Spell Door
Level: 8
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: Unlimited
This spell opens a dimensional channel between the caster and any
location which is either in the caster's line of sight or is well known to
him. The caster can choose to direct any spells which he casts in
subsequent rounds through the spell door, having them emerge as if cast
from the distant location. This spell is particularly powerful when used in
conjunction with scrying magic of some kind.
Similar to the 1st level script codex, this spell allows an illusionist to
transmute all visual phenomena within his range of perception into
encoded light patterns which can then be decoded by the reversed spell,
thus remotely reproducing the perceived scene.
Sphere of Annihilation
Level: 9
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 60'
This spell is also commonly used in conjunction with a codex prism (see
Appendix III), allowing transmuted light patterns to be stored and
decoded at a later date.
When this spell is cast the illusionist must be touching a book, scroll or
other item bearing script of some kind. Upon uttering the spell's final
syllable, the script is magically transmuted into a series of flashing
colours, which can be seen anywhere in range. The light patterns last for
one round, during which time up to one page (roughly 1000 words) of
information per level of the caster can be transmuted. No kind of
magical script can be successfully transmuted by this spell.
The usefulness of the spell is only realised by its reversed form which
allows second illusionist to transmute a perceived stream of light
instantaneously back into script, which appears in his mind as if he had
read the transmuted writing.
This spell is also commonly used in conjunction with a codex prism (see
Appendix III), allowing transmuted light patterns to be stored and
decoded at a later date, removing the need for a second illusionist to be
present in order to receive the encoded information.
The grease spell produces a thin layer of an oily slime which covers
either an area or an object. If used to affect an area, up to 10' square
may be affected. Otherwise, the spell affects a single object of up to
roughly the size of a person.
Creatures moving into or through a greased area must save versus spells
or slip over. Creatures who make the saving throw may choose to either
remain immobile or to safely exit the area.
Creatures attempting to use a greased item must likewise make a saving
throw versus spells, with failure indicating that the item is dropped. If the
spell is cast upon an item which is already held by a creature, the target
is allowed a saving throw versus spells to completely nullify the effect.
Control Ooze
Level: 4
Duration: 1d6 turns
Range: 60'
This spell, cast in the presence of an ooze, jelly, pudding or slime type
creature, exerts a powerful influence on the being, causing it to come
completely under the caster's control for the duration of the spell. Oozes
with a degree of intelligence are allowed a saving throw versus spells to
resist this charm, but the mindless are powerless against it.
Slime Blast
Level: 4
Duration: Instant
Range: 120'
This spell unleashes a 20' radius explosion of green slime, as per the
monster, at the targeted location. Creatures in the affected area may
make a saving throw versus spells to avoid being hit. Those who fail their
save are covered in 1d4 hit points worth of flying green slime, and suffer
the normal effects, as detailed in the monster description.
Gelatinous Transformation
Level: 3
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Range: 60'
Similar to the 1st level script codex, this spell allows an illusionist to
transmute all sounds within his range of hearing into encoded light
patterns which can then be decoded by the reversed spell, thus remotely
reproducing the perceived sound.
This spell is also commonly used in conjunction with a codex prism (see
Appendix III), allowing transmuted light patterns to be stored and
decoded at a later date.
Conducting Skein
Level: 4
Duration: 1 turn
Range: 10' per level
Level: 6
Duration: 3 turns
Range: Touch
During this spell's duration the caster gains the ability to deliver touch
spells through ropes, threads and skeins. Both the caster and the target
must be touching the conducting skein.
This spell is cast upon a piece of rope up to 50' long, which rises into
the air as if it had been enchanted by the 2nd level rope trick spell. As
the rope rises it creates a 5' wide passage through any barriers it
encounters, in a similar manner to passwall.
Conducting Web
Level: 7
Duration: 1 turn
Range: 10' per level
This spell allows the wizard to massively amplify the effects of a single
touch spell through a normal or magical web. The caster must be
touching the web as he casts the desired touch spell, which can be up to
3rd level. The touch spell's effects are then amplified and conducted to
every creature in range which is in contact with the web. Each affected
creature is allowed a saving throw, if the conducted spell allows one.
Only one spell can be conducted per casting of conducting web.
Attach Rope
Level: 1
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 0
Conjure Rope
Level: 1
Duration: 6 turns
Range: 0
With this spell the caster can attach the end of a rope (normal or
magical) firmly to any surface without the use of a knot. The caster
touches the rope to the surface and an incredibly strong magical bond is
formed. The bond is so strong that it cannot be broken if great force is
applied, the rope itself will snap first. At the end of the spell's duration,
or at any time the caster wishes, the rope is released. This spell cannot
be used to attach a rope to a mobile creature.
This simple spell has been the saviour of many an adventuring party
who were stuck deep underground lacking basic equipment. It produces
a normal 50' hemp rope for the duration.
Level: 2
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 0
Bond Bane
Level: 4
Duration: Instant
Range: 10' per level
The caster touches the end of a rope (normal or magical), and instructs it
to attach itself to a surface which is within sight. The rope then snakes
out and joins itself, as per the 1st level spell attach rope, to the surface
indicated. The rope can only attach itself to surfaces that are within its
reach (as determined by the length of the rope). As with attach rope,
mobile creatures cannot be targeted.
This spell brings about the destruction of all types of rope, threads,
cords and webbing within range. As the spell is cast all affected cords
burst into a blaze of white flame and are destroyed in a single round. The
spell affects even magical ropes and webs, unless they have a specific
immunity to magical fire. Any creatures in close proximity to the burning
cords suffer 1d8 hit points damage. The caster is immune to this
Relentless Binding
Level: 3
Duration: 1 hour per level
Range: 10'
Bond bane can be cast with merely a word, making it especially useful
for wizards who have been inadvertently bound and are unable to make
spell casting gestures.
This spell can be used to prevent a single bound target from escaping by
any physical means. The target must already be bound or entangled in
some way, by ropes, cords or webbing.
Command Rope
Level: 1
Duration: Instant
Range: 10' per level
Once the spell is cast the binding becomes enchanted, and actively
resists all attempts to free the victim. For the duration of the spell the
binding cannot be cut, burned or damaged in any way short of a
disintegrate spell. The binding can be dispelled as normal, and the caster
may release it at any time, immediately cancelling the enchantment.
Using this spell the caster can command a rope within range to animate
and either tie itself in a knot or untie an existing knot. A knot can be
tied at either end of the rope, or at any point along its length. The spell
per round. The skein is attached with incredible strength (as per the 1st
level spell attach rope) to both the caster's hand, and to the surface
touched. This spell is thus typically used to allow the caster to descend
safely from great heights. The spell does not confer the ability either to
retract the skein or to climb up it again quickly. The caster may climb up
the skein, but only at the normal rate of climbing.
The caster may give a single length of rope the strength, but not the
weight, of steel. The spell affects up to a 5' length of rope per level of
the caster.
The thread itself breaks if more than 300 pounds of weight are
suspended from it, or can be deliberately snapped by a creature with 18
or higher STR. The caster can disconnect either end of the thread at
will. When the spell's duration expires the thread vanishes.
Rope Walk
Level: 1
Duration: 1 round, +1 round per level
Range: Touch
Strengthen Rope
Level: 1
Duration: 1 turn per two levels
Range: Touch
This spell enables the subject to walk along extended ropes at his normal
rate of movement, and with no risk of falling. Only ropes which are on a
horizontal and which could normally support the subject's weight can be
traversed the spell does not grant any gravity-defying powers. The
subject is so at ease while rope walking that he may perform any normal
actions, including attacking or spell casting. However if he takes any
damage the subject must make a saving throw versus wands or fall.
With this spell a single length of normal hemp or silk rope, up to 10' per
caster level, is magically strengthened, giving it the ability to support
great weights. The weight that can be supported by the affected rope is
multiplied by ten thus an enchanted hemp rope can support the weight
of thirty human beings, and a silk rope up to fifty. The enchantment
does not however increase the rope's ability to resist cutting.
Rope Ward
Level: 5
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: Touch
Web of Arachne
Level: 9
Duration: Permanent
Range: 20' per level
This spell creates a powerful ward which prevents magic, attacks and
creatures from crossing its boundary. The ward's boundary is defined by
the placement of a rope of up to 50' in length, which the caster must lay
upon the ground before casting the spell. As the spell is cast an invisible
ward springs up vertically from the rope, making a wall 20' high. The
ward prevents spells, breath weapons, heat, electricity, physical attacks
and creatures from passing either way. It is affected normally by dispel
magic or disintegrate. Once placed, the rope ward cannot be moved,
except by the caster, by any means short of a limited wish. The caster
can move the rope freely during the spell's duration, altering the shape
of the ward. If the rope leaves the ground the ward vanishes, but will
reappear if the rope is replaced.
Level: 1
Duration: 1 hour per level
Range: 0
A wizard can only have one web of arachne in existence at a time, and
in order to create a web in a new location must personally destroy the
old web by casting dispel magic. Apart from this one situation, the web
is unaffected by dispel magic, and is not damaged by fire (normal or
magical). Sections of the web can be disintegrated.
The caster reaches into his lightly clenched fist and pulls out a glossy,
almost transparent thread. The thread can be unravelled for up to 200'
per level of the caster, or until the caster wishes the spell to end. The
skein created is as strong as thin copper wire it can be deliberately cut
or broken without much difficulty, but is unlikely to break without
interference. If the skein is used to support weight, it can carry only 5lbs
before breaking.
Web Walk
Level: 2
Duration: 2 rounds, +1 round per level
Range: Touch
At the end of the spell's duration, or at any time the caster wishes, the
skein vanishes.
The subject gains the ability to climb or walk along ropes, skeins and
webbing as quickly and easily as he can move on the ground. The
affected creature can traverse threads of any thickness, even those which
could not normally support his weight however the spell's magic only
allows thin threads to support the subject's weight plus up to 150
pounds. This spell has the additional effect of preventing the subject
from becoming stuck in webs created by giant spiders or magical web
spells, though it does not help creatures who are already bound up in
Spider Skein
Level: 2
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 0
The caster touches a surface and a sticky thread forms, connecting his
hand to the surface touched. The caster can cause the thread to extend
to a maximum length of 100' per level, and at a maximum rate of 60'
While the scope of 1st level spells may seem limited, all 1st level magicusers have endured numerous hours of study and experiment to be able
to reach the stage where they can successfully memorize and cast even
the humble read magic. During their training magic-users are assumed to
have first practised the casting of simple spells known as cantrips, which
have very minor or mundane effects, making them of limited use in the
life of an adventurer.
Detect Magic
A nice bonus for low-level magic users is to allow them to detect magic at
will. This gives them something arcane to do, even when their small
selection of daily spells has been cast.
It is suggested that this ability is not 100% effective perhaps having a 2
in 6 chance of success, similar to searching for secret doors. It is also
recommended that it should take some time for a magic-user to attempt
to detect magic perhaps one turn. With the ability limited in this way,
the detect magic spell retains its usefulness as a means of instant
The Labyrinth Lord should also decide whether magic-users can cast an
unlimited number of cantrips per day, or whether they must choose to
memorize a fixed number, similarly to how other spells are memorized.
Magical affinities
Air: can cause minor gusts of wind and control air currents.
Animals: -1 modifier to reaction rolls with one broad type of
animals (e.g. birds, fish, mammals, insects, reptiles).
Animals: can speak with one specific species of animal (e.g.
squirrels, bears, wolves).
Animals: has an animal familiar (as per the spell summon familiar ).
Charm: resistant to mind-affecting spells, +2 to saves, and gain a
save vs spells even for effects which normally allow no save.
Cold: can freeze small volumes of water by touch. Cold spells do
+1 damage.
Cold: resistant to environmental cold, +2 to saves vs intense cold.
Death: can detect death. Spend 1 turn to detect undead within 30'
(2 in 6 chance).
Dimensions: can blink 10' in a random direction once a day.
Healer: can restore a character at 0hp to life by touch once a day.
Heat: resistant to environmental heat, +2 to saves vs intense heat or
Light: can create a glow like candlelight.
Magical Affinities
Alabaster Homunculus
No. Enc.:
Armor Class:
Hit Dice:
Hoard Class:
1 (1d4)
90' (30')
1 (6 hit points)
No Duplicate Spells
Due to some quirk of the way magical energies are imbued into the
caster's mind during the process of spell memorization, it is only possible
to memorize each given spell once. Multiple copies of a single spell
simply cannot co-exist in a magic-user's mind. (A spell and its reversed
version may, at the Labyrinth Lord's discretion, co-exist in memory.)
1d8 (1d8)
No. Enc.:
Armor Class:
Hit Dice:
Hoard Class:
1 (1)
120' (40')
1d8 or 2d8 or 3d8
F8 or F12 or F16
1 (1)
120' (40')
1d8 or 2d8 or 3d8
F8 or F12 or F16
No. Enc.:
Armor Class:
Hit Dice:
Hoard Class:
1 (1)
120' (40')
1d8 or 2d8 or 3d8
F8 or F12 or F16
1 (1)
90' (30')
1d8 or 2d8 or 3d8
F8 or F12 or F16
No. Enc.:
Armor Class:
Hit Dice:
Hoard Class:
1 (1)
180' (60') flying
1d8 or 2d8 or 3d8
F8 or F12 or F16
They are described in the same format as the classical elementals, with
three different sizes ranging from 8 to 16 Hit Dice.
Water Elementines: Water elementines appear as a spherical or snakelike formation in a body of water, and can only be summoned where a
sufficient quantity of water exists at least a small pool. They cannot
leave the body of water from which they are formed. They attack by
overwhelming opponents, causing damage by drowning. Creatures
which can breathe water are unaffected by a water elementine's attacks,
but fire-based creatures suffer double damage.
No. Enc.:
Armor Class:
Hit Dice:
Hoard Class:
1 (1)
120' (40')
Special see below
F1 or F3
1 (1)
120' (40')
Special see below
F1 or F3
No. Enc.:
Armor Class:
Hit Dice:
Hoard Class:
1 (1)
120' (40')
F1 or F3
1 (1)
90' (30')
F1 or F3
Flame Terror
No. Enc.:
Armor Class:
Hit Dice:
Hoard Class:
There are two different power levels of elementines, and the type
present will be determined by the spell used to summon them. Lesser
elementines have AC 4, HD 1 and are generally around 2' in diameter,
whereas greater elementines have AC 2, HD 3 and are around 5' in
1 (28)
Neutral (Evil)
150' (40')
1 (flame gout)
Flame terrors are evil creatures native to the plane of fire, where they are
not uncommon. They are occasionally summoned to the material plane
by magic-users. They take one of several forms: a raging column of fire,
a humanoid with flames in place of legs, or a bronze statue wreathed in
In combat flame terrors have the ability to blink, as per the spell. No firebased or fire-affecting spells can function within 20' of a flame terror.
Their appearance is similar to that of normal goblins: 3' tall, with red or
yellow eyes, and orange tinged skin. However, fey goblins, even
members of the same tribe, vary wildly in form, no two looking alike.
Their facial features may be extremely distorted, with huge noses,
mouths, ears or eyes. Odd features such as giant hands, or extremely
long arms or fingers are not uncommon. Likewise they typically dress in
a bizarre hodgepodge of styles, often combining various types of armour
1 (14)
Spore cloud
See below
Fey goblins are naturally magical, and gain a +4 bonus to saving throws
against illusions or mind-affecting magic. 1 in 4 fey goblins additionally
has one of the following abilities, usable once per day: dimension leap or
limited invisibility (as a fey elf), ray of fire / cold (as an elementalist),
color spray or wall of vapor (as an illusionist).
The toadstools of folklore, these giant red & white spotted fungi stand
up to 6' tall. While they have no form of direct attack, they present two
dangers to adventurers. Firstly, they are typically host to a seething
swarm of flies and maggots (see the Insect swarm monster in the
Labyrinth Lord book). Secondly, anyone coming within 5' of a
monstrous fly agaric must save versus poison or be affected by the spell
confusion, due to the hallucinogenic effects of the mushrooms spores.
Leprotic Dead
No. Enc.:
Armor Class:
Hit Dice:
Hoard Class:
Fluid Beast
No. Enc.:
Armor Class:
Hit Dice:
Hoard Class:
13 (25)
Neutral (Evil)
60' (20') / 180' (60') swimming
3 (2 jets, slam)
Fluid beasts are evil creatures native to the plane of water, but are
sometimes encountered on the material plane if summoned by magic.
They have several possible forms, which they can switch between at will:
a fountain or pool of water, a green-tinged cloud in a body of water, or a
gelatinous blob riddled with pipes and tentacles.
Each round of combat, leprotic dead regenerate two hit points. Severed
limbs can be reattached, and even fatal damage taking he creature below
0hp can be regenerated. The only way they can be permanently killed is
by fire.
In melee the leprotic dead attack with their fists. Each successful hit
carries with it the risk of leprosy infection. The target must save versus
poison, with a +3 bonus, or contract the disease. Infected victims suffer a
loss of 2 points of CHA per month, dying when CHA reaches 0. Those
who die from the disease will themselves become leprotic dead.
Although they hoard and carry no treasure themselves, leprotic dead are
often found as guardians of ancient treasure troves.
Goblin, Fey
No. Enc.:
Armor Class:
Hit Dice:
Hoard Class:
1d6 (2d6)
90' (30')
1d6 + disease
Soil Fiend
2d4 (6d10)
Neutral or Chaotic
60' (20')
1 (weapon)
1d6 or weapon
No. Enc.:
Armor Class:
Hit Dice:
Hoard Class:
1 (25)
Neutral (Evil)
120' (40') / 30' (10') burrowing
2 (claws)
Soil fiends are evil creatures native to the plane of earth, where they live
in labyrinthine burrows. They are occasionally encountered on the
material plane when summoned by magic. Soil fiends usually appear as
swine-like beasts with a grinning skull for a head and a back covered
with sharp spines. They may also change into a rough humanoid form
of slimy, lumpy clay.
Soil fiends are able to meld into bare earth or stone, leaving only a vague
moist outline. They can then leap suddenly to attack, surprising on a roll
of 15.
After it is revealed, the power of the hand expires once its magic has
affected a target. Naturally, one making use of such an item must take
care to not cast his own glance upon it.
Warp Fiend
No. Enc.:
Armor Class:
Hit Dice:
Hoard Class:
1 (1)
Chaotic (Evil)
120' (40')
1 (special)
Wind Horror
No. Enc.:
Armor Class:
Hit Dice:
Hoard Class:
1 (28)
Neutral (Evil)
30' (10') / 240' (80') flying
Chalice of Geryon
Used in various rituals dedicated to the arch-fiend, these chalices are
constructed from the horn of a magical being. The evil magic of the
chalice can be activated once per week by filling it with human blood
and the speaking the correct phrase. The blood in the chalice then
becomes enchanted for 24 hours, and can have one of a number of
effects on a being who drinks it.
Any character of good alignment drinking the blood from the chalice will
be affected by a poison, causing 4d6 points of damage if they fail a
saving throw, and 1d6 damage if the save succeeds. Any character of
chaotic alignment drinking the blood will be affected by sleep. These two
effects are combined for chaotic good creatures who drink the blood
from the chalice.
Wind horrors are natives of the plane of air, but can be summoned to
the material plane by magic-users. They are typically invisible, being only
noticeable as a strong gust of wind. In this form they move at 80' per
round. In order to attack a, wind horror must manifest into a dense
cloud of fog filled with lashing tentacles and sinister eyes.
When the blood is drunk by a character of any other alignment, they are
affected by a powerful charm, causing them to implicitly trust all
followers of the arch-fiend, including devils and imps. The charm effect
lasts for 24 hours. Victims are typically coerced into making a pact with
a summoned devil while under the influence of the charm, and will
thenceforth have great difficulty breaking free of the control of their
diabolic masters, even after the charm wears off.
The wind horror's attack takes the form of a blast of fine particles
emitted from its whirlwind-like core. The blast can target a single
creature up to 30' distant.
Wind horrors are immune to normal weapons, and are only able to be
harmed by spells or magical weapons of +2 or greater enchantment. All
air-affecting magic fails within 50' of a wind horror.
Codex Prism
Once enchanted, the prism can be used to receive and store any
transmuted light pattern which it is exposed to, and can release the light
pattern on demand upon the casting of the reversed form of the spell
which originally produced the pattern. Each codex prism can store but a
single light pattern, with any subsequent patterns replacing the first.
However, once stored, a pattern can be released any number of times,
when the appropriate spell is cast to decode it.
Note that all powers which are randomly targeted are quite able to target
the cube's possessor.
Gem of Orcus
This midnight hued cloak protects the wearer from the level draining
attacks possessed by certain undead creatures, and from the effects of
the clerical / necromancer spell drain energy. Each cloak can protect
against a total of 1d6 levels of energy drain, before losing its magic.
This ruby, engraved in intricate script with an appeal to the demon lord
of the undead, grants a variety of powers to its possessor. Firstly, the
owner gains infravision to 60'. Secondly, for 6 turns once per day the
owner may pass among undead creatures completely unnoticed, as per
the necromancer spell pass undead. Lastly, the gem may be sacrificed in
order to summon aid from the demon lord directly, according to the
following table. Summoned creatures remain for 2d6 turns.
This ring grants the wearer the ability to cheat death. It has a limited
number of charges (typically 1d4 when found), which are automatically
activated when the wearer reaches 0 or less hit points. Each time a
charge is activated, the Labyrinth Lord should roll on the following table
to determine the effect.
Summoned Aid
2d8 skeletons
2d6 zombies
1 vampire
2d4 mummies
2d4 ghasts
1 spectre
1 marilith demon
1 glabrezu demon
Orcus, Prince of the Undead
Hat of Conjuration
In the hands of a magic-user, this normal looking hat has the ability to
conjure an endless variety of objects, creatures and spell effects from
thin air. The hat can be used 1d6 times per day. Conjured creatures and
items exist for one turn, before disappearing, and spell effects have their
normal duration. Note that creatures produced by the hat are not in any
way under the magic-user's control.
The origin of these rare and greatly feared magical items is unknown
no magic-user in his or her right mind would willingly create such a
Spells conjured by the hat will affect any applicable target nearby. In
cases where multiple suitable targets are within range, the actual target
should be determined randomly. Use the following tables to see what
comes out of the hat.
Each of the cube's six faces contains a dweomer, which can be activated
only once. The powers of the faces are activated under several
conditions, not all of which are under the possessor's control. Firstly, the
magic-user may deliberately activate a face simply by touching it.
Secondly, the power of a random face of the cube will activate as a
reaction upon the casting of any magic-user spell within 60'. Lastly, the
powers of all remaining faces of the cube will activate simultaneously if
the cube itself is targeted with any form of magic (including dispel
magic), or when the one hour duration expires.
Mundane item (see following table)
1HD monster (use wandering monster tables)
1d6 + 1HD monster (use wandering monster tables)
1d6 + 5HD monster (use wandering monster tables)
1st level spell (from magic-user spell lists)
Spell of level 1d4 + 1 (from magic-user spell lists)
Spell of level 1d6 + 3 (from magic-user spell lists)
Magic item (roll on the normal tables)
d% Item
d% Item
d% Item
d% Item
Banded mail
Battle axe
Block and tackle
Bottle of wine
Candles (10)
Chain (10 ft.)
Chain mail
Crossbow, heavy
Crossbow, light
Dagger, silver
Flail, heavy
Flask (empty)
Holy water (flask)
Leather armour
Leather belt
Leather boots
Light quarrels (10)
Map / scroll case
Mirror, small steel
Musical instrument
Oil (1-pint flask)
Padded armour
Paper (sheet)
Parchment (sheet)
Pick, heavy
Pick, light
Pick, miners
Plate mail
Pole arm
Quill pen
Quiver & 20 arrows
Rope, hemp (50 ft.)
Rope, silk (50 ft.)
Sack, large (empty)
Sack, small (empty)
Saddle bag
Scale mail
Silk robe
Simple meal
Sling bullets (10)
Small bell
Spade or shovel
Spell book (blank)
Splint mail
Studded leather armour
Sword, bastard
Sword, long
Sword, short
Sword, 2-handed
Thieves tools
Torches (8)
Rations (1 day)
Winter blanket
Wolfsbane (fist full)
Wooden chest (empty)
Wooden pole, 10'
Wooden stakes (3)
Shrunken Head
The wearer of the ring has no control over the form his appearance
takes, but may remove the ring at any time to return to normal.
The Labyrinth Lord may use any method to determine the wearer's
random appearances, but the following table may be helpful. One die of
each type listed should be rolled.
Guardian: A single head may be placed to act as a guardian, its stitchedshut eyes tearing open. Anyone except the necromancer coming into the
head's field of view will cause it to begin to emit a loud groaning sound.
The guardian head is effective for 24 hours.
Missing limb
Skeleton Key
These magical keys, carved from thin bones, grant access to crypt
doors, bypassing any form of mundane or magical locks, traps or wards.
The keys are only effective in the hands of a necromancer, and each key
can only be used once.
Skeleton Teeth
Severed Hand
These enchanted teeth are usually found as a set of 2d6, either laced
onto a necklace or kept in a pouch. The teeth are typically human, but
may be of any species. When a tooth is taken and thrown onto the
ground, an animated skeleton bearing a sword springs up immediately. If
the person throwing the tooth is a necromancer, he can command the
skeleton to do his bidding. Characters of other classes have a 75%
chance of being able to command the conjured skeleton, otherwise the
creature will turn and attack the one who summoned it. The skeletons
crumble to dust after 6 turns.
Also known as a hand of glory, this item holds great power when used
by a necromancer. The preserved hand of a murderer has been treated
so that it can be ignited and will slowly burn, like a candle.
A hand of glory, when placed by the side of a sleeping person and lit,
causes the victim to be overcome with a permanent paralysis. Persons so
affected typically die of thirst. A save versus paralysis is allowed to resist
the hand's sinister effect.
B: 1st level
C: 1st level
Summon elementine
A: 2nd level
Unseen servant
B: 2nd level
C: 2nd level
B: 3rd level
C: 3rd level
B: 4th level
C: 4th level
B: 5th level
C: 5th level
B: 6th level
C: 6th level
A: 7th level
B: 7th level
C: 7th level
A: 8th level
B: 8th level
C: 8th level
A: 9th level
B: 9th level
C: 9th level
A: 10th level
B: 10th level
C: 10th level
D: 1st level
Ray of fire/cold
D: 2nd level
Ray of fire/cold, Summon
D: 3rd level
Ray of fire/cold, Summon
elementine, Resist fire
D: 4th level
Ray of fire/cold, Summon
elementine, Resist fire, Fog
D: 5th level
Ray of fire/cold, Summon
elementine, Resist fire, Fog
cloud, Fireball
D: 6th level
Ray of fire/cold, Summon
elementine, Resist fire, Fog
cloud, Fireball, Vacuum
D: 7th level
Ray of fire/cold, Summon
elementine, Resist fire, Fog
cloud, Fireball, Vacuum, Fire
D: 8th level
Ray of fire/cold, Summon
elementine, Resist fire, Fog
cloud, Pyrotechnics, Fireball,
Vacuum, Fire shield, Summon
elemental II
D: 9th level
Ray of fire/cold, Summon
elementine, Resist fire, Fog
cloud, Pyrotechnics, Fireball,
Vacuum, Stone shape, Fire
shield, Summon elemental II,
Flame strike
D: 10th level
Ray of fire/cold, Summon
elementine, Resist fire, Fog
cloud, Pyrotechnics, Fireball,
Vacuum, Stone shape, Fire
shield, Ice storm, Summon
elemental II, Flame strike, Wall
of stone
B: 1st level
C: 1st level
B: 2nd level
C: 2nd level
B: 3rd level
C: 3rd level
B: 4th level
C: 4th level
B: 5th level
C: 5th level
B: 6th level
C: 6th level
B: 7th level
C: 7th level
B: 8th level
C: 8th level
B: 9th level
C: 9th level
B: 10th level
C: 10th level
D: 1st level
Summon fey kin, Protection
from evil
D: 2nd level
Summon fey kin, Protection
from evil, Doppelganger
D: 3rd level
Summon fey kin, Protection
from evil, Doppelganger, Mirror
D: 4th level
Summon fey kin, Protection
from evil, Doppelganger, Mirror
image, Obscuring mist
D: 5th level
Summon fey kin, Protection
from evil, Doppelganger, Mirror
image, Obscuring mist, Snare
D: 6th level
Summon fey kin, Detect
invisible, Protection from evil,
Doppelganger, Mirror image,
Obscuring mist, Snare, Dispel
D: 7th level
Summon fey kin, Detect
invisible, Protection from evil,
Doppelganger, Mirror image,
Obscuring mist, Snare, Dispel
magic, Implant emotion
D: 8th level
Summon fey kin, Detect
invisible, Protection from evil,
Doppelganger, Mirror image,
Obscuring mist, Snare, Dispel
magic, Implant emotion, Detect
D: 9th level
Summon fey kin, Detect
invisible, Protection from evil,
Doppelganger, Mirror image,
Obscuring mist, Snare, Dispel
magic, Implant emotion, Detect
lie, Phantasmal door
D: 10th level
Summon fey kin, Detect
invisible, Protection from evil,
Doppelganger, Mirror image,
Obscuring mist, Snare, Dispel
magic, Implant emotion, Detect
lie, Phantasmal door, Teleport
B: 1st level
C: 1st level
Phantasmal force
Auditory illusion
B: 2nd level
C: 2nd level
B: 3rd level
C: 3rd level
B: 4th level
C: 4th level
D: 2nd level
Hypnotism, Dancing lights
D: 3rd level
Hypnotism, Dancing lights,
Phantasmal force (greater)
D: 4th level
Hypnotism, Dancing lights,
Phantasmal force (greater), Blur
A: 5th level
B: 5th level
A: 6th level
B: 6th level
A: 7th level
B: 7th level
C: 7th level
A: 8th level
B: 8th level
C: 8th level
D: 8th level
A: 9th level
B: 9th level
C: 9th level
D: 9th level
C: 10th level
D: 10th level
C: 5th level
D: 1st level
D: 5th level
Hypnotism, Dancing lights,
Phantasmal force (greater), Blur,
D: 6th level
Hypnotism, Dancing lights,
Phantasmal force (greater), Blur,
Fear, Suggestion
D: 7th level
Phantasmal force, Hypnotism,
Dancing lights, Phantasmal
force (greater), Blur, Fear,
Suggestion, Phantasmal
B: 1st level
C: 1st level
Unseen servant
B: 2nd level
C: 2nd level
B: 3rd level
C: 3rd level
B: 4th level
C: 4th level
B: 5th level
C: 5th level
B: 6th level
C: 6th level
B: 7th level
C: 7th level
B: 8th level
C: 8th level
D: 1st level
D: 2nd level
Sleep, Protection from evil
D: 3rd level
Sleep, Protection from evil, Web
D: 4th level
Sleep, Protection from evil,
Web, Strength
D: 5th level
Sleep, Protection from evil,
Web, Strength, Dispel magic
D: 6th level
Sleep, Protection from evil,
Web, Strength, Dispel magic,
D: 7th level
Detect magic, Sleep, Protection
from evil, Web, Strength, Dispel
magic, Haste, Ice storm
D: 8th level
Detect magic, Sleep, Protection
from evil, Rope trick, Web,
Strength, Dispel magic, Haste,
Ice storm, Wall of ice
A: 9th level
B: 9th level
C: 9th level
D: 9th level
A: 10th level
Burning hands, Charm person,
Magic missile, Arcane lock, ESP,
Levitate, Blink, Summon
monster I, Suggestion, Charm
monster, Enchant arms, Arcane
eye, Animate dead, Interposing
B: 10th level
Feather fall, Unseen servant,
Magic missile, Locate object,
Invisibility, Phantasmal force,
Gust of wind, Lightning bolt,
Fly, Dimension door, Wall of
fire, Polymorph others,
Cloudkill, Cone of cold
C: 10th level
D: 10th level
B: 1st level
C: 1st level
Command undead
B: 2nd level
C: 2nd level
B: 3rd level
C: 3rd level
B: 4th level
C: 4th level
B: 5th level
C: 5th level
B: 6th level
C: 6th level
B: 7th level
C: 7th level
D: 1st level
Unseen servant
D: 3rd level
Unseen servant, Skeletal
servitor, Ghoul touch
D: 4th level
Unseen servant, Skeletal
servitor, Ghoul touch, Spectral
D: 5th level
Unseen servant, Skeletal
servitor, Ghoul touch, Spectral
hand, Fear
D: 6th level
Unseen servant, Skeletal
servitor, Ghoul touch, Spectral
hand, Fear, Summon undead I
D: 7th level
Command dead, Unseen
servant, Skeletal servitor, Ghoul
touch, Spectral hand, Fear,
Summon undead I, Mummy
A: 8th level
B: 8th level
A: 9th level
B: 9th level
C: 9th level
D: 9th level
A: 10th level
B: 10th level
C: 8th level
D: 2nd level
Unseen servant, Skeletal
C: 10th level
Pass undead, Scare, Shadow
touch, Choke, Detect magic,
Zombie servitor, Summon
undead I, Hold person, Cause
disease, Summon undead II,
Cause serious wounds,
Reassemble, Summon undead
III, Death spell
D: 8th level
Command dead, Unseen
servant, Skeletal servitor, Ghoul
touch, Leech strength or
fortitude, Spectral hand, Fear,
Summon undead I, Mummy
touch, Charm undead
D: 10th level
Command dead, Unseen
servant, Skeletal servitor, Ghoul
touch, Leech strength or
fortitude, Spectral hand,
Animate dead, Fear, Summon
undead I, Mummy touch, Charm
undead, Swarm transformation,
Portent of doom, Summon
undead III
B: 1st level
C: 1st level
Spore cloud
A: 2nd level
A: 8th level
Detect poison, Sleep, Vitality
surge, Accelerated immune
system, Web, Infravision, Divide
body, Plant growth, Chimera I,
Plant symbiosis
A: 9th level
Detect poison, Sleep, Vitality
surge, Accelerated immune
system, Web, Infravision,
Cannibalize, Divide body, Plant
growth, Chimera I, Plant
symbiosis, Divide mind
A: 10th level
Detect poison, Sleep, Vitality
surge, Accelerated immune
system, Web, Infravision,
Cannibalize, Divide body, Plant
growth, Chimera I, Plant
symbiosis, Speak with plants,
Divide mind, Animal growth
Natural weaponry
B: 2nd level
C: 2nd level
B: 3rd level
C: 3rd level
B: 4th level
C: 4th level
B: 5th level
C: 5th level
B: 6th level
C: 6th level
B: 7th level
C: 7th level
B: 8th level
C: 8th level
B: 9th level
Entangle, Spore cloud, Spider
climb, Drone, Fungal growth,
Accelerated healing, Fly, Hold
animal, Insect swarm, Hive
mind, Swarm transformation,
Insect plague
B: 10th level
Entangle, Spore cloud, Spider
climb, Drone, Fungal growth,
Accelerated healing, Fly, Hold
animal, Insect swarm, Hive
mind, Swarm transformation,
Spore blast, Insect plague,
D: 1st level
Skin transformation
D: 2nd level
Skin transformation, Sleep
D: 3rd level
Skin transformation, Sleep,
Fungal growth
D: 4th level
Skin transformation, Sleep,
Fungal growth, Web
D: 5th level
Skin transformation, Sleep,
Fungal growth, Web, Natural
weaponry (improved)
D: 6th level
Skin transformation, Sleep,
Fungal growth, Web, Natural
weaponry (improved), Insect
D: 7th level
Speak with animals, Skin
transformation, Sleep, Fungal
growth, Web, Natural weaponry
(improved), Insect swarm, Spore
D: 8th level
Speak with animals, Skin
transformation, Sleep, Fungal
growth, Venom, Web, Natural
weaponry (improved), Insect
swarm, Spore blast, Chimera I
C: 9th level
D: 9th level
C: 10th level
D: 10th level
Command (C)....................................................AEC 32
Command Construct (Tome)......................................39
Command Dead (N)...................................................11
Command Elemental I (E)............................................5
Command Elemental II (E)...........................................5
Command Elemental III (E)...........................................6
Command Rope (Tome)............................................46
Command Spell (Tome).............................................40
Command Undead (N)...............................................11
Commune (C)....................................................AEC 32
Commune with Nature (D).................................AEC 41
Comprehend Languages (MU)...........................AEC 58
Conducting Skein (Tome)..........................................46
Conducting Web (Tome)...........................................46
Cone of Cold (MU)............................................AEC 58
Confusion (D)....................................................AEC 41
Confusion (I)......................................................AEC 50
Confusion (MU).................................................AEC 58
Confusion, Greater (I)........................................AEC 50
Conjure Animals (C)..........................................AEC 32
Conjure Animals (I)............................................AEC 50
Conjure Earth Elemental (D)..............................AEC 42
Conjure Elemental (MU).....................................AEC 58
Conjure Fire Elemental (D).................................AEC 42
Conjure Rope (Tome)................................................46
Contact Elemental Spirit (E).........................................6
Contact Other Plane (E)...............................................6
Contact Other Plane (MU).................................AEC 58
Contact Spirit (N).......................................................11
Continual Light (C)............................................AEC 32
Continual Light (I)..............................................AEC 50
Continual Light (MU).........................................AEC 59
Control Ooze (Tome).................................................45
Control Weather (C)...........................................AEC 32
Control Weather (D)..........................................AEC 42
Control Weather (MU).......................................AEC 59
Control Weather (Greater) (D)............................AEC 42
Control Winds (D)..............................................AEC 42
Corpse Visage (N)......................................................11
Create Food and Water (C)................................AEC 33
Create Water (C)................................................AEC 33
Create Water (D)................................................AEC 42
Creeping Doom (D)...........................................AEC 42
Crushing Hand (MU).........................................AEC 59
Cure Blindness (C).............................................AEC 33
Cure Critical Wounds (C)...................................AEC 33
Cure Critical Wounds (D)...................................AEC 43
Cure Disease (C)................................................AEC 33
Cure Disease (D)................................................AEC 43
Cure Light Wounds (C)......................................AEC 33
Cure Light Wounds (D)......................................AEC 43
Cure Serious Wounds (C)...................................AEC 33
Cure Serious Wounds (D)...................................AEC 43
Curse of Undeath (N).................................................11
Dancing Lights (I)..............................................AEC 50
Dancing Lights (MU).........................................AEC 59
Darkness Globe (I).............................................AEC 50
Darkness Globe (MU)........................................AEC 60
Deafness (I).......................................................AEC 50
Death Geas (N)..........................................................11
Death Recall (N)........................................................11
Death Spell (MU)...............................................AEC 60
Delay Poison (C)................................................AEC 33
Delayed Blast Fireball (MU)................................AEC 60
Demand (E).................................................................6
Detach / Graft (N).....................................................11
Detect Disease (N).....................................................12
Detect Evil (C)...................................................AEC 33
Detect Evil (MU)................................................AEC 60
Feeblemind (D)..................................................AEC 43
Feeblemind (MU)...............................................AEC 63
Feign Death (C).................................................AEC 35
Feign Death (D).................................................AEC 43
Feign Death (MU)..............................................AEC 63
Figment (I).................................................................34
Find Plant (D)....................................................AEC 44
Find the Path (C)...............................................AEC 35
Find Traps (C)...................................................AEC 35
Finger of Death (D)............................................AEC 44
Fire Ball (MU)....................................................AEC 63
Fire Chariot (D).................................................AEC 44
Fire Seeds (D)....................................................AEC 44
Fire Shield (MU)................................................AEC 63
Fire Storm (D)...................................................AEC 44
Fire Trap (D)......................................................AEC 44
Fire Trap (MU)...................................................AEC 63
Firelight (E)..................................................................7
Flame Arrow (MU).............................................AEC 64
Flame Charm (MU)............................................AEC 64
Flame Strike (C).................................................AEC 35
Flash Fire (D).....................................................AEC 44
Flesh Blast (V)...........................................................23
Floating Disc (MU).............................................AEC 64
Fly (MU)............................................................AEC 64
Fog Cloud (I).....................................................AEC 51
Forceful Hand (MU)...........................................AEC 64
Freezing Sphere (MU)........................................AEC 64
Full Codex (Tome).....................................................44
Fumble (MU).....................................................AEC 64
Fungal Growth (V).....................................................23
Gaseous Form (N)......................................................12
Gate (C)............................................................AEC 35
Gate (MU).........................................................AEC 64
Geas (MU).........................................................AEC 65
Gelatinous Transformation (Tome).............................45
Genesis (V)................................................................24
Ghoul Touch (N)........................................................12
Glamour (Tome)........................................................38
Glass Like Steel (MU).........................................AEC 65
Globe of Invulnerability (MU).............................AEC 65
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser (MU)..................AEC 65
Glyph of Warding (C).........................................AEC 35
Grapple (Tome)........................................................46
Grasping Hand (MU).........................................AEC 65
Grease (Tome)...........................................................45
Guardian Spirit (N)....................................................12
Guards and Wards (MU)....................................AEC 65
Gust of Wind (MU)............................................AEC 66
Hallucinatory Terrain (D)...................................AEC 44
Hallucinatory Terrain (I).....................................AEC 51
Hallucinatory Terrain (MU)................................AEC 66
Hapless Fool (Tome)..................................................41
Haste (MU)........................................................AEC 66
Haunting (N).............................................................12
Heal (C)............................................................AEC 35
Heat Metal (D)...................................................AEC 44
Hibernate (V).............................................................24
Hide (Tome)..............................................................43
Hive Mind (V)............................................................24
Hive Sight (V)............................................................24
Hold Animal (D)................................................AEC 45
Hold Monster (MU)............................................AEC 66
Hold Person (C).................................................AEC 35
Hold Person (MU)..............................................AEC 66
Hold Portal (MU)...............................................AEC 66
Hold Vegetation and Fungus (D)........................AEC 45
Holy Chant (C)..................................................AEC 36
Holy Word (C)...................................................AEC 36
Hypnotic Pattern (I)...........................................AEC 51
Hypnotism (I)....................................................AEC 51
Ice Storm (MU)..................................................AEC 66
Identify (MU).....................................................AEC 66
Illusionary Script (I)............................................AEC 51
Illusory Abode (I).......................................................34
Illusory Stamina (I).............................................AEC 51
Immunity to Disease (V).............................................24
Symbol (N)................................................................17
Telekinesis (MU)................................................AEC 80
Teleport (F)................................................................32
Teleport (MU)....................................................AEC 80
Temperature Control (D)....................................AEC 48
Temporal Stasis (MU)........................................AEC 80
Tessellate (Tome).......................................................44
Tidal Force (E).............................................................9
Time Flow (I).............................................................36
Time Stop (MU).................................................AEC 80
Tiny Hut (MU)...................................................AEC 80
Tongues (C).......................................................AEC 40
Tongues (MU)....................................................AEC 81
Transfer Pregnancy (V)..............................................28
Transformative Pupation (V)......................................28
Transmute Metal to Wood (D)............................AEC 48
Transmute Rock to Mud (D)...............................AEC 48
Transmute Rock to Mud (MU)............................AEC 81
Transport via Plants (D).....................................AEC 48
Trap the Soul (MU)............................................AEC 81
Tree Shape (D)..................................................AEC 49
Tree Stride (D)...................................................AEC 49
Trigger (Tome)...........................................................41
True Seeing (C).................................................AEC 40
True Seeing (I)...................................................AEC 54
Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter (Tome)....................42
Undead Regeneration (N)...........................................17
Undo (Tome).............................................................42
Unhallow (N).............................................................17
Unseen Servant (MU)........................................AEC 81
Upper Hand (I)..........................................................36
Vacuum (E)..................................................................9
Valiance in Death (N).................................................17
Vampiric Enslavement (N)..........................................18
Vanish (MU)......................................................AEC 81
Vats of Creation (V)...................................................28
Veil (I)...............................................................AEC 55
Venom (V).................................................................28
Venomous Blood (V)..................................................28
Ventriloquism (I)................................................AEC 55
Ventriloquism (MU)............................................AEC 81
Viral Phantasm (I)......................................................36
Virus (V)....................................................................28
Vision (I)............................................................AEC 55
Vitality Surge (V)........................................................28
Voodoo Doll (Tome)..................................................39
Wall of Fire (D)..................................................AEC 49
Wall of Fire (MU)...............................................AEC 81
Wall of Force (MU)............................................AEC 81
Wall of Gloom (N)......................................................18
Wall of Ice (MU)................................................AEC 81
Wall of Iron (MU)...............................................AEC 81
Wall of Stone (MU)............................................AEC 82
Wall of Thorns (D).............................................AEC 49
Wall of Vapor (I)................................................AEC 55
Warp Wood (D).................................................AEC 49
Water Breathing (D)...........................................AEC 49
Water Breathing (MU)........................................AEC 82
Web (MU)..........................................................AEC 82
Web of Arachne (Tome).............................................47
Web Walk (Tome).....................................................47
Weird (I)....................................................................36
Wind Walk (C)...................................................AEC 40
Wish (MU).........................................................AEC 82
Word of Recall (C).............................................AEC 40
Xenogamy (V)...........................................................29
Yeast Growth (V).......................................................29
Zoetrope (Tome)........................................................42
Zombie Servitor (N)...................................................18
Zone of Creeping Terror (N).......................................18
Zone of Death (N)......................................................18
Zone of Sinister Stillness (N)......................................18
Zone of Weakness (N)................................................18
Golem, Wood from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene
and Patrick Lawinger.
Kamadan from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene,
based on original material by Nick
Rot Grub from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and
Clark Peterson, based on original
material by Gary Gygax
Labyrinth LordTM Copyright 2007-2009, Daniel Proctor. Author Daniel Proctor.
Darwin's World Copyright 2002, RPGObjects; Authors Dominic Covey and Chris Davis.
Mutant FutureTM Copyright 2008, Daniel Proctor and Ryan Denison. Authors Daniel Proctor and Ryan
Aerial Servant from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; authors Scott Greene
and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Axe Beak from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary
Beetle, Giant Boring from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott
Greene, based on original material
by Gary Gygax.
Beetle, Giant Rhinoceros from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author
Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Brownie from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based
on original material by Gary Gygax.
Crayfish, Monstrous from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott
Greene, based on original material
by Gary Gygax.
Demon: Juiblex The Faceless Lord (Demon Lord) from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Demon: Orcus (Demon Prince of Undead) from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games,
Inc.; authors Scott Greene and
Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Devil: Amon (Duke of Hell) from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author
Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Devil: Bael (Duke of Hell) from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author
Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Devil: Geryon (Arch-Devil) from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author
Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Ear Seeker from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; authors Scott Greene and
Erica Balsley, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.
Eel, Electric from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene.
Eye of the Deep from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Floating Eye from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary
Frog, Monstrous from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; authors Scott
Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Frog, Monstrous Killer from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; authors Scott
Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Frog, Monstrous Poisonous from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; authors
Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Gas Spore from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; authors Scott Greene and
Clark Peterson, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.
Gorbel from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based
on original material by Andrew Key.
Groaning Spirit from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; authors Scott Greene
and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Hippocampus from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; authors Scott Greene
and Erica Balsey, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Jackalwere from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene
based, on original material by Gary
Leprechaun from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene
based on original material by Gary
Lurker Above from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary
Piercer from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; authors Scott Greene and
Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Slithering Tracker from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott
Greene, based on original material
by Gary Gygax,
Slug, Giant from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary
Strangle Weed from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Tick, Giant from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary
Trapper from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based
on original material by Gary Gygax,
Turtle, Giant Snapping from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott
Green, based on original material
by Gary Gygax.
Wind Walker from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary
Yeti from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Green, based on
original material by Gary Gygax.
Advanced Edition Companion, Copyright 2009-2010, Daniel Proctor. Author Daniel Proctor.