Rosenzweig 1989 0434
Rosenzweig 1989 0434
Rosenzweig 1989 0434
J. 13. Rosenzweig,” P. Schocssow, B. Cole, 1%‘. Gai, R. Konecny, J. Norem! and J. Simpson
High Energy Physics Division, Argonne Nat,iottal Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439
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We report direct high resolution observation of nonlinear steep- ifl 41P1
ened plasma waves excited in the wake of an intense, self-pinched
electron beam. Oscillations in both accelerating and deflecting
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fields are measured, and analyzed in the context of linear and
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nonlinear plasma wave theory. The degree of nonlinearity in the
wakr-fields is shown to be consistent with analytical predictions
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of the beam self-pinching. The impact of these results on plasma
acceleration and focusing schrmrs is discussed.
Althought we have dealt successfully with the data here in a
phenomenological manner, a more rigorous understanding of the
physics issues invloved would be desirable. The main questions
raised by this experiment have to do with the nonlinrar plasma
response. In these experiments, the beam is much narrower than a
plasma wavelength, and thus the plasma electron response and as-
sociated wake-fields cannot be well explained by a one-dimensional
theory. Conversely, one-dimensional theory predicts improved
transformer ratios in very nonlinear waves driven by long hrams
of density n,,/2; it is not possible to confirm this prediction by
extrapolating our results. On the ot,her hand, the status of the
theory and simulation of beam focusing in plasmas is more well
understood than the three-dimensional nonlinear plasma motion.
These experimental results are consistent with the theoretical pic-
ture of the self-pinch dynamics, and can be viewed as a succesful
test of the concept of the thick plasma lens, as the peak beam
density is increased by a factor of ten inside the plasma.13
This work supported by the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Division of
High Energy Physics, Contract W-331-109.ENG-38.
1. J. B. Rosenzwcig, D. B. Cline, B. Cole, H. Figueroa, W. Gai,
R. Konecny, J. Norem, P. Schoessow, and J. Simpson, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 61, 98 (1988).
PAC 1989