The Grünfeld - David Vigorito - Sample
The Grünfeld - David Vigorito - Sample
The Grünfeld - David Vigorito - Sample
the Grnfeld
7 Fianchetto Variation
8 Anti-Grnfeld: 3 f3
Index of Variations
I have been playing tournament chess for more than 25 years, and I have two observations to note about the subject of this book, the Grnfeld. Firstly, I have almost exclusively played the closed openings as White, and have always found the
Grnfeld to be quite annoying to play against. I know I am not alone in this feeling. Secondly, the Grnfeld has never been in such excellent theoretical shape as it
is as I write these words.
Most of the top players in the world include the Grnfeld in their repertoires, including Carlsen, Anand, Aronian, Topalov, Kamsky, Caruana, Grischuk, Ivanchuk,
Gelfand, and Giri. A special mention should be made of Peter Svidler, who has
played the Grnfeld with great consistency at the highest level for 20+ years. Of
course, Kasparov, and Fischer before him, played the Grnfeld successfully as well.
Here in the United States GM Sergey Kudrin employs the Grnfeld exclusively
against players at all levels. I realized the theoretical problems White faced when I
faced Kudrin with White a few months ago. Despite my work on this book, I struggled mightily to decide where to look for an advantage. After choosing a line I had
little experience in, I messed up my move order within a dozen moves and had to
struggle to draw.
Writing this book was a very different experience from my previous Chess Developments book on the Sicilian Dragon. The Dragon is very narrow and important
games are played only periodically. In contrast, the Grnfeld is an opening where
almost every line is important and in a constant state of flux. Add to that its popularity at grandmaster level, and one will find that there are important games
played every week and sometimes every day.
The explosive popularity of the Grnfeld required me to be rather strict in the
lines that I covered. When I started this project the Exchange Variation with 7 Bc4
was very popular. Black has several ways to counter that, so this is by far the largest chapter in the book. The Exchange Variations with 7 Be3 and 7 Nf3 are also
Chapter One
Diagram 1 (B)
This is the classical main line. For a long time it was overshadowed by 7 Nf3 c5 8
Rb1, but 7 Bc4 has now been back in the limelight for many years. Modern interest
was rekindled when new ideas for White were found in Bronsteins exchange sacrifice (Games 11 and 12). Although Black has repaired his defences there, white
players are still playing 7 Bc4 regularly, with top practitioners including Topalov,
Carlsen, Aronian, Nakamura, and Ponomariov.
In 2006 Konstantin Sakaev produced a hefty book focused solely on 7 Bc4, An Experts Guide to the 7 Bc4 Gruenfeld. A lot has happened since then, but this book is
still very relevant today, especially in the less fashionable lines.
In this chapter we will only concentrate on the main lines that arise after:
Diagram 2 (B)
Diagram 3 (B)
There are a few deviations that are possible for both sides along the way, most
notably 7...0-0 8 Ne2 Nc6 (or even 8...b6 or 8...Qd7), 9...cxd4 10 cxd4 Qa5+, and 10
Rc1. These lines are all considered less critical and have not seen the developments
that the main lines have, so they will not be covered here.
Game 1 covers 10...Na5 11 Bd3 b6 with a quick ...cxd4. This is an old way of playing
and although it is not very popular now, having a grasp of these positions is important for understanding the 7 Bc4 variation, and the Grnfeld for that matter, as a
whole. The immediate 10...b6 has experienced a bit of a revival and this is considered in Game 2. A modern way of playing with ...b6 is to play 10...Na5 11 Bd3 b6 with
a quick ...e5. This system has been very popular and is examined in Games 3 and 4.
The next couple of games examine the system with 10...Qc7. After 11 Rc1 Rd8 we
only consider the main move 12 Bf4 in detail. Game 5 covers 12...Qd7, and the oddlooking deviation 12...Be5 is considered in Game 6.
Another popular positional system for Black is the simple move 10...Bd7 (the related 10...Bg4 11 f3 Bd7 is covered in Game 10). Here we only cover the main line
with 11 Rb1. Then 11...a6 is well met by 12 dxc5! as given in Game 7. The flexible
11...Qc7 is covered in Games 8 and 9.
Lastly, we consider the most theoretical line with 10...Bg4 11 f3 Na5 12 Bd3 cxd4
13 cxd4 Be6 and now Bronsteins aforementioned 14 d5 (Diagram 3). Black still
seems to be doing fine here, but the practical issues seem to have put off black
players. The details are in Games 11 and 12.
Game 1
Linares 2007
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6 3 Nc3 d5 4 cxd5 Nxd5 5 e4 Nxc3 6 bxc3 Bg7 7 Bc4 c5 8 Ne2 Nc6 9
Be3 0-0 10 0-0 Na5
Another move order that Black can use is 10...cxd4 11 cxd4 Na5 12 Bd3 b6 13 Rc1.
This is less flexible, however, especially considering that capturing on c5 is not so
dangerous, as we shall see in a in the note to Whites 12th move.
11 Bd3 b6 (Diagram 4)
Diagram 4 (W)
Diagram 5 (B)
12 Rc1
White generally chooses between this move and 12 Qd2 in order to be ready for
either ...e5 (see Game 3), or the exchange on d4. White does have other options,
a) 12 dxc5 bxc5 13 Bxc5 snatches a pawn and looks critical, but it is not dangerous. After 13...Qc7 one recent example went 14 Bb4 (14 Bd4 is more common,
but after 14...e5 15 Be3 many games have shown that Black has good compensation after either 15...Nc4 or 15...Be6) 14...Rd8 15 Qc2 Nc6! 16 Bc4? (Black has a
strong initiative after 16 Ba3 Qa5 17 Bb2 Ne5, so White should probably play 16
Rad1 Nxb4 17 cxb4 Qxc2 18 Bxc2 Ba6 19 Rxd8+ Rxd8 20 Rd1 Rb8 when Black is
only a little better) 16...Nxb4 17 cxb4 Be6 18 Rac1 Rac8 19 Bb3 Qxc2 20 Bxc2 Bb2
Diagram 6 (B)
Diagram 7 (B)
Both sides have achieved some of their goals, but Black can seize the initiative
with 21...Ba6! (21...Rc8 22 Nb5 Rxb5 23 Qxb5 Qxb5 24 Rxb5 Ba6 was only level in
Wang Yue-A.Shirov, Sofia 2009) 22 Rfd1 Rc8 23 Rbc1 Bc4! (improving on 23...Qg4
from E.Porper-A.Shirov, Edmonton 2009, played a few months earlier; here 24 d6!?
is possible) 24 Qb4 Be5 25 a4 Bd6 (25...Qd6 also looks quite good) 26 Qb2 f6 27 f4?!
Qg4! 28 e5 fxe5 29 Ne4 Rxa4 (after 29...Rxd5 30 Rxd5 Bxd5 31 Rxc8+ Qxc8 32 Nxd6
exd6 33 fxe5 White is fine) 30 Nxd6 exd6 31 Qf2? (White could have created counter-chances with 31 fxe5 Ra2 32 Rd4!) 31...Rf8! 32 Rd2 g5 0-1, E.Porper-G.Antal,
Edmonton 2009.
This looks strange with Whites rook already on c1, but the approaching position
can be reached in various ways. The alternative 12...e5 is considered in Game
13 cxd4 (Diagram 7)
This position looks good for White, and perhaps it is, but matters are not so simple. Black can develop easily and aim to exchange rooks on the c-file. Whites centre is strong, but Black may be able to chip away at it. White will generally seek
chances on the kingside, while Black will look to exchange pieces when his queen-
Diagram 8 (B)
Diagram 9 (B)
15 h4!
TIP: This move looks surprising at first, as White has castled so
there is no rook backing up the pawn. However, this is an excellent way to increase the pressure. White brings another attacking unit into the fray and does not hurry to exchange pieces.
Diagram 10 (B)
Diagram 11 (B)
Diagram 12 (B)
Diagram 13 (W)
Black also loses after 22...Bf8 23 hxg6 fxg6 24 Bxg6 or 22...Nb4 23 Bxg7 Kxg7 24
Qf6+ Kf8 (24...Kg8 25 h6) 25 Bxg6! hxg6 26 h6.
23 Qc1! g5
This leaves Black in a fatal pin, but 23...Qd7 24 hxg6 fxg6 25 Nf4! (even stronger
than 25 Bxg6 Ba6 (25...Nxd4?) 26 Bh5 Bxe2 27 Bxe2 Nxd4 28 Bh5) 25...Nxd4 26
Nxg6 gives White a tremendous attack.
24 Bb5 Bd7 (Diagram 13) 25 d5!
This simply wins a piece.
25...exd5 26 Nd4 Bxf6 27 exf6 Qd6 28 Bxc6 Qxf6 29 Bxd7 Qxd4 30 g3 Qc5 31 Qxc5
bxc5 32 Bc6 d4 33 Bb5 Kf8 34 f4 gxf4 35 gxf4 1-0