MB 0039 Business Communication Ia Answers
MB 0039 Business Communication Ia Answers
MB 0039 Business Communication Ia Answers
with different feeling. Design refers to what formality, informality and status
can convey from chairs, desk and carpets. Space management refers to
arrangement of spaces of people who work together regularly and how that
influence interaction and enable effective communication. Location within
which we communicate influences the manner and nature of communication.
Loud communication is relevant for vast audience. Distance also between
people can influence the communication.
2a. Listening is a very important tool in effective communication. It
represents reception of a message and it determines the quality or the result
of the message.
One notable instance where communication failed because listening was
faulty was when I asked my house help to purchase some items from a noisy
market on a sunny Saturday morning. I wanted to prepare a special delicacy
that requires specific local food stuff items. Time was of the essence so I
called my house help since he resided close to the market. Knowing that he
was keeping my money I then mentioned systematically what I want him to
do and purchase from the market. I also required him to make a note of all
the items. It was not until he came home with the items that I realized he
had actually misinterpreted my message because he had gotten some wrong
items and also insufficient quantities of the right ones. His excuse was that
the market and vehicle were noisy. He also elaborated that the traders
inability to get his message well also contributed to the ineffective
communication and that the trader listened with strained ears 5 meters
away from him.
2b. Some of the identifiable barriers to communication in the above situation
are as follows:
Bad Listening Habit- My help decided to pay attention only to the general
item names and not specific details (fish and not dried tilapia).
Physical barriers- This barrier proved to be an impediment in the entire
communication process. When I spoke to my help he claimed later on that he
did not hear the details because he was in a noisy car. He also claimed that
the market was very noisy and that some of the mistakenly packaged items
were as a result of misinterpretation by the trader.
Wrong Assumptions- My help also wrongly assumed that some of the items
were common so there was no need to pen down the names of the items.
Lack of training and attitudinal barriers- Listening is a skill and repetition of
the message by the receiver is a basic way to ensuring a message is
received well or not. In this situation I can say that ineffective
communication can stem from the senders inability to confirm receipt of the
transmitted message and also the attitude of the recipient.
5. Some of the aspects to keep in mind during an interview for the post of a
manager-operations are as follows;
Opening Formalities: First impression goes a long way therefore introduction
of oneself, handshake remembering details such as name of interviewer are
all key factors together with waiting to be asked to seat and seating in an
erect position are all common courtesies.
Non-verbal Communication: Communicating a positive message by way of
firm gaze, maintaining eye contact and also using non-verbal means to
indicate confidence and attentiveness to what the interviewer is saying.
Group interviews: When asked questions from any of the interviewers, eye
contact must be maintained and questions addressed accordingly.
Two way interview: In this situation, apart from just answering questions,
interest can be shown in the job by asking relevant questions especially by
the interviewee wherever possible.
Honesty and Humility: Avoiding void and vague answers or beating around
the bush is important. Humility is also very important because sometimes
questions such as describing ones weakness can be asked and it is important
to be honest in this regard. Exaggeration must also be avoided as much as
possible especially when answering questions.
Positive answers: Speaking ill of previous employers must also be avoided as
much as possible. However, it is important to give honest feedback in a very
tactful way.
Salary Discussion: Allow the interviewer to initiate discussions about salary. It
is good to indicate ranges of salary expectation when asked instead of a
specific amount. Therefore it is good to find out the range of salary for
candidates with similar qualifications.
Closing the interview: Closing the interview is as important as commencing
it. Sometimes a signal is given by the interviewer about ending the interview
and at this point a repetition of the commencing handshake must be done
and an expression of your expectation. For instance telling the interviewer
that you are looking forward to hearing from the company soonest.
Sometimes in conclusion they interviewer can ask if there is any question
you intend to ask. In this case questions about the organization are
important and not questions on performance.
6. The Internet- is an integral part of our everyday lives. The Internet is the
largest computer network in the world, connecting millions of computers or a
global network of computers which may be server or client that exchange
(i). Efficient Educational Tool- Increased ability to teach at more than one
place simultaneously. One may be in a small town but through the Internet,
they can be linked to students in more populated areas.
(ii). Globalization- While computers have been blamed for decreased activity
and interaction in the local community, the Internet has been credited with
providing a window into the global world. It allows anyone with a computer to
think globally and has allowed the business world to forge international
relationships with new vendors (to lower costs) and new customers (to
increase sales).
(iii). Improved Communication- 100 years ago it might have taken over a
month to get a letter to a friend in another country. Today, communication is
as easy as a mouse click, and much cheaper too. Anyone in the world can
communicate with another person through text messages, emails, and even
live video. For business, this means higher efficiency and quicker processing
of sales.