Understanding The Illuminati Mindset: Why The USA Is Scheduled For Destruction
Understanding The Illuminati Mindset: Why The USA Is Scheduled For Destruction
Understanding The Illuminati Mindset: Why The USA Is Scheduled For Destruction
LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dC8HG8b0CU
The Illuminati are the real rulers of the world, the Elite who exercise
complete control over the financial and political systems of all major
industrialised countries. They were described by Christ as 'the Synagogue of
Satan' because Satan (or Lucifer) is their god. They worship and serve
Lucifer, the so-called Angel of Light, in much the same way that Christians
worship and serve the LORD.
Few people know that they exist, even though Christ made it very clear that
they do. Since the world is governed by Lucifer and these are his loyal agents,
then they too rule the world. In a very real sense they are the means by which
Lucifer is carrying out his grand plan to secure complete control over
One of the reasons the Illuminati have been so successful at hiding
themselves is that 'normal' people find it very difficult to conceive of their
existence. How is it possible, they ask, that a group of otherwise unassuming
people could be so infused with the false light of Lucifer that everything they
did was dedicated to his work in this world?
The purpose of this paper is (a) to describe the kind of people we are talking
about and (b) to identify their mindset and the way they perceive the world.
The Traditional Stereotype of an Evil Person is Misleading
As recently as the 19th century most westerners were professing Christians.
This meant they recognised evil as a tangible reality and an ongoing threat to
our spiritual well-being. They knew evil was more than just an absence of
good, but a devouring darkness that could destroy the unwary. Today that
understanding has been all but lost.
It is fair to say that Satan has hidden himself extremely well by inducing the
majority of mankind into believing that he does not exist, that he was purely a
mythical entity that earlier, less mature civilisations needed to account for the
pain and adversity of this world.
While reporting on the Eichmann trial in 1962, one journalist was struck by
the amazing disparity between the horror of the crimes committed by this
infamous Nazi officer and the frail, unremarkable individual sitting in the
dock before her. She struggled to find a suitably stirring description of this
huge contradiction – how a quiet man who was simply 'doing his job' could
organise murder on such a grand scale – but eventually she settled on just
four words: the banality of evil.
We generally think that extreme evil should be easy to discern, but it’s not.
Hollywood, the great Illuminati propaganda machine, has done its job well.
After decades of indoctrination most people expect an evil person to display
some outward characteristic that would hint at the supernatural darkness
within. But they are mistaken!
We should discard all of these stereotypes. The “banality of evil” will fool us
every time. The Global Elite are among the most cultured, most charming and
most educated people on the planet. One would never guess that a consortium
of this calibre, with impeccable professional credentials, is busily planning
World War Three and, following that, a Marxist dictatorship. These people are
so perfectly possessed by the Luciferian ideal, so fully aligned with its overall
purpose, that they are virtually undetectable.
We can learn a lot more about their mindset by examining their beliefs. To
start with, they are not atheists. As we have seen, their god is Lucifer. While
Christianity portrays Lucifer as Satan, the supreme embodiment of all that is
evil, they see him as the one true god. To them he is the Light-bringer, the
true source of all knowledge, wisdom and power. The goal in their philosophy
is to become fully imbued with the Light of Lucifer. Anyone who reaches this
state of ‘illumination’ is known as an Illuminatus (plural: Illuminati).
They regard science and technology as the key to the unlimited expansion of
human influence in the universe. This knowledge is transmitted by Lucifer on
a phased basis to those who serve him well. Eventually man will solve the
problem of ageing and travel into space to colonise distant planets. In time,
they believe, the superior man can become even stronger through the
incorporation into his body of electronic and genetic enhancements.
They regard the God of the Bible as a false god, an oppressor who tries to
keep men in subjection by withholding knowledge and teaching a weak and
pitiful philosophy. On the other hand, Lucifer is seen as the great liberator, the
one who is helping men to realise their divine nature.
They know, however, that the God of the Bible cannot be overthrown. Instead
they believe that Lucifer is His equal and that the two will strive against one
another throughout eternity. Thus the Illuminati conceive of the universe in
dynamic, dualistic terms – good and evil, positive and negative, male and
female, strong and weak, light and darkness. The true goal of any human is to
acquire such a perfect knowledge of good and evil that he (or she) can rise in
triumph above the cosmic conflict and live like a god.
You may recall that the knowledge of good and evil is exactly what Satan
offered Eve in the Garden of Eden. He also promised that, if she gained that
knowledge, she would become a god in her own right. This shows how
Satan’s lies have never changed and that he continues to teach the same
rebellious (and completely false) philosophy.
According to the Elite, very few humans will ever have the strength to
become an Illuminatus. Most are weak. Indeed, countless millions are so
weak that they deserve to be destroyed. They are simply consuming the
earth’s resources and polluting the planet. It is widely believed by those who
have studied the Illuminati that they intend to depopulate large regions of the
planet and allow them to return to their natural state. This fully accords with
the End Time scenario described in the Book of Revelation, where a huge
proportion of mankind is destroyed in a matter of months through disease,
famine and other calamities.
The Illuminati, who are primarily Anglo-Saxon, use the occult science of
evolution to justify their intense racism. Only rarely is a non-white person
deemed by them to possess the ‘spiritual’ qualities that are needed to join
their ranks.
The Ruling Elite and their Families
The families of the Elite have taught this exclusivist philosophy to their
children for generations. They work together to strengthen their collective
influence in society and, toward this end, have traditionally steered their
children toward careers in banking, law and politics. In recent decades their
level of hands-on involvement has greatly expanded to match the huge
increase in power and influence that they now wield through multinational
corporations and international institutions.
These elite families always ensure that their children receive a first class
education. They then select the brightest for advanced training. They are
intensely nepotistic and once they gain a foothold at the highest level in key
corporations and institutions, they open further doors to their own kind. Since
this process has continued for generations, they have been able to co-ordinate
their efforts to such effect that there is hardly a major organisation in any
industrialised country that they do not control or influence in some manner,
whether directly or through a proxy.
Around the middle of the 20th century they appear to have made a deliberate
decision to take on board non-Illuminati members who, by virtue of their
skills and disposition, could prove useful to the elite. Suitable candidates are
identified and selected at university level and then given the necessary
training, as well as exposure to key players, through such mechanisms as a
Rhodes Scholarship or a Fulbright Fellowship.
If you see all of this as merely a ‘conspiracy’ – and therefore somewhat
farfetched – you are missing the point. It has long been known that wealthy
and influential people work together to advance their respective interests.
Such cabals and cartels are often referred to as a ‘golden circle.’ The only
distinctive feature of the Illuminati cartel is that it has been operating for a
very long time, that it works across national boundaries, and that its most
influential members are practitioners of the occult. Indeed, if you consider the
depravity of human nature and the salutary lessons of history, it would be
very surprising if a cartel of this nature did not exist.
The Three Hammer Blows
Since the masses would resist the creation of such an entity, it would have to
be imposed by stealth. But stealth alone was not enough. A series of hammer
blows would also be needed to break up the old order – the existing network
of independent sovereign states – and replace it with progressively larger
political entities which could then be merged to form a global government.
They reckoned that three hammer blows in all would be needed. The first –
World War One – would destroy the empires of Europe and the Middle East
and establish, in Russia, a smaller version of the totalitarian political system
which they were planning to impose in due course on the world as a whole. It
would also enable them to establish the first global political institution, the
League of Nations. The second hammer blow – World War Two – would
create turmoil across Europe and Asia and lay the foundations for Communist
China, the European Union and the United Nations.
Before World War One the nations of Europe had already established total
control over the entire continent of Africa, while the United States had a
stranglehold over most of Latin America. Britain controlled India, large parts
of the Middle East and, by vicarious means, Canada and Australasia. Russia
and China were under complete Illuminati control, while Japan fell into their
hands in 1945. This left, as intended, just one major player on the world stage
– the USA.
America is quite literally the last man standing, the only obstacle between the
Illuminati and the creation of a One World Government.
This third hammer blow will come through the devastation of World War
Three. The Illuminati have been setting the necessary ‘dominoes’ in place
over the past hundred years or so. Using a series of deliberately engineered
flashpoints – the Middle East, North and South Korea, Kashmir and Taiwan –
they plan to set in motion a string of nuclear exchanges which will kill
millions of people and completely destabilize large parts of the globe. As an
ally of Taiwan and South Korea, the US will be drawn into a deadly
confrontation with China. Meanwhile, the radical hoards of Islam will try to
overrun Israel, and long simmering tensions between Pakistan and India –
both of which have nuclear missiles – will ignite into a full-blown war.
Most of the suffering in Europe will come through an oil and food shortage,
the collapse of the international banking system, and sporadic terrorist
activity. The use of biological weapons or earthquake-generating technology
cannot be ruled out.
At least this appears to be the plan. We can never be sure since they continue
to modify and update their strategy to accord with changing circumstances.
This allows them to take maximum advantage of auspicious conditions and to
conceal their subversive activities beneath the cloak of otherwise normal
They may not need to implement all of the elements in their grand plan in
order to achieve the outcome they want. However, there are strong indications
that they intend to seriously destabilise the United States through the use of
nuclear devices which they will then blame on radical Islamists. These
devices will wreak havoc in several North American cities – four or five in
the US and one each in Canada and Mexico. The Illuminati will then exploit
the ensuing chaos to bring the entire continent under martial law, imprison
dissidents, and denounce Bible-believing Christian churches as breeding
grounds for ‘fundamentalism.’
The campaign to slander and vilify Bible-believing Christians is already well
under way. The foremost ‘evangelist’ in the US, Rick Warren – who is a
member of the Council for Foreign Relations, an Illuminati stronghold –
made the following statements a few years ago:
Today there really aren't that many Fundamentalists left; I don't
know if you know that or not, but they are such a minority; there
aren't that many Fundamentalists left in America...Now the word
'fundamentalist' actually comes from a document in the 1920s
called the Five Fundamentals of the Faith. And it is a very
legalistic, narrow view of Christianity."
– from interview with Pew Forum on Religion, May 2005
Warren predicts that fundamentalism, of all varieties, will be "one
of the big enemies of the 21st century." "Muslim fundamentalism,
Christian fundamentalism, Jewish fundamentalism, secular funda-
mentalism – they're all motivated by fear, fear of each other."
– from an interview with Paul Nussbaum, January 2006
In short, if you believe the Bible and accept it unconditionally as the Word of
God, then you risk being labelled a Christian fundamentalist and, as such, a
potential terrorist.
The Illuminati despise Christianity and want it eliminated, especially in the
United States. In fact the coming turmoil will be used to discredit any religion
which claims to have an exclusive monopoly on truth. They will be labelled,
not just divisive and intolerant, but the root cause of all wars (including this
one). This is why the confrontation in the Middle East will be so important. In
the aftermath of this awful event, believers in Christianity, Judaism and Islam
will very likely be required to pledge their allegiance to a set of universal
spiritual principles and thereby renounce the exclusivity of their religious
beliefs. Christians everywhere, by submitting to this ‘tolerant’ One World
Religion, will be rejecting Christ and the LORD God of the Bible.
Another Illuminati message,
courtesy of Absolut vodka.
The US was deliberately built up during the 20th century to become the
powerhouse of the world economy. The dollar reigned supreme in
international trade, world banking and the financial markets. Nearly all major
industrial and technological developments were designed to originate in this
large, stable, and ever-growing economy. This ensured that, when it collapsed
in accordance with the Illuminati timetable, the world economy as a whole
would be thrown into turmoil.
This is exactly what Marxism was designed to achieve. It should hardly be
surprising, therefore, that the current US President – who appeared out of
nowhere in 2007 – taught workshops for several years in what is perhaps the
most potent brand of Marxism known today, namely that of Saul Alinsky. His
book, Rules for Radicals, which he dedicated to Lucifer, is almost a sacred
text among communists and anarchists everywhere. It is so subversive, so
inhumanly destructive, that it makes Machiavelli seem like an altar boy.
Incidentally, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton based her graduation thesis on
Alinsky’s works. If you are an American citizen and these facts do not cause
you very deep concern, then the fate of your great country has already been
The Messiah / Maitreya
Some may see the coming World War Three scenario as the End Time show-
down described in the Book of Revelation. However it is more than likely just
a prelude to that dreadful series of events. The global peace initiative will
probably be spearheaded by a man who is judged universally to possess
unusual personal attributes. His role in restoring stability, as well as the
remarkable miracles that he allegedly performs, will convince many that he is
the most charismatic, most saintly person on earth, possibly even the Messiah
of Christianity and Judaism, the Maitreya of Buddhism or the Imam Mahdi of
Shia Islam.
The great charade may even be reinforced by (manmade) signs in the sky, an
armada of (manmade) UFOs, and even a cadre of exotic transgenic animals
and humanoids. All of these elements will be designed to convince the masses
of humanity that a delegation of wise and benevolent beings has come from
another star system to ‘save’ us.
When the so-called Messiah/Maitreya signs a seven-year peace treaty with
Israel it ought to be obvious to Christians everywhere that he is actually the
false Christ, or Antichrist, described in the Book of Revelation.
In their view, if extreme measures are needed to bring about this ‘sustainable’
situation, then they must be administered. If millions must die in a brief
cataclysm so that a much larger number may be saved in the long run, then
such action is necessary. In their own eyes, the Illuminati are not brutes but
supreme realists, acting in accord with universal moral laws.
In light of this plan and their overall philosophy, we can see that the
Illuminati mindset is shaped largely by the following principles:
- the end justifies the means;
- the strong are morally entitled to rule;
- the weak are spiritually deficient and therefore expendable;
- the strong will conceal their identity until they are ready to take over;
- all values other than those of the Illuminati are false;
- survival and prosperity depend on total control;
- there is no absolute right or wrong outside of human will;
- their ways may seem harsh but they are realistic and necessary.
1. Before you destroy your enemy, you must tell him
what you are going to do to him.
2. Revenge is not just pleasurable, it is necessary.
3. Everything in the Force must balance. Therefore all
negative acts must be matched by positive ones.
4. The strong are morally obliged to exploit the weak
for a greater purpose.
5. Only power is real. Love and compassion are simply
illusions to comfort the weak.
6. Every action has the right time and place in the cosmic order.
7. Sacrifices are necessary for the greater good.
8. The end justifies the means.
In accordance with principle #1, the Illuminati have been telling the world for
some time what they are planning to do. Different aspects of their plan are
revealed through movies, books, television series, and even ads for
commercial products (See the Jack Daniels and Absolut ads above). Lindsey
Williams was told by his Illuminati informant in October 2009 that several
Hollywood movies over the next two years would anticipate coming events in
a most startling way (See the link on p.15 below to view his 3-hour interview
on YouTube – NOT to be missed).
Principle #3, regarding cosmic balance, will explain why the ultra-rich make
a point of donating very large sums of money to philanthropic causes. Such
‘positive’ deeds are believed to cancel out or balance their ‘negative’ ones.
Principle #6, regarding the timing of events, is based on their belief in
astrology and cosmic mechanics. In their philosophy, the right action can be
negated if it is carried out on the wrong day. This is why they like to initiate
major events on days of occult significance.
Are the Illuminati a Zionist or Jewish Conspiracy?
Satan uses whomever he can to advance his cause. The Illuminati today are
not a Jewish cartel, though many of their most influential members are
ethnically Jewish. The core of the Illuminati appears to comprise the
wealthiest members of the Anglo-American Establishment, certain European
royal families and a number of Jewish banking dynasties.
The infamous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion were not a forgery, but
neither were they strictly Zionist. One has only to consider global
developments since they were published in 1905 to see how closely they
reflect the awful strategy defined in the Protocols. Some commentators
believe the strategy is revised slightly in each generation to reflect changing
world conditions. The ‘cattle’ or goyim to which they refer are not gentiles
per se but the masses of humanity, including ‘ordinary’ Jews, who are
despised by the Illuminati
Lindsey Williams
[Link below]
The LORD God is All-Powerful
Nothing can happen here on earth (or in heaven) unless God permits it.
Natural man is fallen, alienated from God by his rejection of God’s authority.
As a result he has pursued a course which, steeped in self-interest, leaves him
fatally exposed to the lure of Satan. The LORD does not wish man to be lost
forever, but man himself resists the gift that God offers – salvation through
the death and blood of His Son.
The coming trauma is nothing less than a Judgment from the LORD. The US
will be particularly affected since it has utterly betrayed the doctrine of
Christ. Over 40 million children have been ‘legally’ murdered in the womb in
the US since 1973. Millions of Americans are hooked on pornography,
promiscuity, drugs, alcohol, gambling and self-indulgence of every kind.
Most have no idea what righteousness is or what the LORD expects of them.
The ‘something for nothing’ mentality which pervades all levels of society is
a spiritual disease. Countless numbers of Americans worship the false gods of
the New Age and millions are practitioners of magic and the occult in one
form or another. Most so-called Christian churches have long departed from
the true gospel of Christ and teach instead a hollow, feel-good message which
is leading no-one to repentance.
If you have not already accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, then
please think seriously about doing so. None of the pagan religions have the
power to save you since they all operate under the power of Lucifer. He can
appear as an Angel of Light, and has done so many times to lure the founders
of religions, sects and cults into accepting him as the one true god. (I was 33
years in the New Age before I was saved, so I know what I’m talking about!)
If you are caught in the occult and unable to pull free, you can call on Jesus
Christ to save you. He has that power. He can free you from the demonic
bondage that is destroying your life and pulling you inexorably into the pit.
And if you are a Catholic, a Mormon, or in another so-called Christian
religion which is based on idolatry, then please recognise that these too are
controlled by Satan. Few Catholics have a relationship with Christ for, if they
had, they would never dream of praying to a goddess or to the souls of the
dead. One must pray to GOD and ONLY to GOD.
Lindsey Williams is a born-again Christian pastor who worked for about
three years in the early 70s with a group of people who happened to be
Illuminati insiders. Two of them have maintained contact with him over
the years and one in particular seems to be prepared to reveal privileged
information, presumably on the basis that no-one will believe it. The
presentation relates in particular to the Illuminati plan for 2010-2011.
Jeremy James
1 May 2010
Selected Reading