Linear Algebra Problem Set 4

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Homework 4

Christopher Hillenbrand
18.700 Linear Algebra, Fall 2015
Collaborators: Diptarka Hait, David Vaccaro.
17 (5.A); 6, 15 (5.B); 3, 6, 10 (5.C); 1, 4, 7, 12 (6.A).
Problem 5.A.17. Give an example of an operator T 2 L(R4 ) such that T has no real
Solution. Let
T (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = (3x3 , 4x4 , x1 , 2x2 ).

6 0
M(T ) = 6
4 1

I = 0 implies

det( I
which has no real roots as b2

T) =

4ac = 9



4 7
0 5
+ 24 = 0

96 < 0. Hence T has no real eigenvalues.

Problem 5.B.6. Suppose T 2 L(V ) and U is a subspace of V invariant under T . Prove

that U is invariant under p(T ) for every polynomial p 2 P(F).
Proof. Let p 2 P(F) be a polynomial of degree m such that
p(z) =


ci z i .



p(T ) = c0 I + c1 T + + cm T m .

If u 2 U , then we can prove by induction that T j u 2 U for any j 2 N0 . If j = 0, this

equation is trivially true. Now assume T j 1 u 2 U . Then
T j u = T T j 1u 2 U
because U is invariant under T . Therefore
[p(T )] (u) = c0 u + c1 T u + + cm T m u 2 U
because each cj T j u 2 U by closure. Hence U is invariant under p(T ).

Christopher Hillenbrand
Problem 5.B.15. Give an example of an operator whose matrix with respect to some basis
contains only nonzero numbers on the diagonal, but the operator is not invertible.
Solution. Let T 2 L (F2 ) be the operator with matrix

1 1
M(T ) =
1 1
Then det T = 0 so T is not invertible, but T has no zeroes on the diagonal.

Problem 5.C.3. Suppose V is finite-dimensional and T 2 L(V ). Prove that the following
are equivalent:

V = null T

range T .


V = null T + range T .


null T \ range T = {0}.

Proof. Clearly (a) () ((b) ^ (c)) by definition. We shall prove (c) () (b), thereby
proving the theorem. Assume (c) is true. We know from the dimension formula that
dim V = dim null T + dim range T.
Since null T \ range T = {0}, we also know that
dim (null T + range T ) = dim null T + dim range T.
dim V = dim (null T + range T ) .
Since null T + range T V , we must have
null T + range T = V
as desired. Now assume (b) is true. Then
dim (null T + range T ) = dim V.
There is a theorem that says
dim (null T + range T ) = dim null T + dim range T + dim (null T \ range T ) .
Combining these two equations, we obtain
dim V = dim null T + dim range T + dim (null T \ range T ) .
But dim V = dim null T + dim range T , so
dim (null T \ range T ) = 0
=) null T \ range T = {0}

proving the theorem.


Christopher Hillenbrand
Problem 5.C.6. Suppose V is finite-dimensional, T 2 L(V ) has dim V distinct eigenvalues,
and S 2 L(V ) has the same eigenvectors as T (not necessarily with the same eigenvalues).
Prove that ST = T S.
Proof. Let n = dim V . Then T has distinct eigenvalues 1 , . . . , n . We know that S has
eigenvalues 1 , . . . , n , not necessarily unique, but such that T v = j v implies Sv = j v. Let
v1 , . . . , vn be nonzero eigenvectors such that T vj = j v, j = 1, 2, 3, . . . , n. These are linearly
independent since the eigenvalues are distinct. Since there are dim V of them, they form a
basis for V . Thus if v = a1 v1 + + an vn , we have
ST (v) = S ( 1 v1 + + n vn )
= 1 1 v 1 + + n n v n
= T (1 v1 + + n vn )
= T S(v)

as desired.
Problem 5.C.10. Suppose that V is finite-dimensional and T 2 L(V ). Let
denote the distinct nonzero eigenvalues of T . Prove that
dim E ( 1 , T ) + + dim E (

m, T )

1, . . . ,

dim range T.

Proof. Similarly to the proof of theorem 5.38, we first show that E ( 1 , T ) + + E (

is a direct sum. Suppose
u1 + + um = 0

m, T )

where each uj is in E ( j , T ) . Because eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues are

linearly independent, this implies that each uj equals 0. Therefore E ( 1 , T )+ +E ( m , T )
is a direct sum. Furthermore, any vector in the space formed by summing the eigenspaces
is contained within the range of T . Therefore
dim E ( 1 , T ) + + dim E (

m, T )

= dim (E ( 1 , T )
dim range T


m , T ))

where the equality follows from 2.C.16.

Problem 6.A.1. Show that the function which takes ((x1 , x2 ), (y1 , y2 )) 2 R2 R2 to |x1 y1 |+
|x2 y2 | is not an inner product on R2 .
Proof. Let x = (1, 1). Then h x, xi = 2 6= hx, xi =
the first argument, it cannot be an inner product.

2. Since the function is not linear in

Problem 6.A.4. Suppose V is a real inner product space.

vi = kuk2

kvk2 for every u, v 2 V .


Show that hu + v, u


Show that if u, v 2 V have the same norm, then u + v is orthogonal to u



Christopher Hillenbrand

Use part (b) to show that the diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular to each

hu + v, u

vi = hu, u
= hu

vi + hv, u

v, ui + hu

v, vi

= hu, ui hv, ui + hu, vi

= hu, ui hv, vi
= kuk2 kvk2 .

Suppose kuk = kvk. Then

hu + v, u
so that u + v is orthogonal to u


hv, vi

vi = kuk2

kvk2 = 0

v by definition of orthogonality.

A rhombus is a parallelogram with congruent sides. If we draw a rhombus starting

from the origin using vectors u and v of the same length, then one of the diagonals
is parallel to u + v and the other is parallel to u v. By part (b), these vectors
are orthogonal. Therefore the diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular.

Problem 6.A.7. Suppose u, v 2 V . Prove that kau + bvk = kbu + avk for all a, b 2 R if
and only if kuk = kvk.
Proof. Suppose that kau + bvk = kbu + avk for all a, b 2 R. Set a = 1, b = 0. Then we have
kuk = kvk. We now prove the converse. Suppose that kuk = kvk. Then
hau + bv, au + bvi = ahu, au + bvi + bhv, au + bvi
= a2 hu, ui + abhu, vi + abhv, ui + b2 hv, vi
= a2 kuk2 + b2 kvk2 + 2ab Rehu, vi.
hbu + av, bu + avi = bhu, bu + avi + ahv, bu + avi
= b2 hu, ui + abhu, vi + abhv, ui + a2 hv, vi
= b2 kuk2 + a2 kvk2 + 2ab Rehu, vi.
But kuk = kvk, so these two expressions are equal, as desired.
Problem 6.A.12. Prove that
(x1 + + xn )2 n x21 + + x2n
for all positive integers n and all real numbers x1 , . . . , xn .

Christopher Hillenbrand
Proof. Let x = (x1 , . . . , xn ). First note that

(x1 + + xn ) =


xi (x1 + + xn )




where the yi are cyclic permutations of (x1 , . . . , xn ). The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality tells us
yi x kyi k kxk
= kxk2
= (x1 + + xn )2 .

(x1 + . . . + xn ) =



yi x
(x21 + + x2n )

= n(x21 + + x2n )

as desired.

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