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IPTV Report

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Project IPTV Platform

VAP RSM 2010-2011

Anass Touati
Mehdi Masbahi
Claudia Elena Toader
Jose Pablo Loera Saucedo

Tutors: Hossam Afifi

Emad Mohamed ABOUSABEA

Table of Contents

General concepts IPTV ............................................................................................... 3

IPTV Project ................................................................................................................................................ 3


DVB (Digital Video Broadcast) .................................................................................... 5


MPEG................................................................................................................................ 6


DVB-S................................................................................................................................ 6


DVB-C ............................................................................................................................... 7


DVB-T ............................................................................................................................... 8

III. VLC (VideoLAN Client) ................................................................................................ 9

Unicast streaming ........................................................................................................................................... 9
VOD streaming ............................................................................................................................................. 10

IV. Set-Up-Box (STB) ...................................................................................................... 11


The Linux4.TV Set-Top Box Open Source Project............................................................... 11


Graphical Windowing System .............................................................................................................. 12

Kernel and Device-Driver Layer ........................................................................................................... 13
Video Middleware Layer ...................................................................................................................... 13
Audio Subsystem ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Video Capture Subsystem ........................................................................................................................ 14
Overlay Subsystem ................................................................................................................................... 14
MPEG Subsystem ..................................................................................................................................... 14
TV Subsystem ........................................................................................................................................... 14
d. WebMedia and Applications Layer ...................................................................................................... 14


SET-TOP-BOX OPEN SOURCE HARDWARE/SOFTWARE ...................................................... 16


Set top box open source de Neuros ..................................................................................................... 16

VT900 Set-Top Box (STB): Century Embedded Technologies and VT Media Technologies ................... 16
Boxee Set-Top Box and Remote ........................................................................................................... 17
Review: Logitech's Google TV box ....................................................................................................... 17
The YBox2 ............................................................................................................................................ 18
GeexBox ............................................................................................................................................... 18

V. MythTV.................................................................................................................... 19

Introduction .................................................................................................................... 19


MythTV architecture ....................................................................................................... 21


Hardware ........................................................................................................................ 22


Detailed Comparaison Chart ............................................................................................ 23


Installation ...................................................................................................................... 24

Before installation ............................................................................................................................... 24


From source ......................................................................................................................................... 25

From package ( MyUbuntu ) ................................................................................................................ 26
Configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 26

VI. Experiments ............................................................................................................. 28

VII. IPTV Multicast.......................................................................................................... 33

Introduction .................................................................................................................... 33


Multicast routing protocols ............................................................................................. 34


PIM-SM (Protocol Independent Multicast Sparse Mode) ................................................................... 35

IGMP .................................................................................................................................................... 36
IGMP v1 ........................................................................................................................................... 36
a. IGMP v2 ........................................................................................................................................... 36
b. IGMP v3 and IGMP snooping .......................................................................................................... 37

VIII. Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 39

Bibliography ................................................................................................................... 40
Schedulers ...................................................................................................................... 41

I. General concepts IPTV

Internet Video is video content over the Internet open public network.
Over the web, portals offer video streaming and discrete content elements, no
Quality of Service and a wide range of video formats & streaming protocols.
On the other hand, IPTV has become a high-benefit service for the
operators by adding multimedia content delivery (TV, Video & Audio) over their
own network. One hop before the client they include a Set Top Box to give
interactive and customized services that add aggregated value to the service like:

Targeted advertisement

Live stats of program watching

Network PVR (offline TV programs)

Content flow for Internet video

The process of live streaming involves a camera for the video, an encoder
to digitalize the content, a video publisher where the streams are made available
to potential end-users and a content delivery network to distribute and deliver
the content. The media can then be viewed by end-users live.
IPTV Project
Our project is based on a proposed typical architecture for video streaming over a
wireless network and a classic ADSL network. Their functionalities will be tested in
order to verify limitations, quality and available bandwidth.

Proposed IPTV Architecture

Projects Main steps
The project was developed around 3 main points:
- Research on Digital Video Broadcasting: in our caseDVB-T standard is used
because its the most widely deployed and well adapted to digital streaming. The
research was mostly done to know what we were dealing with and also the techniques
in which data is transmitted. This part was roughly an introduction and an approach to
the subject so that afterwards we could continue with the implementation.
- Installing VLC software under Linux (Ubuntu) in two PCs and testing video
streaming between them as to simulate the path between server and client. We achieved
the data streaming by using UDP, TCP, RTP and even HTTP protocols. Depending on the
application we want each protocol is useful for certain things for example, Video on
Demand is a unicast transmission established by the server and because RTP is designed
for end-to-end, real-time and transfer of data streams it is chosen. For live, multicast
video streaming in which a huge number of subscribers are joined then UDP is
compatible for giving the service with a simple transmission.
- Research about source Set Top Boxes: Here we found several virtual boxes but
which were used in certain projects for their own specifications and also physical ones
fromComTrend. These last ones were not useful because ComTrend customizes the
boxes specifically for its customers (big enterprises) and they are hard to configure by
someone external to the company. So after continuing to look for virtual boxes we found
and installed MythTV and GeexBox to start testing.

II. DVB (Digital Video Broadcast)

DVB is a European open standard for digital television. It led by the DVB project, an
international industry consortium. There are many specifications of The Digital Video
cover digital services delivered over, satellite, cable, terrestrial transmitters, the internet
and mobile communication systems.
DVB project is described in two parts:

Source coding data compression


The compression algorithm for the video is MPEG2 and MUSICAM for the audio.
Most important transmission supports are:

Satellite DVB-S
Cable DVB-C
Terrestrial DVB-T

For each one, the DVB project has chosen a specific modulation:


Figure 1:General architecture of DVB:

Source coding
and multiplexing

Adaptation to
the channel,
Coding and

and decoding


The standardized technique used send audio and
video over the network in a fast and efficient way is MPEG2. This protocol is directed at broadcast formats at higher
data rates; it provides extra algorithmic 'tools' for efficiently
coding interlaced video, supports a wide range of bit rates
and provides for multichannel surround sound coding.
MPEG-2 decoders will also decode MPEG-1 bit streams.
Main features of different versions of the standard:
Figure 2 : prediction in MPEG


Intended for use in creating video compact discs (CDs), operating at 1Mbps.
Occasionally used for: low-cost surveillance and some web video, doesnt support
Interlacing or HD video and lacks of advanced coding techniques
Approved in 1996, it is used widely in all video fields. Chosen by DTV broadcast TV in
the USA Supports Interlacing & HD video (720p, 1080i & p). Multiplexing of a number of
Video & Audio streams, offering multichannel, multilingual, and multi-program
capabilities 5 channel audio (surround sound) support Advanced Audio Coding (AAC)

2. DVB-S
DVB-s describes the DVB frame structure, the modulation of the MPEG-2 packets and the
channel coding system for satellite (frequency band from 11 to12 GHz) digital Television
services. It also gives minimum performance required by the system in terms of resistance to
errors and noise. The implementation of the receiver part is left to the the manufacturer choice.
The European Standard EN 300 421 defined the main functions of the DVB-S.

Figure 3: Scheme of a DVB-S transmission system


DVB-S2 is the second-generation specication for satellite broad-band applications,

developed by the DVB Project in 2003 and ratified by ETSI (EN 302307) in 2003. It
designed as a successor for the popular DVB-S. DVB-S2 is envisaged for broadcast
services including standard and HDTV, interactive services including Internet access,
and (professional) data content distribution. The development of DVB-S2 coincided with
the introduction of HDTV and H.264 video codecs.

3. DVB-C
DVB-C stands for Digital Video Broadcasting - Cable and it is the DVB European
consortium standard for the broadcast transmission of digital television over cable. This
system transmits an MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 family digital audio/video stream, using a QAM
modulation with channel coding.

Figure 4: Scheme of a DVB-C transmission system

On February 18, 2008 it was announced that a new standard DVB-C2.

4. DVB-T
It is the standard was chosen by the DVB project for the terrestrial channel, this kind of
the transmission is certainly the most difficult to deployed. There is high attenuation at
the receiver, signal to noise ratio (SNR) is limited to approximately 18.6 dB, and InterSymbol Interference (ISI) due to significant multipath long distance (high propagation).
For the transmission over the terrestrial channel of 8MHz, the upper limit of binary flow
is around 24 Mbit/s. The binary good put depends of the correction code and the
modulation. Like the other standard of DVB, DVB-T uses the MPEG-2 for the coding of
baseband signal. But it uses a new modulation OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division

Figure 5: Scheme of a DVB-T transmission system

A new version of the standard was developed recently supporting HDTV format.

III. VLC (VideoLAN Client)

VideoLan is an open source project, leaded by a team of volunteers and developing

multimedia solutions. The project started in 1996 at Ecole Centrale Paris and became an
international project with developers from more than 20 countries.
The software the most famous from VideoLan collections is VLC. It is cross-platform and
with a huge library of codecs it can encored many audios and videos. Some
features are only accessible from the command line interface.

Figure 1: VideoLAN Streaming solution

VLC can collect many TV sources like satellite or terrestrial and stream them through
LAN or the internet over IPv4 or IPv6. VLC is able to announce its streams using the
SAP/SDP standard or using Zeroconf (also known as Bonjour). SDP is a session directory
protocol and SAP is a session announcement protocol; the protocols display multicast
session names and correlate the names with multicast trafc.
In this project we had to use VLC like a server streamer and a client. Essentially with
Unicast (UDP, RTP) and VOD protocols (RTSP).

Unicast streaming
For this part, we used the following command:
vlc -vvv test.mp4 --sout udp: --ttl 10

test.mp4 is the file which we want to stream

9 is the clients address

10 is the TTL (Time To Live) value of packets.

To receive unicast stream use the following command:

vlc -vvv udp:[@:port_UDP]
We can change UDP by other unicast protocol (RTP, HTTP).

VOD streaming
We can also use VLC to stream videos on demand. To do this, we use the RTSP (Real
Time Streaming Protocol) protocol which offers essential features to control the video
(pause, play ).
The following commands show the procedure for RTSP streaming:
vlc vvv color I telnet-password admin rtsp-host

telnet starts the VLCs Telnet interface

admin is the password to connect to Telnet interface allow streaming to any host

5554 is the streaming port

And in a new console:

telnet 4212
Where is the servers address and 4212 is the outgoing port.
After entering in the telnet interface, type:
new test vod enable
setup test input extrait.mp4
In the client, type the following to play the video:
vlc rtsp://


IV. Set-Up-Box (STB)

1. The Linux4.TV Set-Top Box Open Source Project
Linux4.TV is a open-source set-top box platform with support for video on demand, DVB
and video streaming.
System Architecture
Linux4.TV Project uses the National's Geode SP1SC10 demonstration platform as the
hardware for the first implementation.
Geode SP1SC10 technical specifications:
CPU SC1200 266MHz
o x86-compatible 32-bit instruction set
o MMX support
o 2-D graphics acceleration
o integrated NTSC/PAL controller
o CCIR-656-compatible video input port for full-screen video display
Philips SAA7114 chip for input decoding
Sigma Designs EM8400 chip for real-time hardware decoding of MPEG-2 digital
video streams
This system design allows video inputs to be decoded and routed into the video input of
the CPU so that to combine in real time browsers and other applications graphics data
output with the desired video. This architecture allows also applications to be integrated
with few, if any, modifications so that working with the video subsystem.

- Geode STB Platform Architecture -


The Linux4.TV purpose is to make STB technology available at a large scale by

developing open source software platforms and lower-cost hardware platform in
partnership with manufacturers.
There for National is developing an open source low-cost STB to replace SP1SC10. In
addition, several other vendors have platforms based on the Geode SC1200, and porting
of the Linux4.TV code is in process. These vendors include VT Media Technologies and
Cocom Group. Advantages of third-party vendors include a variety of form factors for
set-top box deployment.
Software Architecture
There are four major layers in the software architecture:
1. Kernel and device driver,
2. Video Middleware,
3. Windowing system
4. WebMedia/applications Layer
National Semiconductor contributed the kernel drivers and Video Middleware layers,
with Century contributing the WebMedia user interface, windowing system, applications
layer and overall distribution. The complete distribution is available both as a bootable
system image and as a complete source tree. Following are more technical descriptions
of each layer.

Figure 3. Linux4.TV Software Architecture

a. Graphical Windowing System

Microwindows is used as the graphical windowing system, which easily integrates with
the NTSC or PAL-compatible framebuffer provided by the kernel. A nice feature of the
set-top box design is that the windowing system is not tied heavily to the hardware

video functions. The windowing system primarily supports WebMedia and the
applications layers, which use color keying and Video Middleware API calls in order to
interface with video functions. Color keying works by drawing a rectangle in a special
color using a standard graphical API, with the Geode's video overlay processor
combining the video stream into the framebuffer contents defined by the color-keyed
area. Thus, positioning or resizing the video stream is straightforward. WebMedia's use
of FLTK allows the X Window System to be used as the windowing system, if desired.

b. Kernel and Device-Driver Layer

The lowest-level software is linked with the kernel as various device drivers and
provides low-level chip support for the Geode SC1200 CPU, Sigma Designs MPEG-2
decoder and the Philips SAA7114 NTSC decoder. A number of other drivers are included
for the MacPHYTER network interface and stereo audio I/O as well. The kernel is based
on version 2.4.3 and uses utilities and the filesystem design from Red Hat 6.2. At boot
time, the system performs a normal Linux boot, executes device-driver initialization
code, initializes the framebuffer to an NTSC or PAL-compatible screen size and then
executes the /etc/rc startup script. There are a number of device drivers that must be
available to the Linux operating system in order to provide the level of hardware
support needed for the National API. These drivers include audio, video, DVB, DVD,
video capture and graphics. In addition, supplementary drivers are needed to provide
full support for MPEG, DVD and DVB demultiplexers.

c. Video Middleware Layer

The mid-level layer executes in user mode and implements the device-independent
Video Middleware API used to provide a standard interface to the hardware included in
the set-top box. The API includes functionality for controlling analog and digital video,
selecting the video input, tuner channel selection, DVD, satellite DVB demultiplexing,
video blanking interrupt and overlay capabilities. National's Video Middleware uses the
Linux Video 4 Linux Two API underneath for interfacing with the kernel drivers. This
layer abstracts the operating system and underlying hardware from the application
program. Thus, the application programmer need not know which IOCTL for the sound
driver sets its frequency; instead, a function call similar to AUD_SetFrequency( ) is used,
which in turn communicates with the audio driver. The details of the driver interface are
abstracted from the programmer. Following are descriptions of some of the functional
areas of the Video Middleware API.
Audio Subsystem

The audio subsystem API uses an abstract device called an audio player to control the
playback of multiple applications while masking the differences of underlying hardware
implementations. With audio players, applications are assured of consistent audio
playback, regardless of the features or limitations of the target audio device. Audio also
includes CD-ROM audio support for playing tracks from an audio CD (a CD-ROM is
considered an audio source when an audio CD is inserted).

Video Capture Subsystem

The video capture API enables applications to capture single or multiple frames of live
video in real time and save them to a pixel map in graphics memory. Applications can
then manipulate the captured images using the functionality of the graphics subsystem
or other image-processing facilities.
Overlay Subsystem

The overlay subsystem APIs used in concert with the graphical-windowing system
provide arbitration across multiple applications and control which applications are
visible. In addition, the overlay subsystem provides a mechanism to overlay graphical
information from the graphics subsystem over video.
MPEG Subsystem

The MPEG transport APIs provide traffic management of MPEG transport streams for
digital video. MPEG transport streams are multiprogram data streams of interleaved
digital video, audio and data. This API receives MPEG transport streams containing
encoded content from the network and extracts the desired program from them. It then
separates the audio, video and data components and routes them to the audio decoder,
video decoder and CPU RAM, respectively.
TV Subsystem

The TV subsystem API provides a consistent interface to analog and digital broadcast
services, so applications developed for one service easily can be extended to work with
other services. The TV API also provides functionality that lets end users control
interactive TV sets in familiar ways, such as changing the channels and adjusting

d. WebMedia and Applications Layer

The top layer includes all applications software as well as Century's WebMedia, which
provides the user interface for the set-top box. WebMedia allows the user interface to be
created entirely in HTML, utilizing plugin modules to interface from HTML to the Video
Middleware subsystem. The graphical interface is created by providing an HTML
representation of the desired display using images combined with an included script to
call a plugin module on associated events. Included in WebMedia is an integrated web
browser, allowing easy internet access by the set-top box user.Here is a screenshot
showing a sample user interface :


-Sample WebMedia HTML-Based User Interface WebMedia is a modified version of the ViewML internet browser and uses the FLTK
widget set, which allows it to be portable on Microwindows and the X Window System.
Because the Video Middleware is separated from the graphical windowing system, it is
relatively easy to switch windowing systems. Integrating another browser with the
system is straightforward, using the extension mechanism described below.
The entire user interface for the set-top box is written in HTML, which includes both the
full-screen viewing and menu-button operations. This allows the set-top box look and
feel to be customized easily. Two mechanisms are used to integrate video into the
display. The first mechanism involves an extension to the HTML Anchor feature, which
allows a specified WebMedia plugin to execute using parameters contained in the
anchor tag. For instance, the following HTML causes the DVD plugin to execute a rewind
<a exec=/bin/wmcmd,dvd,rew><img src=images/rewind.gif>
When remote-control arrow keys are pressed, WebMedia outlines successive images
associated with anchor tags, allowing the remote control to be used as a pointing device.
The prebuilt WebMedia DVD plugin will execute when the remote control is used to
select the rewind.gif image. The prebuilt plugins call the Video Middleware API to
control the STB hardware functions. Other commands are used to position and scale the
video. The second mechanism maps a video stream to the display screen, using the
overlay API. A special RGB color is displayed normally on the screen using an HTML
image, and color keying is used to merge the video data with the framebuffer contents.
This is performed in real time directly by the Geode SC1200 CPU.
In normal operation, the Linux4.TV set-top box runs WebMedia as the controlling
application, with HTML specifying a variety of plugins to control the video system
integration and user interface. In this manner, the set-top box user interface and total
system operation are easily customized for a variety of applications



One of the important remarks that we should consider after the short presentation of
the Linux4 Project is that even though the software is free and open source in most of
the cases a hardware STB is recommended to have the best results. This is the main
reason constructors like Century Embedded Technologies and VT Media Technologies
create low cost hardware compatible with Linux embedded software for the STB
operating system.

a. Set top box open source de Neuros

Open Source Device 2" from Neuros its a more conventional box that can encode
video at 720p in MPEG-4 format, H.264 D1 resolution (that's DVD quallity) from an
analog video source, upscale video to 1080i or transcode it for a PMP. It's got a serial
port, IRBlaster port, connections for Wi-Fi antenna, USB, LAN, HDMI, composite
video and stereo audio, and even packs an SD port. It's shipped with a Linux-based
firmware stack, but is completely open to user OS hacking.

Link is a media extender capable to recover video and streaming from various TV
sources (Hulu, NBC, ABC, etc.) and also local audio and video content from USB.
Links software is open source, well documented and developed enough so that you
can watch video on streaming easily using Neuros.TV interface. This interface is
unique so that the user wont have to browse several web pages to find videos

b. VT900 Set-Top Box (STB): Century Embedded Technologies and VT

Media Technologies
VT900: offers multimedia services delivered over standard broadband networks,
access to services such as interactive television (iTV), Video-on-Demand (VOD), and high
speed Internet access. It allows the deployment of a wide range of streamed audio and
video content via the Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTP)
Technical Details
Optimized for National Semiconductors Geode system on chip, the VT900 uses Sigma
Designs EM8400 MPEG Decoder and the MacPHYTER Ethernet adapter. Additional
peripherals are available and include DVD Player, CDRW, and standard IDE Hardware.
WebMedia supports multiple industry standards including a full featured Internet
browser that supports HTML, Javascript, and plug-ins such as Macromedias Flash,
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for secure e-commerce transactions, and the TCP/IP protocol.
Software upgrades and maintenance are delivered via multicasting to any or all STBs
across a subscriber
base. This mechanism also ensures that the STB is scalable for future enhancements.
A Software Development Kit is available and offers a suite of software development tools
that enable third-party developers to build and customize applications on top of


WebMedia using APIs and application components. The SDK includes documentation,
software libraries, sample code, and user interface templates
We have open source software like:
iSET bundle with support for basic set-top box functionality and sevrel other
features that came with the newst versions.
VT Media Technologies VT900 Developers Kit a complete, integrated, commercialready hardware/software bundle based on the low-cost VT900 platform.
National Semiconductor SP1SC10 Development Platform

c. Boxee Set-Top Box and Remote

Boxee is an open platform set-top box dedicated to the open video platform, along with a
special remote. It has interesting features like: Social Network Layer that requires
registered user accounts, which form a social network of fellow Boxee users; the
AppBox" that allows users to download new apps and addons directly from Boxee's
GUI; a built-in legal BitTorrent client etc.
Boxees primary purpose was to streamline video entertainment, but since its an open
platform, it can do a lot more. Theres a Boxee app store for downloading third-party
apps provided by developers. The main menu has buttons to access music and photos,
too. Think of the Boxee as a restriction-free Apple TV.
Software download: http://www.boxee.tv/download

d. Review: Logitech's Google TV box

The basic concept: Logitechs box has one key piece of hardware that will keep many
current devices from simply porting the Google TV SDK (when it releases in a month or
two): and HDMI input. In other words, the Revue receives incoming HD content and spits
it back to the TV with its own meta content overlaid on it. Examples of this would be
watching a movie and having IMDB overlaid on the screen, seeing a commercial and
immediately going to the companys website, etc. Google TV is intelligent, connected
TVmeta content that is on tap whenever you want to enhance your TV experience.
Google TV, in and of itself, will play a role very similar to the search giants Android
operating system. The software is free, open-source, and its code-base is closely related
to the mobile OS. Google provides a level of direction, but hardware makers are what
will ultimately drive the softwares success. Though several hardware partners are
already on board, Logitechs Revue set-top box marks the first big splash in what Google










e. The YBox2
YBox2 is a DIY networked set-top box that can be used to design customized content to
be delivered direct from the Internet.
This project is great for people who want a new platform to experiment with. The video
and Internet cores are ready to go and easy to work with. The whole project is open
source so you can start hacking your own. If you've ever been curious about the Parallax
Propeller chip, the YBox2 is a perky little platform with tons of accessories.
Download software: http://curl.haxx.se/dlwiz/?type=bin

f. GeexBox
GeexBox is STB developed under Linux and having the functionalities of a Media Center.
It acts like a fully operating system and it can be used as a LiveCD. In our case we tested
GeexBox from a USB device. We can easily run movies but once connected to a network
the detecting the Network Interface its an issue even when forcing the OS to do it.
Download software: http://www.geexbox.org/download/


V. MythTV

1. Introduction
Enter MythTV, a grand unification of personal digital video recording and home
theater technology, and a magnum opus of modular design, freedom of expression and
personal entertainment. At its core, MythTV is a digital video recording solution
composed of several modular components that facilitate time-stretched manipulation of
live television feeds, but it's really much more than that. In this rapport, we examine the
depth and scope of MythTV's capabilities. We start here from the standard MythTV base,
then address the wide-open capabilities that make MythTV more than just a video
recording suite - the capabilities that make it into a quintessential home theater PC

(HTPC) system.
MythTV is a software suite that is available as a free download. It consists of a
menu system, several plug-ins and a unique frontend/backend network architecture
that can be used to transform an existing Linux, BSD, Mac OSX or Windows desktop
computer into the multimedia entertainment centerpiece in your den, bedroom or office.
Using MythTV, you can morph your dekstop into a video viewfinder, a slideshow gallery,
a DVD burning station, a VoIP phone console, a Netflix manager and more.
It has been created by Isaac Richard in 2002 who wanted to use something better
than the TV Box which this grow up within is community. Now, he is a strong tool for
watching and recording TV.
MythTV was a simple application who were only use for TV and now its more an
Home media center, which can handle personnal photos, web video, news and more.
Hardware requirements are easily satisfied: MythTV can run on minimalist EPIA
mini-ITX PCs (with or without integrated hardware decoding) all the way up to high-end
server hardware with multiple processors and video capture cards. In essence, MythTV
has the same minimum requirements as Linux, with the addition of audio/video
hardware normally too specialized for typical desktop use. There are a number of
compatible capture cards that work with Linux and MythTV.
MythTV consists of a suite of GPL-licensed applications designed to convert a

middling system into a fully-fledged mythical convergence box complete with all of
those capabilities one might wish for from a media center, including some features no
other such systems possess. For newcomers to MythTV, installation and setup is much
easier than in years gone by, as older more experienced users can confirm. Better
packaging of MythTV components is now available, and years of development
improvements have eased implementation for both experienced and inexperienced
users of Linux and MythTV.
On the surface, MythTV provides all the features you would expect from a digital
video recording solution: pause, fast-forward and rewind live television, with support
for multiple tuner cards (thus, multiple simultaneous recordings) and support for native
RTjpeg, MJPEG and MPEG-2 real-time compression for better integration with popular
hardware decoders. MythTV can also process Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) data from
compliant cards and pc HDTV tuner cards where applicable. An on-screen display
provides rich contextual meta-data when browsing channels, also includes key bindings
for quick interactive keyboard input and allows for changing and importing of global
menu themes and theme-able semi-transparent on-screen displays.
Beyond its glossy surface, MythTV also contains functionality for automatic
commercial detection and removal, picture-in-picture support for applicable tuner
cards, comprehensive recording scheduling with built-in conflict resolution and a wealth
of modules that can enhance any personal entertainment experience. Several auxiliary
features come from various modularized components: DVD video and CD audio
playback/ripping support, weather forecast information, ROM game emulations,
slideshow gallery rotation and electronic program guide support primarily for use with
XMLTV-based program guide feeds such as DataDirect.
MythTV is also scalable in the sense that one system may contain multiple tuner
cards, or multiple systems can contain one or more tuner cards, where all of them work
in concert from a single unified recording schedule to optimize recording capabilities.
This is made possible through a well-designed, distributed network architecture that
compartmentalizes functionality according to media handling roles: MythTV consists
primarily of a single back-end server and one or more front-end clients. Here, a single
server can serve double duty as both a front-end client and a back-end master or slave
media storage device.
Additionally, the latest MythTV version (0.24, available through subversion
revision control or SVN) is better designed to draw menus based. It uses the OpenGL
graphics library, contains improved DVD player support and menus, and comes
equipped to handle hot-plug removable media and universal plug-and-play (UPnP)
devices for introducing new audio and video content.
Main function

Watch and record TV including TVHD

Allow timeshifting while watching TV

Completely automatic commercial detection/skipping

Intelligently schedules recordings to avoid conflicts

Parental controls

Watch and archive DVDs

Listen to your digital music collection


Schedule and administer many functions remotely via a web brower

Flexible client/server architecture allows multiple frontend client machines to

access content served by one or more backend servers

RSS support

Lauch your video games

and many more...

MythTV have a flexible architecture server / client allowing multiple machines to access
to the content of one or more servers.
MythTV was design initialy for Linux, BSD and MacOS X but a Windows version exist.

2. MythTV architecture
MythTV need different component to work. The three principal component are
MythBackend, MythFrontend and a database. Those component can be installed in a
single or several others machines. In fact, it can be split into multiple machine.
Below the architecture of MythTV which show how the component dialog each others.

The backend process (mythbackend) is the portion of the system that handles the
Video capture cards as well as scheduling recordings on those cards, commercial
detection, and transcoding. The backend process interacts with the database primarily.

MythTV stores all of his data into this mysql database; his setup, IP address of the
frontend, recording, etc...

The frontend process (mythfrontend) is responsible for anything that requires
interaction such watching recorded programmes or watching TV. It provides the GUI
you use on your TV or monitor as well as the LiRc, keyboard, or other input handling for
Frontend Navigation. In addition, any MythTV Modules, or plugins, that are installed
execute on the same machine that the user is interacting with. As such, the hardware


requirements for a frontend are those necessary to support these features.

Underpowered machines may not have enough processing power to decode recordings
in software while the same machine could perform these functions if hardware decoding
is available.

3. Hardware
Convergence technology plays a defining role in everyday digital appliances we
use at home and on the move. It's nice when something just works, when an iPod
synchronizes seamlessly with desktop computer data or when an incoming VoIP call
registers on your television screen while you're watching a favorite program. In fact, we
think you would do well to treat the MythTV suite of software applications as a harness
for exercising greater control over those appliances that govern our daily activities
outside the workplace.
In and of itself, MythTV represents a framework for building an ultimate home
theater system that combines radio, telephony, television and removable/recordable
storage media in various useful ways. That said, MythTV is purely software, and this
lacks the hardware needed to exercise its capabilities. In other words, MythTV is not
something you purchase off the shelf as a finished product like a TiVo unit - but by the
same token, that is just another facet of MythTV's unmatched might in the arena of
personal digital recording appliances.
As with a Media Center PC you might build yourself, you must supply your own
components for a MythTV system, and therefore must forge your own experience based
on the budget and usage constraints that factor into your build. Since you won't pay an
annual subscription fee for user services related to MythTV operation (as you would
with a TiVo) or upfront licensing costs (as with Windows MCE), total cost of MythTV
ownership is limited to whatever hardware is already available for the job and that
which remains to be purchased - all involving one-time fees.
The following screenshot shows the searchable PVR MythTV hardware database
listing provided here : http://pvrhw.goldfish.org/tiki-pvrhwdb.php .


That said, what goes into a MythTV box (and subsequently, what comes out of it)
is based entirely on personal choice. You control what does or doesn't qualify for the
final build, you tailor the hardware and software components to your liking and you
retain ultimate control over its appearance, operation and performance.


So it's more based on a personal choice the setup you should use for your MythTV

In our project we used our laptop, but they are way to powerfull for this applications, so
in fact you can use more cheaper hardware to fully function MythTV at a lower price.

4. Detailed Comparaison Chart

There are other Linux-based media applications that can produce a similar media
experience, and repurpose standard-fare computer equipment as video recording and

playback gear. Freevo and GeexBox are two likely examples, but they fail to match the
feature sets for either MCE or MythTV. The following table outlines some of the
prominent differences between the latter pair of products.

MCE 2005

Open source; free to obtain, use, and modify

Proprietary; pay to obtain and use but not


Native, interchangeable codecs (both OSS and Proprietary codecs acquired separately
Support for MPEG2 transcoding

Third-party codecs provide MPEG2

Setup requires moderate Linux know-how

Simple setup and configuration

Frontends for Linux, BSD,Mac OS X, feeds to


Purely Windows with Xbox frontends and

various extenders

Ultra-low system requirements

Moderate system requirements

Support for freely obtainable native and

third-party plug-ins

Support for free and variably priced thirdparty plug-ins

Scalable network architecture


Basic network architecture (MCE and


Perhaps the most profound and telling advantage to MythTV is that its status as a
community-based product means anyone can lend a hand in the development process.
Possible contributions range from suggesting new and improved features, to creating
and implementing new components. In fact, that is how many of the bundled plug-ins
and add-ons found their way into the existing MythTV suite, and many more follow suit
in each new release.
In the next article, we take a look at what truly distinguishes MythTV from all other
media system software: its impressive scalable network architecture enables a
staggering variety of topologies and arrangements that should have you dusting off and
repurposing old systems just for the joy of putting them back to work.

5. Installation
a. Before installation
Before the installation you should determine which configuration are you willing
to use, this configuration will determine the level of complexity of the installation. Here
we will show only the configuration 1 installation.

Configuration 1

Configuration 2


Configuration 3

A machine which is placed

under the TV and used as
frontend & backend

Same as configuration 1 with

multiple frontend.

Backend as no screen. Multiple

Frontend user.

System requirements
Minimum System Requirements:

1.0 GHz x86 or x86_64 Processor

192 MB of system memory (RAM)
2 GB of disk space (Frontend Role)
20 GB of disk space (Backend Role)
Graphics card capable of 1024x768 resolution
Supported TV Tuner Card (Backend Role)

Recommended System Requirements:

2.0 Ghz x86 or x86_64 Processor

2GB MB of system memory (RAM)
10 GB disk space (Frontend Role)
160 GB+ disk space (Backend Role)
nVidia 8xxx+ 256MB+ Graphics Card
Supported TV Tuner Card (Backend Role)

b. From source
First install required packages:
sudo apt-get install build-essential liblircclient-dev libasound2-dev libdts-dev
libdvdnav-dev \
libxv-dev libxxf86vm-dev transcode libmp3lame-dev subversion qt4-dev-tools libqt4dev libsamplerate0 \
libxvidcore4 liba52-0.7.4-dev libfame-dev libcdio-dev msttcorefonts libasound2-doc
libmad0-dev \

libid3tag0-dev libvorbis-dev libflac-dev libcdaudio-dev libcdparanoia0-dev fftw3-dev

libfaad-dev \
libsmpeg-dev libmp4v2-dev libtag1-dev mysql-server libvisual-0.4-dev libexif-dev
libxvmc-dev \
Get the latest code for MythTV. In general, you should probably choose the stable
version. If you don't mind if your MythTV system is non-functional or has serious bugs
that may prevent proper operation/result in lost recordings or inability to play back
recordings, you may try using the unstable, development code. If using unstable,
development code, you should follow the mythtv-commits and mythtv-dev mailing lists.
Then, simply go in each directory and configure and build each component:
./configure --enable-proc-opt
make install

c. From package ( MyUbuntu )

Mythbuntu is a community supported add-on for Ubuntu focused upon setting up
a standalone MythTV based PVR system. It can be used to prepare a standalone system
or for integration with an existing MythTV network. Unlike similar projects, Mythbuntu
keeps close ties with Ubuntu and all development is given back to Ubuntu. This
architecture allows simple conversions from a standard desktop to a Mythbuntu
machine and vice versa. The development cycle of Mythbuntu closely follows that of

Ubuntu, releasing every six months along side Ubuntu releases.

Download it at Mythbuntu.org and install it like any other Linux distribution. Everything
will be setup and ready to go after the installation.
MythTV should open as Ubuntu starts.

d. Configuration


Mythtv-setup allows the configuration for the database access and the TV part. Its also
here where we setup the acquisition cards.

This is the first screen of the Backend setup (mythtv-setup)

General : Configuration of the Backend

Capture card : Configuration of the capture card

Video sources : TNT, Analog, Web, etc...

Input connections : Some cards have different entry, so you should be more
specific on which one you want to use.

Channel Editor : You should have here all the channel you can view and modify
there number etc...

Storage Directories : Where you want to store your recording.

To resume, Mythv stores a Channel of a Video sources on a Input connections

of a Capture cards and stores the recording into a database.


VI. Experiments

VLC streaming: after having in mind all this concepts and overall idea of the project
we adapted the video streaming between server and client into the ADSL network of the
lab. The connection through the network works this way:

The BAS routes traffic to and from broadband remote access devices such as
digital subscriber line access multiplexers (DSLAM) on an Internet service provider's
(ISP) network.The BAS aggregates user sessions from the access network. It is here that
an ISP can inject policy management and IP Quality of Service.
The DSLAM is deployed in the access network to provide broadband services
with ATM via ADSL, SDSL, UDSL, or other xDSL services. The DSLAM incorporates the
ATM cross-connect functionality and the central control processor for the entire system.
From a protocol point of view what happens in this architecture with the data is
that it generates a large overhead due to different kinds of encapsulations along the
path. In all layers and protocols theres generated overhead:


The exact architecture and equipment used in the lab is this:

In a network where a series of routers are needed, IGMP is used to support multicasting,
as it is an integral part of IP. To use multicasting, a process on a host must be able to join
and leave a group. Group access is identified by the group address and the NIC interface.
A host must keep track of the groups that at least one process belongs to and the
number of processes that belong to the group.In our case multicast has not worked
because there might be a restriction with NAT at the CPE.
At this point we achieved end-to-end connection between VLC client and VLC
server through ADSL architecture. By having this connection we streamed a video to the
client and by making a request to the IP address of the CPE, the flux is passed onto him.
On the ATM side we have the private network. We configure IP address on the VLC client so to be a part of the network. The CPE has the
role of a router. It also has the NAT functionality which translates the private IP
addresses into public ones so to make the connection with the public network of the VLC
server. So we have on the client interface the address which is also the
address used to configure the CPE because it is a static one and on the server interface
the address connecting to the outside network. The VLC server has an
IP address in the 157.159.226.X/24 range, given by the DHCP server.
In the next picture we can see the CPE configuration:


One of the issues encountered at the CPE level is due to the NAT function. As you
can see in the following figure the destination port is unreachable (ICMP message type
3) so the CPE does not know where to send the stream:

The solution was to modify the CPE configuration to implement port

mapping/forwarding because it receives the streaming through a port but it has to send
it to the IP address that demands it (client IP: as you can see in the next


After reconfiguring the CPE we manage to capture the stream at the client level.
The fallowing picture shows the case of an UDP unicast stream. For the client the
network outside is completely transparent. The flow from the server has as a source
address the IP address of the CPE acting as router/NAT. The VLC client has no need to
know the VLC server address because it just opens the network streams and receives
them if they exist.

We can also notice that the UDP packet encapsulates a MP2T packet that
represents a Transport Stream used by MPEG encoding method. The TS packets can then
be multiplexed and transmitted using broadcasting techniques, such as those used in
Those TS (MP2T) are formed by Packetized Elementary Stream (MPEG-PES) that
are a specification in the MPEG-2 Part 1 (Systems) (ISO/IEC 13818-1) and ITU-T
H.222.0. PES defines carrying of elementary streams in packets within MPEG program
stream and MPEG transport stream. The elementary stream is packetized by
encapsulating sequential data bytes from the elementary stream inside PES packet
headers as in the next figure:

As for the ADSL infrastructure the CPE statistic lets us collect some important
data as displayed in the next figure:

We can see that between the CPE and the DSLAM we have an PPPoA ( Point to
Point over ATM). PPP is used for authentication: user credentials, users login and
password and ATM is used to transport the data encoded intro fixed-size cells over
virtual circuits (VCs).
The ADSL link between the client and the CPE has a Downstream Rate of
7616kbps and an Upstream Rate of 800kbps. We can easily notice the big rate difference
for this asymmetrical line.
We also have the two main functionalities of the CPE that of a Network Address
Translation and that of a DHCP server for the private network of the clients side.


VII. IPTV Multicast

1. Introduction
The most important application of the multicast is IPTV. With the coming of the Triple
play including voice, data and video, all in the same network, management of the
network resources has become necessary. Therefore multicast is an important part of
the IPTV broadcasting.
The main purpose of the multicast is to send data to many people only once, rather than
sending a separate copy of the data to each user, routers along the way to the
destinations make copies as needed, and multicast receivers just have to request data to
receive it.
The destination IP address in a multicast is address of the multicast group,
Typically in IPTV, the TV channels are multicast in the core network and only forwarded
in the access network when clients request the respective TV channels. Compared to the
core network, the access network has only limited bandwidth capacity involving a good
management of traffic in this area.

Figure 1: IPTV network distribution

In figure 1, an example of IPTV distribution network for broadcast TV is given. The TV

channels are multicast from the streaming server to the Set Top Boxes (STB), the user
equipment which decodes he video stream and displays it on a TV. During transport the

stream traverses three networks: the core network, which is maintained by the IPTV
service provider; the access network, which connects the user with the service provider
and the home network, the network found in the users premises. The access network
and home network are interconnected by a home gateway (HG). The HG is the
component which allows devices in the home network, such as a PC or STB, to have
connectivity with the outside world. The access network and core network are
connected by a Multi Service Access Node (MSAN).
To enable multicast data transport typically two protocols are used: the Protocol
Independent Multicast Sparse Mode (PIM-SM) and Internet Group Membership Protocol

2. Multicast routing protocols

Unlike unicast, which routes packets according the destination, multicast routes packets
according source.
Thus, the role of the multicast protocol is to build and maintain distributions trees and
report the active sources and groups to routers.

Figure 2: Multicast application



PIM-SM (Protocol Independent Multicast Sparse Mode)

PIM-SM is a routing protocol for multicast groups defined by The Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF) in the RFC 2117and RFC 2362 specifications: it allows routers to
notify each other of available multicast channels and provides multicast routing
functionalities, including the setup of new multicast distribution path from a source to
one or more receivers.
It an independent protocol based on others unicast routing protocols, it used typically in
WAN networks.
A router receives explicit Join/Prune messages from those neighboring routers that have
downstream group members. The router then forwards data packets addressed to a
multicast group, G, only onto those interfaces on which explicit joins have been received.
A Designated Router (DR) sends periodic Join/Prune messages toward a group-specific
Rendezvous Point (RP) for each group for which it has active members. Each router
along the path toward the RP builds a wildcard (any-source) state for the group and
sends Join/Prune messages on toward the RP. The term route entry is used to refer to
the state maintained in a router to represent the distribution tree. A route entry may
include such fields as the source address, the group address, the incoming interface from
which packets are accepted, the list of outgoing interfaces to which packets are sent,
timers, flag bits, etc.

Step 1

Step 4

Step 2

Step 5

Step 3

Step 6

Figure 4: example of PIM-SM scenario

In this scenario, we have illustrated an application for membership of a multicast group

using the protocol PIM-SM.




IMGP is a subscription protocol with several versions defined also by The Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF) in RFC 1112(v1), RFC 3376(v2) and RFC 2236(v3)
specifications, which allows clients to subscribe to multicast groups by means of sending
membership reports. Access node routers use these IGMP report messages to determine
which users are interested in a certain multicast group (TV channel) and thus to
determine if packets from a specific multicast group should be forwarded, and to which
router ports.



In each subnet, a router is designed (DR) to send
queries every 60 seconds to all the hosts with
the multicast address:, in which it asks
to which group do you want subscribe? or
who is subscribed to the multicast group given
as parameter.
Upon receiving a query message, Hosts (the
delay timer of whichever expires first) sends an
IGMP report to the multicast group address
to announce its interest in this group.
Figure 5: joining multicast groups
Other hosts in the same sub-network
suppress themselves report messages for the same multicast group. This mechanism
helps reduce traffic over the local subnet.
Hosts wishing to join a group send a report without waiting for request.
But in this version of IGMP, host cant indicate
to router that it leaves a group and this is no
specified how a DR is designed if there are
several routers in the subnet.

a. IGMP v2
This is the most common version of IGMP, it
is compatible with
version 1
corrects the limitations of previous version.
Indeed, leaving a group and designed router
election mechanism are specified.
Leaving group:

The message to leave a group is directed to the address (All routers). When the
router applicant receives this message, it sends a message in response to specific query
group left to determine whether there is a host group member in the subnet. If no
response is received, the router considers that there are more subscribers to the group.
Figure 6: IGMP v2 diagram

Election DR mechanism:

When a router receives a request from another router, it compares the source IP address
with its own. The router whose address is the lowest is selected as the DR on the
segment. When a router receives such request higher than its own, he starts a timer of
250 seconds that it stops sending queries. If no message from a DR with a smaller IP is
received during this period, requests are sent again.
Nevertheless, this version has some limitations. It is not possible for a host to indicate
that it wishes to receive a group from a specific source or exclude a particular source.

b. IGMP v3 and IGMP snooping

Version 3 provides hosts with enhanced

enhancements of query and report messages.
In addition to group-specific queries, IGMP v3
has introduced source filtering modes
(Include and Exclude), so that a host not only
can join a designated multicast group but also
can specify to receive or reject multicast data
from a designated multicast source.
The report, whose support is required for
versions 1 and 2, is deleted in this version.
This facilitates the operation of IGMP
snooping and reduces the latency when the
last member leaves a group.
IGMP snooping overview

Figure 7: Flow paths of source-and-group-specific

multicast traffic

IGMP snooping is a multicast constraining mechanism that runs on Layer 2 devices to

manage and control multicast groups.
By listening to and analyzing IGMP messages, a Layer 2 device running IGMP Snooping
establishes mappings between ports and multicast MAC addresses and forwards
multicast data based on these mapping.


Figure 8: Before and after IGMP Snooping is enabled on the Layer 2 device


VIII. Conclusion

After implementing an IPTV platform and dealing with all the practical
troubleshooting that cames along we can say that we have a better understanding of all
the issues on video streaming over a network.
First of all, the key fact that we have to keep in mind is that we are working with
open source platforms. This brings along advantages and disadvantages.
In the STB case, for instance, it is easy to find the corresponding documentation
but not to find coherent and competent answer. It is also difficult to find a virtual STB
that has all the functionalities of a real one. In our case the two choices left were
GeexBox which has a basic interface and MythTV which is better developed but not yet
fully functional. MythTV has also the role of a Media Center, this being the main reason
we focused on it. It is important to specify that MythTV can handle streams from DVB
sources therefore we manage to receive the TV channels send by Freebox after
recovering the channel list in .m3u format. The problem was that we the STB cannot
read the .m3u file created locally so we could not recover videos streams from our VLC
server. This is an issue for further research and it may be a developers problem of the
Secondly, for the VLC client-server, streaming the UDP/RTP/HTTP posed no
problems but the use of the RTSP protocol for VOD was more complex as you could see
on the VLC chapter. Using UDP brings less overhead on the link so the latency is lower
but does not allow any flow control on the network thats way RTP its better suited for
Thirdly, the ADSL platform helped us understand the two main protocols ATM
and IP and how they interconnect and interact when using video streaming. We noticed
that the stream rate is not that very high so an all IP network its more likely to be
deployed for HD TV, for example.
In the end we can say that IPTV is a complex field that still needs a lot of research
and developing and most of all less ownership ant better opening to the outside


Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode (PIM-SM):
Specification (Revised)

CFR 2117 Protocol





Some photo of the ADSL experiments components:

Switchs and routers

ADSL card

BAS (Broadband Access Serve)


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