Wagoner 4.30
Wagoner 4.30
Wagoner 4.30
Peek at the Week
May 2010
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
3 4 5 6 7
Day 3 - Gym Day 1 – Music Day 2 – Media Day 3 - Gym Day 1 – Music
IB Planner
We The People
MAP Testing Spelling Test
Spanish (Reading)
10:30-11:30am FAD
Art Enrichment Party
2:00-3:00pm Spanish DARE Essay Due!!
First Grade Buddies
A Midsummer Night’s Dream SPRING CARNIVAL
Where can you find 19 enthusiastic 5th graders, 2 May 21, 2010
directors/teachers, a donkey, fairies, couples in 5/6 – Science and Geography Fair
Our class is collecting items for the basket
and out of love, sword fighting, music, dancing, 5/7 – DARE Essay Due fundraiser the entire month of April. Our
and more? At the 5th grade Shakespeare club! 5/11 – Patrol Picnic classroom was assigned the theme
These kids have given up 3 days a week after
5/25 – Daytime Performance by Shakespeare Club White Bear Spirit.
school to learn more about acting. The club is led
by Ms. Sandy Harthan (gr. 4 teacher) and guest 5/26 – 5th Grade Track and Field Day, 9:30am
director Kevin Whitby. Doing a play together 5/27 – Evening Performance by Shakespeare Club Please donate any new or family friendly
helps them to learn to work together as a team, items that fit this theme. Donations of
practice reading fluently and with expression, cash, gift cards, or checks made out to
and learn about another time and place. They Matoska International Parent Board will
will be performing the play “A Midsummer CLASS WEBSITE: also be accepted. $1.00 tickets will be sold
Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare on the night of the carnival and winning
Tuesday, May 25th at 2:00 for the school and for We have set up a website for all the 5th grade tickets will be drawn for each basket at the
families on Thursday, May 27th at 6:00 in the classes this year. Please check it out!
school gym.
end of the night.
WHAT HAVE WE BEEN UP TO? Sunrise Middle School
In math this week, we finished up Unit 8 in our 5K Run/Walk
math curriculum which focused on algebra. Students
learned how to use functions to complete input/output
With 1/2 Mile Kids' Fun Run
tables. Students also learned how to graph functions. We Saturday, May 22, 2010
reviewed for the Unit Test by playing a Jeopardy review
game. Our next math unit will be a short unit on geometry. Race Day Check-In: 8:00am – 8:45am.
Keep practicing those math facts at home!! Race begins at 9:00am Sharp!
We are beginning our final Planner of the year: We, Fun run starts at 10:00am
the People. The central idea for this Planner is: Systems of Proceeds Go To: Sunrise Park Middle
government impact a community’s social and economic School Physical Education Program
condition. We are starting out with a study of the birth of Entry Fee: $10 pre-race registration
our nation’s government, including the Revolutionary War, (deadline May 9th), $15 race day (t-shirts
Declaration of Independence and the writing of the limited on race-day registrations)
Constitution. Next, we will learn about other systems of Fun Run Entry Fee: $5 pre-race
government from around the world, and compare them with registration,$10 race day
our government. Some lively and interesting conversations Working towards our goal for the mile run!
have already come out of our work in this exciting unit. Please see your classroom teacher or Mr.
In spelling, our list had a focus on words with Butters for a registration form.
prefixes. Encourage your son or daughter to study their lists
at home, as they get more challenging towards the end of INFORMATION:
the school year. We also continued working on writing this Sarah Wagoner
week. Students worked on writing directions and using Room 114
emotional appeals in their writing. Next week, we will be (651) 407-7600 x1610
starting a book club that relates to our new IB Planner. [email protected]
It gets harder and harder to concentrate during
Spring time in fifth grade. Please remind your child to be
responsible with turning work and forms in on time and be
respectful to everyone. We have had many classroom
discussions about making good choices and taking control
of our own behavior. We are trying to instill good habits as
they make the transition on to middle school next year.
Group photo after the tug of war
Students need to write (or type) a one-page essay in order to
graduate from DARE. This must be finished outside of class.
Officer Just will be back in the middle of May to collect
them and choose one from each class to read at our
graduation ceremony in June.
Students should turn in their essay no later than
Friday, May 7.
Comparing the Revolution to a tug of war