Osteopathic Fascial Manipulation

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The Somatic Connection

The Somatic Connection highlights and summarizes important contributions

to the growing body of literature on the musculoskeletal systems role in
health and disease. This section of The Journal of the American Osteopathic
Association (JAOA) strives to chronicle the significant increase in published
research on manipulative methods and treatments in the United States and
the renewed interest in manual medicine internationally, especially in Europe.
To submit scientific reports for possible inclusion in The Somatic Connection,
readers are encouraged to contact JAOA Associate Editor Michael A. Seffinger,
DO (mseffinger@westernu .edu), or JAOA Editorial Advisory Board Member
Hollis H. King, DO, PhD ([email protected] .edu).

Exercise Shown Effective

for Management of Neck Pain
Who Needs OMT?
Evans R, Bronfort G, Schulz C, et al. Supervised exercise
with and without spinal manipulation performs similarly
and better than home exercise for chronic neck pain.
Spine. 2012;37(11):903-914.

Even in the landmark osteopathic research

project that showed that lymphatic pump treatment
increased the flow of lymph through the thoracic duct
in dogs,2 it was shown that exercise also increased
lymphatic flow. Both findings were statistically
significant. Exercise has also been shown to be help-

How many of us have told patients to use it or lose ful in the management of neck pain.3
it as we prescribed exercises for general health Researchers at Northwestern Health Scienhancement, as well as for remediation or preven- ences University, Wolfe Harris Center for Clinition of low back and neck pain? Patient compliance cal Studies in Bloomington, Minnesota, found
in my experience is quite modest at best. So when that high-dosed supervised exercise therapy with
asked, I always say, The best exercises are the ones spinal manipulation therapy (ET+SMT) did not
that you do! Exercise has almost no downside; it produce significantly better outcomes than the
has been shown to be beneficial in so many different high-dosed supervised exercise therapy (ET)
health conditions encountered in human experience, alone, and that both ET+SMT and ET produced
especially in the management of chronic pain. 1 significantly better outcomes than low-dose home
Elkiss and Jerome,1 for example, provide an out- exercise and advice (HEA).
standing discussion on this topic that is worth re- This well-powered randomized controlled trial
view by every osteopathic physician and medical used a patient-rated pain scale (0-10 scale) as the
student, not only because of their discussion of the primary outcome measure; secondary outcome
benefits of exercise but also because of the chapters measures included Neck Disability Index, Medical
excellent embodiment and explication of osteopath- Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form, and intensive
ic principles in the treatment of patients with pain.


individual interviews to assess patient satisfaction.

The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association

January 2013 | Vol 113 | No. 1


Objective biomechanical assessments of cervi-

exercise in the series up to 6 to 8 times per day. Each

cal spine motion, isometric strength, and dynamic

patient received a booklet with exercises illustrated.

endurance were performed at baseline and at

Patients were followed up in person 1 to 2 weeks

12 weeks by blinded examiners.

later and were instructed to continue the exercises

for the remainder of the trial.

Patients were recruited by advertisement. Inclu-

sion requirements were age 18 to 65 years; primary

complaint of biomechanical, nonspecific neck pain

between the 3 groups. At 4 weeks, all 3 groups

There were no differences in the demographics

duration of 12 weeks or more; and a neck pain score

reported decreased pain levels. At 12 weeks, there

of 3 or greater. Exclusion criteria were previous

was a statistically significant reduction in pain

cervical spine operation, neck pain referred from

reported by the ET+SMT and the ET groups

peripheral joints, progressive neurologic deficits,

compared with the HEA group. There was no

cardiac disease, inflammatory changes of the cervi-

difference between the ET+SMT and the ET

cal spine, substance abuse, and pregnancy.

groups at 12 weeks. At 26- and 52-week follow-up,

Patients (N=270) were randomly assigned

there was no difference in self-reported pain. How-

among the 3 groups (ie, ET+SMT, ET, and HEA) at

ever, at 52 weeks, the ET+SMT and the ET groups

baseline for the 12-week trial. Data were collected

reported significantly higher patient satisfaction

at 2 baseline appointments (at 4 and 12 weeks) and

scores. The authors suggested that SMT conferred

after group assignment (at 24 and 52 weeks). The

little additional benefit when added to supervised

key to this study was the nature of the ET, which

exercise for chronic neck pain.

focused on neck and upper body strengthening in-

dividualized for each patient. The protocol called

signed to differentiate between the specific effects

for 20 one-on-one supervised sessions of 1-hour

of the exercise and SMT and the contextual or

duration with an emphasis on high numbers of rep-

nonspecific effects including patient-provider in-

etitions and increasing loads with patient wearing

teractions. However, it was impressive to see how

headgear with variable weight attachments. Upper

a highly structured, intensive strengthening regi-

body strengthening included push-ups and dumb-

men and even a low-dose exercise regimen (HEA)

bell shoulder and chest exercises. The strengthening

reduced neck pain over 52 weeks from 5.5 to 5.7 for

program also included light warm-up and stretching

all 3 groups to a range of 3.1 to 3.6findings that

before and after strengthening.

were considered clinically meaningful.

The authors noted that the study was not de-

In the ET+SMT group, the ET was preceded

The question of whether or not osteopathic

by a 15- to 20-minute session of SMT administered

manipulative treatment is as beneficial as exer-

by a licensed chiropractor. The SMT was applied

cise in the treatment of patients with neck pain is

to the cervical and thoracic spine, as determined by

not really addressed in this study. Most exercise

the chiropractor, using high-velocity, low-amplitude

programs implemented in osteopathic medical prac-

thrust to the areas of interest. Light soft-tissue mas-

tice are not of the intensive nature as that used in

sage was used as needed.

this study. Indeed, it is questionable that third-party

The HEA group received two 1-hour sessions

payers would cover such an exercise program even

with therapists who taught simple self-mobilization

if the patients are highly satisfied, as suggested in

of the neck and shoulder joints; exercises were in-

this study. However, it is worthy to note that exercise

dividualized to each patient. Patients in this group

is beneficial in the management of neck pain and

were instructed to do 5 to 10 repetitions of each

deserves greater attention in osteopathic medi-

The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association

January 2013 | Vol 113 | No. 1



cal education in my opinion. This study was

selected for review because of the long-term
study of the patients and the opportunity to examine the effects of exercise in health care services.
Hollis H. King, DO, PhD

Yoga and Massage for Prenatal

Depression and Prematurity
Field T, Diego M, Hernandez-Reif M, Medina L,
Delgado J, Hernandez A. Yoga and massage therapy
reduce prenatal depression and prematurity.
J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2012;16(2):204-209.

Depression during pregnancy has been correlated to

University of Wisconsin School of Medicine

and Public Health, Madison

premature delivery, low birth weight, and increased

morbidity and mortality in newborns. Studies have
shown that massage therapy helps to decrease

1. Elkiss ML, Jerome JA. Chronic pain management.
In: Chila AG, executive ed. Foundations of Osteopathic
Medicine. 3rd ed. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins; 2011:253-275.
2. Knott EM, Tune JD, Stoll ST, Downey HF.
Increased lymphatic flow in the thoracic duct during
manipulative intervention. J Am Osteopath Assoc.
3. Kay TM, Gross A, Goldsmith C, Santaguida PL,
Hoving J, Bronfort G; Cervical Overview Group.
Exercise for mechanical neck disorders.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005;(3):CD004250.

depression in pregnancy. In addition, there is speculation that yoga may decrease premature delivery
and increase birth weight. Long-time researchers
in the field of massage therapy from the Touch
Research Institute at the University of Miami School
of Medicine in Florida assessed the effectiveness of
yoga, massage therapy, and standard care only to
alleviate depression in pregnant women and prevent
premature delivery.
Researchers screened 208 women between
18 and 22 weeks gestation for depression using
the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale. The participants were screened at their
first scheduled ultrasonography (mean, 20 weeks
gestation). Women older than 18 years, having an
uncomplicated singleton pregnancy, and receiving
a diagnosis of depression through the use of the
Structured Clinical Interview for Depression met
inclusion criteria. Women with diabetes, with HIV,
aged greater than 40 years, who were self-reported
drug users (or who used medication that might increase depressive effects), or diagnosed with other
psychiatric conditions such as bipolar disorder were
excluded. Eighty-four participants qualified and
completed the study.

Five additional questionnaires were adminis-

tered to participants to examine sociodemographics: comorbid psychological conditions; anxiety, a

common comorbidity with depression; and anger,
another common comorbidity with depression that
has been noted to negatively impact neonatal outcome. Additional outcome measures included birth
weight, gestational age, back pain, and leg pain.

The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association

January 2013 | Vol 113 | No. 1


Each participant received identical prenatal care

and was randomly assigned to receive yoga, massage therapy, or standard prenatal care (control).
Those assigned to yoga received 12 weekly sessions of professional yoga instruction (20 minutes

Visceral Manipulation
May Affect Pain Perception
McSweeney TP, Thomson OP, Johnston R. The immediate
effects of sigmoid colon manipulation on pressure pain thresholds
in the lumbar spine. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2012;16(4):416-423.

per session) geared toward women in their second

Arguably one of the most significant contributions

and third trimester. The massage group received

to health care made by the osteopathic medical

10 minutes of massage therapy lying on each side

profession is the development of the concept of

(20 minutes total) from a licensed massage thera-

viscerosomatic and somatovisceral interactions.1

pist for 12 weeks. The researchers assessed the par-

Initially published by Burns in 19072 and later re-

ticipants at the start of their regimen at 20 weeks

searched by Korr,3 the concepts of viscerosomatic

gestation and again after the 12 weeks of treatment

reflexes and facilitated segments are now regularly

at 32 weeks gestation.

taught in osteopathic medical schools. However,

Demographic variables such as average age

the concepts are in great need of further research to

(26 years) and socioeconomic status (low) did not

establish clinical significance and applications in

differ between the 3 groups. Both the yoga and mas-

medical treatment. Likewise, the use of visceral ma-

sage groups showed significant improvement in

nipulation4 is also in need of more empirical exami-

depression (F=82.40, P<.001), anxiety (F=26.23,

nation. This study was selected for review because

P<.001), anger (F=14.59, P<.001), back pain

it pertains to both osteopathic theory and practice.

(F=39.06, P<.001), leg pain (F=19.77, P>.001),

and relationships (F=7.88, P<.001) compared with

pathic Medicine and Swansea University in the

the standard care group. Additionally, the interven-

United Kingdom evaluated the effect of visceral

tional groups (yoga and massage) yielded a signifi-

manipulation therapy (VMT) on pressure pain

cantly increased gestational age (F=18.83, P<.005)

thresholds in 15 healthy, asymptomatic partici-

and birth weight (F=31.52, P<.001) compared with

pants in this single-blinded, randomized, within-

those of the standard care group.

subjects, repeated measures study. The experi-

Both yoga and massage therapy in addition to

mental procedure comprised 1 minute of VMT to

standard care appear to be valuable complementary

the sigmoid colon in the left iliac fossa, drawing

treatments for patients with depression during preg-

it superolaterally, and then releasing it. This pro-

nancy. Limitations of the study include the lack of

cedure was repeated at a frequency and amplitude

a placebo or sham therapy group and not assessing

determined by the tissue response, as is typical

the combined effects of massage therapy plus yoga

in clinical practice. The sham intervention was 1

in addition to standard care.

minute of light manual contact over the umbilical

Researchers at the British College of Osteo-

region with no treatment intention or tissue barMichael A. Seffinger, DO

rier engagement. When receiving VMT and sham

Western University of Health Sciences College

of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, Pomona, California

therapy, participants were told they were receiving osteopathic therapy. The control session consisted of the researcher simply being present for

With guest authors:

1 minute. All interventions were carried out by a

Michael Hopp, OMS IV

registered osteopath with clinical experience using

Shannon Rose Bell, OMS III

Western University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic
Medicine of the Pacific, Pomona, California

The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association

VMT. All participants received each intervention

with a minimum of 48 hours between sessions.

January 2013 | Vol 113 | No. 1



The dependent variable was pressure pain

Also lacking is any assessment of the duration

threshold (PPT) as measured by a handheld manual

of effect.

pressure algometer. One algometer reading was

made at the L1 level, 1 cm left-lateral to the spinous

mechanism of action in this study was a neuro-

process. This site was chosen for its established seg-

physiological process related to the concept of

mental level for autonomic innervation associated

viscerosomatic reflexes, the design is not robust

with the sigmoid colon. The first dorsal interossei

enough to justify anything more than the usual

on the right hand was used to monitor any systemic

statement that more research is needed before any

response to the interventions. Readings of PPT were

definitive conclusion can be made. However, the au-

made immediately before and after the interventions.

thors should be acknowledged for presenting a nov-

Participants were instructed to report when the pres-

el research design to explore both the application

sure applied by the algometer transitioned from an

of VMT and the osteopathic concept of visceroso-

experience of pressure to a painful sensation.

matic interactions.

Although it appears that a viable and likely

The results showed a statistically significant

difference for pre- and postintervention PPTs in

the lumbar spine (P<.0001) with no differences

Hollis H. King, DO, PhD

University of Wisconsin School of Medicine
and Public Health, Madison

reported for the sham or control groups. The mean

change for lumbar spine PPT readings was 18.4%,
which was above the literature-established level of
15% as indicative of clinically meaningful change.
Limitations of the study are that it used a
small sample and did not use a participant-activated
button press for reporting pain, which means that
there could have been a pain perception report from
a time-delayed verbal report that the PPT assessor
visually measures. Also, the use of asymptomatic participants raised questions as to whether the
effects would have been less if participants with
visceral or musculoskeletal disorders were used.


1. King HH. Osteopathic medicine, somato-visceral
interactions and clinical researchready for prime time?
Presented at: International Symposium on Somato-Visceral
Interactions and Autonomic Mechanisms of Manual
Therapy; March 31-April 1, 2008; Fort Worth, TX.
2. Burns L. Viscerosomatic and somatovisceral spinal
reflexes. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 1907;7:51-57.
3. Korr IM. The Collected Papers of Irvin M. Korr.
Indianapolis, IN: American Academy of Osteopathy; 1979.
4. Lossing K. Visceral manipulation. In: Chila AG,
executive ed. Foundations of Osteopathic Medicine.
3rd ed. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins;

The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association

January 2013 | Vol 113 | No. 1


Abdominal Visceral
Manipulation Prevents and
Reduces Peritoneal Adhesions
Bove GM, Chapelle SL. Visceral mobilization can
lyse and prevent peritoneal adhesions in a rat model.
J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2012;16(1):76-82.

dominal walls ability to be lifted from its contents,

the cecums ability to be moved in all planes, and
the small intestines ability to be mobilized. When
decreased motion was felt, appropriate pinching and
stretching methods were used to free the area of
the adhesion causing the restriction. The coauthor

One of the major complications of abdominal sur-

who applied the palpation and manipulation was a

gery is abdominal adhesions, which can negatively

registered massage therapist in British Columbia,

impact a patients quality of life. Unfortunately,

Canada. No information was given on her training

the only intervention currently available is further

or experience.

abdominal surgeryadhesiolysis.1 Diamond et al2

noted, Adhesions are a major health care burden,

dominal incision was made and pictures were taken

and their reduction is a significant unmet need in

of the rats adhesions. Photographs were sent to 2

surgical therapeutics. Additionally, there are limited

blinded investigators for grading, where 0 indicated

options for preventing adhesion formation, and none

no adhesions and 4 indicated established adhesions.

are consistently reliable.3 However, one relatively

Four types of adhesions identified postmortem were

unexplored option is visceral manual manipulation.

cecum-cecum, cecum-abdominal wall, cecum-fat,

To explore the efficacy of visceral manipulation

and fat-abdominal wall adhesions. The number of

in preventing and managing abdominal adhesions,

adhesions did not differ between groups; however,

Bove and Chapelle assigned 10 rats each to a lysis

the grading severity did. Notably, the lysis group

group, a preventive group, and a control group. All

had the highest average at 1.9 lesions, which was

30 rats were given an abdominal incision followed

significantly higher than the preventive groups av-

by cecum and abdominal abrasions to induce ab-

erage of 0.6 lesions (P<.01). The control group had

dominal adhesions. Seven days after the procedure,

an average of 1.4 lesions.

the rats were euthanized, and evaluation and grading

of abdominal adhesions were conducted by blinded,

lysed adhesions, noted as shallow peritoneal defects

trained individuals.

in the lysis and preventive groups. Within the lysis

In the lysis group, abdominal visceral manip-

group, 6 lysed adhesions were identified. The pre-

ulation was used to break up adhesions palpated

ventive group not only had 4 lysed adhesions, but

on postoperative day 7, right before the rates were

the resulting peritoneal defect was not inflamed.

euthanized. In the preventive group, visceral ma-

Lastly, overall healing was improved in the pre-

nipulation was used beginning postoperative day 1

ventive group compared with the lysis and control

and was repeated once per day up until day 7, when

groups. Although not measured, the parietal perito-

they were euthanized. Control group rats received

neal incisions were noted as being better healed and

no visceral manipulation. Visceral manipulation

petechiae on the cecum from the surgical abrasion

consisted of no more than 5 minutes of digital pal-

were notably less in the preventive group.

pation for adhesions, lysis of palpated adhesions,

and mobilization of intestines and the abdominal

a positive benefit not only of lysing adhesions, but

wall on unsedated rats. Adhesions were identified

also of preventing them as well. Physiologically,

as areas with decreased mobilization on palpation.

visceral manipulation may decrease the formation

In brief, palpation consisted of evaluating the ab-

of adhesions because it causes disruption of fibrin

The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association

Once the rats were euthanized, a careful ab-

The investigators also looked for evidence of

It was concluded that visceral manipulation has

January 2013 | Vol 113 | No. 1



and inhibits fibroblast migration to the injured

area. Additionally, the increase in fluid movement
due to manipulation could have caused increased
metabolite exchange and, as a result, fibrinolysis.

Frozen Shoulder
Strokes for Different Folks

force needed to mobilize abdominal contents did

Yang JI, Jan MH, Chang CW, Lin JJ. Effectiveness of the
end-range mobilization and scapular mobilization approach
in a subgroup of subjects with frozen shoulder syndrome: a
randomized control trial. Man Ther. 2012;17(1):47-52.

not elicit flinching or biting. In fact, the investiga-

Spencer techniques for the treatment of patients

tors noted during manipulation that the rats became

with shoulder somatic dysfunction have been

calm and allowed deep palpation and treatment. The

applied in osteopathic medical practice for nearly

investigators suggested that visceral manipulation

100 years,1 have clinical research to support their

should be used immediately after a surgical pro-

efficacy,2 and have been incorporated in sports

cedure because adhesion formation is greatest at

medicine protocols.3 The application of Spencer

this time. Furthermore, the rats in the preventive

techniques in the treatment of patients with fro-

group were noted to have increased signs of heal-

zen shoulder has been a mainstay of my clinical

ing, including a general observation of overall im-

practice and that of every osteopathic physician

proved healing of the abdominal incision site. If

with whom I have discussed such conditions.

more studies explore and confirm the benefits of

Other manual therapy professionals use similar

visceral manipulation, these methods could be used

techniques in their care of patients with frozen

on postoperative patients as an economical and non-

shoulder conditions.

invasive means of preventing abdominal adhesions

and subsequent health complications.

Taiwan, used range of motion (ROM) and kinemat-

Rats were not sedated during manipulation, and the

One group of physical therapists in Taipei City,

ic technology to evaluate the effectiveness of what

Michael A. Seffinger, DO

they call end-range mobilization/scapular mobili-

Western University of Health Sciences College

of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, Pomona, California

zation treatment approach (EMSMTA) in frozen

shoulder syndrome (FSS) therapy. Previously, this

With guest author:

research group established a system for determining

Amy Jemelka Martin, OMS IV

degrees of FSS with the idea that certain treatment

Western University of Health Sciences College

of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, Pomona, California

techniques would work better depending on the nature of the biomechanics of a frozen shoulder.
Patients with FSS were recruited through a


university hospital clinic. Inclusion criteria were

1. DeWilde RL, Trew G; Expert Adhesions Working

Party of the European Society of Gynaecological
Endoscopy. Postoperative abdominal adhesions
and their prevention in gynaecological surgery: expert
consensus position. Gynecol Surg. 2007;4(3):161-168.

at least 50% loss of passive ROM of the shoulder

2. Diamond MP, Wexner SD, diZereg GS, et al.

Adhesion prevention and reduction: current status
and future recommendations of a multinational
interdisciplinary consensus conference.
Surg Innov. 2010;17(3):183-188.
3. Kumar S, Wong PF, Leaper DJ. Intra-peritoneal prophylactic
agents for preventing adhesions and adhesive intestinal
obstruction after non-gynaecological abdominal surgery.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009;(1):CD005080.


joint relative to the nonaffected side in at least 2

of 3 movement directions (forward flexion, abduction, or external rotation in 0 of abduction) and
complaints of at least 3 months duration. Exclusion
criteria included history of stroke with upper extremity involvement, diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid
arthritis, rotator cuff tear, surgical stabilization of
the shoulder, osteoporosis, or malignancies in the
shoulder region.

The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association

January 2013 | Vol 113 | No. 1


Patients were assigned according to ROM and

The control group, which had the least amount

kinematic analysis. To be considered for the study,

of FSS, improved in almost all outcome measures.

patients had to demonstrate 8 of scapular posterior

However, for the more severe FSS groups, there were

tipping, 97 of humeral elevation, and 39 of humer-

significant differences between the criteria-control

al external rotation during arm elevation. Patients

(standard care group) and the EMSMTA group.

who manifested these measurements were placed in

On the self-rated FLEX-SF, the EMSMTA group had

the control group. Patients who were worse in any

significantly higher scores than both control groups

1 of these dimensions were randomly assigned to

(at 8 weeks). There were significant improvements

a criteria-control group or the group that received

for the EMSMTA group compared with the criteria-

the EMSMTA. The control group consisted of

control group on hand-behind-back reach (at both

10 patients, and the criteria-control group consisted

4 and 8 weeks) and external rotation (at both 4 and

of 12 patients who received the same standardized

8 weeks) ROM outcomes. The kinematic measure

treatment approach. These patients received pas-

improvements were significant on scapular posterior

sive mid-range mobilization, flexion and abduction

tipping (at 8 weeks) and scapular upward rotation

stretching techniques, physical modalities (ultra-

(at 8 weeks).

sound, shortwave diathermy, and/or electrotherapy),

and active exercises. The 10 patients in the criteria-

should be preceded by the kind of assessment they

intervention group received the same therapies plus

used to determine the groups; in the more severe

EMSMTA. The physical therapists applying the

FSS cases, the EMSMTA techniques should be

therapies all had at least 3 years of experience.

used. From my osteopathic perspective, the degree

Of special interest to those familiar with Spencer

of FSS restricted movement and pain and thereby

and myofascial release techniques, the studys end

how much osteopathic manipulative treatment

range mobilization techniques description appeared

(OMT) is needed is readily discernible. This study

to be very similar to traction with inferior glide

was selected because it offers some confirmatory

and traction circumduction,4 and the scapular

data relevant to the use of OMT and could be repli-

mobilization technique was very similar to the scap-

cated readily using OMT.

The authors concluded that management of FSS

ular myofascial release described by DiGiovanna

et al.5 However, in this study, unlike in osteopathic
medical practice, which uses continuous palpatory

Hollis H. King, DO, PhD

University of Wisconsin School of Medicine
and Public Health, Madison

feedback to guide the technique, the physical therapy application of both EMSMTA techniques used a
predetermined number of repetitions and sets.

All patients were treated twice per week for 3

months. The outcome measures were taken at baseline, 4 weeks, and 8 weeks. Outcome measures were
ROM for arm elevation in frontal plane, hand-behindback reach, humeral external rotation, humeral internal rotation; kinematic measurement of scapular posterior tipping, scapulohumeral rhythm, and scapular
upward rotation; and a disability assessment using
the FLEX-SF.

The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association

1. Spencer H. Shoulder technique.
J Am Osteopath Assoc. 1916;15:218-220.
2. Knebl JA, Shores JH, Gamber RG, Gray WT,
Herron KM. Improving functional ability in the elderly
via Spencer technique, an osteopathic manipulative
treatment: a randomized, controlled trial.
J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2002;102(7):387-396.
3. Heinking K, Brolinson PG, Goodwin TA.
Large joint injury in an athlete. In: Chila AG,
executive ed. Foundations of Osteopathic Medicine.
3rd ed. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins;

January 2013 | Vol 113 | No. 1



4. Ehrenfeuchter WC. Soft tissue/articulatory approach.

In: Chila AG, executive ed. Foundations of Osteopathic
Medicine. 3rd ed. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins; 2011:781-782.

asymptomatic participants. The same procedure was

5. Dowling DJ, Scariati P. Myofascial release concepts.

In: DiGiovanna EL, Schwiowitz S, Dowling DJ, eds.
An Osteopathic Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment.
3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins;

tomatic cohort was divided into 2 groups: 109 were

applied to 140 symptomatic participants (66 women,

74 men; mean [SD] age, 39.3 [8] years). This symprandomly assigned to the experimental (OFM) group
and 31 to the control (sham therapy) group. Range of
right kidney mobility for both groups was ascertained
by calculating the difference between RdE and RdI

Osteopathic Fascial Manipulation

Reduces Low Back Pain and
Increases Kidney Mobility
Tozzi P, Bongiorno D, Vitturini C. Low back pain and kidney
mobility: local osteopathic fascial manipulation decreases
pain perception and improves renal mobility [published
online ahead of print March 3, 2012]. J Bodyw Mov Ther.
2012;16(3):381-391. doi:10.1016/j.jbmt.2012.02.001.

Manipulation of organs and their surrounding fascial connections has been promoted by osteopathic
physicians since the founding of the profession.
The American Academy of Osteopathy has been
offering courses for physicians on these types of
procedures since its founding 75 years ago. However, controlled clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of this approach are rare. Clinical researchers in
Italy addressed this topic by using a well-designed
study protocol. They focused on 3 objectives:
(1) calculate and compare kidney mobility in asymptomatic individuals and those with low back
pain (LBP) using real-time ultrasonography (US),
(2) assess renal mobility, and (3) assess pain perception in participants with nonspecific LBP after
osteopathic fascial manipulation (OFM).

Researchers recruited 101 asymptomatic partici-

pants (30 women, 71 men; mean [standard deviation (SD)] age, 38.9 [8] years) who were evaluated
with abdominal US screening. The distance between
the superior renal pole of the right kidney and the
ipsilateral diaphragmatic pillar was calculated in
both maximal expiration (RdE) and maximal inspiration (RdI). The mean of the RdE:RdI ratios provided a kidney mobility score (KMS) in the cohort of


values before and after each intervention.

The ultrasonographer was blinded to group

allocation. The osteopath who administered the

OFM had 6 years of experience. The sham therapy, which consisted of light touch applied to the
same areas as the OFM, was administered by an
untrained layperson. Participants in both groups
completed a Short-Form McGill Pain Assessment
Questionnaire on the day of recruitment as well as
on the third day after treatment.

Factorial analysis of variance showed a signifi-

cant difference (P<.05) in mean (SD) KMS in asymptomatic participants (1.92 [1.14] mm) compared
with the KMS in those with LBP (1.52 [0.79] mm).
For symptomatic participants, repeated measures
analysis of variance showed a significant difference
(P<.0001) between pre- and post-RD values of the
experimental group compared with those found in
the control group. Additionally, the pain scores were
significantly lower (P<.0001) in the OFM cohort
compared with those in the sham cohort.

This pioneer study, using standard, validated in-

struments, demonstrated that participants with nonspecific LBP had reduced range of kidney mobility
during respiration compared with asymptomatic individuals. Osteopathic fascial manipulation applied
to the thoracolumbar junction region improved kidney mobility and reduced pain perception over the
short term compared with light touch sham therapy.
Michael A. Seffinger, DO
Western University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic
Medicine of the Pacific, Pomona, California

The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association

January 2013 | Vol 113 | No. 1

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