2016 State Assembly and Convention Proposed Rules FINAL 4-7-2016
2016 State Assembly and Convention Proposed Rules FINAL 4-7-2016
2016 State Assembly and Convention Proposed Rules FINAL 4-7-2016
1. Organization
1.1 Delegates. The delegates and alternates to the Colorado Republican State Assembly ("the
Assembly") shall be the delegates and alternates to the Colorado Republican State Convention ("the
Convention"). The Assembly and the Convention hereinafter collectively are referred to as the
"Assembly and Convention."
1.2 Alternate Delegates. Alternate delegates moved into a delegate position due to the absence
of a delegate (see Rule 2.4) are considered delegates under these rules.
Quorum. A quorum at the State Assembly, and at the Convention, shall consist of those
delegates present. (State Bylaws, Art. XIII, G.)
Permanent Officers. The permanent officers of the Assembly and Convention shall be the
officers of the Colorado Republican State Central Committee, and the State Chairman may appoint
or designate such other officers, Committee Chairmen, and Committees as the State Chairman may
deem necessary for the operation and conduct of the Assembly and Convention. (State Bylaws, Art.
v, B.)
Committee Rules. Each Committee of this Assembly and Convention may each establish
such rules as it deems necessary for the conduct of its meeting(s), including rules relating to
matters to be considered and length of discussion.
1.6 Chairman Pro Tem. The permanent Chairman of the Assembly and Convention may
designate a Chairman Pro Tem to serve for brief periods during the absence of the permanent
Chairman. The term "Chairman" shall refer both to the permanent Chairman and any Chairman Pro
1.7 Agenda. The agenda for the Assembly and Convention shall be printed in the Assembly and
Convention program and shall constitute general orders and the order of business for the Assembly
and Convention, except that the Chairman may recognize any person to address the delegates at
any time and for any purpose and may alter the order of business to facilitate the efficient conduct
of the business of the Assembly and Convention.
Adjournment. The Assembly and Convention may not be adjourned until the order of
business has been completed.
2. Credentials
Delegate Authentication. Each County Chairman shall provide a written list authenticating
all delegates and alternates elected by the county assembly to the Assembly and Convention,
together with their mailing addresses and zip codes and, where available, e-mail addresses, and
shall provide such list to the State Chairman as soon after the county assembly as practical, and
within (10) days of the county assembly. (State Bylaws, Art. XIII, B3.)
(a) Every person intending to contest the seat of any delegate shall give written notice of such
intention, specifying the grounds of the contest, to the Secretary of the CRC and to the delegate
whose seat he intends to contest. He shall give such notice at least seventy-two hours before the
Assembly and Convention convenes. (State Bylaws Art. XV, A4.)
(b) The State Central Committee shall meet at 7:30a.m. on Friday, April 8, 2016, at the Broadmoor
World Arena in Colorado Springs, Colorado, to hear any and all contests of persons claiming seats in
the Assembly and Convention and the recommendations of the Credentials Committee relating
thereto. (State Bylaws Art. XV, A2.)
2.3 Delegate Roll. The names of all delegates elected and uncontested shall be placed on the
temporary roll. All delegates who have been contested and whose names have been placed
upon the temporary roll by a majority of the CRC present and voting shall have the right to vote
on all questions until otherwise determined by the Assembly and Convention, except upon
contests involving their own credentials. (State Bylaws Art. XV, A3.)
2.4 Credentialing Required by 9:30 A.M./Voting by Alternates.
(a) Delegates and Alternates are required to be credentialed by 9:30a.m. on April 9, 2016.
(b) Any delegate who is not credentialed by 9:30a.m. may have his ballot given to the first
alternate of that county and continuing numerically thereafter, except in any county where an
alternate to the Assembly and Convention was elected to represent a designated district or
precinct. In such case, the designated district or precinct alternate shall be entitled to vote in the
absence of the delegate in accordance with the rules of the County Republican Party or the ruling of
the County Chairman.
(c) The decisions and rulings of the County Chairman regarding the promotion of alternates shall
be final.
3. Recognition, Identification and Motions
3.1 Recognition. The Chairman may recognize any person to make either an announcement or
a seconding speech for any candidate, except for candidates for National Delegate. Except as
specified in these rules or as may be necessary for the conduct of business the Assembly and
Convention, only delegates or alternates to the Assembly and Convention may be recognized.
3.2 Identification. With the exception of persons making announcements or a nominating or
seconding speech for any candidate, each person recognized by the Chairman for the purpose of
addressing the Assembly and Convention shall state his name, the name of his delegation, and that
he is a delegate or alternate to the Assembly and Convention, and the purpose for which he wishes
to be recognized. The Chairman may refuse to recognize or may terminate the remarks of any
person who fails to identify himself pursuant to provisions of this rule.
3.3 Written Motions and Amendments. All motions of substance and amendments thereto
shall be in writing, shall be signed by the maker thereof and shall be delivered to the Secretary or
the Chairman of the Assembly and Convention immediately after being made. Unless the Chairman
determines otherwise, no vote shall be taken on any motion or amendment until the written motion
or amendment has been delivered to the Secretary or the Chairman.
3.4 One Amendment at a Time. The Chairman shall permit only one amendment to a motion to
be considered at a time.
4. Debated Issues
4.1 Individual Time Limitation. Except as otherwise provided for in these rules, and except for
officers of the Assembly or Committee Chairmen, no person shall speak more than two minutes on
any debated issue or question, and no person shall speak more than once on each debated issue or
question. The determination as to time spent shall be made by the timekeeper of the Assembly and
Convention, and the determination of the timekeeper shall be conclusive. The timekeeper shall stand
at the end of each period, and the speaker shall end his remarks. In the event the speaker fails to
terminate his remarks, the Chairman may terminate the speaker's access to any microphone.
4.2 Aggregate Time Limitation. The time allotted to debate any issue or question, including all
amendments to motions and substitutions for motions shall not exceed an aggregate of ten
minutes. At the end of such period, the Chairman shall call for a vote on such motions or
amendments as may be necessary without further debate or action by the Assembly and
4.3 Alternating Comments. To the extent reasonably possible, the Chairman shall recognize in
alternating order persons who wish to speak in favor or in opposition to any debated issue or
5. Demonstrations
5.1 Definition. The term "demonstration" shall be deemed to include all actions, such as
organized verbal or audible disruptions, clapping, waving and parading, which shall disrupt the
business of the Assembly and Convention.
5.2 Prohibition. Except as provided for in 7.2, demonstrations on behalf of, or opposed to, any
candidate or issue are prohibited. The Chairman, in his sole discretion, may charge the time
consumed by any such demonstration to the time otherwise allotted to the candidate or issue being
supported by such demonstration. No personal sound amplification devices or noisemakers shall
be allowed on the floor of the Assembly and Convention, in the facility, or on the premises, that
interfere with or disrupt the business of the Assembly and Convention.
6. Resolutions
6.1 Referral to the Resolutions Committee. Before any resolution shall be considered by the
Assembly and Convention, it shall be referred to the Resolutions Committee. All resolutions
proposed to be considered by the Assembly and Convention shall be submitted to the State
Chairman by March 23, 2016. The State Chairman shall refer all resolutions received by him by
5:00p.m. April 1, 2016 to the Resolutions Committee. (State Bylaws, Art. XIII, E.)
6.2 Consideration by the Resolutions Committee. The Resolutions Committee shall consider
all resolutions properly referred by the State Chairman. The Resolutions Committee shall provide
an opportunity for any person to speak for or against a Resolution at a meeting of the
Resolutions Committee held on March 21, 2016 and March 22, 2016, and at such additional dates
and times and by such means as the Resolutions Committee may provide. The Resolutions
Committee may create, amend, consolidate and/or combine duplicate and similar resolutions into
one Resolution for the efficiency of time and space, and may, but is not required to, consider
additional resolutions as may be submitted or referred by the State Chairman after April 1, 2016.
The Resolutions Committee shall report to the Assembly and Convention all resolutions approved
by a majority of the members of the Resolutions Committee. The Resolutions Committee may
establish such additional rules as it deems necessary for the conduct of its meetings.
6.3 Resolutions for Consideration. Only resolutions submitted in the report of the Resolutions
Committee as provided for in Rule 6.2 shall be considered by the Assembly and Convention.
6.4 No Amendment or Debate. No resolution may be amended or debated at the Assembly and
6.5 Two-Thirds Vote to Pass. Resolutions concerning the Republican Party Platform or
concerning the position of the Colorado Republican Party with respect to matters of public policy or
public concern shall be deemed to be adopted only if approved by a two-thirds vote of the delegates
present and voting.
7. Nominations
7.1 Qualifications of Nominators. Only delegates to the Assembly and Convention may make
nominations for any candidate. Seconding and acceptance speeches may be made by any individual
recognized by the Chairman.
8. Ballots
11.1 Appointment. By the adoption of these rules, the Assembly designates the Executive
Committee of the Colorado Republican State Central Committee as the Assembly Vacancy
Committee, and said Assembly Vacancy Committee is empowered to fill any vacancy that may occur
in designation or nomination for any statewide public office. (State Bylaws, Art. XIV, B1d.)
12. Other Rules
12.1 Reasonable Rules. The permanent Chairman shall make such other reasonable rules as
may be necessary for the operation of the Assembly and Convention and the operation or regularity
of the delegation to the Republican National Convention, provided that such rules shall not conflict
with the Rules of the (national) Republican Party, the rules and bylaws of the Colorado Republican
Party, applicable Colorado statutes and these rules.
12.2 Candidate Literature. Only literature for Republican candidates to be chosen at the
Assembly and Convention or for Republican candidates for President of the United States may be
distributed on the floor of the Assembly and Convention, in the facility, or on the premises. The
State Chairman may bar any literature that does not comply with this rule or fails to identify the
candidate, person, or organization responsible for the literature. No petitions for any candidate or
ballot issue shall be permitted or circulated on the floor, in the facility, or on the premises, except as
the State Chairman may authorize.
12.3 Future Assembly and Convention. These Rules shall serve as the temporary rules of any
succeeding Assembly and Convention of the Colorado Republican Party until such time as
permanent rules are adopted by that Assembly and Convention.
12.4 Suspension. The rules of the Assembly and Convention may be suspended by a two-thirds
12.5 Deferral to RNC Rules, State Law and CRC Bylaws. Should any rule herein contradict
governing provisions of state or federal law, the Rules of the (national) Republican Party, or the
Bylaws or rules of the Colorado Republican State Central Committee, the Chairman may rule that
such law, rule, or bylaw governs.
13. Parliamentary Authority.
13.1 Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised. The eleventh and most recent edition of Robert's
Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the Assembly and Convention in all cases in which they
are not in conflict with Colorado Revised Statutes, the Bylaws of the Colorado Republican State
Central Committee, the Rules of the National Republican Party, and these rules. The foregoing will be
available for inspection during the Assembly and Convention.
Adopted by the Rules Committee this 7th day of April, 2016.