Social Responsibility of Banks
Social Responsibility of Banks
Social Responsibility of Banks
Dr. Jasbir Singh
Varun Patwal
BBA (B&I) 6th semester
Nationalisation of banks
Dissatisfied with the limited policy of social control, the government resorted to the
nationalisation of 14 major banks in july 1969. The ownership (rather than mere control) by the
government was considered important for the extension and diversification of banking services.
The role of nationalised banks was viewed as one of catalytic agent for growth.
Operationally, two main tasks were set before the public sector banks :
1. mobilisation of deposits through massive programmes of branch expansion, especially in
unbanked rural and semi-urban areas
2. diversification of bank credit to ensure flow of financial assistance to neglected sectors
Social banking
After nationalisation, the commercial banks in India have adopted a new policy orientation to
meet the socio - economic obligations of the country.
The important aspects of this social orientation are :1. Alignment of credit policy with the overall objective of the government
2. Allocation of credit in accordance with the requirements of the planned economic development
of the country
3. Reduction of regional disparities in the spread of banking to achieve the balanced development
of the country
4. A lead role in the development of credit at district level
In order to achieve the new social reorientation of banking, the banking system
was developed and in functioning changed in the following directions :
1. Expansion of bank offices in the rural and hitherto to unbanked areas.
2. Gradual decline in the security and guarantee oriented approach and laying more emphasis on
the purpose, visibility and creditworthiness of the project for which the loan is required
3. Decline in the share of bank credit to large and medium industries
4. Lead bank scheme was introduced in December 1969 to evolve a consortium approach on the
part of the commercial banks to develop on the basis of area approach
5. Differential interest rate (DIR) scheme was introduced in 1972 to provide financial assistance to
the economically weaker sections of the society
6. Greater provision of bank credit has been made to the priority sectors like agriculture, small and
cottage industry , small road transport, exports etc
their net bank credit (NBC) to the priority sector, foreign banks are required to lend 32 per cent
of their NBC to the priority sector. It has been observed that while banks often tend to meet the
overall priority sector targets, they sometimes tend to miss the sub-targets. This is particularly
true in case of domestic banks failing to meet their sub-targets for agricultural advances. One of
the reasons banks often site for not lending to this sector is that recovery is often difficult.
This variable is used to measure the contribution of banks in the field of education. In India Rao
(1964) and the Education Commission (1966) emphasised the links between education and
development. Fields (1980) and Tilak (1978) explained that education and poverty are inversely
related: the higher the level of education of the population, the lower would be the proportion of
poor people in the total population, as education imparts knowledge and skills that are
associated with higher wages. The major activities carried out by the banks in the field of
education are as follows:
Support to low income family students with financial assistance, free uniform and books
Motivational camps to go to school, for the students of rural areas.
Concession in interest on education loans for backward class students
Establishing library-cum-reading rooms in rural areas and providing fans, water coolers etc. to
Promotion and financial support education of special children,
Tie-ups with educational institutes for providing education loans, interest subsidy schemes for
Environment Protection
This variable includes all the activities carried out by the banks for the purpose of environment
protection or to reduce the environmental harm by adopting different initiatives, replacing
traditional activities by eco friendly processes or activities in day to day business. A growing
number of companies in many sectors and geographic regions have discovered concrete value
and competitive advantage from socially responsible practices in pollution prevention, energy
efficiency, environmentally oriented design, supply chain management, and health and
sustainable agriculture initiatives, among others. For these firms, CSR has had a positive impact
on profits. The World Bank has also pressurized the banks not to finance the projects, which are
causing harm to the environment either directly or indirectly. The major activities performed by
banks in this field are as follows:
Promoting and financing energy saving and solar energy projects.
Encouraging, financing and setting up of non-conventional energy generation units,
Assistance for rain water harvesting tanks
Wild animal protection projects
Tree plantation drives
Projects related to reduction of carbon emissions
Women Welfare
This variable indicates the activities done in the direction of welfare of women and girl child.
Some of the activities which banks are performing in the field of the women welfare are as
Farmers Welfare
Indian economy has always been an agriculture based economy. Although the contribution of
agriculture to the GDP of the country has decreased in past years, a large portion of population
still depends upon agriculture for its survival. However, the agriculture sector is still in a meagre
state. Due to the poor economic health of agriculture sector, India observes a large number of
cases of suicide among the farmers. It has been felt that there is an urgent requirement to
promote investments in this sector and welfare of the farmers. Some of the major activities done
by the banks under the farmers welfare are as follows:
The financial institutions should take into consideration the environment, social equity and
economic justice into their business strategies.
If any way, the environment is harmed by the institution, the full responsibility should be
Blood Donation camps, free medical check ups, free medicines and donating Ambulances by
BOI also helps the NGOs in noble causes like Eye Donation and Blood Donation camps.
Recruitment: Ethical policies can often help business attract and retain high quality staff, while
also creating a positive atmosphere in the workplace.
Legality: All businesses must be compliant with legislation and regulation, but those who
operate according to ethical values that comply with the spirit as well as the letter of the law are
less likely to run into legal difficulties.
With changing times the Indian banks are making are effort in the CSR areas but still there is a
requirement of more emphasis on CSR. The country still has some banks which are not able to
meet the regulatory requirement of Priority sector lending and rural branch expansion. Even
after the RBIs guidelines for financial literacy programs the banks have not take substantial
steps in this direction. The RBI may be more stringent in enforcing such regulatory
requirements. The banks have focused on the community welfare and farmers welfare
programs but the efforts for women welfare and education are not sizeable. Moreover, the public
sector banks have overall highest contribution in CSR activities. Private sector banks and
foreign banks are still lagging in this area.
Banks are usually judged from the point of view of their financial performance but this study has
explored a new dimension for analysing the performance of banks. It could be inferred from the
study that certain banks like ICICI bank, HDFC bank and State Bank of India which are top
performers in terms of profitability and growth are not at the top in CSR activities.