Community Pharmacy Practice in Uruguay
Community Pharmacy Practice in Uruguay
Community Pharmacy Practice in Uruguay
causes: there are too many Pharmacies according to the population and there
are too little Pharmaceutical Chemists. Up to 2003 the number of Pharmacies
was regulated just by the distance between them, but from this year a second
way to regulate the number is the population of the city (5000 inhabitants per
Pharmacy). In the last fifteen years the number of new Pharmaceutical
Chemists has reduced, and that is a very worrying fact for the AQFU, the
Faculty of Chemistry and the Ministry of Health.
In such a situation, it is very difficult to Uruguayan pharmacists to really offer
pharmaceutical assistance in the Community Pharmacy. Nevertheless, the
AQFU has been working in the implementation of Good Pharmaceutical
Practices and promoting the presence of the Pharmaceutical Chemist in the
Pharmacy. Additionally the AQFU has taken an active role in training helpers for
the Pharmaceutical Chemist in the Community Pharmacy work. In the last 20
years many work has been done, and there have been many changes, although
there is still a lot to be done.
At the end of 2013 Uruguayan Parliament has approved a law that regulates the
trade of marijuana. When this law enters into force, the trade of marijuana for
recreational purpose will be legal and the distribution will be done by the
Community Pharmacy. There hasnt laid down rules for this law yet, and the
AQFU is trying to avoid the distribution of a recreational drug in the Pharmacy.