Development of Management Information System

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To achieve success it is necessary to make plan first. Constructing MIS plan take
information as a resource. Use proper data entry methods and plan can be made from
proper resources of organizations. In short MIS plan is flexible enough to deal with
changing according to time, Situation and adopt latest technology. MIS plan can contain
following major elements

Deal with business plan

Strategy for plan achievement
The architecture of mix
The system development schedule
Hardware versus software

A long range MIS plan provides direction for the development of the systems. It provides
basis for achieving the specific targets or tasks against a time frame. Plan is strictly
related with goals and objectives of the MIS which are as under given below

Provides an online information of everything

Quick process of query
The focus of system will be on end user
Information support system will contain strategic, tactical and operational area of

MIS Plan vs. Business plan

Strategy for plan achievement

The designer has to take number of strategic decisions to achieve goal and objective of
organization. The strategies are:

Development strategy: An online, a batch, a real time. Technology platform

System development strategy: Any approach to the system development- operational
versus functional, Accounting versus analysis, database versus multiple databases
Resources for system development: In house versus external, customized development
versus the use of packages.
Manpower composition: Analyst, programmer skill and know-how


The architecture of the MIS plan provides a system structure and their input, output and
linkages. It also provides a way to handle the system or subsystems by way of simplification,
coupling and decoupling of subsystems. It spells out in detail the subsystems from the data
entry to processing, analyst to modeling and storage to printing.
A schedule is made for the development of the system. Preparing information schedule is the
first importance and it is important to judge the system requirement. The development
schedule is changed according to be weighted against the time scale for achieving certain
requirement which is linked with business plan. Schedule can be revised according to
performance of business
Feasibility studies can effect on the planning of MIS. The hardware and software which is
selected for MIS plan should be technically sound and up to date. Selection of proper
hardware and software should be part of strategic level decisions. Proper selection of
hardware and software should link with goals and objectives of organizations.
A Model of the MIS plan Contents Particulars Focus Corporate Information Business
environment Where are we? and current operations mission, Goal and Current mission, goal
and Where do we want to objectives reach? The following which come in our mind while

Where are we?

What is risk?
How do we achieve status goals?
What is key information?
What are tools of achievement?
When it will achieve?
What are the benefits?

Determining the information requirement

The difficulty to determine correct and complete sets of information is on account of the factor
given below:

The capability constraint of human being as an information processor

The nature and the variety of information in prcised terms
Reluctance of decision maker to spell out the information
The ability of the decision makers to specify information

There are 4 methods of determining information requirements

Asking or interviewing
Determining from existing system
Analyzing the critical success factors
Experimentation and modeling

Development and implementation of MIS

The plan consists of various system and subsystems. The choice of the subsystem depends on its
positions in the total MIS plan. The designer first develops systems independently and start
integrated them with other systems. Basically 2 approaches affected on MIS:
1. Prototype approach
2. Life cycle approach
Prototype approach: It is useful for complex system. Prototyping is a process of progressively
ascertaining the information needs, developing methodology, trying it out on a smaller scale with
respect to the data and the complexity. Designers task is complex and full of difficult in this
approach. Multiple user can involve in this approach.

Fig.____ Development process model of prototype approach

Life Cycle Approach: It is useful when there is periodic review of system takes place. It is
useful in modification of system required after particular time period. It provides system stability
with regular evaluation. This approach is based on rules and regulation on which system follows
and it can not allow significant change in system. It is used in closed system where outcome of
system is already decided before implementation of system.

Fig.____ Development process model of Lifecycle approach

Implementation of MIS
There are certain guidelines to user about proper implementation of system in organization
which are as given below:

No question beyond limit the information need to user

Dont forget his role is to offer service not demand
Give priority to user not designer.
Dont mix technical need with information need
Impress upon user global nature in system design with provide attractiveness in system
Dont challenge application of information in decision making.
Maintain quality of information in system
Provide information as corporate resource and contribute you as a user.
Take regular feedback of user with proper interaction with user.

While implementation, ensure that the overall system effort has management acceptance and
enlist users participation time to time. You must realize user that through serving, they are true
guide of system. You must identify the role of user in system and conduct periodic meeting with

user time to time. Provide proper training to user with proper guidelines about usage of system
when required.
Information quality in the MIS: The quality of parameters is assured if following steps are

All the input is processed and controlled

When all updating and correction are completed, the data processing begins
Inputs are subjected with validity checks
Access of data file is protected and secured through authorization scheme
Ensure that complete data is processed in one transaction
Due attention is given to the proper file name
Back up of data and files are taken safeguard corruption or loss of data
Time to time audit constructed
Modification of system is necessary
System are developed within standard specification of design and development
Information system is controlled threw program and provide particular access control
MIS model will provide consistency into business plan so that information needs to
achieve its goals.

There are some major issues involved in interaction of MIS with organization i.e whether the
MIS function should be handled as centralized or decentralized activity, the allocation of the
hardware and software resources and maintenance of the MIS service levels at an appropriate
level. At last, fitting of the organization of the MIS in the corporate organization, its culture
and the management philosophy is done. The question of centralization versus
decentralization depends on information resource management in the organization. In a
centralized set, the responsibility of acquisition of the data, of the information to the users
becomes the centralized function. In a decentralized, set of responsibility information is at
second level so priority is given to the requirement and other things.

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