Development of Management Information System
Development of Management Information System
Development of Management Information System
To achieve success it is necessary to make plan first. Constructing MIS plan take
information as a resource. Use proper data entry methods and plan can be made from
proper resources of organizations. In short MIS plan is flexible enough to deal with
changing according to time, Situation and adopt latest technology. MIS plan can contain
following major elements
A long range MIS plan provides direction for the development of the systems. It provides
basis for achieving the specific targets or tasks against a time frame. Plan is strictly
related with goals and objectives of the MIS which are as under given below
Asking or interviewing
Determining from existing system
Analyzing the critical success factors
Experimentation and modeling
Life Cycle Approach: It is useful when there is periodic review of system takes place. It is
useful in modification of system required after particular time period. It provides system stability
with regular evaluation. This approach is based on rules and regulation on which system follows
and it can not allow significant change in system. It is used in closed system where outcome of
system is already decided before implementation of system.
Implementation of MIS
There are certain guidelines to user about proper implementation of system in organization
which are as given below:
While implementation, ensure that the overall system effort has management acceptance and
enlist users participation time to time. You must realize user that through serving, they are true
guide of system. You must identify the role of user in system and conduct periodic meeting with
user time to time. Provide proper training to user with proper guidelines about usage of system
when required.
Information quality in the MIS: The quality of parameters is assured if following steps are
There are some major issues involved in interaction of MIS with organization i.e whether the
MIS function should be handled as centralized or decentralized activity, the allocation of the
hardware and software resources and maintenance of the MIS service levels at an appropriate
level. At last, fitting of the organization of the MIS in the corporate organization, its culture
and the management philosophy is done. The question of centralization versus
decentralization depends on information resource management in the organization. In a
centralized set, the responsibility of acquisition of the data, of the information to the users
becomes the centralized function. In a decentralized, set of responsibility information is at
second level so priority is given to the requirement and other things.