Opnav Instruction 5350.4D

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WASHINGTON, D.C. 2 0 3 5 0 - 2 0 0 0

4 Jun 09

Chief of Naval Operations



IJniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)
DoD Instruction 1332.14 of 28 Aug 08
DoD Directive 1010.4 of 3 Sep 97
NAVPERS 15560D, Naval Military Personnel Manual
SECNAV M-5510.30 of 1 Jun 06
Assistant Secretary of Defense Drug Demand
Reduction Memorandum of 1 Oct 03 (NOTAL)
SECNAV M-5210.1
DoD Policy Memorandum on TRICARE Substance Abuse
Treatment of 13 Feb 97 (NOTAL)
Zontrol Substance Act of 1970
DoD Instruction 1010.16 of 9 Dec 94
D o D Directive 1010.1 of 9 Dec 94
Military Rules of Evidence (M.R.E)
3 . S . Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual
American Indian Religious Freedom Act Amendments
of 1994, Section 1996a of Title 42, United States

Assistant Secretary of Defense Memorandum,

Sacramental Use of Peyote by Native American Service
Members, of 25 Apr 97 (NOTAL)

4 Jun 09


(1) Screening and Treatment

(2) Drug Testing Program
( 3 ) Education and Training Policy and Requirements
( 4 ) Acronyms and Definitions


a. TO provide comprehensive alcohol and other drug abuse

preventioE and control policy and procedures for all Navy
military personnel and establish regulations to enforce that
b. To assign responsibilities for a unified Navy Alcohol
and Drug Abuse Prevention (NADAP) Program per reference (a).
This instruction is a complete revision and should be read in
its entirety.

Cancellation. OPNAVINST 5350.4C.

3 . Background/Discussion. Alcohol and drug abuse undermines

combat readiness and is incompatible with the maintenance of
nigh standards of performance and military discipline. It is a
severe detriment to Navy's overall mission readiness.
Snclosures (1) through (3) are procedural guidance for
coordinating policies set forth in references (a) through (y).
Enclosure (4) provides definitions of terms used within the
NADAP Program.

4. Applicability. Provisions of this instruction apply to all

active duty and Navy Reserve members, officers, and enlisted.
Violation of any provision of this instruction subjects military
members to disciplinary action under reference (b) and may lead
to Administrative Separation (ADSEP) per references (a), ( c ) ,
dnd (d).
Concept. Major elements underlying Navy's approach to
sliminating alcohol and drug abuse are enhanced detection,
deterrence, prevention, education, intervention, and treatment
&hen necessary. This approach emphasizes constructive use of
nrevention, education, discipline, intervention, and medical
Treatment for members who are responsive to treatment and who
reject further alcohol abuse, and the separation of any
~ndividualguilty of a single incident of drug use. The most

4 Jun 09
important element to managing an effective alcohol and drug
abuse prevention program is maintaining a command climate
intolerant of any alcohol or drug abuse.


The minimum age to consume alcohol is 21 for all

personnel. In foreign countries where the installation is
located, the minimum age to consume alcohol shall conform to the
legal age set by the host country. In the absence of any local
Law, the minimum age to consume alcohol shall be 21 for all

Alcohol and drug abuse by Navy members can seriously

damage their physical and mental health, jeopardize their
safety, the safety of others, and can lead to criminal
prosecution and separation from naval service. Alcohol and drug
abuse is detrimental to operational readiness and is
inconsistent with Navy core values and initiatives to promote
personal excellence and healthy lifestyles among Navy members.
As required by references (a) and (e), it is Navy's goal to be
free of the effects of alcohol and drug abuse.

Commanders, commanding officers, and Officers in Charge

(OICs) must exercise sound judgment in enforcing Navy's alcohol
and drug abuse policies and ensure proper disposition of
individual cases. They must analyze all available evidence to
determine whether alcohol or drug abuse exists and shall respond
:o unacceptable behavior or substandard performance with
appropriate corrective actions. Consistent enforcement of
existing rules, regulations, and policies specified in this
instruction by officers, enlisted leadership, and civilian
supervisors is vital to the program's success. Commands that do
not enforce Navy policies for preventing alcohol and drug abuse
foster an environment which is tolerant of alcohol and drug
abuse and the dysfunctional behaviors associated with substance
abuse. It is the responsibility of all Navy personnel to
promote a climate intolerant of alcohol abuse, ensuring that all
Sailors under the age of 21 shall not consume alcoholic


Alcohol consumption is a personal decision by individual


Those who choose not to consume alcoholic beverages

shall be supported in their decision and encouraged to remain

4 Jun 09
alcohol free. Those members who choose to consume alcoholic
beverages must do so lawfully and responsibly. Responsible use
is the application of self-imposed limitations of time, place,
and quantity when consuming alcoholic beverages. Alcohol
consumption is never an acceptable excuse for misconduct or poor
judgment. Any misconduct or irrational behavior where alcohol
use is involved must be addressed immediately and effectively.
Most individuals will respond to immediate and effective
intervention. Alcohol abuse left unaddressed has potential to
place both the member and the Navy in danger. Therefore, while
it remains an individual choice as to whether or not to drink
alcoholic beverages, members who choose to drink shall do so in
an appropriate place, at an appropriate time, and in an
appropriate quantity. Alcohol shall not be consumed to the
extent that it:
(1) Impairs rational and full exercise of a member's
nental and physical faculties while in a duty status or in the
performance of military duties;
161 Reduces member's dependability and reliability;
( > )
Reflects discredit upon the member personally or
lpon Navy; 2r

(4) Results in behavior that is in violation of this

instruction and/or reference (b).

Violation of policies set forth in this instruction

subjects military members to the full range of administrative
and disciplinary actions available. These include informal
counseling, comments in fitness reports and evaluations,
?unitive measures, and ADSEP as required by reference (b).

f . Navy does not condone consumption of alcoholic beverages

during normal working hours. Commanders, commanding officers,
and OICs may authorize consumption of alcoholic beverages during
normal working hours for official functions, ceremonies, and
other infrequent command-sponsored events.

g. Commands must emphasize personal responsibility at all

events, and shall deglamorize alcohol use during traditional
ceremonies by forbidding those practices which may encourage
personnel to consume alcohol irresponsibly. Adequate quantities

4 Jun 09
of non-alcoholic beverages must be provided for those who choose
not to drink alcohol. All military personnel are ultimately
responsible for their own actions.
h. Navy's policy on drug abuse is "zero tolerance." Navy
members determined to be using, possessing, promoting,
manufacturing, or distributing drugs and/or drug abuse
paraphernalia (in violation of applicable provisions of
reference ( b ) ,Federal, State, local statutes, or this
instruction) shall be disciplined as appropriate and processed
for ADSEP as required. Members diagnosed as drug dependent
shall be offered treatment prior to separation.

Navy members shall never wrongfully possess, distribute

2r abuse drugs, be in possession of drug abuse paraphernalia, or
oe under the unauthorized influence of prescribed drugs.
Members shall report all prescription medications received from
son-military Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs) to their chain
2f command and ensure they are entered into their military

j. Navy's drug abuse policy is not subordinate to any

foreign, State, or local ordinance, which may permit the use,
p o s s e s s i ~ ~distribution,
or prescription of a controlled

The purchase, possession, introduction, distribution, or

dse of any product or device of any kind that are used, intended
for use or designed for use by personnel to defeat Navy's Drug
Testing program (e.g.,substituting urine; masking urine;
diluting urine; taking a product to flush one's system before
providing a urine sample; chemically altering, adulterating, or
nodifying one's own urine; using a foreign device), for the
purpose of circumventing a urinalysis test or assisting another
in attempting to do the same, is prohibited and is a violation
d f this instruction.
Personnel in violation of this provision
2re in violation of a lawful general order and shall be
subjected to discipline and administrative action as
appropriate. In addition, members who observe or have
information that another service member(s) has purchased,
possessed, introduced, distributed, or used any such products or
devices must report such information to his/her defeated or has
attempted to defeat drug-testing detection must report such
information to their chain of command.

4 Jun 09

It _.s the Navy's goal to be free from the effects of

31cohoL and drug abuse. Recognizing Navy's investment in every

3alior, those who are diagnosed as alcohol abusers or alcohol
dependent snould be returned to full duty status upon successful
zompletiori oZ prescribed education, intervention, or treatment.
,:ommands will discipline, as appropriate, and
prc~cess :or ADSEP, those members whose alcohol-related
serious (see enclosure (4) of this instruction for
" ser: ous t i f f erlse" definition), who are repeat of fenders, or who
lo not r e s ~ o n dfavorably t o treatment.


I4embers who are involved in a subsequent alcohol

~ t ' , d t ~ ~lic~aent,
at any time in their career, after having
rece~vea-rsatment which resulted from a previous alcohol
re,dt ed lilc~aent,will be processed for ADSEP, unless a written
&a;v e ~,s a b t a ~
ned from Commander, Navy Personnel Command
(C3TmAVPERSCOM). Per paragraph lb of enclosure (I),commanding
~ f - fC-'rs
~ f may' deviate from this policy in cases involving
o f r l c e r s and senior enlisted personnel (E5 and above), provided
y+ars s d v e
lapsed since previous incident and the commanding
O ~ ~ L ~
the member as possessing exceptional potential
fol t u r t h + r ~sefulNaval service. For purposes of this
p r o T r l lors
Er edtment shall include Substance Abuse
Rehabl-ltdt~dnProgram (SARP) early intervention services (Level
1 +reatment Jr above as defined in American Society of
Addic'tion- Yed~cine (ASAM) Patient Placement Criteria (PPC)).
IMPACT I - an ~ntensivegoal-oriented early intervention designed
f o- 1r1dlr;~duaiswho incur an alcohol-related incident, and,
a-tnough I ~ a l l dtreatment regimen, shall not be considered
t l e d l m e r l t f JI ADSEP purposes. For members who have received
IMPACT arver an alcohol-related incident and no other treatment
ion the ADSEP requirement is automatically waived.
This provisroc is not applicable if the member has received
I'MPACT -i :ezc)nd time.
NemDers who incur an alcohol incident at any time
nedlcal treatment process, even though treatment may
nor have Deer1 completed, will be processed for ADSEP, unless a
d a i v e r 1s obtalned from Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
OPNAi? 1
personal and Family Readiness (N135).

t - i u r ~ l ; q the

4 Jun 09
( 4 1 In any event, members diagnosed as alcohol abusers

or alcohol dependent will be offered appropriate treatment prior

to separation, except those members who have previously received
treatment and are currently in a prescribed aftercare status, as
stated in reference (f), article 1910-232.

Guidance for Re~ortinaSeniors

a. Alcohol dependence and alcohol abuse are recognized as

treatable conditions. Referral for treatment, when there is no
alcohol--relatedmisconduct., regardless of whether the referral
das initiated by the member or their commanding officer, should
not be viewed as detrimental when recommending member for
promotion, command screen, or special assignment.
However, alcohol-related misconduct should be considered
significant fitness/performance factor. Any substantiated
drunk driving offense (i.e.,Driving Under the Influence/Driving
flhile Intoxicated (DUI/DWI))is a substantial failure in
judgment, behavior, and leadership. Accordingly, commanding
~fficersand reporting seniors are required to document any
substantiated DUI/DWI offense, whether convicted by Non-Judicial
Punishment INJP),court-martial, or civil authority, per
reference i f ) . Such a lack of personal responsibility and
general disregard for the safety of oneself and the public is
incompatible with the high standards of conduct and behavior
sxpected of members of the naval service. The following
guidelines should apply:

( 2 i Alcohol-related misconduct should be weighed along

~ i t hall other performance factors during a respective reporting
period. Severity of misconduct should be a significant factor
in the evaluation process.

Alcohol-related misconduct should normally be

reported in the next fitness report or evaluation. A special
report may be submitted, if the reporting senior believes facts
should be placed on record before the next occasion for a report
(e.g.,member eligible for promotion selection board occurring
prior to next reporting period, withdrawal of advancement
recommendation of enlisted member for an advancement cycle).
( L

Reporting seniors should consult reference (g) for guidance on

~ u b r n i s s i o rof
~ special reports.

4 Jun 09

a. CIPNAV (N135) is designated as program sponsor for NADAP

2rogram policy, and interfaces with Department of Defense (DoD)
and other agencies.
b. COMNAVPERSCOM is responsible for implementation.
::OmAVPERSCOM shall:
( 1 ) Develop, implement, and monitor effective substance
abuse prevention programs to enhance Fleet operational
readiness. Reducing substance abuse through detection,
deterrence, and expanded prevention awareness.
! L \ Provide subject matter experts to command inspection
Eeams when requested by echelon 2 commands, to evaluate
activities' compliance with policy, assess status of policy
implementation within headquarters command and activities, and
review resol.rrceassignment to ensure appropriate use.
( : I
Establish Navy urinalysis requirements and conduct
2n annual q~alityassurance, assistance, and training team
inspection c ~ f Navy Drug Screening Laboratories (NDSLs) with
representatives from OPNAV (N135), Office of the Judge Advocate
3enera1, Navy Environmental Health Center, and independent
forensic experts.

( 4 1 Maintain Alcohol and Drug Management Information and

Tracking System (ADMITS). ADMITS maintains a computer database
for the purpose of:

( a ) Documenting and reporting alcohol-related

prevention education, command/self-referrals, incidents,
screenings, and treatment.


ib) Maintaining a comprehensive database of all

e.g., testing, results, and command compliance).

i c ) Monitoring all incidents of alcohol and drug

abuse and misuse Navy-wide.

c. Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) is

responsible for developing, implementing, and monitoring medical
aspects of the program. BUMED shall:

4 Jun 09
( 1 ) Provide screening, referral, treatment

recommendations, detoxification, early intervention, treatment,

dnd continuing care services. Arrange aero medical evacuation
(when necessary) of members in a patient status.
( 2 ) Ensure substance abuse services are provided by

primary care physicians, mental health professionals, certified

substance abuse counselors, and other qualified health care
~rofessionalsas determined by appropriate medical authority.
All providers of substance abuse services shall be appropriately
licensed or certified, and trained in assessment and treatment
2f addictive disorders.
1 3 \ Provide medical guidance in development of training
and educat~oncurricula for all Navy personnel.

( 4 Provide a representative to the DoD Biochemical

resting Advisory Committee.

Establish, operate, and maintain NDSLs for

~rinalysisand other biochemical testing in support of service
requirements set by the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO). Ensure
N3SLs are !certified by appropriate authority.
( ' I

( 6 1 Zssue and maintain standard operating procedures

nanual for- XDSLs .
( - ' I
Conduct quality assurance inspections of NDSLs 3
times per year and forward results to DoD (Assistant Secretary
3f Defense for Health Affairs), per reference (e).

[ h i Ensure all SARPs provide OPNAV (N135) required

statistics on screening and treatment services provided and

input screening and treatment data into the ADMITS system.
i d ) Provide statistical data and collaboration, as
required, to OPNAV (N135) for the purpose of alcohol and drug
abuse testlng, SARP screening and treatment data.


Superintendent, U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) shall:


Provide alcohol and drug abuse prevention training

ro all USNA midshipmen.

4 Jun 09
( 2 ' Establish administrative procedures for execution of
JPNAV 535C 1 , Drug and Alcohol Abuse Statement of Understanding.
1 3 ) Maintain a urinalysis program consistent with the
policies in enclosure (2) of this instruction.

;ha1 1 :

Commander, Naval Education and Training Command (CNETC)

Provide education programs in alcohol and drug abuse

grevention to enlisted recruits, "A" school, and apprenticeship
achocl students.

(11 Provide alcohol and drug abuse prevention education

anc training to all officer candidates, midshipmen (except USNA
rnidshipmerl),and officers in pre-Fleet assignment or entry
Include alcohol and drug abuse prevention curricula
in General Military Training (GMT).

i4) Cor~ductdrug testing consistent with requirements

sstablished In enclosure (2) of this instruction.

( 5 ) Establish administrative procedures for execution of

JPNAV 5353 ' L .
( h i Administer a random urinalysis program consistent
~ i t nrequirements outlined in enclosure (2) of this instruction
for all Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC)

Naval Personnel Development Command is delegated

responsibility by CNETC for providing alcohol and drug abuse
prevention ?ducation to al.1 Navy personnel.
\ -

( 8 1 Center for Personal and Professional Development

(CPPD) shall provide OPNAV (N1351, upon request, quarterly data
an all drug and alcohol prevention education and training

t . Navy Inspector General (NAVINSGEN) shall review, as part

the Naval Command Inspection Program, echelon 2 alcohol and
Jrug abuse prevention and control programs to ensure program

4 Jun 09
implementat~on,policy compliance, and appropriate use of
assigned resources throughout the activities. OPNAV (N135)
personnel may augment NAVINSGEN inspection teams as appropriate.
g . Chief of Naval Operations, Special Assistant for Naval
Investigative Matters and Security (CNO (N09N)) is designated by
the Secretary of the Navy as the DON senior agency security
3fficial per reference (h), and is responsible for establishing,
directing, and overseeing an effective DON Personnel Security
program and for implementing and complying with all directives
issued by higher authority.

Dir?ctor, Naval Criminal Investigative Service


Uevelop guidance and provide assistance to commands

in implementing and maintaining DUI/DWI countermeasure programs.

1 ) Manage Navy's Military Working Dog Program to

support Navy's Drug Detection and Deterrence Program.

Provide statistical data and collaboration, as
OPNAV (N135) for the purpose of alcohol and drug
abuse prevention and control program evaluation and assessment.



The Director, Department of the Navy Central
~djudication~acility (DON CAF) reports directly to Director,
NAVCRIMINVSVC and is the personnel security adjudicative
3eterminati~nauthority for all individuals affiliated with the
DON. Director, DON CAF has responsibility for adjudicating
information from personnel security investigations and other
~elevantinformation to de~ermineeligibility for access to
siassified information, and/or assignment to sensitive national
security positions and communicate the results via Joint
Personnel Adjudication System.


Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (COMNAVCRUITCOM)

shall :
ti Pr3vide detailed procedural guidance to identify and
screen out alcohol or drug abusers or drug traffickers seeking
to enter :ne Navy.

4 Jun 09
( L ' Implement detailed
accepting individuals into the
pre-entry drug use or underage
potential for creditable naval
( 2 '

screening procedures for

Navy who present indications of
alcohol use, but who show

Ensure all recruits complete OPNAV 5350/1.

( 3 ' Provide statistical data and collaboration, as

required, Lo OPNAV (N135) for the purpose of alcohol and drug
abuse prevention and control program evaluation and assessment.

( 5 1 Ensure all enlistees in the Delayed Entry Program

IDEP) compiete the Navy Zero Tolerance Policy for Delayed Entry
2ersonnel course prior to reporting to Recruit Training Command
(RTCi Great Lakes.
( 5 , Conduct urinalysis using a non-instrumented drug
zest for ~ L DEP
personnel within 24 hours prior to shipping to

baslc train~ngat RTC Great Lakes, per reference (i).


Cornlanding Officer, RTC Great Lakes shall:

( 1 1 Provide alcohol and drug abuse prevention education

~ n dtraining co all recruits with emphasis on policy and
nrocedures contained in this instruction.
i - ) Conduct urinalysis on recruits within 72 hours after
reporting tor basic training, usually within 24 hours upon
drrival per reference (j) .
( i i Provide OPNAV (N135) statistical data on recruit

1. Commander, Naval Safety Center shall provide statistical

is hap data and collaboration, as required, to OPNAV (N135) for
:he purpose of alcohol and drug abuse prevention and control
programs evaluation and assessment.

rn. Echelon 2 and 3 Commands shall provide a unified and

~onsistentcoordination of alcohol and drug abuse prevention
3rogram poiicy to subordinate commands and ensure that:
A senior enlisted personnel in pay grade E7 or
-ibove, an officer, or a civilian employee (GS-9 or above) shall

4 Jun 09
ue assigned primary duties as Alcohol and Drug Control Officer
(ADCO). OPNATT (N135) shall be notified once an individual is
assigned as ADCO and of all changes in ADCOs. ADCOs are
responsible for providing guidance to Drug and Alcohol Program
Advisors (DAPAs) assigned to subordinate commands and monitor
foilowing aspects of their substance abuse prevention programs:
la) Alcohol and drug abuse prevention education
yrograms are implemented and maintained (e.g., Alcohol-AWARE,
Personal Responsibility and Values Education and Training
(PREVENT),Alcohol and Drug Abuse Management Seminars (ADAMS)
for Leaders~Supervisors,Skills for Life (SFL))
,b) Subordinate commands conduct urinalysis per the
grocedures dutlined in enclosure (2).
. c ) Program assessment reports are submitted as

Subordinate commands actively support local
Lnitiatlves, including alcohol deglamorization, and implement
3 U I CWI drid other alcohol and drug abuse countermeasures
-onsister_t vl'itk.the threat environment.
t L ' )

1 3 ) Ensure commanding officers, OICs, Executive Officers

lXUs), Command Master Chiefs (CMCs), and prospective commanding
2fficers, OICs, and XOs complete ADAMS for Leaders training per
3nclcsure ( 3 , .

Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC), and
Zommander, Navy Region Commands (COMNAVREGCOMs) shall comply
~ i t hall provisions outlined in paragraph 8k of this
instruction. In addition, CNIC and all COMNAVREGCOMs shall

Navy Drug and Alcohol Advisory Councils (NDAACs) are

established at each shore installations and meet at least
quarterly (see paragraph 8m (2)) .
, L ! ) All shore installations maintain and operate an
3ggresslv~DUI/DWI prevention program that includes the use of
\?alibratetl hreathalyzers by security personnel, random safety

4 Jun 09
:neckpoints, sobriety checks during entry and exits to base,
inspection and enforcement programs covering persons, vehicles,
and property .

Shore Installation Commanding Officers shall:

Implement alcohol and drug abuse countermeasures

t h a t are consistent with the threat environment and local
zornmunity, including use of breathalyzers by security personnel,
random safety checkpoints, sobriety checks during entry and
exits to base, inspection and enforcement programs covering
gersons, ~rehicles,and property.
I : )

( 2 ) Establish a local NDAAC and ensure it meets at least

quarterly. NDAACs are responsible for analyzing the nature and
extent of local alcohol and drug threat and developing an action
plan. NDAAC chair will make current threat assessments
dvaiiable f3r review during inspections and will make copies
available 7 3 local commands. The minutes of meetings shall be
reviewed by the commanding officer and forwarded to the echelon
commander for review and forwarding to OPNAV (N135).

,a) NDAAC should, at a minimum, include the

following personnel:
1. Installation commanding officer or
represent-at;ve (05 or above) to act as chair;

Staff Judge Advocate;


Fleet and Family Support Center director;




Morale, Welfare, and Recreation director and


~edicalDepartment representative;


Tenant command representatives;


Base security representative; and


NAVCRIMINVSVC representative.

club manager;

OPNAVINST 5 3 5 0 . 4 D
4 Jun 09
ib) Commanders are encouraged to include NDAAC
issues as agenda items for other scheduled meetings.
1 3 3 Revoke, for a minimum of 1 year, on-base driving

3rlvileges of any member found guilty of driving a vehicle while

intoxicated, per reference (k). Suspected violators who refuse
to take Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) tests shall have on-base
. .
driving prlYl71legesimmediately suspended, pending resolution of
the incident. Report all DUI/DWI offenses to member's reporting
senior. Submit proper documentation in officer and enlisted
~2erformanceevaluations, per reference (f), article 1070-320.

Enforce underage drinking prohibition statutes by

;trier comp?lance with reference (I),which requires

installations to adhere to minimum age requirements (for the

sale, purchase, possession, and/or consumption of alcoholic
beverages) which conform to laws of the local jurisdiction,
State, Jr host country in which the installation, facility, or
2rtivity Is located.
( 5 1 Ensure close coordination with Federal and local law
3nforcemerit agencies.

U n i c Commanders, Commanding Officers, and OICs shall:

( 1 Create a command environment intolerant to alcohol

abuse. One area of concern is underage drinking. This is a
challenge unique unto itself as the offenders are violating the
Law and the individual providing the alcohol to an underage
Sailor is breaking the law. In all cases, holding both the
~nderagevlolator and the individual providing the alcohol
accountable is imperative to establishing and maintaining a
~ommandenvironment intolerant to alcohol abuse.

Create an all-hands command environment that is

intolerant of alcohol abuse and underage drinking. To the
fullest extent possible, hold those individuals who choose to
abuse alcohol, drink alcohol while underage, or purchase alcohol
for underage Sailors, accountable for their irresponsible

Deglamorize alcohol use, and emphasize responsibility

Provide adequate quantities of non-

and modera~ionat all times.

4 Jun 09
,%lcohoiic neverayes at command functions where alcohol use has
neen authorized. Activities which may encourage personnel to
drink irresponsibly shall not be tolerated.
( 4 ; Provide specxfic
responsible use of alcohol.
local command instruction or
~rganizationand regulations


guidance to the command regarding

This guidance may be published in a
included in the command's standard

Initiate ADSEP processing for:


Individuals who incur a second DUI/DWI in a

creer .
i ~ Those
individuals identified as treatment
faliures, per enclosure (1) of this instruct.ion. At commanding
~fficers'discretion, waiver process can be initiated.


Ensure command DAPA is designated in writing.

(a) Primary DAPA should be E7 or above and assistant

DAPAs sno~:d be E5 or above. Commanders, commanding officers,
2nd OICs shall maintain close liaison with their DAPAs. DAPA is
3 command's primary advisor for alcohol and drug matters and
reports directly to the commanding officer, XO, or OIC.
ib) DAPA (and assistant DAPAs) shall not have had an
alcohol incident within 2 years prior to appointment, and shall
nave at ledst 1 year remaining in the command after appointment
(except for those personnel on 1 year orders). Members who have
successful~ycompleted treatment for alcohol abuse or dependence
shall have achieved at least 2 years sobriety immediately prior
r o appointment as DAPA.
ic) Within 90 days of assuming duty, DAPAs and
~ssistdntDAPAs are required to successfully complete the DAPA
course, unless they have completed the course within the
~revious2 -yrears.
DAPA is responsible to the commanding officer
for management of the command's substance abuse prevention
program. Commands with 500 or more members shall assign a full-ime DAPA. Commands with 300 or more members are strongly
~?ncouragecyo assign a full-time DAPA. In any case, commanding

4 Jun 09

afficers may appoint as many DAPAs and assistants as deemed

necessary, but a ratio of at least one for every 300 personnel
assigned is recommended.
ie) DAPAs shall not be assigned duties as Urinalysis
Program Coordinators (UPC).
if) DAPAs are responsible for alcohol and drug abuse
prevention program information in command orientation programs
fox newly reporting personnel.

Confer with command DAPA to determine whether


specific ~nstancesof alcohol misuse, not characterized as

incidents should be referred to command level education,

command counseling, or to a medical screening. For alcohol
incident defrnition, refer to paragraph 3a of enclosure (1).
Refer members who abuse alcohol, or who are
suspec~ed(21 abusing alcohol, to an appropriate medical facility
far a n eval~lationby a medical officer or Licensed Independent
Practi tlorler (LIP). A medical screening is mandatory for every
member involved in an alcohol incident as defined in this
i 1 ) Provide a means for command, or self-referral,
~izhcutrlsk of disciplinary action for all members who have not
lncurred dn incident, but are in need of alcohol abuse
counseling and/or treatment per the provisions outlined in
This includes Sailors under the age of 21 who
think they are in need of counseling/assistance for alcohol

abus F .

1 - 3 Review status of personnel involved in alcohol and

drug abuse lrlcidents and take appropriate disciplinary and/or
administrat;ve action, to include remedial education, counseling
and treatment when warranted, for alcohol abuse or dependency
2nd inltiate ADSEP processing for all drug abusers.

r - i ) Document substantiated incidents of alcohol and

3 r ~ ya b u s ~,n members' service records, enlisted evaluation and
fitness reports, officer fitness reports, and other reports as
required by policy. Specifically, ensure substantiated DUI/DWI

4 Jun 09
:3nd other dpplicable alcohol incidents are documented and
reported per reference (f),article 1070-320, and comply with
provision at reference (1.1).
ia) Incidents involving alcohol or drug abuse that
,2ffect security clearance eligibility shall be referred to Navy
Fersonnel Command (NAVPERSCOM), Enlisted Performance and
,3eparations Branch (PERS-832) .
b) incidents involving alcohol or drug abuse by
members assigned to special programs (i.e.,Nuclear Program,
Naval Air Crewman, Air Traffic Control, Personal Reliability
Proyram (PRPI, Submarine Duty) shall be reported to the
3ppropriat e program manager per references (m) and (n).

Conduct an aggressive urinalysis program per

~nclasure ( 2 : of this instruction.
a) Random urinalysis sampling of small numbers of
personnel an a frequent basis provides best results. It reduces
predictab~llt-yof command testing and raises the perceived risk
a detecti(3n. All types of testing (including tests performed
3s a resu2r of valid searches, inspections, fitness for duty
determlnatic~ns,etc.) are applied toward a unit's quota. The
ninimum monthly testing requirement is 15 percent of assigned
personnel, per enclosure (2). The requirement to conduct an
annual un;t sweep of all personnel, although no longer mandated,
is ac effectrve detection and deterrence tool and is recommended
far use by d l commands. Commands may submit up to five unit
sweeps of a A L personnel assigned per fiscal year.
{ b ) To ensure 100 percent of Navy personnel are

tested anriudily, each command is required to conduct an end of

fiscal year unit sweep of all command personnel who have not
Deen tested i n the course of the current fiscal year.
;c) Appoint a UPC (recommend E7 or above) to perform
tLls duty. DAPAs and personnel serving as independent duty
corpsmen shail not be assigned duties as UPCs.

,d) Use of Navy Drug Screening Program (NDSP),

or greater, is mandatory.

OPNAVINST 5 3 5 0 . 4 D
4 Jun 09

Ensure personnel receive training per enclosure


1 ; 4 ) Conduct screening for overseas assignment, per

reference ( f r , to ensure members with unresolved alcohol

incidents are not considered for overseas duty.

proactively monitor aftercare of members who have
z~mpletedei treatment program.
1 , 7
Protect confidentiality of records that contain
intormation on identity, diagnosis, prognosis, and/or treatment
2f individuals in substance abuse treatment programs as required
a;/ Federa- -awe

Enforce minimum age drinking statutes by strict

complianc~per reference ( l ) , which requires installations to
set dye 1:rn;ts that conform to local, State or host country
i aws .

Conduct periodic gate and quarterdeck searches and
?ea; t h and <elfare inspect ions.
( , 3
Attend (or provide representation at) quarterly
N D M C meetings, which are responsible for analyzing the nature
and extent of the local alcohol and drug threat and developing
arAactiorL gLan.

1 2 3 ' Submit OPNAV 5350/7, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Reports

( D M F ) t o ADMITS

as follows:

(a) DAARs shall be completed after every command or

selr-referra,, alcohol or drug incident, and final disposition
determlnat ion.
t h ) Commanders, commanding officers, and OICs shall
ensure in-t-dl DAARs are submitted within 30 days of referral or
lncldent Reserve units must submit initial DAARs within 90
days). Remaining DAAR form sections shall be submitted as
amendments when information becomes available. Commanding
officers shall sign the DAAR, unless they have specifically
designated a representative in writing to sign the DAAR. For

4 Jun 09
expeditlo2us processing, commands are encouraged to submit the
electronic 3 A A R , which may be obtained from
p :
. + .,- . -spawar.na.q
. mil/ index.htm.
( c ) DAAR is not used to request administrative
2ctior. 3r;ly DAARs are filed in member's permanent service
record. Alcohol DAARs are not filed in member's permanent
service record but are maintained in the ADMITS database. Both
lrug and alcohol related incident DAARs are recorded in ADMITS.

(d) If a commanding officer determines a positive

drug test reported by a DoD drug-screening laboratory was not
nirongfi~l use (e.g.,prescribed medicine), commands must notify
OPNAV (N115) via official correspondence, explaining the
circumstances that warranted such determination. A sample
letter 1s contained in appendix D of enclosure (2). In such
zdses, no D,WR is required.

( G I , Take prompt action to process for separation,

alconoi abusers and alconol dependent members determined not to
oe amenable to treatment, and all drug abusers per the
provlslonF 13f reference ( f ) , articles 1910-152 and 1910-146.
For a detal-ed review of policies, standards, and procedures for
4 D S E P of service members from the Navy, refer to reference (c)
for enlisted members and reference (d) for officers.
i A 2 : Expeditiously obtain screenings and appropriate

zreatment, and restore to full duty those alcohol abusers and

2lcohol-dependent members who respond favorably to treatment and
are willing and able to abstain from further alcohol abuse.
( 2 3 ) Brief all newly reporting personnel thoroughly on
command policy and punitive consequences for failure to obey the
policies outlined in this instruction, with emphasis on
3eglamorization, responsible use, treatment of DUI/DWI offenses,
prohibitions against drinking during normal working hours, and
~llicit use of inhalants.

afficers, Chief Petty Officers (CPOs), and enlisted
supervisory personnel are responsible for exercising positive
leadership and demonstrating full support for NADAP programs.
They shal l :

4 Jun 09
( 1 1 Educate, train, and motivate subordinates to create
qroup-peer pressure that rejects substance abuse and reinforces,
both 3n and off-duty, positive individual and social activity.
( L I

Observe individuals under their supervision and

f l ~ i i ydocumenc evidence of substandard performance or

nisconduct, which may indicate substance abuse problems.

3pproprxatr refer subordinates to the command's DAPA.


r .
A i l personnel are responsible for their personal
lecislons relating to alcohol and drug use and are fully
iccountabl+ for any substandard performance or illegal acts
~esuitingfrom such use. Members arrested for alcohol-related
~fiense9y c - l l ~ i l authority (i.e.,DUI/DWI, public intoxication,
lisorderly c-onduct),shall promptly notify their commanding
~fficer. Fdilure to do so constitutes an offense punishable
inder reference tb), article 92. Additional responsibilities

~ :P

Feporting known or suspected incidents of drug abuse

Tr attempts hy Navy personnel to conceal drug use by employing
-nethods zo defeat urinalysis, or drug trafficking to their
.rnrnediate supervisor, commanding officer, command security
nanager, base police, Master-at-Arms ( M A A ) , or local
NAVCRIMIWSTIC office. Members having information of an offense
:ornrnitted by a person in the naval service, including a drug
~ffense,are required by U.S. Navy Regulations to report such an
~ffense, Failure to do so constitutes an offense punishable
inder reference ( b ) ,article 92.

Encouraging members suspected of having an existing

)r po.ssible aicohol abuse problem to seek assistance.

Immediately notifying appropriate commanding

~fficer,~ i l achain of command, when alcohol or drug abuse exists
)r is suspected.

Understanding individual roles and responsibilities

2nd supportlnq the following alcohol abuse prevention
i a i Leadership responsibility. All hands in
,~oslrionsd f authority, from petty officers to most senior
~fflcers ~ u s tdeglamorize the use of alcohol.
his includes

4 Jun 09

setting d s'rong
personal example of responsible behavior, both
Jn and off-duty, and fostering a climate that motivates
subordinates to conduct themselves at all times as professional
Navy members.
i s ) Command responsibility. Commands will ensure
uollcles anu programs are implemented to reinforce the message
~f responsible use of alcohol by all members who choose to
~lrlnk. Ensure all hands understand that intoxication is not an
2xcuse for m~sconduct. Take appropriate corrective action when
rlolations m d e r this instruction and other violations occur,
;)er reference (b).
i c ) Shipmate responsibility. Shipmates take
responslblt3 care of shipmates. All members must be aware of the
darning slgcs of alcohol abuse and take positive steps to ensure
.shipmaces do not abuse alcohol. This includes intervening
~ e f o r eexcessive drinking occurs, stopping a shipmate from
Irlving whl,e under the influence of alcohol, and immediately
:hallenqicq ~ndppropriatebehavior resulting from alcohol use,
not3 7ri and off-duty.

i d i Personal responsibility. All members must

rke effects alcohol abuse can have on them, on others
,incldd~ngthelr families) and on their careers. It is
dbsoi~telyessential each member understands they are fully
TesponslD~eand will be held accountable for their actions.
Personal responsibility means no drinking alcohol and driving,
iio drlnklng alcohol to the extent it impairs judgment, no public
irunkenness, and absolute compliance with provisions in this
-nstr~ctiorland with local laws for purchase, possession, and
lse of aicohollc beverages. Ultimate responsibility lies with
?ach rnemDer

Kecords Management. Records created as a result of this
instruction, regardless of media and format, shall be managed
ner reference ( o ).


Forms =rnd Reports


Tne following forms are available on Naval Forms

~ r i l i n eat



rlavalforrns . daps . dla .mil/web/public/home.


4 Jun 09

!a) OPNAV 5 3 5 W 1 (4-go), Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Statement i ~ fUnderstanding, S/N 0107-LF-006-.5200.


b ) OPNAV 535C17 (6-92), Drug and Alcohol Abuse


r:eh- based form.

e) NAVPERS 1C70/613 (Rev. 10-81), Administrative

iiemarks .
-rhe following forms are available on DoD Forms
2~Ianagement.Program Web site at
i n i i i whs; -- r ectives / infomgt / fiorms/formsprogram.htm.
i l .

DD 1966 (10-05), Record of ~ i l i t a r yprocessing

Irrnea For:-2s of the United States.

b) DD 2624 (2-98), Specimen Custody Document


rsst ;ng, :


DD 1384 (4-66),Transportation Control and

"12vercent D d ~ u m e n ~S/N
, 01Ct2-LF-013-5700.
C )

DAAR required by subparagraph 8p(20) and enclosure

(paragraphs 4, 8b and 9d) is assigned Report Control Symbol
3PNAV 5350-i:. DAARS are created online at ADMITS Web site
index/htm. An account is
ADMITS staff identification form to
:he ADMITS processing off ice.
1 :

' ;

Laboratory Urinalysis Report required by enclosure

append:^ B , paragraph 4f, is assigned Report Control Symbol
i i i i

12 ,

Vice ~ d ( n i p 1 .U.S. Navy

Deputy b ' e f of Naval Operations
(Manpower, Personnel, Training
and Education)

4 Jun 09
~lectronic.o n l y v i a Department of t h e Navy Issuances Web s i t e

OPNAVINST 5 3 5 0 . 4 D
4 Jun 09


a . Navy recognizes alcohol abuse and dependency are

nreventable and treatable. Commands are responsible for
~dentifyingmembers at risk, obtaining a medical evaluation, and
~rderingmembers into appropriate intervention and/or treatment
af the first sign of a problem. Members who are alcohol abusers
ir alcohol dependent shall receive education, counseling, and
rehabilitation services medically indicated by the severity of
chelr cond; t i on.
b. Alcohol problems are effectively addressed in most cases
hrough enqaged leadership, immediate intervention, discipline
3s appropriate, education, counseling, treatment, and personal
re~ponsibi~ity.Primary function of treatment programs is to
return the alcohol abuser or alcohol dependent member to full
dilty statss with a positive, productive, and healthy lifestyle.
~ a v y ' po1,c'y
is to provide members diagnosed as alcohol abusers
lr alcohol dependent with one period of treatment in response to
<3n alcohol incident per career. Commanding officers may
recommend 4 second period of treatment to officers and senior
~nlistedpersonnel (E5 and above) if they evaluate that members
A r e possessing exceptional potential for further useful naval
service and are screened by a SARP to be amenable for another
period of treatment, provided 3 years have elapsed since
previsus Incidents. Any alcohol incident after two periods of
treatment during a career is viewed as a failure to complete a
5 A R P and requires mandatory processing for ADSEP.
In addition,
dny member who incurs a second DUI/DWI at any time in their
(-areershal; oe processed for ADSEP. Any waiver to this policy
nust De approved by NAVPERSCOM (PERS-832) via OPNAV (N135). For
9urposes of this provision:
, - , Command prevention education programs (e.g.,
Alcohol-AWAKE, ADAMS, SFL, and PREVENT) are not considered
yreatment. Alcohol-IMPACT is not considered treatment for ADSEP
Jurposes. The only exception to this policy is when a member
?as received two periods of Alcohol-IMPACT. If the member
incurs an alcohol related incident after a second period of
Llcohoi IMPACT, provisions of paragraph lb apply.

Enclosure (1)


4 Jun 09
( 2 , fi command or self-referral requires no credible
~vldenceot an alcohol-related incident (see referral below).
*~IembersLn this category may receive a second period of
treatment as prescribed by an appropriate medical officer or LIP
~t any period In their career.
2 .

Keferrdl for Screening (no incident)



s xncumbent upon all members of the naval service to

_dentLfy and address any alcohol misuse or abuse immediately.

Preferred method of addressing potential or suspected abuse is
procedures called "command-referral and self-referral."
:omand and self-referrals are means of early intervention in
\ h progression
of alcohol abuse by which members can obtain
?eip before a problem becomes more advanced and more difficult
-o resoive wlthout risk of disciplinary action.

A self-referral is a one-time event that is personally

_nitiated.11) the member. Members who desire counseling or

reatment resulting from drug and/or alcohol abuse, may initiate
_he process by disclosing the nature and extent of their problem
:o one of -1-ie following personnel who is actively employed in
heir capar,ty as a qualified self-referral agent:

\ - I


Commanding officer, XO, OIC, or CMDCM/Chief of the


Navy drug and alcohol counselor (or intern);

( 4 : DoD medical personnel (including LIP);


Chaplain; and


Fleet and Family Support Center counselor

. To yuaiify as a valid self-referral, disclosure of

3-rohol abilse must be made to a qualified referral agent with
t n e intent cf acquiring treatment, and there can be no credible
3vidence cf member's involvement in an alcohol-related incident.
~ ~ s c l o s u rmade
to any other person who is not a qualified selfreferral agent may not shield the member from disciplinary
ict l o x .

Enclosure (1)

OPNAVINST 5 3 5 0 . 4 D

4 Jun 0 9

a. Se-t-rsferral disclosure policy for drug use (refer to

2nclosure , : I ,
paragraph 11 of this instruction).
A <:ommand-referral is initiated by the member's chain of
zommand and may be based on any credible factor such as hearsay,
gersonal observation, or noticeable change in job performance.
'2ornrnandiny officers may refer members of their command for
~edicalscreening at a SARP in situations where no offense has
ueen cornmitred and regardless of whether or not the member has
personally disclosed their problem. Some events for which
:ommanding officers are strongly encouraged to consider referral
tor members are (courtesy turnover is not necessarily an
~ncldent) :

( i ; ~edicalrecora of alcohol-related involvement;


History of Monday or ~ r i d a yabsences;

1 :

History of financial problems;

( 4 Domestic disturbance/family concerns;


Peer,co-worker concerns ;


History of accidents or mishaps;

i - '

P-istory of heavy drinking;


$.lcohol-related injury (to self, not due to


. and

LAlcohol-relatedvictim of a crime (e.g., rape,

~ssauit robbery), wherein a clear pattern of alcohol abuse by
rilctirnIS a contributing factor.

~eferrd, for Screening (post-incident)

~ ~ c o h omisuse
or abuse that is not recognized and
.-reatedat the earliest stage through the command or selfreferral process may remain unchecked to the point where it
resuics In an alcohol related incident. An alcohol related
an ~ f f e n s e ,punishable under reference (b), or
.l, -~- i l l a n,aws, committed by a member, where in the judgment of
the member's commanding officer, offender's consumption of

Enclosure (1)

OPNAVINST 5 3 5 0 . 4 D
4 Jun 09
alcohol was a contributing factor. Alcohol abuse/dependency
screening is mandatory for members who return to drinking and
incur an alcohol incident. The following are examples of events
after which members shall be screened:


Drunkenness or drunk and disorderly conduct;


~lcohol-relatedcivilian arrest;
Domestic violence where alcohol is a factor; or


Zncompetence for duty due to alcohol intoxication or

. T h e above list is for illustrative purposes'and is not
11: iricl~s;-~e.Commanding officers, or equivalent, should
:onsult w ; t n the command DAPA, legal officer, ADCO, or OPNAV
iN135) for additional guidance and clarification as required.

Screenirly and Treatment Programs. Cornmand/self-referrals

%rid incident referrals shall be ordered to the appropriate SARP
:or screerirl-ly. Command will complete DAPA screening package and
IPNAV 535;
created from the ADMITS Web site. For expeditious
~jrocesslnq c-ommands are encouraged to use the Web-based DAAR,
~ h i c hcan
. ~1111 ~ n d e xhtm.
A medical screening
2nd recomme
ion from a medical officer or LIP must be
~btainedprlor to transferring a member to a SARP facility for
Treatment. The medical officer or LIP will determine the extent
3 5 abuse and recommended level of intervention or treatment
~ e e d e dzo return the member to full duty status.


Lcmmand shall forward to SARP:

statement or reason for referral (for nonincidenr o r DAAR (for incident);


Member's health and service records; and


DAPA screening package.

Enclosure (1)

4 Jun 09
Once assessment is completed, medical officer/LIP will
provide the command with a written screening summary that shall
contain a treatment recommendation and statement of member's
2menabillty to treatment. Screening summary shall not contain
recommendations for discipline, retention, or separation from
L .
Commanding officers shall, in all but exceptional cases,
follow recommendations of the screening summary. In those rare
situations where the commanding officer elects not to comply
~ i t hrecommendations contained in the screening summary, a
Mrltten notification shall be forwarded to OPNAV (N135) via the
sppropr~atechain of command.

c . IF treatment is recommended, commands should coordinate

quota w17n appropriate SARP. If level of treatment
recommended IS not available locally, determination of the
2earest facillty will be coordinated by the prescribing medical
facility. Members granted treatment will be placed in a
remporary additional duty status consistent with the
:equirement:; of SARP.
e. 31-~hs:anceabuse services are delivered within a variety
a t treatmen- settings using a flexible continuum of care and
lengths of stay. Services range from relatively low~ntenslty,education-oriented programs to medically-managed inqatient care. Levels of care and length of stay are dependent
,n the patlent's specific clinical needs and response to
-reatment rather than a pre-determined program length. Required
-reatment r , v i i l be per the America Society of Addictions Medicine
gatient Placement Criteria guidelines.
completion of early intervention or treatment, the
3ARP dl11 provide a treatment summary to member's commanding
~fficer,~ ~ h l cshall
include a prognosis, additional
-ecommendat~ons,and an aftercare plan, where applicable. A
*-reatmentsummary with continuing treatment recommendations will
ne forwarded to member's command when member has received
zartial tredtment at one facility and is returning to a facility
L n the loca, area of thelr command to continue with less intense
' 1 eatmen'


Fdmliy Participation. Per reference (a), family members of

-1~coholor drug dependent Navy members and, to the extent

Enclosure (1)

OPNAVINST 5 3 5 0 . 4 D
4 Jun 09
feasible, sthers in their household, should be counseled and
encouraged to participate on a voluntary basis in the treatment
process. Family members who are themselves alcohol or drug
dependent shall be encouraged to enter treatment voluntarily for
their owr, benefit and the service member's benefit. Per
reference ( p i , eligible family members may receive alcohol and
drug abuse services offered through the service member's
selected dependent health care option (i.e., TRICARE Prime,
I'RICARE Extra, or TRICARE Standard). Within limits of
regulations, commands are encouraged to assist with
rransportat~onand accommodations for family members when

Aftercace Plan

Treatment Facility Responsibilities. Upon transfer of
neaicai cars from one SARP facility to another and/or completion
3f a treatment program, SARP shall forward a copy of a summary
,f care ti, member's command and the local SARP. The summary may
sontain referrals for additional medical/social services, and an
~ftercarepldn, including recommendations for ongoing
nartlcipatlon in approved self-help groups and clinically
nor11tored outpatient-counseling groups (continuing care) . SARP
VII? ensure aftercare plans include recommended continuing care
as needed, and are tailored to the needs of the member and
:omand. 3peciai attention should be given to needs of
c3eployablt. i i n L ts .

b. Command Responsibility. Commands are responsible

(through their DAPAs) for actively monitoring and supporting
dftercare pians. Commanding officers are encouraged to meet
" v l t h DAPAs and members wlth active treatment recommendations/
~fterzareplans at least quarterly to review progress. Progress
reports that- identify ongoing care requirements and relapse(s)
;nould be provided to the command security manager for review
m a promptly reported to DON CAF. If the command identifies
jifficuitles with recommended actions, SARP should be consulted.
'omand monltoring of individualized aftercare plans will
:ontlnue for the following 12 months. Command monitoring and
;upport of ciftercare plans, coordinated with the DAPA, are very
!n assisting members to successfully meet treatment
~ o 1a:;

Enclosure (1)

4 Jun 09
Personal Responsibility. Members are individually
responsible for successfully completing all treatment
recommendations and maintaining a career free of any subsequent
3lcohol abuse.
Treatment Failures. Navy is committed to providing quality
;are for all members in need of alcohol abuse/dependency
,-reatment. Comply with provisions of reference (h). Per
reference f r , however, commands shall process for ADSEP all
nembers considered to be treatment failures, unless a written
dalver LS obtained from NF-VPERSCOM (PERS-832) via OPNAV (N135).
Per paragraph lb of this enclosure, senior enlisted personnel (E5
dnd above) and officers may be eligible for a second period of
reatment ~f their commanding officer evaluates them as
oossesslng exceptional potential for further useful naval
;ervlce, provlded more than 3 years have elapsed since previous
~ncident. A SARP screening is required to determine amenability
for another period of treatment (refer to reference (c) for
Jnilsted members and reference (d) for officers). A sample
leiter req~estingthe ADSEP waiver is contained in appendix A to
-his enclosure.


following are examples of treatment failures:

Any member who incurs an alcohol incident any time
thelz career after a period of treatment at Level 1 or above
-hat &as precipitated by a prior incident.


i d , Any member who has incurred an alcohol incident, has

:]+en 3 corrndnd referral, or has self-referred, and has been
;rreened by medical personnel and found to be in need of
dnd who commences but subsequently fails to complete
any prescrlhed treatment or incurs an alcohol incident.
,Conduct,wl-lich amounts to a refusal, failure to complete, or
shall be determined by the medical officer or
-LP. L'o~d:l(~t
which amounts to an alcohol incident shall be
leterminec! hy the member's commanding officer.)

Any member who fails to participate in, fails to

or falls to successfully complete any medically
prescribed dnd command-approved aftercare plan. This
JeternnirlatAr)nmust be made by the member's commanding officer in
-onsu1 tat :or: ;vi th the DAPA and SARP .

Enclosure (1)

4 Jun 09

k 1 y member who returns to alcohol abuse as defined

Ln current ~iagnosticand Statistical Manual (DSM) IV criteria

any time during their career following treatment, and is
Jeterminea co be a treatment failure by their commanding officer
Ln consultation with command DAPA, local SARP, and appropriate
nedical ~f f icer or LIP.


member who, after successfully completing treatment,

;elf-refers without any credible evidence of an alcohol related
rneldent, is not considered a treatment failure and shall be
-eferred to a SARP for appropriate aftercare plan or treatment
:r necessarT;

member who self-refers and is diagnosed to be in

need of Eredtment by a SARP, and subsequently refuses treatment,
nay he sub;ect to disciplinary and/or adverse administrative
ictiorl dnd suspension of security clearance. If in the judgment
)f member'; commanding officer, purported self-referral is
jeterrnined to be a fraudulent attempt to avoid assignment to
~nwanted du:-y or transfer, or to take unjust advantage of
4cyulred ed~cationor other incentive, commanding officer should
?dmln;steu dppropriate disciplinary action and may return member
dury 3 r process member for ADSEP. Comply with provisions of
-2ference 1 i- J .

Program Entry. Certain administrative functions must be

:ompleted prior to treatment. Member's parent command shall:

Complete all disciplinary and/or administrative actions
prac t 1 cab1e .

n. ,SubrrLicOPNAV 5350/7. Preferred method of submission and

faxed to ADMITS is a Web-based form which can be completed on,;ne 2t
.d c h- -l r_s. spav~dr
.navy.mil /index.htm.
-& +


Execute a NAVPERS 1070/613, Administrative Remarks, page

. ! encry {dppendix B of this enclosure).

Zns~irenember has a complete sea bag (for residential
?reacrnentl orders, and records (pay, service, medical, dental,
;creening file) prior to transfer to SARP for treatment. Seal
1: 1 record:
to deter tampering.

Enclosure (1

OPNAVINST 5 3 5 0 . 4 ~ 1
4 Jun 09
Personnel assigned to nuclear power, air traffic control
duty, PRP and other special programs may be suspended or
decertified per references (m) and (n). Specific program
managers shall be consulted for guidance regarding suspension,
decertification, and reinstatement.
r .

3 . Erogrdm Completion. Upon satisfactory completion of

~rsatmentby the member, c:ornrnands shall:

Execute a program completion statement (appendix C of

his enclosilr~,~)

PIonl tor aftercare plans ;

Exp-diL to member the requirements for reinstatement to

procyrams ; and

spec; a

Silbmlt an OPNAV 5350/7 Web-based form indicating

yornpletlorl it treatment, if treatment is provided by a facility
~ t h e rchar: * Navy SARP.

Jispos~tionof New ~ccessions. Officer and enlisted
accessions shall be disciplined for offenses in the same manner
as any 3 t n e r member. Differences in administrative handling are
3s fo! ; 3 w s
4 .


enlisted person determined to be alcohol dependent

m t h i c 18: days of entry on active duty may be processed for

rlDSEP d,s ail "Erroneous Enlistment" if evidence shows member

:oncealed d disqualifying pre-service alcohol incident history.

asenre of s u c h evidence, the member may be separated as an
incharacter~zed "Entry-level Separation."
A I L applicants for appointment to officer candidate
proyrams aetermined to be alcohol dependent shall be denied
2ppointrner .

. Jfi~cercandidates currently enrolled in a commissioning

urogram dho Incur an alcohol incident shall be disciplined as
~ppropr~a:? and directed to a SARP for screening and other
tl actions.
Zonf~dentralityof Records. Records of identity,
:i:agn~sis, prognosis, or treatment of any member who has sought

Enclosure (1)

4 Jun 09
)r received counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation in any DoD

substance abuse counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation program

(which are maintained in connection with such program) may not
ne introduced against the member in a court-martial, except as
authorized by a court order issued under standards set forth in
section 290dd-2 of title 42, United States Code (U.S.C.). Such
records may be used for rebuttal or impeachment purposes where
2v;dence of illegal substance use or alcohol abuse (or lack
t3ereof) nds first been introduced by the member.
Llmirazlons on Use of Information. Disclosures made by a
nember to substance abuse screening, counseling, treatment, or
rehabilitarion personnel, relating to member's past substance
I s e dbuse, o r possession incident to such use, including
lssclosures made at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, or when
aztendlng NdvyIMarine Corps prevention education or intervention
:lasses, ma;- not be used against the member in any disciplinary
~ c t i o na~nder reference (b) or as basis for characterization of
lischarge, provided information is disclosed by the member for
:he expreFs purpose of seeking or obtaining treatment or
rehabilirat ion.

I .
T r l 2 provision does not preclude use of disclosed
~nrormariclnto establish basis for separation in a separation
uroceedinu, ro deny or revoke clearance eligibility by the DON
3AF, or tc "ake other administrative action. Nor does it
,preclude ~ritroductionof evidence for impeachment or rebuttal
ourposes i n any proceeding in which illegal substance abuse (or
lack thereof' has first been introduced by the member.

I .


of information disclosed by a member to persons

~ t h e r than rnllltary substance abuse program personnel is not

Llmited ~nder this provision. Similarly, use of information
llsclosed l r , response to official questioning in connection with
Any lnvesrlgation or disciplinary proceeding will not be
zonsldered :nformation disclosed for the purpose of seeking or
~ b t a ~ n i ntreatment
or rehabilitation and is not limited under
+:his 0rov~s:on. '
L 3 .

3isposltion of Navy Reservists.

For guidance regarding

:\lavy Reservists, see appendix D of this enclosure.

Enclosure (1

4 Jun 09


Ser 001
?'I :


Conunanding Officer, (insert command name)

Commander, Navy Personnel Command (PERS-832)
Chief af Naval Operations (N135F)


tl! Attach all relevant documents, include copy of

DAAR(s) (*see note)


;lJalver for administrative separation is requested in case of

':nsert member's Rate/Rank, Full Name, Branch of Service).

The fciiowing amplifying data is submitted:

r ~ - ~ s e rtreatment
requested, confirmation of dependency/
i b u s e , t-reatment recommended by SARP (i.e.,Level I (Out~ j a t i e n t ;) L ~ v e lI1 (Intensive Out-patient); Level 111
'Residentld.1 , etc . )
4 ,

r n s e r t type of referral, e.g. , command referral, self-


an alcohol incident referral.

St-dte reason for requesting waiver. If incident

efer E d , ,
.riclude date of incident and date(s) of previous
ticohol inc:dent(s) (any alcohol incident, i.e., DUI/DWI, public
-ntoxication, drunk and disorderly conduct) after member has
~ e c e i ~ etreatment
from a previous incident.


lndlcdte member's EAOS, PRD, and ADSD.

Irlsert amenability pending treatment date, treatment

:aclilty ana Yocation if available.

Appendix A to
Enclosure (1)

4 Jun 09


Provide history of previous treatment(s), status of
aftercare 1 ~f any) (e.g.,"Member successfully completed
iP~Level 1;: treatment on 28 February 2005 at ARC, Jacksonville,
Jlorida. Member is currently in aftercare or member completed
aftercare 3a 39 October 2005.")

insert member's history of disciplinary infractions,

lrlc~dents,all other alcohol related problems, and dates
>f each, : r any.

(:ommanding officer's comrnents/endorsement (provide brief
;ummary ( ~ fmember ' s performance) .

;3mmanil point of contact is: (Insert name of POC, who can

reached dt COMM number/DSN, or COMM fax number/DSN, and
-2-maii address. E-mail address for command POC is required.)

Commanding officer's signature

(or XO/Acting or By direction)
*NOTE: Sni4_osuresshould include NAVPERS 1070/613,
Idmin~strat-veRemarks relevance, memorandums detailing
2xtrdordinary circumstances, and documentation believed to have
bearing on this request. DAARs should be completed after every
zommand oz self-referral, alcohol incident, and final
llspositiori determination. Submit initial DAARs within 30 days
~i che referral or incident. Incomplete requests cause delays
L X grocess L r L c : .
Contact the NADAP office for any further questions regarding
iicohol waiver requests at COMM 901-874-2485/DSN 882; COMM Fax
3C1-873--4228DSN 882.)
Ir~gina, _eLter from command will be mailed to:
'hlet c-IF Kdval aperations (N135F)
1 ~ 2 3integrity Drive
41ilington T K
'opy + i?.
c'ommand Security M a n a g e r

Appendix A to
Enclosure (1)

4 Jun 09

DO NO? execute this warning for members recommended for

separation. Doing so may require retaining member until they
commit another violation.)

Zornmands will use the following format for enlisted members

uho are being retained and warned.

L r adm~~listrative
separation process determines misconduct
2nd votes tc retain member, and the command has not recommended
;ecretary o f t h e Navy overturn the recommendation and discharge
:he member with a general discharge, execute a NAVPERS 1070/613
varninu d' +-hattime.

Yember rnus: sign and date the entry. Make a notation,

.;lyne3 and dated by an officer, if member refuses to sign the

2nt r y .


a brief narrative of the offense, describing time,

i>Lace, d ~ t ystatus, etc., in paragraph 1 of NAVPERS 1070/613
a t ry.

~t mernher 1s later processed for administrative separation,

~ncludea copy of NAVPERS 1070/613 entry in the letter of
or indicate existence of NAVPERS 1070/613 entry in
-omrnander5srornments in the event of message submission.

f3u are belng retained in the naval service.

The following
leficiencle:; in your performance and/or conduct, however, are
-dentified: (List specific deficiencies, "pattern of
nisconduct" is NOT specific enough.)

- ) T od~r r

required to take the following corrective action(~)


Appendix B to
Enclosure (1)

4 Jun 09


Assistance is available through

1 . You are ddvised that any further deficiencies in your

;>erformance and/or conduct may result in disciplinary action
3nd,or rn processing for separation. All deficiencies previously
-7i~edand,~r any misconduct during your current enlistment, both
nefore ana after the date of this action, will be considered.
3i~bsequent.,~iolation (s) of UCMJ or conduct resulting in civilian
:onvictior, c o u l d result in an administrative separation under
J t k e r Tbaz Honorable (OTH) conditions.

Tkrs L >lmsellng/warning entry is made to afford you an

Jpportunity to undertake the required corrective action(s) . Any
lailure tc- adhere to the guidelines cited above, may result in
adverse adm~nistrativeaction and/or administrative separation

o r c ) c e s sl

n c

(Member's Signature)


- -- . -- -


Signature i

:spy : :

:ornmand ; e c - ~ ity

Appendix B to
Enclosure (1)

4 Jun 09

Commandins Officer ,

?rom :

(Ran<,Rate,First MI Last Name, USN/USNR)

;ub; :




.i,o u


ALt?rcare Treatment Plan


completed treatment for alcohol abuse/dependency.

dlrected to participate in the prescribed aftercare
k~lanprovid~d in enclosure (1). Your commitment to this plan is
;ital + 7y,o\ArLong-term recovery.

(Commanding Officer)

'71 :

'omand !lii:-'$
'ornmand Socur 1ty Manager
;~eld Service Record (w/o encl)

Appendix C to
Enclosure (1)

4 Jun 09

. ~eservlstswill be subject to the same policies and

'~roceduresprescribed for active duty Navy members, regardless
)f drill ;ny location.
. ;~:ilediuled date of release to inactive duty shall not
~recludereservists on extended active duty from receiving
tppropridte lsvel of treatment while on active duty. Date of
,elease t:o lnactive duty may be extended to complete appropriate
~ v e lof treatment, if necessary. Member's aftercare program
~ ~ o u lthen
he completed while in an inactive duty status and
?onicored by the command responsible for the member serving on
-nactive d ~ ~ t y
lrl an inactive duty status or on active duty
lrders o: Less than 30 days shall be screened by a SARP for
[Lcohoi ~ 2 rd r u g problems to the maximum extent feasible.


Tommand prevention and education programs (Alcohol,iFL

ADAMS, etc.) are well suited to these members.

3kKP referral Lo Alcohol-IMPACT or similar early

L n ~ ~ r - ~ e n t program
may be recommended, but should be
iuthorized on a non-pay, additional Inactive Duty Training (IDT)
i r l Lls


if a member is diagnosed as alcohol or drug dependent by
physician, medical officer, or LIP using DSM IV criteria,
.nember shall be ordered to receive treatment appropriate to the
lependency diagnosed. Member should be counseled to seek
cequired treatment through an accredited inpatient/outpatient
-reatment facility available to the member from civilian

Use of military treatment facilities is authorized,
lowever, 'reatment at military facilities will be under
individudlly prepared permissive letter type orders. Orders
+ J i l l illearly set forth the fact that pay, allowances, and
,et:remen- polnts are not authorized.

Sovernment transportation, including use of the aero

7iiedl?diex-ac'uationsystem (where available) is authorized. If
Appendix D to
Enclosure (1)

4 Jun 09
jovernmen: transportation is not available or member desires
use other than government transportation, such transportation
~ 1 1 1be at the member's own expense and not subject to


I T d reserve member is diagnosed as an alcohol abuser or
~lcohoidependent and treatment is not available, the command
.;hallL maintain the member in an enhanced, command-level program,
~ n dshall counsel the member to seek appropriate treatment
~hroughavailable civilian resources.

F a l l a r e to comply with an ordered treatment plan or

-_reatmenttdllure reflects negatively on member's potential for

:oritinued useful service and requires processing for ADSEP and
oossiblp Loss of clearance eligibility.


Ir a i+?vel of treatment precludes satisfactory participation

3t member's c~rrenttraining category level, member should be
:ransferred to an appropriate training category or Records
'levieizi Tin:

Specla, Guidelines for Disciplinary/Adrninistrative Action

,Reservists Not on Extended Active Duty)

3.eference (f), article 1620-020, and reference ( q )
.;houid be donsulted for procedures regarding exercise of NJP
3uthority and courts-martial jurisdiction over Navy Reserve
;~ersonneln o t on extended active duty.

reservist who is assigned to any reserve activity or

,tats ane who is alleged to have committed a drug offense while
In active d ~ t yor IDT is subject to NJP and court-martial
jurisdictioc w~thoutregard to any change in member's reserve
;tatus subsequent to commission of offense. No disciplinary
action may he taken, however, if member's military status has
neen completely terminated before discovery of the alleged
_)f fense.

A reservist in an inactive duty status involved in a

.~nflrmeddrug abuse incident, including conviction in civilian
is subject to loss of clearance eligibility, and
idminlstrat~veaction and/or processing for separation, as
~ppropr-at? even though disciplinary action may not be


Appendix D to
Enclosure (1)

4 Jun 09
aosslble. Inactive duty reservists, both officer and enlisted,
nay be processed for Other Than Honorable (OTH) discharge for
lrug abuse established through urinalysis conducted on IDT.
a. A pos~tiveurinalysis test for marijuana during the
.;rst 29 days of a Navy Reserve member's continuous active duty
nay not by itself, constitute evidence to support disciplinary
cases of extremely heavy abuse, the body can store
ne drug and ~t may be detected at levels above the DoD
?staSiished cut-off for up to 30 days. Hence, use of marijuana
-onceivab~ycould have taken place prior to entry on active duty
i t a cime when the member was not subject to reference (b).
"ake actlon as appropriate under paragraph 6c when use of drugs
Ls confirmed, but member's status under reference (b) is
Xerusa- to participate in an ordered treatment program
-onstitutes grounds for immediate ADSEP processing and loss of
,-earanc-eel iqlbility.
1 .
[{embers of the Navy Reserve not on extended active duty
lave -10 specific right to treatment incident to processing for
+dministracive discharge. A dependency determination (alcohol
1-r d r i ~ g ! ~ s therefore,
not specifically required as part of the
4DSEP process.

ass]-stance in handling special cases, contact Commander,

Javy AeserT;e Forces Command (N01A2), 4400 Dauphine Street, New
Irieans, LLzL'9146-5100.


Appendix D to
Enclosure (1)

OPNAVINST 5350.411
4 Jun 09

a . Navy has "zero tol-erance" for drug abuse. Drug abuse is

che wrongful use, possession, manufacture, or distribution of a
controlled substance. The term "use" encompasses all methods of
introducing a drug into the body (such as inhaling, injecting,
ingest,ing). Use, possessi.on, manufacturing, distribution, or
promotion of drugs, drug abuse paraphernalia, or materials used
to defeat <he drug test, i.s wrongful if it is without legal
justificat-ion. A "controlled substance" is any substance listed
in schedules I through V of reference (r), section 812, et seq.
Drug abuse is punishable under reference (b), article 112a, and
is a disqualifying factor when clearance eligibility is

r . 3r l(j abuse is alscl the wrongful use of controlled

substance andlogues, such as designer drugs, illicit use of
anabollr steroids, and use of prescription and/or over-the-oiur,t~rdrucgs and medications. For the purpose of this
instruc'lon, this category includes consumption of substances
t o 1 other .I,an their intended use, e.g., glue, air freshener,
JasoLlne rune sniffing, herbal products, and other similar
-lliolationof this provision may subject Navy
members to disciplinary action under reference (b)
Anclllding violation of article 92, Failure to Obey a Lawful
?rder, adverse administrative action, or both. Violation of
*his provlslon is a disqualifying factor when clearance
2il qlbil l t y 1s required.
:\Jax~y's "zero

tolerance" policy is dependent on a vigorous

~rld rnorough urinalysis program requiring honest participation of
lil hands selected for testing, observers, and UPCs.
It is
Lmperative those selected to provide a urine sample do so in a
:ontrolled and secure environment that employs direct observation
3s i ~ centerpiece.
Therefore, all attempts by any and all means
o a v ~ i dproviding a urine sample when selected or ordered, to
i l l i l t ~ d urlne sample to reduce the quantitative value of that
;ample wher confirmed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
(;C /MS), (
substitute any substance for one's own urine, or to
-hemlcalLy alter, adulterate, or modify one's own urine are a
ilrt?c- v ~ f 1 i a : : l o n of Navy's official urinalysis program.

Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09
:loldt;arj dL this provision will subject Navy military members to
ciiscipllnary action under reference (b) including violation of
2rticle 9 2 , Failure to Obey a Lawful Order, adverse
2drninistrat;ve action, or both. Violation of this provision is a
disqualifying factor when clearance eligibility is required.
a . Ndvy members who abuse drugs, including those who selfrefer, per the provisions outlined in enclosure (1) of this
instruction, will be screened for dependency, disciplined as
ipproprlat?, and processed for ADSEP, and be considered for
ziearance denial/revocation. Members diagnosed as drug
dependent wlll be offered treatment prior to separation.

Commanders, commanding offi-cers,and OICs shall
conduct an aggressive urinalysis program, tailored as necessary
ta meet unique unit and local situations. The minimum monthly
testing requirement is 15 percent of assigned personnel, with a
naximum of up to 40 percent of assigned personnel tested. Unit
sweeps are, although no longer mandated, an effective detection
dca deterrence tool and are recommended for use by all commands.
3mmands may submit up to five unit sweeps per fiscal year.
Zommands shall conduct an end of fiscal year unit sweep of all
individua:~rot tested in the course of the year. Specific
types of ilrlnalysis authorized per reference (s) are outlined in
t h i s enclosure and in reference (t). All confirmed incidents of
drug use shdil be reported to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-832) if the
indlvldual possesses a security clearance or is assigned to a
sensltLve ~,ilet. Frequent, random urinalysis is the most
?frect,ve means to detect and deter drug abuse. Main objectives
:)f +be 1r;na~ysls program are to:

Establish a valid and reliable means for inspecting

gersonnel t? assess command's readiness to carry out its
assigned mission.

r .


: drug



as a strong deterrent against drug abuse.

P1ovi.de statistical data and demographics on prevalence

~ X ) I L .S ~

Autholized Use of Urinalysis


Yanddtory urinalysis for drugs may be conducted in the

foilowing c:rcumstances:

Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09
( 1 Inspection. During inspections performed under
reference u ) , section 313.
i 2 1 , Search and Seizure.

During searches and seizures as

qoverned GI{ reference (u), sections 311, 312, and 314-316.
( 3 ' C3-incident to one of the following examinations:

( a ) An examination or referral of a specific member

-o aeterminr member's competence for duty per reference (v).
i b j An examination regarding a mishap or safety
~nvestiyacionundertaken for the purpose of accident analysis
~ n ddevelopment of countermeasures.

( 4 Any other examination ordered by medical personnel

-or 2 veil13 medical purpose under reference (u), section 312(f),
~rlcludingemergency medical treatment, periodic physical
?xamination::, and other such medical examinations as are
*;ecessary f o r diagnostic or treatment purposes.

lrinalysis results from an NDSL or other

jJoD-certltledLab will be used to refer a military member for
3pproprlate aisclplinary action and to establish a basis for
separatior dnd characterization of service in separation
;~roceedinysper references (e) and ( f ) (articles 1910-146 for
2nlisted members and article 1920-210 for officers). A matrix
relineatinq use of results of urinalysis is provided in this

3 1

i l l Fesuits from non-DoD certified labs may not be used

these p)Lrposes.

Per reference is), use of a field-testing urinalysis

n c t aq~thorized. The Military Department must receive
leputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Counter-Narcotics
approva,. Fleld-testing of urine specimens must be in full
2ornpLiance k'ith enclosure E1.14 of reference (s).
i L i


See reference (c) for enlisted members and reference

t ~ ro z f ~ c e r sto obtain a detailed review of the policies,

;tandards and procedures for ADSEP of service members from the

J ai7'$

Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09


Types of urinalysis and ~uthorityto Conduct (premise codes

;n parentheses)

a. Search and Seizure. Results of urinalysis obtained in

search and seizure actions may be used for any purpose,
,ncluding loss of clearance eligibility, disciplinary action and
-haracterization of service in separation proceedings. Further
guidance ~oncernlngsearch and seizure actions is contained in
, sections 311-312 and 314-316.

( 1 Tests conducted with member's consent (VO). Members

suspected Laf having wrongfully used drugs may be requested to
sonsent t c i .~rinalysis. Prior to requesting consent, a command
representative should advise member they may decline to provide
the sample. Where practicable, consent should be obtained in
<vrltlny b ~ is
t not required. Reference (b), article 31(b)
darnings arp not normally required in such cases provided no
2ther questioning of the member takes place. Further guidance
c.oncernincr consent searches is contained in reference (u),
;ectlon 314 and its analysis.

Probable cause tests (PO). Urinalysis may be

:)rdered per reference (u), sections 312(d) and 315, whenever
tnere 1s probable cause to believe a member has committed a drug
z~ffenseand a urinalysis will produce evidence of such offense.
I f there is probable cause to believe the member has committed a
drug offense and urinalysis will produce evidence of that
3ffense, member's commanding officer, or other officer with
zommand dktnority, may direct a probable cause test. Member's
declaration of drug use constitutes probable cause to suspect an
~ffensehas been committed.

L .
lrlspections Under Reference (u), Section 313.
Jrlnaiysis inspections are designed to ensure the security,
nilitary t~tness,and good order and discipline of a unit. Such
lnspectloris, conducted as an incident of command, help ensure
assigned personnel are fit and ready for duty. Results of
~ r ~ n a l y s iinspections
may be used for any purpose, including
loss of ciearance eligibility, disciplinary action and
characterization of service in separation proceedings. Further
guldance concerning inspections is contained in reference (u),
sectien 31 3 ,

Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09
Inspections Authorized by Commanders, Commanding
lfficers, and OICs. Commands may order urinalysis inspections
j3~stas they may order any other inspection to determine and
2nsurs the security, milltary fitness, and good order and
jisclpline of the command. Commands may use any method of
;electing personnel or groups of members for urinalysis
~nspectior,including, but not limited to:

Random selection (IR) of individual service members

from either tne entire unit or any identifiable segment or class
i f that a r ? ~.+ Examples of identifiable segments include a
department, division, work center, watch center, watch section,
k~arracks,3 1 l non-rated, pay grade, all officers, or all
personnel who have reported for duty in the past month. To
~nliance the cleterrent value of such testing, use of NDSP is
cequired. Use of NDSP ensures that a service member's chance of
;eLectlon remains constant throughout the testing period.

( a ) Security personnel (IR). Testing of brig staff

:s essentiai to ensure illegal drugs do not enter these
-ontrolled spaces. Testing of security personnel shall be
r.onducted per random urinalysis requirements.
i b) Naval Bris staff (IR).
Members assigned to the
;zaff ~f ha;~ai Brig facilities shall undergo urinalysis as a
leterrent :o their use of drugs, and to provide an example to
prisoners and detainees. Testing of brig staff shall be
-onducted per random urinalysis requirements.

( 2 Unit sweep (IU).

-estiny prS31nise:

There are three categories of this

la) Unit sweep (IU). A unit sweep is the testing of

Unit sweeps are, although no longer
nandated, an effective detection and deterrence tool and are
recommended for use by all commands. Commands may submit up to
c '
~ l ~ ini
i eit sweeps per fiscal year
+n entlre command or unit.


) t _ h e r w i s e , OF

Sub-unit sweep (IU).

Selection, random or

an entire sub-unit or identifiable segment of a

~ommand. Examples of a sub-unit include an entire department,

watch section; all newly reporting personnel; pay
grade; or d l 1 personnel who surrender or are apprehended after

Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09
dn unauthorized absence. All newly reporting personnel shall be
sested within 72 hours of arrival.
ic) End of fiscal year testing (IU). To ensure 100
percent of Navy personnel are tested annually, commands shall
review all personnel onboard who were not tested during the
zourse of the year and conduct an end of fiscal year unit sweep
for all personnel who fall into this category.
d . Service-Directed Testing (00). Service-directed testing
1s an inspection directed by Secretary of the Navy or CNO. See
2arayraph 5 f ~ r
specific test categories.

Fltlless for Duty Testing.

Categories of fitness for

Results obtained from
lr~nalysis(onducted within this category (see paragraph 3a(3)) ,
may NOT D e s e d for disciplinary purposes or as a basis for
:haracterlzatlon of service in separation proceedings.
Addrtlonal~y,such results may not be used as a basis for the
7acatlor- r t9e suspension or execution of punishment imposed
:,ev referent e (b), article 15, or as a result of courts-martial.
; u c h results MAY, however, be used as a basis for ADSEP, or for
~mpeachmect or rebuttal ;n any proceeding in which evidence of
l r u y abuse or lack thereof) has been first introduced by the
nember. F c ~ r d detailed review of policies, standards, and
~roceduresfor ADSEP of service members from the Navy, see
reference c' for enlisted members and reference (dl for
j u t y arrnalysis are described below.

Command-directed tests (CO). Urinalysis should be

member's behavior, conduct, or involvement in
-in accident or other incident gives rise to a reasonable
suspicion of drug abuse. Preferred collection premise is a
:onsent test (VO). If the member refuses consent and in the
,pinion of the command, when there is sufficient probable cause
-o suspect drug use, a probable cause (PO) test may be
:onducted. As a last option, use command-directed (CO) test
,]remise whrch shall be ordered by a member's commander,
"ommanding offlcer, OIC, or other officer who has succeeded to
~ornmandper U . S . Navy Regulations, 1990. Authority to authorize
I command-dlrected urinalysis may be delegated to an XO and/or
:omand dutl~officer. Reasonable suspicion may be generated by
1 rnember'z ~nvolvementin:
) r d e r = d whenever a

Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09
A serious accident or incident in which
ixiusua l! .y r:tireless acts were performed.
t b ~A motor vehicle offense involving excessive

;peed, lass of control of vehicle, reckless driving, or driving

lnder the ~nfluenceof alcohol.

, z ) Fights, assaults, disorderly conduct, disrespect

superlcx-s,willful disobedience of orders, and similar
~ncldentsaf misconduct.

i d ) Bizarre, unusual, or irregular behavior.



Alcohol treatment.

brlshap Investigation Tests (AO). A commanding

iftlcer or Lnvestigating officer may order urinalysis in
.onnectlor,V J I th any formally convened mishap or safety
-nvestlgatLoR. Results of positive tests may not be used for
9 u n 1 + i v ~ac-ion against the member providing the results were
:onfirmed by commanding officer/medical officer. Results of
; ~ c h test: zhat are positive for drug abuse mandate ADSEP
~rocesslrig,dnd possible loss of clearance eligibility, but may
TO: be , ~ s e d
In determining characterization of service.
i -

Medical Examination (MO). Medical department

personnel ,shall assist with a competence for duty examination in
conformance with policies per reference (v) or in connection
d i t h any atper medical examination. This category of medical
personnel for medical diagnostic purposes as defined in
paragrapk 3 ~ 4 of
) this enclosure, or urinalysis conducted as a
s e z r c h and seizure.

Service-Directed. The following categories of inspections

snail be conducted per this instruction:

Treatment Facility Clients (RO). Military members who
dr? attending treatment at a SARP facility shall undergo
urinalysis 3s a deterrent to their use of drugs. Testing of
rllents 11-1 numbers above limits prescribed for other commands is
duthor rzed.
L. B r l y Prisoners/Detainees (00). Testing is mandatory for
31, personnel to detect presence of any drugs in these

Enclosure (2)

OPNAVINST 5 3 5 0 . 4 D

4 Jun 09

?ontroiieu areas. Testing prisoners/detainees above limits

prescribed for other commands is authorized.
Eritrance Testing (NO). The following individuals shall
lnderyo drug testing:

Candidates for all officer programs shall be tested

iurlng pre-commissioning physical examinations and may also be
-ested as required by cognizant unit commanders.
RTC Great Lakes will conduct urinalysis of every
recrl~ltwltnin 72 hours of arrival at RTC. Normally, urinalysis
ill occur within the first 24 hours of arrival per reference
i -

, i

Frlor service personnel recalled to active duty

ioLher tndn active duty for training) shall be tested and
2valuated w;thin 72 hours following re-entry.

iJrlor service applicants for Selected Reserve

sn~lstmentsreenlistments shall be tested and evaluated in
~ o n ~ u n c t i owith
their enlistment/reenlistment physical.
3. Accession Training Pipeline (IU).
All students will
~naeryourinalysis within 2 weeks of reporting to apprentice
rrainlny dnd " A " schools or first module of other training
s~bsequect t o completion of recruit training. Commanding
Jrzlcers of " A " schools, apprentice training, and officer
students _ n warfare/staff specialty entry schools are authorized
:3 exceed ilrlnalysis quotas described in paragraph 6 of this

Special Programs (00). Personnel in receipt of orders
ts hlllets requiring screening will undergo urinalysis as part
3f the screening process per reference (f). Urinalysis is also
required within 30 days prior to detachment from current duty

'Init Quotas

Edch Navy command is required to conduct an aggressive
urlnalysis program. The minimum monthly testing requirement is
f ~ ? i ~tlmes
-I month.
The 4 tests must include a minimum of 15
aercent or 311 assigned personnel. In addition, each Navy

Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09
:omrnand must conduct an end of fiscal year unit sweep for all
nembers no: tested throughout the course of the year. All Navy
?ersonnei assigned to a Joint Service command are required to
partlclpate in the Joint Service command's urinalysis program
lnless specLfic authorization is granted from OPNAV (N135) to
sstablisn a12d maintain a separate urinalysis program. Any Navy
zornrnands that fail to meet the monthly random urinalysis
-equlremen: must notify their echelon 3 commander in the
Eolloding month with the reason for failing to comply with this
.nstructicn. Echelon 3 commanders shall notify OPNAV (N135).

u . N b S P . Each Navy command is required to use NDSP version

31 yrearer, the computer software program that randomly
selects tkLe days of testing and personnel to be tested. NDSP
nroduces a nar-coded specimen custody document that eliminates
r?rrorswlth transcribing member information. NDSP produces
iarious reports that allow commands to effectively manage its
irinalysis program.
fill-; !ES lmlt commanders, commanding officers, OICs, and
ahyslclans have authority to order as many urinalyses as
Ilecessary, NDSLs have a limited testing capacity. It is
::ecessary, therefore, to regulate submission of urine samples to
laboratori e:: .

i l OPNAV (N135) shall be the responsible authority for

Laborat or3 quota management, coordinate quota assignments, and
~f necessar7,-,
assess distribution of samples among NDSLs.

Pandom Urinalysis (IR): Random sampling of small

lumbers af personnel on a frequent basis provides the best
tesclts. Tills process reduces predictability of command testing
and rcilses rkie perceived risk of detection. Each command at a
ninimum sral! submit samples of 15 percent of assigned personnel
qathered from at least four tests per month, unless the command
~btainsYpecific written permission by echelon 2 commanders.
Aii types oi testing (search and seizure, inspection, fitness
for duty, + ' c . ) are applied toward a unit's quota.
( - 1

( ;
iJnlt Sweeps (IU): Unit sweeps (IU) are, although no
LL7nyer mar~dated,an effective detection and deterrence tool and
vscornmended for use by all commands. Commands may submit up to
f 11.e urir t sweeps per fiscal year.

Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09
( 3 1 Commands shall conduct urinalysis on all newly
rzported personnel within 72 hours of arrival using the unit
sweep (13)premise.

Commands are required to review all personnel

~nbodrddkio were not tested during the fiscal year and conduct a
lnit sweep of all those personnel prior to the end of the fiscal
j?ar u n i ~sweep (IU) premise.
Except for months when a command conducts a command
lnlt sweep, submissions in excess of 40 percent of assigned
k2ersonnel _rL any given month require prior approval of echelon 3
NDSP assist commands in administering their
,rlnalys~s-+esringprogram and enables the commanding officer to
establish monthly drug testing parameters. Once parameters have
ueen set, NDSP randomly selects test day and individuals to be
-ested, minimizes the opportunity for cheating or gaming the
lrlnalysis syszem, while maximizing the deterrent effect by
ceepiny test days unpredictable. Use of NDSP is mandatory.
' 1

Critl~diElements to an Effective Drug-Testing Program.
Although there are many facets of an effective drug-testing
urogram, there are four critical elements required to ensure a
program. If any one of these elements is missing the
i3rogram 1~ question is susceptible to compromise.
,:omland random urinalysis must be unpredictable and
~tlannounced. To be effective, commands must check NDSP each day
:o see lf it- w i l i be a testing day. When UPCs do not check NDSP
l a l l y , p9te1:tial for patterns is present and drug users can and
~liilidentrfy and exploit those patterns by planning drug use
?round any ~dentifiablepattern. This is called "gaming" the


Gbserver must watch the urine leave the body and enter
:he bottle. For females, direct view is recommended and for
:nales a 9C degree angle is recommended. Drug users will go to
m y length t o defeat a command's drug testing program and avoid
Jetectloc. Commands can prevent such actions by ensuring strict
:idher?nce + o direct observation for each member of the command,

Enclosure (2)

OPNAVINST 5 3 5 0 . 4 D
4 Jun 09
observation can be either the weakest link or the strongest
element. ;: is strongly recommend commands maintain a Khaki
presence and involvement during collection and observation.

Inunedlately after notification, personnel selected are
req~iredto remaln in a secured area until sample is provided.
lne of the methods employed by drug users to avoid detection is
'o show ! ~ p
at the end of a day after ingesting large volumes of
tLuids and ~~~oiding
a number of times. This is often done after
zaking a d~ureticthat accelerates one's basal metabolism rate.
Yoldiny personnel in a secured area under watch until a sample
is provided is a safeguard against drug users exploiting a
zornrnand's drug testing program.
Personnel selectec cannot be excused from drug testing.
2stabllsh a command policy that mandates all personnel selected
f ~ ) rurinalysis will report to a specified area within a period
2f time a f t e r notification and remain until a sample is
nrovided. One method drug users are using to avoid detection is
- o yet excused from providing a sample after being notified of
the requirement. Interviews with NAVCRIMINVSVC have identified
3aLlors uslng many different excuses (e.g., family problems,
feeling sic;, simply disappearing from command, not being able
"a void, emergent tasking at work) to avoid having to provide a

CoiLection and Transportation of Urine Specimens. Commands

2re responsible for collecting and shipping urine specimens per

:hain ot custody procedures of reference (s). For purposes of

zourts-marl-ial,other disciplinary and administrative
proceedings, adequate chain of custody on samples is achieved
hen the container is delivered to NDSL sealed without
~ndlcatior of tampering as annotated by the lab on the chain of
~ ~ ~ s t odocument.
Urine samples should be shipped to
2pproprlats NDSL through regular mail channels and must meet
packaging requirements contained in reference (w). For detailed
guidance regarding collection and transportation of urine
samples, aee appendix B of this enclosure.

NDSLs. NDSLs retain chain of custody documents and

,+her paperwork on file for 3 years. The laboratory will also
3 .

Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09
retain pos--1ve samples in frozen storage for 1 year unless
cequested by submitting command to retain the sample for an
ldditional period of time. When a sufficient quantity of a
;pecimen 1.3 available to permit retesting, NDSL will conduct a
retesr :
Pihen requested by submitting command;


c L iihen requested by an administrative board under

r-llesappl ~ r : a b l e to the board; and

Cipon order of courts-martial under rules applicable

- o military courts.
, ,

Retests Requested by Member. Members may request a
~etest3f a specimen at an NDSL upon request if, in the judgment
?f the member's commanding officer, circumstances warrant
addltionai 'esting. A member may request a sample retest at a
laborator?- orher than a NDSL at their own expense when, in the
Ip;nioIl of -he NDSL commanding officer, a sufficient quantity of
3. specrimer! 1
; available for retesting and the member's
zommandinc; officer favorably endorses the request. In such
:ases, OPNA-J (N135) will often review all information and rule
~c the request. The laboratory that the urine sample is to be
-ested ln mist meet DoD certification requirements. Samples may
ne retested only for the drug which was previously identified to
De posltil-e Requests for portions of samples for such
:?testing rn,~stbe submitted to OPNAV (N135) via member's
~ommand. 4:- requests for retests shall be submitted to OPNAV
i N l i K l to: flnal approval/disapproval.

Command Determination of Drug Abuse

a . O r i L l r specimens which have been tested and confirmed

p o s i t ~ ~at
i ~a NDSL or other DoD-approved lab may be used for
3dmlnistrat~veor punitive action.
r . A posritive laboratory report is considered forensic
?vldence t k i t - drug(s) or drug metabolite (s) are present in the
rrlnp. k cross-check should be made with appropriate medical
2nd dental records to determine whether the member was using
ieqitimateLy prescribed medications or if any other valid reason
L ~ o ~ exp!
~ l uai n the positive report.

Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09
3s:ny all information available (including self~drnisslon,Ilrinalysis results, SARP screening results, service
cecord, aLd chain of command recommendations), the commanding
~tficermLst make an initial decision on whether the member's
drug use was -,vrongful.Proceed as directed below and either:

Jetermine that the member is a drug abuser.

letermine that the member's positive urinalysis was the result
~f know in^ drug use and initiate mandatory ADSEP processing.
,4embers diagnosed as drug dependent will be offered treatment
urror to separation.

Determine that the member is not a drug abuser:

Jetermlne Lnat the member's positive urinalysis was the result
2f dnknowing drug use or a break in the chain of custody of the
;rrne sample. In such cases, the positive urinalysis should not
ne conslder~da drug abuse incident and no DAAR submission is
required. If the positive urinalysis is determined not to be a
drug abuse incident, the command shall notify OPNAV (N135) and
.he c:omrnand's immediate senior in command, echelon 2 or 3 via
~fflciaicorrespondence of the circumstances that warranted such
3 de+ermirLdtion. See appendix D for example of Determination of
J r ~ s i it v p rJrinalysis Letter.
-est result is to be used in a court-martial or
~drn~nistra:ive proceeding, and trial or administrative
uroceedino (-annotbe completed within 1 year from date of
positive test results, cognizant command must request an
extension r ) f the 1 year period of custody for positive test
-esults from tne NDSL that performed the test(s). When
~rlnalysisresults are used as evidence in a general or special
-ourt-mart-(31,the command should consult with the trial counsel
-9 determine wnen the laboratory may discard the positive
;amp Le.

I t

!I. Joluntdry Self-referral Policy. All Navy personnel who

self-refer for drug abuse to a qualified self-referral agent and
;oriforn tc dl1 requirements for self-referral, as listed in
2nclosure 1 ) of this instruction, shall be screened for drug
dependency dc an appropriate medical facility by either a
aedical atf~ceror LIP.

Personnel who self-refer and screen as drug dependent

;hal, be cocsidered valid self-referrals and are exempt from any

Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09

iiscipllnary action. Valid self-referrals, however, shall be

3rocessed for ADSEP, and offered rehabilitation treatment prior
yo separation. Immediate processing for ADSEP will not be
Ielayed for treatment purposes.
Personnel who do NOT screen as drug dependent are not
ralid self -referrals and will NOT be exempt from disciplinary
~ctioc. I n such cases, commanding officers will take one of the
followinq actions:
If member tests positive and is not drug dependent,
~ornmandssnall initiate disciplinary action as appropriate and
process nemher for ADSEP.

:f member tests negative and is not drug dependent

is furtive attempt to avoid sea duty
ir transfex or take advantage of acquired education), commands
shall init1dte disciplinary action, as appropriate, and return
nember -9 t1,ll duty or process for ADSEP.

, L . P . , member's admission

. AI y member who has been notified of the requirement to

actually has submitted, a urine sample for analysis
~ n d e rany resting premise is ineligible to participate in the
self referrdl program until results of their current urinalysis
:as been received by the command and any potential disciplinary
>r acimini~+rativeactions have been initiated.

- Nc'wl~hstanding a member's valid self-referral,

<lppropria:e disciplinary or administrative action (including
;eparatlDr ~ n d e rOTH conditions) may be taken against the member
"nr d r u g a h i i s e occurring either before or after self-referral,
L t detectlor of such abuse is based upon independent evidence.
\ A .

:dembcrs who self-refer as a result of prescription
nedlcation may be retained on active duty, provided commands
sllbml~a request to OPNAV ( N 1 3 5 ) that explains why the positive
lrinalysls ,s not a drug abuse incident. See appendix D of this
enclosure ror example of Determination of Positive Urinalysis
,et t e r .

Enclosure (2)

OPNAVINST 5 3 5 0 . 4 D
4 Jun 09


Urinalvsis Proaram Guidance


Urindlysis testing shall be conducted with the full
expectation that administrative or disciplinary action might
result, See paragraph of this enclosure for critical elements
required I or an effective drug-testing program.

1 .
Comxand UPCs shall be designated in writing by the
c-3nmandlny officer. UPC shall be responsible for maintenance
2nd admin~strationof the command urinalysis program including
tralnlny of assistant UPCs and observers. Officers or CPOs
should ser-.i? as TJPCs and observers to the greatest extent
possible. ',TheE it is not feasible to use an officer or CPO,
3n;y the n-ioat trusted junior personnel should be used. In all
rases where ~ u n i o rpersonnel are used as command UPCs,
ir~rialysisprogram must undergo a quarterly inspection by an
~ f f i c e ror CPO and results of the inspection forwarded to the
-ommandlriy officer. To facilitate collection of a unit sweep
here ail nands are to be tested, designation in writing of an
9 d d i t ;orAal 1JPC is recommended.

Rarlclom sdmpling of smaller numbers of personnel on a

nore freq~entsasis provides best results. It reduces
predictabll~ty of command testing and raises the perceived risk
~ 7 fdetection.
Commands must conduct random urinalysis at least
4 times per month.

,I. Planned testing dates should be held in strictest

onfidenc~. The element of surprise is essential to a
1 deterrence program.


NDSP version 5.2 or greater is mandatory.

C J ~

J~:der no circumstances shall command UPC and observers
,>rovl3e the-r own samples for inclusion in the same batch number
vhen ronductlng urinalysis. If the command requires the UPC and
~bservers +-cbe tested (e.g.,unit sweep), an assistant UPC or
!PC from another command shall be used. In such cases where an
dssistant VPC from the same command is used, primary UPC and
lbserirer samples shall be submitted in a separate batch from all
~ t h e rcomand urine samples.

Specimen collection should immediately follow test

. Members designated for testing should report

Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09

Jirectiy ro r-he collection site immediately after notification.

~Jhenpersonnel are allowed to report to the collection area as
they choose, opportunity for individuals to flush their system
ny using diuretics is present. Commands must take all
precautions to ensure members are not provided any opportunity
co defeat urinalysis by using such tactics.
9:rec-t observation is either the weakest link or the
strongest e-ement in a command's urinalysis program. Commands
jeopard;zel the urinalysis program when they do not employ
lffective 3 ~ r e c tobservation.
;t is strongly recommended observers be E7 or above.
here E7 or above personnel are not available, only the
nost trl~sted
junior personnel should be used. When junior
dsed as observers, commands must provide an
1 ) f f l c e r o: 2PO to randomly check to ensure observers are
aerfcrmlng their duties appropriately.
. I

1 7 cases

r~ all cases, observers should be briefed each time

'ney perform duties as observer. See appendix B of this
?nclosure ~ C ) Y example observation procedures.

L;trict adherence to direct observation policy during

I r , n e co1;ertion prevents most countermeasures to detection,
*.s.,using a device that contains clean urine, diluting a
jampie d l t h water, adulterating a sample with a foreign
sdbstanre, )r even switching their urine with clean urine.

1 - 1

Direct observation requires the observer be present

E r o r n the time member receives the bottle until member returns

:he s a m p l ~:o the UPC. UPC should instruct the observer, in the

presence nf the member, to never take possession of the bottle,

lose sight of the bottle, and to watch the urine leave the
~ o d yand enter the bottle.
Proper procedures for direct observation requires
abservers SF of the same gender as the member providing the
~rinesample, male observers stand at 90-degree angle to observe
,r~ne leaTu.:ny the body and enter the bottle and female observers
;-and at Cnr stall door with the door open for a direct view.
I s no tlme should members be allowed to provide a urine sample
k 7 1 : hout di r e c t
i -

Enclosure (2)

OPNAVINST 5 3 5 0 . 4 D
4 Jun 09
YIail-ny as soon as practical after collection reduces
2ossibility of tampering and the chance of sample deterioration.
3very effort should be made to mail specimens to NDSL the same
day, as specified in appendix B.

11 samples have to be stored overnight, it is

recommended they be refrigerated if possible, secured with a

lock and key, documented on DD 2624, Specimen Custody Document
3rug Testing, and access limited to the person whose signature
3ppears orL the document. Secure chain of custody and maintain
strict compliance with collection procedures to maximize the
Aererrent ~ a l u eof the command urinalysis program.
3 .

Pre-service Use of Drugs

Pa-LCY. Drug dependent persons, current drug abusers,
~ n d
persorx whose pre-service drug abuse indicates a tendency to
?ontlnue ab,~seshall not be permitted to enter the Navy.
3ecruitinc~procedures shall include positive measures to
identify and screen out drug abusers at point of application for
zn~lstment appointment, or commission. Any applicant for Navy
,vno has a positive urinalysis during the application process for
m y branci- of service at a military entrance processing station
shall be permanently disqualified for enlistment eligibility.

k . 41dLdelines for Acceptance. ~espitepre-service drug

,se, ~ndivldualsmay possess potential for future productive
;ervlce. L'ObmAVCRUITCOM shall establish procedures within the
quldelllies ( ~ freferences (a) and (e) to grant enlistment
2 l l g l ~ l l i ~waivers
to applicants with a history of drug abuse.
i s e the r s f t > r e n c e (r) schedule to determine the classification
~f arllgs i - ? . y . , cocaine as a narcotic under schedule 11).
;nd~vidualsconvicted of a drug-related offense are processed
c ~ t h i n-ne same guidelines developed by COMNAVCRUITCOM for
Jrocesslny applicants with other types of civil convictions.

Specla1 Programs.

Program sponsors may establish

specla1 acceptance criteria for entry and continuation in

programs such as submarine, nuclear power, Nuclear Weapon PRP,

traffiL7controller, etc., provided special acceptance

zrireria does not violate general acceptance policy established
2 referecce i f )
(see also references (m) and (n)) .


Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09
a. Zharacterization. An enlistment eligibility waiver
:annot be used to characterize a discharge.

&4. Statement of Understanding. Prior to induction, every

~ f f i c e rand enlisted accession shall be briefed on the
)b]ectlve,c c?f OPNAV 5350/1 or DD 1966, Record of Military
?rocessinc - Armed Forces of the United States (and shall be
required to read and sign it.) This statement describes Navy's
zero tolerance policy for drug abuse, urinalysis procedures for
letectlng drug abuse, and consequences if drug abuse is detected
lfter entxy. COMNAVCRUITCOM, CNETC, and Superintendent, USNA
;hall esta~lishadministrative procedures for executing OPNAV
5353 I. Statements are obtained for individuals reporting to
~ T C S . T h e signed OPNAV 5350/1 will be filed in members' service
ecard. "allure to file the statement does not preclude
r?nforeement of Navy's drug policy. In addition, all enlisted
Guciear Power Program candidates must sign a Nuclear Field
;ratemen+ ar 3nderstanding prior to enlistment in the Nuclear
Program. The statement of understanding specifically
states :aa+ continuation in the Nuclear Power Program is denied
- 3 any LncLT;ldual identified as a drug abuser, whether the abuse
~ceurredbezore or after entry into active service.
Xppllcatlons for Nuclear Power Program by officers, officer
zandidates, and midshipmen who disclose pre-service marijuana
~ s e;ire rev~ewedper reference (n).

Post Erilistment Disclosure of Pre-service Drug Abuse.

lommands will, on a case-by-case basis, evaluate personnel who
ddmit to pre-service drug abuse after denying such abuse at time
~f entry. Commanding officers may discipline those members, if
2pproprlace andlor process for ADSEP by reason of fraudulent
Personnel who otherwise would have met acceptance
.riteria a- induction may be retained with approval of the
~fficere:ielcising general court-martial authority.

-5. Sacramental Use of Peyote by Native American Service


a. 'Jse of Peyote Cactus as a religious

-onnectlo;: with the bona fide practice of a
~y Navy personnel who are members of Native
Frlbes as defined in reference (x) shall be

sacrament in
traditional religion
American (Indian)

w ~ t : file
provisions of reference (h).

Enclosure (2)

OPNAVINST 5 3 5 0 . 4 D
4 Jun 09

r . Reasonable limitations on use, possession,

~ransportatlon,or distribution of peyote shall be imposed, per
:he standards set forth in reference (x), to promote readiness
2nd safety: comply with international law or laws of other
:ountries; and to ensure unit cohesion, standards, and
discipline.. Reference (y) pertains.

Managers of special programs (e.g., PRP, nuclear power,

s~brnarlne,aircrew) may impose additional limitations by
;upplemental instruction that are reasonable, necessary, and
~onsistent ~ 1 1 t hthe standards set forth in reference (x).

Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09

search .lr Seizure

member's consent


random sample
u n l + sweep




competence for

staff (military)
alcohol rehab

Naval brigs
entrance testing
accession training

:er tifled lab by GC/MS

YES fcir reservists recalled to active duty (except DEP


Appendix A to
Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09

G .
UP(: snould be an E7 or above and shall be designated in
@r:tiny. LJPC will maintain urine specimen bottles National
Stock Number (NSN) 6640-00-165-5778 - male, NSN 6530-00-837-7472
Eernaie? and prepare each as follows:

Record on gum label:

' a ) Date of collection (YYYY/MMM/DD).

,b) Batch number (locally derived four character

3iphanumeri:: assigned to each batch of 12 samples or portion
C ) Specimen number (predetermined two-digit
;equent~ai number assigned to each sample in a batch).

id) Member's social security number (use all


, e ) Testing premise/authority identifier as follows:

VO: Consent Testing
PO: Probable Cause


Random Sample
Unit Sweep/Accession raining Pipeline
Inspection Generic

Fitness for Dutv

CO: Command Directed
AO: Mishap Investigation
MO: Medical Examination (Competence for duty)
00: Other ~uthorizedTesting (specify)


Rehabilitation Facility Staff Testing

New Entrant
Appendix B to
Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09
f ) Premise codes need not be explained on chain of
:l~stody form. Should circumstances require more identification,
include doc~lmentationwith shipment to NDSL.

Attach gum label to body of bottle (this step may be

after sample has been collected, in which case
iabel must be attached to bottle in the presence of the member
aroviding t h e >~rine)
( -



will maintain a urinalysis ledger documenting all

--2st specimens with the following identifying information:


! : ,

Date of collection (YYYY/MMM/DD).

Batch number.

Specimen number.

Member's social security number.


Testing premise identifier.


Signature and printed name of observer.

signature of member.

Identification of new batch and specimen numbers if

.~ciminlstrar:vely changed for any reason, signature and printed
.lame 2f ind:vidual making change, and signature and printed name




'JP(' shall ensure each specimen is collected under direct

~ u s e r v dito n of a designated individual (observer) of the same
qender as t h member
providing the sample. Observer will sign

lrlnalys~s Ledger certifying the specimen bottle which contains

lrine provlcled by the member was not contaminated or altered.
)bser~ershall not handle the bottle unless UPC is performing
iuties of observer, in which case UPC must maintain direct
:uscody of all samples while observing.
Whenever there are more than two individuals
j r o v ~ d i n y , l r i n e samples, commands shall have an observer and
JPC. ; * l h e r e there are two or less individuals providing urine
-amples commands may have UPC act as observer as well, providing
Appendix B to
Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09
chat UPC does not lose physical custody of either sample from
"me of collection until the samples are mailed to the NDSL.
Observer shall observe service member urinating
directly znto the specimen bottle, placing cap on the bottle,
2nd delivering bottle directly to UPC.

1 For female personnel, urine may be collected in a

bottle (NSN 6530-00-837-7472) and transferred into
m e specimen bottle. In this case, the observer shall observe
service member urinating directly into the wide-mouth bottle,
zransferriny urine to the specimen bottle, placing cap on the
specimen boytle, disposing of the wide-mouth bottle, and
3eliverincr specimen bottle directly to UPC.

';PC shall ensure each service member verifies
~nformationby signing the ledger and initialing the
specimen bottle label. If the service member refuses to sign,
7e11ficati3~may be accomplished by the observer and witnessed

snall ensure the member presents picture proof of

Lde~titlancl shall verify service member's social security
Liumber on :he bottle against proof of identity. Preferred form
~f 1dentif:cation is the member's Common Access Card (CAC), or
Armec Forces Geneva Conventions identification card.


jp(: shall receive the specimen bottle from the member

2nd ensure ~r contains a minimum volume of 30 milliliters and it
1s not reopened. Urine sample bottle holds a maximum of 100
nlil~liters. Submission of less than the minimum quantity to
_he NDSL irLdq result in inability to confirm the preliminary test
J r may precLude retesting.
UPC will initial the label in the
:riember' s presence.

J R ' dill confirm information on the DD 2624. Dates on
cne form m-1st be in the following format: four-digit year, twol i y i t monta, dnd two-digit day (20060312 for 12 March 2006). If
nontr: or day is single digit, place zero in left box of that
2ntry. 30 2624 and bottle labels may be prepared in advance.
his case, UPC must verify the information on the label and
;pecirnen custody document match. UPC shall sign and date DD
! & i 3 In b l o c k IL2 when collection of all samples is completed.

Appendix B to
Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09
r . ;i -s recommended that tamper-resistant tape be used on
all samples collected. UPCs should procure tamper-resistant
tape via procedures and ordering information outlined in
parayraph 2a(6) below. It is recommended the UPC or service
nember seal the bottle by affixing one end of the tape near the
label and p~llingtape directly across the widest part of the
:-ap and down the opposite side of the bottle. If the UPC
affixes the tape, it is recommended the procedure be done in the
oresence of the member. In any event, failure to use tamperresistant tape does not invalidate an otherwise technically
-orrect coliection process where proper chain of custody has
neen mair:ta:ned
throughout the process.

2 member claims to be unable to submit a complete
a am pie, cr ;ubrrLits less than the 30-milliliter minimum, it is

?ermissl~le to require the member to remain in a controlled area

m d e r obser-ration,until such time as they are able to provide a
-qomplete sample or the balance of the incomplete sample. UPC
shall maintain custody of the incomplete sample until such time
is the member is able to provide the balance of the sample in
-he same bo-tle, or discard the partial sample and require the
xember to submit a full sample when the member is able. Under
20 circumstances should the member be allowed to leave the
:o-lectior drsa.
Slrlce members have been required to provide urine
observation since boot camp, commands
samples ~ ~ d e
sho~ld-ake all precautions to ensure the member is not
dttempting to defeat the drug testing process. If a member
+o ne lnable to provide a sample during the command's
nrescrlbea collection period, the member shall be turned over to
:he MAA and remain under observation at all times until a sample
is provided. I f , after a period of 24 hours, the member still
-annot prcv~dea urine sample, member shall be examined by a
rllitary nedical authority to investigate possibility of
physlaloglcal or psychological problems. ~xaminationshould be
ompieted the same day of the collection and documented in
nember's medical record. If failure to provide a sample is a
tzhronic problem, member shall be sent to a Branch Medical Clinic
(BMC) or MTF for further evaluation.

Preparation for Shipment.


UPC shall prepare samples for

as follows :

Appendix B to
Enclosure (2)

OPNAVINST 5 3 5 0 . 4 D
4 Jun 09
S h L p urine specimens in the (12 bottle) shipping
-ontairler. UPC shall pack specimens for shipment as follows:

Use two types of waterproof containers. The first

~7aterprool rontainer can be one of two types available for the
~nterior: d single specimen bag (plastic) or the large 12specimen bay (plastic), use of 12-specimen bag is preferred.
The second waterproof container is the waterproof mailing pouch
'or the exterior.

ijse of 12-specimen bag

( a ) UPC shall check each bottle cap for tightness.

~ r e a k stamper proof seal, replace seal and make
appropriate documentation on the DD 2624 and on the command

( 0 )Remove

all bottles and separator inserts and

Then replace
~ n s e r t . Place two large absorbent pads inside the
daterproot pouch. Bottles should be placed into cells provided
~y ch? separator insert. If fewer than 12 bottles are present,
?mpty cells should be filled with paper to reduce movement
Illrinq shlp~~ent.

::-ac~ L - specimen bag in shipping container.

Yse of single specimen bag for two or less urine


UPC shall check the bottle cap for tightness.

I tighten~rlgbreaks tamper-resistant seal, replace the tamperFesistant seal and make appropriate documentation on chain of
-ustody t o r r .
Place bottle in the single specimen bag.
f d

\ ~ 2 ;After

absorbent material is placed in the bag,

bags tightly to obtain a leak proof seal. Leak proof seal
- > necessary to contain any spilled urine in the event of bottle
-ailure , ~ n t l a~sorbent
material can react (do not use
~ermi-'li _ t r. or shredded paper).
, I : )

Place bottle in shipping box cell provided with

,eparator rise^-^ and use additional paper to reduce bottle

vovemenr ciurlng shipping. If fewer than two bottles are

Appendix B to
Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09
.)resent, ;- is recommended empty cells be filled with paper to
reduce movement during shipment (do not use vermiculite or
;l-lr-eddedpaper i .
Ensure each bag or pouch contains sufficient
lbsorbenc material. Two types of material are available: a
;mall 1 t o 2 square inch absorbent pad for use with single
;peclrnen bags; and a 5 inch by 5 inch absorbent pad for the 12~peclrnenbag container. A 5 inch by 5 inch absorbent pad can
m i y absorb the fluid in 6 bottles, therefore, a box of 12
m t t L e s ;ns:.de a 12-specimen bag will require 2 such absorbent
Packaging shipping container. Once the interior
:~dterproofccntainer(s) with absorbent are sealed:


Enclose one copy of DD 2624 in a waterproof

q a i l s r a;lc -nsert mailer into shipping container box.

( D IOpen the mailing pouch and place the cardboard

.hipping oox Inside the mailing pouch ensuring there is one 5

Lnch 3y 7 Lrl~habsorbent pad for every six bottles or fraction
hereot ,rJ the shipment. Additional absorbent pads can be used.
d r e f 2 ~ - yl c l d the pouch adhesive strip to attain a leak proof
;eat. The leak-proof seal is necessary to contain any spilled
lr lne ,n l_ne3 event of bottle failure until the absorbent
?ater I a- c-ari react .
, c Place adhesive mailing label and a printed label
,tatlny ' ~ ~ _ ~ n iurine
c a l Specimens" on the outside of the mail

.~ C ~ ~

The following NSNs should be used to obtain the

;econdary container and absorbent material via normal supply
Yhanno !s .

Single specimen bags:

Bag, specimen (6 x 5 inch)
S/N 6530-01-307-5431
Bag, specimen (6.5 x 4 inch)
S/N 6530-01-307-5430

Appendix B to
Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09
ib) Multi-specimen bag:

Mailing pouch (10.5 x 15 inch)

S/N 6530-01-304-9762
Use of regular garbage/trash bags:
id) Absorbent material:
Pouch, liquid absorbent (1.25 x 1.25 inch)
S/N 6530-01-307-7434
Pouch, liquid absorbent (2.5 x 3 inch)
Pouch, liquid absorbent (5 x 5 inch)
S/N 6530-01-304-9754
; t?

Envelope, packing list; S/N 8105-00-857-2247

; f i Tamper resistant tape:

Medlcd- Labeling System

;SA i73ntrac"- 4 GS-02F-48169


144 Tower Dr
Burr Ridge, IL 60527
800-323-4840 (Toll-free)
(in California):
9566 Vassar Ave
Chatsworth, CA 91311
800-382-3371 (Toll-free)

Hand deliver urinalysis samples directly to an NDSL by
:ommarid 'JPC negates requirement for a secondary container in
: o l l e c t l o r - i packaging. Primary container with absorbent
n a t e r i a l , llowever, must still be sealed.

shall indicate on original DD 2624 one of the

o 1 ioT,v.rng modes of shipment :



Appendix B to
Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09
Commands using a Fleet post office/postal center or
.~ostalrepresentatives to mail urinalysis samples to an NDSL
;hould document DD 2264, block 12d with the following statement
"Released T o Fleet Post Office/Postal Center or Postal
qepresentative," as appropriate. This will facilitate receipt
2nd handlin(x of specimens and eliminate any discrepancy report

'rom NDSL.

"Released to FIRST CLASS U.S. Mail."


"Released to (name, rate/rank) to hand carry to drug
zest~nylaboratory." In such case, the person transporting
;pecimens >vould sign the DD 2624 upon receiving specimens.

"Released to Air Mobility Command, Bill of Lading


*Cumber XXi .
( " '
'Xeleased to (Air carrier) Flight XXX, Bill of
ding Nu~nbc?r XXX. "


"Aeleased to (Foreign air carrier) Flight XXX, Bill

L d d i r l g Nrintber XXX. "

(NOTE: A foreign flag carrier is used
J n ~ yh e n !lo orher shipment means is available. Ensure the
t - ~ l l o - d i n gsratement appears on DD 2624, block 12d, and on all
:j~ilsot ?ddinc_i -- "Shipment complies with U.S. domestic and

International Air Transport Association (IATA) packaging

reguLat~onn ' r

l~lhenbill of lading number is not determined prior

n aeallng t h e container, indicate only mode of shipment on
~riylnaiand copy of DD 2624 and annotate command copy with
,3pproprlate registration or bill of lading number when the
~ontainer 1:: dccepted for shipment.

siiall seal all sides, edges, and flaps of the box

v - t h adhes~vepaper tape, then sign and date across tape on the
'-gp and bottom of each shipping container.


\ I Seal and sign each container whether shipped

separateiy cr collectively, mailed, or hand delivered to NDSL.

- when several shipping containers are consolidated

-arqer box, line the larger box to prevent contents from
1-uhbing aqarnst the box. Seal all shipping containers inside a

Appendix B to
Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09
ulastic oag. Add sufficient packing material to prevent
shlftiny of contents. U.S. Postal regulations allow up to four
i2--bottleshipping containers to be consolidated into a larger

. -J?c snall place original DD 2624 in a sealed envelope

,retaln~nyone copy) and affix the envelope to the sealed
;hipping cor;tainer.
j.>(' shall wrap container with brown mailing paper or
u,ace conta;ner(s) in a larger outer container (DD 2624 will
-emaln affrxed to specimen box inside). An alternate method is
s wrap shipping container with brown mailing paper and then
dttacn or1g:nal DD 2624 to the outside of container in a see'hrough maiLer envelope. Boxes or mailers shall be shipped to
-he NDSL specified by OPNAV (N135). If applicable, Priority ONE
z i l i i oe er?+ered on DD 1384, Transportation Control and Movement
Jocument, UI in "Description of Contents" block on the U.S.
;overnme~t131 1 i of lading.
;Vkier: boxes of samples from several commands or UPCs are
-o;lected a- 2 central collection point for shipment or an
ntermediate individual will actually enter samples into
;elected mode of shipment, actions described above shall be
by collection point UPC after they sign the DD 2624
2nd provides a copy to supplying UPC.

LdDordtory Handling

r h r commanding officer of the cognizant NDSL or director
DoD-certlfled laboratory is responsible for maintaining an
,nternaL ~dentlficationsystem to maintain accountability of
3pecimens drid samples within the laboratory.

n . .A aesiqnated laboratory employee will receive the

.;hipment of specimens and store them so the integrity and
~hysicalcharacteristics are maintained.

:rldlvidual designated by commanding officer or

-aborcltorydirector shall open outer wrappings, locate DD 2624,
ind ~~isually
inspect shipping container to determine if the
;eals on szdes, edges, and flaps were opened or tampered with


Appendix B to
Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09
vhlle lr: tr~insit. Designated individual shall then describe the
-ondition of shipping container in the appropriate block and
;iyn 3nd a a r e the DD 2624.
3es-gnated individual shall then open the container and
inventory :oritents. Accountability shall be maintained on
;pecimens as portions are transferred to sample test containers
2nd routed throughout the lab. Original specimen bottles, with
-esiduai ur-ne, shall be held in a secure location until
andlor confirmation testing of samples is complete.

Gcrklng samples (that portion of the specimen which

- i c t u a ? i y undergoes testing) shall be discarded. ~esidualurine

~ n dariyica- specimen bottle of samples testing negative shall

ne discard~c:. The DD 2624 will be annotated to indicate

nosit~vesamples at the end of the confirmation process. The
~ r i y ~ n aspecimen
bottle (with residual urine) of samples
" ~ s t ~ n20s-tive
will be stored (frozen at -5 to -20 degrees C)
tor i yea= ! ollowing issuance of the report described below,
irter whlcn :t may be discarded unless the laboratory is
r e q u e s t e d :o retain the specimen due to pending legal or
-idministra:-v? proceedings. Commands requesting sample
;kall advise the NDSL when legal or administrative
:~roceedlngsare completed. If legal or administrative
:~roceedlnqsare not completed within the requested period, the
iubmlttlnq command shall request another extension. Unless the
;ample L S ordered retained by a court of competent jurisdiction,
n cases t-l,ed by a court-martial, samples need not be retained
9eyo:ld t5e date of the final action. In cases involving NJP,
be discarded following action on any appeal or upon
expiration c;f the time period within which to file such an
3ppea _

report of laboratory urinalysis shall be forwarded to

h e orlqlnatlng command In one or two formats: by naval message
ndrked ' F o r Official Use Only," or via Web-base with information
-oples to appropriate chain of command as specified on DD 2624.
qeport wl,, consist of at least the following elements at a

Identification of DD 2624:
i c l ,

Locally assigned batch number

Appendix B to
Enclosure ( 2

4 Jun 09

b! Date received

identification of positive findings:

ia) Specimen number
; a ) Social security number


z ) NDSL findings

A statement that all specimens not specifically

isted arp riegative (unless all specimens are listed) .

TI^^ laboratory certifying official shall sign the DD
i 6 2 4 certifying that the results are accurate and have been

: o r r e c t i y reported to the originating command.

3r:g1nal DD 2624, the original intra-laboratory chain of
document (if used), confirmatory documentation (GC/MS
-raclny(s)i and a copy of the report of results message shall
:le atcached together and retained by the laboratory for a
rilriimum 2 2 ! years. After 3 years, these records shall be
llsposed c: locally without notification to the originating

Appendix B to
Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09


Telephone/Message Address

:ommandin9 Officer
;Xavy Drug Screening Laboratory
30x 113 Bldg H2033
<AS Jacksonx-ille, FL 32212-0113
2 -ma;:

DSN: 942-7755
Commercial: (904) 542-7755

'ommanding O f f icer
NalTy Drug Screening Laboratory
3ox 89 5FilrJ
:.reat Lakes i:,
,< -ma

DSN: 792-2045
Commercial: (847) 688-2045
[email protected]

:anunanding Officer
"Vavy Drug Screeniny Laboratory
34125 Farenholt Ave Suite 40
id^ 3 1 2 ~ ~ 0 ,

DSN: 522-7141
Commercial: (619) 532-7141


[email protected]

[email protected]


Jac~so~viile:Commands or mobile units geographically

-ocated east i ~ fthe Mississippi River and those commands
lesignatec! by Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command


L a ~ e s : All activities assigned to Commander, Naval

..'ducation and Training Command, Naval Reserve Officer Training
'orps (NROTCI),and selected naval activities located in the
;reat Lakes area.

" d D S 2 3reat

JDSL Sarl D ~ e g o : Commands or mobile units geographically located

Nesr ~f : h ~ Mississippi River unless otherwise directed by OPNAV
iN; 3 5 ) .

Appendix C to
Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09



Ser 001

0 0 .,



C'o~nrnandingOfficer, (insert command name)

C2ief of Naval Operations (N1351C)
( a )OPNAVINST 5350.413



tit tach a1 1 relevant document (s)

Per zeterence (a),I have determined the positive urinalysis

reported :n reference (b) in case of (Rate/Rank and last name)
h;as not ac _ncident of drug abuse and no further action is
var ranted.
L .

( E x p i d i ~circumstances that warranted commanding officer's

Jeterninatyon that positive urinalysis is not a drug abuse
incident and that NDSL or OPNAV (N135) was contacted).
Cxnrnanci POC is (include telephone number and e-mail


Commanding officer's signature

Appendix D to
Enclosure (2)

4 Jun 09

- . General. All Navy milltary personnel shall be educated

+bout Navy alcohol and drug abuse policies, programs, resources,
2nd measures to avoid alcohol and drug abuse. Specific training
required for individuals in leadership and supervisory
posit~ons +o identify alcohol-related problems and to provide
support in command aftercare. Training shall be provided for
dl1 personnel filling positions in the NADAP Program such as
ADCOS, DAPAs, and UPCs. Clinical training, supervision, and
-ert~ficatlonare required for all healthcare providers who
-onduct or supervise alcohol and drug abuse services. Awareness
education will be offered to Navy family members on a voluntary

I .
CNE'I'C shall provide alcohol and drug abuse education for
~niistedrec-ruits, Senior Enlisted Academy, officer candidates
except YSNA), and officers in pre-fleet assignment or entry
yrograms. Alcohol and drug abuse prevention information shall
3-so oe pr~>videdin leadership courses and GMT programs. CPPD
aversee alcohol and drug abuse prevention education and
_r-ainlny,including Alcohol-AWARE, ADAMS, DAPA, UPC, and PREVENT
ourses. C'PPD is also responsible for quality assurance and
?valuatior o f awareness and prevention education and has
approval authority. Scheduling of alcohol and drug
ibuse prevention education and training will be published each
zisca; year by CPPD.


OPNAT/' iN135) will support CNETC by conducting an annual

revicni of d l 1 NADAP curriculums to ensure full alignment with
:urrent Navy policies.

BUMED shall provide alcohol and drug abuse

yrainlng, education, clinical supervision, and certification
Irograms for Navy drug and alcohol counselors and other medical
+~rofessionalswho provide evaluation and intervention/treatment
;erviaes t:c) members with substance abuse problems.


Superintendent, USNA shall incorporate substance abuse
~reventloneducation into the standard curriculum under
.ognizanc~of CNO.

Enclosure (3)

4 Jun 09
e. "-'i+T
of Chaplains of the Navy (CNO (N097)) shall
zoordinate with the Chaplains School to train members of the
\:haplain Corps to identify abusers and to counsel and refer Navy
~ersonneland their family members.
4x1~-commanders, commanding officers, and OICs shall
2nsure asslyned personnel receive periodic training on alcohol
dnd drug abuse prevention, including requirements for AlcoholAWARE and ADAMS, and training required by this instruction for
nembers asslgned as DAPA or for other command functions related
-.I the alcohol and drug abuse prevention program.

Educaclon Requirements

All new Navy entrants shall receive

?ducation (ln dlcohol and drug abuse awareness and prevention,
Vavy p o l i c ~ ~ sand
, disciplinary consequences of abuse.
Zducation f o r officer candidates shall include similar
i3reventio1~~nformationplus responsibilities of junior leaders
,n maintalning military discipline and enforcing the law.
Entry-leve- education shall be completed before commissioning or
vlthl:~ 90 days after entry on active duty.

Tri~i:lal Entry.

Jomnand Indoctrination. Alcohol and drug abuse
?revention education shall be included as part of each command's
Lndoctrlna+_onof new personnel.
Per:odic awareness through GMT. Alcohol and drug abuse
awareness education is scheduled periodically through the CNETC
;MT program
Alcohol-AWARE (REQUIRED). Alcohol-AWARE is basic
-~,cohal awareness training for use at Navy commands. It targets
junior enilsted (El through E4) and junior officers (01 through
I . All Navy personnel shall complete Alcohol-AWARE course
~ l t h i n2 years of completion of recruit training or other
IccessI o n pcinc entry.
SFL (RECOMMENDED). An interactive CD-ROM courseware
iesigned tc) indoctrinate 18 to 24 year old Sailors on Navy core
rdlues and provide information and facts needed for making
;o';nd,valile-based decisions.

Enclosure ( 3 )

4 Jun 09

PREVENT (RECOMMENDED). A 24-hour prevention education

ina health promotions course targeting the 18 to 25 year age
qroup witl- the goal of putting knowledge to action by focusing
,n benav~or,peer support/mentoring, and values alignment.
'REVENT 1s '
c be used for prevention education and health
, t L S not considered treatment.
y . A D M S (RECOMMENDED). Interactive education courses for
Javy leaders and supervisors for training command personnel in
faci;itatln~ ADAMS for Supervisors course.

ADAMS for Leaders (REQUIRED). Brief seminar

iesigned for commanding officers, XOs, CMCs, COBS, and other
;enior command personnel. It is a career requirement.

ADKMS for Supervisors (REQUIRED). Designed to

~rovldeNaxry srlpervisors with knowledge and skills in alcohol

ind druy dbuse prevention, recognition and documentation,
.nter-rentlor:,and aftercare. It is required for all E5 and
*hove personnel in first-line supervisory positions. Civilians
vho 5~perv:se Navy personnel should also attend this training.
'raining sllaiL be accomplished within 2 years of attaining such
i posltlor:.
Because policy and programs are subject to change,
ADAMS for S~ipervisorsshould be repeated every 5 years.
, 3 A D M S for ~acilitators (RECOMMENDED). Commanding
)rfirers are encouraged to select qualified personnel for
~ainingand certification as ADAMS Facilitators to provide
biDAMS for Supervisors training in their commands.
TJPC' Training (STRONGLY RECOMMENDED) . UPC course is for
*ommand U P C s , assistant UPCs, ADCOs, XOs, and legal personnel.
" h l s Zourse ~ncludestraining on NDSP. Although the UPC course

s no_ r e y ~ ~ r e dit
, is strongly recommended for UPCs in order
lor commands to maintain integrity of their urinalysis programs.
"revention Specialist Training (RECOMMENDED). This
'oLrse prepares participants to work as alcohol, tobacco, and
~ r h e rd r u g abuse prevention specialists and to attain
Yertlflcatlon as a certified prevention specialist recognized by
-he International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium.
Tar '; i l - i p a n t s , dni;11 receive training in the five required domains.

Enclosure ( 3 )

4 Jun 09

Trainlng Requirements

ADCOs are encouraged to complete the DAPA course
addition, attendance at ADAMS, AWARE, and PREVENT are
recommended since these are major courses which ADCOs oversee.


Members assigned as DAPAs and assistant DAPAs are

-equlred to complete the DAPA course within 90 days of
~ppointment ~ n l e s sthey previously completed the course not more
+ian 3 years prior to appointment.


.cik?ol training for Morale, Welfare, and Recreation

, m J R j Persorlrlel .
Personnel employed in Navy recreation
-dei;~ties with responsibility to sell or serve alcoholic
Severages shall complete appropriate server training or
+ o ensure compliance with Navy and local regulations
2nd statute:;, enforcement of policies related to underage
Jrinkiny, knowledge of alternatives, and a full understanding of
lesiqnated drlver programs.

Enclosure (3)

OPNAVINST 5 3 5 0 . 4 D
4 Jun 09

The r3llawl;iy definitions are for use within the NADAP Program
, m c i are not intended to modify the definitions found in
statutory provisions, regulations, or other directives.
(Alcoholics Anonymous). Worldwide self-help organization
lonsistinq of a fellowship of recovering alcoholics whose
Fjrimdry purpose is to "stay sober and help other alcoholics to
ichieve sobriety.



ADAMS (Alcohol and Drug Abuse Management Seminar). ADAMS

:onsists cf three courses: (1) ADAMS for Leaders is a course
:hat enaDles commanding officers, XOs, OICs, CMCs, and COBS to
?stablish dnd maintain an effective command alcohol and drug
3nuse prevection program; (2) ADAMS for Supervisors is a course
;or E5 and above that teaches Navy policy and supervisory
-esponsibilities in the command's alcohol and drug abuse
~3reventlopprogram; and ( 3 ) ADAMS Facilitator is a course which
6 certification process that enables members who
:ompleted :raining to facilitate ADAMS training to command
:IersonneI .
ADCO (Alcohol and Drug Control Officer). ADCOs are assigned at
second, thild, and fourth echelon commands. ADCOs oversee
?Lcohol and drug abuse prevention programs in their activities
~ n ddre responsible for all subordinate command's compliance
v l t h policies and procedures outlined in this instruction.

Addiction is characterized physiologically by

tolerance ithe need for a great amount of the drug to achieve a

lesired state) and withdrawal symptoms (i.e., varying from
~ncomfortabLeto serious convulsions) that are relieved by
z a k i n q tho d r , ~ g .

Administrative Screening. Process by which the command DAPA

-01Lects bdsic information (review of health records,
;upervisor-ycomments, evaluations, etc. ) prior to a medical
;creening. Basic administrative information is evaluated in the
~ ~ ~ e rscreening
a i i
of an individual referred for an alcohol or
ir uy p r o b l ~ r .r

Enclosure (4)

4 Jun 09
ADMITS (Alcohol and Drug Management Information Tracking
System). The primary information management system for NADAP
Drogram. ADMITS collects data on alcohol-related incidents,

;creenings, treatment, drug testing results, etc.

A DoD laboratory
*:hat manages integrity of the DoD drug testing program. It
~peratesboth open and blind quality control testing.

AFIP (Armed Forces Institute of Pathology).

Aftercare Plan. A post-treatment regimen of care prepared by

'he SARP a+ the time a member successfully completes a treatment

3rograrr~. Ttftercare plans are prepared in consultation with the

nember's parent command and may include recommendations for
.linlzai?y monitored outpatient counseling (continuing care),
ittendance at self-help groups, and referrals for additional
nedical ;oc:.al services. Member's failure to adhere to all
provisions ct the aftercare plan may result in treatment
T h e aftercare plan is monitored at the command level
:~yth? DAPA

Alcohol Abuse. The use of alcohol to an extent that it has an

ldverae effect on performance, conduct, discipline, or mission

ltfec+lvenesa, and/or the user's health, behavior, family,

*ommunit,] or Department of the Navy, or leads to unacceptable
nehavlor as evidenced by one or more acts of alcohol-related
qLsconduct. Aicohol abuse is also a clinical diagnosis based on
ipeclric d~agnosticcriteria delineated in DMS of Mental
I~sorders, T i , and must be determined by a medical officer or
-1P. A r-inlcal diagnosis of alcohol abuse generally requires
;ome torn- of ~nterventionand treatment.

A command-level course that includes basic

_nformatlo~about alcohol use and associated risks, Navy

~oiicles,responsible drinking, and alternatives. In addition
o belny ci requirement for all personnel, Alcohol-AWARE is a
~ornrnand too- that can be used in a variety of ways. It is
-argetea a t the El to E4 and 01 to 0 3 population.
Alcohol Dependence (see also Alcoholism).

Psychological and/or
>hysiglogiciil dependence on the drug alcohol as indicated by
lvidence ot tolerance or symptoms of withdrawal as characterized
the deve2opment of withdrawal symptoms 12 hours or so after
-ngesr_ioil. People are said to be dependent on alcohol when
ibstinence from use impairs their performance or behavior.

Enclosure (4)

4 Jun 09
YIconal dependence is a clinical diagnosis based on specific
I:agnostic criteria delineated in DSM IV, and must be determined
ny a medlca- officer or LIP. Untreated, alcohol dependence may
-cad r o deark.
~lcohol-IMPACT. Intensive goal-oriented early intervention
3esigned fox individuals who incur an alcohol-related incident.
i member w h o successfully completed Alcohol-IMPACT as a result
3i- an alconol incident, and incurs a subsequent incident does
, l o t neet t h e requirement for ADSEP processing. However, if a
nember hds dtcended IMPACT more than once, the second time does
?eeE the rey~irement for administrative processing if the member
-ncurS dn dLcohol related incident subsequent to the second
IMPACT ir?cerventi.on.
Alcohol Incident. An offense punishable under reference (b) or
:,\-lllarL authority committed by a member where, in the judgment
jr :he merrLber1scommanding officer, the consumption of alcohol
~d;. 4 contr-~buting
Alcoholism. A chronic, progressive disease in which the
.naividual is addicted to alcohol. Drinking and symptoms grow
t7Trse over +ime (same as alcohol dependence). For U.S. Navy
~urposes, 7 1 ; ~cerm "alcohol dependence" is used.
Anabolic Steroids. Any drug or hormonal substance, chemically
-3nd pharmacologically related to testosterone (other than
+stragens, progestins, and corticosteroids) that promotes muscle
j r o w t h , and includes any salt, ester, or isomer of such a drug
?r substance described or listed in reference (r), section 802,
i- that 5 d i r , ester, or isomer promotes muscle growth.
AOHCP (Addictions Orientation for Health Care Providers). A
;nort colirse focusing on the diagnosis of alcohol/drug abuse and
dependence. AOHCP, or similar training, is required for all
nealth cave professionals who are authorized to diagnose
abuse or dependence.

A professional
?ssoclatlcn of physicians and other medical professionals who
s p e c ~ a i l z_c
~ alcohol and other drug treatment. The continuum
) r c d r ~model and other treatment innovations were developed
lrider the yuidance of ASAM.

ASAM (American Society of Addictions Medicine).

Enclosure ( 4 )

4 Jun 09
BAC (Blood Alcohol Content or Concentration; also Blood Alcohol
Level). The percentage of alcohol in the blood system expressed
:n tne ratlo of grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood.
i dynamlc measure resulting from a variety of factors- rate of
jrinking, strength of drink, body weight, gender, etc. Legal
_:mil of BAC varies from State to State.
Career. A c:areer is defined as all creditable service towards
retirement, to include all periods of service, regardless of
:ransitions between active duty and reserve or enlisted and
)f ficer ,
Chain of Custody. Process by which the integrity of a
~rinalyslssample is maintained from collection through testing
2nd used a: legal proceedings. Chain of custody procedures
r2qulre s z r l c t adherence to the use of custody documents,
Label;, ?:f-. . , by authorized personnel.
Continuing Care. A phase of treatment designed to provide
support f o ~members adjusting to an abstinent life style.
'ontinulny care in most cases will follow a phase of more
-ntense ictervention. The normal frequency of continuing care
; 2 hours per week or less.
Continuum of Care. The alcohol treatment model used by the U.S.
Navy and other military treatment providers. Period of
-reatment dries and may occur in a variety of settings. The
n d s i c phllqsophy is to place patients in the least intensive or
restr~ctlv? treatment environment commensurate with the severity
> f their needs. Patients can be moved to more or less intensive
-reatnent d c r i n g the treatment phase as their needs change or
:~roblemsare identified. The continuum of care is generally
31vided ictc five levels of intensity:

Level t , . 5 , Early ~ntervention/EducationProgram (AlcoholLMPACT I , 2


LexisL ,

Outpatient Treatment, 40 hours/2 weeks;

Level ' i , Intensive Outpatient/Partial Hospitalization

T?P i
9 3 _ L C hours/4 to 6 weeks;
Lieve- ::I

Inpatient Treatment, 1 to 2 weeks; and

Enclosure (4)

4 Jun 09

Level ;\,
o ll weeks.

Medically Managed Intensive Inpatient Treatment,

Controlled Substance. A
.;chedules I through V of
) f ::ontroLieci substances
in -,he classification of

drug or other substance found in

reference (r), section 812 et al. Use
is restricted or prohibited, depending
the drug.

Controlled Substance Analogue (Designer Drug). A substance, the

.hem;cai str~ctureof which is substantially similar to the
:fiem;zai structure of a controlled substance in schedule I or
- , and v ~ h l c ?has
a stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogenic
?ffect on 'he central nervous system that is substantially
;Irni:3r :c cr greater than the stimulant, depressant, or
lal?lieinogerllc.effect on the central nervous system of a
ur~tr3lled substance in schedule I or 11. A controlled
qibstance analogue also 1s a substance, the chemical structure
i r ~ h i ~ 'L Sh substantially similar to the chemical structure of a
*or:tralied s~bstancein schedule I or 11, and with which a
p a r t ~ z u ~ aperson
represents or intends to have a stimulant,
ispressant or hallucinogenic effect on the central nervous
;ystem t n a z 1s substantially similar to or greater than the
;Ll~nuiant,depressant, or hallucinogenic effect on the central
-?ervqils system of a controlled substance in schedule I or 11.
CPPD (Center for Personal and Professional Development). CPPD's
joal L S 3(' maximize a Sailor's human potential to enhance their
:~rofesslona-potential. The center is ultimately a response to
Udvy's commitment to leadership and an environment of
The five areas of focus on the Personal Development
;error arp -nterpersonal relationships, life skills, values,
~ersonal financial management, and health (including physical
1-tness and weilness) .
DAAR (Drug and Alcohol Abuse Report). OPNAV 5350/7 Basic
-eportlng Eorm submitted by the command to the ADMITS system.

sl~bmissionis required for reporting alcohol incidents,

3rug oslti\~es and other system information requirements. The
3AAR form should be submitted within 30 days of an incident.
'omand 3APks are encouraged to utilize the on-line version of
% - h ~torm,
wklch may be accessed at
;pdwar . navy.:nil
-I ndex.htin.
Must be faxed and
I, ,
signed tl2 ADMITS for entry.


Enclosure (4)

4 Jun 09
DAPA (Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor). A collateral duty
:ommand pos~tion (commands with 500 personnel or more shall
-issign d f;l-l-?imeDAPA). DAPA is the commanding officer's
advisor JC all matters relating to alcohol or other drugs.
imong other duties, DAPAs conduct administrative screenings,
prepare required reports (e.g.,DAARS), provide prevention
-?ducation.dnd monitor aftercare.
DAPMA (Drug and Alcohol Program Management Activity). DAPMAs in
Norfolk and San Diego provide alcohol and other drug prevention
education t-raining,and technical assistance to Navy commands
>11amobile training teams, residential training, and electronic
nedi d .
Deglamorization. A term used in the alcohol and other drug
dbuse preve1;tion field. It means to "take the glamour out."
3eylaxor~zationis a command requirement and involves not
:2rornotiny alcohol, providing alternatives, assuring that non?icoholi: a ~ ~ e r n a t i v eare
available at official functions,
:2rovldiny 4 climate that says "it'sokay not to drink," etc.
Jubllc infdrmation and education that provide information on the
;lgn1ficart negative health and behavioral impact of alcohol
p l s u s e also a r e elements of deglamorization.
Detoxification. Medical management of the withdrawal from
2lcohol 31 other drugs. Withdrawal from alcohol or other drugs
"an be (I I2:e zhreateninq state for those addicted and requires
nedlcal management, normally in an in-patient status. Symptoms
j a r y from mild shakes to llfe-threatening convulsions.
3etoxlficat-ionis not treatment but is the medical stabilization
(by drugs, observation, and other means) of individuals going
hraugh ~~ithdrawal.If required, it precedes treatment.
Drink. ~1, d r l n ~of alcohol is defined as 1.5 ounce of liquor, 5
lunce of .~::ne, or 12 ounce of beer. They contain the same
Amount of d-coho: used by researchers for data collection
Durposes and in charts that estimate BAC.
Drug Abuse. ',Jrongfuluse, possession, manufacturing, or
b or introduction
onto a military installation, or
i t h e r praperty or facility under military supervision, of a
-ontroiled substance, prescription medication, over-the-counter
nedlcatl31- or intoxicating substance (other than alcohol).
"drongfuLt rrieans without legal justification or excuse, and

Enclosure (4)

4 Jun 09

ncludes use contrary to the directions of the manufacturer or

)rescribin~healthcare provider, and use of any intoxicating
;ubscance not lntended for human ingestion. (For purposes of '
-his LnsLruccLon, this includes consumption of any substance for
>rher than t-ht?lr intended purpose, e.g. , glue, air freshener,
jasojine f c r e sniffing (sometimes referred to as "huffing") and
;:proid usage other than that specifically prescribed by a
'ompeten? rn~dlcal authority.
Drug Dependence. Psychoiogical and/or physiological reliance on
i chzmlca, or pharmacological agent as defined by the current
-ISM T'\i .
1- is the physiological alteration to the body or state
adaptat,or t_o a drug which, after repeated use, results in
ne development of tolerance and/or withdrawal symptoms when
l,scont,nr:ed, and/or the psychological craving for the mental or
.motLanai effects of a drug that manifests itself in repeated
Ise and -earls to a state of impaired capability to perform basic
Drugs have varying degrees of risk of addiction with
l_co+_,ne a;ic: :rack cocaine having the highest potential for
?dclictl(~r?)I-th very little use. The term does not include the
.ontinu~nyprescribed use of pharmaceuticals as part of the
n~dicalmandgement of a chronic disease or medical condition.
Drug paraphernalia. All equipment, products, and materials of
+ny kind that are used, intended for use, or designed for use,
:n planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting,
nanukactlring, compounding, converting, producing, processing,
:)reparing , t-esting,analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing,
:ontaini:lc,: ~oncealing,injecting, ingesting, inhaling or
)ther.disc= iI:t~oducinginto the human body a controlled substance
-2 v l 3 l a t l o r : ! ~ freference (r), section 801, et seq.
Drug-related Incident. Any incident in which the use of a
*ontr2lled substance or illegal drug, or the misuse of a legal
i r ~ , q 21 ~ctoxlcatingsubstance (other than alcohol) is a
_ o n c r i b u t i n ~factor. Mere possession or trafficking in a
ontrallea s~bstance,illegal drug, legal drug intended for
,mproper use, or drug paraphernalia is classified as a drug-elated ~ r c ~ d e n t .
~dditionally,testing positive for a
smstance, illegal drug, or a legal drug not
nay be considered a drug-related incident.

Enclosure ( 4 )

4 Jun 09
DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). A
nanual prepared by the American Psychiatric Association as a
g7~idefor cLinica1 practitioners. DSM has many uses. In the
iicohol and other drug field, it provides the diagnostic
Jrlterla tor alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence, drug abuse, and
3 r u g dependence. Each updated edition of the DSM is identified
ny a romar numeral, e.g., DSM IV, etc. All references to the
'ISM in this instruction refer to the current edition at time of
~pplicati c r l .
DUI/DWI (Driving Under the ~nfluence/DrivingWhile Intoxicated).
3:JI, Dl41 refers to the operation of, or being in the physical
:ontrol of ~2 motor vehicle or craft while impaired by any
substance, Legal or illegal. Definitions vary slightly from State
-o Stat?. In ali States, a recorded BAC for alcohol of .08 is
srlma facl;. proof of DUI/DL\TIwithout any other evidence. It
;hould bs noted that in many States, drivers can be impaired at
Levels lower than .08 and can be convicted on other evidence
dLthodt d recorded BAC (see Substantiated DUI/DWI). Additionally,
or being in physical control of a motor vehicle or
:raft wit!: a n y recorded BAC for alcohol by a person under the age
,t Z L 1s aydinst the law. Further guidance concerning DUI/DWI is
reference (b), article 111 and its analysis.
L ) L ,

Heavy Drinker. For survey or other data collection purposes, a

yeavy drinker is defined as one who drinks five or more drinks
:ley typica- drinking occasion at least once a week.
Illegal Drug. Category of substances including controlled
.~ubstances,controlled substance analogues, and all other
2rohibited (whether by law or regulation) drugs (e.g., LSD,
narijuana, 1-*ocaine,
heroin, sometimes referred to as illicit
hugs .
Impaired. ler reference (b), "impaired" means any intoxication
-,vhichis sufficient to diminish the rational and full exercise
jf the member's mental or physical faculties.
Inhalant Abuse (Huffing). Intentional inhalation or breathing
gas, f ~ m e s ,or vapors of a chemical substance or compound
~ ~ i :he
r h lncent of inducing intoxication, excitement, or

in the u s e r .

N e a r l y a l l abused

inhalants p r o d u c e

>ffects slnilar to anesthetics, which slow down the body's

Eunction. Depending upon the level or dosage, the user can

Enclosure (4)

4 Jun 09
Ler:ce slight stimulation, feeling of less inhibition, loss
~f consciousness, or suffer from Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome
t r i i s means the user can die from the lst, loth, or 100th time
hey 3 b u s ~an Inhalant).
Intervention. Act or process of confronting or otherwise
iirectiny an individual to obtain help for an alcohol or other
1r.ig 2robier. Nany individuals who have alcohol or drug
)roblems deriy those problems or are unwilling to seek help.
Tommanding officers, supervisors, shipmates, counselors, other
nedica~prc)f'essionals, or spouses can intervene.
Licensed Independent Practitioner (LIP). LIP is a licensed
:>sychologist,physician, psychiatrist or other medical
urofessional who has the clinical responsibility for the
screeninq, assessment, and treatment of alcohol and other drug
-1lents. A 1 , I P clinically supervises counselors and has the
i~timateresponsibility for the treatment of clients under their
Medical Screening. Actual assessment of an individual's alcohol
>r other drug problems to determine if a diagnosis of alcohol
1 b ~ s 2or dependency is warranted and to determine treatment
-equirements. Navy drug and alcohol counselors collect
-nformatioil and impressions for the screening, but the actual
ilagnos;s mllst be made by a LIP or qualified medical officer.
MTF (Medical Treatment Facility). Any DoD or authorized
-~vi!;an ~nstltutionthat provides medical, surgical, or
:)slrcniatric care and treatment for sick or injured DoD personnel
il;d t i l e i r ' ~ a r n l l ymembers. Alcohol and other drug treatment in
he Navy IS the responsibility of the Chief, BUMED. Alcohol
'reatnenc may be an integral department of an MTF or may exist
Ir operate :ndependently and report to a cognizant MTF.
NDSL (Navy Drug Screening Lab). There are three NDSLs in the
Vavy, which are located in San Diego, CA; Jacksonville, FL; and
;reat LaKes, IL. They analyze urine specimens for the presence
) t zontro-ied substances and other illegal drugs under forensic
~onditions NDSLs also provide expert witnesses in legal
~roceedinys. NDSLs are monitored by AFIP and are inspected
~uarferlyhy BUMED and annually by DoD and CNO.

Enclosure ( 4 )

4 Jun 09
NDAAC (Navy Drug and Alcohol Advisory Council). Regional or
Area counclls with specified memberships (i.e.,commanding
>fficers, shore patrol, MWR, treatment providers) who meet
~egularlyt o determine the alcohol and other drug threat in
)raer to plan and implement countermeasures.
NDAC (Navy Drug and Alcohol Counselor). A military member or
-1vilian 2mployee specifically trained and certified to conduct
;creenlng, counseling, education, and treatment of alcohol and
ither druq abusers or those dependent on alcohol or other drugs.
.inits of practice are strictly defined and counselors must work
irlcier the c.: inical supervision of a LIP.
NDACS (Navy Drug and Alcohol Counselor School). Residential
;choo? for training active duty Navy drug and alcohol
.o:in.3"10~:: .

NDSP (Navy Drug Screening Program). A computer-based

3pplcatlon developed to assist commanding officers in
~ c h i n l s t e r i n gthe command's urinalysis testing program. Once
h)arameters have been set, NDSP selects the test days and
.ndivlduais to be tested. Use of most current NDSP software
7 L r ~ d a l ~-1nlnates
: ~
the opportunity for cheating or gaming the
9onnma~d .; ir ~nalysistesting program.
PPC (Patient Placement Criteria). Set of criteria used to
leterrnine the level of treatment after a diagnosis of alcohol
lependenc~c r alcohol abuse. Primarily consists of six factors
_hat are dssessed to determine where a patient will be placed in
np ront:nuurr of care. Factors include withdrawal potential,
:,lornedicai emotional/behavioral, treatment acceptance, relapse
c~otentidl,dnd recovery environment. Operational schedules are
i naj ?r :onsideration.
PREVENT (Personal Responsibility and Values Education and
Training). A prevention education and health promotion course
.;peclficai_g~developed to target the 18 to 25 year age group.
PREVENT deals with life choices related to alcohol and drug use;
,nterpersondi relationships (including sexual responsibility);
ind h e d l t k
titness, and financial responsibility. PREVENT is
lot _-:tendec: as an intervention.
Prevention Program. An ongoing process of planned activities to
.;pec:ficaL,y counter the identified threat of alcohol and drug

Enclosure (4)

4 Jun 09
+muse ir~d yeographical area or command. Prevention programs
L~ormaily~ncludethreat assessment, policy development and
-mplementar;on, public information activities, education and
2-rainlng, deglamorization, and evaluation. Effective prevention
programs arp tailored to the specific area or command (i.e.,
yommand community-based).
Referral (Alcohol). A form of early intervention in the
klrogression of alcohol abuse to avail members of help in
~vercaming dicohol abuse. There are two types of referrals,
vhich are \iefined below:

(3nundnd-referraloccurs when the commanding officer

~rdersa ~ernberto screening for a suspected alcohol problem,
.;sit r2ferral occurs when the member reports to a
judllfled self-referral agent requesting help for a potential
;lcohol problem. (Self-referral rules involving drug abuse
?iFf~rf r c m alcohol, see Self-referral (Drug Abuse)).

Relapse. iiddlction and alcoholism (alcohol dependence) are

:onsidereG diseases of relapse. A relapse is a return to
5rlnklny G r drugging, no matter how brief. Sometimes a relapse
-an be 'herdpeutic if it reinforces to the individual that they
ieail;~d~ ndxTe a problem and strengthens their commitment to a
recovery program. On the other hand, a relapse could result in
I ret(1rn " o drinking with all its attendant problems requiring
mother ;rLEPrvention and treatment, and may be classified as
_reatmenc f d l lure.

"Right Spirlt Campaign" is Navy's Alcohol Abuse

rJreventlo~and Alcohol Use Deglamorization campaign to reduce
_he ~ncidenceof alcohol abuse and to deglamorize drinking.
i stresses responsibility and accountability at all

Right Spirit


SARP (Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program). Any branch,

department, or section of an MTF or BMC that provides screening,
referr&is, early intervention, or treatment services for


Range of services provided (i.e.,

from screen;ng and education to residential inpatient treatment)



staffing and capability of the facility.

Enclosure (4)

4 Jun 09
Process by which a Navy member who
nelieves that they are dependent (addicted) on drugs may report
o a qualitled self-referral representative (as listed in
yarayraph 2h of this instruction) and receive screening at a
h;ARP faciilty for official determination of drug dependency).
14embers found to be drug dependent will be exempt from
Ilsclpllnary action for drug abuse if they accept and
gart~cipate in treatment offered by the Navy. However, a valid
;e-t-referral is still considered an incident of drug abuse, and
_he member wlll be processed for ADSEP. Type of discharge will
ne characterized by their overall service record, not just the
-ncldenr c t drug abuse. Members found not drug dependent, but
uho have Lsea drugs, will not be exempt from disciplinary
dct lor:, ~ 7 1l i 3e disciplined as appropriate, and will be
ADSEP. Members found not drug dependent, and who
'lave not ~ s e ddrugs, but attempted to, will be disciplined
~ppropriareiy and processed for ADSEP or retained and returned
- 3 duty per with the needs of the Navy.

Self-Referral (Drug Abuse).

Serious Offense. Any offense committed by a member for which a

. .
uunltlve cischarge, or confinement for 1 year, would be
iuthorizec by the Manual for Courts-Martial for the same or a
10sel~~related offense. See reference (f), article 1910-142
for enlis'ed
members and article 1611-010 for officers.
Substantiated DUI/DWI. A charge of DUI/DWI is considered
substantiated if there is a conviction by a military or civilian
- o u r t , a t ~ndingof guilty at NJP, or if, in the judgment of the

:ornrnandlng otficer, the available evidence supports the

~ilegatix-+hat the member was in operation of a motor vehicle,
iessel, ar craft while under the influence of, or intoxicated by
2lcohol ard or other drugs in violation of local statutes,
regclatiors and/or reference (b). Upon notification or report
15 a member's arrest for DUI/DWI, commanding officers must
investigate the circumstances, consider all relevant facts
1i.s..police report, eyewitness statements, member's statement,
3AC test result) and make a determination of validity of the
2haryes. Refer to reference (a) for detailed description of a
;ubstantiated DUI/DWI offense.
Assessment of the impact and potential
:rnpacE of alcohol or other drugs on a command, geographical
e .
1 variety of data and reports make up the threat
<$ssessmenr,;i.e.,shore patrol reports, information from local

Threat Assessment.

Enclosure (4)

4 Jun 09

poiize, ADMITS information). An effective prevention program

.-eyuiresan ongoing threat assessment.
Treatment. Process of restoring to effective function by means
~f a strac<ured therapeutic program. Level and length of
-reatment depends on severity of the alcohol or drug problem.
See "Continuum of Care" definition.)
Treatment (Rehabilitation) ~ a i l u r e . Treatment is a failure
vhen: 11) A member incurs an alcohol incident any time in their
.areer ciftz:-d period of treatment that was precipitated by a
"Illor i n c l d e n r . or (2) a member has incurred an alcohol incident
11 self refers, and is screened by medical and found to be in
ieed ~f +recitment,and commences and subsequently fails to
:ornpizte treatment, or refuses treatment (non-amenable); or (3)
1 member fa-1; to participate in, fails to follow, or fails to
;dccessf~i!y complete a medically prescribed and commandlpproved aftercare plan; or (4) a member returns to alcohol
3buse at anv -ime during their career following treatment, and
determined to be a treatment failure by an appropriate LIP or
nedlzai aff-cer.
TRICARE. -A 30D medical services delivery system characterized
ny reciproc-a? facilities and services of all three military
Within a TRICARE region, a service member may be
referred to the nearest SARP, regardless of the branch of
UPC (Urinalysis Program Coordinator). A collateral duty command
- ~ o s i t i o rfLlled
by an E7 or above. UPC is responsible for all
ispects ot + h e command urinalysis program, from facilitating
-esting dnd training observers, maintaining chain of custody,
trld iabekny and shipping specimens.

Enclosure (4)

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