Student Guidedsadas Cardiology 2015
Student Guidedsadas Cardiology 2015
Student Guidedsadas Cardiology 2015
The Cardiology Module is a 7- 8 meetings course on the study of the common diseases of
the cardiovascular system. The learning process will focus on the clinical recognition and
management of the disease through clinical case conferences, lectures, small group discussions
(SGD), ward works and workshops.
Clinical Case Conference
Special Lectures
To give a lecture on topics that have a great impact in the community due to its associated
morbidity and high incidence of mortality
To give updates on the current therapeutic recommendations
To give a lecture on difficult and complicated topics that may need clarification
Objectives of Cardiac Auscultation Workshop
To correlate anatomy and physiology of the CV system with cardiac auscultatory findings
To teach the students on how to correctly identify the different heart sounds
To enable the students to listen to different murmurs of valvular and congenital heart
To give the students opportunity to discuss with their facilitators the cases that are
commonly encountered in the specialty
To guide the students to a rational diagnostic approach in a given case
To enable the students to formulate a complete treatment plan, including
preventive measures
To give the students an opportunity to study an actual patient in the ward, do a correct
history taking and physical examination, identify the pertinent problems present, arrive at a
correct diagnosis and plan a management scheme which includes both pharmacologic
and non-pharmacologic measures
To provide a more congenial faculty student contact, where students are encouraged to
discuss certain issues more openly in a small group setting
Short quizzes with maximum of 20 items each on reading assignments and workshop
10 item quizzes about the case after a clinical case conference
Module examinations (shifting exam) mostly problem solving questions
Non smoker
Non alcoholic beverage drinker
Family History:
(+) premature CAD (sister at age 38 & brother at age 45)
(+) hypertension father and mother
(+) DM mother
Review of Systems: (+) polydipsia (+) polyuria
At your clinic, BP = 130/90, HR 95 bpm, regular, RR 20 cpm, with warm moist skin, neck
veins not distended, JVP measured 3 cm at 30o. There were no rhonchi, wheezes or crackles.
Except for AB at 6th LICS AAL, diffused and sustained, cardiac findings are normal.
Guide Questions:
Ancillary Examination
12 lead ECG:
24 hour Holter:
12 Lead ECG
Chest X ray
2 D Echocardiogram
24 Hour Holter
Quide Questions
1. What is the etiologic diagnosis?
2. What are the anatomic changes present?
3. What are the physiologic changes present?
4. What is the NYHA functional class and why?
5. What is the objective assessment of cardiovascular disorder and why?
6. What is the definition of syncope and what are the causes of syncope?
7. How do you differentiate syncope from seizure?
8. What are the common causes of syncope?
9. Discuss the diagnostic workup of syncope.
10. Discuss the immediate management of syncope.
11. Discuss the immediate management of bradycardia.
12. How will you manage this patient, both acute and long-term? Give the preventive
A 47 y/o male, call center agent, consulted because of BP elevation. During their
annual PE, he was noted to have a BP of 160/90. He claims he just came from a night
duty when he had his PE. He denied having any symptoms
Past History: No history of HTN with usual BP of 120-130/90
Current Health Status and Risk Factors: No regular exercise. Fond of eating dried fish
and puts fish sauce (Patis) in all his food. 16 pack-year history of smoking. Drinks alcohol
2-3x/week, consuming 5-10 bottles of beer per session. Denies illicit drug use or steroid
Family History: HTN both parents and one sibling, DM father
Personal and Social History: unremarkable
Review of System: 10 lbs weight gain for the past 6 months
Physical Examination:
Conscious, coherent, not in cardiorespiratory distress
BP 160/ 100
PR 90 BPM regular
Ht 157 cm
Wt 65 kg
BMI: 26.3
A. JNC 7
10. What are the basic laboratory tests for initial evaluation of HTN and what do you want
to see in those laboratory tests?
11. When do you start treatment?
A. Lifestyle modification
B. Pharmacologic intervention
12. What are the lifestyle interventions for hypertension?
13. What are the first and second line pharmacologic agents for hypertension?
A. How do they act?
B. What are their special indications?
C. What are their contraindications/side effects?
14. What are the possible complications of HTN and what is the impact of treatment?
15. What are the measures to prevent the occurrence of hypertension?