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Systematic Planning For Media Use

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SYSTEMATIC PLANNING FOR - Formal (standardized test) c) How much effort students

MEDIA USE invest in learning

- Informal (in-class
MEDIA SELECTION questioning/ out-class
• If we want to use media 3) Physiological factors
effectively we must plan c) Learning styles
systematically for their use - gender differences, health and
- a cluster of psychological environmental condition
• ASSURE MODEL traits that determine how
individual perceives,
• ASSURE MODEL – to assure interacts with, and
effective use of media 2) State objectives
responds emotionally to
• ASSURE MODEL – focuses leaning environment - objectives will make us to select
on planning classroom use appropriate methods and media
Learning styles categories:
of media - it will lead us to create a learning
1) Perceptual preferences and environment so that the
strengths objectives can be reached
1) Analyze learners - Auditory The ABCDs of Well-stated
- General characteristics - Visual Objectives

- Specific entry competencies - Tactile 1) Audience

- Learning styles - Kinesthetic 2) Behaviour – observable and

measurable behaviour
a) General characteristics 2) Motivational factor
3) Conditions – under which
- Demographic background - Various emotional factors the performance to be
may influence: observed
b) Specific entry competencies
a) What we pay attention to 4) Degree – the acceptable
- Pre-requisite knowledge or
performance will be judged-
skill to begin the lesson b) How long we pay attention
- quantitative : time and 3) Select Methods, media and situation, learner variables,
accuracy materials nature of

- qualitative : e.g. a sample 3 steps: the objectives

of answer
1) Choosing a method

2) Choosing a media format 3) Obtaining specific

Classifications of objectives – materials
Blooms’ 3) Obtaining specific
materials a) Selecting available materials
1) Cognitive domain – involves
an array of intellectual - ‘off the shelf’: ready made and
capabilities available
1) Deciding on the
2) Affective domain – involves appropriate teaching - involving the Media Specialist
feeling and values methods
b) Selecting available materials
(encouraging healthy social – Lecture?? Simulation?
attitudes, adopting a set of Discussion?? - we Criteria:
ethical standards) will probably incorporate two - does it match the curriculum?
3) Psychomotor domain – or more methods
involves athletic, manual - Is it accurate and current?
and other physical skills
- does it contain clear and concise
2) Choosing a media format language?
OBJECTIVES – are not intended to
limit what a student learns - the physical form in which a - will it arouse motivation and
message is incorporated and maintain interest?
OBJECTIVES – provide a minimum displayed
level of expected achievement
- is it of good technical quality is
- Flip chart?? Slides?? there evidence of its
Acknowledge individual Multimedia??
differences in stating the effectiveness?
objectives - Consider instructional setting c) Designing new materials
Consider: Proper warm-up: - whether the students are
learned what supposed to be
- Equipment – to produce or -overview of the lesson, rationale learned?
use the materials of the lesson
- method of evaluation depending
- Facilities – available or 5) Provide the learning experience on the nature of the objectives
- showmanship
- Time – do have a time to
design new materials?? - teacher centred or students 2) Evaluation of Media and
centred?? Methods

- were the instructional media and

4) Utilize Media and method effective??
Materials 5) Require learner
participation -could they be improved?
Follow the 5 Ps:
- Active participation in the -through: class discussion,
1) Preview the materials learning process enhances learning interviews and observation of
- Participation may include: student behaviour
- to avoid embarrassment
practicing new vocabulary, solving
- to avoid sensitive content math problems on a worksheet,
project paper

- Some media formats can attract

2) Prepare the materials
students to participate more than
-determine in what sequence the others
materials will be used

3) Prepare the environment

6) Evaluate and revise
- location
1) Evaluation of learner
- situation achievement

4) Prepare the learners

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