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Vol21 No.2 2006



Ann X. Huang
John J. Wheeler
Tennessee Technological University
Individuals with high-functioning autism are characterized by almost normal
language ability and intelligence as well as social, pragmatic impairments.
Before the 1980s, limited research was focused on this disorder. This paper
reviews previous research on this underserved population with a hope that
we are able to gain some insights from existing literature and seek directions
for future research. The definition and diagnostic criteria for highfunctioning autism are addressed first, and then followed by an overview of
the characteristics of these individuals and its relationship with Aspergers
syndrome. Finally, research on the social/emotional well being of individuals
with this disorder will be introduced as will research on theory of mind and
other related research in the fields of neuroscience and cognitive science.
Since Kanner first published his groundbreaking study on autism in 1943, countless
researchers have focused their research interest on this disorder. According to the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM-IV, 1994), individuals with autism are
characterized by impairments in normal social interaction and/or communication, and by
repetitive behavior and/or interest. This pervasive developmental disability usually occurs
before the age of three and may last for a lifetime. Although research in the past few decades
has led to great progress in this field, its causes are still unknown.
Since the 1970s, a lot of researchers have been working hard to advance peoples
understanding of individuals with this disorder as well as to develop behavioral and
educational interventions to improve their social communication abilities and daily
functioning skills. However, most existing studies are focused on young children or
elementary students with moderate to severe autism (especially in recent years, society has
begun to realize the essential importance of early identification and early intervention for
conditions such as autism), comparatively, individuals with high-functioning autism (HFA)
are underserved. To better serve this disadvantaged group, more exploration and greater
public awareness need to occur.
According to Kanner (1943), individuals with autism can be defined as high functioning if
they have almost normal language ability and intelligence. As mentioned previously, HFA
received comparatively little attention of researchers until recently in the United States.
Several researchers began studying individuals with HFA in the late 1980s (e.g., Levy, 1986;
Tsai & Scott-Miller, 1988). They found that these individuals have very different
characteristics, strengths and needs from those with moderate to severe autism (Levy, 1986;
Tsai, 1992).
This article is an overview of existing literature on high functioning autism, concerning its
definition and diagnostic criteria, characteristics (strengths and needs), its relationship with
Asperger syndrome, its related emotional problems, and explanation of theory of mind, as
well as other related research in the fields of neuroscience and cognitive science. Such an



Vol21 No.2 2006

overview is essential in the hope that we are able to gain some insights from existing research
and seek directions for future research.
Definition and Diagnostic Criteria
Within existing literature, researchers proposed several similar definitions for highfunctioning autism. Researchers from Yale University defined high-functioning autism as
individuals with autism whose full-scale IQ is greater than 70, without significant language
and intellectual delays (Rubin & Lennon, 2004). Attwood (2003) reported the term highfunctioning autism was initially used to describe individuals who demonstrated typical
symptoms of autism when they were young children, but as they grow older, they gradually
showed greater degree of cognition, social and adaptive behavior skills with good long-term
clinical outcomes compared to other children diagnosed with autism. Based on previous
research and the ICD-10th (International Classification of Disease, 10 th revision) system, Tsai
(1992) proposed a specific definition for high-functioning autism as follows:
High functioning autism is a subtype of pervasive developmental disorders. It is defined by
the presence of slightly abnormal and/or mildly impaired development in the areas of social
interaction and communication, as well as by the presence of restricted, repetitive behavior.
The characteristic type of abnormal functioning is manifested before the age of 3 years.
There is some difficulty in domestic, school, occupational, or social functioning, but there
are some meaningful interpersonal relationships (p. 36).
Although many researchers believed it is necessary to further sub-classify autism (e.g., Tsai,
1992), it is frustrated to know that even today, no standardized or official diagnostic criteria
are available for HFA, despite the fact that some researchers (i.e., Tsai & Scott-Miller, 1988)
have already called for clearer diagnostic criteria for this population since almost twenty years
ago. Among the existing literature, Tsai (1992) proposed the following diagnostic criteria
according to the ICD-10th:
A. Criteria A, B, C, and D as described in the proposed ICD-10 definition and
diagnostic criteria of childhood autism (see early section).
B. Nonverbal IQ of 70 or above on an individually administered standardized test.
C. Language comprehension, as assessed on a standardized test, that fall no lower
than one standard deviation below the mean for children younger than the age of 8,
or two standard deviations for children age 8 or older.
D. Expressive language skills, as assessed on a standardized test, that falls no lower
than one standard deviation below the mean for children younger than the age of 8,
or two standard deviations for children age 8 or older.
E. Social functioning, as assessed on a standardized test that falls no lower than one
standard deviation below the mean for children younger than the age of 8, or two
standard deviations for children age 8 or older.
F. The clinical picture is not attributable to the other varieties of pervasive
developmental disorders; specific developmental disorder of receptive language with
secondary socio-emotional problems; reactive attachment disorder or disinhibited
attachment disorder; Aspergers syndrome; obsessive-compulsive disorders; Tourette
syndrome, or schizophrenia of unusually early onset (p. 36).

Characteristics of Individuals with HFA: Cognitive Profiles

Overall, individuals with HFA display many different characteristics from other members of
the autistic population. Based on findings from previous neuropsychological studies, this
session introduces the cognitive profiles of individuals with HFA in the following areas: (1)
intelligence, strengths and needs; (2) attention, language and social communication skills; and
(3) exceptional strengths, academic ability and learning style; as well as (4) executive



Vol21 No.2 2006

functioning. A better understanding of this population is essential and can help us design more
appropriate and effective educational interventions for these individuals.
Intelligence, Strengths & Needs
Although individuals with HFA have almost normal intellectual and language development,
researchers have found cognitive development is uneven within this group (Lincoln,
Courchesne, Kilman, Elmasian, & Allen, 1988; Rubin & Lennon, 2004), which was consistent
with the findings of previous studies. Research showed that IQ test profiles vary with
developmental level among individuals with HFA (Rumsey, 1992, p. 44). For example, those
who with lower Full Scale IQs (below 85) showed better performance scores than verbal
scores, while those with higher Full Scale IQs demonstrated almost no discrepancies in verbal
scores (Szatmari, Tuff, Finlayson, & Bartolucci, 1990). Some researchers believed, for
individuals with HFA, it is the social-affective impairments that are the basic concern, but not
cognitive deficits (Fein, Penington, Markowitz, Braverman, & Waterhouse, 1986).
Conversely, other researchers argued that cognitive deficits are the basis on which social
impairments rest (Rutter, 1987). Based on previous studies, researcher summarized the
relative strengths and challenges of this population as follows:
Relative strengths:
Visual discrimination; Visual spatial processing; Capacity to focus or sustain attention
for static visual information; Ability to immediately recall information of a rote nature;
Recall of discrete information versus more complex or conceptual information;
Associative learning (e.g., stimulus-response learning, paired learning); Procedural
learning (e.g., calculations, reproduction of music, and drawings)
Relative challenges:
Expressive and receptive language; Disengaging and/or shifting attention; Shifting
attention between response modalities (e.g., between auditory to visual); Making rapid
changes to task expectations; Recalling information in the absence of contextual or
semantic cues; Organizing information; Recalling aspects of a learning episode that
are not explicitly targeted; Coping with new information due to cognitive inflexibility,
incomplete understanding of implicit concepts, or problems in strategy generation
(Tsatsanis, 2004, p. 262).
Attention, Language, & Social Communication Skill
Limited research has been done to measure attention in individuals with HFA. According to
previous studies on individuals with classic autism, these individuals tend to show rare narrow
attention and inability to shift attention flexibly (Rumsey, 1992). Recent research indicated
that most members of this group face challenges in two major areas: joint attention and
symbol use (National Research Council [NRC], 2001; Prizant, Wetherby, Rubin, & Laurent,
2003; Prizant, Wetherby, & Rydell, 2000; Rubin & Lennon, 2004). Rubin and Lennon (2004)
believe these two areas play essential role in social learning: they have tremendous influence
on the development of social communication skills in individuals with HFA. They have
identified common social communication challenges in this group in these two areas:
Capacity for joint attention:
Determining the attentional focus, perspectives, and intentions of others.
Perceiving emotional states and considering plausible causal factors.
Initiating and maintaining conversational exchanges that are sensitive to the
social context, the interests of others, and the previous knowledge of those involved.
d. Recognizing and repairing breakdowns in communicative exchanges on the basis
of misinterpretations or the emotional reactions of others.
Capacity for symbol use:
Understanding and using more sophisticated language as a means to clarify



Vol21 No.2 2006

Understanding and using nonverbal cues (e.g., gestures, facial expression,
body proximity, and intonation) as a means to clarify intentions such as emotion,
humor, sarcasm, and non-literal meanings.
Understanding and adhering to social conventions and cultural norms for
initiating, exchanging turns, and terminating interactions.
Using language as a tool for guiding behavior, collaborating with others, and
emotional regulation (Rubin & Lennon, 2004, p. 273).
Language delay in early childhood is evident in individuals with HFA (Rubin & Lennon,
2004). Such individuals can read at early childhood and may have relatively sophisticated
vocabularies (Fullerton, 1996). However, they cannot use language to communicate with
people around them effectively because of pragmatic deficits: they tend to engage in
nonreciprocal and preservative speech and language, with flat intonation, and without
following the flow, give-and-take, or focus of conversation (Rumsey, 1992, p. 50). Language
problems, such as self-talking, word or phrase repetition, nonsense speech, and failure to
comprehend words in different contexts (literalness), as well as inflexibility, can be found in
individuals with HFA (Dewey & Everward, 1974; Rumsey, 1992).
Researchers have found that time and experience can improve receptive and expressive
language in some individuals with HFA (Cantwell & Baker, 1989; Lord & Paul, 1997; Paul &
Cohen, 1984). However for some people with this disorder, echolalia language may last into
adolescence or even adulthood, especially when communicating with unfamiliar people
(Rydell & Prizant, 1995). This is consistent with a recent study on sentence comprehension in
HFA, which suggested that different degrees of information integration and synchronization
in language processing can be found in individuals with HFA (Just, Cherkassky, Keller, &
Minshew, 2004, p. 1811).
It is evident that individuals with autism show both verbal and nonverbal communication
deficits (Rumsey, Andreasen, & Rapoport, 1986). Researchers found individuals with HFA
demonstrate fewer nonverbal communication skills such as facial expression or gestures,
compared to their typical peers (Rubin & Lennon, 2004). They are also unable to comprehend
complex social interaction, or to understand other peoples emotional states through reading
their facial expressions and body language (Rubin & Lennon, 2004). They are insensitive to
social and emotional cues, with limited awareness of what causes these emotional states
(Klin, Jones, Schultz, & Volkmar, 2003). Some researchers have suggested that it is these
deficits in the use of pragmatic language that result in the social learning disabilities in
individuals with HFA (Landa, 2000). Other researchers also believe that their inappropriate
social behavior may stem from their poor social comprehension (Rubin & Lennon, 2004). In
the eyes of typically developing people, this population lacks empathy, is unable to appreciate
humor, and may appear eccentric or aloof (Rumsey, 1992).
Exceptional Strengths, Academic Ability & Learning Style
Despite their vulnerabilities in social communication, individuals with HFA actually
demonstrate relative strengths in visual-spatial perception and visual memory (Rubin &
Lennon, 2004, p. 280). According to Tsatsanis (2004), individuals with this disorder usually
acquire new information through rote memory, classical conditioning (stimulus-response
learning), and mechanical/procedural learning (p. 263). Previous studies have also suggested
that many individuals with HFA have unusual visual memory (or rote memory) and can learn
detailed, concrete things very well (Fullerton, 1996; Rumsey, 1992), even though they may
not be able to comprehend (Fullerton, 1996). Previous research indicated individuals with
HFA have difficulty retrieving information effectively rather than encoding information
(Bennetto et al., 1996).
Besides their relative strengths in visual-spatial perception and visual memory, some
individuals with HFA also excel in some specific areas, such as calculating and solving math



Vol21 No.2 2006

problems, artistic giftedness (e.g., drawing & music), and supersensory perception (e.g., the
ability to complete puzzles or form boards unusually quickly) (Tsai, 1992). Rumsey and
Hamburger (1990) found many individuals with HFA demonstrate sound ability in the areas
of reading, spelling and calculating. However, compared with their dyslexic peers, their
abilities to comprehend and to use semantic context are poor (Frith & Snowing, 1983).
Executive Function
Executive dysfunction in individuals with autism and Asperger syndrome has been
documented in the existing literature for more than two decades (Bennetto, Pennington, &
Rogers, 1996; McEvoy, Rogers, & Pennington, 1993; Ozonoff & McEvoy, 1994; Ozonoff,
Pennington, & Rogers, 1991; Rumsey, 1985). Executive function (EF) includes such abilities
as planning, organization, flexibility, and self-regulation (Stuss & Benson, 1986), which are
essential elements for everyday functioning and school success (Ozonoff, 1998, p. 263).
Research suggested executive dysfunction is resulted from the frontal lobe damage (Ozonoff,
1998; Stuss & Benson, 1986). The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) is the most popular
task used to measure EF in individuals with autism. Other measures include Trail Making Test
and Tower of Hanoi. Previous research showed individuals with HFA perform worse on the
above tests than their normally developing controls (Rumsey, 1985), or control groups with
other disabilities such as severe dyslexia (Rumsey & Hamburger, 1988), learning disabilities
(Borys, Spitz, & Dorans, 1982) and other executive function disorders (Szatmari et al., 1990).
High-Functioning Autism & Asperger Syndrome
Controversy in Diagnosis
Although individuals with HFA and individuals with Asperger syndrome (AS) have many
characteristics in common, such as normal IQ, relatively unimpaired language ability and
adaptive behavior skills, studies from various disciplines have indicated that researchers have
not been able to reach a consensus that HFA and AS are the same thing with different names
(Rubin & Lennon, 2004). It is interesting to note that, although no standardized and/or official
diagnostic criteria are available for HFA, the American Psychiatric Association did propose
diagnostic criteria for AS in the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder (DSMIV, 4th, 1994).
According to Gillberg (1998),
The most controversial issues in the diagnosis of AS versus HFA appear to be
whether or not: (a) motor skills should be regarded as a differentiating feature;
(b) AS or HFA could be associated with cognitive disability; (c) language is
impaired in HFA but spared or even hyper-functioning in AS; (d) a diagnosis of
HFA and of AS can be made in the same individual at different stages of
development; and (e) HFA and AS refer to the same or distinct groups of
individuals (p. 201).
Distinct Intellectual Profiles
As mentioned earlier, although individuals with HFA and individuals with AS share some
similarities, research has suggested that individuals with HFA possess distinct intellectual
profiles from individuals with AS (e.g., Rubin & Lennon, 2004; Tsatsanis, 2004). Overall,
researchers reported that individuals with AS tend to have higher IQs than individuals with
HFA (Ehlers et al., 1996). Studies revealed individuals with HFA usually perform better at
non-verbal tasks, so they have higher scores on performance IQ (PIQ) than verbal IQ (VIQ)
on standardized tests; in contrast, people with AS are characterized by a high VIQ and a
relatively low PIQ (Klin, Volkmar, Sparrow, Cicchetti, & Rourke, 1995; Rubin & Lennon,
2004; Tsatsanis, 2004). Tsatsanis (2004) summarized the relative strengths and challenges of
individuals with AS as follows (the similar profiles of individuals with HFA can be found in
the previous section):
Relative Strengths:
Expressive and receptive language; verbal problem-solving skills
(lexical knowledge and vocabulary, verbal expressiveness and



Vol21 No.2 2006

verbal memory); ability to shift conceptual set when aided by

verbal modality.
Relative Challenges:
Visual spatial processing, particularly with more complex visual
information (e.g., nonverbal social cues); visual working memory;
visual motor integration; inconsistent attentional focus,
particularly to visual information; difficulty forming visual mental
representations to guide behavior; challenges in dealing with new
information because of nonverbal deficits, and difficulties with
using language to support organization (p. 266).
Other Related Issues
Concerning early language development, comparative studies have reported that individuals
with AS have fewer language problems than individuals with HFA (Gillberg, 1998). Theory of
mind deficits are very commonplace in individuals with HFA (Baron-Cohen et al., 1985);
however only very young children with AS may have the same problem (Frith, 1991, Happ,
1994), while older children and adolescents with AS usually perform better in theory of mind
tasks (Prior et al., 1990; Happ, et al., 1996). Although many researchers agreed that both
HFA and AS are a result of brain dysfunction (Frith, 1991), researchers (e.g., Gillberg, 1998)
found the rate of brain dysfunction appears to be lower in AS than in HFA (p. 203). Findings
from genetic studies have revealed that AS is a predominantly genetic disorder while HFA is
either a genetic disorder with a different inheritance pattern or more often caused by brain
damage (Gillberg, 1998, p. 204).
According to studies in HFA, individuals with higher intelligence have better outcomes; while
research based on outcomes for individuals with AS have been limited, so no related finding
has been released so far (Gillberg, 1998). However, researchers (i.e., Wing 1981a; Wolff &
McGuire, 1995) did find that individuals with AS tend to have a high suicide rate. Recently,
several Canadian researchers (i.e., Starr, Szatmari, Bryson, & Zwaigenbaum, 2003) examined
the stability and change over time (two years) by using ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic InterviewRevised, Lord, Rutter, & Le Couteur, 1994) ratings in two subgroups of PDD children: HFA
and AS. They found significant differences between the two groups: the group with AS
showed fewer and/or less severe symptoms in all three domains (communication, social
interaction, and repetitive and stereotyped behavior) than the HFA group over time. Both
groups experienced improvement in communication and social interaction over time, but not
in repetitive and stereotyped behavior, which the researchers believed is not caused by IQ.
These findings are not consistent with those of Piven et al. (1996), who found improvements
in all three areas over time, especially in communication and social interaction.
Over the past three decades, scientists and researchers from multiple disciplines have been
working hard to explore the relationship between HFA and AS. However, due to the
limitations of our current knowledge and the development of clinical technologies, no clearcut consensus has been reached to date. It seems it is reasonable to predict that this debate
will continue for some time to come.
Emotional Problems in Individuals with HFA
Many researchers believe that social skill deficits contribute to the development of emotional
problems in individuals with autism (Attwood, 1998; Gillot, Furniss, & Walter, 2001).
According to Attwood (1998), anxiety is a common emotional problem in this population.
Gillott et al. (2001) also reported that children with HFA have significant higher scores on
anxiety measurement than typically developing peers, or peers with other learning disorders.
Similarly, Kim et al. (2000) conducted a survey to examine the prevalence of emotional
problems among children with autism, and found 13.6% of 59 participants with either HFA or
AS have scores more than two standardized deviations above the mean on a parent-report



Vol21 No.2 2006

measure of generalized anxiety, and on internalized factors such as generalized anxiety,

separation anxiety, and depression.
Social Skill Deficits & Anxiety
As mentioned earlier, research indicates that there is a link between social skill deficits and
social anxiety in individuals with autism. Researchers believe that individuals who have
experienced, for example, negative peer interactions and/or peer rejection resulting from
social skill deficits, are more likely to develop social anxiety than their peers (Ginsburg, La
Greca, & Silverman, 1998; La Greca & Lopez, 1998). Tantam (2000) also found that social
functioning deficits have a tremendous negative impact on the individuals social interaction
with people around them. This also hinders the establishment of lasting and meaningful
friendships with peers, which may result in rejection and isolation, as well as the later
development of anxiety and depression.
Another recent study by Bellini (2004) explored the relationship between social skill deficits
and social anxiety. Forty-one adolescents and their families participating in this study were
asked to complete several measure instruments, including the Social Skills Rating System (or
SSRS; Gresham & Elliot, 1990), the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC;
March, 1999), the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (or SAS-A; La Greca, 1999), and the
Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC; Reynolds & Kamphaus, 1992). Results
indicated there is a low negative correlation between social skill deficits and social anxiety in
adolescents with high-functioning autism. These findings support previous studies.
HFA & Other Emotional Problems
In addition, researchers discovered individuals with autism are more likely to experience
loneliness caused by poor social interactions with typical peers (e.g., Asher, Parkhurst,
Hymel, & Williams, 1990; Bauminger, Shulman, & Agam, 2003). Bauminger et al. (2003)
examined social interaction with peers, and understanding and feelings of loneliness in 18
children with HFA and 17 typically developing children matched for IQ, chronological age,
gender, and maternal education. Through analyzing the data from onsite observations, results
indicated that there is a link between loneliness and poor social interaction, and that children
with HFA experience higher-level loneliness than their typically developing peers. Many
researchers believed their poor social interaction is the result of social-affective impairments,
which can be explained using theory of mind.
HFA & Theory of Mind
In the 1980s, Baron-Cohen started his studies of theory of mind (ToM) in individuals with
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and found that children with autism have problems
understanding other minds. Since then, numerous studies have supported the belief that theory
of mind deficit is a very common phenomenon in children with autism (For a review, see
Baron-Cohen, 2000). Most studies of theory of mind focus on individuals with HFA (here the
term individuals with HFA refers to people with autism who are verbal and do not have
mental retardation, or major impairing associated behavioral symptoms, (Baron-Cohen,
2000, p. ix), or autistic individuals with mind mental retardation and comparative lower
adaptive skills (Baron-Cohen, Tager-Flusberg, & Cohen, 2000).
As summarized by Baren-Cohen (2000), previous studies from different angles revealed that
mind blindness, also referred to as theory of mind deficit, is evident in children with autism.
For example, Baron-Cohen (1989a) discovered children with autism have significant
impairment in comprehending ontological differences between mental and physical entities
and events. Flavell and his colleagues (1986) reported that children with autism are not able to
distinguish between appearance and reality. Several studies have revealed that children with
autism have difficulty inferring the mental states of others: they tend to simply describe their
own perspectives rather than considering how different people might perceive or think about
the world (Baron-Cohen et al., 1985, 1986; Leekam & Perner, 1991; Perner et al., 1989; Reed



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& Peterson, 1990; Swettenham, 1996; Swettenham et al., 1996). Other researchers found that
young children with autism also have problems in interpreting simpler mental states, such as
others intentions, comparing to children with other developmental delays (Carpenter,
Pennington, & Rogers, 2001). Pratt and Bryant (1990) proved that it is hard for children with
autism to understand the seeing leads to knowing principles. Results from tests of recognizing
mental-state words showed that, compared to their normal peers, children with autism have
more difficulty in making correct judgments (Baren-Cohen et al., 1994).
With regard to the spontaneous speech of children with autism, researchers found that
members of this group employ fewer words to describe mental states than their typically
developing peers (Baron-Cohen et al., 1986; Tager-Flusberg, 1992); this may reveal that
children with autism have delays or deficits in comprehension of mental-state concepts
(Baron-Cohen, 2000, p. 8). Several studies have demonstrated that children with autism
perform less often in pretend play (Baron-Cohen, 1987; Lewis & Boucher, 1988) probably
because of a lack of imagination (Leslie, 1987) or executive dysfunction (Russell, 1997), or
both (Baron-Cohen, 2000). Results from tests of emotional causation showed that compared
to children with other developmental delays, children with autism have difficulty
understanding complex causes of emotion (Baron-Cohen, 1991; Baron-Cohen, et al., 1993a).
Children with autism also have difficulties inferring others thoughts and desires from gazedirection (Baron-Cohen et al., 1995; Leekam et al., 1997).
Furthermore, several studies demonstrated children with autism have difficulty in
understanding both when they are being deceived by others, and in trying to deceive others
(Baron-Cohen, 1992; Sodian & Frith, 1992; Yirmiya et al., 1996). Results from several more
advanced tests in figurative language and in intention to joke on children with HFA revealed
that this population fails to understand metaphor, sarcasm and irony; nor are they able to
understand jokes (Happ, 1994; Baron-Cohen, 1997). A similar study by Emerich et al.
(2003) investigated the ability to comprehend humorous materials including cartoons and
jokes in adolescents with HFA or AS. Results revealed that, compared with the control group
consisting of typically developing peers, the performance of adolescents with HFA or AS was
significantly poorer. Researchers also found children with autism have deficits in pragmatics,
such as using context and staying on topic (Baron-Cohen et al., 1999; Surian, Baron-Cohen,
& Van der Lely, 1996). In addition, other researchers have reported that imagination
impairments are evidenced in children with autism (Craig, 1997; Craig & Baron-Cohen,
Other Related Studies on HFA
Recent Studies on HFA from Neuroscience
Piggot et al. (2004) recently conducted a study that focused on the emotional attribution in
high-functioning individuals with ASD. The study aimed to determine whether expertise in
the attribution from basic facial expressions in high-functioning individuals with ASD is
supported by the amygdala, fusiform, and prefrontal regions of interest (ROI) and is
comparable to that of typically developing individuals (p. 473). Fourteen individuals (male)
with HFA and 10 typically developing adolescents participated in the study. Researchers first
acquired functional magnetic resonance imaging scans from all participants when they were
doing emotion match (EM) (perceptual), emotion label (EL) (linguistic), and control tasks.
Then researchers measured such parameters as accuracy, response time, and average
activation for each ROI. Results showed there was no significant difference in accuracy,
response time, or ROI activation between groups concerning EL tasks. However, with respect
to EM tasks, although accuracy was the same for both groups, the ASD group needed longer
response time and had lower average fusiform activation than the control group.
This study concluded the above hypothesis was supported in the perceptual task but not in the
linguistic task. Thus, expertise in emotional attribution from basic facial expressions is taskindependent in the high-functioning ASD group, and should not be generalized across



Vol21 No.2 2006

emotional attribution task in this population. The researchers believe that the reduced
fusiform activation is connected with the diagnosis of ASD.
Another study by Wang et al. (2004) aimed to examine the neural basis of impairments in
interpreting facial emotions in children and adolescents with ASD. Functional magnetic
resonance imaging scans were acquired from 12 persons with ASD and 12 typically
developing individuals when they were matching faces by emotion and assigning a label to
facial expressions. Results showed both groups demonstrated similar networks during the
process, for example, analogous activity in the fusiform gyrus (FG) and prefrontal cortex.
However, the ASD group showed significantly less activity than the control group in the FG
but greater activity in the precuneus when matching facial expressions, as revealed by the
between-group analyses in regions of interest (ROI). Researchers found no difference at both
behavioral and neural level between these two groups when labeling facial expressions.
Furthermore, moderate activity in the amygdala was noticed in the control group but not in
the ASD group. The study concluded that, to some degree, people with ASD employ different
neural networks when they are processing facial emotions. Individuals with HFA may
perform better in recognizing basic emotions, but still demonstrate differences when
processing facial expressions.
Recent Studies on Cognitive Science
A study by Toichi & Kamio (2001) suggested it is possible that semantic processing in
individuals with HFA might be qualitatively different from that in controls (p. 483). They later
conducted another study (Toichi & Kamio, 2003) to examine the nature of verbal long-term
memory (LTM) in individuals with HFA. Results indicated that the nature of verbal LTM in
individuals with autism is different from that of typically developing people. The study
suggested elaboration in verbal encoding in individuals with autism may be different from
ordinary semantic or associative elaboration in non-autistic individuals (p. 160). However,
other researchers (i.e., Beversdorf et al., 1998, 2000; Fein et al., 1996) reported that adults
(rather than children) with HFA have unimpaired LTM, even when using semantically related
materials. With regard to cognitive styles, a study by Teunisse et al., (2001) addressed two
important cognitive domains central coherence and cognitive shifting in individuals with
HFA. Researchers found that weak central coherence and poor cognitive shifting are
significantly more common in individuals with HFA than in normative control subjects (p. 55).
Autism is a complex mysterious developmental disorder. Although great progress has been
achieved in the past decades, our current knowledge about HFA is still far from sufficient.
Further research in this area is in urgent need. Advancing understanding in this area is
essential for the development of effective individualized educational interventions to better
serve those who not only suffer from their own disabilities but also from other peoples
misunderstanding, as well as to enhance quality of life of people with this disorder.
Future research should pay more attention to early identification of HFA in very young
children. Adolescents and young adults with HFA also deserve more attention of researchers,
so do other practical issues such as transition and job training. Studies focused on long-term
outcome of individuals with this disorder need further exploration. No doubt, continuing our
journal of developing effective and efficient educational programs or interventions for
children with HFA still ranks the most important thing.
American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental
disorder (DSM-IV, 4th, pp. 70-71). Washington, DC: Author.
Asher, S.R., Parkhurst, J.T., Hymel, S., & Williams, G.A. (1990). Peer rejection and
loneliness in childhood. In S.R. Asher, & J.D. Coie (Eds.), Peer rejection in childhood (pp.
253-273). New York: Cambridge University Press.



Vol21 No.2 2006

Attwood, T. (1998). Aspergers syndrome: A guide for parents and professionals.

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