Using Learning and Instructional Theories in Teaching Mathematics
Using Learning and Instructional Theories in Teaching Mathematics
Using Learning and Instructional Theories in Teaching Mathematics
Understanding of theories about how people learn and the ability to apply
these theories in teaching mathematics are important prerequisites for
effective mathematics teaching. Many people have approached the study
of intellectual development and the nature of learning in different ways;
this has resulted in several theories of learning. Although there is still
some disagreement among psychologists, learning theorists, and
educators about how people learn and the most effective methods for
promoting learning, there are many areas of agreement. The different
theories of learning should not be viewed as a set of competing theories,
one of which is true and the others false. Each theory can be regarded as a
method of organizing and studying some of the many variables in learning
and intellectual development, and teachers can select and apply
elsements of each theory in their own classes. You may find that some
theories are more applicable to you and your student because they seem
to be appropriate models for the learning environment and the students
with whom you interact. However, a perceptive teacher will find some
applications of each learning theory for his or her students. As a
consequence of being able to appreciate the learning theoretic reasons for
various forms of behavior exhibited by each student, he or she will be a
more understanding and sympathetic teacher.
In the past many mathematics teachers and teacher educators
neglected the application of theories about the nature of learning and
centered their teaching methods around knowledge of the subject. Recent
findings in learning theory, better understanding of mental development,
and new applications of theory to classroom teaching how enable teachers
to choose teaching strategies according to information about the nature
of learning. The purpose of this chapter is to present several the major
theories about the nature of intellectual development, to discuss theories
about learning, and to illustrate applications of each theory to teaching
and learning mathematics.
First, we will look at the theory of Jean Piaget who has determined
and studied the various stages through which humans progress in their
intellectual growth from birth to adulthood. Next we will consider the work
of J. P. Guilford, who has developed and tested a theoretical model of
human intellectual structure. Guilford and his associates have identified
one hundred twenty intellectual aptitudes which encompass many of the
mental abilities which are capable of being measured and evaluated. We
will also consider the work of Robert Gagne who has identified four
phases of a learning sequence. These phases are the apprehending phase,
the acquisition phase, the storage phase, and the retrieval phase. Gagne
also has specified eight types of learning which can be distinguished from
each other according to the necessary conditions for the occurrence of
each learning type; they are signal teaching, stimulus-response learning,
chaining, verbal association, discrimination learning, concept learning, rule
relation to themselves. Young children believe that all their thoughts and
experiences are shared by everyone else, that inanimate objects have
animate characteristics, and that the distinction between one and many is
of little consequence. This explains why a young child does not question a
different Santa Claus on every street corner and Santa Claus mannequins
in every department store window. The preoperational thinker has
difficulty reversing thoughts and reconstructing actions, can not consider
two aspects of an object or a situation simultaneously, and does not
reason inductively (from specific to general) or deductively (from general
to specific). The young child reasons transductively; that is, from specific
instances to specific instances. In this stage children can not differentiate
fact and fancy, which is why their lies are not a consequence of any
moral deficiency, but result from their inability to separate real events
from the world of their imaginations. Through physical maturation and
interacting with his or her environment, the child in the pre-conceptual
stage is developing the necessary mental schemas to operate at a higher
intellectual level. Near the end of this stage children become capable of
giving reasons for their beliefs, can classify sets of objects according to a
single specified characteristic, and begin to attain some actual concepts.
Concrete Operational Stage
The concrete operational stage of mental development extends from age
seven to age twelve, thirteen or even later. At the beginning of this stage
there is a substantial decrease in childrens egocentricity; play with other
children replaces isolated play and individualized play in the presence of
other children. In this stage children become able to classify objects
having several characteristics into sets and subsets according to specified
characteristics, and they can simultaneously consider several
characteristics of an object. They begin to understand jokes; however they
still have trouble explaining proverbs and fail to see hidden meanings.
They are now able to deal with complex relationship between classes, can
reverse operations and procedures, and can understand and visualize
intermediate states of a transformation such as the sun rising and setting.
In the concrete operational period children become able to see another
persons viewpoint and near the end of this period begin to reason
inductively and deductively; however many still tend to regard successive
examples of a general principle as unrelated events.
Although children in this stage to develop many of the intellectual
abilities found in adults, they have difficulties understanding verbal
abstractions. They can perform complex operations such as reversibility,
substitution, unions and intersections of sets, and serial orderings on
concrete objects, but may not be able to carry out these same operations
with verbal symbols. Their powers of judgement and logical reasoning are
not well developed, and they rarely can solve a problem such as: Jane is
taller than Bill; Jane is shorter than Susan; who is shortest of the three?
However, children in this stage can order a pile of sticks from shortest to
longest. Before the end of this period children are seldom able to