Good NLP Pattern
Good NLP Pattern
Good NLP Pattern
Revolution, September
You want to Sow Excellence in every part of your life. What better way than start with your health!
Healer Within is a New Code NLP Pattern developed by Dr. John Grinder and Carmen Bostic St. Clair
which is used as a pre-emptive measure to avoid illness as well as cure diseases and other medical
conditions. The fundamental presupposition of Healer within is that every individual has the power to
heal himself using his/her own internal resources. Our body is constantly communicating with us in
different ways. One such way is through body signals in the form of sensations, aches, pains,
conditions such as fever, cold etc. Paying attention to these signals can empower us to retain full
health or rejuvenate ourselves back to health when necessary. This gives you the ability to maintain
the much needed psycho-physiological state of balance.
IMPORTANT NOTE Attempt the following only if you know how to establish and verify
involuntary signals as practiced in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Healer Within is a simple 3 step process which does not require the person to necessarily experience a
deep altered state. Before getting into the process, it is necessary to self calibrate and pay attention to
various internal signals and establish the appropriate signals for yes and no. This signal must be an
involuntary signal which means it cannot be manipulated by conscious control. This is an important
pre-requisite for the healer within to work as described below. This will serve as a means for internal
unconscious communication, making the process simple and easy to execute.
The underlying presupposition of Healer Within is that there is a positive intention to feel a particular
way, just like the re-framing pattern. However the one of the difference is that you are using the
symptom itself as a signal instead of establishing other involuntary signals.
Healer Within can be done consciously using the support of your verified involuntary signals (usually a
variation of the symptom like headache) by asking your unconscious these three questions as
Do you know how to correct the current condition completely and return me back to full health?
Do you take full responsibility and commitment to correct this and return me to full health?
As John Grinder says Its not how you got here that counts, the real question is where do you want to
Think about this. You have different physical sensations in your body every day which maybe an
indication of something that your unconscious wants you to do to retain that balance in your body; a
habit or an activity. What if you were empowered with the wisdom to identify and respond to these
signals as required, such that you can avoid health issues even before they occur? How would this
knowledge empower your life holistically? What does this mean for people around you? And what if
you could yield this magic wand on people around you for a blissful life?
All this and more are what we learnt at uPwithNLP with Antano & Harini and more recently, we
witnessed Dr.John Grinders Installations of Healer Within patterning at the seminar in Murcia, Spain,
this month. Our entire experience, learning and the magic that he has spread in us brings immense
joy and we are eternally grateful for his continued support.