Magento 2 Cookbook - Sample Chapter

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Magento 2 Cookbook

This merchant and developer guide is packed with recipes that cover all aspects of Magento 2.
The recipes start with simple how-to's then delve into more advanced topics as the book progresses.
By the end of this book, you'll be competent with all the development phases of Magento 2 and its
most common elements.

What this book will do

for you...
Set up a Magento 2 project on Apache

Transfer your Magento 1 database to

Magento 2 using the Magento 2 system tools

Magento 2 Cookbook

Magento 2 is an open source e-commerce platform that has the functionality to function from small to
large online stores.



Boost the performance of Magento 2 by

enabling different types of caching

Build a Magento 2 multi-store by creating a

Root Catalog, subdirectories, and products

Create and manage pages, blocks, and

frontend apps

Inside the Cookbook...

Quick answers to common problems

A straightforward and easy-to-follow format

A selection of the most important tasks

and problems

Carefully organized instructions to solve

Manage your Magento store by setting up the

Create basic and advanced extensions using

Clear explanations of what you did

Solutions that can be applied to solve

real-world problems

Magento 2
$ 44.99 US
28.99 UK

Ray Bogman
Vladimir Kerkhoff

correct tax rules

problems efficiently

Magento 2 Cookbook
Over 50 practical recipes that will help you realize the full potential
of Magento in order to build a professional online store
Foreword by Guido Jansen, Magento Community Manager

community experience distilled


Prices do not include

local sales tax or VAT
where applicable


Visit for books, eBooks,

code, downloads, and PacktLib.

Ray Bogman
Vladimir Kerkhoff

In this package, you will find:

The authors biography

A preview chapter from the book, Chapter 2 'Magento 2 System Tools'
A synopsis of the books content
More information on Magento 2 Cookbook

About the Authors

Ray Bogman is an IT professional and Magento evangelist from the Netherlands. He
started working with computers in 1983 as a hobby at first. In the past, he has worked for
KPN, a large Dutch Telecom company, as a senior security officer.
He has been the CTO of Wild Hibiscus, Netherlands, since 2010, and cofounder and business
creator of Yireo until 2011, Jira ICT since 2005, and CTO of SupportDesk B.V., which he
cofounded in 2011.
At SupportDesk B.V., he is a Magento, Joomla, OroCRM, web / server / mobile performance
specialist, and security evangelist. His focus during the day is business/product development
and training webmasters and consultants about the power of Magento, from the basics up to
an advanced level. He has trained over 1,000 Magento and 750 Joomla experts worldwide
since 2005.
At Magento events such as Magento Developers Paradise, Meet Magento, and MagentoLive,
he has been a regular speaker since 2009.
He has participated in reviewing Mastering Magento (2012), Mastering Magento
Theme Design (2014), Magento Administration Guide (2014), Learning Magento Theme
Development (2014), and the video, Mastering Magento (2013), all by Packt Publishing.

Vladimir Kerkhoff is an experienced IT professional, 4-times Magento Certified Developer

from the Netherlands, and working with Magento since late 2009.
Currently, Vladimir is the founder/owner of Genmato BV, a Magento extension development
company. He is also available for cool freelance projects. Vladimir has had a long career in
the IT industry. He started his career in 1992 in an IT company, managing customer corporate
networks (Bionet, Novell Netware, and Windows Server). In 1996, he was the cofounder and
CTO of Perfect InterNetworking Solutions (PINS), a large Dutch-managed hosting provider.
After leaving PINS in 2009, he cofounded eFulFillers offering web shop fulfilment services
based on the Magento platform.

Magento is one of the most successful open source e-commerce platforms out there today.
It is powerful enough to build small or enterprise businesses.
The first stable version of Magento was released in 2008. Since the beginning, lots of
merchants have chosen Magento to be their platform with great success.
The current global ecosystem of Magento includes 240+ merchants, 300+ partners, and
4500+ certified developers, and this number is growing on a daily basis.
Over the last few years, e-commerce has changed a lot, so Magento announced a new
platform that will support this. This new era of commerce is called Magento 2.
Magento 2 offers enhanced performance and scalability. The new platform is built from
scratch to enable lots of new features. It supports both B2C and B2B businesses, and will
serve the best omnichannel shopping experiences to their shoppers.
This book will provide you with the necessary insights to get a better understanding on what is
needed to build such a powerful commerce platform.
The book is divided into several recipes, which show you which steps to take to complete a
specific action. In each recipe, we have a section that explains how everything works.
It will cover installing a Magento 2 website, configuring your categories and products,
performance tuning, creating a theme, developing a module, and much more.
At the end of this book, you will gain the knowledge to start building a success website.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Installing Magento 2 on Apache and NGINX, is a totally different ballgame
compared to Magento 1. Where Magento 1 could be installed through FTP or SSH,
Magento 2 is installable only via the command-line interface for an experienced webmaster.

Chapter 2, Magento 2 System Tools, explains how to install Magento 2 via the command
shell. Magento released a new powerful tool to manage and install sample data, reindex
your database, back up your site, or flush your caches, which are just a few of the options.
Chapter 3, Enabling Performance in Magento 2, explains how to configure different types of
caching options. In Magento 2, the Full Page Cache (FPC) can be handled by Varnish to give
your store a performance boost. There are also external services that you can use as a cache.
Chapter 4, Creating Catalogs and Categories, shows you one of the major elements of a
Magento store before creating products. Creating the correct product type including attributes
is an important step in setting up a Magento store.
Chapter 5, Managing Your Store, covers setting up the correct tax rules, configuring an
inventory, and creating customer groups.
Chapter 6, Creating a Magento 2 Theme, discusses the Magento 2 blank theme and how to
use the fallback to create seasonal variations. It also explains how the new theme is set up
and where files are stored.
Chapter 7, Creating Magento 2 Extensions the Basics, contains the basic functions required
to use extensions in a Magento 2 installation. It contains a brief introduction to new methods
introduced in the Magento 2 framework and examples on how to create basic functions.
Chapter 8, Creating Magento 2 Extensions Advanced, explains how to use advanced
features in extensions for Magento 2. It also includes how to add unit/functional tests
as this is a new requirement for extensions listed on the new Magento Connect.

Magento 2
System Tools
In this chapter, we will cover the basic tasks related to managing the system tools of
Magento 2. You will learn the following recipes:

Installing Magento 2 sample data via GUI

Installing Magento 2 sample data via the command line

Managing Magento 2 indexes via the command line

Managing Magento 2 cache via the command line

Managing Magento 2 backup via the command line

Managing Magento 2 set mode (MAGE_MODE)

Transferring your Magento 1 database to Magento 2

This chapter explains how to install and manage Magento 2 on a production-like environment.
We will be installing a new Magento 2 instance via the shell command with and without
sample data. Besides the setup, managing Magento 2 is different from the current Magento
version. We will be using a lot of tools from the command line so basic shell knowledge is
advised. The command-line tool in the /bin directory is similar to the current Swiss army
knife tool in the current Magento version known as n98-magerun.
Using bin/magento and Composer is one of the new key features in Magento 2 that will rock
your world.


Magento 2 System Tools

The recipes in this chapter will focus primarily on a more advanced setup of how to install
Magento 2 and manage it. However, in some situations, we will dive in deeper related to
the subject.
Here is an overview of all the command-line tools in Magento 2:
root@mage2cookbook:/var/www/html# bin/magento
Magento CLI version 2.0.0

command [options] [arguments]

--help (-h)

Display this help message

--quiet (-q)

Do not output any message

--verbose (-v|vv|vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal

output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
--version (-V)

Display this application version

Force ANSI output
Disable ANSI output

--no-interaction (-n) Do not ask any interactive question

The following commands are available in the command-line tools in Magento 2:


This displays help for a command



This lists the commands


This creates an administrator


This unlocks the administrator account


This cleans the cache type(s)


This disables the cache type(s)


This enables the cache type(s)


This flushes the cache storage used by the cache



This checks the cache status


This creates resized product images

Chapter 2



This runs jobs by schedule


This upgrades the customer's hash according to the

latest algorithm


This sets the application mode


This displays the current application mode


This collects and publishes source files for a theme


This runs tests


This generates the catalog of URNs to *.xsd


This converts XML files using XSL style sheets


This discovers phrases in the code base


This saves language packages


This uninstalls language packages


This shows allowed indexers


This reindexes data


This sets the index mode type


This shows the index mode


This shows the status of an indexer


This sets the maintenance mode exempt IPs


This disables the maintenance mode


This enables the maintenance mode


This displays the maintenance mode status


This disables specified modules


This enables specified modules


This displays the status of modules


This uninstalls modules installed by Composer


This deploys sample data modules


Magento 2 System Tools


This removes all sample data from composer.
This resets sample data modules for reinstallation


This uninstalls the theme


This displays the Magento Admin URI


This prints a list of available backup files


This displays the list of available currencies


This shows the number of dependencies on the

Magento framework


This shows the number of dependencies between



This shows the number of circular dependencies

between modules


This displays a list of available language locales


This displays a list of available time zones


This takes a backup of the Magento Application

code base, media, and database


This creates or modifies the deployment



This runs a cron job scheduled for the setup



This installs and upgrades data in the DB


This installs and upgrades the DB schema


This checks whether the DB schema or data require

an upgrade


This generates the DI configuration and all nonexisting interceptors and factories


This generates all non-existing proxies and factories

and precompiles class definitions, inheritance
information, and plugin definitions


This installs the Magento application


This generates fixtures


This rolls back the Magento application code base,

media, and database

Chapter 2

This deploys static view files



This installs the store configuration


This uninstalls the Magento application


This upgrades the Magento application, DB data,

and schema

Throughout this chapter, you can pick your own preferred hosting setup as we set up in
Chapter 1, Installing Magento 2 on Apache and NGINX. We will be using an NGINX-based
setup. The Apache setup is pretty straightforward; when needed, we will address specified
configuration settings when they occur.

Installing Magento 2 sample data via GUI

Installing Magento 2 via the graphical user interface (GUI) is not new. We have already done
this in Chapter 1, Installing Magento 2 on Apache and NGINX. Now, we will be installing a new
clean version including the sample data.
The sample data can be installed during and at the end of the procedure. We will be using a
composer.json file for our setup prerequisites. First, we will be installing a clean version

with sample data, and later, I will show you how to install it at the end in case you already
have a preinstalled version.

Getting ready
For this recipe, we will use a Droplet created in Chapter 1, Installing Magento 2 on Apache
and NGINX, at DigitalOcean, We will be using NGINX,
PHP-FPM, and a Composer-based setup. No other prerequisites are required.

How to do it...
For the first step, you can either create a new Droplet or rebuild a clean Droplet based on a
Ubuntu or RedHat DigitalOcean image.


Magento 2 System Tools

The option to rebuild is located in the DigitalOcean control panel in the Destroy menu and
then rebuild Droplet:

The steps to install Magento 2 sample data via GUI are as follows:
1. Preferably, pick the new snapshot or the already created one and press Rebuild from
Image. The rebuild will take around 60 seconds.
2. Now log in to your new or current Droplet. We will be referring to a new build Droplet
throughout this recipe.


Chapter 2
3. Now let's download the latest Magento 2 version including sample data. Go to, pick Full Release with
Sample Data (ZIP with sample data), and unpack this in your web directory.
We refer to /var/www/html in this recipe.
If you are using a ZIP package, make sure that you install the unzip package first,
running the following command on the shell:
apt-get install unzip

4. Now let's set the ownership and permissions:

chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html

find . -type d -exec chmod 770 {} \; && find . -type f -exec chmod
660 {} \; && chmod u+x bin/magento

5. Now we use Composer to resolve all of our dependencies. Run the following
command from the shell:
cd /var/www/html/ && composer install

During the installation process, you will get a notice to create a GitHub OAuth token.
The download rate limit is pretty small. Copy the URL from your shell window in your
browser, log in at GitHub or create an account, and create the token. You may also
check Chapter 1, Installing Magento 2 on Apache and NGINX, for more details on
this topic.
6. Next, we will be using the setup wizard to continue the rest of the installation. In this
chapter, we will be using the shell installation method. Go to your favorite browser
and enter the following URL:

Continue your flow until Step 4: Customize Your Store. As we have chosen a
Magento 2 package including sample data, all software modules are preinstalled
and listed in the advanced modules configurations list.


Magento 2 System Tools

Here is an overview of all the modules selected by Magento that can be managed
during installation:


Chapter 2

Now, continue the rest of the steps and install Magento 2. Installing sample data can
take some time, so don't close or refresh your browser.
The progress bar and console log will share all details regarding the current status:

Congratulations, you just finished the installation of Magento 2 including sample data. Now
go to your browser using; you will see the default Magento 2 layout theme
called Luma, as follows:


Magento 2 System Tools

How it works
Let's recap and find out what we did throughout this recipe. In steps 1 through 6, we created
a Magento 2 version including sample data. The process is almost the same as we did in the
previous chapter. The most important change is that we downloaded a full version including
sample data. In this build, Magento submitted all of the media files and data sample packages
that we need to complete the process. During the graphical setup, we were able to choose
which sample data packages are needed. This process could take some time to complete.

There's more
In the /var directory, you can find the following hidden file with the current state of the
installed sample data:
less /var/www/html/var/.sample-data-state.flag

Want to start all over again? Magento 2 has a magic uninstall option that cleans everything
on the fly, cache, and database. You can use the php bin/magento setup:uninstall
command on the shell, as shown here:
root@mage2cookbook:/var/www/html# php bin/magento setup:uninstall
Are you sure you want to uninstall Magento?[y/N]y
Starting Magento uninstallation:
Cache cleared successfully
Cleaning up database `magento2`
File system cleanup:


Chapter 2

Installing Magento 2 sample data via the

command line
Installing Magento 2 via the shell is not new. In the current Magento version, it was already
possible using the install.php file. The configuration looked like this:
/usr/local/bin/php -f install.php -- \
--license_agreement_accepted "yes" \
--locale "en_US" \
--timezone "America/Los_Angeles" \
--default_currency "USD" \
--db_host "" \
--db_name "your_db_name" \
--db_user "your_db_username" \
--db_pass "your_db_password" \
--db_prefix "" \
--admin_frontname "admin" \
--url "" \
--use_rewrites "yes" \
--use_secure "no" \
--secure_base_url "" \
--use_secure_admin "no" \
--admin_firstname "your_first_name" \
--admin_lastname "your_last_name" \
--admin_email "[email protected]" \
--admin_username "your_admin_username" \
--admin_password "your_admin_password"

It was very easy to script and use multiple times on any given environment.
In Magento 2, the logic stayed the same but now, it's much easier to use. We will be using a
composer.json file for our setup prerequisites.

Getting ready
For this recipe, we will use a Droplet created in Chapter 1, Installing Magento 2 on Apache
and NGINX, at DigitalOcean, We will be using NGINX,
PHP-FPM, and a Composer-based setup. No other prerequisites are required.


Magento 2 System Tools

How to do it...
For the purpose of this recipe, let's assume that we need to create a Magento 2 hosting
environment including sample data. The following steps will guide you through this:
1. In this recipe, check your /root/.composer/auth.json file if you have a Magento
of GitHub repository token, username, and password. If not, create them. Here is an
example (the username and password are dummies):
"http-basic": {
"": {
"username": "256e8f49b66689ecf18b07bc3cc2ca2d",
"password": "cb1c7ef2e14b666d8a4e99fe40c8393a"
"github-oauth": {
"": "e960f7000803e2832ce5f7a637d58a666"

You can create a Magento authentication key in the user section of the Magento
connect portal. Go to, navigate to the Developers | Secure Keys menu item, and create one.
Public Key is your username and Private Key is your password.
The GitHub token can be created under the tokens section of your GitHub account.
Go to and press Generate new token.
Copy the token in your auth.json file of your home or root directory.
2. Now, let's create a Composer project using the shell. Go to your web server
/var/www/html directory and use the following command:
composer create-project "magento/project-community-edition" /var/
www/html --prefer-dist --repository-url

3. Now use the following command on the shell. This will add the sample data package
to the Magento composer.json file.
php bin/magento sampledata:deploy

You may get the following error notice; ignore this once you set up the auth.json
The '' URL required
You must be using the interactive console to authenticate


Chapter 2
4. Run the following command on the shell. This will download all sample data to your
Magento 2 environment.
composer update

5. Make sure that you have the correct file permission before you continue:
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html

The easy way to continue is to visit our setup page from the browser as we did
in the Installing Magento 2 sample data via GUI recipe of this chapter using the URL.
6. We can also use the shell to finish the setup using the following script:
bin/magento setup:install \
--db-host=localhost \
--db-name=<your-db-name> \
--db-user="<db-user>" \
--db-password="<db-password>" \
--backend-frontname=<admin-path> \
--base-url= \
--admin-lastname=<your-lastname> \
--admin-firstname=<your-firstname> \
--admin-email=<your-email> \
--admin-user=<your-admin-user> \
--admin-password=<your-password> \

Always make sure that bin/magento has the correct permissions to

chmod 755 bin/magento

Congratulations, you just finished the installation of Magento 2 including sample data. Now
go to your browser using, and you will see the default Magento 2 layout
theme called Luma.

How it works
Let's recap and find out what we did throughout this recipe. In steps 1 through 6, we installed
Magento 2 via the command shell. Before we could continue, we needed to create an auth.
json file that stores our Magento and GitHub tokens. Without them, we may not be able to
install the software easily due to download restrictions or dependencies.


Magento 2 System Tools

In step 2, we used one line of code to trigger the whole download process of Magento 2.
Depending on whether this is your first call, the process can take some time. Once you install
Magento for the second time, the process installs much faster because of the locally stored
cache files.
In step 3, we used bin/magento to update the composer.json file including the sample
data packages. Then we needed to update Composer before we could install Magento 2 from
the shell; otherwise, the sample data would not be included.
In step 6, we used the bin/magento setup:install parameter to commit all of the
database, URL admin path, domain name, and user credentials to the setup of Magento 2.

There's more
Always make sure that your system PATH is exported to your system using the following
command from the shell (where /var/www/html is your Magento root folder):
export PATH=$PATH:/var/www/html/bin

More information on environmental variables can be found here:

Managing Magento 2 indexes via the

command line
In the current version of Magento, using indexes is one of the most important key features.
Without the correct indexes, we will not be able to use Magento properly.
What do the indexes do, and why are they so important? One of the key elements is to make
things run faster. Without indexing, Magento 2 would have to calculate data on the fly. In
Magento 2, we will be using the following nine indexes:

Customer Grid: This indexer rebuilds the customer's grid. This is a new indexer in
Magento 2 for optimized rendering of the adminhtml backend pages.

Category Products: This indexer creates the association between categories and
products based on the associations that you set in the backend on the categories
and relates to the Product Categories indexer. The flat catalog indexer creates a flat
optimized table in the database.

Product Categories: This indexer creates the association between products and
categories based on the associations that you set in the backend on the products
and relates to the Category Products indexer. The flat product indexer creates a flat
optimized table in the database.


Chapter 2

Product Price: This indexer relates to the products and their advanced pricing
options based on, for example, customer group, website, and catalog discount rules.
The indexer aggregates the data in tables (catalog_product_index_price_*)
and makes the selects (sorting and filtering) much easier.

Product EAV: This indexer reorganizes the Entity Attribute Value (EAV) product
structure to the flat structure. The product EAV indexer is related to the Category
Products and Product Categories indexer and creates a flat optimized table in the

Stock: This indexer rebuilds and calculates the current stock data.

Catalog Search: This indexer rebuilds the catalog product fulltext search.

Catalog Rule Product: This indexer creates and updates the created catalog price
rule set.

Catalog Product Rule: This indexer creates and updates the created shopping cart
price rule set.

The database table looks as follows:

The control panel of the backend looks like this:


Magento 2 System Tools

Getting ready
For this recipe, we will use a Droplet created in Chapter 1, Installing Magento 2 on Apache
and NGINX, at DigitalOcean, We will be using NGINX,
PHP-FPM, and a Composer-based setup. A working Magento 2 setup is required.

How to do it...
The following are the steps to implement the recipe:
1. In Magento 2, we only have the option to change the Update on Save or Update by
Schedule state:
Update on Save: Index tables are updated immediately after the dictionary data
is changed
Update by Schedule: Index tables are updated by cron job according to the
configured schedule
2. We will be using the shell during this. This will be the only way to update your indexes.
Go to your shell and run the following command from your web server directory:
php bin/magento indexer:info

We now get an overview of all the indexers.

3. Now run php bin/magento indexer:status; this will give us an up-to-date
status of the current indexes.
4. Now run php bin/magento indexer:show-mode; this information is related to
the Update on Save or Update by Schedule modes.
5. We can switch the modes using the following command on the shell:
php bin/magento indexer:info realtime customer_grid

Using the mode option realtime (Update on Save) or schedule (Update by Schedule)
may set the indexer.
6. One of the most commonly used commands is as follows:
php bin/magento indexer:reindex

This will reindex all the indexers. However, you can also reindex them individually
using the following command:
php bin/magento indexer:reindex customer_grid


Chapter 2
We can also use the following command:
php bin/magento indexer:reindex customer_grid catalog_category_
product etc


Now you can rerun indexer:status to check whether all the indexers are up to date.

How it works
Let's recap and find out what we did throughout this recipe. In steps 1 through 7, you learned
how to use the bin/magento indexer.
In step 5, you learned how to check what the current status is of all the indexes. In step 4,
we saw how to switch from the realtime Update on Save to the schedule Update on Schedule
In step 6, you learned how to reindex them individually.

There's more
You can also check the current status of the indexer using MySQL. Run the following
command in the shell:
mysql -u <username> --database <dbname> -p -e "select * from indexer_

Managing Magento 2 cache via the

command line
Cache management is one of the new optimized key features in Magento 2. We will be using
the following cache types:
Cache types

Cache type code name


Magento collects configuration
from all modules, merges it, and
saves the merged result to the
cache. This cache also contains
store-specific settings stored in the
filesystem and database.
Clean or flush this cache type after
modifying configuration files.


Magento 2 System Tools

Cache types

Cache type code name


This is the compiled page layout
(that is, the layout components
from all components).
Clean or flush this cache type after
modifying layout files.

Block HTML output


This is the HTML page fragments

per block.
Clean or flush this cache type after
modifying the view layer.

Collections data


This is the result of database

If necessary, Magento cleans up
this cache automatically, but thirdparty developers can put any data
in any segment of the cache.
Clean or flush this cache type if
your custom module uses logic
that results in cache entries that
Magento cannot clean.



This is the database schema.

If necessary, Magento cleans up
this cache automatically, but thirdparty developers can put any data
in any segment of the cache.
Clean or flush this cache type after
you make custom changes to the
database schema (in other words,
updates that Magento does not
make itself).
One way to update the database
schema automatically is using
the magento setup:dbschema:upgrade command.



This is metadata related to EAV

attributes (for example, store
labels, links to related PHP code,
attribute rendering, search settings,
and so on).
You should not typically need to
clean or flush this cache type.


Chapter 2
Cache types
Page cache

Cache type code name


This is the generated HTML pages.
If necessary, Magento cleans up
this cache automatically, but thirdparty developers can put any data
in any segment of the cache.
Clean or flush this cache type after
modifying code level that affects
HTML output. It's recommended
to keep this cache enabled
because caching HTML improves
performance significantly.



This removes a dependency

between the web API module and
the Customer module.



This is the merged translations

from all modules.



This is the compiled integrations.

Integration API


This is the compiled integration


Web services


This is the web API structure.

Clean or flush this cache after

changing or adding integrations.

By default, we will be using Full Page Cache now in the community version, which is a great
improvement next to the web services (API) caches.
Depending on the current development, default, and production state, caches will be
In the next recipes of this chapter, we will dive deeper into the use of different states.

Getting ready
When cleaning or flushing your cache, Magento will flush its content from either the var/
cache or var/full_page directory. In this recipe, we will refer to the bin/magento
cache:enable, bin/magento cache:disable, bin/magento cache:clean, or bin/
magento cache:flush options.


Magento 2 System Tools

How to do it...
For the purpose of this recipe, let's assume that we need to manage the Magento 2 cache
setup. The following steps will guide you through this:
1. Let's first check the current status using the following command:
php bin/magento cache:status

The output looks like this:

2. Now we will check how to enable and disable caches individually or all at once. Use
the following command to disable the caches individually:
php bin/magento cache:disable config

This will disable the cache for only config. You may pick any cache type code name.
To enable the config cache back, use the following command:
php bin/magento cache:enable config


Chapter 2
When skipping the cache type code name behind the command, we will be able to
enable or disable the caches all at once. It will look like this when we disable the cache:

3. When we want to re-enable all caches, we use php bin/magento cache:enable.

As you can see now, after enabling the caches, they are cleaned as well:


Magento 2 System Tools

4. Now let's clean the caches individually using php bin/magento cache:clean
config. By removing the cache type code name, we will be able to clean all of them
at once.
5. Now let's flush the caches individually using php bin/magento cache:flush
config. By removing the cache type code name, we will be able to clean all of them
at once.
Cleaning a cache type deletes all items from enabled Magento cache
types only. In other words, this option does not affect other processes
or applications because it cleans only the cache that Magento uses.
Disabled cache types are not cleaned.
Flushing a cache type purges the cache storage (such as Redis,
Memcache, and so on), which might affect other process' applications
that are using the same storage.

How it works
Let's recap and find out what we did throughout this recipe. In steps 1 through 5, you learned
how to manage the cache in Magento 2.
In step 1, you learned how to use the status option to check what the current cache status
is. In step 2, we were able to enable or disable the caches individually.
In steps 4 and 5, you learned how to flush and clean the caches individually.

There's more
You can also flush all cached items running the following command from the shell:
php bin/magento cache:flush -all

Keep in mind that cleaning or flushing your Full Page Cache can resolve in a cold (no-cache)
page, so warming up all pages is advised.

Managing Magento 2 backup via the

command line
Every production environment needs a proper backup plan. By default, Magento 2 has a
complete set of options to create and roll back backups.


Chapter 2
When creating a backup, we can use one of the following options:



This creates a backup from the /

media directory



This creates a backup from the

current database


This creates a backup from the

filesystem (excluding /var and /

Backup file name


Besides the Magento backup options, it is always advisable to use

an alternative backup solution connected to a backup storage.

Getting ready
When creating a backup, Magento will store it in the var/backups directory. In this recipe,
we will refer to the bin/magento setup:backup and bin/magento setup:rollback

How to do it...
For the purpose of this recipe, let's assume that we need to manage the Magento 2 backup
setup. The following steps will guide you through this:
1. Let's start creating a code-only backup using the following command:
php bin/magento setup:backup --code

Once Magento sets the maintenance code flag, the web shop is offline for everybody.
Creating a code backup takes some time. The backup will be stored in var/
backups. A clean Magento 2 code backup is around 123 MB.
2. Now we will create a database-only backup using the following command:
php bin/magento setup:backup --db

A clean Magento 2 database backup is around 14 MB.

3. For a media backup, we use the following command:
php bin/magento setup:backup --media

A clean Magento 2 media backup with sample data is around 153 MB.

Magento 2 System Tools

4. Now let's check what backups have been created, using the following command:
php bin/magento info:backup:list

This will give us an overview of what's available:

Showing backup files in /var/www/html/var/backups.
| Backup Filename

| Backup Type |

| 1448480907_filesystem_code.tgz
| 1448481232_db.gz

| db

| code

| 1448481295_filesystem_media.tgz | media


5. Rolling back a backup is very easy. You can use the following command on the shell:
php bin/magento setup:rollback [-c|--code-file="<name>"] [-m|-media-file="<name>"] [-d|--db-file="<name>"]

For example, to restore a database backup, we can use the following command:
php bin/magento setup:rollback -d 1448481232_db.gz

You will get the following notification to confirm your action:

You are about to remove current code and/or database tables. Are
you sure?[y/N]

While confirming the action, you could get a Segmentation fault. You
can fix this using the following command. This could be related to PHP 7.
Always use the latest version:
ulimit -s 65536

You can also store this in the .bashrc file on your system.

6. Congratulations, you just rolled back a backup. Pick any type to do the same. Always
flush and clean your cache once you are done.

Setting up a scheduled backup schema is a whole different ball game. We first need
to set up a cron job using the following command:
crontab -e
*/1 * * * * php /var/www/html/bin/magento cron:run

This command will create a cron schedule in the Magento 2 database.


Chapter 2
8. Creating a daily, weekly, or monthly backup can be done in the administrator
backend. Log in and navigate to Stores | Configuration | Advanced | System |
Scheduled Backup Settings:

How it works
Let's recap and find out what we did throughout this recipe. In steps 1 through 8, you learned
how to create rollbacks and manage backups via the command line.
In step 1, we created a backup for our code base only. In step 2, we created a backup for the
database and in step 3, for all the media files.
In step 4, we listed all the created backups that are located in var/backups.
The process in step 5 is related to the rollback scenario. Depending on the backup size, rolling
back could take some time.
In steps 7 and 8, we configured a cron job to schedule our daily backup process automatically.

There's more
You can also check the current status of the cron schedule using MySQL. Run the following
command from the shell:
mysql -u <username> --database <dbname> -p -e "select * from cron_


Magento 2 System Tools

Managing Magento 2 set mode

Magento 2 comes with a new feature set called MAGE_MODE. This option gives you the
configuration to run Magento in either developer, default, or production mode.
This feature is very important during development and product phases. It gives a developer
the tool to debug or created optimized caches for high performance needs.
By default, the default mode is set.
The following table describes the modes in which we can run Magento:
Mode name



When no given mode is given, this is explicitly set and has the following

Static view file caching is enabled

Enables automatic code compilation (code optimization)

Exceptions are written to the log files.

Hides the custom X-Magento-* HTTP response header

It has the following benefits:

Disables static view file caching

Enables automatic code compilation (code optimization)

Shows the custom X-Magento-* HTTP response header

Verbose logging

Slowest performance state

It has the following benefits:

Optimized caches available

Exceptions are written to the log files.

Static files are not cached

When using a Development Test Acceptance Production (DTAP)

environment, it is important to run your DTA in development mode
and production on P.


Chapter 2

Getting ready
Always check what web server you are using; the settings for Apache and NGINX are not the
same. In this recipe, we will be showing you how to set this on both of them.

How to do it...
For the purpose of this recipe, let's assume that we need to manage the Magento 2
production or development setup. The following steps will guide you through this:
1. In this recipe, the setup of the MAGE_SET option is different for NGINX and Apache. In
Apache, we can use either the .htaccess file or configure this in the vhost file. We will
first look into the Apache setup. While all recipes of this chapter are based on NGINX,
it's best to skip this part and continue to the next listed topic or retrieve an DigitalOcean
Droplet that we had set up in Chapter 1, Installing Magento 2 on Apache and NGINX.
Go to the .htaccess file in your web root directory and remove the # (hash or pound
sign) at the fifth line from the top:
SetEnv MAGE_MODE developer

Change it to the following:

SetEnv MAGE_MODE production

If you are using a server-based configuration instead of the .htaccess file, use the
following then:
SetEnv MAGE_MODE "developer"

The following code is for the current 000-default.conf:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot /var/www/html
SetEnv MAGE_MODE "developer"
<Directory /var/www/html>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
allow from all
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
ProxyPassMatch ^/(.*\.php(/.*)?)$ fcgi://

Now continue to step 3.


Magento 2 System Tools

2. Now let's do the setup for NGINX. Go to your vhost file. If you are using the NGINX
setup from Chapter 1, Installing Magento 2 on Apache and NGINX, you will find it in
Open the default.conf file and go to the following rule:
set $MAGE_MODE developer;

Change this to the following:

set $MAGE_MODE production;

Restart your NGINX server now using the following command:

service nginx restart

3. Check the current status in Magento using the following command:

php bin/magento deploy:mode:show

By default, it shows the default status. We now switch the status using the following:
php bin/magento deploy:mode:set production

We can also use the following command:

php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer

This will trigger the maintenance mode and start creating all necessary optimized
static files needed.
4. We can also run this manually. However, first we will need to create static files in the
pub/static directory. Run the following command on the shell:
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

5. If you want to skip the code compilation, use the --skip-compilation option, as
shown in the following command:
php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer --skip-compilation

6. Remember to check your permissions and ownership of the newly created files.
Code compilation consists of caches, optimized code, optimized
dependency injection, proxies, and so on. Magento 2 needs these
files to serve an optimized code base to the client's browser.

How it works
Let's recap and find out what we did throughout this recipe. In steps 1 through 6, you learned
configuring the development and production modes in Magento 2.


Chapter 2
In step 1, we configured the SetEnv parameter in the .htaccess file of Apache to set the
correct mode. There is also an option to configure this in the Apache configuration file instead.
In step 2, we configured the set $MAGE_MODE parameter in NGINX to use the correct mode.
In step 3, we used the bin/magento deploy option to tell Magento to start using the
selected mode in NGINX or Apache, and create additional static files when running in
production mode or show the correct debug headers in the developer mode.
In step 4, you learned how to deploy static content in the pub/static directory when running
in production mode. This option will trigger the whole process of merging and compiling the
correct code in the public folder.

There's more
Use curl to check your HTTP response header to see what current state you are running,
as shown in the following:
curl -I

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.9.6
X-Magento-Cache-Debug: HIT

Always check the current status in your HTTP header and Magento shell. Only setting the
web server configuration will not automatically trigger the Magento configuration and can
mislead you.

Transferring your Magento 1 database to

Magento 2
Moving your Magento 1 to Magento 2 may be one of the most challenging things out there.
Luckily, Magento supported us with a database migration option.
The Magento 2 Data Migration Tool is here to help you convert your products, customers,
order/sales data, store configuration, promotions/sales rules, and more to move to a clean
Magento 2 setup.
Custom code, Extensions, and Themes are out of the current scope of the Data Migration Tool.
The currently supported migrations are the Community Edition (CE) versions 1.6.x, 1.7.x,
1.8.x, and 1.9.x and Enterprise Edition (EE) versions 1.11.x, 1.12.x, 1.14.x, and 1.14.x.


Magento 2 System Tools

Check with your third-party extension developer for a Data Migration
Tool to move the database code base to Magento 2.

Getting ready
Before we can start migrating our system, we need to check the following:

Have a clean Magento 2 system running as we set up in Chapter 1, Installing

Magento 2 on Apache and NGINX.

Disable your cron jobs.

Always back up your databases and old and new Magento versions.

Check whether there is a network connection from the current Magento 1 to

Magento 2 server. Check the firewall for database access if needed (port 3306).

Only use the exact version number, so that the data-migration-tool 2.0.0 corresponds
with Magento 2.0.0.
You may copy your current production database to the
new Magento 2 server and run it there.

A migration of Magento 1 to Magento 2 has the following five phases that are important to
follow in the correct order:
1. Settings: Migration of the settings is step 1. This will transfer all information from the
stores, website, and system configuration.
The command is php bin/magento migrate:settings.
2. Data: Migration of the data is step 2. This will transfer all categories, products,
customers, orders, wishlists, ratings, and so on
The command is php bin/magento migrate:data.
3. Delta: Migration of the delta is step 3. This is an important step and is used to
transfer Magento 1 data to Magento 2 where new updates occur. It will update the
most recent data of customers, orders, or other customer-related data. It is common
to use this command before going live.
The command is php bin/magento migrate:delta.
4. Media: Migration of the media files is easy; just copy all files from /media to


Chapter 2
5. Custom modules/themes: Migration of your modules or themes is out of the scope
of the migration tool. Contact your solutions provider to check whether they have
a new version available. This also applies to any custom-made themes of theme
packages bought online.

How to do it...
For the purpose of this recipe, let's assume that we need to manage a Magento 1 to
Magento 2 migration setup. The following steps will guide you through this:
1. First, we need to run the following command to add data-migration-tool to your
current Composer setup:
composer config git https://
composer require magento/data-migration-tool:dev-master

Wait while all dependencies are updated.

2. Now check whether the migration tools are available in the bin/magento shell tool:



Main migration of data


Migration of the data that is added to Magento after

the main migration


Migration of the system configuration

3. For this recipe, we will be using a Magento 1 database installation on our

DigitalOcean Droplet. You may pick any of your production or Magento 1 sample
data SQL dumps. We will be using a Magento sample data SQL dump. Our
database is called magento1.
4. Now, we need to map the database configuration files from the Magento 1 database
to the Magento 2 database. Always make sure that you are using a clean database;
otherwise, you can run the following command:
php bin/magento setup:uninstall

Go to /var/www/html/vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/ceto-ce and pick the correct database version mentioned in the directory. If correct,
you will see two files called config.xml.dist and map.xml.dist.
5. Copy config.xml.dist to config.xml using the cp command:
cp config.xml.dist config.xml


Magento 2 System Tools

6. Open your config.xml and look for the <source> tag (line 94). Change it
accurately with the database username and password:
<database host="localhost" name="magento1" user="root"
<database host="localhost" name="magento2" user="root"

If you are using a custom prefix in your database or you wish to use your encryption
key on your Magento 2 setup, you can add this to the <options> section, as shown
in the previous code.

Now we can start step 1 of the settings migration using the following command:
php bin/magento migrate:settings /var/www/magento2/vendor/magento/

As you can see, here we are using the version. Depending on your version,
you may change this before running the command.
The output result looks like this:
[2015-12-02 20:28:56][INFO][mode: settings][stage: integrity
check][step: Settings Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2015-12-02 20:28:56][INFO][mode: settings][stage: integrity
check][step: Stores Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2015-12-02 20:28:56][INFO][mode: settings][stage: data migration]
[step: Settings Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2015-12-02 20:28:59][INFO][mode: settings][stage: data migration]
[step: Stores Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2015-12-02 20:28:59][INFO][mode: settings][stage: volume check]
[step: Stores Step]: started
100% [============================] Remaining Time: 1 sec
[2015-12-02 20:28:59][INFO][mode: settings][stage: volume check]
[step: Stores Step]: Migration completed

Chapter 2
8. You can check your Magento 2 system configuration backend if all updated settings
are available. If so, you can continue.
9. If step 1 is correct, we continue to migrate our data to Magento 2 using the following
php bin/magento migrate:data /var/www/magento2/vendor/magento/

The output result looks like this:

10. You can check your Magento 2 catalogs, products, orders, and customers if they are
all updated. If so, you can continue.


Magento 2 System Tools

11. Before you continue, make sure to reindex and flush your caches at once:
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush

12. Now check the frontend and backend whether your data is available in Magento 2. If
not, check the migration.log file located in /var.
13. In this recipe, we used a default Magento setup. After the settings and data
migration, we created a sales order in Magento 1. Now, using the delta option, we
push the data to Magento 2 using the following command:
php bin/magento migrate:delta /var/www/magento2/vendor/magento/

The output result looks like this:

14. Now check your sales and customer data. Congratulations, you successfully migrated
your database from Magento 1 to Magento 2.

How it works
Let's recap and find out what we did throughout this recipe. In steps 1 through 14, you learned
how to use the Magento 2 migration tool.
In step 1, we used Composer to add an additional repository for data migration. After installing
all of the packages, they are available in the bin/magento tool. In this setup example, we
used a clean Magento 1.9.x database.
In step 4, we made sure to run on a clean Magento 2 setup. Depending on your setup, go to
vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc and select the correct version. Magento
2 supports the migration option for CE and EE. Once we configured the config.xml file with
the Magento 1 database information in step 6, we were ready to go.


Chapter 2
In step 7, we used the bin/magento migration setting to start the whole process. We started
with the setting parameter and continued with the data and delta parameters in steps
7 through 13. We must not forget the reindexing and updating of our caches before using
them. The delta parameter option can be run multiple times as it only updates the latest
information, which is helpful before going live and switching to production.

There's more
As every Magento setup is unique, migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2 can be hard
sometimes. In some situations, you may need to change your tables in the mapping
configuration located in vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/ce-toce/<version>map.xml.dist.
Resetting your setting, data, and delta migration is easy using the [-r|--reset]
parameter in your command. This allows you to rerun all migration scripts from the beginning.
Always check for the currently supported versions on the Magento GitHub Data Migration Tool
page at the following link:
There is also an alternative Data Migration Tool available
by UberTheme at


Get more information Magento 2 Cookbook

Where to buy this book

You can buy Magento 2 Cookbook from the Packt Publishing website.
Alternatively, you can buy the book from Amazon,, Computer Manuals and most internet
book retailers.
Click here for ordering and shipping details.

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