Focus 7

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1 ISSUE 7 VOLUME 1 April 11, 2010

A weekly publication to encourage and equip
Group Leaders


4 Challenges that Kill

Community (Part 1 of 4)
How to grapple with time, avoidance, strange food or water. You know what it is, of
people, and unrealistic expectations? course. It's time! We simply don't have
Bill Search | posted 3/01/2010 enough time.
I was standing in the atrium of my church a
Building communities within our church is year ago handing out cards about our small
hard work. It shouldn't be hard work, since groups. A young couple came up to me
God created us for community. But we live and began to chat. They were newly
in a broken world that has altered and in- married. When I asked if we could connect
hibited the relationships God created us to them with a group, they explained that they
enjoy. For that reason, it's helpful for us to would like to do it down the road, but they
examine the different road blocks that often were really busy right now. I almost
prevent communities from being formed, laughed in their faces. I have three kids, a
and that damage communities that used to demanding job, and a home to maintain.
be healthy. Busy? They don't know anything about
being busy. But it's a common song today,
In my experience, here are four of the isn't it?
biggest community killers that we as Do you know what most people are busy
church leaders have to overcome. doing? In a typical week, people spend
most of their time at work. The second
The Challenge of Time biggest consumer of time is sleep. Both of
The first challenge to cultivating relation- those are necessary. However, do you
ships is also the most valuable commodity know what the third most time-consuming
in our western world today. People talk activity is? Watching television.
about this commodity in the U.S. like some According to the Nielsen Media service, the
people in the developing world talk about average American watches nearly 5 hours
of TV a day. That's 35 hours a week and over 1,500 hours per year. Let me break that down another
way. The average American watches 1.5 days of TV per week. That turns into 78 days per year—which
is 1.6 months out of every year watching television! So, an average person who lives to be 70 will spend
5,460 days of their life watching TV. If you're not so good at math, that's 15 years. Fifteen years!
If churches and small groups are going to deal with this community killer, we must challenge people to
really look at what is keeping them busy. Randy Frazee addressed the craze of the busy life in Making
Room for Life. As developers of community, part of our mission will be to help people find the time they
need to make relationships a priority. (next week, part 2 “The Challenge of Avoidance.”)
The following is located at: http:SmallGroups.comarticles/2010/4challengeskillcommunity.html
Love by the Month
Our small group—all • February. Bake or buy can throw an open house for
moms—thrived on park valentine cookies (with or with- neighboring businesses or
dates, poolside fellowship, out sugar), and take them to a residents.
the occasional girl’s night convalescent home. Call ahead • August. Adopt a missionary.
out, and other bonding for an appointment, and make Pray at each meeting this month
activities. After awhile, sure to set aside plenty of time for a missionary (and family, if
however, we experienced a to visit. applicable). Mail them a box of
greater desire: We wanted • March. Throw a baby shower treats such as American the weekend after Thanksgiving,
to give a touch of love to for the local crisis pregnancy magazines, gourmet chocolates, once all the holiday helpers
those who needed it. We center. and toiletries. Let them know have gone home.
discovered that acts of • April. Give the gift of spring your group has prayed for them
• December. Don Santa hats,
charity brought us closer to cleaning or house repairs to an all month long.
and deliver to needy families
each other and, even more elderly friend. • September. Drop off a huge boxes of nonperishable food and
important, humbled us • May. Plant a vegetable garden, box of doughnuts to the gifts collected by your church.
before God’s throne of and make a list of local non teacher’s lounge at a local - Julie Marie Caroboni
grace. Following is a year’s profit food organizations that will school. Leave a note telling the Best Small-Group Ideas [Vol. 2
worth of ideas for your receive your bounty at harvest faculty members you are praying Compiled by Susan Nikaido
group. time. Schedule delivery with they will have a fantastic year.
these groups for sometime in • October. No Tricks, just treats!
• January. Look for a the summer. Purchase high-quality sweets,
family in need because • June. Volunteer to handle one label them with personal notes
of a job loss, medical
crisis, or other
area—for a vacation Bible such as “Jesus loves you” or a Save the Date
school outreach. Scripture verse, and deliver
circumstances. Bring
them dinner and encour-
• July. Hold a backyard barbecue them to neighbor kids. May 23
and invite the neighbors. • November. Volunteer to serve
agement one night. dinner at a local rescue mission
Group Leaders
Groups that meet in a church
Nuts and Bolts for
• May is promotion month
for Summer semester. If you are leading Make sure you let
Summer catalogs will be
available. a Summer Group, your Team Leader
be sure to get know:
• Sunday May 17—
registration will begin in your group info in
• What your plans are
the lobby to your Team for the summer
Calendar • Sunday May 23—Group Leader or to Linda • What your plans are
Dates that may interest you! Leader Meeting will be By April 22 for the fall
held • Will your group
• Last Week of April— continue, take a
most groups will be • Sunday May 30— Place
Registration for summer Type of Group break, resume in
finishing up. Be sure to
groups will end the fall?
celebrate your group, Description
friendships that have • Who do your
• Week of June 6—12 Childcare
been made, spiritual recommend to be a
Summer groups will begin
decisions and progress. group leader this
Party! • Week of August 29 - Questions? summer? This fall?
September 3 - Call me
Summer Groups End Linda

So let’s not get tired of doing what is good.

At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing
if we don’t give up.
Galatians 6:9 (NLT)

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