02.solid State - 26-37
02.solid State - 26-37
02.solid State - 26-37
• Solids are characterized by their high density and low compressibility as compared to those of the gas phase.
• The properties of solids indicate that the molecule (or ions) in them are relatively close together.
• Solids can be broadly classified into two categories, namely, crystalline and amorphous solids. The main
characteristics of these are described in the following.
• Crystalline Solids: The outstanding characteristics of a crystal are its sharp melting point, its flat faces and sharp
• These properties are due to a high degree of internal order which extends throughout the crystal (a definite
pattern constantly repeating in space). This is know as long-range order.
• Amorphous Solids: Amorphous solids do not have the long-range order but have a short-range order.
• This characteristics may not be found around a similar atom placed at a distance from the other atom.
• Examples of amorphous solids are glass, used silica, rubber and polymers.
• Amorphous solids do not have the characteristics as possessed by crystalline solids.
• In many ways, they are more closely related to liquids than to the crystalline solids and are, therefore, regarded
as supercooled liquids with high viscosity.
• A given material may be converted into the amorphous or glassy form by rapidly cooling the melt or freezing the
• The properties of most of the crystals are found to conform to one of the four general types of chemical bonds, in
terms of which it is possible to classify them into four categories as described in the following.
• Molecular Crystals (or van der Waals Crystals):Molecular crystals are those in which the crystalline state is
composed of an aggregate of discrete molecules held together by van der Waals forces.
• Because of these weaker forces, molecular crystals are soft and posses comparatively low melting points.
• Examples are CO2, CCl4, Ar and most of the organic compounds.
• Ionic Crystals: Ionic crystals involve electrostatic forces amongst their structural units.
• Because of stronger forces, ionic crystals are strong and likely to be brittle.
• The melting points are high, which decease with increasing size of the ions.
• In ionic crystals, some of the atoms may be held together by covalent bonds to form ions having definite positions
and orientations in crystal lattice.
• Covalent Crystals: Covalent crystals involve forces of chemical nature (covalent bonds) extended in three
dimensions. These forces are strong, and consequently the crystals are strong and hard, with high melting points.
Examples are diamond, silicon, etc.
• Metallic crystals: Electrons are held loosely in these type of crystals. They are god conductors or electricity.
Metallic crystals are strong and can be bent.
• Hydrogen bonded crystals
• Molecules having H atom bonded to more electronegative atoms like F, O, N exhibit strong hydrogen bonding
• Crystals of H2O, HF, NH3 and amino acids are some examples of hydrogen bonded crystals.
• There are 230 crystal forms possible. These forms may be classified into 32 classes on the basis of their
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Solid State
• On the basis of inter facial angles and axes crystal systems are 7 types.
• The crystal structures depends on the set of crystallographic parameters
• Ice may give hexagonal or trigonal crystals
• Quartz may give hexagonal or trigonal crystals
• Bravais showed that there are 14 different possible kinds of three dimensional lattices.
• The geometric shape of the crystal lattice must be same as that of solid crystal itself.
Ex : If unit lattice is having cubical structure the crystal is also a cube.
• From fundamental laws of crystallography there are 14 basic arrangements known as Bravais Lattices.
• These 14 Bravais lattices are grouped into seven crystal system based on unit cell symmetry .
• These seven crystal systems are
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Solid State
Bragg’s Equation:
• If the waves are in phase, then constructive interference takes place.
• If the waves are not in phase, they undergo destructive interference.
• If the two waves are to be present in phase, the path difference must be equal to the wavelength(λ) or an integral
whole multiple of wavelength (nλ).
• Bragg’s equation is nλ = 2d sinθ
n = order of reflection (1, 2, 3, …….)
λ = wavelength of x-ray
d = distance between planes
θ = angle of incidence
• At the Bragg’s experiment, as the intensity of diffracted x-ray increase, the degree of ionisation also increase.
• It Bragg’s angle (θ), intensity of the diffracted x-ray is maximum and maximum value is recorded in electrometer.
• The NaCl crystal has the d values in the ratio 1 : 0.703 : 1.134. from this it is conformed the crystal has fcc
• In the powder method, the holes and the ends of the photographic film are inlet and the outlets of the x-rays.
Packing of identical spheres:
• There are two types of packing. 1) Close packing and 2) not close packing.
• Close packing of spheres leads two types of lactices
a) hcp (hexagonal close packing) and
b) fcc or ccp (cubic close packing)
• Not close packing type leads bcc (body centred cubic lattice)
• It has ABABAB ….. type of layers.
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Solid State
• Co-ordination number is 12
• Packing fraction is 0.74.
• In one unit cell of HCP, on average 6 spheres are present and 6 octahedral voids and 12 tetrahedral voids are
• Examples: Mg, Zn, Ce, Ti etc.
• It has ABCABC ….. type of layers.
• Co-ordination number is 12
• Packing fraction is 0.74.
• In one unit of ccp or fcc, on average 4 spheres are present and 4 octahedral voids and 8 tetrahedral voids are
• Metals having this lattice are more meleable.
• Examples: Al, Cu, Ag, Au etc.
• It is not a close packing and it has ABAB … type of layers.
• Co-ordination number is 8
• Packing fraction is 0.68.
• Examples: Li, Na, K etc.
• Two tetrahedral voids are present above and below each atom and the octahedral void is present midway
between the two close-packed layers.
Ionic crystals:
• In ionic crystals, it is not possible for both cations and anions to have close-packed structures due to their
different sizes.
• However, if one of the ions is bigger than the other, it is common for the bigger ions (usually anions) alone to
approach a closed-packed structure and smaller ions to fit into holes (or voids) in this structure.
• The limiting sizes of cations that can fit into the voids without disturbing the closest packing of anions are as
Octahedral void = 0.414
Tetrahedral void = 0.225
• A few common ionic lattices are described below.
• Rock-Salt Structure: In such a structure, anions form a face-centred cubic unit cell and cations occupy
octahedral voids.
• There are four anions and four cations per unit cell of this structure, and hence, the formula of ionic compound is
A4B4 or simply AB.
• Examples are NaCl, KCl, MgO, CaO and SrO.
• Anti-Fluorite Structure: In this, anions form a cubical-closest packing arrangement and cations occupy
tetrahedral voids.
• There are four anions and eight cations per unit cell of this structure and hence the formula of the ionic compound
is A8B4 or simply A2B.
• Examples are Li2O, Na2O, K2O and Rb2O.
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Solid State
• Zinc-Blende Structure: In such a structure, anions form cubical closest – packed structure and cations are
present in the half of the tetrahedral holes.
• There are four anionsand four cations per unit cell of this structure, and hence the formula of an ionic compound
is A4B4 or simply AB.
• Examples are BeO and ZnS.
• Body-Centred Cubic Structure: In this structure, the cation is located at the body centre of a cube of anions,
and the anion is located at the body centre of a cube of cations.
• There is one cation and one anion present per unit cell, and hence, the formula of an ionic compound is AB.
• In this structure, each ion has eight positively charged ions as its next nearest neighbours. Hence, the
coordination number of each cation and anion is eight.
• Examples are CsCl, CsBr and CsI.
• Fluorite Structure: In this structure, cations form cubical-closest packing and anions occupy tetrahedral holes.
Coordination number of cations = 8
Coordination number of anions = 4
General formula: M1/8X1/4 or MX2.
• Examples include UO2, ThO2 and CaF2.
• Corundum Structure: In this structure, anions form hexagonal closest packing and cations are present in 2/3 of
the octahedral holes. The general formula of the compound is M2/3X or M2X3.
• Examples include Fe2O3, Al2O3 and Cr2O.
• Spinel structure: In this structure, oxides are arranged in cubical-closest packing, one-eight of the tetrahedral
holes are occupied by divalent metal ion (A2+) and one-half of the octahedral holes are occupied by trivalent metal
ions (B3+). In a unit cell, we have
Number of divalent metal ions, A2+ = (8) = 1
Number of trivalent metal ions, B3+ = (4) = 2
Number of oxide ions, O2– = 4
Hence, General formula of the compound: AB2O4
Examples are ZnAl2O4, MgAl2O4 and ZnFe2O4.
• Stability of ionic Structure: Broadly, speaking the stability of ionic structures depends upon the radius ratio of rc
and ra. The structures predicted from the value of rc/ra are as follows.
Ratio Structure
rc Body-centred
> 0.732 8
ra cube
0.732 ≥ ≥ 0.414 cubic i.e. 6
0.414 ≥ 0.225 Tetrahedral 4
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Solid State
For example, chlorides of Li, K and Rb crystallize in the face-centred cubic lattice whereas the chloride of Cs
crystallize in the body-centred cubic lattice.
• A lattice point at the corner of a unit cell is shared by 8 vicinal unit cells.
• A face centered point is shared by two adjacent unit cells.
• A edge centered point is shared by four adjacent unit cells
• A body centered lattice point belongs completely to a specific unit cell.
• Total contribution of lattice points can be calculated from the unit cell..
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Solid State
• In solids constituent particles are arranged as spheres in close structure.
• In close packed structure, maximum space is occupied by constituent particles and leave minimum vacant space
• When the spheres are closely packed the different crystal systems are generated.
• As a consequence of this close packing in different pattern one gets the face centred cubic, body centred cubic
and hexagonal closed packed structure etc.
• In such packings a central sphere, present in two dimensional array touches six nearest spheres in hexagonal
close packing. In a square packing, a central sphere touches four neighbouring spheres
• Hexagonal close packing is more compact and occupies 74% volume and the remaining 26% space is void.
• In a cubic close packing it is 74% occupied space.
• The empty spaces between the three dimensional layers are known as holes or voids. The holes are also refered
as interstices. There are three types of holes possible.
(B) OCTAHEDRAL HOLE : It is the vacant space between a group of three spheres in a layer and another set of
three spheres of a next layer. These six spheres surrounding the hole, lie at the vertices of a regular octahedron.
• If there are ‘X’ atoms in a close packed structure, there are ‘X’ octahedral holes present.
• Thus number of tetrahedral holes is double the number of octahedral holes. The size of these holes depends on
the size of the spheres producing them.
• Octahedral holes are larger than tetrahedral holes.
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Solid State
• INTRINSIC DEFECTS : These are seen in pure crystals
• EXTRINSIC DEFECTS : These are due to the impurities in the solids
• POINT DEFECTS : These occur at the lattice points or sites in the crystals
• EXTENDED DEFECTS : These are present in one or more dimensions
• In stoichiometric compounds two types of defects are observed
• Based on electrical conductivity, solids can be broadly classified into three types
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Solid State
• They are Metals, Semi-conductors and Insulators or Non-conductors
Metals are conductors and have conductivity of the order of 103 to 108 ohm–1cm–1
Insulators have very low conductivity of the order of 10–10 to 10–22 ohm–1cm–1
• The solids whose conductivity lies between those of Metallic conductors and insulators are called Semi-
conductors. The order of semic conductors 10–6 to 104 ohm–1cm–1
• The electrical conductivity that is observed is usually related to defects in the crystal.
• In such defective crystal the migration of ions or charge imperfections(in case of Ionic conductivity) or the motion
of electrons and shifting of holes(increase of electronic conductivity) relate the conductivities.
• The mechanism of electrical conductivity may be given in terms of
• a) Vacancy Mechanism b) Interstitial Mechanism and c) Interstitialcy Mechanism
• The Magnitude of electrical conductivity strongly depends on the number of electrons available to participate in the
conduction process.
• In Metals the conductivity depends on the number of valence electrons present per atom.
• when a large number of atoms unite their wave functions interact.
• This results in a large number of molecular orbitals or energy levels, some Bonding and some antibonding.
• These energy levels are closely spaced energy levels and are known as bands.
• The number of energy levels is equal to the number of Atomic orbitals interacting.
• One half of these resulting orbitals have lowered energy levels and are known as bonding orbitals. They are of
similar energies and form a continuous band of orbitals.
• The other half of resultant orbitals have raised energy levels are known as Antibonding energy levels or orbitals.
• At all real temperatures the band has a large number of half filled energy levels. Electrons can flow readily through
these bands only when the band is incompletely filled with electrons or when electronic band(filled energy levels)
is very close to vacant molecular orbitals.
• At laboratory temperatures the conductivity of the metals is nearly independent of impurities and the lattice
• At low temperatures the mobility due to vibrations in the lattice is quite negligible and as a result the conductivity
becomes infinitely large.
• The conductivity of metals generally decrease with an increase in temperature. This is probably due to increased
vibrations in the lattice points the resistance to the flow of electrons increases.
• The impurities in the metal and the imperfections in the lattice also contribute to the conductivity.
• Measurement of the resistance of the metal as resistance ratio explain the purity of the metal.
• The conductivity of semi conductors varies completely in the opposite way to that of the metals.
• Semi conductors conductivities increases with increase in temperature. This is due to the fact that the electrons
from the valence band jump to the conduction band.
• Pure semi conductors which exhibit this property are known as intrinsic semi conductors.
• The temperature zone where the conductivity depends on the thermal electrons and the holes in the lattice of the
semi conductors is known as intrinsic region.
• At low temperature the conductivity is mainly determined by the concentrations of the electron donors and the
acceptors. This region is known as extrinsic region.
• Doping : -
• Addition of B ( IIIAGroup ) ( or ) P ( or ) As (VA Group ) element to alter the conductivity of Ge ( or ) Si is
called as doping.
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Solid State
• Pure Si ( or ) Ge are intrinsic semiconducters
• In doping, group IIIA element behaves as electron acceptor and group VA (15 group elements ) element
behaves as donor.
• When VA (or) 15th group element is added to , the crystal lattice does not change, but few atoms are replaced by
group VA (or) 15th group elements, it forms covalent bonds with the fifth electron is delocalised, therefore
becomes electrical conductor.
• Silicon doped with VA (or) 15th group element is known as ‘n’ type semi conductor ( n = negatively charged
electrons are responsible for conductivity)
• In doping VA (or) IIIA group element is called as dopant
• When IIIA (or) 13th group ;element like (or) or is added to the substitution of few atoms by group IIIA takes
• IIIA group element has only 3 valence electrons. One more electron is required, it is left as a vacant place on
the atom. This is called as electron vacancy or a hole.
• This electron vacancy in the crystal structure migrates from one atom to another. This is responsible for electrical
conductivity of Si.
• ‘Si’ doped with IIIA (or) 13th group element is called p – type semiconductor
• n – type and p – type semi conductors both are used in electronic devices
• Example : Diode, pnp or npn type semiconductors are used in transistors.
• These transistors are used to detect (or) amplify radio or audo signals
• In the conversion of radiant energy into electrical energy solar cell (p – n type ) is used
• Many solid state semiconductors are prepared by combining IIIA or 13th group elements with VA or 15th group
elements and IIB or 12th group elements with VIA or 16th group
• In this type of conductors bond is not pure covalent nature of the bond depends on electronegativities of two
• Transition metal oxides shows wide variation in this electrical properties.
• Metal sulphides of transition elements also exhibits wide variation in their electrical properties.
• The substances can be classified into five types depending on their response to an applied magnetic field.
(A) DIAMAGNETIC MATERIALS : The substances which are weakly repelled by magnetic field examples NaCl, KCl,
TiO2 ZnO2 Benzene etc.
• Alignment of magnetic moments in diamagnetic substances
(B) PARAMAGNETIC MATERIALS: The substances which are attracted by magnetic field due to the presence lone
electrons on atoms, ions or molecules.
• They lose their magnetic property when the applied filed is removed
Ex : O2, Cu++, Fe++, Na, Ti2O3, VO2 , NO etc
(C) FERROMAGNETIC MATERIALS : The substances which are strongly attaracted by magnetic field.
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Solid State
• These substances contain domains of magnetization. All of them are oriented in the same direction. They retain
their magnetism even after withdrawal of applied field.
Ex : Fe, Co, Ni, CrO2 etc.
• Fe, Co, Ni, are the only three elements which show ferromagnetism at room temperature.
• The alignment of magnetic moments in these substances is
(D) Anti Ferromagnetism : It is due to compensatory alignment of moments. The net moment is Zero. The alignment
in these substance is
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