Metal Detector Parts List

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The document describes how a simple metal detector circuit works using amplitude modulation and three main building blocks: a feedback oscillator, voltage controlled oscillator, and driver transistor.

It detects metal objects by using a receiving coil to sense changes in the magnetic field when an object is placed near the transmitting coil, which causes a change in amplitude that is detected.

The main building blocks are: 1) a feedback oscillator using two transistors, 2) a voltage controlled oscillator that responds to changes in amplitude, and 3) a driver transistor to power a speaker.

This project is an extension of Metal Detector MkI, and shows how metal objects

are detected. It is the second in a series of circuits and allows a great deal o
f experimentation, especially if you have a CRO (Cathode Ray Oscilloscope) and a
few items to detect. You can view the waveforms and see exactly how they alter
as an object is brought into the field of the coil.

There are a number of ways to detect a metal object and alter the operation of a
circuit so that an output is produced.
Metal detectors will detect ferrous (iron, steel, stainless steel) as well as no
n-ferrous (copper, tin, gold, lead, silver, aluminium) as well as alloys (brass,
cupro-nickel, pewter etc).
Depending on the complexity of the circuit, a metal detector will be able to dis
criminate between a lump of gold and an aluminium ring-pull from a drink-can.
The circuit we have presented in this project is very simple and works on the pr
inciple of detecting the amplitude of a waveform. This is called AMPLITUDE MODUL
When a metal object is placed inside the detecting coil, some of the magnetic fl
ux passes into the object and creates a current called an eddy-current. This "us
es-up" some of the magnetic flux and thus less flux is available for the receivi
ng coil.
This produces a lower output from the coil and causes the second transistor in t
he circuit to be turned OFF slightly and the voltage on the collector rises. Th
is allows the third and fourth transistors to oscillate and pass a signal to the
fifth transistor to drive a mini speaker.
As you can see, the circuit consists of a number of BUILDING BLOCKS. All you hav
e to do is understand how each block works and you will understand the whole cir
The concepts of TALKING ELECTRONICS is to explain how various building blocks op
erate so you can design your own projects. You can take any of the blocks and ad
d them to your own project, but it will be necessary to connect them together co
rrectly. That's why you have to read our discussion articles, to learn how to in
terface different blocks.
You can consider this circuit consists of three building blocks:
1. The first block is a FEEDBACK OSCILLATOR that gets its feedback via a transfo
rmer (the two coils act like a transformer). This uses the first two transistors
The first transistor is turned on via the diode in the emitter of the second tra
nsistor. This diode receives its turn-on bias from the 1k8 resistor.
The resistance of the Rx (receiving coil) is very small and the base of the firs
t transistor sees a "turn-on" voltage from the voltage across the diode.
The variable resistor in the emitter starts at a low value for our description o
f the circuit.
The first transistor has a high gain at this point in time and the Tx (transmitt
ing coil) and 47n form a tuned circuit with a frequency of approx 15kHz.
The power rail is stabilized by the 5v6 zener and a small amount of noise is alw
ays present in any circuit and causes a small waveform to be produced by the ind
uctor and capacitor.
This waveform is passed to the receiving coil (through the air) and a small volt
age is produced by it.
Since the end of the receiving coil connected to the diode is fixed and rigid, t
he signal produced by the coil is passed to the base of both transistors. The co
il is orientated so that the voltage it produces turns the first transistor ON h
arder and thus the waveform produced by the tuned circuit is increased.
Since the resistance of the pot is a minimum, the amplitude of the waveform will
be a maximum and this will have the effect of turning ON the second transistor

so that the voltage on the collector will be very low. The signal on the collect
or will be a waveform but this will be smoothed by the 100n capacitor.
As the resistance of the pot is increased, a voltage will appear at the emitter.
Thus the base-to- emitter voltage will be LESS and the transistor will not be t
urned on as much. The waveform produced by the tuned circuit will reduce.
This will be reflected in the receiving coil and the second transistor will also
get turned off slightly. The voltage on the collector will rise and this will b
e passed to the second building block . . .
The voltage controlled oscillator is simply a direct-coupled high-gain amplifier
with a 10n feedback capacitor to provide oscillation.
When a voltage appears on the base of the third transistor, it turns ON and this
turns on the PNP transistor.
The voltage on the collector of the PNP transistor rises and this pulls one end
of the 10n capacitor (via a 1k resistor) towards the positive rail.
The other end of the capacitor is connected to the base of the third transistor.
This turns ON the third transistor.
They keep turning ON until both are fully saturated (turned on). This happens ve
ry quickly and during this time the 10n capacitor starts to charge. The charging
current flows through the base-emitter junction of the third transistor and as
the capacitor charges, it develops a voltage across it. This causes the charging
current to reduce. The third transistor gradually turns off and this turns the
fourth transistor off slightly. The voltage on the collector of the fourth trans
istor drops and the voltage across the 10n capacitor causes the third transistor
to turn off completely. This turns off the fourth transistor and now both are f
ully turned off.
The 10n discharges through the 56k and the cycle repeats. The capacitor takes a
very short time to charge and a longer time to discharge. This is why the output
consists of very short spikes.
Now we come to the reason why the frequency alters.
As the voltage from the previous building block rises, the charge-time for the f
irst 10n capacitor is less and thus the first transistor in the oscillator circu
it is turned on in a shorter period of time. This capacitor is discharged when
the two transistors are turned off and to lead of the second 10n is taken to nea
r the 0v rail by the 1k resistor in series with another 1k resistor and the base
of the driver transistor. It's fairly complex and if you have a CRO, you will n
otice the waveforms on the 10n capacitors go below the 0v rail.
This is how the two-transistor direct-coupled amplifier turns into a variable-fr
equency oscillator.
3. THE DRIVER TRANSISTOR. The output of the oscillator is connected to a driver
transistor via a 1k resistor. This resistor prevents high currents flowing when
both transistors are turned on. The driver transistor is directly connected to a
n 8 ohm speaker. The 18R resistor reduces the volume and prevents large spikes a
ppearing on the power rails. The result is a clicking sound.
For this type of circuit to be successful, the supply voltage must be maintained
absolutely rigid for the detecting section. This is very difficult to do as the
battery voltage changes as it gets older and all the semiconductor devices chan
ge according to the temperature. The supply voltage must be as stable as possibl
e as the circuit is detecting a very small change in amplitude and the supply vo
ltage has an effect on the size of the signal. The circuit uses a zener diode to
create a fixed supply but as the temperature of the diode heats-up with current
-flow, the circuit-settings change and a tone is gradually produced by the speak
er. This has to be stopped by adjusting the pot on the emitter of the first tran
sistor. This constant resetting of the circuit is called INSTABILITY and is one
of the downfalls of the design.
However, for a simple circuit it offers very good sensitivity and an audio outpu
We have more metal detector circuits in the pipeline and will be added as soon a

s possible.
Metal detector circuits are a very big part of industry, not only to detect meta
l particles in food but also hidden objects on persons entering various venues.
They are also used to detect the difference between iron compounds and gold - su
ch as the latest gold detectors.
They are also used to detect coins for vending machines and in this instance the
y are generally called "coin comparators." Metal detection is a very big field,
from detecting old nails in second-hand timber to mine sweeping via helicopters.
This is where you start and if this area fascinates you, search the internet for
more-complex circuits and design a metal detector for night-clubs and airports
that will pick up a blade concealed in a shoe!
You need to do it by narrow-band magnetic radiation, to build up a picture of th
e metal objects without any X-ray radiation dangers.
It's a bit like "CAT Scanning" but the machine needs to be much less expensive.
The diameter of the wire and the size of the coil is not critical however our pr
ototype was 0.5mm enamelled wire wound on an 80mm diameter former.
The two coils must be placed beside each other and changing the number of turns
of the receiving coil does not alter the sensitivity of the circuit.
The transmitting coil is 50 turns and the detecting coil is 70 turns.
The two coils must be placed together and covered with tape to keep them togethe
Make sure the 50t coil is connected across the 47n capacitor as the circuit will
not work if the coils are exchanged. Don't worry about the correct connection o
f the second coil as it can be reversed if the circuit does not work.
The circuit will detect a small button cell about 5cm above the coil


all 0.25 watt
330R resistors
1k mini pot
10n ceramic
47n ceramic
100n ceramic
1000u electrolytic
30metre 0.5mm enamelled winding wire


1N 4148 signal diode

5v6 zener diode
3mm red LED
BC 547 transistors
BC 557 transistor
BC 338 transistor
8R mini speaker
9v battery snap
9v battery
1m very fine solder

1 - Metal Detector MkII PCB

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