Duncan Forbes
Duncan Forbes
Duncan Forbes
When Duncan Forbes planted New Life
Church on the Alton Estate in south London,
he was faced with social situations which
demanded fresh theological thinking
Indigenous preaching
Livingstone realized how important
it was to have indigenous preachers,
because the locals understood the
African preachers so much better.
One of the great challenges for Bible
translators is to be able to translate
in such a way that modern readers
can hear the text in a similar way to
the original audience. Ideally, when
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Calvin spent time theologizing, looking
at how the Bible played out in his
culture. Spurgeon and the Puritans
did the same, and at our church on the
Alton Estate, we are following suit. We
are not trying to change the doctrine
of the trinity, or substitutionary
atonement, but we are asking fresh
questions about how the Bible plays
out on our estate.
In asking these questions, we have
the following presuppositions: Christ
died for all kinds of people; the Bible
is God-breathed and totally sufficient;
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Being practical
Each culture has its own blind spots
and its own strengths. Some people
say the Reformed community tends
to be academic, emphasizing doctrine
over practice. Estate culture tends to be
very practical. We therefore enjoy the
doctrine of the Reformed community,
but at the same time ask, Can we make
it more practical?
One of the ways this has worked out
is in our discipleship program, The
Roehampton Catechism. Like other
catechisms, ours places a big emphasis
on knowledge. However we dont stop
there. We have additional catechism
application questions which apply
doctrine to the nitty-gritty of life,
which we then follow with prayer.
Our catechism is a time of learning
doctrines which lead to godliness, and
confessing, praying and praising God.
Church style
For me, churches reflect middle class
culture. There are many good things
about middle class culture, but I
naturally feel like an outsider. At our
church, we have resisted adopting
middle class values, unless we are