Gravitational Waves Detected
Gravitational Waves Detected
Gravitational Waves Detected
On Thursday 11 Feb, the physics community was just
getting nervous and excitement level was in its full
potential, it was all about General relativity last
.predictions, it was all about Gravitiational waves
And when it finally a discovery of these waves we were allproud to be humans and live to see these great moments
.of the history of science
Ladies and gentlemen, we have discovered gravitational "
waves, we did it" by these words David Reitzi start his talk
in the press , he announced that we have finally discover
the gravitational waves which Albert Einstein predicted in
. his general theory of relativity before 100 year
But what is the importance of this discovery and what
about black holes, it might be an interesting note also to
know that this discovery also has a relation with these
.fancy objects called black holes
time. Which means that the space and time ripples and
this happens because of something like supernova or
black holes collisions or even neutron stars collisions.
Some gravitational waves also might be a result from the
big bang itself but anyway we discover it by black holes
Since Einstein interprets gravity as a curvature in spacetime and we look to gravity as a curvature in four
dimensions and it can be represented visually as we put a
.large ball on a piece of fabric taut
:Ligo detector
Ligo was built on the shape of letter 'L' in English
alphabet and every line from the two line that forms this
shape is about 4 km long ( and because this long length
they are 100 hundred height to reduce the earth curvature
effects) and inside the angle of 'L' there is a laser
machine producing high energetic laser beam. First, the
beam passes in Half-reflective 45 degree (from beam
direction) mirrors and these mirrors will pass half of the
light and reflect another half, so the light divided into two
.parts, one for each line direction