In every province and in every city,
wherever the kings commandments
and decree reached, there was great
gladness and joy for the Jews, a feast and
a holiday. And many of the people of the
land became Jews because the fear of the
Jews fell upon them.
The proper interpretation of this
verse is a matter of dispute. Tosafos
(Yevamos 24b s.v. Lo) are bothered by
an apparent contradiction between
two passages in the Gemara. The
Gemara there quotes a beraisa that
during the days of Dovid HaMelech
and Shlomo HaMelech the Jewish
people did not accept converts, as
there was strong ulterior motivation to
benefit from the economic prosperity
that the Jewish people enjoyed at
that time. Yet the Gemara that we
quoted earlier refers to large numbers
of geirim during the time of Dovid
Hamelech. Tosafos suggest that the
, ,
One should not think thatSamsonwho
saved the Jewish people, and
SolomonKing of Israel, who is called
the friend of God,married gentile
woman who did not convert. Instead, the
matter can be explained as follows: The
proper way of performing themitzvahis
when a male or a female prospective
convert comes, we inspect his motives
for conversion. Perhaps he is coming
for the sake of financial gain, in order
to receive a position of authority,or he
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Purim 5776
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Purim 5776
A Novel Approach to
Drinking on Purim:
R. Chaim Zundel Maccabi,
Imrei Chaim no. 52, suggests
that the concept of drinking
on Purim has its roots in the
mass conversion that followed
the defeat of Haman. While
there were many who were
interested in converting because
they believed in the Torah,
there were others who were
not as sincere. Some were even
tacit supporters of Haman.
R. Maccabi suggests that
Mordechai wanted to see which
of these conversion candidates
were sincere so he instituted
that the celebration of Purim
the following year would be a
day of drinking wine. When one
is drunk, ones inner feelings
come out and therefore, through
the drinking of wine, Mordechai
was able to determine who was
sincere and who was not. Since
drinking wine was part of the
original Purim celebration, it
continued in subsequent years.
Torah To Go Editors
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Purim 5776
It would seem that there is no question from the
outset. When the Gemara states that they did
not accept converts during the time of David
and Shlomo, that was only by default. The
assumption was that they were only doing so
because of fear of the war of David or because of
the wealth of Solomon. However, those who had
proven their desire to convert because they saw
the holiness of the Torah and the just measures of
its laws and statutes were accepted as converts.
4 There is a dispute among rishonim as to what
components of geirus are invalid even post
facto if not performed in front of a beis din.
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Purim 5776