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National Conference on Recent Research in Engineering and Technology (NCRRET -2015)

International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD)

e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406

Comparative Study of Design of an Industrial Workshop with

Pre-Engineering Building

Mansi B Solanki, Tausif F Kauswala

AbstractLong Span, Column fr ee structures are the most essential in any type of industrial structures. P re-Engineered Building (P EB) concept is a new concept in
the construction of single storey steel industrial building which fulfils this requirement along with reduced time and cost as compared to conventional structures. The
objective of this paper is to analyze and designs a P re-Engineered Building (P EB) using cold for med steel Z purlin section and compare it with Conventional Steel
Building (CSB) with fink type truss. The objective is achieved by designing a typical fra me system o f a proposed Industrial Workshop Building using both the
concepts and analyzing the designed fra mes using the structural analysis and design software Staad P ro V8i.

Index T ermsCold- for med section, Conventional roof truss, Design Excel sheet, Industrial Workshop, IS Codes,P re-engineered building,
Staad P ro V8i,

Steel industry is growing rapidly in almost all the parts of the
world. Any building structure used by the industry to manufacture or repair the manufactured goods is known as an industrial
workshop. Steel is a material which has high strength per unit
weight. Therefore, a steel member of a small section which has
little self weight is able to resist heavy loads is used in construction of industrial workshop having large column free space.
There has been an increasing demand for structural steel for
construction purposes in the United States and India. Structural
steel members are usually used for construction of steel plants,
automobile industries, utility and process industries, thermal
power stations, warehouse, assembly plants, storage, garages,
etc. In steel construction, there are two main types of structural
members one is hot-rolled shapes and members built up of
plate and other is cold formed steel sheet, strip, plates or flat
bars in roll-forming machines. In present paper, Industrial unit
is categorized as Conventional Steel Buildings (CSB) and PreEngineered Buildings (PEB) with cold formed elements, according to the design concepts.

Conventional steel buildings (CSB) are low rise steel structures

with roofing systems of truss with roof coverings. Various configurations of roof truss are available for conventional steel
building depending upon the span. The selection of roof truss
includes the slope of the roof, fabrication and transportation
methods, aesthetics, climatic conditions, etc. Conventional steel
buildings are manufactured or produced in the plant itself.
Standard hot-rolled sections are used for the truss element
along with gusset plates.

Technological improvement over the year has contributed immensely to the enhancement of quality of life through various
new products and services. One such revolution was the preengineered buildings. The concept of Pre-engineered Building
originated from United States of America in the 1960s. Although PEB systems are extensively used in industrial and
many other non-residential constructions worldwide, it is rela-

tively a new concept in India since 1990s. Pre-engineered buildings are those which are fully fabricated in the factory after designing shipped to site in completely knocked down condition
and all components are assembled and erected at site with nutbolts, thereby reducing the time of completion. Preengineered
steel buildings use a combination of built-up sections, hot-rolled
or cold formed elements.
Cold-Form Steel building concept originated during World War
II in 1960s in the United States and it is introduced in India in
late 1990s. In recent years, the cold formed steel sections are
widely used over the hot rolled sections because of their economy and lowest high strength to weight ratio. The thickness of
cold formed steel member ranges from 0.4 mm to 6.4mm.

This paper includes the design of an Industrial Workshop structure located at Vadodara. The actual structure is proposed as a
Conventional Steel Building frame with a fink type roof truss
having 45 meters width, 18 meters length and an eave height of
10 meters. Pre-Engineered Building is also designed for the
same geometric condition. In this paper, a typical Conventional
Steel Building frame is taken into account and the design is carried out by considering wind load as the critical load for the
structure. PEB frame is also designed for the same span considering an economical cold formed purlin sections. Both the designs are then compared to find out the economical output. The
designs are carried out in accordance with the help of Indian
Standards, Manual Structural Analysis, Design Excel Sheets and
SoftwareStaad Pro V8i.


Various loads and loads combinations are taken in to account
for analysis and designing the PEB frame and Conventional
Steel Building.

1. Dead Load
Dead load includes the self-weight of the structure, weights of
roofing material, weight of purlins, weight of roof truss,
weight of gantry girder, weight of bracings and other accessories.
2. Live Load
As per IS : 875 (Part 2) 1987, for roof with no access provided, the live load can be taken as 0.75 kN/m 2 with a reduction of 0.02 kN/m 2 for every one degree above 10 degrees of
roof slope.
3.Wind load
Wind load is calculated as per IS: 875 (Part 3) 1987. The basic
wind speed for the location of the building is 44 m/s from the
Fig. 2 3D Rendering View of Workshop
As per IS 800:2007, various considered Load combinations are
given below:
1. 1.5(DL+LL)
2. 1.5(DL+WL@90)
3. 1.5(DL+WL@0)
4. 1.2(DL+LL+WL@90)
5. 1.2(DL+LL-WL@90)
6. 1.2(DL+LL+WL@0)
7. 1.2(DL+LL-WL@0)


As per the span criteria,eave height and gravity loads, the
geometry of fink type roof truss are selected for designing.
The configuration of fink type roof truss in an elevation of an
industrial workshop building and 3D view rendering from
Staad pro are shown in Fig 1 and Fig 2.





The analysis and design is carried out by MicrosoftDesignExcel 2007 and Staad pro V8i.
Table 1 shown below shows the data considered in analysis of
purlin and result obtained from considered data.
TABLE 1 Summary of Purlin Design from Excel sheet
Input Data
Type of Roof SheetAsbestos Sheet
Access ProvidedNo
Basic Wind Speed44 m/sec
Life of Structure50 years
Output Data
Dead Load0.18kN/m
Live Load0.70kN/m
Wind Load1.10kN/m

Other data which are considered for the analysis of roof truss
and result obtained from considered data are shown in Table
TABLE 2 Summary of Roof Truss Design from Excel
Input Data
Weight of Purlin3.65 kN
Weight of Roof Truss4.46 kN
Weight of Wind Bracing0.49 kN
Output Data
Dead Load on each intermediate nodes2.15kN
Live Load on each intermediate nodes2.12kN
Wind load on intermediate nodes4.11 kN

Fig 1 Fink Roof Truss

Maximum axial load on various truss members are to be

found out from Staad Pro V8i software by substituting the
values obtained from design excel that is shown in Table 1 and
Table 2 above. Fig 3 and Fig 4 shows the dead load, windload
applied on Roof truss on intermediate nodes and end nodes.

of different sizes and their specifications, loads and load combinations and then analyzing and designing the PEB structure.

Advantages of PEB:


Fig 3. Application of Dead Load




Saving in time: Saving in construction time of about

30 50% in total project schedule due to fast delivery
and quick site erection.
Reduction in project cost: Reduction in project cost
due to time saving in project implementation.
Flexibility: Buildings can be designed maintaining
flexibility for future expansion in length, width and
Earthquake resistant: PEB provides resistant from
earthquake because of lower weight and structural
building plan.
Low maintenance: Buildings are supplied with high
quality system for cladding and steel to suit ambient
conditions at the site, which results in long durability
and low maintenance costs.

Fig 4. Application of Wind Load

Table 3 shows the maximum axial load on various members of
roof truss obtained from StaadPro V8i by considering critical
Load combinations.
TABLE 3 Maximum Axial Load
Principal rafter249.35 kN
Main tie72.194 kN
Intermediate truss member (m1) 16.806 kN
Intermediate truss member (m2) 96.465 kN

156.76 kN
38.449 kN
31.556 kN
51.3 kN

Typical Pre Engineering Steel Structure

The Pre-engineered steel frame as shown in Fig 7 is designed
for manufacturing or repairing the manufactured goods that
provide durability, safety and very low cost-maintenance. Preengineered steel building is very simple and economical with
the necessary Architectural, Engineering and Construction
with pre-engineered steel buildings. The major components of
a pre-engineered building are primary structure framing consisting columns and rafter having tapered I sections. The
printshot of secondary framing consisting of cold formed sections used as roof purlins, property of tapered I section and
Portal frame are shown in Fig 5, Fig 6 & Fig 7

The Table 4 below shows the various sectionsfor purlin, roof
and column obtained while designing as per the above forces
obtained from Table 3. The column section section is obtained
by the reactions obtained from roof truss, horizontal surge
load from gantry girder and loading consider due to cladding,windload etc.

TABLE 4 Sections Used in Workshop

ISLC 150
Roof truss
ISA 40 X 40
ISA 60 X 60
ISA 45 X 45
ISA 65 X 65
Column Section
ISHB 400

Fig 5 Cold formed Z purlin



The Staad Pro V8i is a structural analysis and design software
which helps in modelling, analyzing and designing the structure. The software supports standards of several countries, including Indian standard. The procedure of designing a PEB in
Staad Pro v8i includes modelling the PEB structure, applying
properties of structure including pre-fabricated tapered section

By applying loads combinations, the below Fig8, Fig 9 shows

the Bending moment diagram for critical load combination as
1.5(DL+LL) and 1.2(DL+LL-WL@90)

Fig 6 Member property for Tapered section

Fig 8 Load combinations for 1.5(DL+LL)

Fig 9 Load combinations for 1.2(DL+LL-WL@90)

Fig 7PEB portal frame

The PEB frame is also checked for combined bending and axial
compression.The Fig 10 below shows that it is safe agains
bending and compression

Analysis and De sign of PEB

T he design of PEB in Staad Pro V8i consists of the following



Set up section sizes and brace locations based on the geometry and loading specified for the frame design.
Calculate moment, shear and axial force at each analysis point for each load combinations.
Design the optimum splice location and check to see
whether the predicted sizes confirm to manufacturing
Using the web optimization mode, arrive at the optimum web depths for the next cycle and update the
member data file.
At the end of all design cycle, an analysis is run to
achieve flange brace optimization.

Fig 10 Combined Bending and Axial Compression

By comparision weight wise, it is found that the total weight
of PEB Frame including cold form Z purlin comes out to be
280460 kg and that of conventional roof truss including channel purlin comes out to be as 440220 kg. Thus it is concluded
that Price per square meter is around 30% lower than conventional steel building due to lighter weight. Moreover heavy
foundation is required for conventional roof truss due to
heavy loads on column. Thus we can say thatPre-Engineered
Building Construction gives the end users a much more economical and better solution for long span structures where
large column free areas are needed

Steel Struct ural Members i n General Building Construction)

[12] BS 5950 (Part 5) - 1987 (Code of Practice for D esign of Cold F ormed Sec tion)
[13] BS 5950 (Part 1) - 2000 (Steelwork Design G uide)

I now feel goodness to convey a heartily the sense of my gratitude, I would like to acknowledge first to God and then number of persons, who helped me to reach at this pinnacle.
I am highly grateful and indebted to my guide Mr. TausifKauswala, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department, for his constant inspiration, guidance and monitoring of
my work for his generosity in devoting his valuable time and
for explaining even minute details and also for excellent encouragement at every stage in preparation of this project.
I am also very much thankful to Mr. AnsarKauswala, Design
Engineer in L&T for his help during my project work and providing sufficient guidance for designing of PEB structure and
Mr. Ashokkumar, Head of Furnace and Foundry Equipment
Co. for allowing us to visit their work shop industrial building.
Lastly, but not the least I appreciate the support and patience
shown by my Parents during the entire period. Without their
blessings and support this would not have been successful
endeavour for me.


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[4] Dr. N. S ubramanian, Desig n of steel struct ures
[5] Dr. N. S ubramanian (2008), Pre- engi neer ed Buildings Selec tion of Framing
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[6] Dr. B C Punmia, Ashok Jain ,Arun Kumar Jain, D esign o f steel struct ure ,
By laxmi publication
[7] IS: 800 2007 - General Co nstructio n In Steel - Code of Practice.
[8] IS : 875 (Part 1) - 1987 - Code o f Practice for D esign Loads (Ot her Than Earthq uake) for Buildings and Struct ures- Dead Loads
[9] IS : 875 (Part 2) - 1987 - Code o f Practice for D esign Loads (Ot her Than Earthq uake) for Buildings And Struct ures- Live Loads
[10] IS : 875 (Part 3) - 1987 - Code of Practice for Desig n Loads (Other Than Earthq uake) for Buildings And Struct ures- Wi nd Loads
[11] IS 801- 1975 (Code of Practice for Use of Cold-Formed Light Weig ht Ga uge

Mansi B solanki is currently pursuing masters degree program in civil

structutal engineering in Gujarat Technology University, India, E-mail:
[email protected]
Tausif F Kauswala is currently working as an Assistant Professor in Sigma
Institute of Engineering, Bakrol, Vadodara, Gujarat Technological Univer sity. E-mail: [email protected]
(This information is optional; change it according to your need.)

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