Dynamics of #Uidized-Bed Reactors. Development and Application of A New Multi-"Ber Optical Probe
Dynamics of #Uidized-Bed Reactors. Development and Application of A New Multi-"Ber Optical Probe
Dynamics of #Uidized-Bed Reactors. Development and Application of A New Multi-"Ber Optical Probe
There seems to be no method available to measure all parameters of interests in multiphase #ow systems with high solids
concentration and with reasonable accuracy. Parameters include, local particle velocity vectors, solids volume fractions and bubble
rise velocity, size, frequency and volume fraction. In this study a novel method based on a "ber optical technique and tracer particles
has been developed for simultaneous measurements of the mentioned local #ow properties in highly concentrated multiphase #ow
systems such as gas}solid #uidized bed reactors. A particle present in the measuring volume in front of the probe is marked with
a #uorescent dye. A light source illuminates the particles and the detecting "bres receive re#ected light from uncoated particles and
#uorescent light from the tracer particle. Using optical "lters, the #uorescent light can be distinguished and together with a small
fraction of background light from uncoated particles can be used for the determination of local #ow properties. The method gives the
possibility for simultaneous measurement of the local movement of a single tracer particle, local bubble properties and the local solids
volume fractions in di!erent positions in the bed. 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Particle velocity; Bubble properties; Solids volume fraction; Tracer particles; Fiber optics; Fluidized beds
1. Introduction
Fluidized bed- and circulating #uidized-bed reactors
are used in many areas in the process industry, especially
in the oil and petrochemical industries. There are still
many uncertainties in the design, operation and scale up
of such reactors, particularly when the movement and
circulation of solids is concerned. In these systems the
local values of solids volume fraction may range from
0 to approximately 60 vol.%. For better understanding
of the #ow properties, behaviour and for fundamental
modelling of these multiphase systems, it is of prime
importance to know the details of the #ow. The local
velocities of both phases and the local distribution of
0009-2509/99/$ } see front matter 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 9 - 2 5 0 9 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 3 1 9 - 4
humidity, temperature, and particle shapes may be di$cult to establish (Louge and Opie, 1990).
The main limitations of capacitance tomography techniques are the poor resolution and the blurring of voidage boundaries. In addition comes the uncertainties
prevalent in all tomographic techniques, relating to the
deconvolution of the current measurements. False images may also occur, especially when there are more than
two objects within the same imaging "eld (Halow and
Nicoletti, 1992; Williams and Beck, 1995). The major
disadvantage of X-ray, c-ray and C scanners is the
time-averaged nature of the measurements, which limits
the usefulness of these techniques in process diagnostic
applications (Azzi et al., 1991, Yates and Cheesman, 1992;
Kumar et al., 1997).
The overall #ux of solids circulation in high-velocity
systems may be determined by collecting the total #ow
over a period of time and measuring each phase separately by means of sampling probes. In #uidized beds,
particle motion appear in di!erent directions. It is necessary to collect solids from various positions with the
probe opening in di!erent directions at separate time
periods. Time averaging is therefore necessary (Rhodes
and Laussmann, 1992; Werther et al., 1993).
The particle-tracking techniques such as CARPT
(Computerized Automated Particle Tracking) or PEPT
(Positron Emission Particle Tracking) are limited to
the use of a de"ned particle. In a #uidized bed, particles are distributed over a certain range of sizes, and
generally may have non-spherical form. Therefore, the
tracer particle will at best represent only a narrow
fraction of the bed particles. The implementation of
the above techniques require many detectors and much
calibration works. The experiments may also be of
long duration. (Lin et al., 1985; Sannvs, 1997; Simons
et al., 1993).
Many investigators have attempted to measure local
solids motion and volume fractions in dense suspensions
using optical "bre sensors. Optical "bre probes are
simple, yield high signal-transmission-to-noise ratios,
and create a minimum disturbance to the #ow. The
sensors used are either based on forward light scattering
between emission and detection "bres separated by
a short distance, or on backscattering onto an optical
"bre system. Forward scattering is limited to relatively
low solids volume fractions and also is considered to
disturb the #ow structure more than the backscattering
method. It is therefore impractical for dense systems
(Okhi and Shirai, 1976; Hartge et al., 1989). Because
backscattering sensors are simpler and less intrusive, they
have received wider attention, see Oki et al. (1975)
Lischer and Louge (1992) and Cocco et al. (1995).
In the measurement of particle velocities with "bre
optical probes, almost all detection systems apply two
parallel sensors placed at a certain distance. This design
can determine the magnitude of the velocity vector in one
2. Measuring principle
The local motion of a single particle in gas}solid #ow
can be determined using two parallel optical "bres separated by a known distance as light detectors. For a su$ciently high light sampling frequency the movement of
a self-lighting particle in front of the probe may be
detected as two bell-shaped curves separated in time.
One component of the particle velocity vector, u can be
obtained by dividing the distance between the sensors,
Dx, by the measured time delay, Dt.
; " .
Fig. 3. Optical "bres con"guration and details of the probe tip design.
The external steel cover keeps the sapphire window "xed in front of the
3. Probe design
Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of the in#uence of illumination and "bre viewing angle on the e!ective distance, l , relative to the geometric distance l .
(A) the end surface plane is not perpendicular to the "bre axis (B) The illumination light placed between receiving "bres (C) external illumination; (D)
uniform illumination. The distribution of illuminating light, I is schematicaly illustrated in the right-hand side of each "gure.
probe. Each detector is surrounded by six emitters ensuring symmetric and &&uniform'' light illumination of the
measuring site. The end face of the "bres are polished by
a multi procedure operation using ultra "ne sand papers.
The tip of the probe is smoothed and protected by a thin
sapphire window with a thickness of 0.5 mm and diameter of about 2.5 mm. The distances and angles between
all detecting "bres were measured by microscopy and
image processing.
4. Tracer particles
When tracer particles are used to represent the #ow of
particles, their physical properties must be close to the
other particles in the bed. As tracer particles, one may use
a size fraction, or only one size of particles with the same
physical properties as the bed particles. Movement of
particles with other physical properties than the particles
in the bed can be measured using a small fraction of these
particles as tracer.
When tracer particles are made by #uorescent dye
impregnation as in this work, the weight of the dye is
negligible. The physical properties of the tracer particles
are then almost unchanged. In a #uidized bed a tracer
particle is always surrounded by and collides with other
particles. The #uorescent dye should not be lost or transferred to other uncoated neighbouring particles, but "xed
to the tracer particles both physically and chemically.
In this study "ve batches of spent #uidized cracking
catalyst (FCC) particles with the size distribution, shape
and density as the bed particles were coated with di!erent #uorescent dyes. Two batches were impregnated by
Molecular Probes Inc., USA and three batches by SINTEF Applied Chemistry, Norway. The #uorescence e$ciency and light spectra of all "ve tracer groups were
analysed by exposing them to the same laser source with
constant output power and wavelength (488}514 nm).
Fig. 4. (A) Schematic diagram of the light spectral assembly. (B) The light spectra from spent FCC particles coated with #uorescent dye and used as
tracer particles in this study, no optical "lter present.
Fig. 5. A section of a time-series measurement conducted in a laboratory #uidized-bed reactor of uncoated SiC particles and #uorescent dye
impregnated spent FCC tracer particles. The measurements are carried out at the centre of a 7 cm ID bed and axial height of h"160 mm above the
gas distributor with a super"cial gas velocity of 0.065 m/s.
Fig. 6. Schematic illustration of the determination of the particle velocity vector based on the e!ective distance, *x: (A) the particle passes in
between two sensors, (B) the particle passes the detecting "bres without
passing in between them.
Fig. 12. Tracer particle velocity vectors at h"160 mm and u "0.065 m/s.
Fig. 14. Tracer particle velocity vectors measured at h"160 mm and u "0.14 m/s. (A) presentation in polar coordinates illustrating the magnitude
and direction of the velocity vectors; (B) the frequency distribution of the velocity magnitude; (C) the frequency distribution of the velocity vectors
directions. From !90 to #90 denotes upward #ow. Zero is parallel to the main bed axis.
10. Conclusions
A method for simultaneous measurements of local
particle velocity vector, bubble properties and solids volume fraction based on the application of a "bre optical
technique and #uorescent tracer particles has been successfully developed. The optical "bre probe has an outer
diameter of 2.5 mm. Its measuring depth is of order
0.3}1.5 mm depending on the local solids concentration.
The probe was successfully calibrated in two extreme
cases, including, a particle-free dark space and a &&uniform'' expanded bed of SiC particles. The calibration
curves were used to estimate the outer limits of the probe
measuring volume. These data were also used to "t the
calibration function of (Hartge et al., 1989) for determination of local solids volume fractions.
The accuracy of the measured velocity vectors by the
probe were tested by the application of a single tracer
particle "xed at a certain radius on a rotating disk at
known rotation frequency. The results obtained by the
probe were in very good agreement with the calculated
ones, ($0.5%).
The method is independent of the physical properties
of the tracer particles such as size distribution, density,
and shape. The technique is also independent of the local
solids volume fractions in the range of 0}60 vol.%, but is
mainly designed for highly concentrated #ow systems.
A software program for simultaneous treatment of the
signals from all detectors has been developed. The program calculates the tracer particle velocity vectors in two
dimensions based on successfully detected signals from at
least three sensors and the order of detection. It determines the bubble rise velocity based on measured time
delays at the front of the bubble. The bubble sizes are
determined based on the measured duration times and
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