The Art of Thinking A Guide To Critical
The Art of Thinking A Guide To Critical
The Art of Thinking A Guide To Critical
Be a Critical Reader,
Listener, and Viewer
You may be thinking, This chapter doesnt apply to me. I have no
trouble comprehending the messages I read, hear, and see. But this
chapter isnt about basic comprehension. It is about analyzing and
evaluating the messages you receive and deciding whether they are
worthy of acceptance. Chances are you havent had much training
in this kind of reading, listening, and viewing.
In this chapter, youll learn specific strategies for analyzing and
evaluating messages.
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
Chapter 4
There is one key idea which contains, in itself, the very essence of effective reading, and on which the improvement of reading depends:
Reading is reasoning. When you read properly, you are not merely assimilating. You are not automatically transferring into your head what your
eyes pick up on the page. What you see on the page sets your mind at
work, collating, criticizing, interpreting, questioning, comprehending,
comparing. When this process goes on well, you read well. When it
goes on ill, you read badly.1
*Dont be confused by the fact that the word critical is also used to mean finding fault with.
That is not the meaning intended here.
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
By extension, Bacons and Burkes observations apply to listening and viewing as well as to reading. (When they made their observations, though, cinema,
television, and the Internet did not yet exist.) Of course, the intense mental activity they describe is not required for every message. A bus schedule or a menu can
be read with virtually no reflection; an encyclopedia article, light fiction, or a TV
weather report requires relatively little evaluation. Critical evaluation is most relevant, and necessary, when the message is intended to persuade people; that is,
when one perspective or opinion is presented as superior to others. Persuasive
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
Chapter 4
proof. Evidence may take a variety of forms, notably factual details, statistics,
examples, anecdotes, quotations, comparisons, or descriptions.
Many people confuse taste and judgment. They believe their right to hold an
opinion is a guarantee of the opinions rightness. This confusion often causes
them to offer inadequate support (or no support at all) for views that demand
support. For example, they express judgments on such controversial issues as
abortion, capital punishment, the teaching of evolution in the schools, mercy
killing, discrimination in hiring, and laws concerning rape as if they were matters of taste rather than matters of judgment.
Keep in mind that whenever someone presents an opinion about the truth
of an issue or the wisdom of an actionthat is, whenever someone presents a
judgmentyou, as a critical thinker, have not only the right but also a duty to
judge that opinion by the evidence. To be a careful thinker, you must do so.
Roxbury, Massachusetts,
predominantly black and
impoverished area, sits next to South
Boston, a predominantly white and
impoverished area. Both contain the
same percentage of single-parent
households, and public housing
accounts for the same percentage of
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
Congress is right in reducing the taxes of the wealthy more than those
of the working classes. After all, wealthy people not only pay more into
the treasury but they also have a higher standard of living to maintain.
If the cost of soybeans has risen, so also has the cost of caviar; if the
subway fare has increased, so has the maintenance cost of a RollsRoyce and a Lear jet. If the government listens to the minor grumbling
and whining of the unemployed, it surely should be responsive to the
plight of the affluent.
On the surface, this certainly looks like a plea on behalf of the rich. But on
closer inspection, it will be seen as a mockery of that plea. The clues are subtle,
to be sure, but undeniable: the reference to the higher standard of living, the
comparison of travel by Rolls-Royce or jet with travel by subway, the reference
to the plight of the rich. Such tongue-in-cheek writing can be more biting and
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 4
therefore more effective than a direct attack. Yet you must be alert to the subtlety and not misread it, or the message you receive will be very different from
the message that has been expressed.
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
one controlling and the one controlled; in the second, the giver and the receiver;
and in the third, Bill and not-Bill. As Peggy Rosenthal has shown, the problem
is not limited to informal, everyday expression but is found in psychological
discourse as well:
One thing [writers about psychology] often seem to have in mind is that
self is a goal of some kind. But the kind varies. It can be the goal of what
sounds like a treasure hunt (the familiar finding of ones self ), a trip
(the long journey to achieve selfhood), a vegetable (the maturation of
the self), or a vaguely Aristotelian process (self-actualization is actualization of a self). Sometimes, though, self seems not to be a goal but to
have goals of its own: the [mature] self now expresses . . . its intentions
and goals. . . . [It can even be] a sort of balloon that expands and contracts with our moods: theres that enlargement of self that goes into
feeling good, whereas in despair we have a reduced sense of self.4
Rosenthal notes that some writers use self and sense of self interchangeably.
But how can this be? she asks. Can the sense, or awareness, of something be
equal to the thing itself? The ultimate confusion, she suggests, is found in a passage written by Carl Rogers in which he uses self to mean both the considering
agent and the object of consideration in the same sentence.5
The reality of the self would be no less complex if we had half a dozen
words, each designating a single aspect, instead of merely one word, but our discourse would undoubtedly be less confusing and we might well achieve a deeper,
more accurate understanding of that reality. In any case, keeping in mind the distinction between language and reality will help you approach both your thinking
and your communication with appropriate care and humility.
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 4
In the case of a book, skim the preface or introduction for a statement of the
authors purpose in writing and essential message, the table of contents for the
breakdown and sequence of the contents, the beginnings and ends of one or two
chapters to learn whether the author provides previews or summaries (if they are
provided, skim them for each chapter), and the endnotes and/or bibliography to
see how well documented the book is and the kinds of sources the author
has used. If time permits, skim the entire concluding chapter to learn what judgments and/or recommendations the author makes. Sometimes the final chapter
will summarize the main argument presented in the book.
For articles, skim the introduction, the section headings, the first paragraph
following each heading, and the conclusion.
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
If you have skimmed well, this step will be relatively easy. You will already
know what the author is saying; you will also understand the sequence of the
authors points and the kinds and amounts of evidence presented. Now your
task is to deepen and refine your understanding. Read the entire work carefully,
in a single sitting if possible. Keep a pen or pencil in hand while reading and
underline the most important sentences. Try to limit your underlining to one
sentence per several paragraphs. Where appropriate, add your questions and
thoughts in the margin.
In the case of a book or a long article, it is a good idea to summarize what
you have read. To do this, review the sentences you have marked as important
and combine two or more, as long as you dont change the meaning. Next write
your summary in complete sentences, keeping to the original phrasing and the
original order of presentation as much as possible to avoid distortion. Then
briefly note in your own words the evidence offered by the writer. Do not
attempt to elaborate on the evidence as the author did, or your summary will be
too long to be useful.
If you have summarized effectively, you should now have a brief version of
the original work that is faithful in content yet much easier to analyze. A whole
book can be reduced to several paragraphs in this way; a full-length magazine
article, to seven or eight sentences or less. Whenever you summarize, however,
keep in mind the danger of distortion and oversimplification. It is not only
unfair but also pointless to criticize an author for something he or she did not say.
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
Chapter 4
Are the authors examples and cases typical and comprehensive? The
authors citation of some examples and cases does not necessarily establish
the arguments validity. If the cases are extraordinaryexceptions rather
than typical instancesthey are worth very little. Similarly, if they represent
one narrow aspect of the issue, they may not adequately support the
authors argument.
If the author cites a scientific study, has it been replicated? The practice
of the scientific community is to withhold endorsement of any researchers
findings until they have been independently confirmed. This is a wise
approach, for some studies are proven to be flukes.
If the author cites a survey, what organization designed and administered
it? How large was the sample? Was it random? A survey that does not
conform to established statistical principles is worthless as evidence.
Are the sources of information cited by the author still current? There is
nothing necessarily wrong with old sources. Something written in 1800 may
still be valid today. But later findings may have discredited older views.
Are the experts cited by the author authoritative and reliable? The fact of
being well known does not make one an authority. A Nobel Prize winner in
physics may be totally incompetent in psychology or government. And even
if the person cited is an authority in the field in question, the view is open
to question if the person has been guilty of unreliability (professional
dishonesty, for example) in the past.
Do other experts agree with the experts cited by the author? In controversial matters, there is seldom any more agreement among experts than
among nonexperts. A little investigation may reveal that the experts cited
by the author hold the minority view!
What criticisms and counterarguments would someone who holds a different position make about this book or article? Nothing reveals the flaws on
one side of an issue better than hearing the other side.
Does the author commit any errors in logic? For example, does the author
overgeneralize, oversimplify, or assume facts not in evidence?
Is the authors conclusion about the evidence the most reasonable one, or is
another conclusion more reasonable? Like the rest of us, authors sometimes
yield to their biases and interpret evidence in a way that flatters their prior
opinions. In such cases, an objective assessment of the evidence may
produce a different conclusion.
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
As you no doubt realize, the answers to many of these questions are not
likely to be found either in the book or article you are evaluating or in your
own head. To answer them will require further investigation on your part.
Be sure to conduct whatever investigation is necessary before making your
final judgment.
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
3. If you must deal with conflicting testimony and cannot decide your position
with certainty, identify the conflict and explain why you cannot be certain. If
you believe that circumstances seem somewhat in favor of one side, explain
those circumstances and why you are inclined to judge them as you do.
An example of conflicting testimony occurred some years ago in the highly
publicized trial of Jack Henry Abbott. Abbott, who had spent 24 of his 37 years
behind prison bars, was paroled after Norman Mailer arranged for Abbotts
book, In the Belly of the Beast, to be published. Six weeks after his parole,
Abbott stabbed a waiter in a dispute over the use of a restroom. Abbott testified
that he thought the waiter had pulled a knife first and that he lunged forward
with his knife in self-protection. A passerby, however, witnessed the incident and
testified that the waiter had made what appeared to be a conciliatory gesture
and turned to walk away when Abbott raced after him, reached over his shoulder, and stabbed him with terrible ferocity, then taunted him as he lay dying.7
In this case, you might reasonably say that although you cannot be certain
which testimony is correct, circumstances seem to favor the witnesss testimony.
You would go on to explain that Abbotts testimony was more likely than the
witnesss to be colored by emotion and self-interest.
These guidelines may seem to encourage evasion or straddling the fence.
They are not intended to do so and should not be used for that purpose. Apply
them when reasonableness demands a qualified answer, not in situations in
which timidity prompts you to avoid answering.
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 4
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
Several terms are ambiguous. Do talented and intelligent (4) refer to the
broad range of abilities or to some specific ones? People with mild
mental impairment often possess considerable talent and intelligence
if measured by a broad definition of the terms. Does the process of evolution (5) mean survival of the physically fit or the perpetuation of culture as we know it? And does inferior people (6) mean those with
hereditary diseases, the mentally impaired, neurotics, nonconformists,
or all of these?
These are the most probable ones: Isnt it possible that forced sterilization might pose even worse dangers to civilization than a reversing of
evolution (5)? Might it not lead to tyranny? Wouldnt a better and
more practical solution (6) be to improve the distribution of wealth
among nations, to find cures for disease, to share technology, and to
expand educational opportunity (including education in birth control
Concerning the Kind and Quality of the Evidence:
One significant question about some of the evidence (10, 11) concerns
how typical and comprehensive it is. Is the view expressed in the quotations one that is shared by most geneticists and medical authorities, or
is it a minority position? An even more important question concerns
the evidence that is omitted. Surely psychologists, sociologists, historians, and ethicists could contribute to this issue. Some of the questions
they could answer are these: What psychological effects would forced
sterilization have on those subjected to it? A feeling of worthlessness,
perhaps, or rage? What social behavior would be likely to result from
such effects? Violence? Revolution? What historical precedents are
there to help us measure the probable effects? Is forced sterilization
consistent with respect for persons?
In light of these considerations, you might conclude that although the world
population problem and the related concerns of poverty, illiteracy, and disease
are serious and should be addressed, the idea of forced sterilization should be
opposedat least until its advocates clarify their terms and answer the important critical questions. If you were to make a formal response to the argument in
an analytical paper or article, you would develop your ideas thoroughly, meeting
the same standards you expect of others. (For a discussion of the principles and
approaches used in analytical writing, see Chapter 14.)
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 4
its inflections, its emphases, and its passion. If the speaker is physically present,
we see his or her body and notice the gestures and facial expressions that accompany the words. These sounds (and sights) can make the message seem more or
less insightful than it actually is. They can also make us more absorbed in the
message or, conversely, distracted from it.
The importance of critical listening is nowhere more evident than in politics.
For example, no presidential candidate since John F. Kennedy has been more
enthusiastically received than Barack Obama, who combines attractive physical
appearance with extraordinary eloquence. His speeches contain allusions to
inspiring leaders such as Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, and Martin
Luther King, Jr. They are also filled with phrases such as change we can believe
in, the unfinished business of perfecting our Union, and a new birth of freedom upon this Earth, as well as frequent references to hope, justice, and opportunity. Such language evokes powerful feelings that tend to suppress critical
questioning.8 Here is a four-step strategy for listening critically, even in cases in
which the force of the message and the quality of the delivery discourage critical
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
Even when your preconceptions are in check, your mind may tend to wander
from what the speaker is saying. For example, if the speaker expresses an opinion that differs from yours, you may feel the urge to begin framing your
response. That is a natural reaction and there is nothing wrong with it when the
time is right. The problem is that if you give in to that urge while the person is
speaking, you will stop listening and thus miss his or her elaboration of the
opinionthat is, the further descriptions, qualifications, and supporting data.
In that case, however carefully you may construct your response, it will not fit
what the speaker actually said but only your speculations about what he or she
might say. On the other hand, if you resist the urge to frame your response and
continue to focus on what the person is saying, you will gain the understanding
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
Chapter 4
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
To view graphics critically, decide on the meaning of the data from the data
itself rather than from the form in which it is presented. Remember that the
design of the graphic has the power to distort as well as to reveal meaning.
Another form of visual communication is the advertisement in either the static form of print or the dynamic form of the television commercial. The primary
aim of advertising, unlike that of statistical graphics, is more to stir the emotions
than to appeal to the mind. Walter Dill Scott, an advertising executive and early
theorist, argued that suggestion is of universal application to all persons, while
reason is a process which is exceptional, even among the wisest. Scott advised
advertisers to appeal to emotions, particularly to sympathy.10 John Watson, the
founder of Behaviorism and a consultant to advertisers, went much further than
Scott, arguing that people are not moved by reason at all but only by emotion.
He therefore saw the job of advertising as manipulating the publics emotions in
much the same manner that Pavlov had manipulated the physiological responses
of dogs.11 Although some modern advertisers disavow the philosophy of Scott,
Watson, and their followers, it continues to dominate the field.
To view advertising critically, you must remember that it is usually aimed at
your feelings rather than at your mind. Then you should ask: What feelings is
this ad designed to evoke in me? What words does it employ to evoke that feeling? What pictures and sounds? What people? Admired celebrities? People I envy
or pity? Answering these questions takes the advertisement out of the realm of
feelings and into the realm of thinking, where you can evaluate it.
A third form of visual communication is the dramatic presentation. This
form can be traced back to the ancient Greek comedies and tragedies, but the
presentations we are most familiar with are television programs and movies.
Critical viewing of dramatic presentations is also as old as the form itself, and
the basic questions remain the same today: How do the characters relate to one
another and how do their personal qualities contribute to those relationships?
What is the plot or story line and how does it unfold? What specific conflict or
conflicts are central to the plot? What is the setting and how does it contribute
to the action? What is the theme or meaning (previous generations preferred the
term lesson or moral) of the presentationthat is, what idea does it convey
about people or life?
The last question has been difficult to answer because dramatists have traditionally eschewed preaching but instead allowed the action and the interrelationships among the characters to suggest the theme. Today the question is even more
difficult to answer, not because dramatic presentations have become more sophisticated (the opposite is often the case), but because cinematic technology has
made it possible to create dramas filled with excitement yet lacking in meaning
for example, a series of chase scenes, explosions, and sexual encounters with little
or no plot or character development.
To view dramatic presentations critically, ask the basic questions about characters, plot, setting, and theme. In addition, decide how realistic and believable
the presentation is. Look in particular for signs that story has been contrived to
serve the authors personal agenda. Typical signs include stereotyped characters,
oversimplified relationships, and slanted dialogue.
Make up a new name for yourself (both first name and last), one that
fits the special qualities you have or are striving for. Be sure to consider unusual names (Honor Trueblood, Rick Decent), and list many
possibilities before choosing the best one.
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
Chapter 4
I wish I had that gift. For me, nothing but Ds and Fs.
ED: Whod you have for English, Jake?
JAKE: Crawford. An OK guy, I guess, but sort of scholarly. Talks
one a B+. A guy who grades like that has got to be a winner.
GEORGE: Im glad somebodys luck held. Mine certainly didnt. For
the two comps Ive written so far, Ive got a D+ and a C-.
JAKE: Who have you got?
GEORGE: Mr. Stiletto.
JAKE: He wasnt here last year.
GEORGE: Ill bet hes just out of graduate school. Or maybe he never
JAKE: Wait till you guys take psych next year. I dont know if Ill
be able to last till the end of the term. Its the boringest
subject ever thought up. Professor Clifford walks in, opens
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
his book, and begins reading from his notes in a low mumble: Mmmm . . . Freud says . . . mmmmmm . . . Oedipus
complex . . . repression . . . mmmmm. Deadliest stuff you
ever heard. Im glad I dont need another social science
course. Those guys are really out of it.
ED: Doesnt he ever let you discuss what you read?
JAKE: Yeah, once in a while. Yesterday, for example, we were talk-
ing about some guy named Frankl, and Clifford said that
according to this Frankl, boredom causes people more problems than distress does. Some kids in the class gave examples
of how thats soyou know, there are always some guys
looking to agree with the prof. to make some points. . . .
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 4
spoken thus far. But with all respect to them, I think they
may be missing the real nature of this threat to the morals of
our young people. We must not forget that those young
people are the United States citizens of tomorrow. And let me
ask you, just who will stand to profit if they are corrupted,
if their preoccupation with the flesh stays them from their
duties and obligations as citizens? Let me ask . . .
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
MEMBER 2: As I started to say, its an extreme interpretation of a very
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 4
Evaluate the argument in the following letter to the editor, using the
approach explained in this chapter. State your judgment and support
it thoroughly.
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
Dear Editor:
I enjoyed your recent series of articles on religious views. I believe
religious values occupy the central place in ones being. Today
an increasing number of young people are giving up their religion
because of the vocal skepticism of those who find religious values
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 4
Visit the following website and sample the links on visual communication: For each
of the links you sample, write a brief explanation of what you learned.
The following website presents a variety of examples of photo tampering: After
examining those examples, write a brief description of how they have
complemented and/or added to your understanding of critical viewing.
Prior to 1973 the American Psychiatric Association classified homosexuality as a mental disorder. Some psychiatrists, among other people, still hold that view. However, today people who hold that view
are considered homophobes. Are such people homophobes? Were the
psychiatrists who previously held that view homophobes? Construct
a definition of the term homophobia that addresses this controversy.
Try to anticipate and respond to objections that could be raised to
your view.
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
ISBN 1-256-46689-1
Surveillance Ensures Safety
By Pedro Blanco
Presidents often differ in their
political philosophies. Thankfully,
there is little difference on one fundamental matterthe safety of the
American people. The FISA and Patriot
Acts offer an excellent example. In supporting them, Presidents Jimmy Ford,
George W. Bush, and Barack Obama
have put public safety above politics.
These acts are complex and have
many provisions, but the central one
is to give intelligence agencies broad
authority to conduct searches and surveillance of suspected terrorists and
their accomplices. Critics say this authority violates the fourth amendment
of the U.S. Constitution. They are
mistaken. The fourth amendment
guarantees protection from unreasonable searches. The provisions of
FISA and the Patriot Act are perfectly
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 4
The world since the Carter administration is very different from earlier
times. A new bolder enemy has arisen,
terrorism, and has proved to be both
sophisticated and cunning. It uses
modern technology to plan and execute its deadly acts. Even more important, it depends on our traditional
legal protections, such as innocent
until proven guilty and the requirement of search warrants, to prevent
us from detecting their networks.
The U.S. has not suffered another
9/11 tragedy since 2001. This is not a
matter of luck, nor to any lessening of
terrorist zeal to harm us. It is due to the
investigative tools authorized by FISA
and the Patriot Act. Many terrorists
have been thwarted, including the underwear bomber and the Christmas
bomber, and very likely dozens more
that have not been made public.
The issue can be boiled down to a
simple question: In times of danger,
are we better off trusting our safety to
our intelligence community or to
blind chance?
AGNES: It seems to me that people who take a strict view of the
The Art of Thinking: A Guide to Critical and Creative Thought, Tenth Edition, by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero. Published by Pearson. Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.
ISBN 1-256-46689-1