Pellegrini 1992 0309
Pellegrini 1992 0309
Pellegrini 1992 0309
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 331 (1993) 223-227 & METHODS
North-Holland IN PHYSICS
Section A
J. Kirz
State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York, USA
We report the results of preliminary studies of a 2 to 4 nm SASE FEL, using a photoinjector to produce the electron beam, and
the SLAC linac to accelerate it to an energy up to 10 GeV. Longitudinal bunch compression is used to increase ten fold the peak
current to 2.5 kA, while reducing the bunch length to the subpicosecond range. The saturated output power is in the multi-gigawatt
range, producing about 1014 coherent photons within a bandwidth of about 0.2% rms, in a pulse of several millijoules. At 120 Hz
repetition rate the average power is about 1 W. The system is optimized for X-ray microscopy in the water window around 2 to 4
urn, and will permit imaging a biological sample in a single subpicosecond pulse.
0168-9002/93/$06.00 © 1993 - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved V. PROJECTS/PROPOSALS
224 C. Pellegrini et al. / A 2-4 nm high power FEL
~ t . . . . i , , , ' i ,
/ ' , ' i , , , , i ,
~\\\\/X 0,4 ~-~--°'~#c'
25 ~ . . . . . o 0,2
pression factor we can expect to achieve in a single
stage of compression.
We compress in two stages, once at 70 MeV to 0 , , , , I,, ,, I , , , , I , , , , I, ,, , I ~ 0
achieve the shortest bunch length, 200 ~zm, consistent 0 iO0 200 500 400 500
with correcting the correlated energy spread to the Linac bunch lenglh(p.m)
level of 0.2%, and again at 7 GeV to 30 ~m, to achieve Fig. 2. Transverse emittance dilution (solid line) a~d peak-to-
the desired high peak current. To study the develop- peak energy spread (dashed line) as a function of the bunch
ment of longitudinal phase space we use a computer length. The points are the values calculated and the lines are
program that considers the effects of both the longitu- for guidance.
dinal wakefields and the curvature of the rf wave.
After the initial compression the beam shape is still
very similar to a Gaussian. After the second compres- of random errors, are plotted in fig. 2, along with the
sion, the beam distribution is more sharply spiked and final peak-to-peak energy spread, as a function of the
has long tails, as shown in fig. 1. We note that the peak bunch length in the linac.
current and the final energy spread satisfy our require- The apparent knee in the energy spread occurs
ments. because one cannot use the curvature of the rf to fully
Next, we calculate the transverse emittance dilution cancel the longitudinal wakefield for bunches shorter
due to the transverse wakefields, rf deflections, and than roughly 200 txm. At a bunch length of 200 Ixm, we
dispersive errors. To model the SLAC linac, we assume find 25% emittance growth along the linac.
150 ~m rms random misalignments of the quadrupoles
and BPMs, 300 txm rms random misalignments of the
accelerator structures, and a random transverse-longi- 4. FEL performance
tudinal coupling grins = 2 × 10 4 for the rf deflections.
Finally, we assume a transverse beam jitter equal to The F E L design goal is to produce i0 ~4 photons in
the rms beam size. The results, averaged from ten sets a subpicosecond pulse for biological imaging. To reach
this goal we optimize the FEL for maximum laser
power. There are two possible design strategies: a)
3 t [ I i i I I [ I 0,2. large electron energy, in the range of 5 to 10 GeV, and
a long undulator to obtain the required F EL power
directly at saturation; b) a lower electron energy, 2 to 3
Z //f~\ 04 GeV, with the option of using a tapered wiggler after
the SASE saturation, to increase the F E L power fur-
ther when necessary.
We will investigate both options to optimize the
H I: //// b system design. To obtain an initial estimate of the F EL
performance and explore the parameter space we have
-0,1 been using the analytical form of the F EL gain ob-
tained by Chin, Kim, and Xie [16]. We have also used a
program developed by Ben-Zvi and Yu [17], and the
p I . ,-01.t_ I ~ '1.. ,01,1 I 0/ -0.2 simulation code T D A [18]. These theories and codes
-0,2 0 ,2
include energy spread, three dimensional effects, and a
Fig. 1. Current distribution after the final compression (solid general betatron focusing. The results are shown in
line) and a Gaussian fit to the core (dots); the head of the table 1.
bunch is to the left. The energy variation correlated with We have considered one case with a high energy
longitudinal position is shown on the right axis; the uncorre- beam, option a). This is optimized using the largest
lated energy spread is 0.04%. undulator parameter, K = 6, and minimum beam en-
226 C. Pellegrini et al. / A 2 - 4 nm high power FEL
ergy, 7 GeV, compatible with a simple undulator de- 6. X-ray beam lines and optics
sign, and an output power larger than 10 GW. The
FEL characteristics for this case are given in table 1,
Extracting and processing the FEL output radiation
column 2. In the same table, in column 3, we show the presents challenging optical engineering problems, be-
case for a reduced beam energy, and a smaller undula-
cause of the unprecedented peak power and brevity of
tor parameter, K = 3.7. When comparing to the 7 GeV
the anticipated radiation pulses. The main tasks will be
case one should also notice that the betatron wave-
to: 1) deflect the output radiation out of the
length has been reduced as the energy ratio, so that bremsstrahlung cone produced by the electrons on the
the beam transverse radius is the same in the two residual gas in the FEL and the upstream collimators;
cases. Note that at smaller energy the uncorrelated
2) to further monochromatize the radiation, if needed.
energy spread is larger, affecting the FEL gain, while
At the power densities expected at normal incidence,
the correlated component remains the same. The gain of the order of 1016 W / c m 2, it is easy to assess that
length is shorter at 3.5 GeV than at 7 GeV. The
energy in excess of 1 e V / a t o m will be deposited in the
saturated power is lower than in option a, but is still
irradiated volume and that ablation of the irradiated
acceptable. surface will become probable due to the comparatively
Another possibility is the use of low field, long
long time constants of alternative energy-removal
period undulator, to obtain a large value of the undula-
channels. This precludes the use of solid state optics,
tor period in a simple electromagnetic structure [19-
such as multilayers, that work at large angles of inci-
21]. dence, leaving multifaceted optics operating at extreme
grazing incidence as perhaps the only viable choice.
An alternative approach that could mitigate the
damage problem would be to configure a series of gas
5. Undulator jets with density gradients.
[18] T.M. Tran and J.S. Wurtele, Comp. Plays. Commun. 54 [20] R. Tatchyn, T. Cremer and P. Csonka, Nucl. Instr. and
(1989) 263. Meth. A308 (1991) 152.
[19] R. Tatchyn, Proc. Workshop on Fourth Generation Light [21] R. Tatchyn, Proc. Workshop on Fourth Generation Light
Sources, SSRL Report 92/02, eds. M. Cornacchia and H. Sources, SSRL Report 92/02, eds. M. Cornacchia and H.
Winick (1992) p. 605. Winick (1992) p. 417.