Online Examination Scheduling: Sunder Deep Engineering College, Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh Technical University
Online Examination Scheduling: Sunder Deep Engineering College, Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh Technical University
Online Examination Scheduling: Sunder Deep Engineering College, Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh Technical University
Uttar Pradesh Technical University
“Online Examination
Synopsis submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the degree of
Computer Science
Under the Supervision of
Mr. Nitin Goyal
Rahul Kumar Tonk( 0724010078 )
in session
This is to certify that the Synopsis entitled “Online Examination
Scheduling ” submitted to Uttar Pradesh Technical University in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of “Bachelor of Technology
(Computer Science)” is an original work carried out by Rahul Kumar
Tonk (0724010078) under my guidance.
The matter embodied in this project is a genuine work done by the student
and has not been submitted whether to this university or to any other
university/institute for the fulfillment of the requirement of any course of
Last but not the least, we express our immense gratitude to all coordinators
of SDEC for providing all the possible help and assistance and their constant
1 Why is the particular topic chosen?
Exam scheduler is for managing the schedule for conducting the
exams which will be conducted online. The exam will be conducted at
different venues, at different time and different places. It also keeps record
of the students being registered for exam.
4 Methodology
The spiral method is used in the development of this project. This project
has to pass through following phases:
1Understanding and identifying the problems.
2Defining the problem with the help of preliminary investigation.
3Outline the solution with the help of system analysis.
4Explore the feasibility of possible solution in terms of time, connectivity
and tools requirement of the system.
2Coding of the system.
3Testing of the system.
4Implementation of the system.
5 Project Overview
1This project develops software for “Merit Scholar” conducts
Certification exam for the application developers.