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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 475 (2001) 339–342

Initial gain measurements of an 800 nm SASE FEL, VISA

P. Frigolaa, A. Murokha, P. Musumecia, C. Pellegrinia, S. Reichea, J. Rosenzweiga,
A. Tremainea,*, M. Babzienb, I. Ben-Zvib, E. Johnsonb, R. Maloneb,
G. Rakowskyb, J. Skaritkab, X.J. Wangb, K.A. Van Bibberc, L. Bertolinic,
J.M. Hillc, G.P. Le Sagec, M. Libkindc, A. Toorc, R. Carrd, M. Cornacchiad,
L. Klaisnerd, H.-D. Nuhnd, R. Rulandd, D.C. Nguyene
UCLA, 405 Higard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
BNL, Upton, NY 11973, USA
LLNL, Livermore, CA 94551, USA
SLAC, Stanford, CA 94720, USA
LANL, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA


The Visible to Infrared SASE Amplifier (VISA) FEL is designed to obtain high gain at a radiation wavelength of
800 nm. The FEL uses the high brightness electron beam of the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF), with energy of 72 MeV.
VISA uses a novel, 4 m long, strong focusing undulator with a gap of 6 mm and a period of 1.8 cm. To obtain large gain
the beam and undulator axis have to be aligned to better than 5 mm. Results from initial measurements on the
alignment, gain, and spectrum will be presented and compared to theoretical calculations and simulations. r 2001
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 41.60.Cr; 41.60.Ap

Keywords: SASE; FEL; Undulator; High gain

1. Introduction have demonstrated very high gain [2] and have

agreed well with simulations in the far infrared.
Current SASE FEL research is directed at VISA, while R&D for the LCLS, will continue this
developing shorter wavelength devices [1,2] and a study into the visible and harmonic UV wave-
current proposal [3] to generate high power, lengths. In addition, VISA employs the use of a
coherent X-rays at 1.5 A( has already received novel small gap 4 m long strong focusing undu-
initial fundingFLinac Coherent Light Source lator which not only makes the intra-undulator
(LCLS). During the last few years, SASE FELs diagnostics challenging, but the alignment of the
undulator to be very critical on FEL performance.
These challenges are unique to VISA and an
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-310-206-5584; fax: +1-
310-206-1091. understanding of them is needed in order to build
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Tremaine). the next generation SASE FEL devices.

0168-9002/01/$ - see front matter r 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 8 - 9 0 0 2 ( 0 1 ) 0 1 6 0 9 - 6
340 P. Frigola et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 475 (2001) 339–342

Table 1 the parameters are given in Table 1 and an

VISA experimental design parameters including output radia- endview of the undulator is shown in Fig. 1.
tion, electron beam requirements, and undulator parameters
Dipole magnets with vertically oriented fields are
Peak power (saturation) PSat 60 MW put on either side of the gap providing strong
quadrupole focusing [6]. These quadrupoles are
Wavelength lr 800 nm
Electron beam energy E 71 MeV arranged along the undulator in an FODO lattice
Peak current IP 200 A design with a period of 24.75 cm giving four
Normalized emittance e 2 mm mrad FODO cells per 1 m undulator section and an
Bunch length (FWHM) t o10 ps average b-function of 30 cm. According to simula-
Undulator period lu 1.8 cm
tions [7], implementation of the strong focusing
On axis field B 0.75 T
1-D FEL parameter r 0.0085 decreases the gain length by up to 40% compared
Field gain length Lg 0.35 m to a natural focusing scheme.
Simulations [7] have also shown that the electron
beam and co-propagating SASE FEL radiation
must remain within an rms beam diameter, 60 mm,
of each other throughout the undulator in order for
VISA to achieve high gain. This puts very rigid
requirements on the measurements and alignment
of the undulator. We have set the requirement on
aligning the four 1 m sections to be within 30 mm.
To do this, a laser interferometric alignment system
[8] has been developed in which these strict
alignment tolerances can be attained.
Eight steering magnets and eight diagnostic
pop-in ports are evenly spaced (by 50 cm) down
the length of the undulator. The steering might be
necessary to help propagate the electron beam
Fig. 1. Endview of the VISA undulator. Shown are the dipole through the 4 m and prevent electron beam walk-
magnets along with the quadrupole magnet array (FODO) off. Each actuated diagnostic port serves to make
which provides strong focusing. The electron beam comes out electron beam measurements using OTR and also
of the page. to extract FEL light [9]. This setup gives VISA the
ability to make accurate electron beam profile and
2. Experimental setup SASE radiation measurements vs. distance along
the undulator.
VISA has been commissioned and initial results
have been obtained at the ATF [4] in BNL. The 3. Experimental measurements
electron source is a 1.6 cell S-band photoinjector
with an emittance compensating solenoid. A In order to study gain, the gun phase was set to
separate klystron powers two 3 m traveling wave compress the electron beam to 2 ps FWHM, which
linac sections after which the electron beam has an gave a peak current of 130 A and a beam emittance
energy greater than 70 MeV. Added to the VISA of about 3.5 mm mrad. It will be discussed further
beamline is a matching section that includes a below that the undulator sections were not aligned
focusing quadrupole triplet, beam position and to the specified tolerances given above and for a
profile monitors. This setup provides the high strong focusing system like VISA, a >100 mm
quality electron beam matching conditions misalignment is very detrimental to SASE FEL
(Table 1) necessary to achieve high gain. performance [7].
The VISA undulator [5] is a strong focusing 4 m A factory calibrated Molectron Joulemeter
planar permanent magnet Halbach array design; collects the undulator radiation and is placed
P. Frigola et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 475 (2001) 339–342 341

Fig. 2. Detector signal vs. charge at the down stream Joule- Fig. 3. Beam-based alignment of undulator. Before undulator
meter about 2 m past the exit of the undulator. The graph is is moved, the electron orbit has 3 mm amplitude. Trajectory
highly non-linear indicating gain, which we calculate to be model fitting and multiple movements of undulator sections
B110. reduced trajectory amplitude to 500 mm. z=0 is the undulator

about 2 m from the exit of the undulator with an FEL start-up process [10]. This is clearly the case
acceptance angle of 10 mrad. Charge measure- in Fig. 2 where signal fluctuations near 240 pC are
ments are made by a faraday cup located at the quite large and decrease as the charge/SASE signal
end of the beamline. Once SASE signal was seen, lessens. At the moment there is no comparison
the intra-undulator corrector magnets, gun focus- with theory because of the uncertainty in the
ing solenoid, and matching sections quadruples undulator section positions; however, in the future
were all used to peak the signal. Fig. 2 plots when the alignment becomes more certain, a
detector energy vs. charge. The plot is very non- comparison will be more relevant.
linear indicating gain. Spontaneous radiation is Electron beam trajectory studies through the
linear with charge and for our experimental setup undulator are necessary in order to understand
we calculate 0.68 nJ of expected spontaneous and optimize the SASE FEL performance. If the
energy at 240 pC. Extrapolating the low charge four 1 m sections are misaligned (which is the case
linear portion of Fig. 3 (0–0.16 nC) which is purely shown below), orbit kicks will develop in electron
spontaneous radiation, one can see we measured beam trajectories.
about 0.5 nJ of spontaneous energy at 240 pC. Without the use of the corrector magnets along
Thus, the signal detected above the 0.5 nJ at the length of the undulator, the beam horizontal
240 pC is SASE and at 240 pC a peak SASE signal (wiggle plane) orbits were studied by changing the
of 1 nJ was measured. We define gain as upstream (matching section) launch conditions
  into the undulator. Shown in Fig. 3 is the electron
I 1 Lund
g ¼ ¼ exp : beam centroid positions at the BPM just before the
I0 9 Lgain
undulator and inside the undulator at the eight
where I and I0 are the SASE and spontaneous BPM pop-in positions relative to our alignment
energy inside the coherency cone respectively, Lund laser where z ¼ 0 is the undulator entrance. The
is the undulator length and Lgain is the gain length. alignment laser gives a straight-line path reference
Calculations show for our setup I0 =9 pJ thus, through the undulator. Fig. 3 shows a peak-to-
giving a peak gain, g=110, and a gain length, peak trajectory amplitude of nearly 3 mm (pre-
Lgain =58 cm. As the gain signal increases, the move orbit) and a significant kick between
SASE shot-to-shot signal is expected to fluctuate undulator Sections 2 and 3 before steps were
more due to the statistical nature of the SASE taken for improvement.
342 P. Frigola et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 475 (2001) 339–342

After we were satisfied this was the best alignment on the VISA system by a series of
trajectory we could attain, we decided to do a trajectory studies and undulator movements.
beam-based alignment and move the undulator This method re-aligned the undulator from a
while under vacuum. The VISA system has the peak-to-peak trajectory amplitude of 3 mm to
ability to horizontally (in the wiggle plane) move 500 mm. Also, a significant gain, g=110, was
the undulator while under vacuum. An undulator measured with gross misalignments of the
monitoring system was implemented during in- undulator sections. Currently, work is in
stallation in which the body of the undulator could progress to bring the alignment to the several
be monitored to an accuracy of o15 mm giving us microns level using the interferometric system.
fairly precise control of the undulator’s horizontal Once aligned the trajectory orbit amplitude should
position. Using a trajectory simulator, we were be reduced further along with attaining much
able to predict which direction and how far to higher gain.
move the undulator sections, do another orbit
study, and move the undulator again. To the
accuracy of the simulator, we needed to move only
the last two sections, Sections 3 and 4. After seven References
iterative undulator section moves, we had reduced
the peak-to-peak oscillation from 3 mm to 500 mm. [1] J.B. Murphy, C. Pellegrini, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 237
Fig. 3 shows only three trajectories after moving (1985) 108.
the undulator for clarity of picture. At first, [2] M. Hogan, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 (1998) 298.
[3] M. Cornacchia, Performance and design concepts of a free
Section 3 was moved until the oscillation ampli- electron laser operating in the X-ray region, SLAC-PUB-
tude through it was similar to the first two sections 7433, March 1997.
and then movement of Section 4 followed. The [4] X.J. Wang, et al., Brookhaven accelerator test
distance the sections needed to be moved was facility energy upgrade, Proceedings of the 1999 Particle
between 150 and 600 mm depending where the Accelerator Conference, New York, NY, 1999.
[5] M. Libkind, et al., Mechanical design of the VISA
realignment was necessary. The limiting factor of undulator, Proceedings of the 1999 Particle Accelerator
this method is the fact that the trajectory model Conference, New York, NY, 1999.
assumes only one undulator section to be mis- [6] A.A. Varvolomeev, A.H. Hairetdinov, Nucl. Instr. and
aligned which was clearly not the case. Fig. 3 Meth. A 341 (1994) 462.
shows great improvement in the electron [7] P. Emma, et al., FEL trajectory analysis for the VISA
experiment, Proceedings of the 20th International FEL
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[8] R. Ruland, et al., Alignment of the VISA undulator,
Proceedings of the 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference,
New York, NY, 1999.
4. Conclusion
[9] A. Murokh, et al., in: V.N. Litvinenko (Ed.), Proc. 22nd
FEL Conference, Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 2001,
For strong focusing undulator systems, align- p. II–35.
ment is very critical. We demonstrated beam-based [10] R. Bonifacio, et al., Phys. Rev Lett. 73 (1994) 70.

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