H Igh Energy Gain Ifel at Ucla Neptune Laboratory
H Igh Energy Gain Ifel at Ucla Neptune Laboratory
H Igh Energy Gain Ifel at Ucla Neptune Laboratory
2005 IEEE 500
Proceedings of 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee
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2005 IEEE
Proceedings of 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee
2005 IEEE 502
Proceedings of 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee
n=3 25 other words, for a given laser wavelength and undulator
magnet, there are multiple resonant energies
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
0.43976 0.43980 0.43984
Distance along the undulator (m) z(m) λw (1 + K 2 /2)
γr,n = (1)
Figure 4: Simulations of IFEL experiment. (a) Maximum where λw is the undulator period, K is the normalized
energy particle evolution along the undulator. The first, undulator amplitude and λ the radiation wavelength. The
second and third harmonic resonant curved are also shown. higher harmonic IFEL interaction can be viewed as the nat-
(b) Longitudinal phase space at 45 cm with the energy ural consequence of the fact that the spectrum of the spon-
modulation due to the higher harmonic interaction taneous radiation emitted by a relativistic electron passing
through a planar undulator magnet presents peaks at differ-
Adjusting the laser intensity distribution along the un- ent frequencies that are harmonics of a fundamental reso-
dulator to the experimental configuration, the simulation nant frequency. In a quantum mechanic description of the
results agree quite well with the experiment. The code interaction, because of the presence of strong resonant lines
that was used to simulate the experiment is a 4th-order in the spontaneous radiation spectrum, stimulated emission
Runge-Kutta integrator that solved the Lorentz equation for (FEL emission at higher harmonics) or absorption (higher
the particle motion in the combined fields of the undulator harmonic IFEL) of radiation at these frequencies is possi-
magnet and laser beam (TREDI[14]). ble.
In Fig. 4a we show the evolution of the maximum e- To explain the structure of the high energy side of the ex-
beam energy along the accelerator for the case where the perimental spectrum in the Neptune IFEL experiment, we
laser focus is located 2 cm upstream of the undulator mid- consider the evolution of the maximum-energy particle in
point (solid red line in Fig. 4a). The IFEL acceleration the simulations represented in Fig. 4a. A few cm after the
mostly takes place in the first section of the undulator (first undulator center, the particles fall off the resonance curve
25-30 cm). This gives an accelerating gradient larger than (first harmonic resonance, n= 1 dashed curve in Fig. 4a)
70 MeV/m in the first half of the undulator. Few cm after because the driving laser intensity has decreased below the
the mid-point the laser intensity has decreased below the trapping threshold.
√ Some distance later, their energy is a
trapping threshold and the designed tapering is too strong factor of 2 less than the first harmonic resonant energy
for the particles too follow. at that point of the undulator, and therefore the electrons
Fig. 4b shows the simulated longitudinal phase-space at are resonant with the n=2 dotted curve and can exchange
45 cm along the undulator. The solid red line on the left energy with the 10.6 µm photons via the second harmonic
of the graph is the projection of the phase-space on the en- IFEL interaction. Later on, the electrons have energies such
ergy axis. Also shown is the measured experimental spec- that energy exchange with the laser can start even via the
trum (cyan histogram). The energy modulation appearing stronger third harmonic coupling (n = 3 dash-dotted curve).
in both the simulated and experimental energy spectra is It is known that the on-axis spectral content of the pla-
particularly interesting because the spectrum predicted by nar undulator radiation presents peaks only at the odd har-
the solution of the 1D FEL-like equations does not show monics. The even harmonics in fact, are suppressed by the
any peaks (blue dotted line). The high energy side of the symmetry of the radiation emitting source. Only off-axis,
3D simulation spectrum, a few cm after the midpoint, de- the even harmonic radiation is present. Correspondingly,
velops a peaked structure similar to that observed in the in the IFEL interaction, the strength of the interaction be-
data. Experimentally, this structure was reproducible shot tween the relativistic electrons and the even-harmonics ra-
to shot, ruling out the possibility of being caused by micro- diation also vanishes for a perfectly symmetric interaction.
structures present in the e-beam or in the laser beam. Different factors contribute to the second harmonic cou-
The IFEL resonance condition is ordinarily understood pling observed in the Neptune IFEL experiment. This ex-
to mean that efficient energy exchange between the trans- periment was characterized by the fact that the laser beam
verse EM wave and the electrons can only take place at was coupled in the undulator with a Rayleigh range short
electron energies such that, in the electron rest frame, the compared to the undulator length. Thus three-dimensional
wiggling induced by the laser has the same frequency as effects dominated the dynamics of the IFEL interaction. In
the wiggling induced by the undulator. However, when the particular, the laser waves have an intrinsically large angu-
motion in the electron rest frame is not a simple dipole os- lar spread characterized by the diffraction angle. Unavoid-
cillation, resonance can also occur if the laser frequency is able angular misalignments, as well as trajectory offsets of
a multiple of the undulator wiggling frequency, that is, elec- the electron and the laser beams, possibly contributed to
trons of a fixed energy may interact not only with the fun- the second harmonic interaction coefficient. Moreover, the
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2005 IEEE
Proceedings of 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee
laser mode used in the experiment is not a purely Gaus- P freely propagating in vacuum we can write
sian TEM00 mode, as it was assumed in the design and in
P 1
the simulations. After passing in the final amplifier, the ∂γ
· 2 (2)
transverse profile of the CO2 pulse experimentally shows a ∂z z− L2u
1+ 1+ zr
supersaturated Gaussian profile, with a content of different
higher order Hermite-Gaussian modes.
For a constant K IFEL, the optimum Rayleigh range is
The higher harmonic interaction observed in the Nep-
found by imposing
tune IFEL experiment is weak, but the energy exchange
is significant because the laser is still somewhat intense Lu 1/2
∂ P 1
(> 1010 W/cm2 ) and the wiggling parameter K is large · Lu 2 dz = 0 (3)
∂zr 0 λzr z− 2
at the end of the undulator. A small energy exchange takes 1+ 1+ zr
place, enough to modulate the final energy distribution and
this corresponds to the peaked microstructure observed re- whose solution (numerically obtained) is
producibly in the experimental spectrum. zr
= 0.15. (4)
If K grows along the undulator as it would be the case
CONCLUSION in a strongly tapered undulator, we have to solve
Lu 1/2
We report on the observation of > 20 MeV energy gain ∂ P K(z)
(150 %) at the Inverse Free Electron Laser experiment · Lu 2 dz = 0 (5)
∂zr 0 λ · zr z− 2
at the Neptune Laboratory. An energy gradient of > 70 1+ 1+ zr
MeV/m is inferred. The fraction of self-trapped particles
exceeded 5 % of the injected bunch. The acceleration gain and the optimum ratio depends on how fast the undulator is
reported is to date the highest obtained with an IFEL ac- tapered. For K(z) growing polinomially along the undula-
celerator. Self-trapping of particles in a stable accelerat- tor the optimum ratio is in the range 0.15-0.25.
ing bucket from a not-prebunched initial distribution was The conclusion is that for given input power P , the best
demonstrated. The effects of the laser diffraction were an- coupling of a diffraction dominated laser beam and an elec-
alyzed in the design phase and studied experimentally. Fi- tron beam in a IFEL accelerator is given by a choice of the
nally, for the first time higher harmonic IFEL (HH-IFEL) Rayleigh range about one fifth of the undulator length.
interaction was observed in the second section of the un-
dulator. The HH-IFEL adds a degree of freedom (the har- REFERENCES
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