Zhuan Xu
Zhuan Xu
Zhuan Xu
Gaoyang is also a county in Hebei and the Chinese name pieces of music, known as The Answer to the Clouds
of Koyang in North Korea.
Zhuanxu was succeeded by his cousin, Shaohao's son,
Zhuanxu (Chinese: trad. , simp. , pinyin Ku. In the Shiji, he criticized one of his sons for being
Zhunx), also known as Gaoyang (t , s , p a dullard. Since only two sons were named, it might have
Goyng), was a mythological emperor of ancient China. been Gun, father of Yu the Great or Qiongchan, the anIn the traditional account recorded by Sima Qian, cestor of Shun. Yao had also criticized Gun for being inZhuanxu was a grandson of the Yellow Emperor who competent and ruinous. The Shiji labelled Qiongchan an
led the Shi clan in an eastward migration to present-day insignicant commoner though it does not mention how
Shandong, where intermarriages with the Dongyi clan he fell from grace. He also had eight unnamed sons of
enlarged and augmented their tribal inuences. At age good repute that later worked for Shun.
twenty, he became their sovereign, going on to rule for
seventy-eight years until his death.
3 Calendar
4 Mythology
Zhuanxu is also mentioned as a god of the Pole Star and
as the father of Taowu.
5 References
[1] This last claim was made by the Wei Shu and Tung Pa but
attacked by Chiang Chi, who claimed the Tian () were
descended from Zhuanxu instead.* [2]* [3]
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