FFAOL 2005 May June
FFAOL 2005 May June
FFAOL 2005 May June
May/June 2005
By Mark R. Rushdoony
T he family is the
basic institution
of society, but in the
613 laws, many had no penalty enforce-
able by men. The tithe was required by
God, but not enforceable by the priests.
True Biblical government reform
will be less in passing Biblical laws than
in denying the state unlawful powers,
world of modern social Prostitution was called an abomination and then returning them to individuals,
science, this is an inad- but was not punishable (unless, as it families, and local jurisdictions. God’s
equate statement. often did, it constituted adultery). The law does not necessitate state action so
The humanist studies the family in powers of legislation and enforcement much as individual action. The best
terms of its social implications, just as he were limited in both church and state. way to reform government is to cut its
studies the creation in terms of its physi- The most important form of gov- revenues drastically, severely reduce its
cal characteristics. Sociological studies ernment in the Bible is neither the state programs and payroll, and sell its office
do not help the Christian understand nor any ecclesiastical authority. It is the complexes on the free market.
the family, however, any more than self-government of the individual who
naturalistic studies give him the whole is aware of his moral obligation to obey God’s Law is Personal
picture of the world around him. The God. God is a person and His law is His;
Christian cannot understand the family The most important social unit of it is a personal law. That is why He calls
outside its divine institution and calling, government is the family. The family is Himself a “jealous” God, one whose
any more than he can understand the where we first learn God’s Word, first “wrath” can be aroused. Offences against
creation without its Creator. There must worship Him, first are educated to serve God and His law are personal offences
be a theology behind both our social Him, and first learn our social respon- against the Creator and Lawgiver.
science and our natural science. sibilities. None of this precludes the Our concept of law should be
God the Sovereign is the Creator necessary functions of church and civil personal. We do not get that under-
of all things, including the family He government, but man’s first and primary standing from statist law, which we
established before our fall into sin. As environment ought to be that of family. see as randomly enforced, impersonal,
man and wife, Adam and Eve repre- and bureaucratic. In the family, law is
sented a social unit instituted by God. The Resurgence of the Family personal and ethical. Behavior is good
The family unit begins with marriage, The importance of the family or bad and judgment is handed down
not with children. means that its resurgence constitutes a with righteous indignation by mother
My father, R. J. Rushdoony, wrote social change of historic proportions. and father.
and spoke extensively on Biblical law The opposition to homosexual “mar- Though the family is personal, it
and frequently noted that rabbinic riage” is evidence of a resurgent concept is not a narrow, insulated institution.
scholars counted 613 laws in the Torah. of family. Perhaps more significant is the The family is the most dynamic institu-
It is the paucity of that number which is Christian day and homeschool move- tion of all. When I married, I acquired
of interest. The laws that bind the aver- ments of the last forty years, for this a whole new set of relatives. My family
age modern citizen today could not be represents a reclamation of one sphere of was half-new to me. When my daugh-
comprehended in 613 volumes! Still, of government from the state. ter married, she likewise acquired and
I f there is anything
George W. Bush has
accomplished in his
It is more like practical liberalism
than innovative Christian praxis when
churches assume more responsibility
congregation along the social demarca-
tions of children, youth, singles, men,
women, and various other special inter-
tenure as president it is than is Biblically permitted. By substi- est groups.
reinforcing the acrimo- tuting “big federal government” with Second, by providing programs for
ny of the Left towards “big church government” mega-church- these diverse groups the local church
conservative Christendom. Much of the es create an undue social dependency in becomes a micro welfare state. This
political Left regards Bush’s re-election Christian families. Nowadays, parents can only confuse the already befuddled
as a “free ride” on the fiery chariot of the want a dynamic and fun ministry for ministry responsibilities of the family.
religious right. There is some merit to their children, and they expect the local For instance, most churches feature
this gripe, but the Left may be surprised church to provide it. If not, parents will a weekly women’s Bible study that with-
to discover just how liberal we “Chris- simply shuffle their young ones to the out proper oversight can easily compete
tian conservatives” can be. church down the street. with the husband’s role of “cleansing his
Although I may be accused of By caving in to this pressure pastors wife with the washing of water by the
painting with a broad brush, I assume are doing more harm than good. What Word” (Eph. 5:26). When the spiritual
that most conservative pastors voted began as a vision to minister to chil- responsibilities of men are being taken
Republican in this last election. The dren soon becomes a welfare program over by the church is it any wonder men
reason for this assumption should be that sapps the initiative from Christian feel no need to be godly?
obvious: most conservative Christians fathers. When the church is providing a Third, administrating this vast array
consider abortion, welfare, extortionate separate service for children, a man can of Christian social programs requires the
taxation, and big government unbibli- easily abdicate his daily responsibility of two-fold liberal strategy of bureaucracy
cal and unsavory. Yet this distaste for “bringing up his children in the nurture and taxation. Volunteer committees
political liberalism doesn’t stop many and admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 6: and salaried department leaders must
Christian leaders from swallowing a 4). Why should a man bother catechiz- be raised up to facilitate each respective
double standard in the way they operate ing his children when he can simply ministry department. Along with this
the local church. drop off his little ones each Sunday to goes the budget increase to pay for these
This double standard is most appar- receive the gospel “at their level”? multiple programs. Since the church is
ent in the ecclesiology of the burgeon- non-profit it must “tax” the congrega-
ing mega-churches. Working from the Quasi-Liberalism tion in tithe and offerings to finance the
premise that the consumer is king, these What I find interesting are the bureaucracy.
super warehouses of worship entice many ways this ecclesiastical approach
attendees with a myriad of programs is similar to contemporary liberalism. Super Church
targeting the community’s felt needs. First, these local churches are adapting In a recent story on ABC News,
They do this because they see results; the liberal social grid of the “class sys- reporter Oliver Libaw places the phe-
and results are measured by increased tem.” Instead of addressing the local as- nomenon of the mega-church alongside
attendance. But has anyone paused to sembly as the corporate body of Christ, America’s obsession with SUVs, big-
consider the implications of offering a consisting of covenantal households, screen TVs, and superstores. This reveals
“Sears Catalog” of special programs? these Christian innovators segregate the how the church’s view of the congregant
By Bruce N. Shortt
W e’re Christians.
We love our chil-
dren; we know that the
ernment schools did not fully triumph
over America’s original educational
traditions until the early part of the
reflected in levels of violence, drug use,
and sexual immorality that would have
been almost unthinkable before the
Bible instructs us to raise 20th century. We are several generations 1960s, the damage to American Christi-
them in the nurture and removed from that controversy, and anity has been far more profound.
admonition of the Lord. unfortunately very few of us even know That damage has occurred because
Yet many of us send them to an institu- it existed or why. the vast majority of us have permitted
tion from which all vestiges of Chris- This transformation of American government schools to “educate” our
tianity were driven out long ago — an education has had profoundly destruc- children. Research by the Nehemiah
institution that is also awash in secular tive consequences. Institute shows that children from
humanist and neo-pagan theologies. The most obvious has been the Christian homes who attend govern-
That institution, of course, is a govern- epidemic spread of ignorance and semi- ment schools are five times more likely
ment school. literacy. Contrary to the happy-talk to adopt such anti-Christian dogmas as
We all know the routine: wake our from the education industry and media, moral relativism than those who attend
children, give them breakfast, and help few public school children today can Christian schools, and Barna Research
them wash their faces, brush their teeth, read or write proficiently, let alone do has found that only 9% of evangelical
get dressed, and collect their school- mathematics or science at an advanced teens believe that there is any such thing
books. We then deliver them by car, level. Indeed, many schoolchildren as absolute moral truth. The damage
bus, or foot to that seemingly benign, would have trouble finding Chicago on is also painfully evident from the fact
ubiquitous, and familiar institution. a map, and by the 12th grade, American that a substantial majority of children
Today this ritual seems unexceptionable. children are math and science dunces by from Christian homes no longer attend
Most of us, after all, went through it as international standards. church within two years after graduating
children. The vast majority of parents from public high school.
do it, and, in the public’s mind, at- Pagan Seminaries? Government schools are killing our
tending government schools is virtually For us as Christian parents, this is children spiritually, morally, and intel-
synonymous with getting an education. far from the most serious problem with lectually. But most of us don’t even see
This has not always been so. For government schools. American educa- the problem; we simply assume that all
most of America’s history, families and tion is now aggressively anti-Christian, is well with our children’s education as
the church provided education. To spiritually and morally. Government long as they seem untroubled and bring
those earlier Americans, the notion of schools have become parochial schools home “My Child is on the Honor Roll”
entrusting their children’s education to for secular humanism and many variet- bumper stickers.
strangers in a secular or pagan institu- ies of New Age spirituality. We have abdicated our responsibil-
tion would have been unthinkable. For decades the unacknowledged ity to educate our children. As a conse-
When the government school move- moral code of government schools has quence, we have simultaneously put our
ment began in the middle part of the been moral relativism. While the general children in harm’s way and have failed to
19th century, many parents and clergy cultural toll inflicted by the social and notice that the “little red schoolhouse”
strongly resisted it, enough so that gov- moral values of government schools is has effectively become a pagan seminary
G od has graciously
given the human
race three institutions for
Three Biblical truths are brought
out here: 1) Jesus Christ is the head of
the church and the source of its exis-
social and personal power. Whoever
controls property has liberty, and who-
ever surrenders power over property
its protection and devel- tence and authority (Eph. 5:23). In His surrenders liberty.… God’s Law provides
opment — church, fam- church, His Word, and only His Word, for the freedom of the family by under-
ily, and state. Each has its is law. 2) Jesus has placed the authority girding private ownership of property.”4
own distinct purpose, jurisdiction, pow- to govern His church in the hands of The third power is the control of
ers, limits of authority, and government. church-officers, i.e., ruling and teaching inheritance (Pr. 13:22). “Basic to all
Only when all three of these institutions elders, and not in the hands of anyone control of property is the control of
are functioning Biblically can any one else, e.g., fathers or civil magistrates inheritance.… When the state enters
of them function effectively. When one (Ac. 20:28). These officers are to act as into the question of inheritance, prop-
usurps authority not given it by God, or “gatekeepers” and “caretakers” of Christ’s erty gradually is transferred from the
disregards the limits of its jurisdiction, church and all of its families. 3) The family to the state.… For the family to
tyranny results. These institutions may governing authority and jurisdiction of maintain itself, the family must control
not be blended or combined. Each is the institutional church are distinct inheritance.”5
“sovereign” in its own sphere, although and separate from the civil government The fourth power is the responsi-
all three are obviously interdependent (Mt. 16:19). bility of welfare (2 Cor. 12:14; 1 Tim.
and equally accountable to the Word of 5:8). The family, not the state, is to
God. The Home
God has also given the family basic provide for its own economic and moral
The Church and fundamental powers, so that, as R. welfare, with the diaconal assistance of
God has given the church the keys J. Rushdoony wrote: “The destruction the church (Ac. 6:1f.).
to the Kingdom of God (Mt. 16:19; of the family’s position and authority The fifth power of the family
18:18). Keys are symbols of authority is the destruction of all society and the is the responsibility of education
in the church of Christ, which author- introduction of anarchy.”2 (Dt. 6:7). Parents, not the state, are
ity is to be exercised by the officers of The family’s first power is the given the responsibility of educating
the church (Heb. 13:17). This is to say, control of children in terms of the Word their children according to the Word of
as does the Westminster Confession of God (Gen. 18:19). Under God, “the God, with the assistance of the church
of Faith, that “The Lord Jesus, as king parent is the child’s provider, protector, (Mt. 28:18f ). “The family is man’s first
and head of His church, has therein lover, teacher, and lawgiver.”3 and basic school.… For education to
appointed a government in the hand of The second power is the control of cease to be parent-controlled and be-
church-officers, distinct from the civil property (Ex. 20:15). The implication come state-controlled is deadly to both
magistrate.”1 of Biblical law is that “property is power, education and the child.”6
Providing for
a Large Family
By William O. Einwechter
T he Scriptures repeat-
edly extol the bless-
ing of children and their
Financial Resources
or the Promises of God?
The issue is not our financial
dren. We are thankful that early on we
became convinced by the Word of God
that raising up many godly children
importance to the family resources, but God’s promise to pro- was an essential work for the Kingdom
and to the Kingdom of vide for His people. One of the most of God, and we sought His blessing to
God. Psalms 127 and important of these promises is found that end. Although our resources were
128 declare that God delights in bless- in Matthew 6:33: “But seek ye first the few, we prayed for and trusted in God’s
ing the righteous man with a fruitful kingdom of God, and his righteousness; promise of Matthew 6:33, and through
wife and children. In view of this Bibli- and all these things shall be added unto the years as our family grew and the
cal teaching, and in keeping with their you.” The context of Matthew 6:33 re- financial challenges also grew, He never
own love of children, many Christians bukes the audience for seeking financial failed us.
have contemplated having a large family. security in tangible riches. Jesus states God’s Word is true. By trusting in
One obstacle to seeking this blessing that this is a false hope; all riches can be Him, those who look to Him rather
is finances. Many assume they cannot lost, even in a moment. True financial than their own resources experience the
afford it, and abandon their vision. Oth- security is found in making the work of walk of faith and the power of God to
ers never even seriously consider having God’s Kingdom our priority in life. If provide. When we trust and obey God,
many children. we do, God gives His absolute assur- though our faith may waver, He never
We must remember that the God ance that He will see to it that all of our fails!
who declares that children are His material needs are met.
reward, and calls a husband and wife to A careful study of Scripture reveals Prudent Parents
“be fruitful,” is the same God who states that having children, many children, In concert with faith in God’s
that He will supply all the needs of His and training them up in the nurture and promise, parents who have a large fam-
children who take Him at His Word admonition of the Lord is one of the ily must also, in accord with Scripture,
and keep His commandments (Phil. 4: most significant works for the Kingdom act righteously and prudently. Through
19). Scarcity has always been a problem of God that a married couple can ever the growth of our family, the Lord has
in a world of limited resources, and do. If a husband and wife seek first the taught us many wise and good prin-
conditions were not essentially different Kingdom of God by seeking His bless- ciples to help us remain faithful, and
in the days when the Psalmist extolled ing for many children, then they have these principles are no less useful even
the blessing of many children. The same God’s immutable promise that He will for smaller families:
difficulty of providing adequate material provide for them and their children! 1. We learned to establish family priori-
needs for a large family faced men in the By the immense blessings of God, ties. Financial resources are directed
Old Testament era as it does today. my wife, Linda, and I enjoy ten chil- to essentials first, and extras and
A s usual, my family
rose as I entered my
pristine kitchen. With
The High Standard
As I enter the schoolroom to begin
the day, I think of the woman known
family, need care, too. The wife of Prov-
erbs is no martyr. She knows her value
is far above rubies. Her husband adorns
excited anticipation they simply as The Proverbs 31 Woman. She her with praise and, as Matthew Henry
watched as I strolled over has all her ducks in a row, all her plates observes, her “adorning will be found
to my beloved crock- spinning smoothly in the air, and no to praise and honour and glory at the
pot. As I lifted the lid, they erupted greasy yellow build-up. Her “to do” list appearing of Jesus Christ.”2
in a chorus of praise and adulation. In is always completely checked off by day’s Like our example in Proverbs, wives
unison they inhaled the exquisite aroma end. She is not the so-so wife. She is not give of themselves continually to their
of my Wednesday Night Chili. I smiled the good wife. She is the Excellent Wife! families. But a wife must be careful not
contentedly as their heart-felt apprecia- The excellent wife I want to be. to neglect her emotional and physical
tion showered over me. I replaced the By day she nurtures, teaches and bonds with her husband. A wife gives
lid as my husband kissed my cheek and loves her children. By night her hus- the best of herself when the best of
whispered in my ear, “Honey, where are band oohs and aahs over her cooking herself is nurtured and appreciated.
my keys?” and whispers sweet nothings in her ear. Connecting with the one who holds her
I was back to reality. Back to the Although in reality I do spend my days heart is essential. If that connection is
real world where no one appreciates my praising the budding artist, admonish- not strong, she is deprived of a source of
cooking, my kitchen is anything but ing the would-be pugilist, instructing strength and confidence.
pristine, and my husband thinks estro- the aspiring writer and silencing the
gen has given me the magical ability to nap-needing whiner, I could use a few Mary and Martha
locate all his missing items. more nights of bouquets and whispers, I have also found great joy and
It happens that I do know where sweet or otherwise. peace in the lessons of two other women
his keys are (estrogen had nothing to do As challenging as The Proverbs 31 of Scripture. Martha and Mary have
with it) and I hand them to him. Off Woman is to me, she has been a great taught me much. Neither of these ladies
he goes to work and I think how nice it teacher. Matthew Henry calls her ex- was concerned with children, husband,
would be to spend time with him this ample a “looking glass for ladies, which or laundry, but they both teach us about
evening. But by the time he returns they are desired to open and dress them- taking time for the important things in
tonight I will have been tried and tested, selves by.…”1 Scripture describes her as life, those things that the Lord sends our
stretched and contorted and perhaps one who “looketh well to the ways of way to flavor life so deliciously.
even had a few out-of-body experiences. her household” (31:27), whose children Martha teaches me that while keep-
I’m a homeschooling mom. Right call her blessed and whose husband ing an orderly home is important, there
now a romantic evening with my hus- praises her. are times when other things come first.
band sounds exciting and rejuvenating, Like The Proverbs 31 Woman, we Mary saw that and savored her time
but I fear that those thoughts will have wives affirm ourselves as good home- with Christ (Lk. 10: 42). She saw that
faded by 7 p.m. and by then I won’t makers when all members of our family “good part,” as Jesus put it, something
have the energy even to form the words are well taken care of. We must also that couldn’t be taken from her. Yet
“back rub,” let alone give one. remember that we, as members of the Martha did plan for Christ’s visit. So
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