FFAOL 2005 May June

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Faith for All of Life

May/June 2005

Publisher & Chalcedon President

Rev. Mark R. Rushdoony
Chalcedon Vice-President
Martin Selbrede Education and the Family 2 One Generation Shall
R.J. Rushdoony Bless Another: The Role
of Christian Grandparents 18
Rev. Christopher J. Ortiz
The Future and the Family 4 Roger Schultz
Managing Editor Mark R. Rushdoony
Susan Burns Providing for a Large Family 22
Contributing Editors Mega-Church Liberals and William O. Einwechter
Lee Duigon the Undermining of the Family 6
Walter & Megan Lindsay Christopher J. Ortiz The Daze of Whine and Roses 25
Buddy Hanson Amy Hauck
Chalcedon Founder
Facing the Facts 9
Rev. R. J. Rushdoony Bruce N. Shortt Classifieds 30
was the founder of Chalcedon The Benefits of Product Catalog 32
and a leading theologian, church/ Having Children 12
state expert, and author of numer- Jim West
ous works on the application of
Biblical Law to society.
The Balance of
Receiving Faith for All of Life: This mag-
Church and Home 16
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Founder’s Column
R.J. Rushdoony

Education and the Family

(Reprinted from Institutes of Biblical Law, Vol. 1
[Phillipsburg, NJ: The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1973], 182-185.)

A fundamental aspect of the sup-

port due a child from his parents is
education in the broadest sense of the


heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest
thou forget the things which thine eyes have
seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the
word. This involves, first of all, chastise- days of thy life; but teach them to thy sons, and
ment. According to Proverbs 13:24, thy sons’ sons. (Dt. 4:7-9)
“He that spareth his rod hateth his son: THE COMMON OPINION HELD And these words, which I command thee
but he that loveth him chasteneth him this day, shall be in thine heart:
betimes.” Again, “Chasten thy son while
And thou shalt teach them diligently unto
there is hope, and let not thy soul spare HIS SON THE LAW AND A TRADE, thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou
for his crying” (Pr. 19:18); parents then
sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest
were as inclined to be tenderhearted as THE ABILITY TO WORK, REARED HIM
by the way, and when thou liest down, and
now, but the necessity for chastening when thou risest up. (Dt. 6:6-7)
cannot be set aside by a foolish pity.
Once every seven years, in the Sab-
Chastisement can be a lifesaver to the
child: “Withhold not correction from tion. “The fear of the LORD is the begin- bath year, children with adults had to
the child: for if thou beatest him with ning of knowledge” (Pr. 1:7). “The fear hear the reading of the entire law (Dt.
the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” 31:10-13).
him with the rod, and shalt deliver his (Pr. 9:10). Wisdom rests on faith, and Very early, religious leaders in Israel
soul from hell” (Pr. 23:13, 14). Chasten- true knowledge has as its presupposi- understood the task of education. The
ing is necessary, as Kidner points out, tion the sovereign God. There can be prophet Nathan became the instructor
because, Proverbs holds: no neutrality in education. Education of the young Jedidiah (“Beloved of Jeho-
by the state will have statist ends. The vah”) or Solomon (2 Sam. 12:25).3
First, “foolishness is bound up in the Third, because the law is intensely
school cannot be subordinate to either
heart of a child”; it will take more than
church or state.2 The church of Christ’s practical, Hebrew education was in-
words to dislodge it (22:15). Secondly,
character (in which wisdom embod- day taught men to give to the church, tensely practical. The common opinion
ies itself) is a plant that grows more ostensibly to God, rather than providing held that a man who did not teach his
sturdily for some cutting back (cf. 15: for their parents (Mk. 7:7-13). Sin was son the law and a trade, the ability to
32, 33; 5:11, 12; Heb. 12:11) — and thus taught as a virtue. work, reared him to be a fool and a
this from early days (13:24b: “betimes”; Children are required to obey their thief. It is said that Simeon, the son of
cf. 22:6: “Train up a child in the way the famed Gamaliel, observed: “Not
parents. The counterpart to this is the
he should go, and even when he is old learning but doing is the chief thing.”4
he will not depart from it”). In “a child
parents’ duty to teach the fundamentals
of obedience to their children, the law Josephus, in his work, Against Apion
left to himself ” the only predictable
product is shame (29:15).1 of God. The law itself requires this: compared the education of the Hebrews
with that of the Greeks. Greek educa-
For what nation is there so great, who
A Godly Education hath God so nigh unto them, as the LORD our tion veered from the severely practical to
But chastening is no substitute for God is in all things that we call upon him for? the abstract and theoretical, he pointed
sound instruction, for proper teaching. And what nation is there so great, that hath out, whereas Biblical law has a healthy
Thus, second, the parents have a duty to statutes and judgments so righteous as all this relationship between principle and
provide the child with a godly educa- law, which I set before you this day? Only take practice.

2 Faith for All of Life May/June 2005

Faith for All of Life
Family-centered Education least implicitly anti-Biblical, even when to teach his son Torah, so is he required
Fourth, Biblical education, being and where it gives the Bible a place in to teach him a trade.” Moreover, “He
family-centered and emphasizing the re- the curriculum. who teaches his neighbor’s son Torah,
sponsibility of parents and children, was Fifth, basic to the calling of every it is as if he had begotten him.” But
productive of responsible people. A per- child is to be a member of a family. Vir- supremely, “An ignorant man cannot be
son reared and schooled in the doctrine tually all children will some day become saintly.”6 Since holiness is not a self-gen-
that he has a responsibility to care for husbands and wives, fathers or mothers. erating act but requires a conformity to
his parents as need arises, provide for his The statist school is destructive of this God’s law and righteousness, an igno-
children, and, to the best of his ability, calling. Its attempts to meet the need are rant man cannot be saintly. Moreover,
leave an inheritance of moral discipline essentially external and mechanical, i.e., since knowledge is not self-generating,
and example as well as material wealth, home economics courses, sex education, and the meaning of factuality comes
is a person highly attuned to responsi- and the like. But the essential training not from facts but from the Creator,
bility. In such an educational system, for family life is family life and a fam- knowledge requires as its presupposition
the state is not the responsible party but ily-oriented school and society. It means in every area the knowledge of God,
the family is, and the man has a duty Biblical education. It means discipline, whose fear is the beginning of wisdom
to be a competent and provident head training in godly responsibility. and knowledge.
of his household, and the wife a skilled It needs more than ever to be
helpmeet to her husband. The abandon- IN SUCH AN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM, stressed that the best and truest educa-
ment of a family-oriented education tors are parents under God. The greatest
THE STATE IS NOT THE RESPONSIBLE school is the family. In learning, no act
leads to the destruction of masculin-
ity, and it renders women either fluffy of teaching in any school or university
luxuries for men or aggressive competi- compares to the routine task of moth-
tors to men. Men and women having THE MAN HAS A DUTY TO BE A ers in teaching a babe who speaks no
lost their function gyrate unstably and language the mother tongue in so short
COMPETENT AND PROVIDENT a time. No other task in education is
without a legitimate sense of function.
Modern education abstracts knowledge; equal to this. The moral training of the
the specialist prides himself on knowing child, the discipline of good habits, is an
nothing outside his field and wears his THE WIFE A SKILLED HELPMEET inheritance from the parents to the child
refusal to relate his knowledge to other which surpasses all other. The family is
TO HER HUSBAND. the first and basic school of man.
areas as a badge of honor. If the scholar
seeks social relativity, again it is with- The statist school, moreover, basi- 1. Derek Kidner, Proverbs, An Introduction
out a transcendental principle, and the cally trains women to be men; it is not and Commentary (Chicago: Intervarsity
result is an immersion in the social pro- surprising that so many are unhappy Press, 1964), 51.
cess without a value structure; all else is at being women.5 Nor are men any 2. See. R. J. Rushdoony, Intellectual
charged off as meaninglessness save the happier, in that dominion in modern Schizophrenia and The Messianic Character
process which at the moment becomes of American Education, both available at
education is transferred from man to the
the incarnate structure. www.chalcedonstore.com.
state, and man is progressively emas-
In modern education, the state is 3. A. R. S. Kennedy, “Education,” in James
culated. The major casualty of modern
the educator, and the state is held to be Hastings, A Dictionary of the Bible, Vol. 1,
education is the male student. Since 647.
the responsible agency rather than man. dominion is by God’s creative purpose
4. Ibid., I, 646.
Such a perspective works to destroy the a basic aspect of man, any education
5. Carle C. Zimmerman, Lucius F. Cer-
pupil, whose basic lesson becomes a de- which diminishes man’s calling to exer- vantes, Marriage and the Family (Chicago:
pendence on the state. The state, rather cise dominion also diminishes man to Regenery, 1956), 310f.
than the individual and the family, is the same degree. 6. Julius B. Maller, “The Role of Education
looked to for moral decision and action, Sixth, Biblical education emphasized in Jewish History,” in Louis Finklestein, The
and the moral role of the individual is learning, godly learning. Jewish proverbs Jews, Their History, Culture, and Religion,
to assent to and bow down before the emphasized this. We have already re- Third edition (New York: Harper and
state. Statist education is at the very ferred to one, “Just as a man is required Brothers, 1960), Vol. 2, 1240f.

May/June 2005 Faith for All of Life 3

Faith for All of Life

By Mark R. Rushdoony

T he family is the
basic institution
of society, but in the
613 laws, many had no penalty enforce-
able by men. The tithe was required by
God, but not enforceable by the priests.
True Biblical government reform
will be less in passing Biblical laws than
in denying the state unlawful powers,
world of modern social Prostitution was called an abomination and then returning them to individuals,
science, this is an inad- but was not punishable (unless, as it families, and local jurisdictions. God’s
equate statement. often did, it constituted adultery). The law does not necessitate state action so
The humanist studies the family in powers of legislation and enforcement much as individual action. The best
terms of its social implications, just as he were limited in both church and state. way to reform government is to cut its
studies the creation in terms of its physi- The most important form of gov- revenues drastically, severely reduce its
cal characteristics. Sociological studies ernment in the Bible is neither the state programs and payroll, and sell its office
do not help the Christian understand nor any ecclesiastical authority. It is the complexes on the free market.
the family, however, any more than self-government of the individual who
naturalistic studies give him the whole is aware of his moral obligation to obey God’s Law is Personal
picture of the world around him. The God. God is a person and His law is His;
Christian cannot understand the family The most important social unit of it is a personal law. That is why He calls
outside its divine institution and calling, government is the family. The family is Himself a “jealous” God, one whose
any more than he can understand the where we first learn God’s Word, first “wrath” can be aroused. Offences against
creation without its Creator. There must worship Him, first are educated to serve God and His law are personal offences
be a theology behind both our social Him, and first learn our social respon- against the Creator and Lawgiver.
science and our natural science. sibilities. None of this precludes the Our concept of law should be
God the Sovereign is the Creator necessary functions of church and civil personal. We do not get that under-
of all things, including the family He government, but man’s first and primary standing from statist law, which we
established before our fall into sin. As environment ought to be that of family. see as randomly enforced, impersonal,
man and wife, Adam and Eve repre- and bureaucratic. In the family, law is
sented a social unit instituted by God. The Resurgence of the Family personal and ethical. Behavior is good
The family unit begins with marriage, The importance of the family or bad and judgment is handed down
not with children. means that its resurgence constitutes a with righteous indignation by mother
My father, R. J. Rushdoony, wrote social change of historic proportions. and father.
and spoke extensively on Biblical law The opposition to homosexual “mar- Though the family is personal, it
and frequently noted that rabbinic riage” is evidence of a resurgent concept is not a narrow, insulated institution.
scholars counted 613 laws in the Torah. of family. Perhaps more significant is the The family is the most dynamic institu-
It is the paucity of that number which is Christian day and homeschool move- tion of all. When I married, I acquired
of interest. The laws that bind the aver- ments of the last forty years, for this a whole new set of relatives. My family
age modern citizen today could not be represents a reclamation of one sphere of was half-new to me. When my daugh-
comprehended in 613 volumes! Still, of government from the state. ter married, she likewise acquired and

4 Faith for All of Life May/June 2005

Faith for All of Life
incorporated new members to her fam- are conservative not because they are ual up against the monolithic state, with
ily. Her children will add to both sides limited to a vision of the past, but regional, local, and family government
of this family. Such an institution is far because they are particularly conscious increasingly stripped of authority.
from insulated or narrow in its perspec- of the need to provide a proper environ- Democracy has not led to a freer
tive or its structure. ment for the growth and expansion that citizenry in America. Democracy took
The Biblical family reflects the per- each generation represents. Just as rich a free America and in the name of “the
sonal application of God’s law to daily men do not feel the need to gamble on people” has made it a land of high taxes
life. It was the family that gave the first get-rich-quick schemes, the family will and endless regulation by a powerful
fruits of its newly-bearing trees to God. always be suspicious of the potential central government, and an economy
The family redeemed the firstborn of harm of social engineers. built on debt management rather than
man and beast with an offering, and so capital. This is the democracy we seek
acknowledged that all belonged to God. The Cult of Democracy to spread around the world. Democracy
It was the family that funded most social Too much modern “conserva- has been very cruel to “the people” to
work through the tithe, God’s tax of at tive” thought buys into the progressive whom it gives lip service. Democracy
least a tenth of all increase. The civil tax destruction of limited government. The has given us statism, not freedom.
was a uniform head tax on all men and victory of the North in the American Godly government (personal,
so represented the more limited role of Civil War dealt a blow to the limited, familial, church, vocational, etc.) cannot
the state in Scripture. localized government of our Consti- proliferate in this poisoned atmosphere.
tutional republic from which we have Our calling is to exercise dominion in
A Family-based State never recovered. After the Civil War every area of life and thought, and this
Even in the affairs of state, the our republican concept of government is impossible in a statist environment.
family played a major role. There were was gradually replaced with the cult of Statism is always a house of cards
elders of tribes and nations (Num. 22: democracy. Thus, a generation later, that will eventually collapse from its
4,7; Gen. 50:7; Dt. 31:28) and of Woodrow Wilson could successfully own inherent weaknesses. Our calling
geographic areas (Jud. 11:5-11). The appeal to democracy to justify American is not to destroy, however, for judgment
leadership of elders persisted even in involvement in World War I, over the belongs to God. We are not called to
captivity when tribal distinctions were limitations imposed by the Constitution revolution but to dominion, to a recon-
being blurred (Jer. 29:1). There were on the use of a drafted military. struction, a rebuilding on the firm foun-
elders of the priests (2 Kin. 19:2; Jer. Democracy was promoted as the dations of God’s law and the certainty
19:1) and elders that represented royal newfound goal of America, and this was of His Lordship and the advancement
households (Gen. 50:7 and 2 Sam. 12: represented by the “one man, one vote” of His Kingdom.
17). Elders represented cities (Dt. 19: principle. The direct election of Sena- The family is so central to Scrip-
12; 21:3,6; 21:19; 22:15; 25:9) and tors replaced their selection by the state ture that it is the most frequently used
had to be consulted even by the auto- governments, making them represent model for our relationship to “our
cratic Ahab before a declaration of war the individuals of the state (already the Heavenly Father” and to our “brethren”
(1 Kin. 20:7). After Jethro’s suggestion function of the members of the House in the family of God into which we are
and God’s ordering, the families were of Representatives) instead of the states “adopted” and made “heirs” together
grouped into tens, fifties, hundreds, and in their corporate status as the cre- with Christ.
thousands. Elders presided over each. ative members of the republic. Shortly
Archaeologists have been able to approx- thereafter, women were given the vote, a The Ten Commandments
imate the distribution of Jews outside of consistent application of the democratic and the Family
Palestine by the number of synagogues principle but an abandonment of the The family is the only institution
in a community, each of which required family as the essential representative of directly protected by four of the Ten
a minimum of ten families. Govern- society (with the father’s vote represent- Commandments.
ment, both ecclesiastical and civil, was ing the whole family.) The Fifth Commandment most
by elders; it was patriarchal. Ostensibly, democracy was to clearly commands us to honor our
Patriarchal societies are conserva- empower the people. The word is now parents. This is not an appeal to merely
tive and stable, and this is why modern synonymous with freedom. In reality, personal regard. We are to treat parents
liberals hold them in contempt. They democracy places the atomistic individ- continued on page 28

May/June 2005 Faith for All of Life 5

Faith for All of Life
a n d t h e UNDERMINING
o f t h e FAMILY
By Christopher J. Ortiz

I f there is anything
George W. Bush has
accomplished in his
It is more like practical liberalism
than innovative Christian praxis when
churches assume more responsibility
congregation along the social demarca-
tions of children, youth, singles, men,
women, and various other special inter-
tenure as president it is than is Biblically permitted. By substi- est groups.
reinforcing the acrimo- tuting “big federal government” with Second, by providing programs for
ny of the Left towards “big church government” mega-church- these diverse groups the local church
conservative Christendom. Much of the es create an undue social dependency in becomes a micro welfare state. This
political Left regards Bush’s re-election Christian families. Nowadays, parents can only confuse the already befuddled
as a “free ride” on the fiery chariot of the want a dynamic and fun ministry for ministry responsibilities of the family.
religious right. There is some merit to their children, and they expect the local For instance, most churches feature
this gripe, but the Left may be surprised church to provide it. If not, parents will a weekly women’s Bible study that with-
to discover just how liberal we “Chris- simply shuffle their young ones to the out proper oversight can easily compete
tian conservatives” can be. church down the street. with the husband’s role of “cleansing his
Although I may be accused of By caving in to this pressure pastors wife with the washing of water by the
painting with a broad brush, I assume are doing more harm than good. What Word” (Eph. 5:26). When the spiritual
that most conservative pastors voted began as a vision to minister to chil- responsibilities of men are being taken
Republican in this last election. The dren soon becomes a welfare program over by the church is it any wonder men
reason for this assumption should be that sapps the initiative from Christian feel no need to be godly?
obvious: most conservative Christians fathers. When the church is providing a Third, administrating this vast array
consider abortion, welfare, extortionate separate service for children, a man can of Christian social programs requires the
taxation, and big government unbibli- easily abdicate his daily responsibility of two-fold liberal strategy of bureaucracy
cal and unsavory. Yet this distaste for “bringing up his children in the nurture and taxation. Volunteer committees
political liberalism doesn’t stop many and admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 6: and salaried department leaders must
Christian leaders from swallowing a 4). Why should a man bother catechiz- be raised up to facilitate each respective
double standard in the way they operate ing his children when he can simply ministry department. Along with this
the local church. drop off his little ones each Sunday to goes the budget increase to pay for these
This double standard is most appar- receive the gospel “at their level”? multiple programs. Since the church is
ent in the ecclesiology of the burgeon- non-profit it must “tax” the congrega-
ing mega-churches. Working from the Quasi-Liberalism tion in tithe and offerings to finance the
premise that the consumer is king, these What I find interesting are the bureaucracy.
super warehouses of worship entice many ways this ecclesiastical approach
attendees with a myriad of programs is similar to contemporary liberalism. Super Church
targeting the community’s felt needs. First, these local churches are adapting In a recent story on ABC News,
They do this because they see results; the liberal social grid of the “class sys- reporter Oliver Libaw places the phe-
and results are measured by increased tem.” Instead of addressing the local as- nomenon of the mega-church alongside
attendance. But has anyone paused to sembly as the corporate body of Christ, America’s obsession with SUVs, big-
consider the implications of offering a consisting of covenantal households, screen TVs, and superstores. This reveals
“Sears Catalog” of special programs? these Christian innovators segregate the how the church’s view of the congregant

6 Faith for All of Life May/June 2005

Faith for All of Life
has changed. Church members are seen food court, coffee house, and recreation- mining is taking place as conservative
more as consumers who must be catered al attractions including a rock-climbing church leaders neuter the religious role
to with a smorgasbord of amenities and wall and jumbo video screens.” This of Christian fathers. This quasi-liberal-
less as covenant family members in need venue can baffle even the most progres- ism in conservative Christian churches
of faithful preaching. Libaw highlights sive among us! is more than a mere contradiction — it
the full “buffet” being offered by some is a “house divided against itself.” Only
of today’s mega-churches: Undermining Fathers with a complete return to the Biblical
The point here is that if the lo- responsibilities of preaching, discipline,
Beyond their physical resources, mega- cal church as an institution seeks to and the right administration of the sac-
churches offer a broad spectrum of
facilitate this broad spectrum of needs raments can the church retain its purity.
small groups, clubs, and programs for
members and sometimes also the com-
it stifles the incentive of individual It’s only when the church seeks to equip
munity at large. The list of activities can Christians to solve these social issues. the family rather than assumes its role
sound like the offerings at a Club Med This has been the problem with the that a true balance of Christian govern-
or a small liberal arts college: poetry federal government since Franklin D. ment can be established.
workshops, creative writing, singles Roosevelt. For decades the overgrown
Rev. Christopher J. Ortiz is the Editor
groups, job fairs, vocational training, state has sapped the initiative of the of Faith for All of Life and the Director
musical lessons, and even auto repair individual’s creativity. This plight is now of Communications for the Chalcedon
clinics.1 compounded with the bloated mega- Foundation. For 15 years he has labored
Citing a particular example Libaw church and an increasing number of to bring the Reformed faith and Christian
describes the 10 year expansion project smaller churches adopting the pattern. Reconstruction to the Charismatic church
of a Los Angeles suburb mega-church The messianic state has always community.
whose building plan includes a “4,000- sought to undermine the authority of 1. (http://abcnews.go.com/sections/us/
seat worship center, an artificial lake, the family. Now a negligent under- DailyNews/megachurch010613.html)

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May/June 2005 Faith for All of Life 7

New Book Exposes
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ruce Shortt’s book, The Harsh Truth about Public Schools, combines
a sound Biblical basis, rigorous research, straightforward, easily read
language, and eminently sound reasoning. Whether one is a parent or
parent-to-be, pastor, church staff member, or educator, this book has much to Bruce N. Shortt is a graduate of Harvard
offer. It is based, first of all, upon a clear understanding of God’s educational Law School, has a Ph.D. from Stanford
University, was a Fulbright Scholar,
mandate to parents. Its second foundation is a thoroughly documented
and serves on the boards of directors of
description of the inescapably anti-Christian thrust of any governmental
the Houston Ebony Music Society and
school system and the inevitable results: moral relativism (no fixed standards), the Exodus Mandate. Mr. Shortt and
academic dumbing down, far-left programs, near absence of discipline, and T.C. Pinckney were co-sponsors of the
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Purchase by using the order form on page 48 or visit us online at www.chalcedonstore.com

Faith for All of Life

By Bruce N. Shortt

W e’re Christians.
We love our chil-
dren; we know that the
ernment schools did not fully triumph
over America’s original educational
traditions until the early part of the
reflected in levels of violence, drug use,
and sexual immorality that would have
been almost unthinkable before the
Bible instructs us to raise 20th century. We are several generations 1960s, the damage to American Christi-
them in the nurture and removed from that controversy, and anity has been far more profound.
admonition of the Lord. unfortunately very few of us even know That damage has occurred because
Yet many of us send them to an institu- it existed or why. the vast majority of us have permitted
tion from which all vestiges of Chris- This transformation of American government schools to “educate” our
tianity were driven out long ago — an education has had profoundly destruc- children. Research by the Nehemiah
institution that is also awash in secular tive consequences. Institute shows that children from
humanist and neo-pagan theologies. The most obvious has been the Christian homes who attend govern-
That institution, of course, is a govern- epidemic spread of ignorance and semi- ment schools are five times more likely
ment school. literacy. Contrary to the happy-talk to adopt such anti-Christian dogmas as
We all know the routine: wake our from the education industry and media, moral relativism than those who attend
children, give them breakfast, and help few public school children today can Christian schools, and Barna Research
them wash their faces, brush their teeth, read or write proficiently, let alone do has found that only 9% of evangelical
get dressed, and collect their school- mathematics or science at an advanced teens believe that there is any such thing
books. We then deliver them by car, level. Indeed, many schoolchildren as absolute moral truth. The damage
bus, or foot to that seemingly benign, would have trouble finding Chicago on is also painfully evident from the fact
ubiquitous, and familiar institution. a map, and by the 12th grade, American that a substantial majority of children
Today this ritual seems unexceptionable. children are math and science dunces by from Christian homes no longer attend
Most of us, after all, went through it as international standards. church within two years after graduating
children. The vast majority of parents from public high school.
do it, and, in the public’s mind, at- Pagan Seminaries? Government schools are killing our
tending government schools is virtually For us as Christian parents, this is children spiritually, morally, and intel-
synonymous with getting an education. far from the most serious problem with lectually. But most of us don’t even see
This has not always been so. For government schools. American educa- the problem; we simply assume that all
most of America’s history, families and tion is now aggressively anti-Christian, is well with our children’s education as
the church provided education. To spiritually and morally. Government long as they seem untroubled and bring
those earlier Americans, the notion of schools have become parochial schools home “My Child is on the Honor Roll”
entrusting their children’s education to for secular humanism and many variet- bumper stickers.
strangers in a secular or pagan institu- ies of New Age spirituality. We have abdicated our responsibil-
tion would have been unthinkable. For decades the unacknowledged ity to educate our children. As a conse-
When the government school move- moral code of government schools has quence, we have simultaneously put our
ment began in the middle part of the been moral relativism. While the general children in harm’s way and have failed to
19th century, many parents and clergy cultural toll inflicted by the social and notice that the “little red schoolhouse”
strongly resisted it, enough so that gov- moral values of government schools is has effectively become a pagan seminary

May/June 2005 Faith for All of Life 9

Faith for All of Life
nurturing our children in alien creeds. CHRISTIAN PARENTS AND brokenhearted when their child gradu-
This, in turn, is transforming our fami- ates from high school and shortly after-
lies, our churches, our culture, and our GRANDPARENTS NEED TO SEE ward ceases to attend church and begins
society. to conform to our anti-Christian secular
GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS FOR culture. Many of them never return to
Why Do We Do It? their faith. Others do, but only after
Are we doing this on purpose? Not damaging themselves, their futures, and
really. Government schools are what we WHAT THEY REALLY ARE, NOT
others through experimentation with
know, and because they are familiar we drugs, broken marriages, illegitimate
tend not to think much about them, FOR WHAT THEY CLAIM TO BE OR
children, abortion, and all the other
let alone closely scrutinize what they harms that can befall us when we suc-
do. Giving our children to “experts” for FOR WHAT THEY ONCE WERE.
cumb to the enticements prepared for us
their education seems to be a reasonable by the Prince of this World.
division of labor — an arrangement we New Agers, secular humanists, and
are also not prone to question because it tional structure that protects incom-
other anti-Christian forces are working
is convenient. petence. The problem we face is not
to eliminate Christian influence from
Frankly, we have been led to think undue pessimism, but complacency and
society by gradually eliminating Christi-
that the education of our children is misplaced trust. Christian parents and
anity. Not by extermination or forcibly
someone else’s responsibility and that we grandparents need to see government
shutting our churches, but by gradually
ourselves aren’t quite up to the task. If schools for what they really are, not for
euthanizing Christianity through their
we are willing to be completely honest, what they claim to be or for what they
influence over the education of our
many of us shy away from asking awk- once were.
children. We have inadvertently been
ward questions about what government Over 100 years ago R. L. Dabney
accomplices in the destruction of our
schools are doing because we fear the — preacher, theologian, poet, essayist,
children, our culture, and our faith.
responsibility that knowing more would and soldier — put our responsibility as
This can all be changed in the
force upon us. Christian parents in perspective:
“twinkling of an eye.” We are still free
To some of us this picture may The education of children for God is
to lead our children out of the Egypt
seem too dark. After all, aren’t there still the most important business done on
earth. It is the one business for which of government schools and into the
Christian teachers and administrators in Promised Land of Christian schools and
the earth exists. To it all politics, all war,
government schools? Of course. But the homeschooling. All that is required is
all literature, all money-making, ought
mere presence of some Christian teach- to be subordinated; and every parent obedience. Will we be found to have
ers and administrators doesn’t mean that especially ought to feel every hour of been good and faithful servants or
our children get a Christian education. the day, that, next to making his own wicked and slothful servants? We have a
For those who care to look carefully, it calling and election sure, this is the decision to make.
is plain that the curricula, the institu- end for which he is kept alive by God
tional rules, and many of those working — this is his task on earth.1 Bruce N. Shortt is a graduate of Harvard
within government schools aggressively Law School, has a Ph.D. from Stanford
Nevertheless, we still send the over-
University, was a Fulbright Scholar,
promote anti-Christian values and whelming majority of our children off, and serves on the boards of directors of
an anti-Christian worldview. In fact, day after day, year after year, on foot, the Houston Ebony Music Society and
government schools have become so by bus, or by car to that local pagan the Exodus Mandate. Mr. Shortt and
hostile institutionally to Christianity seminary known as the “public” school. T.C. Pinckney were co-sponsors of the
that Christian teachers and adminis- There they are increasingly alienated Christian Education Resolution that was
trators who actively profess their faith from Christian values, their parents, and submitted for consideration at the 2004
are dismissed or disciplined if they are Christianity itself. Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist
“caught.” Often, the effects on our children Convention. He’s the author of The Harsh
The number of good teachers and of the government schools’ systematic Truth About Public Schools.
administrators, whether Christian or anti-Christian evangelism are dismissed 1. Robert Louis Dabney, On Secular Educa-
not, has been dwindling as a result of as normal youthful rebellion, or aren’t tion, Douglas Wilson, ed. (Moscow, Idaho:
retirement, frustration, and an institu- even noticed. Parents are shocked and Canon Press, 1996).

10 Faith for All of Life May/June 2005

Defeating humanism requires
a working knowledge of the
economics of man.
Now you can get that knowledge in a
format that is readable and illuminating.
Larceny in the Heart: Here’s some of
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I n this study, first published under the title Roots of

Inflation, the reader sees why envy often causes the most
successful and advanced members of society to be deemed
The Economics of Satan
criminals. The reader is shown Shortages
how envious man finds any
Morality and Economics
superiority in others intolerable
and how this leads to a desire Larceny in the Heart
for a leveling. The author Inflation and the Love of Money
uncovers the larceny in the The State as Thief
heart of man and its results. See Money and Value
how class warfare and a social Debt
order based on conflict lead to Economic Forecasting
disaster. This book is essential
Why Humanism is Socialistic
reading for an understanding
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Paperback, 144 pages, Manichaenism, Law, and Economics
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The Philosophy of Regulations
Save on the price of this book.
Add this book to a larger order and pay less! Doctrine of the Harmony of Interests
See our catalog starting on page 32. Money, Inheritance, and the Family
By Jim West
Faith for All of Life
T o write about “The
Benefits of Having
Children” is like writing
pletely unearned; it was given by grace.
It is the same with the word “reward,”
which does not mean that we earn
them: they shall not be ashamed, but
shall speak with the enemies in the
gate.” Here, happiness and quiverful go
about the benefits of ac- children or that God owes us. Rather, hand-in-hand. How many make up a
quiring King Solomon’s to paraphrase John Calvin, God makes quiver is a topic for debate. Some have
mines or inheriting the Himself our debtor by His grace. thought that a quiver constitutes twelve.
Comstock load. The topic should be a Children are also armaments or There is an old German proverb: “Many
no-brainer. That this is often not the weapons. Psalm 127:4 reads: “As arrows children make many prayers, and many
case shows not only poor discernment, in the hand of a mighty man; so are prayers bring much blessing.” When the
but a non-covenantal view of the family, children of the youth.” In Bible times, Rev. Moses Browne had twelve children,
where God covenants to bless us and what was a mighty man without arrows? someone remarked to him, “Sir, you
our children (Ps. 102:28; Gen. 18:19). An archer without weapons is a paper have just as many children as Jacob,”
The Bible presents the children of tiger, a chocolate soldier. Just as a soldier and he replied, “Yes, and I have Jacob’s
believers positively, especially in the needs weapons to be mighty, so a man God to provide for them.”
ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. They needs children who are his strength. Of course, this does not mean that
receive top billing as the spiritual and the arrows in our quivers are born as
economic capital of God’s people. There “straight as an arrow.” Derek Kidner, in
are many telling metaphors that adver- THE BIBLE PRESENTS THE his commentary on Psalm 127, writes:
tise this truth. “…it is not untypical of God’s gifts that
they are liabilities, or at least responsi-
Metaphors for Children
POSITIVELY, ESPECIALLY IN bilities, before they become obvious as-
We begin with the picture of chil-
sets. The greater their promise, the more
dren as living assets of God’s people. In THE MINISTRY OF THE LORD likely that these sons will be a handful
Psalm 127, the Holy Spirit summons
JESUS CHRIST. THEY RECEIVE before they are a quiverful.”
two economic descriptors, “heritage”
Parents of arrows must feather their
and “reward.” There is nothing said
TOP BILLING AS THE SPIRITUAL arrows so that they fly toward the right
directly about monetary wealth: a God-
target. This involves work, love, pa-
fearing family is wealth enough! Our AND ECONOMIC CAPITAL tience, and discipline; thus our children
children are a “heritage” not just because
OF GOD’S PEOPLE. are our “sweat capital.” As we train our
they are given as a reward, but they
children in God’s ways, there will be
themselves are the reward. They are not
times when we think that children are
money in the bank, but the bank itself. Children benefit us, especially when more a handful than a quiverful. It may
This means that they are a “heri- they are “children of the youth.” This is even seem as if our arrows are aimed
tage” (gift) belonging to the Lord and not speaking about young children so in the wrong direction, that is, toward
generously given to God’s people. In ad- much as it is about young parents. The God and even ourselves. This paradox
dition, our children are God’s “reward.” Bible encourages early marriages (Mal. is explained by viewing our padeo-assets
A reward from God is a lavish payment, 2:14-15; Is. 54:6; Gen. 37:2). One rea- as a kind of “deferred gratification”; we
which shows that children are living son for early marriage relates to our chil- plant tearfully with a bag of seeds while
assets instead of liabilities. In fact, the dren’s help when we decline in age. Our waiting to bring in the sheaves with
sanctity of the word “reward” is illustrat- children are our Social Security! John rejoicing.
ed by Genesis 15:1, where God speaks Howard Hilton’s daughter said to him as
of Himself as our “exceedingly great she knelt by his deathbed: “There is no The Joy of Children
reward.” Not only is the Giver of the greater blessing than for children to have Many years ago a godly father with
gift Himself the Gift, but our children godly parents.” “And the next,” said the many young children said ruefully, “The
are dignified by the word “reward.” dying father with gratitude, “for parents Bible speaks about all this joy of having
The word “heritage” in Psalm 127 who have godly children.” children. I am still waiting for this joy to
commonly describes the land of Israel, God also showcases children as a make itself known. Where is it?”
which was a land of milk and honey, a quiver. Psalm 127:5 reads, “Happy is What makes the godly father happy
land of promise. This land was com- the man that hath his quiver full of about having a quiverful? Psalm 127

May/June 2005 Faith for All of Life 13

Faith for All of Life
answers: “They shall not be ashamed OF COURSE, IT WOULD BE WRONG The Christian home is a castled
when they speak with the enemies in TO RESTRICT THE BENEFITS OF paradise. As Spurgeon said: “Before the
the gates.” He is “happy” to have what Fall, Paradise was man’s home; since the
the Lutheran commentator Leupold Fall, home has been man’s Paradise.” So
calls “stalwart sons in the city gates.” A ENRICHMENT OF THE FAMILY Psalm 128 describes a prolific family of
city gate is where the people gathered to ALONE. CHILDREN BENEFIT BOTH wealth and blessing. It is the beautiful
dispense justice. The thought is that we THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD. cameo picture of home life. And Psalm
are “blessed” to have sons who, barris- 128 is a Psalm of comfort for those who
ter-like, will annihilate the arguments We are not to imitate David in such suffer crosses outside of marriage; we
of God’s enemies in the gate (“gate” deeds as these. Is there no better Scrip- walk out of our home to do battle and
representing the judicial center or City ture?” The bishops were silenced. Then we come home to peace. Remember: the
Hall). Edward concluded, “I am sorry for the Hebrew word Shalom (peace) describes
It is instructive that the Hebrew realm and sorry for the danger that will our spiritual and material prosperity.
word for “speak” in Psalm 127 can come of it; I shall hope and pray for Of course, it would be wrong to
also be translated “destroy.” Some have something better, but the evil thing I restrict the benefits of having children
thought the idea is that of “killing” will not allow.”1 to their enrichment of the family alone.
the enemies in the gate, since the gate A additional benefit of having Children benefit both the church and
was always the prime target whenever children is symbolized by the figure the world. We do not bear children to
enemies besieged a city (Gen. 22:17; of “olive-plants” in Psalm 128:3. The populate hell. When Christ took the
Gen. 24:60). In his Treasury of David, picture is probably the multiplicity of babies in His arms and blessed them,
Spurgeon said of the children of Psalm children. These olive plants around He said, “for of such is the kingdom
127, “They can meet foes both in law our table are not only our wealth, but of God.” His meaning was unmistak-
and in fight.” The reason behind such also our hope for the future. Multiple able: our children are Kingdom children
irresistible wisdom is the Holy Scrip- “olive-plants” shows that an abundance under the crown of the Lord Jesus
tures, which make our children “wise of children is not only a sign of wealth, Christ. This means that they have a
unto salvation through faith which is in but prosecutes the shortsightedness of kingly mission to fulfill, the Dominion
Christ Jesus.” those who would restrict this capital. If or Kingship Covenant of Genesis 1:
A fitting example of such wisdom children are wealth, then the decision 26-28, where God commands us to be
was Edward VI, the boy-king of Eng- to curtail this wealth might be likened fruitful and to multiply, to replenish the
land, who put “a hole in the drum” of to a man who e-mails his banker, asking earth, and to exercise kingship over it.
his regents when they urged him to him to decline all future interest on his Of course, this Kingship covenant can
allow the re-introduction of “idolatry” money instruments. In most cases, for only be fulfilled when our children are
(English Protestants in the 16th century couples to resolve, “No more children” united by faith to the Christ, who rules
felt very strongly about the subject) by is like saying, “We cannot take any His church by His Word and Spirit and
Mary, his sister. When Edward entered more of God’s blessings!” Surely no sane
the presence of the Council, the Lord rules the nations with a rod of iron.
human complains about the aggrandize-
Treasurer fell before him, saying that ment of his wealth! Jim West has pastored Covenant Reformed
they were undone, as Mary would Church in Sacramento for the last 18
reintroduce idolatry. Edward asked, Additional Benefits: the Home, years. He is currently Associate Professor of
“Is it lawful by Scripture to sanction the Church, and the World Pastoral and Systematic Theology at City
idolatry?” to which the treasurer replied, Another benefit of having chil- Seminary in Sacramento. He has authored
there were good kings in Judah who dren is the expectation of seeing our The Missing Clincher Argument in the
allowed high altars and yet were still Tongues Debate, The Art of Choosing Your
“children’s children” (Ps. 128:6; Pr. 13:
Love, The Covenant Baptism of Infants, and
called good. But to this inadequate reply 22). The blessing of children is trans-
Christian Courtship Versus Dating. His latest
our wise Edward responded, “We must generational. Our children are arrows
book is Drinking with Calvin and Luther!
follow the example of good men when and our grandchildren are “arrows of
they have done well. We do not follow the arrows.” God blesses with fruitful 1. Elizabeth Longford, The Oxford Book of
them in evil. David was good but David wives, godly children, and “children’s Royal Anecdotes (United Kingdom: Oxford
seduced Bathsheba and murdered Uriah. children.” University Press, 1991), 221.

14 Faith for All of Life May/June 2005

Winning the Culture
War Will Depend
Upon a Distinctly
Christian Education.
Discover the necessity of training children
in a God-centered faith and life. Here’s a
list of what’s covered in this powerful book:
• Religion, Culture, and • Conflict and Resistance

T he Christian School represents a Curriculum • The Sovereignty of God in

break with humanistic education, but, • Changing a Curriculum Education
too often, in leaving the state school, the
• Education and the Autonomy • Christian Education and
of Critical Thought the University
Christian educator has carried the state’s
• The Curriculum and the • The Philosophy of Discipline
humanism with him. A curriculum is not Resurrection • Student Problems
neutral: it is either a course in humanism • History versus Social Science • Humanism in the Classroom
or training in a God-centered faith and • Teaching Bible • The Teacher as Student
life. The liberal arts curriculum means • Grammar • Sexual Differences in the
literally that course which trains students • Teaching Composition Christian School
in the arts of freedom. This raises the key • Mathematics • Whose Child?
question: is freedom in and of man or • Teaching Civics, Government • Biblical Motivation for
Christ? The Christian art of freedom, that and Constitution Teachers and Students
is, the Christian liberal arts curriculum, is • Science • The Purpose of Learning
emphatically not the same as the humanistic • Science and Freedom • Education and Freedom
one. It is urgently necessary for Christian • Teaching Science • Education and Power
educators to rethink the meaning and nature • The Experimental Method • Theology and Pedagogy
of the curriculum. • Music • The Impossibility of
• Foreign Languages Neutrality
Paperback, 190 pages, index, $16.00 • Christianity versus
• Education and the Fall:
Up or Down? Humanism
Save on the price of this book. • The Covenant: With God • Humanism: The Established
Add this book to a larger order or Man? Religion of State Schools
and pay less! See our catalog • Education and the Death • The Religious Goals of
starting on page 32. of man Humanism
Faith for All of Life

By Joe Morecraft, III

G od has graciously
given the human
race three institutions for
Three Biblical truths are brought
out here: 1) Jesus Christ is the head of
the church and the source of its exis-
social and personal power. Whoever
controls property has liberty, and who-
ever surrenders power over property
its protection and devel- tence and authority (Eph. 5:23). In His surrenders liberty.… God’s Law provides
opment — church, fam- church, His Word, and only His Word, for the freedom of the family by under-
ily, and state. Each has its is law. 2) Jesus has placed the authority girding private ownership of property.”4
own distinct purpose, jurisdiction, pow- to govern His church in the hands of The third power is the control of
ers, limits of authority, and government. church-officers, i.e., ruling and teaching inheritance (Pr. 13:22). “Basic to all
Only when all three of these institutions elders, and not in the hands of anyone control of property is the control of
are functioning Biblically can any one else, e.g., fathers or civil magistrates inheritance.… When the state enters
of them function effectively. When one (Ac. 20:28). These officers are to act as into the question of inheritance, prop-
usurps authority not given it by God, or “gatekeepers” and “caretakers” of Christ’s erty gradually is transferred from the
disregards the limits of its jurisdiction, church and all of its families. 3) The family to the state.… For the family to
tyranny results. These institutions may governing authority and jurisdiction of maintain itself, the family must control
not be blended or combined. Each is the institutional church are distinct inheritance.”5
“sovereign” in its own sphere, although and separate from the civil government The fourth power is the responsi-
all three are obviously interdependent (Mt. 16:19). bility of welfare (2 Cor. 12:14; 1 Tim.
and equally accountable to the Word of 5:8). The family, not the state, is to
God. The Home
God has also given the family basic provide for its own economic and moral
The Church and fundamental powers, so that, as R. welfare, with the diaconal assistance of
God has given the church the keys J. Rushdoony wrote: “The destruction the church (Ac. 6:1f.).
to the Kingdom of God (Mt. 16:19; of the family’s position and authority The fifth power of the family
18:18). Keys are symbols of authority is the destruction of all society and the is the responsibility of education
in the church of Christ, which author- introduction of anarchy.”2 (Dt. 6:7). Parents, not the state, are
ity is to be exercised by the officers of The family’s first power is the given the responsibility of educating
the church (Heb. 13:17). This is to say, control of children in terms of the Word their children according to the Word of
as does the Westminster Confession of God (Gen. 18:19). Under God, “the God, with the assistance of the church
of Faith, that “The Lord Jesus, as king parent is the child’s provider, protector, (Mt. 28:18f ). “The family is man’s first
and head of His church, has therein lover, teacher, and lawgiver.”3 and basic school.… For education to
appointed a government in the hand of The second power is the control of cease to be parent-controlled and be-
church-officers, distinct from the civil property (Ex. 20:15). The implication come state-controlled is deadly to both
magistrate.”1 of Biblical law is that “property is power, education and the child.”6

16 Faith for All of Life May/June 2005

Faith for All of Life
The Relation OVER THE CENTURIES, AS THE for the individual homes of His people,
of Church and Home where fathers gathered their families
The church is the house and family for worship and instruction. As Charles
of God (Eph. 2:19; Westminster Confes- SCRIPTURES, WE HAVE DEVELOPED Spurgeon once wrote:
sion of Faith, 25.2). As a result of the God delights in the prayers and praises
preaching of this glorious truth and of Christian families and individuals,
the working out of its implications for APPLY THE SCRIPTURE TO OUR LIVES but He has a special eye to the assem-
blies of the faithful.… This should lead
church and home, churches, faithful to IN THIS WORLD. IT IS NOT THE each separate believer to identify him-
the Word of God, have been used by self with the church of God; where the
God to transform families, cultures, and HISTORICAL TRADITIONS, MODELS,
Lord reveals His love the most, there
nations throughout many generations. METHODS, AND DOCTRINES OF should each believer most delight to be
However, within the past 150 years found. Our own dwellings are very dear
our families and churches have weak- THE HISTORIC CHRISTIAN AND to us, but we must not prefer them to
ened. Why? Not because the Biblical REFORMED FAITH THAT HAVE the assemblies of the saints.7
truths and principles defining and gov- As Christian families rededicate
erning churches and home have failed. FAILED US. WE HAVE FAILED TO
themselves to be governed by the Word
Rather, our families and churches are LIVE BY GOD’S COMMANDMENTS. of God, they must learn to see that
failing because most of today’s professed the Holy Spirit makes the reading and
Christian churches and families have church. And in failing our Faith we have teaching of the Bible, but especially the
left the Faith of our fathers and have failed the world that we have been com- preaching of the Word (Westminster
compromised or neglected that historic missioned to win for Christ. Larger Catechism, Q. 155), the primary
Faith. Where are we to begin in the hard instrument in the delivery of God’s
So then, what is the solution? Inno- work of restoring church and home to grace and truth to parents and to their
vations of the truth? No! New theolo- their proper place and relationship? Not children. Fathers and mothers are to
gies? No! New ways of worship? No! only must the family repent of its sins, teach the Bible to their children as the
New models for church and family life devote itself to Christ and rebuild itself entire family sits under the Spirit-em-
other than those in the Word of God? according to the Word of God in terms powered preaching of the Word of God
No! of the powers God has given it; but also by those called, gifted, and ordained
Over the centuries, as the church the church must repent and recover its by Christ through His church to that
has tried to live by the Scriptures, we importance and influence in the lives of preaching office.
have developed traditions and doctrines families and the world (Is. 62:1-7). As As Romans 10:14-15 teaches us:
to apply the Scripture to our lives in this central and basic as Christian families “How then shall they call upon Him
world. It is not the historical traditions, are, their existence, powers and func- in whom they have not believed? And
models, methods, and doctrines of the tions are effective only in the context how shall they believe in Him whom
historic Christian and Reformed Faith of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ they have not heard? And how shall
that have failed us. We have failed to live — the covenant family of families (Gen. they hear without a preacher? And how
by God’s commandments. 35:11). shall they preach unless they are sent?
Preachers have failed by not teach- Zion, the city of God, was the cen- Just as it is written, ‘How beautiful are
ing their churches to love our Faith. ter of the worship of God in the earth. the feet of those who bring glad tidings
Elders have failed by not defending and Its Temple was where God’s people of good things!’”
enforcing our Faith. Deacons have failed gathered as the congregation of the Lord It is in the official preaching of the
in not fleshing out our Faith in service. for public worship. “The other dwell- gospel that the living voice of Christ is
Fathers have failed by not leading their ing places of Jacob” refers to the homes chiefly to be heard. Neither the Greek
families into the truth and life of our of the covenant people throughout the noun for “preacher,” kerux, nor the
Faith. Families have failed by trying land of promise. So then, God’s love Greek verb for “preaching,” kerusso, re-
to live as if our Faith were irrelevant. for His Temple, where the congregation fers to the civil magistrate nor to fathers
Church members have failed by not gathered for worship and instruction in the New Testament. The preaching
striving for the purity and peace of the in God’s law, is greater than His love continued on page 28

May/June 2005 Faith for All of Life 17

Faith for All of Life
M y grandparents
had a great impact
on my life. I grew up
According to Scripture, “the righ-
teous man leaves an inheritance to his
forget, but it is in the book.”
Scripture emphasizes the impor-
tance of ancient landmarks set by ances-
on a multi-generational children and children’s children” (Pr. 13: tors (Dt. 19:14, Pr. 22:28). Although
family farm, and because 22). As stewards of the possessions God the obvious reference is to property
of my mother’s illness gives, Christians have an obligation to boundaries, these passages have broader
my grandparents cared for me. manage their estates to God’s glory and implications for a family’s heritage.
The extended family offered great se- pass them on to faithful offspring. R. J. When Ahab coveted a family vineyard,
curity. We’ve had the family farm for over Rushdoony emphasized the importance righteous Naboth refused to give up “the
a century, ever since my immigrant great- of inheritance, showing that inheritance inheritance of my fathers” (1 Kin. 21:
grandfather settled on the Minnesota is essentially theocentric, and that it 3). Following the Fifth Commandment
frontier. I grew up in the church where is a key tool for extending Christian (Ex. 20:12), every generation should be
my family had worshipped for decades. dominion.1 zealous to preserve the family’s legacy
The first house I lived in belonged to Modern man, however, is hedonis- and its ancient landmarks. Grandparents
my grandparents: it was small and old, it tic, materialistic, and self-centered. A are natural guardians of a family’s legacy.
lacked plumbing, and it was a couple of Christian financial planner once told a Grandparents can also contribute
feet away from the tiny cabin where my group of us, “Your goal is to die at the to the education of the next generation.
great-grandfather died. same time your assets run out. And at One set of grandparents I know travels
I observed how families lived the rate I am going,” he continued, look- with their homeschooled grandchildren.
together, worked together, and cared for ing at his watch, “I think I’ll die shortly They have been to Scotland and the Ca-
one another. It was easy to see the re- after lunch.” He was making a joke, of ribbean, simultaneously vacationing and
quirements of 1 Timothy 5:4-8 worked course, but the mindset he described is teaching history lessons. A couple in our
out: all too common. It is unbiblical to try church takes an active role in home-
But if a widow has children or grand- to exhaust one’s God-given estate. The schooling their grandson. Though older
children, these should learn first of all to put righteous man leaves a legacy. than traditional homeschool parents,
their religion into practice by caring for their A friend has an excellent testimony they check out new curricula, look for
own family and so repaying their parents and about the future-orientation of his teaching resources, and explore teaching
grandparents, for this is pleasing to God. The grandfather. A successful publisher, he strategies. Homeschooling allows them
widow who is really in need and left all alone created an endowment to provide for to invest in the next generation. Scrip-
puts her hope in God and continues night the education of his four grandsons. ture says, “one generation shall praise
and day to pray and to ask God for help. But Three of the boys became physicians, Thy works to another, and shall declare
the widow who lives for pleasure is dead even and one a veterinarian. They were all Thy mighty acts.” (Ps. 145:4)
while she lives. Give the people these instruc- indebted to his foresight and generosity. I have a mental image of retirees liv-
tions, too, so that no one may be open to ing in Florida, playing shuffleboard, and
Christian grandparents should leave an
blame. If anyone does not provide for his rela-
inheritance.2 hanging out with the geriatric genera-
tives, and especially for his immediate family,
tion. The weather is nice, and there is
he has denied the faith and is worse than an Heritage
unbeliever. nothing inherently wrong with relaxing.
Grandparents are guardians of a But think of what the older generation
The modern age presents new chal- heritage, providing for their descendants could be doing in the lives of others.
lenges for Christian families. Few people a sense of continuity, history, and place. Christian grandparents should develop
live in extended households now. It is Older folks are often interested in the and protect a family’s godly heritage.
harder to define the role of grandparents past and become excellent genealogists
— even though grandparents live lon- and amateur historians. My father-in- Evangelism
ger, have more disposable income, and law’s biographical From Pagan to Patri- Grandparents can help evangelize
have great opportunities for reaching the arch is a superb genealogical and family their descendants.“From childhood,”
next generations. How, then, can Chris- history. He is a little forgetful nowadays, Paul tells Timothy, “you have known the
tians replicate inter-generational family so we are delighted to have this record. sacred writings which are able to give
cohesion and covenantal responsibility When the children ask a question about you the wisdom that leads to salvation
in our age? him or the family, he can always say, “I through faith in Christ Jesus.”

May/June 2005 Faith for All of Life 19

Faith for All of Life
Elsewhere, Paul notes the great influence TEN YEARS AGO, REV. RUSHDOONY is important to pray for future genera-
of Timothy’s mother and grandmother. CAME TO OUR HOME FOR SUNDAY tions. Ten years ago, Rev. Rushdoony
Paul was confident of his protégé’s char- came to our home for Sunday dinner.
acter and faith because he had seen the Other families also came over, with
sincere faith of Lois and Eunice. Godly CAME OVER, WITH THEIR their children. Giving thanks before the
grandparents should find motivation CHILDREN. GIVING THANKS BEFORE meal, Rushdoony offered an unforget-
and encouragement in Paul’s charge to table prayer for the children: “May these
Timothy: “continue in the things you children, and their children’s children,
AN UNFORGETTABLE PRAYER FOR be Christians until the end of time!”4
have learned…knowing from whom
you have learned them” (2 Tim. 1:5, THE CHILDREN: “MAY THESE Every Christian grandparent can
give that prayer with conviction and
Parents, specifically fathers, have zeal — and so be a blessing to future
the primary obligation to train and
evangelize children (Dt. 6:7; Eph. 6:4). THE END OF TIME!”
Dr. Schultz is Chair of the History
But grandparents can have an impact Department at Liberty University, teaches
— catechizing, reading Bible stories, Blessing Church History at Christ College, and
and helping with Scripture memory. Grandparents can bless future is the pastor of Westminster Reformed
The things we have learned from our generations. Genesis concludes with the Presbyterian Church in Lynchburg. Roger
fathers, the Psalmist says, “we will not and Ann Schultz are the homeschooling
blessings Jacob gives to his sons (Gen.
parents of nine children. They expect their
conceal them from our children, but tell 50) and grandsons (Gen. 49:15-16). first grandchild in July.
to the generation to come the praises of Hebrews 11:20-21 highlights two great
the Lord.” The law and statutes of the paternal blessings from Genesis. By faith 1. Rousas Rushdoony, The Institutes of
Lord will be taught to the next genera- Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau. And by Biblical Law (Phillipsburg, NJ: Craig Press,
tion — even to the unborn generation 1973), 181. Rushdoony dedicates a large
faith Jacob blessed his own grandsons.
— “that they may arise and tell them to section of the second volume of the Institutes
The language is dramatic and special:
to the question of inheritance — see Law
their children” (Ps. 78:4, 6). the dying Jacob worshipped God and and Society (Vallecito, California: Ross
According to His covenant mer- blessed his grandsons by faith. I like House, 1982), 171-222.
cies, God blesses future generations that Biblical picture: an ancient saint, 2. An example of how not to leave an
with salvation. He promises to show looking ahead to God’s promises and inheritance was Cornelius Vanderbilt, the
His lovingkindness to the thousandth blessing his descendants. richest man in America at his death in 1877.
generation (Ex. 20:6). Every parent and Grandparents should think of ways For an excellent discussion of his weird will,
grandparent can take comfort in Psalm to bless their progeny. They themselves his lingering final illness, his bickering and
102:28: “The children of Thy servants are uniquely blessed of God. As the hateful heirs, and the lawsuits, see Frank
will continue; and their descendants will Kintrea, “The Great Vanderbilt Will Battle,”
psalmist puts it, “May the LORD bless
American Heritage (April, 1966).
be established before Thee.” you from Zion…indeed, may you see
3. A friend told me about the “Old Ladies’
The Psalms offer another encour- your children’s children” (Ps. 128:5-6).
Sunday School Class” at church he once
aging message, though set against the Though it might startle others, grand- served. He would briefly visit the class each
background of human mortality and parents might try giving a “Rebekah Lord’s Day. All in their 80s, the women
death: “The lovingkindness of the Lord blessing” (Gen. 24:60). The future- would chat, give him prayer requests, and
is from everlasting to everlasting on oriented blessing, fully consistent with then dismiss him, saying, “Move along,
those who fear Him, and His righteous- the promises God gave to Abram (Gen. we’re studying for our final exam!”
ness to children’s children” (Ps. 103: 12:1-3), was that Rebekah would have 4. I liked that! Rushdoony prayed for my
17). Precisely because they are old and descendents both numerous (“thousands grandchildren, their salvation, and the salva-
approaching death, grandparents can of ten thousands”) and victorious (“pos- tion of my future generations.
testify to God’s love and faithfulness. sess the gate of those who hate them”).
Parents teach us how to live; grandpar- Above all, grandparents must pray
ents show us how to die.3 Grandparents for their descendents. The Westminster
should pass on the lessons of faith. Confession of Faith (21:4) notes that it

20 Faith for All of Life May/June 2005

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Faith for All of Life

Providing for
a Large Family
By William O. Einwechter

T he Scriptures repeat-
edly extol the bless-
ing of children and their
Financial Resources
or the Promises of God?
The issue is not our financial
dren. We are thankful that early on we
became convinced by the Word of God
that raising up many godly children
importance to the family resources, but God’s promise to pro- was an essential work for the Kingdom
and to the Kingdom of vide for His people. One of the most of God, and we sought His blessing to
God. Psalms 127 and important of these promises is found that end. Although our resources were
128 declare that God delights in bless- in Matthew 6:33: “But seek ye first the few, we prayed for and trusted in God’s
ing the righteous man with a fruitful kingdom of God, and his righteousness; promise of Matthew 6:33, and through
wife and children. In view of this Bibli- and all these things shall be added unto the years as our family grew and the
cal teaching, and in keeping with their you.” The context of Matthew 6:33 re- financial challenges also grew, He never
own love of children, many Christians bukes the audience for seeking financial failed us.
have contemplated having a large family. security in tangible riches. Jesus states God’s Word is true. By trusting in
One obstacle to seeking this blessing that this is a false hope; all riches can be Him, those who look to Him rather
is finances. Many assume they cannot lost, even in a moment. True financial than their own resources experience the
afford it, and abandon their vision. Oth- security is found in making the work of walk of faith and the power of God to
ers never even seriously consider having God’s Kingdom our priority in life. If provide. When we trust and obey God,
many children. we do, God gives His absolute assur- though our faith may waver, He never
We must remember that the God ance that He will see to it that all of our fails!
who declares that children are His material needs are met.
reward, and calls a husband and wife to A careful study of Scripture reveals Prudent Parents
“be fruitful,” is the same God who states that having children, many children, In concert with faith in God’s
that He will supply all the needs of His and training them up in the nurture and promise, parents who have a large fam-
children who take Him at His Word admonition of the Lord is one of the ily must also, in accord with Scripture,
and keep His commandments (Phil. 4: most significant works for the Kingdom act righteously and prudently. Through
19). Scarcity has always been a problem of God that a married couple can ever the growth of our family, the Lord has
in a world of limited resources, and do. If a husband and wife seek first the taught us many wise and good prin-
conditions were not essentially different Kingdom of God by seeking His bless- ciples to help us remain faithful, and
in the days when the Psalmist extolled ing for many children, then they have these principles are no less useful even
the blessing of many children. The same God’s immutable promise that He will for smaller families:
difficulty of providing adequate material provide for them and their children! 1. We learned to establish family priori-
needs for a large family faced men in the By the immense blessings of God, ties. Financial resources are directed
Old Testament era as it does today. my wife, Linda, and I enjoy ten chil- to essentials first, and extras and

22 Faith for All of Life May/June 2005

Faith for All of Life
non-essentials second. God always can be averted if we learn prevention
provides for our genuine needs.
2. We learned to better understand
and healing through healthful diet
and non-prescription remedies. Fifth, The Only Systematic
our roles. The role of the husband
is to provide for his family. He must
stay out of debt. This is extremely
important. Credit card debt and in- Theology that
be committed to working hard and
achieving to the best of his ability.
terest on loans for depreciating items
are like a canker worm eating out our is Reformed,
The role of the wife is to be a wise
manager of the resources that her
substance. Sixth, if you can’t afford
it, do without. This not only helps Theonomic,
husband provides. She must learn the
art of stretching each dollar as far as
avoids debt and a strained budget; it
teaches you and your children self- Postmillennial and
possible. A diligent man and a frugal,
resourceful wife are a team that will
control and contentment.
5. We learned to ask God to provide. Presuppositional.
be successful in providing for a The Lord delights to answer prayers
family. like these. Many times my wife and
3. We learned to live simply and I were pressed and sought the Lord
contentedly. A modest lifestyle, to meet our needs. Every time He
unencumbered by the desire to live provided for us; sometimes by show-
beyond one’s means, is essential. If we ing us a way we hadn’t considered,
are discontented, we are in the grasp sometimes by providing extra work or
of the sin of “covetousness which is income, and sometimes through the
idolatry” (Col. 3:5). Having a large gifts of others.
family does impose certain limits as A Rev. Moses Brown had twelve
to what is possible, and these limits children. One day a man who was
need to be cheerfully accepted as part considering how he provided for them,
of our calling to be fruitful and raise said to him, “Sir, you have just as many
up children for the Lord. children as Jacob.” Rev. Brown replied,
By R. J. Rushdoony. Theology
4. We learned to act prudently to extend “Yes, and I have Jacob’s God to provide
belongs in the pulpit, the school,
our resources. Here are a few things for them.” Joseph Hall once stated: “I
the workplace, the family and
that we have found important. First, remember a great man coming into
everywhere. Society as a whole
where possible, do the work yourself. my house at Waltham, and seeing all
is weakened when theology is
Paying others to do work you could my children standing in the order of
neglected. Without a systematic
have done is a drain on finances. their age and stature, said, ‘These are
application of theology, too often
Cook from scratch, home educate they that make rich men poor.’ But
people approach the Bible with a
your children, and do repairs yourself. straight he received this answer, ‘Nay,
smorgasbord mentality, picking and
Second, always seek the lowest price. my lord, these are they that make a poor
choosing that which pleases them.
This means shopping at discount man rich; for there is not one of these
This two-volume set addresses
and second-hand stores. It is amazing whom we would part with for all your
this subject in order to assist in the
what you can save. Third, be will- wealth.’”1
application of the Word of God to
ing to receive clothing from others. William O. Einwechter serves as a every area of life and thought.
When you have a large family, gener- teaching elder at Immanuel Free Reformed
ous folks like to pass the clothing that Church in Ephrata, Pennsylvania. He is
Hardback, 1301 pages, indices,
their children have outgrown onto also the vice president of the National $70.00 per set
your children. Gratefully receive these Reform Association and the editor of The Save on the price of this book.
gifts, and you may find you hardly Christian Statesman. He can be contacted at Add this book to a larger order
ever have to buy clothing. Fourth, [email protected].
and pay less! See our catalog
learn the arts of cost-efficient health 1. Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Psalms, ed. starting on page 32.
and healing. Medical costs can be a Davis Otis Fuller (Grand Rapids: Kregel
very large outlay. Much of these costs Publications, 1976), 593.

May/June 2005 Faith for All of Life 23

Faith for All of Life
Low Fertility’s Cultural, Political Dimensions

W hat happens to civilizations whose people don’t

want to have many children?
Conservative author Pat Buchanan ignited a contro-
But it isn’t. Italy’s population in 2004 was only 58 mil-
lion. That year, Italians had only 528,000 babies. As Italy’s
leaders ponder how to perpetuate and defend their civiliza-
versy in 2002 with The Death of the West, a book which tion, they might contemplate the almost 24 million babies
predicted that Europe’s falling birth rates would spell the who have not been born in their country since 1975 and
end of European civilization. Rod Dreher reviewed the who are not here now to defend it.
book for National Review Online, and tried to test the The 2004 births in European countries include babies
validity of Buchanan’s argument. born to recent Muslim immigrants, whose birth rate is
“NRO ran some of the book’s key demographic claims much higher than those of native Europeans.
by experts in the population-research field to see if they
hold up,” Dreher wrote. Red States vs. Blue States
They did. Among the claims supported by the experts: Having fewer babies can have political ramifications.
1. Birthrates are below the replacement level in Europe Here in America, states with shrinking populations will
and Japan, with the United States “barely holding even.” lose electoral votes, seats in the House of Representa-
2. Experts deemed “mostly true” a claim that “100 tives, and political influence. Parties whose power base
million people of European stock [will] vanish from the is in states with shrinking populations can expect to lose
earth” by 2050. Buchanan predicted Muslim immigrants national elections.
would fill their place. “The white people in Republican-voting regions
3. “Europe becomes a Third World continent” by consistently have more children than the white people in
2050 (“substantially true”). Democratic-voting regions,” claimed Steve Sailer in “The
4. “Working moms” in Europe purposely limit their Baby Gap,” an article in The American Conservative, Dec.
families to two children or less. 20, 2004.
Sailer backed up his claim with figures from the Na-
Europe by the Numbers tional Center for Health Statistics. He discovered that in
The Infoplease website (www.infoplease.com) presents the 2004 election, President George W. Bush “carried the
statistics drawn from the United Nations, the U. S. Cen- 19 states with the highest white fertility” while Sen. John
sus Bureau, and the International Database — statistics Kerry “won the 16 states at the bottom of the list.”
which paint a cloudy picture of Europe’s future. Sailer studied the fertility rates for white Americans,
What has happened to European birth rates since finding that Utah had the highest rate, 2.45 babies per
1975? woman during her childbearing years (ages 13-48), and
Compare births per 1,000 for some of the European Washington, D.C., the lowest, 1.11. The replacement rate
countries, 1975 vs. 2004: Austria, 12.5 births in 1975 to (required to keep the population at the same number over
8.9 births in 2004; Belgium, 12.2 to 10.6; France, 14.1 to time) is 2.1 per woman.
12.3; Germany, 9.7 to 8.4; Italy, 14.8 to 9.1; Netherlands, Three New England States, Massachusetts, Vermont,
13.0 to 11.4. The United Kingdom has faired better, 10.2 and Rhode Island, where Bush got less than 40% of the
to 10.9 (an increase), and the United States holds its own, vote, were three of the four states with the lowest white
14.1 to 14.0. birth rates. Democratic “anchor states” California (1.65)
That’s a lot of numbers to digest, but they all boil and New York (1.72) are “quite infertile,” Sailer wrote.
down to the same thing: continental European countries All over the world, it seems, liberal, secular, human-
have steadily shrinking populations. Put another way, ist population groups are running short of arrows in their
Italy’s 1975 population, 55.4 million, generated approxi- quivers.
mately 820,000 babies. Had Italy continued to produce
babies at that rate, her population in 2004 would have
been 79.2 million.

24 Faith for All of Life May/June 2005

Faith for All of Life

A s usual, my family
rose as I entered my
pristine kitchen. With
The High Standard
As I enter the schoolroom to begin
the day, I think of the woman known
family, need care, too. The wife of Prov-
erbs is no martyr. She knows her value
is far above rubies. Her husband adorns
excited anticipation they simply as The Proverbs 31 Woman. She her with praise and, as Matthew Henry
watched as I strolled over has all her ducks in a row, all her plates observes, her “adorning will be found
to my beloved crock- spinning smoothly in the air, and no to praise and honour and glory at the
pot. As I lifted the lid, they erupted greasy yellow build-up. Her “to do” list appearing of Jesus Christ.”2
in a chorus of praise and adulation. In is always completely checked off by day’s Like our example in Proverbs, wives
unison they inhaled the exquisite aroma end. She is not the so-so wife. She is not give of themselves continually to their
of my Wednesday Night Chili. I smiled the good wife. She is the Excellent Wife! families. But a wife must be careful not
contentedly as their heart-felt apprecia- The excellent wife I want to be. to neglect her emotional and physical
tion showered over me. I replaced the By day she nurtures, teaches and bonds with her husband. A wife gives
lid as my husband kissed my cheek and loves her children. By night her hus- the best of herself when the best of
whispered in my ear, “Honey, where are band oohs and aahs over her cooking herself is nurtured and appreciated.
my keys?” and whispers sweet nothings in her ear. Connecting with the one who holds her
I was back to reality. Back to the Although in reality I do spend my days heart is essential. If that connection is
real world where no one appreciates my praising the budding artist, admonish- not strong, she is deprived of a source of
cooking, my kitchen is anything but ing the would-be pugilist, instructing strength and confidence.
pristine, and my husband thinks estro- the aspiring writer and silencing the
gen has given me the magical ability to nap-needing whiner, I could use a few Mary and Martha
locate all his missing items. more nights of bouquets and whispers, I have also found great joy and
It happens that I do know where sweet or otherwise. peace in the lessons of two other women
his keys are (estrogen had nothing to do As challenging as The Proverbs 31 of Scripture. Martha and Mary have
with it) and I hand them to him. Off Woman is to me, she has been a great taught me much. Neither of these ladies
he goes to work and I think how nice it teacher. Matthew Henry calls her ex- was concerned with children, husband,
would be to spend time with him this ample a “looking glass for ladies, which or laundry, but they both teach us about
evening. But by the time he returns they are desired to open and dress them- taking time for the important things in
tonight I will have been tried and tested, selves by.…”1 Scripture describes her as life, those things that the Lord sends our
stretched and contorted and perhaps one who “looketh well to the ways of way to flavor life so deliciously.
even had a few out-of-body experiences. her household” (31:27), whose children Martha teaches me that while keep-
I’m a homeschooling mom. Right call her blessed and whose husband ing an orderly home is important, there
now a romantic evening with my hus- praises her. are times when other things come first.
band sounds exciting and rejuvenating, Like The Proverbs 31 Woman, we Mary saw that and savored her time
but I fear that those thoughts will have wives affirm ourselves as good home- with Christ (Lk. 10: 42). She saw that
faded by 7 p.m. and by then I won’t makers when all members of our family “good part,” as Jesus put it, something
have the energy even to form the words are well taken care of. We must also that couldn’t be taken from her. Yet
“back rub,” let alone give one. remember that we, as members of the Martha did plan for Christ’s visit. So

May/June 2005 Faith for All of Life 25

Faith for All of Life
from Martha I learn that if Romance yet be enough like Mary not to care if But with diapers and times tables
is coming to my house, she must be everything doesn’t go according to plan. and floors that need mopping,
invited and planned for. She won’t just Like Mary, we need to focus on that I’m all about children, schooling
drop by. Spontaneity isn’t all it’s cracked good part, the time spent together that and shopping.
up to be. The last spontaneous thing can’t be taken away from us. So by 7 So I went to my Father, and asked
that happened at my house cost us $800 p.m. all the housework that’s going to be in a prayer,
and left a hole in the wall. done is done and even the whiners are For some time spent with you,
A well-planned evening with my in bed…bring on the roses! That now is so rare,
husband will help to insure that, A) I After the birth recently of our sixth I picked up His Word,
will be OK with the fact that all my child, I planned an evening alone with and He answered so sweetly,
housework might not get done, B) the my husband. I wrote him a poem and, While Martha admired my plans
children have been fed and put to bed made so neatly,
yes, he brought me flowers.
Mary reminded me,
on time, and C) I’ve spent the whole Now we are eight
of that very good part,
day looking forward to this night! I And there’s so much to do,
That which won’t fade,
must have enough Martha in me to plan We used to make dates,
quiet evenings for just the two of us, And I had time for you, continued on page 28

‘Covenant Marriage’: Antidote to Divorce?

W e hear it all the time: “Half of all our marriages end in
The covenant marriage movement seeks to shore up mar-
The Divorce Rate: Statistics
America needs covenant marriage, says Americans for
Divorce Reform (www.divorcereform.org), to combat a high
riage against “no-fault” divorce by making it harder to enter divorce rate. Citing statistics from the National Center for
into marriage, and harder to leave. Health Statistics, ADR says the divorce rate in the year 2000
What is covenant marriage? The Arkansas covenant mar- was 40%. Census bureau figures for that year show almost 2.4
riage law, enacted in 2001, describes it in detail. million marriages in the United States, and almost 1 million
A man and woman who wish to enter into a legal cov- divorces.
enant marriage in Arkansas must declare their intention when These figures are not without controversy. Since the
applying for a marriage license. Before the marriage can be publication of his 1993 book, Hollywood vs. America, film
legally recognized, the couple must receive premarital counsel- critic Michael Medved has debunked what he calls “the myth
ing from a minister, priest, rabbi, or licensed professional. of the 50% divorce rate.” In a January 2005, commentary on
They must also be counseled before they can be divorced or Salem Radio, Medved insisted, “talk of a 50% divorce rate is
judicially separated. wildly exaggerated. A clear majority of all those who marry
The marriage by law is defined as “one male, and one will remain married until husband or wife dies.” Medved’s
female...who understand that the marriage between them interpretation of the divorce and marriage statistics is given a
is a lifelong relationship.” When the couple marries, their full chapter in his book.
vows include a pledge: “If we experience marital difficulties, To find a true divorce rate, it would be necessary to track
we commit ourselves to all reasonable efforts to preserve our all the marriages from one year. Each year, it would be neces-
marriage.” sary to find how many of those marriages ended in divorce.
The law allows an existing marriage to be upgraded to a The process would have to be repeated every year until all of
covenant marriage. Divorce or judicial separation is not al- the marriages ended either in the death of a marriage partner,
lowed except in cases of adultery, physical or sexual abuse, or or a divorce. Given the 2.4 million marriages in the year 2000
separation without reconciliation. alone, this would be a project of considerable magnitude. But,
Last year on Valentine’s Day, Gov. Michael Huckabee and as Medved points out, the 1 million divorces in the year 2000
his wife, Janet, upgraded their marriage to a covenant mar- represent marriages performed in many different years.
riage, hoping to inspire other Arkansans to do the same. Until such a daunting statistical project is completed, it
Currently, covenant marriage has legal status in Arkansas, may be best for society to err on the side of caution, and do
Arizona, and Louisiana. Similar legislation has been intro- what it can to protect marriage. God’s word tells us “Marriage
duced in Oregon, Georgia, Texas, and Oklahoma. is honorable in all” (Heb. 13:4), so we should honor it.

26 Faith for All of Life May/June 2005

Power today does not lie in politics or governments,
but in God’s people of faith.

T here is a marked resemblance between

our time and that of Elijah and Elisha.
Theirs was a time of judgment; ours is as
into the hands of the enemies of God, and
people are only indignant if you condemn
this practice. The major concern of most
Here’s some of what you’ll read
in this powerful new book:
well. But there is a deeper resemblance. church members is not the Lord’s battles, 1. The Living God
Their day was an age of syncretism, of nor the urgency to make a stand against 2. Baalism and the Lord
radical compromise between compromise, 3. The School of the Prophet
the worship of the Lord and but, “How can I best 4. The Summons
Baal worship. The two had enjoy life?” 5. The Audience and Trial
been blended together to 6. The Shaking and Judgment Begin
The similarity does not end
make one religion, so that a
there. Elijah and Elisha’s 7. The Servant–Son
refusal to see the necessity
day was one of prosperity, 8. The Arrogance of Power
for uncompromising religion
a false prosperity that 9. Dispossession
marked Israel.
was largely the product 10. The Death of Ahab
Israel rarely denied of inflation. Our age, too, 11. The Judgments of the Lord
the Lord or professed open has been marked by an 12. Why Peoples Perish
apostasy. Rather, it pursued a inflationary prosperity, and 13. The Charge of Impotence
course of religious syncretism, the loosening of moral and 14. The Lost Victory
using the name of the Lord religious standards is
15. The Honor of God
but absorbing with their one result. People want
16. God’s Survivors
religion whatever other faith things, not qualities or virtues. This
17. Miracles
was expedient for them. Thus, mindset demands more material wealth for
they were not open pagans, but pagans men and diminishes the need for moral and 18. The Practical Faith
who practiced their unbelief under cover of educational performance and excellence. 19. Leprous Wealth
the Lord’s name. It is now a virtue to tolerate evil and to be 20. The Lost Axe-Head
intolerant of any material lack for man. 21. The Army on the Mountains
Syncretism is again our problem.
22. Miracle Outside the Walls
Numerous forces, powers, and persons In Chariots of Prophetic Fire,
23. The Nameless King
are accorded sovereignty over man. Today, R.J. Rushdoony challenges the Church
24. Expediency
Baal-worship is again prevalent in the name of our day to resist compromise and the
of the Lord. Humanistic statism is easily and temptation of expediency, and realize that 25. Jehu and Jezebel
readily submitted to by churchmen: children the power today does not lie in politics or 26. The Fear of Victory
are placed in humanistic state schools, given governments but in God’s men of faith.
Save on the price of this book. Add this
book to a larger order and pay less!
Only $30.00 See our catalog starting on page 32.
Hardback, 163 pages, indices
Faith for All of Life
Rushdoony, Future… cont. from page 5 When modern democracy cast off Hauck, Daze… cont. from page 26
the covenantal patriarchal family in
and familial elders as occupying a posi- That which stays in the heart.
favor of individualistic, atomistic man,
tion of value and importance as minis- The daze of Work! Work! has lifted
we adopted in its place a romantic view
ters of God’s order. Patricide or matricide of the family. The family was “home, from me,
required the death penalty (Ex. 21:15), sweet, home,” but not our strength As I realize what God,
but so did the parental breaching of the and protection. A romantic view of the has intended for me,
family responsibility; sacrificing a child family will not revive our social order A husband, six children,
to Molech required the death penalty of any more than a romanticized view of and a home filled with love,
the offending parent (Lev. 20:2-5). “dear, sweet Jesus” will change men. It I take care of them all,
The Seventh Commandment’s is not enough to cherish the family; we with strength from above.
prohibition against adultery guarded need to show it honor by restoring it to Amy Hauck, and her husband, Bill, are the
against betrayal from within the family. strength. blessed parents of six children. Amy divides
Adultery in the family is the equivalent her time between homeschooling the kids
of treason in the civil realm. Adultery is Morecraft, Balance… cont. from page 17 and working from their home in Myrtle
more than a crime against a spouse; it is Beach, SC as a freelance Christian writer.
a betrayal of the family as a covenanted of the Word of God, then, is the chief
delivery system for Scriptural truth from 1. Matthew Henry, Commentary on the
unit of godly life and law. Whole Bible (n. p: Hendrickson Publishers,
generation to generation. Apart from
The Eighth Commandment forbids 2002), 1027.
the faithful preaching of the Word of
theft. Property in ancient Israel was 2. Ibid.
God and outside the faithful Christian
controlled by the family, not by indi-
church, the family has no future; and
viduals. When the Promised Land was
if the church’s families degenerate, the
divided, it was given to families, not to
church as an institution has no future.
individuals. Rural property could not be
permanently sold, only leased until the Dr. Joseph C. Morecraft, III, is a preacher
jubilee year, every 50th year. The family of the gospel and a noted lecturer on
was more the trustee of the property contemporary political and historical trends
than it was the owner. Inheritance was in the United States and world at large.
He is the founding pastor of Chalcedon
thus also regulated. Theft was not per-
Presbyterian Church (RPCUS) located
sonal; it robbed the savings of multiple near Atlanta, Georgia. He is married to the
generations and the capital potential former Rebecca Belcher of Haysi, Virginia,
such wealth represented. who is a writer and an accomplished singer.
The prohibition on coveting in the They have four children and two grand-
Tenth Commandment also protected
the family’s wealth. Coveting precedes
daughters. Get the materials
theft; it is the desire for wealth outside
1. Westminster Confession of Faith 30.1. you’re looking for.
2. R. J. Rushdoony, Institutes of Biblical Law
the legitimate method of acquiring it. Now you can search the entire
(Phillipsburg, NJ: The Craig Press, 1973),
Coveting is not merely wanting to have 192. Chalcedon and Ross House
something; it is the desire to obtain it 3. Ibid. catalog of books, monographs,
by fraudulent methods, even if such
4. R. J. Rushdoony, Law and Liberty, (Val- audio tapes, and videos anytime
methods follow the letter of man’s law. lecito, CA: Ross House Books, 1984), 70.
Much modern wealth transfer represents you want to. Our convenient,
5. Ibid., 73.
covetousness in thought and act. We can secureshopping cart makes
6. Ibid., 79.
say that Marxism is a defense of covet- ordering simple and safe.
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ousness, as is philosophical liberalism. Visit often to find out about
(Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book
Every April 15th a substantial amount House, 1983 reprint), Vol. IV, 115. updates and new releases.
of each family’s wealth is stolen by the
covetous state, and all inheritance tax www.chalcedonstore.com
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28 Faith for All of Life May/June 2005

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W ith the bankruptcy of modern education and
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Joseph Farah
WorldNetDaily.com clear way out to a truly Biblical form of education.
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30 Faith for All of Life May/June 2005

Resources for
Reinforcing Your
Christian World
and Life View

Chariots of Prophetic Fire: Thine is the Kingdom:

Studies in Elijah and Elisha A Study of the Postmillennial Hope
By R. J. Rushdoony. See how close Israel’s Edited by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr. Israel’s
religious failure resembles our own! Read this misunderstanding of eschatology
to see how the modern Christian is again guilty eventually destroyed her by leading her
of Baal worship, of how inflation-fed prosperity to reject the Messiah and the coming of
caused a loosening of morals, syncretism and the Kingdom of Heaven. Likewise, false
a decline in educational performance. eschatological speculation is destroying
As in the days of Elijah and Elisha, it is once the church today, by leading her to
again said to be a virtue to tolerate evil neglect her Christian calling and to
and condemn those who do not. This book set forth false expectations. In this volume, edited by Kenneth L.
will challenge you to resist compromise and the temptation of Gentry, Jr., the reader is presented with a blend of Biblical exegesis
expediency. It will help you take a stand by faith for God’s truth in a of key Scripture passages, theological reflection on important
culture of falsehoods. doctrinal issues, and practical application for faithful Christian
Hardback, 163 pages, indices, $30.00
Thine is the Kingdom lays the scriptural foundation for a Biblically-
The Victims of Dick and Jane based, hope-filled postmillennial eschatology, while showing
By Samuel L. Blumenfeld. America’s most what it means to be postmillennial in the real world. The book
effective critic of public education shows us is both an introduction to and defense of the eschatology of
how America’s public schools were remade victory. Chapters include contemporary writers Keith A. Mathison,
by educators who used curriculum to create William O. Einwechter, Jeffrey Ventrella, and Kenneth L. Gentry,
citizens suitable for their own vision of a Jr., as well as chapters by giants of the faith Benjamin B. Warfield
utopian socialist society. This collection of and J.A. Alexander. This work should prove immensely helpful for
essays will show you how and why America’s understanding and defending the postmillennial hope. It should
public education declined. You will see the also enliven our prayer to God as we faithfully pray: “Thy kingdom
educator-engineered decline of reading skills. come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven…. thine is the
The author describes the causes for the decline kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”
and the way back to competent education methodologies that will Paperback, 260 pages, $22.00
result in a self-educated, competent, and freedom-loving populace.
Paperback, 266 pages, index, $22.00

Save 15% on Orders of $50.00 or More

Larceny in the Heart: The Economics of To Be As God: A Study of
Satan and the Inflationary State Modern Thought Since the
By R.J. Rushdoony. In this study, first published Marquis De Sade
under the title Roots of Inflation, the reader sees By R.J. Rushdoony. This monumental work is
why envy often causes the most successful and a series of essays on the influential thinkers
advanced members of society to be deemed and ideas in modern times. The author begins
criminals. The reader is shown how envious with De Sade, who self-consciously broke
man finds any superiority in others intolerable with any Christian basis for morality and law.
and how this leads to a desire for a leveling. Enlightenment thinking began with nature as
The author uncovers the larceny in the heart of the only reality, and Christianity was reduced
man and its results. See how class warfare and a social order based to one option among many. It was then, in
on conflict lead to disaster. This book is essential reading for an turn, attacked as anti-democratic and anti-freedom for its dogmatic
understanding of the moral crisis of modern economics and the only assertion of the supernatural. Literary figures such as Shelly, Byron,
certain long-term cure. Whitman, and more are also examined, for the Enlightenment
presented both the intellectual and the artist as replacement for the
Paperback, 144 pages, indices, $18.00
theologian and his church. Ideas, such as “the spirit of the age,” truth,
reason, Romanticism, persona, and Gnosticism are related to the
A Conquering Faith desire to negate God and Christian ethics. Reading this book will
By William O. Einwechter. This monograph help you understand the need to avoid the syncretistic blending of
takes on the doctrinal defection of today’s humanistic philosophy with the Christian faith.
church by providing Christians with an
introductory treatment of six vital areas of Paperback, 230 pages, indices, $21.00
Christian doctrine: God’s sovereignty, Christ’s
Lordship, God’s law, the authority of Scripture, Predestination in Light of the Cross
the dominion mandate, and the victory of By John B. King, Jr. This book is a thorough
Christ and His church in history. This easy- presentation of the Biblical doctrine of
to-read booklet is a welcome antidote to the absolute predestination from both the
humanistic theology of the 21st century church. dogmatic and systematic perspectives.
The author defends predestination from
Booklet, 44 pages, $8.00
the perspective of Martin Luther, showing
he was as vigorously predestinarian
The Word of Flux: Modern Man and the as John Calvin. At the same time,
Problem of Knowledge the author provides a compellingly
By R.J. Rushdoony. Modern man has a systematic theological understanding of
problem with knowledge. He cannot accept predestination. This book will give the reader a fuller understanding
God’s Word about the world or anything of the sovereignty of God.
else, so anything which points to God
must be called into question. Man, once he Paperback, 314 pages, $24.00
makes himself ultimate, is unable to know
anything but himself. Because of this impass,
modern thinking has become progressively
pragmatic. This book will lead the reader to understand that this
problem of knowledge underlies the isolation and self-torment of
modern man. Can you know anything if you reject God and His
revelation? This book takes the reader into the heart of modern man’s
intellectual dilemma.
Paperback, 127 pages, indices, $19.00

Save 15% on Orders of $50.00 or More

The Ten Commandments Video Series
biblical law VHS Series. Ethics remains at the center of
discussion in sports, entertainment, politics
The Institute of Biblical Law and education as our culture searches for a
(In three volumes, by R.J. Rushdoony) comprehensive standard to guide itself through
Volume I the darkness of the modern age. Very few consider
Biblical Law is a plan for dominion under God, the Bible as the rule of conduct, and God has been
whereas its rejection is to claim dominion on man’s marginalized by the pluralism of our society.
terms. The general principles (commandments)
This 12-part video collection contains an in-
of the law are discussed as well as their specific
depth interview with the late Dr. R.J. Rushdoony
applications (case law) in Scripture. Many consider
on the application of God’s law to our modern
this to be the author’s most important work.
world. Each commandment is covered in detail as Dr. Rushdoony
Hardback, 890 pages, indices, $45.00 challenges the humanistic remedies that have obviously failed.
Only through God’s revealed will, as laid down in the Bible, can the
standard for righteous living be found. Rushdoony silences the critics
of Christianity by outlining the rewards of obedience as well as the
Volume II, Law and Society
consequences of disobedience to God’s Word.
The relationship of Biblical Law to communion
and community, the sociology of the Sabbath, In a world craving answers, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR
the family and inheritance, and much more TODAY provides an effective and coherent solution — one that is
are covered in the second volume. Contains an guaranteed success. Includes 12 segments: an introduction, one
appendix by Herbert Titus. segment on each commandment, and a conclusion.
Hardback, 752 pages, indices, $35.00 A boxed set of 3 VHS tapes, $45.00

Volume III, The Intent of the Law Law and Liberty

“God’s law is much more than a legal code; it By R.J. Rushdoony. This work examines various areas
is a covenantal law. It establishes a personal of life from a Biblical perspective. Every area of life
relationship between God and man.” The first must be brought under the dominion of Christ and the
section summarizes the case laws. The author government of God’s Word.
tenderly illustrates how the law is for our good, and
Paperback, 152 pages, $5.00
makes clear the difference between the sacrificial
laws and those that apply today. The second section
vividly shows the practical implications of the law.
The examples catch the reader’s attention; the author clearly has had In Your Justice
much experience discussing God’s law. The third section shows that By Edward J. Murphy. The implications of God’s law
would-be challengers to God’s law produce only poison and death. over the life of man and society.
Only God’s law can claim to express God’s “covenant grace in Booklet, 36 pages, $2.00
helping us.”
Hardback, 252 pages, indices, $25.00
The World Under God’s Law
Or, buy Volumes 1 and 2 and receive Volume 3 for FREE! A tape series by R.J. Rushdoony. Five areas of
life are considered in the light of Biblical Law-
the home, the church, government, economics,
and the school.
5 cassette tapes, RR418ST-5, $15.00

Save 15% on Orders of $50.00 or More

The Messianic Character of American
education Education
By R.J. Rushdoony. Rushdoony’s study tells us
The Philosophy of the Christian Curriculum an important part of American history: exactly
By R.J. Rushdoony. The Christian School what has public education been trying to
represents a break with humanistic education, but, accomplish? Before the 1830s and Horace Mann,
too often, in leaving the state school, the Christian no schools in the U.S. were state supported or
educator has carried the state’s humanism with state controlled. They were local, parent-teacher
him. A curriculum is not neutral: it is either a enterprises, supported without taxes, and taking
course in humanism or training in a God-centered care of all children. They were remarkably high in standard and were
faith and life. The liberal arts curriculum means Christian. From Mann to the present, the state has used education to
literally that course which trains students in socialize the child. The school’s basic purpose, according to its own
the arts of freedom. This raises the key question: is freedom in philosophers, is not education in the traditional sense of the 3 R’s.
and of man or Christ? The Christian art of freedom, that is, the Instead, it is to promote “democracy” and “equality,” not in their legal
Christian liberal arts curriculum, is emphatically not the same as the or civic sense, but in terms of the engineering of a socialized citizenry.
humanistic one. It is urgently necessary for Christian educators to Public education became the means of creating a social order of
rethink the meaning and nature of the curriculum. the educator’s design. Such men saw themselves and the school
in messianic terms. This book was instrumental in launching the
Paperback, 190 pages, index, $16.00
Christian school and homeschool movements.

Intellectual Schizophrenia Hardback, 410 pages, index, $20.00

By R.J. Rushdoony. When this brilliant and
prophetic book was first published in 1961, the Mathematics: Is God Silent?
Christian homeschool movement was years By James Nickel. This book revolutionizes the
away and even Christian day schools were hardly prevailing understanding and teaching of math.
considered a viable educational alternative. The addition of this book is a must for all upper-
But this book and the author’s later Messianic level Christian school curricula and for college
Character of American Education were a students and adults interested in math or related
resolute call to arms for Christian’s to get their fields of science and religion. It will serve as a
children out of the pagan public schools and solid refutation for the claim, often made in court,
provide them with a genuine Christian education. Dr. Rushdoony that mathematics is one subject, which cannot be
had predicted that the humanist system, based on anti-Christian taught from a distinctively Biblical perspective.
premises of the Enlightenment, could only get worse. Rushdoony was
Revised and enlarged 2001 edition,
indeed a prophet. He knew that education divorced from God and
Paperback, 408 pages, $22.00
from all transcendental standards would produce the educational
disaster and moral barbarism we have today. The title of this book
is particularly significant in that Dr. Rushdoony was able to identify The Foundations of Christian Scholarship
the basic contradiction that pervades a secular society that rejects Edited by Gary North. These are essays developing
God’s sovereignty but still needs law and order, justice, science, and the implications and meaning of the philosophy
meaning to life. As Dr. Rushdoony writes, “there is no law, no society, of Dr. Cornelius Van Til for every area of life. The
no justice, no structure, no design, no meaning apart from God.” And chapters explore the implications of Biblical faith
so, modern man has become schizophrenic because of his rebellion for a variety of disciplines.
against God. Paperback, 355 pages, indices, $24.00
Paperback, 150 pages, index, $17.00

Save 15% on Orders of $50.00 or More

Tape 16 31. The Coming of the Civil War
american history & the constitution 32. De Toqueville on the Family
Tape 17 33. De Toqueville on Democracy & Power
American History to 1865 34. The Interpretation of History, I
Tape series by R.J. Rushdoony. These Tape 18 35. The Interpretation of History, II
tapes are the most theologically complete
assessment of early American history This Independent Republic
available, yet retain a clarity and vividness By Rousas John Rushdoony. First published in 1964,
of expression that make them ideal this series of essays gives important insight into
for students. Rev. Rushdoony reveals American history by one who could trace American
a foundation of American History of development in terms of the Christian ideas which
philosophical and theological substance. gave it direction.
He describes not just the facts of history, These essays will greatly alter your understanding
but the leading motives and movements of, and appreciation for, American history. Topics
in terms of the thinking of the day. Though this series does not extend discussed include: the legal issues behind the War
beyond 1865, that year marked the beginning of the secular attempts of Independence; sovereignty as a theological
to rewrite history. There can be no understanding of American tenet foreign to colonial political thought and the Constitution; the
History without an understanding of the ideas which undergirded its desire for land as a consequence of the belief in “inheriting the land”
founding and growth. Set includes 18 tapes, student questions, and as a future blessing, not an immediate economic asset; federalism’s
teacher’s answer key in album. localism as an inheritance of feudalism; the local control of property
18 tapes in album, RR144ST-18, as a guarantee of liberty; why federal elections were long considered
Set of “American History to 1865”, $90.00 of less importance than local politics; how early American ideas
attributed to democratic thought were based on religious ideals of
Tape 1 1. Motives of Discovery & Exploration I communion and community; and the absurdity of a mathematical
2. Motives of Discovery & Exploration II
concept of equality being applied to people.
Tape 2 3. Mercantilism
4. Feudalism, Monarchy & Colonies/The Fairfax Resolves 1-8 Paperback, 163 pages, index, $17.00
Tape 3 5. The Fairfax Resolves 9-24
6. The Declaration of Independence &
The Nature of the American System
Articles of Confederation
Tape 4 7. George Washington: A Biographical Sketch By R.J. Rushdoony. Originally published in 1965,
8. The U. S. Constitution, I these essays were a continuation of the author’s
Tape 5 9. The U. S. Constitution, II previous work, This Independent Republic, and
10. De Toqueville on Inheritance & Society examine the interpretations and concepts which
Tape 6 11. Voluntary Associations & the Tithe have attempted to remake and rewrite America’s
12. Eschatology & History past and present. “The writing of history then,
Tape 7 13. Postmillennialism & the War of Independence because man is neither autonomous, objective
14. The Tyranny of the Majority nor ultimately creative, is always in terms of a
Tape 8 15. De Toqueville on Race Relations in America
framework, a philosophical and ultimately religious framework in
16. The Federalist Administrations
Tape 9 17. The Voluntary Church, I the mind of the historian…. To the orthodox Christian, the shabby
18. The Voluntary Church, II incarnations of the reigning historiographies are both absurd and
Tape 10 19. The Jefferson Administration, offensive. They are idols, and he is forbidden to bow down to them
the Tripolitan War & the War of 1812 and must indeed wage war against them.”
20. Religious Voluntarism on the Frontier, I
Tape 11 21. Religious Voluntarism on the Frontier, II Paperback, 180 pages, index, $18.00
22. The Monroe & Polk Doctrines
Tape 12 23. Voluntarism & Social Reform Retreat From Liberty
24. Voluntarism & Politics A tape set by R.J. Rushdoony. 3 lessons on
Tape 13 25. Chief Justice John Marshall: Problems of “The American Indian,”“A Return to Slavery,”
Political Voluntarism and “The United Nations – A Religious
26. Andrew Jackson: His Monetary Policy
Tape 14 27. The Mexican War of 1846 / Calhoun’s Disquisition
28. De Toqueville on Democratic Culture 3 cassette tapes, RR251ST-3, $9.00
Tape 15 29. De Toqueville on Equality & Individualism
30. Manifest Destiny

Save 15% on Orders of $50.00 or More

The Influence of Historic Christianity on
Early America world history
By Archie P. Jones. Early America was founded
upon the deep, extensive influence of Christianity A Christian Survey of World
inherited from the medieval period and the History
Protestant Reformation. That priceless heritage 12 cassettes with notes, questions,
was not limited to the narrow confines of and answer key
the personal life of the individual, nor to the in an attractive album
ecclesiastical structure. Christianity positively By R.J. Rushdoony. From tape 3:
and predominately (though not perfectly) shaped culture, education, “Can you see why a knowledge
science, literature, legal thought, legal education, political thought, law, of history is important—so that
politics, charity, and missions. we can see the issues as our Lord
Booklet, 88 pages, $6.00 presented them against the whole
backboard of history and to see the
The Future of the Conservative Movement battle as it is again lining up? Because again we have the tragic view
Edited by Andrew Sandlin. The Future of the of ancient Greece; again we have the Persian view—tolerate both
Conservative Movement explores the history, good and evil; again we have the Assyrian-Babylonian-Egyptian
accomplishments and decline of the conservative view of chaos as the source of regeneration. And we must therefore
movement, and lays the foundation for a viable again find our personal and societal regeneration in Jesus Christ and
substitute to today’s compromising, floundering His Word—all things must be made new in terms of His Word.”
conservatism. Twelve taped lessons give an overview of history from ancient times
to the 20th century as only Rev. Rushdoony could. Text includes
Because the conservative movement, despite its fifteen chapters of class notes covering ancient history through the
many sound features (including anti-statism and anti-Communism), Reformation. Text also includes review questions covering the tapes
was not anchored in an unchangeable standard, it eventually was and questions for thought and discussion. Album includes 12 tapes,
hijacked from within and transformed into a scaled-down version of notes, and answer key.
the very liberalism it was originally calculated to combat.
12 tapes in album, RR160ST-12, Set of “A Christian Survey of
Booklet, 67 pages, $6.00 World History”, $75.00
Tape 1 1. Time and History: Why History is Important
The United States: A Christian Republic Tape 2 2. Israel, Egypt, and the Ancient Near East
By R.J. Rushdoony. The author demolishes the modern myth that the Tape 3 3. Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece and Jesus Christ
United States was founded by deists or humanists bent on creating a Tape 4 4. The Roman Republic and Empire
secular republic. Tape 5 5. The Early Church
6. Byzantium
Pamphlet, 7 pages, $1.00 Tape 6 7. Islam
8. The Frontier Age
Biblical Faith and American History Tape 7 9. New Humanism or Medieval Period
By R.J. Rushdoony. America was a break with the neoplatonic view of Tape 8 10. The Reformation
religion that dominated the medieval church. The Puritans and other Tape 9 11. Wars of Religion – So Called
groups saw Scripture as guidance for every area of life because they 12. The Thirty Years War
Tape 10 13. France: Louis XIV through Napoleon
viewed its author as the infallible Sovereign over every area. America’s
Tape 11 14. England: The Puritans through Queen Victoria
fall into Arminianism and revivalism, however, was a return to the Tape 12 15. 20th Century: The Intellectual – Scientific Elite
neoplatonic error that transferred the world from Christ’s shoulders to
man’s. The author saw a revival ahead in Biblical faith.
Pamphlet, 12 pages, $1.00

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The Biblical Philosophy of History The Foundations of Social Order: Studies in
By R.J. Rushdoony. For the orthodox Christian who the Creeds and Councils of the Early Church
grounds his philosophy of history on the doctrine By R.J. Rushdoony. Every social order rests on a
of creation, the mainspring of history is God. Time creed, on a concept of life and law, and represents
rests on the foundation of eternity, on the eternal a religion in action. The basic faith of a society
decree of God. Time and history therefore have means growth in terms of that faith. Now the
meaning because they were created in terms of creeds and councils of the early church, in
God’s perfect and totally comprehensive plan. The hammering out definitions of doctrines, were also
humanist faces a meaningless world in which he laying down the foundations of Christendom with
must strive to create and establish meaning. The Christian accepts them. The life of a society is its creed; a dying creed faces desertion
a world which is totally meaningful and in which every event moves or subversion readily. Because of its indifference to its creedal basis in
in terms of God’s purpose; he submits to God’s meaning and finds Biblical Christianity, western civilization is today facing death and is
his life therein. This is an excellent introduction to Rushdoony. Once in a life and death struggle with humanism.
the reader sees Rushdoony’s emphasis on God’s sovereignty over
Paperback, 197 pages, index, $16.00
all of time and creation, he will understand his application of this
presupposition in various spheres of life and thought.
Paperback, 138 pages, $22.00

James I: The Fool as King The Death of Meaning

By Otto Scott. In this study, Otto Scott writes about By Rousas John Rushdoony. For centuries on end,
one of the “holy” fools of humanism who worked humanistic philosophers have produced endless
against the faith from within. This is a major books and treatises which attempt to explain
historical work and marvelous reading. reality without God or the mediatory work of His
Son, Jesus Christ. Modern philosophy has sought
Hardback, 472 pages, $20.00
to explain man and his thought process without
acknowledging God, His Revelation, or man’s sin.
Christian Reconstruction in England God holds all such efforts in derision and subjects
A cassette tape series by R.J. Rushdoony, their authors and adherents to futility. Philosophers who rebel
previously released as English History examines against God are compelled to abandon meaning itself, for they possess
the impact of John Wycliffe, Richard III, Oliver neither the tools nor the place to anchor it. The works of darkness
Cromwell, and John Milton on English history. championed by philosophers past and present need to be exposed
5 cassette tapes, RR135ST-5, $15.00 and reproved.
In this volume, Dr. Rushdoony clearly enunciates each major
philosopher’s position and its implications, identifies the intellectual
church history and moral consequences of each school of thought, and traces the
dead-end to which each naturally leads. There is only one foundation.
The “Atheism” of the Early Church Without Christ, meaning and morality are anchored to shifting sand,
By Rousas John Rushdoony. Early Christians were and a counsel of despair prevails. This penetrating yet brief volume
called “heretics” and “atheists” when they denied provides clear guidance, even for laymen unfamiliar with philosophy.
the gods of Rome, in particular the divinity of Paperback, 180 pages, index, $18.00
the emperor and the statism he embodied in his
personality cult. These Christians knew that Jesus
Christ, not the state, was their Lord and that this
faith required a different kind of relationship to
the state than the state demanded. Because Jesus
Christ was their acknowledged Sovereign, they consciously denied
such esteem to all other claimants. Today the church must take a
similar stand before the modern state.
Paperback, 64 pages, $12.00

Save 15% on Orders of $50.00 or More

By What Standard? Humanism, the Deadly Deception
By R.J. Rushdoony. An introduction into the A tape series by R.J. Rushdoony. Six lessons
problems of Christian philosophy. It focuses on present humanism as a religious faith of sinful
the philosophical system of Dr. Cornelius Van Til, men. Humanistic views of morality and law are
which in turn is founded upon the presuppositions contrasted with the Christian view of faith and
of an infallible revelation in the Bible and the providence.
necessity of Christian theology for all philosophy.
3 cassette tapes, RR137ST-3, $9.00
This is Rushdoony’s foundational work on
Epistemology: How Do We Know?
Hardback, 212 pages, index, $14.00 A tape series by R.J. Rushdoony. Eleven
lessons on the discipline largely ignored by
The One and the Many the modern thinker. Learn how philosophers
By R.J. Rushdoony. Subtitled Studies in the such as Descartes and Camus changed
Philosophy of Order and Ultimacy, this work modern thought. See how circular reasoning
discusses the problem of understanding unity is an unavoidable fact of man’s creaturehood. Understand how
vs. particularity, oneness vs. individuality. modern man is increasingly irrational, as witness the “death of god”
“Whether recognized or not, every argument and movement. This is a good companion set to the author’s book, The
every theological, philosophical, political, or any Word of Flux.
other exposition is based on a presupposition
4 cassette tapes, RR101ST-4, $12.00
about man, God, and society—about reality.
This presupposition rules and determines the
conclusion; the effect is the result of a cause. And one such basic A History of Modern Philosophy
presupposition is with reference to the one and the many.” The author A tape series by R.J. Rushdoony. Nine lessons
finds the answer in the Biblical doctrine of the Trinity. trace modern thought. Hear a Christian critique
of Descartes, Berkeley, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Sade,
Paperback, 375 pages, index, $15.00 and Genet. Learn how modern philosophy has
been used to deny a Christian world-view and
The Flight from Humanity propose a new order, a new morality, and a new man.
By R.J. Rushdoony. Subtitled A Study of the Effect of
8 cassette tapes, RR261ST-8, $21.00
Neoplatonism on Christianity.
Neoplatonism is a Greek philosophical assumption
about the world. It views that which is form or psychology
spirit (such as mind) as good and that which is
physical (flesh) as evil. But Scripture says all of
man fell into sin, not just his flesh. The first sin was Politics of Guilt and Pity
the desire to be as god, determining good and evil By R.J. Rushdoony. From the foreword by Steve
apart from God (Gen. 3:5). Neoplatonism presents Schlissel: “Rushdoony sounds the clarion call of
man’s dilemma as a metaphysical one, whereas Scripture presents it liberty for all who remain oppressed by Christian
as a moral problem. Basing Christianity on this false Neoplatonic idea leaders who wrongfully lord it over the souls of
will always shift the faith from the Biblical perspective. The ascetic God’s righteous ones.… I pray that the entire
quest sought to take refuge from sins of the flesh but failed to address book will not only instruct you in the method
the reality of sins of the heart and mind. In the name of humility, and content of a Biblical worldview, but actually
the ascetics manifested arrogance and pride. This pagan idea of bring you further into the glorious freedom of
spirituality entered the church and is the basis of some chronic the children of God. Those who walk in wisdom’s
problems in Western civilization. ways become immune to the politics of guilt and pity.”

Paperback, 66 pages, $5.00 Hardback, 371 pages, index, $20.00

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Revolt Against Maturity Creation According to the Scriptures
By. R.J. Rushdoony. This is a study of the Biblical Edited by P. Andrew Sandlin. Subtitled: A
doctrine of psychology. The Biblical view sees Presuppositional Defense of Literal Six-Day
psychology as a branch of theology dealing Creation, this symposium by thirteen authors
with man as a fallen creature marked by a revolt is a direct frontal assault on all waffling views
against maturity. of Biblical creation. It explodes the “Framework
Hypothesis,” so dear to the hearts of many
Hardback, 334 pages, index, $18.00
respectability-hungry Calvinists, and it throws
down the gauntlet to all who believe they can
maintain a consistent view of Biblical infallibility while abandoning
science literal, six-day creation. It is a must reading for all who are observing
closely the gradual defection of many allegedly conservative churches
The Mythology of Science and denominations, or who simply want a greater grasp of an
By R.J. Rushdoony. This book points out the orthodox, God-honoring view of the Bible.
fraud of the empirical claims of much modern Paperback, 159 pages, $18.00
science since Charles Darwin. This book is about
the religious nature of evolutionary thought,
how these religious presuppositions underlie economics
our modern intellectual paradigm, and how
they are deferred to as sacrosanct by institutions
and disciplines far removed from the empirical Making Sense of Your Dollars:
sciences. The “mythology” of modern science is its religious devotion A Biblical Approach to Wealth
to the myth of evolution. Evolution “so expresses or coincides By Ian Hodge. The author puts the creation and
with the contemporary spirit that its often radical contradictions use of wealth in their Biblical context. Debt has
and absurdities are never apparent, in that they express the basic put the economies of nations and individuals
presuppositions, however untenable, of everyday life and thought.” In in dangerous straits. This book discusses why
evolution, man is the highest expression of intelligence and reason, a business is the best investment, as well as the
and such thinking will not yield itself to submission to a God it views issues of debt avoidance and insurance. Wealth
as a human cultural creation, useful, if at all, only in a cultural context. is a tool for dominion men to use as faithful
The basis of science and all other thought will ultimately be found in stewards.
a higher ethical and philosophical context; whether or not this is seen Paperback, 192 pages, index, $12.00
as religious does not change the nature of that context. “Part of the
mythology of modern evolutionary science is its failure to admit that Christianity and Capitalism
it is a faith-based paradigm.” By R.J. Rushdoony. In a simple, straightforward style, the Christian
Paperback, 134 pages, $17.00 case for capitalism is presented. Capital, in the form of individual and
family property, is protected in Scripture and is necessary for liberty.
Alive: An Enquiry into the Origin and Pamphlet, 8 pages, $1.00
Meaning of Life
By Dr. Magnus Verbrugge, M.D. This study is of A Christian View of Vocation:
major importance as a critique of scientific theory, The Glory of the Mundane
evolution, and contemporary nihilism in scientific By Terry Applegate. To many Christians, business
thought. Dr. Verbrugge, son-in-law of the late is a “dirty” occupation fit only for greedy,
Dr. H. Dooyeweerd and head of the Dooyeweerd manipulative unbelievers. The author, a successful
Foundation, applies the insights of Dooyeweerd’s Christian businessman, explodes this myth in this
thinking to the realm of science. Animism and hard-hitting title.
humanism in scientific theory are brilliantly discussed.
Pamphlet, 12 pages, $1.00
Paperback, 159 pages, $14.00

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Companion tape series to The Gospel of John
biblical studies A cassette series by R.J. Rushdoony. Seventy
sermons cover John’s entire gospel and parallel
Genesis, Volume I of Commentaries on the the chapters in the author’s commentary, The
Pentateuch Gospel of John, making this a valuable group
By Rousas John Rushdoony. Genesis begins the Bible study series.
Bible, and is foundational to it. In recent years, it 39 cassette tapes, RR197ST-39, $108.00
has become commonplace for both humanists and
churchmen to sneer at anyone who takes Genesis
Romans and Galatians
1-11 as historical. Yet to believe in the myth of
By R.J. Rushdoony. From the author’s
evolution is to accept trillions of miracles to
introduction: “I do not disagree with
account for our cosmos. Spontaneous generation,
the liberating power of the Reformation
the development of something out of nothing, and the blind belief
interpretation, but I believe that it provides
in the miraculous powers of chance, require tremendous faith.
simply the beginning of our understanding of
Darwinism is irrationality and insanity compounded. Theology
Romans, not its conclusion....
without literal six-day creationism becomes alien to the God of
The great problem in the church’s interpretation
Scripture because it turns from the God Who acts and Whose Word
of Scripture has been its ecclesiastical
is the creative word and the word of power, to a belief in process as
orientation, as though God speaks only to the
god. The god of the non-creationists is the creation of man and a
church, and commands only the church. The Lord God speaks in
figment of their imagination. They must play games with the Bible
and through His Word to the whole man, to every man, and to every
to vindicate their position. Evolution is both naive and irrational. Its
area of life and thought…. To assume that the Triune Creator of all
adherents violate the scientific canons they profess by their fanatical
things is in His word and person only relevant to the church is to
and intolerant belief. The entire book of Genesis is basic to Biblical
deny His Lordship or sovereignty.
theology. The church needs to re-study it to recognize its centrality.
If we turn loose the whole Word of God onto the church and the
Hardback, 297 pages, indices, $45.00 world, we shall see with joy its power and glory. This is the purpose of
my brief comments on Romans.”
The Gospel of John Hardback, 446 pages, indices, $24.00
By R.J. Rushdoony. In this commentary the
author maps out the glorious gospel of John,
Companion tape series to Romans and Galatians
starting from the obvious parallel to Genesis 1
Romans - “Living by Faith”
(“In the beginning was the Word”) and through
A cassette series by R.J. Rushdoony. Sixty-three
to the glorious conclusion of Christ’s death
sermons on Paul’s epistle. Use as group Bible
and resurrection. Nothing more clearly reveals
study with Romans and Galatians.
the gospel than Christ’s atoning death and His
resurrection. They tell us that Jesus Christ has 32 cassette tapes, RR414 ST-32, $96.00
destroyed the power of sin and death. John
therefore deliberately limits the number of miracles he reports Galatians - “Living by Faith”
in order to point to and concentrate on our Lord’s death and A cassette series by R.J. Rushdoony. These nineteen sermons
resurrection. The Jesus of history is He who made atonement for completed his study and commentary.
us, died, and was resurrected. His life cannot be understood apart
from this, nor can we know His history in any other light. This is why 10 cassette tapes, RR415ST-10, $30.00
John’s “testimony is true,” and, while books filling the earth could not
contain all that could be said, the testimony given by John is “faithful.”
Hardback, 320 pages, indices, $26.00

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Hebrews, James and Jude 25 lessons. 13 cassette tapes, RR416ST-13, $39.00
By R.J. Rushdoony. There is a resounding call
I John
in Hebrews, which we cannot forget without
15 lessons on the first epistle of John, plus a bonus lesson on the
going astray: “Let us go forth therefore unto him
incarnation. Rev. Rushdoony passed away before he could complete
without the camp, bearing his reproach” (13:13).
this, his last sermon series.
This is a summons to serve Christ the Redeemer-
16 lessons. 8 cassette tapes, RR419ST-8, $24.00
King fully and faithfully, without compromise.
When James, in his epistle, says that faith without Exegetical Sermon Series by Rev. Mark R. Rushdoony
works is dead, he tells us that faith is not a mere matter of words,
but it is of necessity a matter of life. “Pure religion and undefiled” Galatians - “Heresy in Galatia”
requires Christian charity and action. Anything short of this 10 lessons. 5 cassette tapes, MR100ST-5, $15.00
is a self-delusion. James’s letter is a corrective the church
needs badly. Ephesians – “Partakers of God’s Promise”
24 lessons. 12 cassette tapes, MR108ST-12, $36.00
Jude similarly recalls us to Jesus Christ’s apostolic commission,
“Remember ye the words which have been spoken before by the Colossians - “The Sufficiency of Christ”
apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ” (v. 17). Jude’s letter reminds us 10 lessons. 5 cassette tapes, MR101ST-5, $15.00
of the necessity for a new creation beginning with us, and of the
I Timothy – “Right Doctrine and Practice”
inescapable triumph of the Kingdom of God.
27 lessons. 14 cassette tapes, MR102ST-14, $42.00
Hardback, 260 pages, $30.00
II Timothy – “Faithfulness and Diligence”
14 lessons. 7 cassette tapes, MR106ST-7, $21.00
Companion tape series to Hebrews, James and Jude
Titus – “Speak with All Authority”
Hebrew and James - “The True Mediator” 11 lessons. 6 cassette tapes, MR105ST-6, $18.00
A tape series by R.J. Rushdoony. 48 lessons
Hebrews and James. Philemon – “For My Son, Onesimus”
4 lessons. 2 cassette tapes, MR107ST-2, $6.00
26 cassette tapes, RR198ST-26, $75.00
“Doers of the Word” - Sermons in James
Jude - “Enemies in the Church” 7 lessons. 4 cassette tapes, MR104ST-4, $12.00
A tape series by R.J. Rushdoony. 4 lessons on Jude by R.J. Rushdoony.
2 cassette tapes, RR400ST-2, $9.00 theology
More Exegetical Tape Series by Rev. R.J. Rushdoony
Systematic Theology
Exodus - “Unity of Law and Grace” (in two volumes)
125 lessons. 70 cassette tapes, RR171ST-70, $195.00 By R. J. Rushdoony. Theology belongs
in the pulpit, the school, the workplace,
Leviticus - “The Law of Holiness and Grace”
the family and everywhere. Society as
79 lessons. 40 cassette tapes, RR172ST-40, $120.00
a whole is weakened when theology
Numbers - “Faith, Law and History” is neglected. Without a systematic
63 lessons. 38 cassette tapes, RR181ST-38, $102.00 application of theology, too often people
approach the Bible with a smorgasbord
Deuteronomy - “The Law and the Family” mentality, picking and choosing that which pleases
110 lessons. 63 cassette tapes, RR187ST-63, $168.00 them. This two-volume set addresses this subject in order to assist in
The Sermon on the Mount the application of the Word of God to every area of life and thought.
25 lessons. 13 cassette tapes, RR412ST-13, $39.00 Hardback, 1301 pages, indices, $70.00 per set
I Corinthians - “Godly Social Order”
47 lessons. 25 cassette tapes, RR417ST-25, $75.00
II Corinthians - “Godly Social Order”

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Companion tape series to R. J. Rushdoony’s The Lordship of Christ
Systematic Theology By Arend ten Pas. The author shows that to limit Christ’s
These tape series represent just a few of the work in history to salvation and not to include lordship
many topics represented in the above work. is destructive of the faith and leads to false doctrine.
They are useful for Bible study groups, Sunday
Booklet, 29 pages, $2.50
Schools, etc. All are by Rev. R. J. Rushdoony.
Creation and Providence The Church Is Israel Now
17 lessons. 9 cassette tapes, RR407ST-9, $27.00 By Charles D. Provan. For the last century,
The Doctrine of the Covenant Christians have been told that God has an
22 lessons. 11 cassette tapes, RR406ST-11, $33.00 unconditional love for persons racially descended
from Abraham. Membership in Israel is said to be
The Doctrine of Sin a matter of race, not faith. This book repudiates
22 lessons. 11 cassette tapes, RR409ST-11, $33.00 such a racialist viewpoint and abounds in
Scripture references which show that the blessings
The Doctrine of Salvation of Israel were transferred to all those who accept
20 lessons. 10 cassette tapes, RR408ST-10, $30.00 Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
The Doctrine of the Church Paperback, 74 pages, $12.00
30 lessons. 17 cassette tapes, RR401ST-17, $45.00
The Theology of the Land The Guise of Every Graceless Heart
20 lessons. 10 cassette tapes, RR403ST-10, $30.00 By Terrill Irwin Elniff. An extremely important
and fresh study of Puritan thought in early
The Theology of Work America. On Biblical and theological grounds,
19 lessons. 10 cassette tapes, RR404ST-10, $30.00 Puritan preachers and writers challenged the
The Doctrine of Authority autonomy of man, though not always consistently.
19 lessons. 10 cassette tapes, RR402ST-10, $30.00 Hardback, 120 pages, $7.00

Infallibility and Interpretation The Great Christian Revolution

By Rousas John Rushdoony & P. Andrew Sandlin. By Otto Scott, Mark R. Rushdoony, R.J. Rushdoony,
The authors argue for infallibility from a distinctly John Lofton, and Martin Selbrede. A major
presuppositional perspective. That is, their work on the impact of Reformed thinking on
arguments are unapologetically circular because our civilization. Some of the studies, historical
they believe all ultimate claims are based on and theological, break new ground and provide
one’s beginning assumptions. The question of perspectives previously unknown or neglected.
Biblical infallibility rests ultimately in one’s belief
about the character of God. They believe man is a Hardback, 327 pages, $22.00
creature of faith, not, following the Enlightenment’s
humanism, of reason. They affirm Biblical infallibility because The Necessity for Systematic Theology
the God Whom the Bible reveals could speak in no other way than By R.J. Rushdoony. Scripture gives us as its underlying unity a unified
infallibly, and because the Bible in which God is revealed asserts doctrine of God and His order. Theology must be systematic to be
that God alone speaks infallibly. Men deny infallibility to God not true to the God of Scripture.
for intellectual reasons, but for ethical reasons—they are sinners Booklet (now part of the author’s Systematic Theology),
in rebellion against God and His authority in favor of their own. 74 pages, $2.00
The authors wrote convinced that only by a recovery of faith in an
infallible Bible and obedience to its every command can Christians
hope to turn back evil both in today’s church and culture.
Paperback, 100 pages, $6.00

Save 15% on Orders of $50.00 or More

Keeping Our Sacred Trust
Edited by Andrew Sandlin. The Bible and the taking dominion
Christian Faith have been under attack in one way
or another throughout much of the history of the Salvation and Godly Rule
church, but only in recent times have these attacks By R.J. Rushdoony. Salvation in Scripture includes
been perceived within the church as a healthy in its meaning “health” and “victory.” By limiting
alternative to orthodoxy. This book is a trumpet the meaning of salvation, men have limited the
blast heralding a full-orbed, Biblical, orthodox power of God and the meaning of the Gospel.
Christianity. The hope of the modern world is not
Paperback, 512 pages, indices, $35.00
a passive compromise with passing heterodox fads, but aggressive
devotion to the time-honored Faith “once delivered to the saints.”
Tithing and Dominion
Paperback, 167 pages, $19.00 By Edward A. Powell and R.J. Rushdoony. God’s Kingdom covers all
things in its scope, and its immediate ministry includes, according
Infallibility: An Inescapable Concept to Scripture, the ministry of grace (the church), instruction (the
By R.J. Rushdoony. “The doctrine of the infallibility of Scripture can Christian and homeschool), help to the needy (the diaconate), and
be denied, but the concept of infallibility as such cannot be logically many other things. God’s appointed means for financing His Kingdom
denied. Infallibility is an inescapable concept. If men refuse to ascribe activities is centrally the tithe. This work affirms that the Biblical
infallibility to Scripture, it is because the concept has been transferred requirement of tithing is a continuing aspect of God’s law-word and
to something else. The word infallibility is not normally used in these cannot be neglected. This book is “must reading” as Christians work
transfers; the concept is disguised and veiled, but in a variety of ways, to take dominion in the Lord’s name.
infallibility is ascribed to concepts, things, men and institutions.”
Hardback, 146 pages, index, $12.00
Booklet (now part of the author’s Systematic Theology),
69 pages, $2.00 Christianity and the State
By R.J. Rushdoony. This book develops a Biblical
The Incredible Scofield and His Book view of the state against the modern state’s
By Joseph M. Canfield. This powerful and fully documented study humanism and its attempts to govern all spheres
exposes the questionable background and faulty theology of the of life.
man responsible for the popular Scofield Reference Bible, which did
Hardback, 192 pages, indices, $18.00
much to promote the dispensational system. The story is disturbing
in its historical account of the illusive personality canonized as a
dispensational saint and calls into question the seriousness of his Towards a Christian Marriage
motives and scholarship. Edited by Elizabeth Fellerson. The law of God makes clear how
important and how central marriage is. God the Son came into the
Hardback, 314 pages, $20.00 world neither through church nor state but through a family. This
tells us that marriage, although nonexistent in heaven, is, all the
The Will of God of the Will of Man same, central to this world. We are to live here under God as physical
By Mark R. Rushdoony. God’s will and man’s will are both involved in creatures whose lives are given their great training-ground in terms
man’s salvation, but the church has split in answering the question, of the Kingdom of God by marriage. Our Lord stresses the fact that
“Whose will is determinative?” marriage is our normal calling. This book consists of essays on the
importance of a proper Christian perspective on marriage.
Pamphlet, 5 pages, $1.00
Hardback, 43 pages, $8.00

The Theology of the State

A tape series by R.J. Rushdoony. 37 lessons that
are also from a portion of Rev. Rushdoony’s
2-volume Systematic Theology.
14 cassette tapes, RR405ST-14, $42.00

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Roots of Reconstruction Dominion-oriented tape series by
By R.J. Rushdoony. This large volume provides all of Rushdoony’s Rev. R.J. Rushdoony
Chalcedon Report articles from the beginning in 1965 to mid-1989.
These articles were, with his books, responsible for the Christian The Doctrine of the Family
Reconstruction and theonomy movements. 10 lessons that also form part of the author’s
2-volume Systematic Theology.
Hardback, 1124 pages, $20.00 5 cassette tapes, RR410ST-5, $15.00

A Comprehensive Faith Christian Ethics

Edited by Andrew Sandlin. This is the surprise 8 lessons on ethics, change, freedom, the Kingdom of God,
Festschrift presented to R.J. Rushdoony at his dominion, and understanding the future.
80th birthday celebration in April, 1996. These 8 cassette tapes, RR132ST-8, $24.00
essays are in gratitude to Rush’s influence and
elucidate the importance of his theological and The Total Crown Rights of Christ the King
philosophical contributions in numerous fields. 6 lessons on victory and dominion.
Contributors include Theodore Letis, Brian 3 cassette tapes, CN103ST-3, $9.00
Abshire, Steve Schlissel, Joe Morecraft III, Jean-
Marc Berthoud, Byron Snapp, Samuel Blumenfeld, Christine and Tape series by Rev. Douglas F. Kelly
Thomas Schirrmacher, Herbert W. Titus, Owen Fourie, Ellsworth
Reclaiming God’s World
McIntyre, Howard Phillips, Joseph McAuliffe, Andrea Schwartz, David
3 lessons on secularism vs. Christianity, restoration in the church,
Estrada-Herrero, Stephen Perks, Ian Hodge, and Colonel V. Doner. Also
and revival.
included is a forward by John Frame and a brief biographical sketch
3 cassette tapes, DK106ST-3, $9.00
of R. J. Rushdoony’s life by Mark Rushdoony. This book was produced
as a “top-secret” project by Friends of Chalcedon and donated to Ross
House Books. It is sure to be a collector’s item one day.
Hardback, 244 pages, $23.00

Thy Kingdom Come: Studies in Daniel

The Church as God’s Armory
and Revelation
By Brian Abshire. What if they gave a war and
By R.J. Rushdoony. First published in 1970,
nobody came? In the great spiritual battles of the
this book helped spur the modern rise of
last century, with the soul of an entire culture at
postmillennialism. Revelation’s details are
stake, a large segment of the evangelical church
often perplexing, even baffling, and yet its main
went AWOL. Christians retreated into a religious
meaning is clear—it is a book about victory. It
ghetto, conceding the world to the Devil and
tells us that our faith can only result in victory.
hoping anxiously that the rapture would come
“This is the victory that overcomes the world,
soon and solve all their problems. But the rapture
even our faith” (1 John 5:4). This is why knowing Revelation is so
did not come, and our nation only slid further into sin.
important. It assures us of our victory and celebrates it. Genesis 3
God’s people must be taught how to fight and win the battles ahead. In tells us of the fall of man into sin and death. Revelation gives us man’s
this small volume, you will discover how the church is God’s armory, victory in Christ over sin and death. The vast and total victory, in
designed by Him to equip and train His people for spiritual war and time and eternity, set forth by John in Revelation is too important
prepare them for victory. to bypass. This victory is celebrated in Daniel and elsewhere, in
Booklet, 83 pages, $6.00 the entire Bible. We are not given a Messiah who is a loser. These
eschatological texts make clear that the essential good news of the
entire Bible is victory, total victory.
Paperback, 271 pages, $19.00

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God’s Plan for Victory
By R.J. Rushdoony. An entire generation of journals
victory-minded Christians, spurred by the
victorious postmillennial vision of Chalcedon, The Journal of Christian Reconstruction
has emerged to press what the Puritan Fathers The purpose of the Journal is to rethink every area
called “the Crown Rights of Christ the King” in of life and thought and to do so in the clearest
all areas of modern life. Central to that optimistic possible terms. The Journal strives to recover
generation is Rousas John Rushdoony’s jewel of a the great intellectual heritage of the Christian
study, God’s Plan for Victory (originally published Faith and is a leading dispenser of Christian
in 1977). The founder of the Christian Reconstruction movement scholarship. Each issue provides in-depth studies
set forth in potent, cogent terms the older Puritan vision of the on how the Christian Faith applies in modern life.
irrepressible advancement of Christ’s kingdom by His faithful saints A collection of the Journal constitutes a reference
employing the entire law-Word of God as the program for earthly library of seminal issues of our day.
Volume Discounts: You may deduct 25% if ordering six or
Booklet, 41 pages, $6.00 more issues (see order form).
Vol. 1, No. 1: Symposium on Creation
Geological, mathematical, philosophical, biological, theological and
A 32-lesson tape series by Rev. R.J. Rushdoony.
other approaches to the subject of creation. $13.00
Learn about the meaning of eschatology for
everyday life, the covenant and eschatology, Vol. 1, No. 2: Symposium on Satanism
the restoration of God’s order, the resurrection, Occultism from the days of the early church to the present, its
the last judgment, paradise, hell, the second meaning, and the Christian perspective. $13.00
coming, the new creation, and the relationship Vol. 2, No. 1: Symposium on Christian Economics
of eschatology to man’s duty. Medieval, Reformation, and contemporary developments, the causes
16 cassette tapes, RR411ST-16, $48.00 of inflation, Manichaenism, law and economics, and much more.

biography Vol. 2, No. 2: Symposium on Biblical Law

What Scripture tells us about law, the coming crisis in criminal
investigation, pornography, community, the function of law, and
Back Again Mr. Begbie much more. $13.00
The Life Story of Rev. Lt. Col. R.J.G. Begbie
Vol. 3, No. 1: Symposium on Christianity and the American
This biography is more than a story of the three
The Christian root, the religious liberty issue, the Franklin legends,
careers of one remarkable man. It is a chronicle of
myths and realities of 1776. $13.00
a son of old Christendom as a leader of Christian
revival in the twentieth century. Personal history Vol. 5, No. 1: Symposium on Politics
shows the greater story of what the Holy Spirit can Modern politics is highly religious, but its religion is humanism.
and does do in the evangelization of the world. This journal examines the Christian alternative. $13.00
Paperback, 357 pages, $24.00 Vol. 5, No. 2: Symposium on Puritanism and Law
The Puritans believed in law and the grace of law. They were not
antinomians. Both Continental and American Puritanism are studied.
Vol. 7, No. 1: Symposium on Inflation
Inflation is not only an economic concern but at root a moral
problem. Any analysis of economics must deal also with the
theological and moral aspects as well. $13.00

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Vol. 8, No. 1: Symposium on Social Action Vol. 13, No. 1: Symposium on Change in the Social Order
The Christian mission is to every area of life, including the social This volume explores the various means of bringing change to a
structures, and hence all areas are to be brought under Christ’s social order: revolution, education and economics. It also examines
domain. $13.00 how Christianity, historically and doctrinally, impacts the social
order and provides practical answers to man’s search from meaning
Vol. 8, No. 2: Symposium on the Atonement
and order in life. It concludes with a special report on reconstruction
At the heart of our Faith is the doctrine of the atonement. This has
in action, which highlights the work of Reconstructionists at the
tremendous implications for all of life. This is more than a church
grassroots level. $13.00
doctrine; it is impossible for man to live without atonement, but all
too often the atonement we seek is a false one. $13.00 Vol. 13, No. 2: Symposium on the Decline and Fall of the West and
the Return of Christendom
Vol. 9, No. 1 & 2: Symposium on Christian Reconstruction in the
In addition to discussing the decline and fall of the West and the
Western World Today
return of Christendom, this volume describes the current crisis,
(Special Double Issue) Christian Reconstruction is under way today
constitutional law, covenant religion vs. legalism, and the implications
in the church, in politics, in science, the arts, daily living, and many
of a Christian world and life view. $13.00
other areas. In this issue, there are reports on what is happening, as
well as on critical issues which face us and require reconstruction. Vol. 14, No. 1: Symposium on Reconstruction in the Church
$19.00 and State
The re-emergence of Christian political involvement today is
Vol. 10, No. 1: Symposium on the Media and the Arts
spurred by the recognition not only that the Bible and Christian
Christian reconstruction cannot be accomplished without expanding
Faith have something to say about politics and the state, but that
the Christian presence and influence in all branches of the media and
they are the only unmoveable anchor of the state. The articles in this
the arts. $13.00
symposium deal with the following subjects: the reconstructive task,
Vol. 10, No. 2: Symposium on Business reconstruction in the church and state, economics, theology, and
This issue deals with the relationship of the Christian Faith to the philosophy. $13.00
world of business. $13.00
Vol. 14, No. 2: Symposium on the Reformation
Vol. 11, No. 1: Symposium on the Reformation in the Arts This symposium highlights the Reformation, not out of any
and Media polite antiquarian interest, but to assist our readers in the re-
Christians must learn to exercise dominion in the area of the arts and Christianization of modern life using the law of God as their
media in order to fulfill their mandate from the Lord. Also included in instrument. This symposium contains articles dealing with history,
this issue is a long and very important study of the Russian Orthodox theology, exegesis, philosophy, and culture. $13.00
Church before the Revolution. $13.00
Vol. XV: Symposium on Eschatology
Vol. 11, No. 2: Symposium on the Education of the Core Group Eschatology is not just about the future, but about God’s working in
Christians and their children must again become a vital, history. Its relevance is inescapable. $19.00
determinative core group in the world. Education is an essential
Vol. XVI: The 25th Anniversary Issue
prerequisite and duty if this is to be accomplished. $13.00
Selected articles from 25 years of the Journal by R.J. Rushdoony,
Vol. 12, No. 1: Symposium on the Constitution and Cornelius Van Til, Otto Scott, Samuel L. Blumenfeld, Gary North,
Political Theology Greg Bahnsen, and others. $19.00
To understand the intent and meaning of the Constitution it is
necessary to recognize its presuppositions. $13.00
Vol. 12, No. 2: Symposium on the Biblical Text and Literature
The God of the Bible has chosen to express Himself by both oral and
written means. Together these means represent the sum total of His
revelation. This symposium is about the preservation of original,
infallible truth as handed down through generations in the words
and texts of the human language. We have both God’s perseverance
and man’s stewarding responsibility at issue when considering the
preservation of truth in the text and words of the human language.
This symposium examines the implications of this for both sacred
and secular writings. $13.00

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