Tannery Waste Management - BioEnergy Consult

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Anaerobic Digestion of Tannery Wastes


By Salman Zafar | September 21, 2015 4:05 pm |

The conventional leather tanning technology is

highly polluting as it produces large amounts of
organic and chemical pollutants. Wastes generated
by the leather processing industries pose a major






conservative estimates, more than 600,000 tons per

year of solid waste are generated worldwide by
leather industry and approximately 4050% of the
hides are lost to shavings and trimmings.
Everyday a huge quantity of solid waste, including trimmings of finished leather, shaving dusts, hair, fleshing,
trimming of raw hides and skins, are being produced from the industries. Chromium, sulphur, oils and
noxious gas methane, ammonia, and hydrogen sulphide are the elements of liquid, gas and solid waste of
tannery industries.

Biogas from Tannery Wastes

Anaerobic digestion or biomethanation systems are mature and proven processes that have the potential
to convert tannery wastes into energy efficiently, and achieve the goals of pollution prevention/reduction,
elimination of uncontrolled methane emissions and odour, recovery of bioenergy potential as biogas,
production of stabilized residue for use as low grade fertilizer.
Anaerobic digestion of tannery wastes is an attractive method to recover energy from tannery wastes. This
method degrades a substantial part of the organic matter contained in the sludge and tannery solid wastes,
generating valuable biogas, contributing to alleviate the environmental problem, giving time to setup more
sustainable treatment and disposal routes. Digested solid waste is biologically stabilized and can be reused in
Until now, biogas generation from tannery wastewater was considered that the complexity of the waste





water stream originating from tanneries in combination with the presence of chroming would result in the
poisoning of the process in a high loaded anaerobic reactor.
When the locally available industrial wastewater treatment plant is not provided by anaerobic digester, a
large scale digestion can be planned in regions accommodating a big cluster of tanneries, if there is enough
waste to make the facility economically attractive. In this circumstance, an anaerobic codigestion plant based
on sludge and tanneries may be a recommendable option, which reduces the quantity of landfilled waste and
recovers its energy potential. It can also incorporate any other domestic, industrial or agricultural wastes.
Chromefree digested tannery sludge also has a definite value as a fertilizer based on its nutrient content.

Potential Applications of Biogas

Biogas produced in anaerobic digesters consists of methane 50%80%, carbon dioxide 20%50%, and
trace levels of other gases such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen sulfide.
Biogas can be used for producing electricity and heat, as a natural gas substitute and also a transportation
fuel. A combined heat and power plant system CHP not only generates power but also produces heat for in
house requirements to maintain desired temperature level in the digester during cold season.
CHP systems cover a range of technologies but indicative energy outputs per m3 of biogas are
approximately 1.7 kWh electricity and 2.5kWh heat. The combined production of electricity and heat is highly
desirable because it displaces nonrenewable energy demand elsewhere and therefore reduces the amount
of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.

AD Plant at ECCOs Tannery Netherlands

A highly advanced wastewater treatment plant and biogas system became fully operational in 2012 at
ECCOs tannery in the Netherlands. A large percentage of the waste is piped directly into the wastewater
plant to be converted into biogas.This biogas digester provides a source of renewable fueland also helps to
dispose of waste materials by convertingwaste from both the leathermaking processes, and thewastewater
treatment plant, into biogas. All excess organic material from the hides is also converted into biogas.
This project enables ECCO Tannery to reduce waste and to substitute virtually all of its consumption of non
renewable natural gas with renewable biogas. The aim is to use more than 40% of the total tannery waste
and replace up to 60% of the total natural gasconsumption with biogas.

Tagged Anaerobic digestion, Anaerobic Digestion of Tannery Wastes, Biogas, biogas from tannery wastes, CETP, CHP,
Chrome recovery, ECCO, industrial waste management, Industrial Wastewater, leather industry wastes, Netherlands,
sludge, tanneries, tannery waste management, waste management in tanneries, waste to energy in tannery, Wastes,

Wastes Generation in Tanneries





By Salman Zafar | January 27, 2015 4:22 pm |

1 Comment

Wastes originate from all stages of leather making,

such as fine leather particles, residues from various
chemical discharges and reagents from different
waste liquors comprising of large pieces of leather
cuttings, trimmings and gross shavings, fleshing
residues, solid hair debris and remnants of paper
Tanning refers to the process by which collagen
fibers in a hide react with a chemical agent tannin, alum or other chemicals. However, the term leather
tanning also commonly refers to the entire leathermaking process. Hides and skins have the ability to
absorb tannic acid and other chemical substances that prevent them from decaying, make them resistant to
wetting, and keep them supple and durable. The flesh side of the hide or skin is much thicker and softer. The
three types of hides and skins most often used in leather manufacture are from cattle, sheep, and pigs.
Out of 1000 kg of raw hide, nearly 850 kg is generated as solid wastes in leather processing. Only 150 Kg of
the raw material is converted in to leather. A typical tannery generate huge amount of waste:
Fleshing: 5660%
Chrome shaving, chrome splits and buffing dust: 3540%
Skin trimming: 57%
Hair: 25%
Over 80 per cent of the organic pollution load in BOD terms emanates from thebeamhousepretanning;
much of this comes from degraded hide/skin and hair matter. During the tanning process at least 300 kg of
chemicals lime, salt etc. are added per ton of hides. Excess of nonused salts will appear in the wastewater.
Because of the changing pH, these compounds can precipitate and contribute to the amount of solid waste
or suspended solids. Every tanning process step, with the exception of finishing operations, produces
wastewater. An average of 35 m3 is produced per ton of raw hide. The wastewater is made up of high
concentration of salts, chromium, ammonia, dye and solvent chemicals etc.
A large amount of waste generated by tanneries is discharged in natural water bodies directly or indirectly
through two open drains without any treatment. The water in the low lying areas in developing countries, like
India and Bangladesh, is polluted in such a degree that it has become unsuitable for public uses. In summer
when the rate of decomposition of the waste is higher, serious air pollution is caused in residential areas by
producing intolerable obnoxious odours.
Tannery wastewater and solid wastes often find their way into surface water, where toxins are carried




downstream and contaminate water used for bathing, cooking, swimming, and irrigation. Chromium waste
can also seep into the soil and contaminate groundwater systems that provide drinking water for nearby
communities. In addition, contamination in water can build up in aquatic animals, which are a common
source of food.

Tagged chromium waste, environment, India, industrial waste management, Industrial Wastes, leather industry,
Pollution, Raw hide, tanneries, tannery waste management, tannery wastes, tannery wastewater, tanning process,
waste to energy in tannery, Wastes, wastewater



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