J.B. Speed School of Engineering: Mission
J.B. Speed School of Engineering: Mission
J.B. Speed School of Engineering: Mission
engineers have a duty to society to understand and Computer Engineering and Computer Science
abide by their discipline’s Codes of Ethics. The Electrical Engineering
preamble of the National Society of Professional Industrial Engineering
Engineers (NSPE) Code of Ethics for Engineers Mechanical Engineering
Students completing requirements for the Bachelor of
“Engineering is an important and learned Science degree at the J.B. Speed School of
profession. As members of this profession, engineers Engineering and achieving the required grade point
are expected to exhibit the highest standards of average are encouraged to complete the requirements
honesty and integrity. Engineering has a direct and for the Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) degree if the
vital impact on the quality of life for all people. professional practice of engineering is a career
Accordingly, the services provided by engineers objective. According to the requirements of the
require honesty, impartiality, fairness, and equity, Kentucky State Board of Licensure for Professional
and must be dedicated to the protection of the public Engineers and Land Surveyors, a student of the J.B.
health, safety, and welfare. Engineers must perform Speed School of Engineering who has completed 105
under a standard of professional behavior that semester hours in an engineering curriculum is
requires adherence to the highest principles of eligible to sit for the Fundamentals of Engineering
ethical conduct.” examination as part of the requirements for
registration as a Professional Engineer in Kentucky.
Structure of Speed School Programs The five year M.Eng. program is the accredited
The engineering programs are structured such that engineering program at the University of Louisville
students will complete a program consisting of two and includes one year of graduate study beyond the
semesters in Engineering Fundamentals, nine or ten four years of undergraduate studies.
semesters in Departmental Studies to complete the
Bachelor of Science degree, followed by a fifth year Students who come to the J.B. Speed School of
in Graduate Studies for the Master of Engineering Engineering with a Bachelor of Science degree from
degree. To complete the program in five years, another accredited program enter into a one year
Speed School students have a full course load during Master of Science program. In addition to the
the summer semesters. The curriculum is designed as previously mentioned seven areas of specialization, a
an integrated five-year program, with a cooperative master’s program in Engineering Management is also
education component, culminating in the Master of offered by the Industrial Engineering Department.
Engineering (M.Eng.) degree. The M.Eng. program is Those who are interested in advanced engineering
accredited by the Engineering Accreditation research or in engineering education, may also pursue
Commission of ABET, Inc. the Doctor of Philosophy degree. The Master of
Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees are
Programs available in all areas of specialization except for
bioengineering (a new program which will soon be
The engineering programs of the University of
offering these graduate degrees). Information about
Louisville are offered through the J.B. Speed School
these degrees and other advanced degrees awarded by
of Engineering. The typical undergraduate program
the University of Louisville may be obtained from
of study covers a period of four calendar years
the Graduate Catalog.
spanning eleven semesters, which includes three
summer semesters. Study includes both academic
The conferring of degrees by the University of
course work and cooperative work experience with
Louisville is conditioned upon timely completion of
industry, wherein a student is provided with
all requirements in the opinion of the Dean and
conditions similar to those encountered in
faculty and issuance of appropriate formal documents
engineering practice.
by the Registrar, regardless of participation in
Upon successful completion of undergraduate study
and cooperative education, the student receives the
Bachelor of Science degree in one of seven areas of
specialization: The agency responsible for the accreditation of
educational programs leading to degrees in
Bioengineering engineering is the Engineering Accreditation
Chemical Engineering Commission (EAC) of ABET, Inc., originally known
Civil Engineering as the Accreditation Board for Engineering and
A primary goal of the School of Engineering is to Only in exceptional cases, and as a last resort,
educate men and women who will serve the should the student be advised to write directly to
engineering community with competence and the Dean.
integrity. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense at If the student is unable to obtain a resolution
Speed School of Engineering because it undermines through these procedures, he or she may request
the bonds of trust and honesty between members of the Student Grievance Office to attempt informal
the community and defrauds those who may mediation of the problem.
eventually depend upon our knowledge and integrity.
Students are expected to recognize and to uphold Grievance Procedure
standards of intellectual integrity. The School of
Engineering assumes, as a minimum standard of Unresolved student complaints regarding academic
conduct in academic matters, that the student is matters are resolved through the Speed School
honest; credit for courses is given and received on the grievance procedure. Academic matters are those
assumption and condition that all work submitted concerning instructional activities, research activities,
represents the student’s own efforts. Academic activities closely related to either of these functions
dishonesty is defined in the Code of Student Rights or decisions involving instruction or affecting
and Responsibilities. It is the student’s responsibility academic freedom. Any student who believes he has
to become familiar with the Code. Allegations of been treated unfairly, discriminated against, or has his
academic dishonesty are handled in accordance with rights abridged may initiate a grievance. The student
the Procedures for Dealing with Breaches of shall first seek to have the matter resolved internally
Academic Integrity. These procedures are available through informal discussion and through
online at: administrative channels. If informal resolution does
http://louisville.edu/speed/academics/policies/academ not occur, a formal grievance should be submitted to
ic-standards.html#academic-dishonesty. the Speed School Student Grievance Committee. A
detailed description of the procedure is given at
Student Complaints http://speed.louisville.edu/committees/grievance.pdf.
If a student has a complaint about courses, grades,
deficiencies, or decisions made by faculty members, Leadership and Administration
advisors, department chairs, directors, etc., they Previous Deans
should use the procedure outlined below. In addition,
each faculty and/or staff member involved in the The following faculty have served as Deans of the
process should make written documentation as each School of Engineering:
step is implemented.
Bennett M. Brigman 1925-1938
The student should first discuss the matter with Ford L. Willkinson 1938-1947
the person involved and attempt to resolve the Robert C. Ernst 1947-1969
complaint through informal discussion. Harry C. Saxe 1969-1980
If there is no resolution, the student should Earl R. Gerhard 1980-1990
discuss the matter with that person's supervisor Leo B. Jenkins (Acting) 1990-1991
or immediate superior in the department or Thomas R. Hanley 1991-2003
office, who should attempt to mediate a Mickey R. Wilhelm 2003- Present
If there is no resolution as the result of these Administrative Officers
discussions, the student should write to the
appropriate department chair or director Dean
specifying the nature of the concern, with a copy Mickey R. Wilhelm, Ph.D., P.E.
of the letter to the Associate Dean for Academic
Within a reasonable period of time, depending on Associate Dean for Research
the time urgency, the Associate Dean for Thomas L. Starr, Ph.D.
Academic Affairs will contact the department
chair or director, in writing, if a response has not Assistant Dean for Administration
been made. Connie Braden
Faculty Advisors
Robert A. Matthews, M.Ed. *** The advisors direct and coordinate all functions
University of Louisville of academic advisement for Engineering
Fundamentals students and new transfer students
Larry D. Tyler, Ph.D. regarding course selection and academic issues.
University of Louisville They also coordinate advising with the other
Associate in Mechanical Engineering engineering departments and the rest of the
Assistant Professors
Bioengineering Department
Jeffrey Hieb, Ph.D.
University of Louisville Bioengineering is a relatively new engineering
discipline when compared to the long-standing
James E. Lewis, Ph.D. traditions of other fields of engineering. A
University of Louisville bioengineer uses traditional engineering skills and
tools to analyze and solve problems in biology and
Term Faculty medicine. Bioengineers interact with biologists,
biochemists, physicians, physiologists, and therapists
Gale Crush, M. Eng. to design, develop and manufacture instruments,
University of Louisville devices, and software, or to develop new procedures
Assistant Professor to solve clinical problems.
Gary Rivoli, M.S. The aging of the population and the focus on health
University of Louisville issues will increase the demand for better medical
Assistant Professor devices and equipment designed by bioengineers and
Director of Outreach Programs** the employment opportunities for bioengineers are
expected to grow faster than the average for all
David W. Wheatley, Ph.D., P.E. occupations through 2012. Combined with a growing
University of Louisville job market and financial rewards, bioengineers have
Assistant Professor the gratification that comes from working to meet the
(Joint appointment with Chemical Engineering) needs of society. Bioengineers choose their field to be
of service to people, to be a part of the excitement of
working with living systems, and to apply advanced
technology to the complex problems of biology and G. An ability to communicate effectively, orally
medicine. and in writing (Communication)
H. The broad education necessary to understand
The areas of emphasis in Bioengineering at Speed the impact of bioengineering solutions in a
School include biomedical devices, bio-Micro/Nano- global, economic, environmental, and societal
Electro-Mechanical Systems, cellular, tissue and context (Societal Context)
molecular engineering, biomaterials, imaging. I. A recognition of the need for, and an ability to
engage in life-long learning (Continuing
Mission Education)
The overall mission of the Bioengineering J. A knowledge of contemporary issues
Department is to provide students with an excellent (Contemporary Issues)
education through coursework, research and co- K. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and
operative work experience to enable successful, modern engineering tools necessary for
innovative, and life-long careers in bioengineering. bioengineering practice (Engineering Practice)
Graduates of the program will have a mastery of [RSK1]
underlying bioengineering sciences and related
technologies, as well as professional, ethical, and
societal responsibilities.
Master of Engineering Program Educational
Bachelor of Science Program Educational Objectives Objectives
The educational objectives of the Bachelor of Science The purpose of the five-year Master of Engineering
in Bioengineering degree are as follows: Program is to bring together the faculty, staff, and
capital resources to meet the following program
1. Provide our graduates with a high quality educational objectives:
education, preparing them for a broad range
of and successful careers in industry and Educate and train MENG graduates with the
graduate/professional school. advanced level academic background and
2. Provide graduates with opportunities to practical engineering experience necessary to
develop leadership skills, communication function as bioengineering professionals in a
and team building. modern, ever-changing world.
3. Promote awareness among program Produce graduates who demonstrate competence
graduates of the need for complying with by being selected for employment by industrial,
professional ethics codes, understanding academic, or government entities or pursue
societal issues and engaging in life-long further professional/graduate studies.
learning for continued professional Provide our graduates with the foundation for the
development. development of a successful career and with the
understanding that life-long learning is necessary
Program Outcomes to this development.
Ensure that our graduates understand the broad
A. An ability to apply knowledge of the social, ethical, and professional issues of
mathematics, life sciences, sciences and contemporary engineering practice.
engineering to bioengineering problems
(Knowledge) Program Outcomes
B. An ability to design and conduct experiments, A. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
as well as to analyze and interpret data life sciences, sciences and engineering to
(Experimental Techniques) bioengineering problems
C. An ability to design a system, component, B. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as
devices, or process to meet desired needs well as to analyze and interpret data
(Design) C. An ability to design a system, component, or
D. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary process to meet desired needs
teams (Teamwork) D. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary
E. An ability to identify, formulate and solve teams
bioengineering problems (Problem Solving) E. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve
F. An understanding of professional and ethical bioengineering problems
responsibility (Ethics)
Associate Professor
Stuart K. Williams, II, Ph.D.
Steven C. Koenig, Ph.D. University of Delaware
University of Texas Endowed Chair Professor, Cardiovascular Innovation
Joint Appointment with Department of Surgery, Institute
School of Medicine
Adjunct Professors
Assistant Professors
Mike Voor, Ph.D.
Ayman El-Baz, Ph.D. Tulane University
University of Louisville Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
University of Maryland
Program Outcomes Professor
Room 106 R. C. Ernst Hall
In order to achieve these objectives, the Bachelor of
Chemical Engineering has the following outcomes Professors
set for its graduates. Graduates will demonstrate:
an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, Kyung A. Kang, Ph.D.
science and engineering to identify, formulate University of California at Davis
and solve chemical engineering problems
an ability to design and conduct experiments Thomas L. Starr, Ph.D.
demonstrating chemical engineering principles, University of Louisville
as well as to analyze and interpret resulting data Associate Dean
an ability to design a system, component, or
Mahendra K. Sunkara, Ph.D.
process relevant to chemical engineering practice
Case Western Reserve University
to meet desired needs subject to realistic
constraints such as economics, environmental
Associate Professors
compliance and sustainability, health and safety,
manufacturability, and social, political, and
Gerold A. Willing, Ph.D.
ethical implications
Auburn University
an ability to function on multi-disciplinary or
multi-functional teams
Assistant Professors
an ability to identify, formulate, and solve
chemical engineering problems Robert Eric Berson, Ph.D.
an understanding of the professional and ethical University of Louisville
responsibility of the practicing chemical engineer
an ability to communicate effectively in writing, Moises A. Carreon, PhD
orally, and via modern computer technology University of Cincinnati
the broad education necessary to understand the
impact of chemical engineers and engineering Xio’an (Sean) Fu, Ph.D.
solutions in a global, economic, environmental, Case Western Reserve University
and societal context
a recognition of the need for, and an ability to David W. Wheatley, Ph.D., P.E.
engage in life-long learning University of Louisville
a knowledge of contemporary issues, especially (Joint appointment with Engineering Fundamentals)
those pertinent to the practice of chemical
an ability to use the techniques, skills, and
modern engineering tools necessary for chemical
Lawrence Gettleman, D.M.D.
engineering practice
Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Professor of Prosthodontics and Biomaterials
In addition to meeting the above-listed outcomes,
graduates of the Master of Engineering Program with
Patricia A. S. Ralston, Ph.D.
specialization in Chemical Engineering must have:
University of Louisville
one academic year of study beyond the Professor of Engineering Fundamentals
baccalaureate level
the ability to apply masters level knowledge in a Richard A. Ward, Ph.D.
specialized area of chemical engineering University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Professor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology
Faculty Adjunct Professors
Department Chair Duane F. Bruley, Ph.D.
University of Tennessee
James C. Watters, Ph.D., P.E.
Joseph A. Zimlich, M.Eng. Civil Engineering is perhaps the most varied of all
University of Louisville the disciplines, with career opportunities ranging
from construction supervision to computer
Emeritus Faculty programming. Many Civil Engineers eventually
become owners of the companies for which they
Dermot J. Collins, Ph.D., P.E. work; in fact, many Civil Engineers own their own
Georgia Institute of Technology "one person" firm. Others will take a fast track to
Professor management, often becoming responsible for multi-
million dollar projects before age 30. Still others will
Pradeep B. Deshpande, Ph.D., P.E. opt to stay in highly technical design positions.
University of Arkansas
Professor One area where Civil Engineering is taking the lead
is in the use of high technology in the workplace. For
Marvin Fleischman, Ph.D., P.E. example, computer graphics and other forms of
University of Cincinnati computer-aided engineering are fundamental to much
Professor of what is accomplished in practice.
Earl R. Gerhard, Ph.D., P.E. The areas of emphasis in Civil and Environmental
University of Illinois Engineering at Speed School include structures,
Dean and Professor geomechanics, water resources, and transportation. In
each area, the faculty is committed to preparing the
Dean O. Harper, Ph.D., P.E. students to meet the infrastructure challenge through
University of Cincinnati the application of high technology, founded upon
Professor traditional Civil Engineering strengths. These
strengths lie in mathematics, the physical sciences,
Walden L. S. Laukhuf, Ph.D., P.E. and analytic skills.
University of Louisville
Professor The program leading to the degree Master of
Engineering with specialization in Civil Engineering
Charles A. Plank, Ph.D. is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation
North Carolina State University Commission of the Accreditation Board for
Professor Engineering and Technology (EAC/ABET).
and research skills, as appropriate for their degree The ability to demonstrate effective oral
and career objectives, which will enable them to communication in the field of electrical
pursue successful careers in the electrical engineering engineering.
profession. The ability to demonstrate effective written
communication in the field of electrical
The purpose of the Bachelor of Science program is to Attainment of the broad education necessary to
bring together the faculty, staff, and capital resources understand the impact of engineering solutions in
to meet the following program educational a global, economic, environmental, and societal
objectives: context.
Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in The ability to recognize and respond to the need
Electrical Engineering program shall be for lifelong learning for a successful career in
prepared for successful and productive electrical engineering.
engineering careers, possess technical An understanding of contemporary technical and
competency, and be effective team members professional issues in the practice of electrical
and effective communicators. engineering.
Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in The ability to use the techniques, skills, and tools
Electrical Engineering program shall be of modern engineering effectively in the practice
prepared for the successful pursuit of of electrical engineering.
graduate studies and have the ability to
engage in lifelong learning in electrical Master of Engineering Program Educational
engineering and related fields. Objectives 1
Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in
Electrical Engineering program shall possess The purpose of the Master of Engineering Program is
a sense of professionalism, with emphasis to bring together the faculty, staff, and capital
on professional ethics and an awareness of resources to meet the following program educational
professional licensing, and shall participate objectives:
in the affairs of the profession. Graduates of the Master of Engineering in
Electrical Engineering program shall be
Bachelor of Science Program Outcomes 1 prepared for successful and productive
engineering careers, possess technical
The specific educational outcomes which students competency, and be effective team members
can expect to derive from the Bachelor of Science and effective communicators.
program are: Graduates of the Master of Engineering in
The ability to apply knowledge of the physical Electrical Engineering program shall be
sciences, mathematics, and engineering prepared for the successful pursuit of
fundamentals to the solution of electrical graduate studies and have the ability to
engineering problems. engage in lifelong learning in electrical
The ability to design and conduct experiments in engineering and related fields.
electrical engineering, and to analyze and Graduates of the Master of Engineering in
interpret the data generated by those Electrical Engineering program shall possess
experiments. a sense of professionalism, with emphasis
The ability to design components, devices, and on professional ethics and an awareness of
systems to meet specified needs in electrical professional licensing, and shall participate
engineering, within realistic constraints such as in the affairs of the profession.
economic, environmental, social, political,
ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and Master of Engineering Program Outcomes 2
The ability to function effectively on multi- The specific educational outcomes which the student
disciplinary teams which may involve people can expect to derive from the Master of Engineering
from diverse backgrounds. Electrical Engineering program are:
The ability to identify, formulate, and solve The ability to apply knowledge of the physical
problems in electrical engineering. sciences, mathematics, and engineering
An understanding of professional and ethical fundamentals to the solution of electrical
responsibilities. engineering problems.
The ability to design and conduct experiments in program offering of a B.S. in Electrical Engineering
electrical engineering, and to analyze and with Western Kentucky University.
interpret the data generated by those
experiments. Goals and measures used for assessment depend on
The ability to design components, devices, and the particular degree.
systems to meet specific needs in electrical All outcomes are assessed in the B.S. degree; a
engineering, within realistic constraints such as subset receives additional assessment in the M.Eng.
economic, environmental, social, political,
ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and Faculty
sustainability. Department Chair
The ability to function effectively on multi-
disciplinary teams which may involve people James H. Graham, Ph.D., P.E.
from diverse backgrounds. Purdue University
The ability to identify, formulate, and solve Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering
problems in electrical engineering. Henry Vogt Chair of Computer Science and
An understanding of professional and ethical Engineering
responsibilities. Joint Appointment in Computer Engineering and
The ability to demonstrate effective oral Computer Science
communication skills in the field of electrical Professor
engineering. Associate Chair
The ability to demonstrate effective written
communication skills in the field of electrical John F. Naber, Ph.D.
engineering. Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Attainment of the broad education necessary to Professor
understand the impact of engineering solutions in
a global, economic, environmental, and societal Professors
The ability to recognize and respond to the need Bruce W. Alphenaar, Ph.D.
for life-long learning for a successful career in Yale University
electrical engineering.
Amir A. Amini, Ph.D.
An understanding of contemporary technical and
University of Michigan
professional issues in the practice of electrical
Associate in Mechanical Engineering
Endowed Chair in Bioimaging
The ability to use the techniques, skills, and tools
of modern engineering effectively in the practice
Robert W. Cohn, Ph.D., P.E.
of electrical engineering.
Southern Methodist University
Distinguished University Scholar
The experiences that contribute to the outcomes arise
in lecture and laboratory courses, independent study,
Aly A. Farag, Ph.D.
projects, cooperative employment, and in the social
Purdue University
culture of informal contacts and IEEE Student
Branch activities.
Barry R. Horowitz, Ph.D.
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
The Electrical and Computer Engineering
Director of Undergraduate and
Department offers programs leading to the following
Professional Programs
degrees: Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Electrical
Engineering, Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) with
John H. Lilly, Ph.D., P.E.
Specialization in Electrical Engineering, Master of
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Science (M.S.) in Electrical Engineering, and Doctor
of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Electrical Engineering. The
Kevin M. Walsh, Ph.D.
Department also offers a Ph.D. Degree in Computer
University of Cincinnati
Science and Engineering (CSE) jointly with the
Samuel T. Fife Alumni Professor of Electrical and
Department of Computer Engineering and Computer
Computer Engineering
Science. The Department also participates in a joint-
Joseph D. Cole, Ph.D., P.E. The Industrial Engineering mission statement, which
Southern Methodist University aligns with mission of the University of Louisville
Professor and J.B. Speed School of Engineering, is to “provide
outstanding industrial engineering educational
John Carroll Hill, Ph.D., P.E. opportunities for regional, national and international
Purdue University students, while maintaining our societal commitment
Professor to the development of new knowledge through the
integration of research, scholarship and practice.”
Leo B. Jenkins, Jr., Ph.D., P.E.
Purdue University Degree Programs
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering (BSIE)
William H. Pierce, Ph.D., M.D., P.E.
Stanford University, Ph.D. The BSIE degree is part of a the fully integrated
five-year engineering program leading to the
Donald J. Scheer, Ph.D., P.E. accredited Master of Engineering in Industrial
The Ohio State University Engineering degree. The BSIE degree requires 132
Professor credit hours and culminates in a senior Capstone
Design Project in which students work in groups to
solve real industrial engineering problems for a local
Industrial Engineering Department
BSIE Program Educational Objectives
Industrial Engineers design large-scale integrated
systems of people, equipment, energy, material, and The objectives of the BSIE degree program are to
information. IEs can improve the productivity in a produce ethically responsible graduates who are:
factory, shorten waiting times in hospital emergency successful in the professional practice of
rooms, arrange for "just in time" delivery of products, industrial engineering
direct barge traffic on inland waterways; and even effective communicators and team players, and,
help to make planes run on time. Specific areas involved in professional service and lifelong
within the IE field include facility layout, material learning.
handling systems, production planning and
scheduling, ergonomics and human factors, logistics BSIE Program Outcomes
and distribution, operations research, math modeling
and optimization, inventory analysis, engineering The faculty of the Department of Industrial
ergonomics, work design, computer simulation, and Engineering actively monitors all aspects of the
more. The study of Industrial Engineering requires programs to ensure that the objectives are met and
knowledge of mathematics, physical and behavioral that graduates demonstrate the following outcomes:
sciences, economics, computers skills, written and an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
oral communication skills, and an ability to work in science, and engineering
team-based environments. Most importantly, IEs an ability to design and conduct experiments, as
recognize that people are essential components in the well as to analyze and interpret data
systems that are being designed, and account for
an ability to design a system, component, or
them to ensure overall system effectiveness. ABET,
process to meet desired needs within realistic
Inc., accredits the program leading to the degree,
constraints such as economic, environmental,
Master of Engineering with specialization in
social, political, ethical, health and safety,
Industrial Engineering. The department also offers
manufacturability, and sustainability
the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
(BSIE), the Master of Science in Industrial an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
Engineering (MSIE), and the PhD in Industrial an ability to identify, formulate, and solve
Engineering (PhD). In addition, the department offers engineering problems
a Master of Engineering in Engineering Management an understanding of professional and ethical
(MEngEM) degree. responsibility
an ability to communicate effectively
The faculty of the Department of Industrial The MEngEM is a professional degree offered by the
Engineering actively monitors all aspects of the Speed School of Engineering. It is a part-time,
programs to ensure that the objectives are met and evening degree program open only to those students
that graduates demonstrate the following outcomes: who have earned at least a bachelors degree from a
an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, college or university offering programs that are
science, and engineering accredited by ABET, Inc. Students must also be
an ability to design and conduct experiments, as actively engaged in full-time professional
well as to analyze and interpret data employment during the period of enrollment in the
an ability to design a system, component, or degree program. As a result of the evening classes
process to meet desired needs within realistic and management focus, this program has successfully
constraints such as economic, environmental, attracted a wide variety of practicing engineers (of all
social, political, ethical, health and safety, engineering disciplines) from the region. For more
manufacturability, and sustainability information, see the Graduate Catalog.
an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
an ability to identify, formulate, and solve
engineering problems Department Chair
an understanding of professional and ethical
responsibility John S. Usher, Ph.D., P.E.
North Carolina State University
Rice University
Assistant Professor, Department of Bioengineering
Adjunct Professor
Emeritus Faculty