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FIDIC Role of Engineer

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FIDIC Policy Statements

Draft released for comment, 6 November 2009

The role of Project Managers, Construction Managers and Technical Supervisors and similar
under the FIDIC Construction and Plant and Design-Build Contracts



The Middle East is a confluence of many cultures and people from different parts of the world with
education background that influences their thinking and their activities.
This fact has a profound effect on construction activities and in particular on the method of
procurement of the construction project. No attempt has been made in the Middle East to classify these
methods or distinguish between them in an organised manner, particularly as construction activities
soared in number and in value at an incredible rate throughout the last twenty years.
Procurement based on the FIDIC Conditions of Contract featured highly in the development of
construction in the Middle East. The use of the FIDIC Conditions of Contract, particularly the 4th
Edition of the FIDIC Red Book is widespread all over the region. However, in almost every case, these
General Conditions were amended to varying extents, shifting the inherent risks to the Contractor.
Their use became contaminated with ideas that form no part of the FIDIC procurement procedure.
Under the 4th Edition of the FIDIC Red Book, the main parties connected contractually to the
Employer or the Owner in the procurement strategy are the Engineer and the Contractor, as can be seen
from the diagramme. The Engineer is usually assisted by suitably qualified assistants who should cover
all aspects of supervision, quality control, measurement and other required functions on the site and in
the design office.

The diagramme shows the usual arrangements in a construction project based on a FIDIC procurement
system under the Red Book 4 Edition and Yellow Book 3 Edition Forms of Contract.
The allocation of risks and the resultant responsibilities and liabilities flowed from the diagram. The
functions referred to in the Conditions of Contract on a construction project emanated from the
principle of control of these of these risks and their effects, if and when they eventuate.
Under the 1999 Red (Construction Contract) and Yellow (Plant and Design-Build Contract) Books, the
same arrangement existed, but with the transfer of the major part of the design risk to the Contractor in
the Yellow Book, leaving with the Engineer the task of preparing and administering a document
referred to as the Employers Requirements.
However, as stated above, in many projects where the FIDIC Conditions of Contract were used, the
FIDIC procurement procedure was contaminated by other methods and other functions that are foreign
to the basic principles of adopting and using the FIDIC Conditions of Contract were added.
Titles such as Project Manager, Construction Manager and Technical Supervisor crept into the
Construction arena, particularly from the United States, with overlapping duties and responsibilities on
site. Some of these duties and responsibilities formed part of the function of the Engineer, as
understood under the FIDIC Contracts. In some projects, all three titles appeared with split
responsibilities, and with different levels of such responsibility. As these titles are not mentioned
within the FIDIC procurement procedure nor within the FIDIC Conditions of Contract, engineers and
other professionals began to enquire as to where should the functions of persons with such titles be
slotted within the FIDIC system.

Different Methods of Procurement

The meaning of the titles Project Manager and Construction Manager varies for different projects
in different countries. For present purposes, either function of such titles can be used and refers to the
Manager who is in charge of a project on behalf of the Employer. The project could include one or
more construction contracts.
2.1 Separate Control of Design and Progress.
On some projects the supervision of design/quality is separated from the supervision of
progress/payment within a single construction contract. The progress/payment is directly
controlled by the Construction Manager/Project Manager. This might be done to suit the needs of
the project, as noted in further examples below, or is done sometimes because the company which
the Employer had appointed to control the overall project is not suitable to supervise the
design/quality. The design supervisor then reports to the Project Manager, but in certain
circumstances would be also allocated legal responsibility for the design.
There are obvious potential problems of divided responsibility, with consequences for the
efficient management of the project, particularly if there are claims to be considered.
2.2 Multi - Main Contractor Projects.
For large building projects, a system which is frequently used is where the Employer appoints a
Construction Manager/Project Manager, either in-house or as a Consultant, together with a

number of separate Contractors for different parts or trades in the Works. Different Contractors
work both concurrently and sequentially on the site. This system originated in the United States
and has been used in different parts of the Middle East for some time. It is particularly favoured
for large building projects where excavation, concrete frame, external cladding, internal walls,
finishes, etc. can be let as separate contracts to different Main Contractors.
The individual contracts might be let either as traditional Construction Contracts (designed by the
Employer or on his behalf by a Consulting Engineer) or as design-build where the sketch design
is carried out by the Employer or on his behalf by a Consulting Engineer and the remaining
design by the Contractor. An overall Project Manager is then appointed to coordinate and control
progress on the different contracts. However, he may not be suitable for the design/quality
supervision of the individual contracts. An engineer similar to the FIDIC Engineer would then be
appointed to be responsible for design/quality supervision and for the preparation of the payment
certificates, etc., subject to the Project Managers approval on behalf of the Employer. The
coordination of progress and study of claims, particularly when one Contractor has delayed
another Contractor, will involve more than one Contract.
In this type of project, which is normally divided into a number of separate works packages, the
Employer enters into an agreement with a designer for the overall design of the works and, at the
same time, concludes an agreement with a Construction Management Contractor who is to liaise
closely with the designer and be responsible for managing the implementation of the works.
The Construction Management Contractor will arrange for the invitation of tenders for the
separate works packages for contracts to be entered into directly with the Employer.
The contractual risks which are not shifted to the individual works contractors would remain with
and be carried by the Employer. The Construction Management Contractor will be paid a
management fee.
The aims of these arrangements are to increase the involvement of constructors during the design
stages of a project and to reduce the overall period from inception to completion. Advocates of
this method contend that an advantage of these arrangements over the traditional method is that
the designers can concentrate on their design work while leaving the supervision of construction
to management teams. On the other hand, it is clear that the best party to supervise a construction
object is the designer.
Under the usual arrangements for this type of project:

- provides the finance; and
- appoints the Construction Management Contractor to administer the contract,
monitor the design and manufacturing activities, the installation and erection on site
and construction work and to certify payment; and
- arranges a sharing of construction risks in the contractual arrangements.

- Construction Management Contractor would deal with variations; and

- Payments to the contractor would be in accordance with milestones generally on a lump

sum basis or on a measure and value basis depending upon the form of conditions of
contract used.
2.3 Specific Trends
2.3.1 Employer/Contractor Joint Venture
In certain circumstances, very large projects have necessitated that the Developer sets up a Joint
Venture Company with a Contractor. The Joint Venture Company then becomes the Employer
for a series of separate contracts as discussed above. The Contractor part of the JV may be
appointed as Contractor for some contracts and may also purchase materials in bulk and
provide them to other contractors.
2.3.2 Design Development.
Another trend in the Middle East generally is for a Particular Conditions of the Conditions of
Contract to require the Contractor to provide shop drawings or working drawings for the
approval of the designer. The designers drawings do not provide all the necessary detailed
information so the Contractor has to provide additional information for the approval of the
designer, which includes some design activities. The distinction between Engineers design
drawings and Contractors workshop details becomes blurred.


The arrangements in a construction project based on the FIDIC procurement procedure
under the Red and Yellow Forms of Contract
As explained in section 1 above, for a project that has only a single construction contract, the
FIDIC system of an Engineer in charge, with suitably qualified assistants, the main parties
connected contractually to the Employer/Owner in the procurement strategy are the Engineer and
the Contractor. This system leaves the Engineer to be in charge of all activities in the design
office and on site. This system must be preferable to the other systems discussed above.
If the Parties wish to introduce people or parties with titles such as those referred to above, i.e.,
Project Manager, Construction Manager and Technical Supervisor, then it is wise not to
dismantle the FIDIC system but to allow the persons or parties allocated these functions to work
within the system, i.e., to work either under the Engineers team or, if applicable, under both the
Engineers team and the Contractors team, and be given detailed description of the task or tasks
allocated to them from within the responsibilities of the Engineer and/or the Contractor.
It is further recommended here that even in the case of multiple contracts with more than one
main contractor on one site, it is better to retain the integrity of the FIDIC system of procurement,
as described in the previous paragraph rather than introduce these other functions with shared
responsibilities and liabilities that would, more likely than not, lead to conflict and dispute
regarding their precise nature and quantum.

FIDIC; August 2009


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