"DENON DJ Music Manager" Has The Functions Described Below
"DENON DJ Music Manager" Has The Functions Described Below
"DENON DJ Music Manager" Has The Functions Described Below
2 Description of screen
[Menu section]
Select and execute the various functions of DENON DJ Music Manager.
[Icon section]
Includes functions frequently used by users, such as Create Database,
Transport Audio File, Transport Playlist, Create Playlist, Import
Playlist, etc.
[Playback section]
Preview MP3/WAV files in player, add files to Playlist, set BPM manually
and set files Break Point.
The DENON DJ Media Players are specifically designed to playback MP3/WAV
files stored on external USB devices such as hard drives and thumb Drives in
addition to our models that offer internal build-in HDD storage. Because large
numbers of MP3/WAV files can be stored on HDDs, the files must be managed
in our database in order to achieve comfortable, efficient and smooth operation.
DENON DJ Music Manager is a file management program exclusively designed
for DENON DJ products.
Once the computers power is on, connect its USB terminal to the
players USB B terminal using a USB cable (sold separately).
Click the File (F) menu, select Add File to Database or Add Folder
to Database, then select the file(s) or folder(s) you want to transfer to
the player. (Refer to Adding files to the database on page 7.)
Once file transfer is completed and all the operations are finished, use the
computers Safety Remove Hardware to cut the connection to the
Disconnect the USB cable connected between the player and computer.
The files that have been transferred to the player can now be
2. Connecting a USB device to the player and playing its MP3/WAV files
When the USB device connected in step 2 above is being used on the
player for the first time, a database is created.
When creating the database, it is also possible to register all the
MP3/WAV files stored on the USB device in the database. (Refer to
Creation and updating of databases on page 5, 6.)
If the USB device connected in step 2 above has been used on the player
before, there is no need to create a database. Proceed to step 6.
If you want to add MP3/WAV files to the USB device connected in step
2, click the File (F) menu, select Add File to Database or Add Folder
to Database, then select the file(s) or folder(s) you want to add to the
USB device. (Refer to Editing of file data on page 7.)
If MP3/WAV files are added to the USB device using Explorer, etc.,
without using DENON DJ Music Manager, please update the
database. (Refer to Creation and updating of databases on page
5, 6.)
Once all the operations for creating the database, adding files, etc., are
completed, use the computers Safety Remove Hardware to terminate
the connection with the USB device.
Connect the USB device to the players USB A terminal. (The LINK icon
flashes in the display.)
Select Yes:
When creating the database, all the MP3/WAV files on the device are
registered in the database.
Select No:
When creating the database, the MP3/WAV files are not registered. They
should be registered at the users discretion. For instructions on registering
MP3/WAV files in the database, see Adding files to the database on page 7.
A list of files that could not be registered when the Database Create
command was executed is displayed.
A popup for confirming where the file is to be saved and the file name
When OK is selected, the data is stored in csv format in the specified folder.
About formats, etc. (the following applies to USB memory devices and all other
sorts of mass storage devices)
q The player is compatible with FAT16 and FAT32 formats.
w Maximum number of files: 50,000/device.1
e Maximum number of folders: 5,000/device.
r Folder structure: Up to 9 layers.2
t For drives formatted in multiple partitions, the player only recognizes the top
volume (partition), so when using such drives, move the files you want to
play to the top volume.
y Because a database is created, use a device with at least 20 MB of free
1 If the number of files exceeds 50,000, player can play first 50,000 registered
files, and no further files are recognized.
2 Cannot playback files in a folder located further from the specified
Folder/directory hierarchical level.
2 Database Update
If you decide to add more files to an external USB device by your computers
copy/paste or drag&drop function after a database has already been
created, you will need to use the Music Managers UPDATE function to register
these newly added files.
When files have been sent to the HDD without using DENON DJ Music
Manager, the sent files cannot be used until the database is updated.
When only the contents of the ID3 tags have been changed without using
DENON DJ Music Manager, the new contents are not reflected in the
database, even if the database is updated.
When a database is updated, entire HDD contents will be checked. Therefore,
it can take more time to update a database than to create a new database
depending on the HDD contents.
To transfer MP3/WAV files into the player built-in HDD (built-in models only) or
USB HDD, use DENON DJ Music Manager.
There is a limit to the number of items that can be stored in the Title,
Artist, Album, Genre and Folder database.
Title: 50,000
Artist: 20,000
Album: 10,000
Genre: 500
Folder: 5,000
Files per Folder: 1,000
Playback function
The files registered in the database can be played.
Playing files
Double-click on the file you want to play to start playback.
Files registered in playlists can be played by double-clicking on them.
Stopping playback
The more to the right you click, the higher the volume.
repeatedly in rhythm.
Click File (F) on the menu or right-click in the database file area with
your mouse.
Click File (F) on the menu or highlight file and right-click with mouse.
Click OK.
The contents input in step 3 are stored and the editor is quit.
If Previous or Next is clicked, contents input in step 3 are stored
and the file data (ID3 tag) for the previous or next file is displayed.
Click Edit (E) on the menu or right-click in the database file area with
your mouse.
name/category area.
The Playlist Information Editor pop-up window appears.
Input the name of the playlist and category.
2 Playlist Delete
2 Playlist Edit
Changing the names of playlists and categories
Click OK.
The contents input in step 3 are stored and the editor will close.
If Previous or Next is clicked, contents input in step 3 are
stored and the information for the previous or next playlist is
Push the CANCEL button to cancel this operation.
Printing playlists
Playlist Import
Playlists created on different applications (in XML/M3U format) can be imported.
If files in formats other than MP3/WAV are included on an imported playlist,
those files are registered in our playlist.
A dialog box for selecting the playlist is displayed.
You may also select multiple Playlists at once for faster importing.
The device with the specified database is backed up.
A folder name and file name of backed up file are saved with Short File Name.
Also the names of restored file are restructured with Short File Name.
Therefore please use the back up operation as a preliminary function.
The device with the specified database is restored.
Select AutoBPM.
Analysis of the selected file to detect its BPM begins.
A list of the BPM values detected through file analysis is displayed. The
detected BPM values are stored in the files ID3 tag.
1. Files with BPMs less than 60 cannot be analyzed.
2. Files that are registered which already have a BPM less than 60 will not be
displayed by the Music Managers BPM field. The BPM field will appear
blank for these files.
Select the file for which you want to create the waveform data.
The created waveform data is recorded in the files ID3 tag and displayed
in the [Playback section] when the file is played.
When the Create Wave Data menu item is selected to create the waveform
data, the waveform data is not created if there is already waveform data in the
files ID3 tag.
When the Recreate Wave Data menu item is selected to create the
waveform data, new waveform data is created even if there is already
waveform data in the files ID3 tag.
If no BPM value is recorded in the ID3 tag when creating waveform data, the
Automatic detection of the BPM records the BPM value in the ID3 tag at the
same time.
If you decide to add waveform data to all your files in one session, this may
take a while depending on how many files you have. It is recommended to
perform this task at least 24-hrs before needing to access this device.
Play the file for which you want to set the break point.
At the place you want to set the break point, click the 16, 32, 64 or A/B
A break point of the corresponding number of beats (16, 32 or 64 beats)
is set at the point at which the button was clicked, and the break point is
stored in the MP3 files ID3 tag.
For the A/B button, first set the break points starting point, then the break
points end point.
When the break point is set, the break point position is indicated in dark
orange in the waveform display area.
To clear a break point you have set, press the CLR button.
The break point area can be viewed in the display of the supported media
player by red dots.
Record the waveform data in the MP3 file using the Waveform data generation
function on page 12 before setting a break point for that file.