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1 Tensile Test

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In the name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful


Tensile Test
Prepared By
Noraini Mohd Razali
Edited By
Mahendran A/L Samykano
Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal,
Universiti Malaysia Pahang
Lab Location
Strength of Materials Lab
Lab Objectives
By the end of this lab, students should be able to:
Conduct tensile test for different material and obtain stress-strain curve for each
Use stress-strain curve to determine the modulus of elasticity, yield strength,
ultimate tensile strength, breaking strength, ductility and toughness of each
Date: ____________________


Group Members

BMM2521 Engineering Mechanics Lab 11_1011/2_Tensile_Test

Student ID


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Tensile Test

Tensile test is used to evaluate the strength of metals and alloys. In this test a metal & plastic
sample is pulled to failure in a relatively short time at a constant rate. Before testing, two small
punch marks are identified along the specimens length. The ability of a material to resist
breaking under tensile stress is one of the most important and widely measured properties of
materials used in structural applications.
Using the recorded data, the nominal or engineering stress is found by dividing the applied load
P by the specimens original cross sectional area, A0 .

The nominal or engineering strain is found by dividing the change in the specimens gage length,
( L L0 ) by the specimens original gage length, L0

From the data of a tension test, it is possible to compute various values of the stress and
corresponding strain in the specimen and then plot the results. The resulting curve is called the
stress-strain diagram. The yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, breaking strength and elastic
or Youngs modulus of a material can all be determined from this curve. The curve shown in
Figure 1 is typical of metallic behavior. At small strain values (the elastic region), the
relationship between stress and strain is nearly linear. Within this region, the slope of the stressstrain curve is defined as the elastic modulus. Since many metals lack a sharp yield point, i.e. a
sudden, observable transition between the elastic region and the plastic region, the yield point is
often defined as the stress that gives rise to a 0.2% permanent plastic strain. By this convention, a
line is drawn parallel to the elastic region of the material, starting at a strain level of 0.2% strain
(or 0.002 mm/mm.). The point at which this line intersects the curve is called the yield point or
the yield stress. The ultimate tensile strength, in contrast, is found by determining the maximum
stress reached by the material. The total work of elastic deformation is a measure of resilience,
where Modulus of Resilience, U r
The total work to fracture is a measure of toughness and is given by total area under curve, U Total
Modulus of Toughness, U Total pl

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Figure 1: Stress-strain diagram for metal


Experiment Setup
Test preparation

Identify each specimen, measure and record the length, width and thickness of the
gage of the specimen in Table 1
Table 1: Specimen Dimension

Length (L0)

Cross section Area (A0)

Equipment & Material preparation

Test specimen: Mild steel, Aluminum & Brass

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Figure 2: INSTRON Testing Apparatus

Figure 3: Specimen for Tensile Test


Experiment Procedure
1. Double click the IX series icon on the computer
2. Load the specimen (e.g. mild steel) into the lower and upper grip. Make sure the
specimen is straight.
3. Click Method icon and set the specimen parameter and crosshead speed
4. Click Test icon and enter sample file name, then operators name
5. Choose a test method according to your application (Tensile, compressive, Flexural,
6. Reset the load and strain
7. Click Start Test
8. When the test finished, click to the utilities in the main screen to view the result of the
9. Fill up Table 2 with the data of load and displacement from the Instron output.
Convert these data to stress and strain and plot the stress-strain diagram.
10. Repeat the experiment for the other materials (Aluminum & Brass).

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Fill up the results of the experiment in the table and plot stress-strain diagrams for each of
the material.
Table 2: Result for_______________




Stress-strain diagram for________________

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Table 3: Result for_____________________





Stress-strain diagram for____________________

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Table 4: Result for_____________________





Stress-strain diagram for________________________

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Table 5: Summary of Properties obtain from the stress-strain diagram



Modulus of elasticity, E
Proportional limit, pl
Yield strength, y
Ultimate strength (max stress),
Breaking strength (fracture point)


1. Introduction & Objective [1 marks]
2. Apparatus & Specimen [1 marks]
3. Theory of Tensile test, stress, strain, Brittle & ductile material, etc [5 marks]
4. Experiment Procedure [2 marks]
5. Results [25]
6. Calculation of Stress, Strain, Youngs Modulus, etc [2]
7. Discussion

Discuss the elastic & plastic behavior for each graph. Attach picture of the
failure specimen [6]

Calculate the modulus of elasticity and yield strength based on 0.2% offset. [2]

Determine the permanent strain that remains in the specimen when the load is
released [1]

Compute the modulus of resilience [1]

Compute the modulus of toughness [1]

8. Conclusion [2]
9. References [1]

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Introduction & Objective

to understand the principle of a uniaxial tensile testing and gain their
practices on operating the tensile testing machine to achieve the required
tensile properties.
to explain load-extension and stress-strain relationships and represent
them in graphical forms.
To evaluate the values of ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, %
elongation, fracture strain and Young's Modulus of the selected metals
when subjected to uniaxial tensile loading.
Tensile testing is one of the most fundamental tests for engineering, and
provides valuable information about a material and its associated
properties. These properties can be used for design and analysis of
engineering structures, and for developing new materials that better suit
a specified use.
The tensile testing laboratory was conducted using an Instron load frame
and the BlueHill data acquisition software. Four different materials were
tested, including 6061-T6 Aluminum Alloy, A-36 hot rolled steel,
polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA, cast acrylic), and polycarbonate. The
samples were cylindrical in cross section, with a reduced gage section.
The reduced gage section ensured that the highest stresses occurred
within the gage, and not near the grips of the Instron load frame,
preventing strain and fracture of the specimen near or in the grips. The
reduced gage section of each specimen was about 12.7 mm (0.5 inches).
The samples were already machined to the proper dimensions required
for the test, according to ASTM standards.
Three samples of each material were tested in the Instron load frame,
and the data gathered into an Excel spreadsheet. The data was used to
calculate various properties of each material, including the elastic

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modulus, yield strength, ultimate tensile strength. The data was then
plotted on engineering stress-strain curves to compare the samples. The
purpose of this experiment was to gather information about each
material so that important mechanical properties could be determined.
This experiment also familiarized the students with the Instron load
frame, BlueHill data acquisition software, and the general steps to
performing a tensile test on a reduced gage section specimen. The data
used for this lab report was not gathered from the student run
experiments, but rather from standardized testing performed by the
laboratory professor, to ensure accurate and
consistent results.

Apparatus & Specimen

2.1 Tensile specimens
2.2 Micrometer or vernia calipers
2.3 Universal testing machine
2.4 Stereoscope
Theory of Tensile test, stress, strain, Brittle & ductile material
Theory of Tensile test
Tensile testing is a way of determining how something will react
when it is pulled apart - when a force is applied to it in tension.
Tensile testing is one of the simplest and most widely used
mechanical tests. By measuring the force required to elongate a
specimen to breaking point, material properties can be determined
that will allow designers and quality managers to predict how
materials and products will behave in their intended applications.
Theory of stress
Dlm hp

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Theory of strain
According to general strain theory, individuals experiencing strain may
develop negative emotions, including anger, when they see adversity as
imposed by others, resentment when they perceive unjust treatment by
others, and depression or anxiety when they blame themselves for the
stressful consequence. These negative emotions, in turn, necessitate
coping responses as a way to relieve internal pressure. Responses to
strain may be behavioural, cognitive, or emotional, and not all responses
are delinquent. General strain theory, however, is particularly interested
in delinquent adaptations. General strain theory identifies various types
of delinquent adaptations, including escapist (e.g., drug use),
instrumental (e.g., property offences), and retaliatory (e.g., violent
offences) outcomes.
Theory of Brittle
Theory of ductile material

Discuss the elastic & plastic behavior for each graph. Attach picture of
the failure specimen [6]
Calculate the modulus of elasticity and yield strength based on 0.2%
offset. [2]
Determine the permanent strain that remains in the specimen when the
load is released [1]
Compute the modulus of resilience
Compute the modulus of toughness

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Conclusion [2]

References [1]

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