The Difficulty Lies Not in The New Ideas, But Escaping The Old Ones, Which Penetrate Every Corner of Our Minds - John Maynard Keynes

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The difficulty lies not in the new ideas, but escaping the old ones, which penetrate every

of our minds John Maynard Keynes
It is the words from a famous British economist that feels the need to describe the
difficulty in changing a perception which has long been ingrained over the majority
of Indonesian, especially the youth generations mindset. Do you think I care? It is
none of my business and it does not concern me It is a general perception that has
been ingrained over Indonesian mindset overtime.
Young people are at the heart of todays great strategic opportunities and
challenges, from rebuilding the global economy to combating violent extremism to
building sustainable democracies. It was a statement made by Hilary Clinton in
youth community forum in Tunisia, which emphasized the importance of teaching
our children as the next generations to have a powerful and humble mind. We may
not realize this now, but we need the young generations power and potential in
making the world a better place.
With the globalization around us and its positive and negative impacts, we still have
to face globalization whether we like it or not. Globalization itself mean of any major
trend, shock or development that has potential for serious global impact. Some of
the major impacts from globalization are climate changes, extreme poverty and
inequality, financial and economic crisis, food crisis, massive urbanization and etc.
Therefore we have a big question to reflect for us: How far is our readiness as
Indonesian young generations in facing globalization?
With a big question to reflect on us in this globalization era and our attitude in
facing the globalization itself, it is far too difficult to adjust ourselves in a proper
manner in facing globalization, but if we take a look behind us, at what our
ancestors did in delivering Indonesia to its independence which we as the young
generations feel. It is a solid prove that our ancestors as the young generations in
their era have been successful in combining their potential and capability as the
pioneer in Indonesia young generation
Our history have recorded on October 28th 1928 as the day of our young
generations made a pledge in uniting the integrity of Indonesian archipelago or
better known as Sumpah Pemuda and from this day onwards with the time span
of different generations, our young generations has been keen to fight for the
independence of Indonesia, even with the Orde Baru incident it was our young
generation, who act as the pioneer in fighting the tyranny of our government in
exchange for our real independence against a corrupt government. From what they
did and their sacrifice, they deserve to be called as our heroes.
Indonesian youth generations are our successor, our heir, and the persons who are
responsible for the future of our Indonesia, which is why a great country can be
seen from the mind of their young generations. Our challenge as Indonesian young

generation is to become a pioneer actor in leading Indonesia to become a better

country. Indonesia needs a young generation with a great attitude in self-reliance,
faith, education and good skills, with that in mind hopefully our young generations
can come together in union of our plurality.
Of course with the different generation era and the plurality around us there will be
difficulty in facing the global challenge and there will different struggle in
maintaining the independent of Indonesia. Our problem as a young generation in
this era can be explained as:
1. The decrease of our mental and ideal patriotism in seeing Indonesia as our
national country (especially with all the groups made based on one similarity
against certain groups with different similarity than theirs)
2. The increase of drugs abuse in our young generations (the statistic from BNN
reported there are 79 million people in Indonesia with drugs abuse problem
that need to be rehabilitate)
3. The increase of job competition between the labor market which resulting in
high criminal record (the need of soft skills and technical skills are very
important in developing a leading young generation to build a better
Indonesia in this globalization era)
There are many more problems to be solved by the Indonesian youth generations in
order to still stick together to build a better Indonesia.
Revitalizing the Young Generation
There should be a concrete measure and action to revitalize the young generation in
order to remember the passion and spirit of what their ancestors did in order to
achieve the independent of Indonesia from the colonialists, but now is not the era
where the young generations have to go to war to be independent. It is the era
where the young generations have to be a winner against their own perception of
the world; their materialistic ways of life, where they see money as their sole
measure against the world; the world are full of pluralism, where the difference
itself reflect the beauty of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke, there are no such
place of as synchronizing their believes to other human being, if it were to be
happens, Indonesia will lose its beauty and identity as archipelago Indonesia.
Todays Indonesia youth generation especially the one who joined the organizations
saying who would improve the life of society often made rallies against the
government regulations demanding a regulations that will change the society life;
they even use violence if what they demanding are not approved by the
government, sometime these demonstrations are companied with the certain
political agenda in protesting what is beneficial to their political party, so it is not
purely asking the government what is the best for society to improve their life. It is
a problem for us as a youth generations in facing our morality against money.

There are certain courses that should be our main concern as young generations
therefore these course will help us in becoming a better young generation in
building a better Indonesia:
1. Forming a joint movement in order to build the conscience of young people.
2. Creating a joint of young people democratic movement by strengthening the
work culture in developing a democratic movement.
3. The young generations as an open minded generation in seeing pluralism in
cross culture, religions, and nations, to build a better Indonesia.
4. The young generations as a solidarity maker in the midst of all the diversity in
ethnicity, language, social status.
5. The young generations as the pioneer of civil society with strong
empowerment, creative, critical, and innovative nature.
The role of the young generation is very important in deciding the future of
Indonesia, Indonesia needs a young generations as a pioneer in building a better
Indonesia in facing globalization, as we already know globalization itself bring its
positive and negative impacts. Thats why we need to build our perceptions to the
diversity around us and selective in choosing what is better for us and which is bad
for us.
There are some ways for young generations to help in building a better Indonesia in
this era; therefore we have to equip ourselves in becoming a great role model for us
and to our brothers and sisters:
First, become a committed leading generation for people, nation, and state. The
commitment was based on the aspirations to be the children of the nations best and
beneficial for the nation's progress and welfare.
Second, be a competent generation. The challenges of a new world full of
competition can only be answered with competence: the ability and willingness to
get the role on merit and the real work
Third, be the generation that still uphold pluralism . The youth not only remain
aware of and respect the reality Indonesian diverse and full of diversity , but even
more able to live in peace , harmony , as well as the full cooperation and
togetherness .
Fourth, be optimistic generation . The youth not only needs to be consistent with
the orientations and farsighted , but also uphold optimism . Pessimism is a
hindrance to the advancement of the nation's mentality , and even can be a
burden . A nation that aspires to move forward into advanced , modern and
dignified need to organize the construction of a positive mentality , which is
optimism . With optimism , some problems have been missed.
Fifth, be the generation that moral and religious . The youth are not only required to
commit to the nation , highly competent , opinionated pluralist and always guided

by nature optimistic, but it also requires building a good personal morals and
berketuhanan . Social morals in the form of caring and responsible to the people ,
the nation also needs to be matched by the private morals are commendable.

To realize the younger generation that is ready and able to face global challenges,
we need some way to deal with problems that often arise as a result of global
challenges. Some of the challenges that must be faced already I have outlined on
the previous page. Among the declining spirit of idealism and patriotism, increased
delinquency, abuse of narcotics and psychotropic substances, as well as increased
competition work is an extension of these problems. To overcome these problems
can be done by: a commitment to the welfare of the people, nation, and state, into
the generation of competent, uphold pluralism, has a soul optimistic, and has
morals good personal and berketuhanan, not to mention doing a revitalization for
youth Indonesia. With these measures is expected to create the nation's next
younger generation more focused in order to be able to face global challenges in
the future.

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