Viosyntonismos - Biofeedback
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LIAPIS Panagiotis
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1. In the influenza vaccine contains formaldehyde. Read on syneseia
fatal symptoms
Formaldehyde - "disinfectant and preservative, is known to cause
cancer, chronic bronchitis, eye irritation when exposed to the
immune system Autism now occurs at a frequency of 1 in 67. While
the period before the vaccine was 1 in 20,000.
2. ALUMINIUM (two versions) - are directly mein nosoAltschaimer 2)
Divine ammonia-mineral fertilizer. Known to cause kidney damage
and liver, and gastrointestinal disorders
3. AMFOTERINI B - antifungal disinfectant, causing damage to the
urinary tract, intestines and heart functions
4) ANAKYKLOMENOS ZOIKOS WEB (multiple) - a component of mad
cow disease
4. MSG - known to cause cancer in humans
5. FAINOLES - highly toxic disinfectant dye, causing damage to the
liver, kidney, heart and respiratory
FAINOAINOXYAITHANOLI 'antifreeze' - proven neurotoxic effects
6. THYMEROSAL (Mercury) - Toxikotato, on reasonable grounds that
it causes autism in children and many related behavioral
disturbances associated with it.
Moreover M with EDTA. Left: binding sites. The complexes are "chiral"
and some have split the enantiomer forms. Middle: Typical molecular
model chelation (chelate), metal chelate complex metaTA-ED. Right: The
name derives from the Greek word chela (claw, such as a lobster).
In complexes, the molar ratio EDTA: metal ion is always 1:1 regardless of
the load of the metal ion and the active form of EDTA is tetrafortismeno
ion-Y4. The electric charge of the resulting complex ion depends MY load
metal cation, eg
Ag + + Y4-AgY3-Ca2 + + Y4-CaY2-Al3 + + Y4-AlY-Th4 + + Y4-ThY0
A formation constant (formation constant) complexes (KMY) defines the
equilibrium constant of the overall complexation reaction:
The metallochromikoi indicators (metallochromic indicators) are organic
dyes which form chelates with metallic ions. With metallochromikous
markers easily detected the equivalent point in complexometric titration
with EDTA. The chelates formed a color different from that of free
indicator. H stable chelates metal ion indicator should be much smaller
than the stability of chelates of metal ions-EDTA, but enough to quantify
the symplechthei titratable metal ions before starting the titration.
A small amount added to the index metallochromikou titration in solution of
metal ion, so the solution becomes the color of the metal ion complexed
marker and then begin adding the standard solution of EDTA. The first
EDTA extract the excess metal ions from the complex with the indicator
solution and acquires the color of free metallochromikou indicator,
signaling the end of the titration.
In complexometric titrations the endpoint is usually detected visually with
the so-called indicator or potentiometrically metallochromikous, indicating
the potential indicative electrode (eg selective electrode or electrode type
1st) In response to the activity of titratable descendant. EDTA standard
solutions should be stored in plastic bottles, glass bottles because in their
title is a slow but continuous reduction for posting ions (mainly) of calcium
from the glass. More on complexometric titration with EDTA can be found
in the literature [Ref 4].
Eriochrome black T (EBT)
Left: color of solution-metal ion complex EBT. Right: color solution free
EBT. The discovery of metallochromikon indicators was the result of
observation of color change of solution EBT, when mixed with tap water to
Melanie Eriochroma T (Eriochrome Black T, EBT) is a typical example
metallochromikou index. Free EBT solution is blue and its complexes with
metal ions have a oinerythro color. Thus the typical sequence of reactions
in volume metal ions (eg zinc) in the presence of EDTA EBT is as follows
[Ref 6]
Response rate: Zn2 + (colorless) + EBT (blue) [Zn2 + - EBT] (oinerythro)
Main titration: Zn2 + (colorless) + EDTA (colorless) [Zn2 + - EDTA]
Endpoint: [Zn2 + - EBT] (oinerythro) + EDTA (colorless) [Zn2 + - EDTA]
(colorless) + EBT (blue)
They have seen at least 200 different organic compounds as indicators
metallochromikoi titration with EDTA and similar compounds. A pioneer in
research on the analytical applications of EDTA was the Swiss chemist
Gerold Karl Schwarzenbach, Professor of Inorganic and Analytical
Chemistry at the University of Zurich (ETH) [Schwarzenbach G,
Biedermann W, Helv. Chim. Acta, 31:687, 1948].
Other polyaminokarvoxylika acids in chemical analysis. Commercially
available a series polyaminokarvoxylikon acid active groups such as those
of EDTA. Below are the main types polyaminokarvoxylikon acids have
been examined as chelating ligands for various metal ions complexometric
The NTA is tetraschidis ligand, the HEDTA is pentaschidis, the EDTA and
DCTA exaschideis the DTPA and EGTA is oktaschideis surrogates (the
etheric oxygen in EGTA can also act as binding sites) and TTIA can act as
a ligand dekaschidis. All the above polyaminokarvoxylika acids form
complexes with molar ratio ligand: metal ion of 1:1, except for the NTA,
which forms complexes with molar ratio ligand: metal ion 2:1.
Each of the above acids polyaminokarvoxylika exhibits particular
characteristics, eg to EGTA, in contrast to EDTA, forming very stable
complexes with calcium (logKCa-EGTA = 11,0) than with magnesium
(logKMg-EGTA = 5,2), when used for selective ion titration of Ca2 + ions
Mg2 + eg blood serum [Ref 4d].
The annual production of EDTA is about 100,000 metric tons, of which
35,000 tons are produced in Europe. Offered to trade with different trade
names (Celon A, Gluma cleanser, Nervanaid B acid, Trilon BS, Versene,
Vinkei 1000, YD-30, Dissolvine Z). In the next chart shows the main uses
of polyaminokarvoxylikon acids [Ref 7]. In almost all cases, the EDTA used
for bonding metal ions in one way or another would create a problem. An
overview of the applications of EDTA given in [Ref 8].
Paper: The largest amounts of EDTA used in the pulp and paper industry.
The EDTA (with the DTPA) bind small amounts of metal ions, which if left
in the pulp bleaching process hamper with H2O2, leading to its catalytic
decomposition. Note that the discoloration of the pulp H2O2 replaces the
older method of discoloration with chlorine, where the metal ions were not
a problem [Ref 9].
Detergents: Large amounts of EDTA used in the manufacture of industrial
detergents, home and hospital use, as in cleaning cars. The role of EDTA
is multiple: bind ions Ca2 + and Mg2 + from 'hard' natural waters, which
are reacting with the anionic detergents will neutralize the cleansing of the
action, further stabilizes the Perborate (bleaching agents) bind metallic
minerals that undoing the cleavage. Also prevents the formation of
calcareous deposits (scales), capable of destroying mechanical devices
(machines) or apefrasan pipes and disable heat in industrial facilities.
9. (α) “US Patent 6123809 - Method for bleaching paper pulp”. (β)
PaperOnWeb.com: “Chemicals used in pulp & paper maunfacturing and
coating”. (γ) Audette H: “Chelants help to meet challenges of alkaline
bleaching conversion”, Pulp & Paper, 1994.
12. FAO, Fertilizer and Plant Nutrition Bulletin 16: “Plant nutrition for food
security” (αρχείο PDF, 2,73 MB).
13. (α) Martell AE, Motekaitis RJ, Chen D, Hancock RD, Derek McManus
D: “Selection of new Fe(lll)/Fe(ll) chelating agents as catalysts for the
oxidation of hydrogen sulfide to sulfur by air”, Can. J. Chem. 74:1872-1879
1996 (αρχείο PDF, 380 KB).(β) Kumaraswamy R, van Dongen U, Kuenen
JG, Abma W, van Loosdrecht MC, Muyzer G: “Characterization of
microbial communities removing nitrogen oxides from flue gas: the
BioDeNOx process”, Appl Environ Microbiol. 71(10):6345-6352, 2005. (γ)
Cheng F (University of Idaho): “The many wanders of FeEDTA: Room
temperature incineration of pollutants, an a model for biological oxidations”
(παρουσίαση PowerPoint, 5,79 ΜΒ).
15. (α) Wikipedia: “Chelation Therapy”. (β) Blanusa M, Varnai VM, Piasek
M, Kostial K: “Chelators as antidotes of metal toxicity: therapeutic and
experimental aspects”, Curr Med Chem. 12(23):2771-2794, 2005
(Abstract). (γ) Americal Heart Association: “Questions and answers about
chelation therapy”.
18. (α) Wikipedia: “O. J. Simpson murder case”. (β) CourtTVnews: “O.J.
Simpson: Week-by-week: Week 27, July 24-28, 1995”. (γ) Thompson WC
(Department of Criminology, Law & Society, University of California, Irvine,
California): “Proving the case: DNA evidence in the O.J. Simpson trial”. (δ)
“Determining EDTA in blood” (Referenced from: Sheppard RL, Henion J:
“Determining EDTA in blood”, Analytical Chemistry 69:477A-480A, 1997).
20. (α) Lanigan RS, Yamarik TA: “Final report on the safety assessment of
EDTA, calcium disodium EDTA, diammonium EDTA, dipotassium EDTA,
disodium EDTA, TEA-EDTA, tetrasodium EDTA, tripotassium EDTA,
trisodium EDTA, HEDTA, and trisodium HEDTA”, International J of
Toxicology 21(Suppl. 2):95-142, 2002 (Abstract). (β) Whittaker P,
Vanderveen JE, Dinovi MJ, Kuznesof PM, Dunkel VC: “Toxicological
profile, current use, and regulatory issues on EDTA compounds for
assessing use of sodium iron EDTA for food fortification”, Regul Toxicol.
Pharmacol. 18:419-427, 1993 (MedLine). (γ) Molecular station: «EDTA».
‘Ισως δεν υπάρχει χημικό στοιχείο στο οποίο ταιριάζει τόσο επάξια αυτό το
όνομα. Τα χρώματα των ενώσεων του χρωμίου και των διαλυμάτων τους
ουσιαστικά καλύπτουν όλο το ορατό φάσμα: από το ιώδες (άλατα του
Cr(ΙIΙ)) έως το βαθύ κόκκινο (ορισμένες ενώσεις του Cr(VI)). Είναι γνωστές
ενώσεις του χρωμίου με αριθμούς οξείδωσης από -1 έως +6, ωστόσο οι
πιο συνήθεις είναι οι ενώσεις του δισθενούς χρωμίου Cr(II) (ισχυρό
αναγωγικό, ασταθές παρουσία οξυγόνου), του τρισθενούς χρωμίου
Cr(III) (οι πλέον σταθερές ενώσεις του χρωμίου) και του εξασθενούς
χρωμίου Cr(VI) (χρωμικά και διχρωμικά άλατα: σταθερές ενώσεις αλλά
και σχετικώς ισχυρά οξειδωτικά). Το χρώμιο βρίσκεται στη φύση κυρίως
ως τρισθενές, με κυριότερο ορυκτό τον χρωμίτη Fe(Mg)Cr2O4, που
αποτελεί το βασικό μετάλλευμα χρωμίου. Υπάρχουν και ορισμένα σπάνια
ορυκτά όπου το χρώμιο είναι εξασθενές από τα οποία το γνωστότερο είναι
ο κροκοΐτης, με χημικό τύπο PbCrO4 (χρωμικός μόλυβδος). Μεταλλικό
Sample chromite, Fe (Mg) Cr2O4 (mineral trivalent chromium)
Bath chromium plating (chrome plating bath) [from Ref 18] and a collection
of various mechanical parts with a protective coating of zinc chromate
Industrial uses of hexavalent chromium
The Cr (VI) has many industrial uses [REF 2]. The metal product
manufacturers use many compounds of Cr (VI) in coatings to protect metal
surfaces from corrosion (anti-corrosion and conversion coatings) [REF 3-
5]. In this process, part of the metal surface is converted to chemical or
electrochemical means an inert coating.
Standard is the process for surfaces Cronak zinc or cadmium in which the
object immersed for 5-10 s in a solution of 182 g Na2Cr2O7 2H2O / L and
6 mL of concentrated H2SO4 / L [Ref 3]. Many colors and stripes salts
used as corrosion inhibitors (corrosion inhibitors) [REF 6.7], but their high
toxicity has led the industry in the gradual replacement [Ref 8]. The
process of coating with chromate (chromate conversion coating, CCC)
applied to the passivation (passivation) metal surfaces, aluminum, zinc,
cadmium, copper, silver, magnesium, tin and their alloys. The main
chromates used in this process is the color of calcium, strontium chromate
and zinc chromate. For the same process used and chromium trioxide
[REF 9]. The colors are often used as pigments in the photo. Lead
chromate (PbCrO4), known as chrome yellow (Chrome Yellow) is an
excellent yellow dye used to color vinyl, rubber (rubber) and paper, but
because of high toxicity its use is discouraged now. Also compounds Cr
(VI) used in textile and leather dyes, paints and inks. Extensive use of salts
of Cr (VI) (mainly chromium hydroxide and ammonia) is the leather for the
manufacture of leather (tanning, leather tanning). The tanning with
chromium is faster than tanning with vegetable tannins and skins produced
in this way have greater resistance to the trend and are ideal for leather
bags and clothes. Compounds of Cr (VI) used as wood preservatives. In
1996, 52% of the production of Cr compounds in the U.S. were used in the
manufacture of a wood preservative of copper chrome arsenate
(chromated copper arsenate, CCA). The CCA is a mixture of chromate,
copper oxide and arsenic oxide (As2O5) [REF 9]. The colors essentially
act as chemical fastening means (chemical fixing) of copper and arsenic,
which act as fungicides / bactericides and insecticides, respectively [Ref
10]. All these compounds are hexavalent chromium toxikotates. The
European Union in recognition of the detrimental effect of Cr (VI), adopted
in February 2003 the Directive 2002/95/EC, which sets restrictions on the
industrial use of the following 6 highly hazardous chemicals: Pb, Cd, Hg,
Cr (VI) , polybrominated biphenyls (polybrominated biphenyls, PBBs),
polybrominated diphenyl ethers (polybrominated diphenyl ether, PBDEs).
The directive is referred to as Restriction of Hazardous Substances
Directive (Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive, RoHS). The only
exception in the Annex to the Directive on the use of Cr (VI) as the carbon
steel corrosion in cooling systems that work by absorbing heat (industrial
refrigeration compressors operating with heat and not electricity) [REF 11].
The RoHS directive applies to the Member States by July 2006. Thus the
industry has focused on alternative coatings such as those with Cr (III), Zn,
Ni, etc., which although not as effective, less harmful to the environment.
Hexavalent chromium in the environment
A Levels: Chromium is widely distributed in nature with a natural
abundance in the Earth's crust 100 ppm. The normal level of non-
contaminated surface waters in the region ranging 1 to 10 mg / L, and
drinking water concentrations were found in 0.4 to 8 mg / L. In air at
concentrations <0.1 mg/m3. The content of most minerals chromium
ranging from 5 to 1800 mg / kg. Most soils found in low concentrations (2-
60 mg / kg). Only a very small percentage is available to plants (up to 0,19
mg / kg) and is not sufficiently clear whether the chromium is to them an
essential trace element [Ref 2]. Almost all the chromium found in nature as
trivalent chromium, Cr (III). Hexavalent chromium, Cr (VI), which is found
in the environment are almost exclusively anthropogenic (from human
activities). Various industries emit into the air, water and soil, many
compounds Cr (VI). The Cr (VI) is stable in air and clean water, but quickly
goes back to Cr (III), when they come into contact with organic matter in
water, soil and living organisms [Ref 2, 12]. In the case of disposal of
untreated industrial waste containing Cr (VI) in water bodies, the levels of
the waters of the recipient and groundwater may reach several tens of
mg / L, as recently announced in daily newspapers (Daily 4/9/07 , Reuters
17/9/07) for the waters of the region Asopos. She arrived, however, and
580 mg / L, which were measured in groundwater monitoring point of the
town of Hinkley USA (Case Erin Brockovich, who moved to the cinema in
2000 [Ref 13]).
The yellow cake is dissolved in nitric acid, so all the U3O8 is converted
into UO2 (NO3) 2 which is then further purified by an extraction with
tributyl phosphate, as described above. In pure solution of UO2 (NO3) 2
added excess ammonia and ammonium salts, so that precipitated
crystalline precipitate diouranikou ammonium (NH4) 2U2O7. The salt is
heated in hydrogen stream so degraded and converted to oxide UO2. The
UO2 with HF is converted to UF4, which eventually produced
electrolytically oxidized to elemental fluorine in UF6. The UF6 enrichment
plant sent in rolls of about 12 tons. There, the drums are placed in an
autoclave which is heated and vaporizes the contents of UF6 injected into
the system and isotope separation. A fuller description of the manufacture,
properties and methods for handling and storage of UF6 with very good
photographs can be found on the websites of Argonne National Laboratory
(Illinois, USA) [Ref 9].
Yellow cake (65-85% U3O8)
Nuclear fuels
1763 Notice of Pastor Edmund Stone, before the Royal Society, the
potential benefits of using the bark of willow
The 1832 French chemist Charles Gerhardt experimenting with salicin and
salicylic acid manufacturing
1897, Felix Hoffman, studied experiments Gergardt and "xanaanakalyptei"
acetylsalicylic acid
1899 The pharmaceutical Bayer distributes aspirin powder to physicians
for administration to patients
1900, Bayer makes aspirin tablets and soluble form of aspirin is the first
drug available in this format
1915 Aspirin is available without prescription in tablet form
1948 Lawrence Craven notes that aspirin reduces the chances of heart
1971 John Vane theorizes that perhaps the aspirin works by blocking the
formation of prostaglandins
Typical selective NSAID: The drug Celebrex linked only to the active
position of the COX-2 and not COX-1. This is because the critical position
of COX-2 is the amino acid valine, which leaves space (pocket) host
molecule drug. Conversely, COX-1, the position is the amino acid
isoleucine, which is superimposed a bit does not allow efficient binding of
the drug. Because of this small structural difference between the two COX,
the Celebrex works as a selective inhibitor of COX-2 [Ref 9c]. "Selective»
NSAID: Small prostanoeidon levels in the stomach (as a result of
suspension of COX-1) increase the likelihood of ulcer and GI perforation of
the stomach. Currently seeking composition selective NSAID that inhibit
only COX-2 and not COX-1. This is made possible thanks to some small
structural differences between active sites of both enzymes. Selective
NSAID are better tolerated by the body, it creates stomach problems,
since it will not affect the production of prostanoeidon basic level.
Unfortunately, a production of prostaglandins in relation to the free (non-
acetylated), salicylic acid [Ref 8b]. inhibitor. The case of paracetamol: One
of the most widely used analgesics and antipyretics drugs are paracetamol
(or acetaminophen: N-acetyl-p-aminofainoli). Administered alone (Depon,
Tylenol) or in combination with other analgesic-antipyretic drugs.
Paracetamol is not subject to the NSAID and the precise mechanism is not
yet known. The analgesic effect of paracetamol is due to "lift" the threshold
of pain perceived by a person. Reduces fever by acting on
thermorythmistic center of the brain (hypothalamus). Paracetamol reduces
pain in mild cases of arthritis, but it has some beneficial effect on the
inflammation and swelling of the joints. This lack of inflammatory activity of
paracetamol excludes from the category of NSAID [REF 11c]. Aspirin and
cardiovascular events
Low doses of aspirin for a long time interrupt the formation of thromboxane
A2 (TXA2) in platelets, thus inhibiting the accumulation of platelets. This
anticoagulant activity makes aspirin useful drug for reducing the risk of
heart attacks. Daily doses of 40 mg aspirin prevent a large percentage of
the release of TXA2, while the biosynthesis of prostaglandin I2 useful
(prostacyclin: potent antithrombotic and vasodilating agent) is affected
However, serious adverse effect of long-term aspirin use is to reduce the
gelling ability of the blood and increase the likelihood of bleeding episodes,
depending on the dose received [REF 7th, 12]. The effect of aspirin in
cases of heart attack almost immediately and may prove beneficial. In a
study on the best way to take aspirin when they found that chewing the
tablet (325 mg) decreases much faster levels of thromboxane B2,
compared with swallowing or ingestion of dissolution in water (see chart
left) [REF 13]. Aspirin (alone or in combination with other drugs) is used by
millions of people who have problems in the circulatory system. It is
estimated that about 30 million Americans who have cardiovascular
problems, take daily aspirin. Indications so far are that aspirin is often
beneficial to the circulatory and blood anticoagulant, but many individuals
(such as diabetes have type 2) positive results and reduce the risk of heart
attacks are limited . Many studies and epidemiological investigations
indicate these problems [Ref 14]. However, daily aspirin to prevent
cardiovascular events in some cases can be considered a dangerous
practice and should not be anyone to enter without first consulting a doctor
[REF 14g].
Some of the many stamps of various countries that adopted in the late
1990s for the 100th anniversary of the discovery of aspirin [Ref 17].
General literature and history of aspirin
Gross M, Greenburg LA: "The Salicylates; A Critical bibliographical
Review", Hillhouse, New Haven, CT, 1948.
Fairley P: "The Conquest of Pain", Michael Joseph, London, 1978.
Rainsford KD: "Aspirin and the Salicylates", Butterworth, London, 1984.
Alstaedrer Ed: "Aspirin, The Medicine of the Century", Bayer AG, AG,
Robert O, Vargaftig BB: "L'aspirine", La Recherche 17 (No. 182) :1322-
1331, 1986.
Verg E, Gottfried P, Scultheies: "Milestone: the Bayer Story 1863-
1988", Leverkunsen, Bayer AG, 1988.
Royal Society of Chemistry: "Aspirin: A Curriculum Resource for Post-
16 Chemistry Courses", RSC publications, London, 1998.
Jourdier S: "A miracle drug", Chemistry in Britain 34:33-35, 1999.
Cheng TO: "The History of Aspirin", The Texas Heart Institute Journal
34:392-393, 2007.
J. R E S P E C T I K E T A L L E S or L I N E I S PA T
Microorganisms interact with the human body
in very many ways, sometimes beneficial and sometimes
harmful. In this section we will examine the microbes
living naturally in the body of a healthy adult.
In this chapter we begin to contemplate the direct assis-
Equal interaction of microorganisms with
man. Microorganisms grow both in
surface and inside the human body
and sometimes reach very large numbers. Examples-
tion example, the human gut often likened
Long growing tube length, while the mucous
membranes covering the oral surface of Com-
lotitas, intestine, the secretory and Reproductive
system have a healthy population of microbes
either work for the benefit of human health
or sometimes it is absolutely necessary for it.
But there is a small but important group of micro-
agencies armed with a variety of direct or em-
media devices, allowing them to penetrate
the human body and cause infections, patient-
all diseases and ultimately harm the host. Some mikroor-
tions, for example, use vs. host disease
specialized and very powerful biological toxins.
Ling as in in r i s e a r c a s a ss to upper respiratory tract (upper
respiratory tract), the nasopharynx, oral-bent
quantity and throat colonization (colonization) proliferation
a pathogen upon entry and
establishment of the Organization of
illness, disease (disease), damage caused
Tai the host and overburden, or prevent
a function of
bacteremia (bacteremia), the presence of micro-
bodies in blood
mucus (mucus) discharge glykoprote-soluble
fiber produced by the epithelial-
achieved over the cells surrounding a vlen-
nogono membrane
mucous membranes (mucous membrane) On-
vades epithelial cell interactions;
acting with the external environment
vlennostivada, slimy layer (slime layer)
diffuse network of fibers and polymers, the
which surrounds an entire cell
does not seem stuck in concrete;
rage cell
glykokalykas (glycocalyx) loose network of
fibers and polymers, which extends
other cell
endotoxin (endotoxin) in lipopolysaccharide-
Governing Board of the cell envelope of certain
new Gram-negative bacteria, the
which acts as a poison when taken from
the inner membrane and dissolved-
thei in body fluids
enterotoxin (enterotoxin) protein res-
leftheronetai the extracellular space from
an organism, during
development, which is responsible for
Direct damage to the small intestine of xenopho-
main proceedings constitute
attenuation (attenuation) reduction or loss
exotoxini (exotoxin) protein liberated;
ronetai the extracellular space by a
organism, during the per-
Development, which causes direct-vla
pacemakers in the host
invasiveness (invasiveness) pathogen-
ness due to the ability of a
pathogen to invade and spread-
to in the host body
lower respiratory tract (lower respiratory
tract) the trachea and bronchi and the spirit;
capsule (capsule) thick, well defined
layer of polysaccharide or protein
closely surrounds a cell
white blood cells (leukocytes) nucleated cells
blood (white cells)
infection, infection (infection) to develop micro-
organisms within a host
infectivity (virulence) the degree of pathogen-
nikotitas a pathogen
host (host), the organization hosts an
Dental plaque (dental plaque) matrix
extracellular polymers and products
saliva, which grows in road-
tant surface and surrounds the bacterial-
border cells
pathogenicity (pathogenicity) capacity
a parasite to cause damage to
pathogen (pathogen) bacterial parasite
causing damage to host
parasite (parasite) organization that develops,
list drawn up on or within a host
causing damage to it
fever (fever) abnormal growth
body temperature
decay (dental caries) degradation of
dental crown, due to bacterial-
border infection
toxicity (toxicity) which is pathogenic
due to toxins produced by a BAC-
inflammation (inflammation) of the host response
to injury or infection, which charac-
however the income from redness, swelling, local
increase in temperature and pain
normal flora (normal flora) mikroorga-
tion usually develop fysiolo-
giki compared to healthy body tissues
21.1 ■ of the total y o u alilepidraseon post bugs and human ■ 837
21.1 Summary of interactions between
microbes and man
The human body is constantly exposed to mu-
kroorganismous. Even simple daily functions;
s, such as breathing, bring us into direct contact with million-
τομμύρια micro-environment. There are
hundreds of species of organisms, and billions
respective individuals, collectively known physio-
sense plants, which grow naturally
the surface or inside the body. The more-
than microorganisms, but not all, are harmless.
Organisations are living on a host, or the stern
threaten the internal, and cause harm are called parasites.
When pests are microbial origin, then name-
mazontai pathogens. The end result of interaction;
host-parasite action depends on the pathogen;
quantity of the parasite (ie the ability to be an-
operating faults in the host) and the strength or receptive;
ness of the host for this parasite.
The pathogenicity varies widely from one like-
particular pathogens. The quantitative measure of certain pathogenic
Zeta as infectivity is expressed as the number of
cells causes a pathogenic response to host-
in a given period. The interaction of host-
the parasite, is a dynamic relationship between the two organi-
tions and, consequently, both the infectiousness of the BAC-
thogonou and host resistance are parameters that
constantly changing.
Infection and disease
The term infection or infection in talk-
those positions where a microorganism has
installed and multiply in a host, inde-
spective of whether or not it causes harm. Disease is
damage or injury to the host, affecting fy;
Freelancing function. The infection is not the same obli-
with ear disease since the development of a mikroorga-
tion to a host does not always cause damage.
For example, the normal flora can occasionally
cause bacterial infections, but seldom-
to cause disease. Sometimes, however, spontaneously
ab flora may actually cause disease, which
occurs when weakened the resistance of xenopho-
main proceedings constitute, u972 as, for example In the case of
and AIDS (f Section 26.14).
Host-parasite interactions
The animal body is a physicochemical environment
fostering the development of many organisms. Be
rich in organic nutrients and growth-PA
ragontes, components necessary for the development of
meiorganotrofikon microorganisms while simultaneously
rechei relatively steady pH, osmotic pressure and
temperature. The animal body, however, is not a peer-
borne environment for the growth of microorganisms.
each region and each body is different from the others in
New York: Women who are surrounded by regular smokers may find it
difficult to become pregnant, according to new findings published in the
journal Tobacco Control. Studies have shown that women who smoke
increase the risk of various complications during pregnancy and the baby
itself. But less information is known about the dangers of passive smoking,
although some studies have linked exposure to tobacco smoke during
pregnancy are at increased risk of miscarriage. In this investigation,
researchers at the University of Rochester in New York, they studied 4804
women who had visited the Cancer Institute Rosgouel Park between 1982-
1998 to control or cure cancer. All had a surrogate mother at least once in
their lives. Overall the data found that 11% of women have difficulty
achieving pregnancy, while the third had eliminates or had a stillborn
infant. The risk of these problems tended to increase while the number of
hours per day a woman was exposed secondary to tobacco smoke, a
pattern clearly shows a causal relationship. Indeed, women who grow up
with one parent smoked were 39% more likely to achieve pregnancy,
defined as an effort to more than one year. Additionally, women who were
exposed to tobacco smoke both during childhood and into adulthood were
39% more likely to abort or have stillborn baby and 68% more likely to
have problems achieving pregnancy. Tobacco smoke contains a group of
toxic ingredients that may cause harm to the reproductive system of
women. The toxins in tobacco can damage the cell genetic material to
interfere with conception, increase the risk of miscarriage or inhibiting
hormones necessary for conception and successful
London: Babies born to non-emergency caesarean section are four times
more likely to have respiratory problems than those born naturally,
according to Danish study published in the journal British Medical Journal.
A team at the University of Aarhus in Denmark, led by Dr. Anne Hansen
notes that the risk is greater when the cesarean section performed early.
This is an important observation especially for women who choose to
undergo a caesarean section. The researchers do not recommend
caesarean sections performed before 39ievdomada pregnancy, as many
of the selective caesarean sections performed between 37isai 38th week.
Because babies born by Caesarean section at higher risk remains unclear,
but Dr. Hansen explains that it may be due to hormonal and physiological
changes associated with childbirth. The process of birth causes the
secretion of stress hormones in the mother are transmitted to the fetus and
are believed to be key to maturing the lungs of the newborn. The cases of
respiratory problems associated with caesarean section and are often
severe and require incubator and oxygen therapy. The Danish researcher
has verified more than 34,000 births and found four times the risk of
respiratory difficulties in babies born by Caesarean section at 37 weeks,
three times higher for those born at 38 weeks and twice the risk were born
at 39 weeks. As a result, 10% of babies were born by Caesarean section
had respiratory problems when born at 37 weeks, compared with 2.8% of
those born with normal birth. At 39 weeks gestation, the rate was 2.1%
and 1.1% respectively. But Dr. Hansen notes that caesarean section may
have benefits, especially in the case of infants who have the wrong
position during childbirth in cases where the mother or fetus are at
immediate risk. source: health.in.gr London: The Smoking causes damage
to the skin over the entire surface of the body, according to a new study
published in the journal Archives of Dermatology. Researchers at the
University of Michigan came to this conclusion by studying the upper
interior of the arm and non-smokers. Previous studies have focused on the
face, where skin can also be altered by exposure to sunlight.
The researchers photographed the upper right arm 82 people. Participants
were 22-91 years and the ratio used broad solar spectrum was to study
the physical condition of new and aging skin. Half of the participants had a
history of smoking and had smoked on average 24 years. The number of
packs of cigarettes smoked ranged from a quarter of the package to four
packs a day.
Scientists have created a nine-step scale to measure the harm suffered by
the skin, which is not exposed. In people over 65 years, recorded nearly
two points difference between smokers and non. In people over 45 years,
the difference was in one unit.
"We found that the number of packages smoked per day, total years of
smoking and the average number of packets smoked per day ton in the
number of years smoking correlated with degree of skin aging. After
checking the age and other variables, we found that only packs of
cigarettes smoked per day was a strong predictor of the degree of photo-
protected skin aging.
Previous studies have shown that smokers have a greater degree of skin
aging, but were focused on the facial skin of course been raised objections
because the sun affects the skin of the face. We demonstrated that a
significant degree of damage occurs from smoking. Of course we need
more research on the issue about the mechanism of action of smoking on
the skin, "notes Dr. Yolanda Chelfrich, who led the research
diadikasion.HEALTH.IN.GR New York: The results of a new Irish study
confirm that smokers have a harder arteries non-smokers, but the adverse
vascular effects are reversible with smoking cessation. Certainly need
more than ten years of stopping smoking for reversing arterial sclerosis.
Researchers at Trinity College Dublin, led by Dr. Noor Tzatoi compared
the differences in arterial sclerosis using analytical method with arterial
pulse wave in a sample of 554 patients 18-80 years old with significant
hypertension was not addressed. The 150 were current smokers, 136
were former smokers and 268 were non-smokers. Former smokers
separated according to the downtime of a cigarette to a group of less than
one year, more than one year or more than ten years. In ex-smokers
during the cessation of the habit was associated with improvements in
arterial sclerosis, the hardening parameters of the blood returning to
insignificant levels after a decade of abstinence from smoking. The arterial
sclerosis is an independent predictor of events in hypertensive patients.
Stopping smoking can help reduce cardiovascular events by improving
arterial sclerosis even in longstanding hypertensive smokers
When you decide to quit the following happens:
In 20 minutes: Blood pressure and pulse drop in temperature extremes
kanonikoI rises to normal
In 8 hours: Carbon monoxide in blood drops to kanoniko.To oxygen rises
to normal levels
In 24 hours: It decreases the chance of heart attack
In 48 hours: Strengthens the taste and smell
In 72 hours: Breathing begins to operate omalotera.Afxanetai capacity of
the lungs
From 2 weeks to 3 months: circulation is walking veltionetai.To efkolotero.I
lung function increases by 30%
From 1 to 9 months: Stops coughing and breathing takes kourasi.I
perissotero.Archizei restoration of endothelial loops
After 5 years: The death from lung cancer in the average smoker (one
pack a day) reduced (50%) of 137 per 100,000 to 72 per 100,000
After 10 years: The precancerous cells antikathistantai.Oi chances of other
cancers (mouth, larynx, esophagus), bladder (kidney and pancreas)
decrease. (Source: Internet)
geopithttp: / /
www.blogger.com/profile/01139093926868921394geopit1966 @
gmail.com0tag: blogger.com, 1999: blog-30172310.post-
46692551368312777662007-03-21T10: 37:00.002 +02:002009-03-26T13:
28: 43.807 +02:00
Value smoking, wheezing and childhood asthma:
Exposure to tobacco smoke at home is associated with increased risk for
developing respiratory infections and chronic respiratory symptoms in the
first years of life. The relationship between exposure to tobacco smoke at
home with asthma and with wheeze was examined among 11,534 children
aged 8-11 years in the U.S. and America in 1988-1993. Information on
symptoms the previous year and the child's history of exposure to tobacco
smoke was complemented by his mother in the form of a questionnaire.
Children who were exposed to cigarette smoke at home are at greater risk
for developing wheezing after every cold. These children often go to
emergency departments in the hospital and had persistent wheezing
syriptousa breath. These symptoms increase with the level of exposure
and there was no difference, if smoking was derived from the father,
mother or other adults. Contrary to the appearance of symptoms of
wheezing, diagnosed by the doctor and asthma drug use for asthma does
not significantly associated with exposure to tobacco smoke at home. The
conclusion of the article is that exposure to tobacco smoke inside the
home is associated with wheezing, and wheezing in the ambulance to
emergency departments of hospitals in the U.S. and Canada.
(Cunningham J, O'Connor GT, Dockery DW, Speizer FE. Am J Respir Crit
Care Med 153:218-224, 1996)
You think you know the truth about smoking. But is it? You know, really,
what substances are contained in a cigarette? GET READY FOR RS
Did you know that cigarettes contain formaldehyde, the same substance
used for maintenance of dead frogs? NET CARCINOGENS;
Did you know that the same cyanide, used in rat poison found in tobacco
smoke, which is next-whether you smoke or socialize people who smoke?
And the nicotine in cigarettes? Probably already know that it is highly
addictive, but did you know that it is also a powerful insecticide?
• Prepared smoke can cause six times more contamination than a major
highway in rush hour, when the smoke in a crowded restaurant.
• Prepared smoke causes 30 times more deaths from lung cancer, the
combination of all known contaminants.
• Prepared tobacco gives an unpleasant smell as in clothes and hair.
• Prepared tobacco causes shortness of breath, cough, pain in ears and
asthma attacks.
• Prepared smoke fills the air, with many of the same poisons present in
the atmosphere of the burial of toxic waste.
• Prepared Tobacco destroys the scent and taste of food.
• Prepared tobacco causes redness and itching, eye irritation and lacrimal
• Prepared Tobacco kills nearly 3,000 passive smoking each year due to
cancer pnefmonon.3 Prepared by tobacco causes 300,000 lung infections
(like pneumonia and bronchitis) in infants and young children each year.
The leading causes of death from smoking is lung cancer, heart disease
and chronic obstructive airways disease. The list of other diseases
associated with smoking is long: bladder cancer, esophagus, larynx,
mouth, head and neck cancer, effects on the reproductive system • also:
abdominal aortic aneurysm, acute myeloid leukemia, cataract, trachilou
cancer of the uterus, kidney, pancreas, etc.
Thinking about stopping smoking? There are many ways, with or without
aids, abruptly or gradually. The decision is yours provided that you are fully
reconciled with the idea that things would not be so easy. Did you know
that within five minutes of smoking a cigarette, nicotine travels "already in
the brain where you give the signal release chemicals that make the
smoker wants to smoke more? Every cigarette you smoke cut 5 ½ 'from
life us. Every ten 10 seconds one person dies on earth because of
For those who now have decided to quit smoking if you want you can also
use some of his methods may help in smoking cessation such as nicotine
gum, nicotine patches, medication given by your doctor.
"Source: Internet"
An allergy occurs when the body reacts abnormally and over a wide range
paragonton.Oi factors are called allergens, typically most people do not
cause allergies provlimata.Se however, the autonomic nervous system
reacts abnormally, released large quantities of chemical substances body
cells such as histamine, serotonin and prostaglandines.Oi active
substances in various organs, skin, lungs and bronchi, nose and vases.
The actions of these substances leads to the development of different
types of symptoms can be mild but sometimes can be threatening and life
(anaphylactic shock). The avoidance of allergens that cause an
overreaction of the body is not easy ypothesi.Archika must be established
what is the factor that caused the allergic reaction. When identification of
the allergens that are responsible for the problem, then either be removed
or the patient should be kept as far away from them.
What's This template allergy house dust?
Unfortunately there is no house without powder. This routine can dust
some people simply by inhalation can cause severe allergic reactions. The
house dust is composed of hair and dandruff humans and animals,
feathers and shredded cloth fibers, fungal, and especially by ticks.
What are ticks?
It is very small insects which the human eye can not see them without a
magnifying lens. Biologically, the same family as the spider and feeding
among other organic substances such dandruff on the skin, feather and
the content of pillows and mattresses.
The tiny bugs are not carrying diseases, but unfortunately allergic alert too
many people.
How can you recognize an allergy house dust?
His eyes are watery and itchy. Also presented torturous itching nose,
sneezing, coughing and wheezing. These symptoms appear kath1 guide
throughout the year. These symptoms are at an advanced stage may
become allergic asthma, the more the young atoma.Oi flare reactions are
wet and warm periods.
So just to banish the dust of the house?
We all know that it is possible to remove the dust completely from spiti.Alla
can do different things, and to reduce contact with household dust mites
and cruel. The most important is to clean up the bedroom:
The free radical reacts with ClO • oxygen atom and produces new
chlorine free radicals: ClO → Cl • + O2 and reactions
repeated. A person can neutralize chlorine,
approximately 100,000 ozone molecules. The greatest
loss of ozone and the creation of the "ozone hole" at the
poles, especially in Antarctica, is result of low
temperatures (-80 ° C) and polar turbine to prevent the
exchange of air in the middle latitudes. In these
circumstances deep-formed ice crystals in stratospheric
clouds that play a catalytic role (entrapment water vapor
and nitrogen oxides removal) on the surface for the
chlorine and bromine compounds can break down
ozone. At the end of spring in the Antarctic, the polar
vortex breaks down and plenty of air transferred from
other parts of replenishing the ozone chathike.91
Measurements of the ozone layer in 1978 with the
Nimbus-7 satellite was after shooting program with
special cameras. During 1979-91, the ozone losses
estimated at 3-5% in middle latitudes, 6-8% higher and
the minimum at the equator. StiUV
period 1993-95 there were clear indications that the
southern hemisphere had
higher losses ozontos.92 This discovery has significant
environmental event and the phenomenon began to be
studied systematically. Measurements began long UV-B
in different regions of the world and with different
models, scientists are trying to estimate the increase will
occur in connection with the loss of ozone, taking into
account other factors (clouds, aerosols sulfates, etc.)
affecting the ultraviolet radiation reaching the surface of
Gis.93 The greatest impact of the reduction of
stratospheric ozone and corresponding increase in
ultraviolet radiation will increase skin cancer in humans,
the potential damage to tissues of living organisms and
harmful effects on sensitive ecosystems . In light of
these risks, the international community launched a
campaign to reduce the production of CFCs destined for
brief ban
replacing them with substances that do not affect the
ozone. The World Conference on the Protection of the
Ozone Layer (1985, Vienna, Convention for the
Protection of the Ozone Layer) decided drastic
measures against CFCs and vromanthrakes and
chlorinated solvents (carbon tetrachloride, chloroform,
1,1,1 - trichloroethane ). In 1987, the Montreal Protocol
(Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the
Ozone Layer) signed an agreement banning CFCs, long-
term action plan
to protect the stratospheric ozontos.94, 95 The impact
on human health from the destruction of the ozone layer
are mainly found in skin cancer (malignant melanoma
and tumors of the skin). Epidemiological studies show
that skin cancers due to exposure to
solar radiation differ from the latitude is
as the intensity of radiation and length of exposure. The
mortality is relatively low (around 1%) because they
easily treated malignant epithiliomata. In contrast,
malignant melanomas are dangerous and can be
thanatifora.96, 97 Calculations of the NRA provided that
for every 1% decrease in stratospheric ozone will occur
increases of 4-6% in skin cancers (ex-
which a rate of 20% can be fatal). But
These theoretical considerations have not confirmed that
information and advice (sunscreen, covering sensitive
parts of the body and head) to be taken by the
general plithysmo.98, 99 Furthermore, increased solar
radiation will affect the rise in cases of eye cataracts in
humans exposed to the sun due to business conditions
(farmers, fishermen, builders, etc. ) .100 Also, UV
radiation can compromise the immune system in
humans and zoa.101 The environmental effects of the
destruction of the ozone layer and increased ultraviolet
radiation is natural to look u966 sensitive ecological
systems, phytoplankton and other terrestrial and aquatic
organisms. Some studies have found changes or
reductions in populations, but it is too early documented
erefnes.102, 103
3.5. Acid Rain: Acid deposition and Life
Effects on organisms and ecosystems
One of the most important environmental problems of
our era
We are the phenomenon of acid rain (acid rain),
caused by dry and wet precipitation and aerosol
deposition. The
precipitation are the result of sulphate (SO42-) and
nitrate (NO3 -) ions are emitted into the atmosphere from
anthropogenic sources, mainly fossil fuels with high
sulfur content, and other activities. From numerous
investigations it is known that acid precipitation and
deposition (acidic precipitations or depositions) have
harmful effects on living organisms, ecosystems,
materials and human ygeia.104, 105 The phenomenon
of acid rain (a term proposed in 1872 by RA Smith )
became more acute with the advent of the Industrial
Revolution and the use of fuels rich in sulfur. Since the
late 1970s, the potential impact on habitats, monuments
and taktiria and human health prompted many countries
to study and pass legislation to limit those emissions
create acid deposition (such as 10-year program of
National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program of the
U.S. Congress in 1980) .106 The pollution of acid rain is
a transboundary problem of acid aerosol transmission
between countries and continents. For this reason,
recent years have been numerous studies and
programs, national and international, to mitigate and
remedy the effects, and have published numerous
publications and anaskopiseis.107
Uric Acid
Anti CCP Antibodies (RF)
C Reactive Protein
Uric Acid
Anti-ds DNA (Crithidia)
Anti nRNP
Anti Sm
Anti Ro (SS-A)
Anti La (SS-B)
Anti Jo-1
Anti Scl 70
Anti CCP Antibodies (RF)
C Reactive Protein
Antinuclear Autoantibodies
Anti-ds DNA
Anti nRNP, Sm, Ro,
La, Jo-1
Anti CCP Antibodies (RF)
Complement 3,4
C Reactive Protein
The immune system is responsible for defending the
human body. Specifically, the CD4 lymphocytes of the
immune system specialized in the identification and
elimination of exogenous invaders. Every day, billions of
cells produced and destroyed for this role. When a
disease agent invades the body, the immune system
sends the CD4 cells to recognize and remove the
The HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus, virus human
immune deficiency) is a retrovirus, which is the genetic
material is RNA, and copying during reproduction in
DNA. The HIV needs to process two key enzymes,
reverse transcriptase and protease. To multiply the HIV,
CD4 lymphocytes close to and bound by a receptor of
the outer membranes. The CD4, allowing penetration, to
"study" the virus and destroy easily. The virus uses its
reverse transcriptase and translate RNA into DNA,
genetic material that is like that of lymphocytes. This
material is incorporated into the DNA of lymphocytes.
The CD4 misled, thinking that the genetic material of HIV
is theirs, and copies, together with their constituents.
These copies are immature and inert and therefore non-
infectious. The protease, the second enzyme of HIV,
helping to produce mature virus. The mature viruses
leave the CD4 lymphocyte, after the slaughter, and
transported in the blood to infect more CD4 lymphocytes.
The viral load increases (ie copies of HIV in the blood),
the CD4 lymphocytes decrease and thus the body's
defenses weaken. The result is HIV positive (positive to
the virus HIV) can get sick often, because it is
susceptible to infections that normally would fight.
The HIV infection has three phases:
1. The virus has increased dramatically, but the immune
system has substantial damage and wins. Three to six
weeks from protoloimoxi the HIV positive have a short
disease like flu (fever, malaise, headache, swollen lymph
nodes). The disease resolves itself without treatment
and therefore, often goes unnoticed
2. The HIV positive patient for a long time he feels
healthy. The organization keeps a check on the virus,
but with more effort. Approximately 10 billion and 1
billion viruses CD4 lymphocytes are produced and
destroyed daily. This stage differs from organization to
3. The body's defenses shot down, the virus is rampant
and infected patients are susceptible to serious
infections and cancers. These are called opportunistic
infections because the pathogens actually find the
opportunity to invade the human body, because the
immune system could fight them, is weakened by HIV.
This stage is known as AIDS (Acquired
ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome, Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome)
The only HIV is transmitted in three ways, and this
makes it non-hazardous, opposite to our own information
and knowledge.
1. Contact with blood
2. Contact with vaginal fluids and sperm
3. Vertical transmission, ie from seropositive mother to
child during pregnancy, during childbirth and during
From the above it is clear that no risk of infection in daily
human contact with a seropositive. HIV is not transmitted
by shaking hands, social kissing, shared utensils, from
toilets, swimming pools, the beach, mosquitoes, towels
and clothing in general.
We can not allow the HIV to invade the body by following
these simple instructions:
Use latex condoms for each contact, whether it be
vaginal, anal or oral. When using a lubricant, avoid
petroleum jelly and other fats, because they destroy the
condom. The lubricant should be water based.
Users of injecting substances should not share needles
or syringes with others.
We should avoid sharing items with others who may
have residual blood such as toothbrushes, razors, nail
scissors etc.
The HIV-positive pregnant women or those wishing to
become pregnant should consult their doctor.
The latest global epidemiological data on AIDS
published by the Office of the United Nations AIDS
(UNAIDS) and World Health Organization (WHO) in
November 2005
People living with HIV / AIDS
Total 40,300,000
Adults 38,000,000
Women 17,500,000
Children 2,300,000
People infected with HIV in 2005
Total 4,900,000
Adults 4,200,000
Children 700.000
Deaths from AIDS in 2005
Total 3,100,000
Adults 2,600,000
Children 570.000
Each day are infected with HIV 6000 people, of whom
half are young people (15-24 years) The latest
epidemiological data on HIV / AIDS in Greece, published
by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention
(KE.EL.P . NO) and includes data reported by 30/6/2005.
Δόθηκε άδεια από τον Πρόεδρο του Γενικού Νοσοκομείου ΗiΙΙbrow στο
Γιαχάνεσμπουργκ-Ν. Αφρικής να επιλεχθούν ασθενείς που
παρακολουθούνταν στα Εξωτερικά Ιατρεία του Nοσοκομείου για λοίμωξη
με τον ιό HIV/AIDS. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, και σε συνεργασία με τον Καθηγητή
Ruben Sher, το νοσηλευτικό προσωπικό και τους κοινωνικούς λειτουργούς
του Νοσοκομείου Hillbrow στο Γιοχάνεσμπουργκ, στη Νότιο Αφρική, οι
ασθενείς αξιολογήθηκαν και επιλέχθηκαν για συμμετοχή στη μελέτη
σύμφωνα με συγκεκριμένα κριτήρια αποκλεισμού ή κριτήρια
συμπερίληψης (exclusion-inclusion criteria) και, κατόπιν, εισήχθησαν στο
θεραπευτικό πρόγραμμα που διατίθετο στην Κλινική Συμπεριφορικής
Ιατρικής του Πανεπιστημίου RAND AFRIKAANS. Όλοι οι συμμετέχοντες
επιλέχθηκαν την ίδια περίοδο. Λόγω του μεγάλου αριθμού ασθενών με
HIV που νοσηλεύονταν ή παρακολουθούνταν στο Νοσοκομείο Hillbrow,
δεν υπήρξε πρόβλημα με την επιλογή του αναγκαίου δείγματος για αυτή τη
μελέτη. Επιπλέον, με τη βοήθεια του Νοτιοαφρικανικού Ινστιτούτου
Ιατρικής Έρευνας, όλα τα αποτελέσματα των ανοσολογικών μεταβλητών
των συμμετεχόντων στο θεραπευτικό πρόγραμμα, ήταν διαθέσιμα σε εμάς.