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KUSUDAMA _BALL ORIGAMI KUSUDAMA BALL ORIGAMI Makoto Yamaguchi Shufunotomo/Japan Publications if you would like more information about Origami in America. piease send a sel!-addressedi envelope wih 2 frst class stamps to: ‘The Friends of the Origami Genter ot America Box P-1 15 West 7th Street New York, NY 10024-5192 woere © Copy naan 1680 by Manon Yara ‘Artes reserved No part of tis book ray ti reproduced any erm rout Te writen peers oF the putt Pubs by Stunctore Co. Lic 2:9. Kanga Surugadar. Crvyoda-kus Tokyo, 101 Japan Distributors: UNITED STATES: Kodarsha International USA/Lct, through Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 19 Union Square West, New York, NY 10003 CANADA Fitzheney & Whiteside Lid, 105 Alstata Parkway. Markham, Ontario LOA 478. BRITISH ISLES AND EUROPEAN CONTINENT. Premier Book Marketing Ltd. 1] Gower Street. London WCIE GHA. AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. dookwise Intarnationa, 54 Crittenden Road, Findon, South Austraka S023 "THE FAR EAST AND JAPAN Japan Publications Traaing Go..Ltd. 1-2-1, Sarugasuscho, Chiyoda-hu, Tokyo 108. (SBN 0-87040-080-1 Pen aes KUSUDAMA is a decorative paper ball tor festive occasions. Originally it was an ornamental scent bag hung to clear away noxious vapors, thus the name “KUSU" (medicine) + “DAMA” (ball). Origami works are usually made from ‘one piece of square paper. but Kusudama Origami is different. It combines several units of origami. Folding each piece and then joining the units with the ‘completed ball in mind is an enjoyable process. No intricate methods are involved: folding and joining the units is simple and easy This isa basic book for beginners. The step-by-step illustrations are clear, and there is no guesswork. A completed Kusudama makes a wondertul present and is indispensable as a Christmas decoration. SYMBOLS FOR FOLDING Mountain told as Foi and untold to make a crease cA 4 4 nasties = m= Tun over Line ingicating moun Inside reverse fois Outsiae reverse tots x, fh : az X. (Change drectons Fold backward Reduced ture 3 CONTENTS Symbols for folding . Diana -. Commet ... LUMINOUS 0.0... secceseees Neptune Triangle Unit ..... Tassel Paper Tassel Flower .. UFO .. Bleeze Elegance . Diamond Dice . Mercury ........ Venus Tassel Piuto Crown Festival (1) Festival (2). Rapsody Shooting Star Starflower Morning Dew . Buttertly..... . Pansy 14 17 18 +124 26 27 -30 (See page 34) UFO = (See page 31) SHOOTING STAR ' (See page 62) MERCURY (See page 44.) (See page 14) VENUS See page 46) Put the second group of units on top of the first group, and thread the marked string through the second group and the other sirings in the following order: the second siring into the third sit, the third string into the second sit land the fourth string into the third sit Open of assem e string with the bunch of yam and put a group: ring into ary sit othe units and sting in the following order: the second sting into the second sit from the fist string. the tire! Sing into the thir sit from the second string, and the fourth string into the second sit from the third string. 4 FIRST & SECOND & THIRD GROUPS FOURTH GROUPS 2 units 2 units Put the third and fourth groups and thread the strings as ilustrated Pul the sinngs one by one ar whale carefully. shape the Thread the string through the loop of the hanger Hold each of two strings to, ‘cose knot in the canter and pul When the knot comes to the base. t 0 that the whole makes a round bal ‘Cut the strings near the base. Completed 12 KUSUDAMA BALL ORIGAMI DIANA BLINTZ FOLD Make creases Make creases ro @ AN hi4 - Fold the other points in the same way. Fold the tour comers to the center. @ Make creases Fold the poent to the crease: Fold six pieces of this basic unit Fold the opposite corner in the same way, Q@ Gr, 109 shows now 10 ola S Fold so that the marked part comes inside Make creases 9 Ni Open the upper layers. ® tins ies, “O o> COMMET LUMINOUS Fold the four corners up to the creases Make creases. Fold on the creases © Fold the points as shown, A Biinw Foid same way Insert the point into the slot Biintz Fold Make six units in the same way. Open the two Raps: NEPTUNE Fold the comers to the BUNTZ FOLD Make a Blintz Fold Fold the paren nthe Open the tour flaps. 9 Make 6 urs in the same ay Untold Completes The rato ot the paper sizes Kusudama units (6 sheets) Trangle joints (B sheets) TRIANGLE UNIT Make a crease. Bring iB) tothe center 4 Untold. Repeat the same fold as in step 2 Untoie, Fold over al the mtersecting 24 paint Insert the ip inte the pocket. @ Completes. fo” Fold over Fold along the crease. 9 TASSEL | Ut lover. leaving a space ithe wath of the stnp Fold the other these strips in the same way PAPER TASSEL Use four stripe of paper as long.as you hike Put the fourth stnp over the third and through the first strip. Pul the thitd strip in the same way 38 Put the first strip between the Secure the center firmly Join to Kusudams, \ Lin up all the strips. Paste a small square of ow inthe center and teada = \ pieoe of stnng through here @ Fold over onie of the stfips Fold over the second strip. Fold over the third sin, Put the fast sinp through the first sinp FLOWER PART Make creases Completed BLINTZ FOLD Also fold the underneath trargles Bring the four comers 10 the center | . ‘Oo. Fold so thal the underside: Blitz Fold inangles come out UFO _ Begin with the FLOWER PART on page 30. Insert the comer. Gunside paper Flower at | Use paper 1/4 the size of the outside paper. 32 Fold and open the upper corner BLEEZE Fold the comers to the center Fold over ta the center tine, = 9 Repeat the same fold on the other side ® oul Ihe comers, “i Ky “ Fold the comers in tangles. Fold ir het Fold both sides in the same way. Fold the comers to the center Fookd the corners to the center FLOWER PETAL Fold the comers to the center Fold over ‘Open the triangles and flatten Fold over the comers. ELEGANCE Begin wih stop 18 Ingen the comers into the triangle on page 25, DIAMOND a Make creases Make creases 9 1 Fokd ie other squares in the same way. Fatd to the center fine 6 | Fold to the crease. ‘ ) 40 Pullout ine comers (Open the triangles and fatten to form squares. | pales Fold to the center line. Make the same 6 units a DICE Fold the comers to the center MERCURY INSIDE VENUS ® Open and atten Fold over 6 Fold over again Untold. ‘Open and ttatten ® Fold to the center line. o. J Tum over Open and flatten « q Open and fatten Fold the other flaps in the: same way Tum over ® ® ® 5 : Fold down the triangle = Fold to the center line Fog the other flaps in the same way: Untold and open Fold the marked parts back 30 that they meet at the back Make 40 Pass thread through 10 units and he @ LA, roiame inangle down Fold on the ereases as in stop 20 (Open the: sit litte Fold the marked parts back 0 that they meet at the back, Fold the marked parts back 0 that they meet af the back Fold to the center Fold the other comer the = same way, See pages 11-12 for assembling the units Q Prepare string midie MAKING THE TASSEL jeces of long em at the jogether a bune J strings, Tie a small loop. at one of the ends, to mark it HANGER Prepare a ioop of string for hanging. Gul of extra siting o PART B @ (Make) ® Untois. Insont into PART A. PART A iweke2) ge PART A completed Make 2 ot this. unit Jngert the marked part into ne pocket o a 8

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