RINA - Inclining Test & Lightweight Check
RINA - Inclining Test & Lightweight Check
RINA - Inclining Test & Lightweight Check
to shift weights on the deck in an expeditious and safe manner. Water ballast is generally not acceptable as inclining
1.1.3 Water ballast as inclining weight
Where the use of solid weights to produce the inclining
moment is demonstrated to be impracticable, the movement of ballast water may be permitted as an alternative
method. This acceptance would be granted for a specific
test only, and approval of the test procedure by the Society
is required. As a minimal prerequisite for acceptability, the
following conditions are to be required:
blanks must be inserted in transverse manifolds to prevent the possibility of liquids being leaked during
transfer. Continuous valve control must be maintained
during the test
1.1.4 Pendulums
The use of three pendulums is recommended but a minimum of two are to be used to allow identification of bad
readings at any one pendulum station. However, for ships of
a length equal to or less than 30 m, only one pendulum can
be accepted. They are each to be located in an area protected from the wind. The pendulums are to be long
enough to give a measured deflection, to each side of
upright, of at least 10 cm. To ensure recordings from indi-
Pt B, Ch 3, App 1
all double bottoms, as well as all tanks and compartments which can contain liquids, are to be checked,
paying particular attention to air pockets which may
accumulate due to the ships trim and the position of air
pipes, and also taking into account the provisions of
1.1.6 Documentation
The person in charge of the inclining test is to have available
a copy of the following plans at the time of the test:
hydrostatic curves or hydrostatic data
general arrangement plan of decks, holds, inner bottoms, etc
capacity plan showing capacities and vertical and longitudinal centres of gravity of cargo spaces, tanks, etc.
When water ballast is used as inclining weights, the
transverse and vertical centres of gravity for the applicable tanks, for each angle of inclination, must be available
tank sounding tables
draught mark locations, and
docking drawing with keel profile and draught mark corrections (if available).
1.1.7 Determination of the displacement
The Societys Surveyor is to carry out all the operations necessary for the accurate evaluation of the displacement of the
ship at the time of the inclining test, as listed below:
draught mark readings are to be taken at aft, midship
and forward, at starboard and port sides
the mean draught (average of port and starboard reading) is to be calculated for each of the locations where
draught readings are taken and plotted on the ship's
lines drawing or outboard profile to ensure that all readings are consistent and together define the correct
waterline. The resulting plot is to yield either a straight
line or a waterline which is either hogged or sagged. If
inconsistent readings are obtained, the freeboards/draughts are to be retaken
the specific gravity of the sea water is to be determined.
Samples are to be taken from a sufficient depth of the
water to ensure a true representation of the sea water
and not merely surface water, which could contain fresh
water from run off of rain. A hydrometer is to be placed
in a water sample and the specific gravity read and
recorded. For large ships, it is recommended that samples of the sea water be taken forward, midship and aft,
and the readings averaged. For small ships, one sample
taken from midship is sufficient. The temperature of the
water is to be taken and the measured specific gravity
corrected for deviation from the standard, if necessary.
A correction to water specific gravity is not necessary if
the specific gravity is determined at the inclining experiment site. Correction is necessary if specific gravity is
it is to be checked that the bilge is dry, and an evaluation of the liquids which cannot be pumped, remaining
in the pipes, boilers, condenser, etc., is to be carried out
the entire ship is to be surveyed in order to identify all
items which need to be added, removed or relocated to
bring the ship to the lightship condition. Each item is to
be clearly identified by weight and location of the centre of gravity
the possible solid permanent ballast is to be clearly
identified and listed in the report.
The incline
2 shift
3 shift
4 shift
5 shift
6 shift
7 shift
8 shift
The weights are to be transversally shifted, so as not to modify the ships trim and vertical position of the centre of gravity.
After each weight shifting, the new position of the transverse centre of gravity of the weights is to be accurately
Pt B, Ch 3, App 1
heeling angles
tangential (starboard)
heeling moment
heeling angles
tangential (port)